The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 20, 1910, Image 2

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    THE CITIZKN, ritlDAV, MAY 20, 1010.
Manufacturers Talking of
Safeguarding Workmen.
RBATf rE5HrP FLORiDA p.ff.
Roll of
Attention is called totno STRENGTH
jf the
Wayne County
Committee of National Convontlon of
Factory Owners Reports Favorably
on Importation of Labor Object
to Increased Freight Rates.
- ' r:lU '.'i' -'m J&m.
New York, Mny 17. At today's meet
ing of the Xntlnntil Association of
JlnnufiK'tnrors (lie greatest Interest
centered In a discnsslon of the ques
tion of the prevention of accidents to
The association has found by Inquiry
that about 500,000 workmen are In
jured by accident In this country each
year, entailing a loss of millions of
dollars aside from the physical dam
age to the victims, and It wants to llnd
n way to lessen this loss and better
the conditions.
Yesterday the chief questions dealt
with were lire prevention. Interstate
commerce and immigration.
A committee recommended these
changes in the Immigration laws:
"That It shall be lawful to import
skilled labor when the person Import
ing cannot obtain laborers of like kind
iu this country who will work for him
at the rate of wages prevailing gener
ally in tills country for such labor.
"That the secretary of commerce and
labor be authorized upon the applica
tion of any employer and upon his
showing the facts set forth as abov
to grant permission to import such la
bor." Another committee reporting on
transportation opposes the proposed
advance of freight rates, saying:
"If to ail the burdens now resting
upon manufacturers we must add '-'O
Iter cent Increased payments for
freight charges wo shall find It a very
serious tax. Formerly when we felt
nggrieved we could go to the general
freight agents and other otticers for
redress, but under the present consoli
dation of ownership in Wall street the
olllcers of the roads are powerless."
A committee iu reporting on national
control of interstate commerce de
clares that It has evidently come to
stay and goes on to say:
"There seems to be no good reason
why the sleeping and parlor car com
panies and express companies should
not lie brought as completely as the
railroads under its operation. There
could be no possible harm In securing
fairer service rates from the Pullman
comimny. for instance, even nt the
cost of some curtailment of the deli
cious dividends with which the stock
holders of that compnny are frequent
ly favored."
How to Save Gas on Ironing Days.
When using a gas stove to heat the
irons for ironing much gas cnu bo
saved by buying a tin pan large
enough to lit over the number of lint
irons used. A dlshpan is excellent for
this purpose. Make- a hole in the bot
tim of the pan and fasten a holder
here. Small wooden knobs can be
bought for Tt cents at any hardware
store. The knob should be fastened
on the outside of the pan. Use this
pan to cover the irons with, and they
will keep the right heat with the gas
turned much lower. You will be sur
prised at the amount of gas this will
save and how hot the Irons will be to
work with. It is not dllllcult to re
move the pan when the Irons need
changing, as the wooden handle will
not become hot.
NfWS Snanshflfs K GvorK lH ,1U "cw ru,cr of EtiRlatul. Tin; funeral of King Kilwnrri, under orders of King George V., meant n diipll-
r canon or tne ceremony marking the burial of Queen Victoria. President Tuft n
Of the Week
appointed Colonel Roosevelt ns the special reit-
resentatlvo from the United states to be present at the last rites over Great Rritain's ruler. Senator Piles of Washington was
brought into the Ualllngcr-PJnchot row on the grounds that the Morgan syndicate assisted In ids election. Miss KUzabeth I..
Fleming christened the Florldn. Louis and Temple Abernathy, six and ten years, arrived In Cincinnati on. a 2,000 mile horseback ride from Frederick,
Okla.. to New York to meet Colonel Roosevelt next June. Nearly 2,000 people were killed by earthquake in Costa Rica.
How to Enjoy It by Following a Little
Sound Advice.
Keep your ears open for now har
monies and your heart open for new
personalities is the best Way to appre
ciate music. The harmonies mny sound
harsh at first, as our sweetest harmo
nics sounded harsh to older times and
sound harsh to the Chinese today. The
new personolltles may seem erratic
and crazy nt first, as Beethoven and
Wagner and Mouteverde nnd Gluek
seemed in their day.
Rut keep your mind hospitable. If
you read that So-and-so is stingy or
that he Is rude to his friends or that
he drinks too much or dresses too ex-
extravagantly or not extravagantly
enough do not be misled into confus
ing the artist with his work. It is
pitiful that these things must be true,
but "Tlie Messiah" is no less great
because Handel was an outrageous
glutton; "Don Giovanni" is no less
wonderful because of Mozart's person
al vagaries; "The Creation" is no less
majestic because Papa Haydn wns an
old fop eternally nt war with his wife;
the "Ninth Symphony" is no less ma
jestic because Reethoven was un Im
possible curmudgeon who treated his
friends like dogs.
On the other hand, the cheap, the
empty, the tawdry compositions wTiose
names are now forgotten were no more
young chicken and after it lias been
rent their con posers may washI,,K "rst "u 0J e a,ul tUcn tlle i cut into joints rub the flesh with salt
real uecuuse ineir composers maj i M, f,fI,ni . ... . .......
have been far more scholarly, far more ; " ? " " 7 a"u . "... " f" .
....... ,...vUw ...... ......... qus prcpurcu pui lue ciuciven mm u
may be used more than once, but so i saucepan witli a can of tomatoes nnd
cheap is it that there can be no liesl-, cook tnem together without ndding n
tnttnn tn Hitvitvlnf If n wtl v TCn tlVA . . . .,, ... ...
r i,i, .i(i, I " V"" . urop oi waier uniii me eineiiuu is
'V .7 I Persons should over use the same so- llone At thIs noInt
gentlemanly, sometimes fnr more pop.
uinr and prosperous than the great
masters. A man's personal vices and
I nnrenna clinnlil nroi nan tllft snmn Rr.. I . ..... . . t .. . .
.i ..... . .i ..... i I'.-uu....... ....v. ..... I none. .l mis ooujl inruuue me chick
o ..uoi .er juusmuui i lution, for serious eye disease may be cn 011 uot , ,tlttor aa a cupful of
tvibmials of posterity. Let history or trnriSmittp,i in thl w-nv if the m-m . .. . tupiui vi
iiWmnhv dnni with tin. nnrk-mnn-nrt transmltteu ln tnl3 wny 11 Ule cJPS,cream to the tomato, season to taste
lllUlcMmaa'Mt zrt" dnrlng the day this treatment, w-jth paprika, add a little salt If neces-
(ICalS mill Hie OrU. I tnt. i-,,, mnmnnf tn nnnlv . . .....
r, , . , . ... , ""- .. i . -rf. gnrv niiii linur uus ricu sauce over iiiu
si) reiuuiuuer iinu greui iiiuisii; is ue- i ...11, riinTI them
Camphor water, being a little strong
er, is used more sparingly nnd is like
ly to cause a slight smarting. Never
theless it is a gentle tonic that can do
no harm. To use n couple of drops are
put into the eyes by means of a medi
cine dropper. Tuls may be done two
or three times n day when there is
Ing written today nnd will be written
tomorrow und be ready for It with a
welcoming mind. Despise nothing bo-
cause it Is new nor yet because it Is
old. Judge each thing by itself, asking
imply: "nns it meaning? What is it
trying to say? How effectively, how
sincerely, with what novelty, is It I
How to Purify Rainwater.
Rainwater is one of the best washes
for the complexion In existence, but
clean rainwater Is often hard to get,
for after every shower the water from
the barrels Is black with soot, etc.,
wat-hed off the roof. To prevent this
and to secure clean rainwater, get n
bit of coarse, close canvas and make a
little bag of it. Into tills bag put some
clean gravel, nnd tie the bag on to the
end of the pipe, so that the water will
have to pass through the gravel before
reaching the barrel. The gravel makes
n capital filter, and If It be changed
from time to time and the barrel be
kept clean you will always have clean
soft water when required for any pur
How to Crystallize Violets.
An easy way to crystallize violets Is
to arrange the violets, nlrcady sepa
rated from leaves uud stalks and
washed, on a flat dish. Take a gum
brush and brush them over with thin
gum. Take two lumps of sugar and
rub them together over the violets, see
lug to It that all parts of tho flowers
pet covered. They will look very pret
ty. especially by artificial light.
How to Prepare Stoves For Storage.
To treat stove and furnace for sum
mer storage rub all parte of tho sheet
iron, iron and nickel with common
petroleum ointment. Put on a thick
coating of it and wrap email pieces
and stovepipe In newspaper. In tho
fall wipe off tho petroleum ointment
with a sof t cloth. "When stove is warm
polish with stove blacking.
How to Preserve House Plants.
Save all water ln which meat has
been washed to water house plnnts. It
la an excellent fertilizer. A dying palm
and flovcral ferns wcro wonderfully
revived by pouring about a teaspoon
fnl of castor oil on the soil around tho
How to Prevent a Strain and Relieve
Inflammation by Simple Methods.
Persons who use their eyes constant
ly should observe some simple rules
for preventing; strain. For instance, at
the end of a long day ln an otllcc, it
the optics are bathed with a cooling
application, tho brightness as well as
sight may be maintained. For such a
bath boracic acid is invaluable. So is
a weak solution of salt. Camphor wa
ter will draw out a smnrtlng pnln
mnny times.
Five cents' worth of boracic acid
will last for weeks, and the powder
may be carried with little trouble. Tc
use as much as might go on the point
of tho blade of a small penknife Is put
Into two tnblespoonfuls of water. The
powder iloats for some time in tiny
lumps, but later Is absorbed nnd dis
appears.. If one has an eyeglass the liquefied
borax is poured into it. This glass,
which is an oval enp, so shaped that It
goes over the eye, close against the
skin. Is bold up, the head bent until
the eye Is over the liquid, nnd then the
lid is opened and closed In the bath.
There will be no smarting sensation,
and the under part of the lids nnd the
ball are Hushed with a cooling applica
tion that will draw out any slight in
flammation. The bath may last for a minute,
How to Do It Without a Hard Crust
or Scorching.
.Many women can mix an excellent
fruit cake, but few can place one in
the oven without forebodings. To In
sure good results bake 'fruit cake in
pasteboard corset boxes; 10 by 5 inches
Is n good size. Some buyers prefer to
leave these boxes In the store, nnd the
storekeepers are glad to give them
away. It Is well to choose boxes not
less than two Inches deep, nnd three is
Line each box with mnniln paper
well greased, pour In the batter, place
a thoroughly greosed maniln pajer
over the box and put on the paste
board lid. Place the boxes in a slow
oven and bake until the cakes are done
through, no longer. This will require
at least five hours. When baked in this
way the cakes will come from the
oven retaining the fruit flavor, with no
hard crust or scorched atom about
them, and they will cut into tempting
even slices of a 'convenient shape and
How to Make Paprika Chicken.
Although many of the foreign con
coctions are extremely delicious, there
Is uot one that Is more tasty than that
distinctively Hungarian dish, paprika
chicken. In making It select a tender
chicken Just before it is served. Al
i though this is an extremely simple
I dish, it would bo difficult' to conceive
. of a more delectable method of serv
ing chicken. Designer For Mny.
said?" '
Remember that the greatest works
ever written were once mere novelties i
whose obscure fathers trembled in '
anxiety. Remember that at the next
concert you nttend your elbow neigh
bor may sneer or slumber at some
work wldch will be glorious when he
nnd you and the sons of your sons'
sons are dust. Rupert Hughes in De
lineator For May.
How a Girl Can Make Herself a Popu
lar Visitor.
The girl who hankers after invltu-
tlous must understand the art of being
'Why do I Invite Ethel so much?" a
woman once suld of a young girl to
whom she had shown many favors. "I
Invite her because she Is a Joy to have !
around. She never looks bored, is en
thusiastic over every plan you make
for her, is ln for everything, yet does
not expect to be on tho go every minute."
Too many girls mako the mistake of
thinking the sole responsibility of a
successful visit lies with the hostess.
The folly of this is shown when the
snme hostess, with the samo plans for
n visit, will find one guest n delight
und the other such n burden that tho
end of her stay Is a welcome relief.
It Is up to every girl who wants to
be a popular visitor to see that she
makes herself so. Learn to accept
what is Uono for you graciously, to bo
pleased with trifles or to appear so
whether you would secretly much pre
fer to bo doing something else, to bo
happy and animated, which docs not
meau gushing and giggling, and to be
always ln accord with everything. If
you can't bo these things don't visit.
such inflammation. Boracic acid dis
solved ln it in tho snme proportion ns
in plain water increases the beneficial
Salt and water Is an old fashioned
remedy which should be used fre
quently. This mixture should be strong
enough to cause the merest suggestion
of n smart, but it must not be painful.
If one has no eye cup any small cup
or glass may be substituted- and the
eye winked ln the bath. Done morning
j and night, this is strengthening in ef-
i Cloths wruug out in hot water and
I laid over the eyes form one of the best
I methods of treatment for inflamed
j eyes. To take this application one
must Ho down, so the fomentations
may be placed on as hot ns can be
I borne, changing them frequently.
Geeding Well Advanced In the West,
but Backward Noar the Seaboard.
Ottawa, May 12. The Dominion sta
tistical bureau Issued this crop bulle
tin: Tho reports made nt the end of April
thow that good progress had been
made with spring seeding In Ontario
and tho western provinces, but that Iu
Quebec and tho maritime provinces lit
tle more than n beginning had been
The Evolution of
Booster Bill
to Treat Them With Simple
Remedies at Home.
Not every one knows what to do if
he is burned. Nor is it time to learn
remedies when touched by fire. Ev
ery household should have some prep
aration for quick relief of burns and
bud cuts. While any severe burn or
cut should mean a doctor, much can
be done to alleviate pain until he
comes. An emergency shelf should
contain a package of absorbent cotton,
rolls of bandages, court plaster, sur
gical scissors, soft pieces of old linen,
antiseptic wnshes, witch hazel, some,
good salve, n bottle of carbolic acid
labeled poison, a cake of antiseptic
soap, a hypodermic syringe, hot water
bottle, turpentine, box of mustard
plasters, llinewnter nnd linseed oil.
For burns tt soothlHg application Is
equal parts of linseed oil and lime
water. Soak strips of linen iu this
mixture and renew when necessary.
A slight burn kept soaked with witch
hazel will often cense to burn. .If this
is not nt hand cover tightly with ordi
nary kitchen soap and dredge the
wound with flour.
A bad bruise can be eased by apply
ing turpentine. This is also excellent
if one has run u nail Into the flesh
In case of a deep cut wash it out well
with warm soapy water and then with
some antiseptic solution, such ns a
weak solution of cnrbollc acid, n half
tcaspoonful of tho ncld to n tumbler of
For a bad sprain put first under hot
water, then under cold. Keep this up
until the doctor arrives, or bandage
tho part in some of the clay prepara
tions recommended to reduce swelling
and pain.
If the clothes seem to have stuck to
the wound, do not tear them off, but.
soften with warm olive oil the parts
that adhere, having first cut away the
clothing close to tho wound with sharp
The End In View.
Ella Why do you let him call you
by your first name? Stella I want to
encourage him to help me get rid of
my last name. Judge.
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL OP
HONOR of the 11,470 State Hanks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands lOtl in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavne County.
Capital, Surplus $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale, Pa.. May 29, 1908.
r I Cos Stores
Never educate a child to be a gentle
mau or a lady alone, but to b a man,
a woman. Herbert Spenor-
Feed Him.
If you wnnt to win the gratitude of
n dog, feed him. As to men, the ma
terial difference is tho quality of tho
food. Rnltlmoro News.
Are Suitable for
Real Stylish Wear
How to Wash Silk Gloves.
Silk gloves should be washed in
warm wator nnd with pure white soap
and should then bo rinsed in several
clear waters of tho same temperature.
Then, instead of hanging them up to
dry by tho wrists, hang them up by
the tips of tho fingers. To do this pin
each finger out on a cloth and hang
up the cloth with tho arms of tho
gloves hanging down. This lets the
water run Into tho parts of tho gloves
that receive the least wear and lets
tho tips, which receive the most wear,
dry the quickest.
How to Wash Crocheted Articles.
Crocheted nnd knitted nrtlcles can bo
washed satisfactorily by sewing tho
articles ln a pillow slip and then wash
ing them ln warm soapy water. Tho
bag must be squeezed between tho
hands to make it clean, but It must not
be rubbed between the hands. When
you think tho nrtlcles must be clean
press nil tho water that you cun out of
tho bag, but do not wring it. Then
hang the bag ln the air to drain and
when it Is perfectly dry rip open tho
pillowcase, and the article will bo
found In excellent condition. If tho
wool article Is n baby's carriage blan
ket or n straight shawl It will be im
proved by dtjj.itig It on n flat surface.
It may be spread on tho table or on
the floor If clean papers or n clean
cloth Is spread on tho floor first. The
article should be patted until It Is per
fectly straight and fiat and should then
1kj left until It is iwrfectly dry.
How to Lengthen Life of a Pillowcase.
Every housewife knows how soon
pillowcases wear out, but it took u re.
tuarknbly clever woman to see at a
glunco how sho could "prolong their
lives. When her plilowcascB nro be
ginning to show slgus of wear sho
takes out tho seam nt tho bottom of
the case and turns It round, so that
tho sldo seams come directly up ln the
middle. Then sho rcscams tho bottom.
It is easy to sco that this will bring
tho sldo of the pillow under tho head,
Whero the wear would conio, so tho
pillowcase will last longer. A better
Idea could not bo found, and who
minds sewing up a plllowcaso seam?
IX. Kow Many Bill Blues
Have We?
Old Bill Blue's knocking was so bad
He knocked out everything he had.
Then he grew wise and muttered
So "Booster Bill" a new song sung.
How many Bill Blues have we here
Who knock and try the town to queer!
If you are one, then, like Bill, pray
To see the error of your way.
IP uo
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IliiislKiinton .
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. ...M'nuiton
Carhotululo ....
..Lincoln Avenue..
. . Ijiko Locloro ...
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. Knrtenlii
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The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year openj witli a dolugo of now mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealors to get some kind
lot a mixed paint that would supplant UrJlLiTUiN'S MI-VUjD
! PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with tho unwary.
For he who runs his own place down
Injures himself more than tho town.
And who to lift up does his best
Lifts up his fortune with the rest.
This Is the golden lawi WE GET
What wo give out. Time pays tho debt
If you shed sunshine It will fill
Your own life. Be "Booster Bill."
There are reasons for tho pro-minonco of CHILTON PAINTS
1st No one can mix abettor mixed paint.
2d Tho paintora deolaro that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agreo to repaint, at his
owu oxponse.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective
4th Those wild havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.