The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 18, 1910, Image 6

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He Refused a Million.
According to un Itnltmi newspaper.
Glovniml Uovlu, member uf tho Italian
parliament and n writer, wan recently
approached by n French hnuUcr who
wished Bovln to allow IiIh untne to ho
used In connection With n matter of
business to glvo the scheme character.
Tno service, ho Insinuated, would he
worth a round million to Bovla, who
declined It, however, without n mo
ment's hesitation.
"Thcro Is 110 law," ho wrote, "against
my complying with your request, but
It would bo n crime nevertheless, i'ou
who havo lived In Naples and others
must know that 1 live from hand to
mouth with ' my family .by teaching
and by writing nnd that the accumula
tion of a million would bo nu Impos
sibility from that source. But my
work makes mo independent, nnd the
million would bo superfluous. You
say that no ono in Homo would know,
that nil would bo kept secret, but
would not 1 know It? You bankers
may leave your consciences at the foot
of the Alps nnd rcsumo them again
on your return, but I carry mine wher
ever I go."
"If you really want to be smart and
up to date." said a young woman,
"thcro is ono word you must drop
irora your vocabulary, nnd that is the
word invited.' No person of any
clnlms to standing uses It any more.
You must not say that you have been
Invited to Mrs. Sparkler's dinner par
ty. You mention simply that you have
been 'asked.' You have been 'asked'
to attend Miss Spink's wedding, and
you have 'asked' a few pcoplo for din
ner on Thursday. I am not informed
ns to what smart noun replaces invi
tation,' but I do not hold with those
persons who use 'bid' or invite. It is
best, I think, to avoid the use of any
substantive whatever in such a con
nection and to bring in the verb 'ask'
as often ns one can. If you cling to
invited' you must expect to bo con
sidered ns hopeless, just as if you
played pingpong or collected souvenir
spoons." New York Press.
Airships and Air Currents.
Germany's greatest achievement Is
not the technical perfection of the air
going craft; she has learned how to
use the air currents as the birds do In
traveling. This is a science; the ship
Is only Its Instrument Airships will
double and treblo their speed by act
Ing In harmony with tho forces of nn
ture, the primal speed maker. There
is a working force only lately reckon
ed with even by builders of air craft,
and that is tho wind. Airships will
use tho trade wind to reach this con
tlnent because it always blows one
wny. That is ns simple a proposition
as that a low powered steamer should
use the gulf stream. Air traffic to
compete with rail or water must main
tain as sure a schedulo of travel. Ger
many has already mapped her airship
routes to and from America. Century,
Berlin an Idlers' Haven.
The finances of Berlin are In an
even worse state than those of the em
plre nnd of Prussia. One reason for
tho enormously Increased expenditure
Is tho reckless way In which Berlin
supports nil sorts of victims of mlsfor
tune or of Idleness. More than n fifth
of the children living in tho orphan
asylums have both parents living. The
town shelters support thousands who
have no claim upon the town. Vaga
bonds lu all parts of tho empire hear
of Berlin's reputation for indlscrlm
inato charity nnd crowd thither. West
minster Gazette.
Twopenny Box Prizes.
Edward Fitzgerald, disgusted with
the anathv of tho nubile wheu his
"Omar Khayyam" was first published,
strolled into Quarltch's shop uud In
high dudgeon dumped down a couple
of hundred copies, telling the publish
r to do what ho liked with them.
Tboy went into tho "twopenny box,"
nnd since then Mr. Quarltch the sec
ond aud other collectors havo had to
buy them back dearly. Tho other day
at Sotheby's a copy of tho despised
Issue turned up, nnd Mr. Ilornsteln had
to pay 51 for it London Telegraph.
A Ready Answer.
The reform spellers nre always ready
with an answer. Since they dropped
the final "g" from "egg" some ono told
Professor Brander Matthews that no
Keif respecting hen would lay nn egg
with one "g" and that no self respect
ing cat would ever begin to purr with
one "r." "I answered," says the pro
fessor, "that, on the other hand, uo
self respecting hen would over stand
on a leg with two 'g's' and thnt no
self respecting cat would allow any
ono to stroke Its fur with two 'r's.' "
Inside and Out.
Speaker Cannon nt n dinner In Wash
ington said soothingly to a young suf
fragette: "After all. you know, thero Is room
for both men nnd women In this world.
Men havo their work to do and women
havo theirs.
"It Is tho woman's work to provldo
for tho inner man, and It Is tho man's
to provldo for tho outer woman."
Cheaper to Borrow.
Mrs. Anthony nope, tho American
wifo of the well known English novel
1st, Is as celebrated as her husband
for bonmots. At a dinner in Now York
during her American visit tho lady ex
pressed her disapproval of mercenary
"Never marry for money," she said.
"You can borrow cheaper."
Hhtv Is it Very Great Dllteretiro in
the Klllclency ot the Animals.
"The Dairy cow may be eonsldor
d as an nnlmated machine ihnt has
(or her mlsslot. the conversion ,or
feed Into milk and butter fat." eays
Prof. D H. Otis of the doptrinn nt of
a Iraal nutrition of the University
of Wisconsin. His st-dles of a
argo numbor of herds and of Indi
vidual cows shows that .ne is a
groat difference In tho efficiency of
cow machines. Ono erd may pro
duce from thrco five times as much
profit per cow ns mother herd in tho
same community. In the anie herd
one good cow not Infrequently pro
duces ap much profit to tho dairy
farmer above tho cost of feed and
caro as eight or ten poor cows.
In a comparison Proi Otb made
tPtweer. two herds of dairy cows in
Wis onsh. dairy districts. It was
found that In ono herd the two best
aalry cowa produced 413 pounds of
butter per cow per annum. Com
narini tho production of tha poorest
cow with that of the best two In the
herd, anu averaging the th", the
yield .i butter per cot, a lowereu
from 419 to 313. a reduction of 106
pounds oi butter i'.. coa .'or the
year. In the second herd the aver-
ace nro uctlo of the two best iows
In the herd was 427 pounds oi but
ter. A comparison of the produc
tion oi the poorest cow with the two
be?t showed the average yield low
er from 427 to 30: for a cow, a
reduction of 126 pounds per cow.
Il both instances the poor cow re-
c ced tho average the two best
cows to .he average yield oi tne en
tire herd.
The .neBtlgatlon shows that it is
posslblo for a few poo cows In a
herd to so reduce tho profits real
ized from tne good cows thai the en- herd is kept either at a loss, or
at but small profit. The deposing
Influence of poor cows will be elimi
nated when the dairy farmer keeps
records of the production of his in
dividual cows so tbat he may dis
cover ad remove as boon as possi
ble all 'star boarders."
Ripening Cream.
It Is very essential In cream rip
ening to agitate the cream frequent
ly to Insure uniform ripening.
When cream remains undisturbed
for some time tho fat rises in the
same way that It does In milk,
though in a less marked degree. The
result Is that the upper layers are
richer than the lower and will sour
less rapidly, since the action of the
lactic acid germs is greater in thin
than In rich cream. This unevened
rlnenlne leads to a poor bodied
cream. Instead of being smooth
and glossy, it will appear coarse and
curdy when poured from a dipper.
Tho Importance of stirring frequent
ly during ripening should therefore
not be underestimated. Prol. John
To .Make a Wooden Maul.
A maul that never comes off the
handle may be inado by borlnt a
Inch hole In the center of a suitable
stick. Out a mortise In the back is
shown In the accompanying Ulustra-
r.T " 2IN
tion at A and insert tne naume
which has n sauaro knob at the end
the other Bide. Faston a small
strip of leather at B. The bead (
the maul should be about 10 Inches
In lenKth. Kfflnghair. Co., 111. D.
1. DoVlney,
To Prevent Damage.
. Every farmer should have a good
roomy jard well built, atid Bowed to
afalfa or some green follago for
spring ubo, so that the hen can be
controlled during tho early crop sea
son, as a very large number will
sometimes damage a crop to a very
large extent in Its early stago.
Are you giving jour hogs any
rc lrhngo? They need it; not much,
o course, out some alfalfa or clover
hay will give surprising results.
Foodlur tests have shown that corn
meal, alfalfa hay, with a small
airount of shorts gave profitable re
sults and produced a good quantity
it meat.
There la a successful fox farm on
Prince Edward island. Skins In
their green conultlon are valued at
from $200 to $250 each, one or two
re cuing $460.
Push the Iambs for tho early mar
ket. Corn meal will fatten them up
niileVlv and mako nice meat There
Is a flavor about meal fed lambs fiat
la not produced by any other feed.
Sunshine Is one ot tho best In
gradients for healthy chicks. Pro
vide a good run in tns sunshine for
the youngsters. It's necessary tb
The Amateur.
The house Jog's left the kitchen door,
where once with faith complete
He lingered hourly to Implore
Borne dainty thing to eat.
With mournful bay he went nwny.
Nor Ktivo ono bacuwa; il loo (.
Home ia no place for dear old Tray
Since uladyit learned to coott.
Eho says that eggs and meat arc irol
Required by you and mc.
She tosses string beans In tho pot
With epicurean glee.
We struggle with the bill of fare
That she reads In a book.
Indeed, this Ufa Is full ot care
Since Gladys learned to cook.
Washington Star.
Waiting For Something to Turn Up.
"I witnessed nu Incident yesterday
which reminded mo of dnrkest Bus
sla." "Tell me about it."
"A smnll boy threw a bnnnnn peel
ing on tho sidewalk in front of n fat
man who couldn't sco the ground."
Of courso you warned tho fat
'Well, no-o-o. To tell the truth, I
was anxious to see what would hap
pen." Birmingham Age-Herald.
Let blessings rest upon our meal.
Though 'tis no sumptuous repast.
Accept tho gratltudo wo feel
At o en such chance to break our fast,
For hero's a soup of water hot,
A pudding made of wholesome bran.
Potatoes steaming In the pot.
A herring smoking In the pan.
No sign of meat? No, none of that.
Yes, tender steak might tasto right nice.
But nowadays a plutocrat
Is any man who has the price.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The Worth of His Money.
Lochiuvar had swung the fair young
girl to his saddle and was spurring
the steed to Its utmost efforts.
"Why such mad speed?" inquired
the heroine. "Wo nre well beyond pur
"I hired tills horse at a dollar an
hour," explained Lochlnvar, swinging
the whip once more. Chicago Post.
A Glimpse of Green.
Tonder Is the river bank,
Where the willows lean.
Don't you see It's showln'
A purty glimpse o' green?
The trees air gittln' ready.
They've lost the winter look.
Pathway to the river
Fellers, bait ycr hook!
Atlanta Constitution.
Needed a Trustworthy Organ.
Mrs. Jones Joseph, Is the Planet a
reliable newsnaner?
Mr. Jones-Absolutely, my dear. Why
do von nsk?
Mrs. .TnnesI wish to write to the
editor to ascertain what will take ink
stains out of the carpet-
-Sunday Mag-
With apologies to William Shakesbacon.
Take, oh, take those tips away
That you mall to lambs unshorn
And those lies you print that say,
"Stocks will break tomorrow morn!"
But my margins bring again
Bring again
And my childlike faith in men,
Faith In men.
More Conservation.
"Marry me?" he asked.
"Yes," she replied.
They were both romantic, but as
conscientious members of the Society
i For the Conservation of Words nud
Phrases they could say no more.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Heartless Enmity.
He did not libel me nor laugh
Nor sneer, his hate to show.
He Just displayed a photograph
They took long years ago,
When trousers tight and coats so queer
And headgear small and flat
Made mo a gibbering freak appear.
I'll ne'er forgive him that.
Washington Star.
8ure Thing.
Bill I see tho thickness of a razor
edge has been reckoned at about one-
millionth of nn inch.
Jill I'll bet that discovery was made
before the man's wife started In on
her corn! Yonkers Statesman.
When Bossy Returned.
Hey, diddle, diddle, tho cat and the flddlo.
The cow Jumped over the moon.
So tho people said: "Nix on beef at that
figure! We will eat Hay-O, Bath
Mitts, Shredded Peat and bean soup.
The cow came down full soon.
Chicago Tribune.
Quit Making Calls.
"I haven't seen anything of Brown
for several months. What's tho mat
"Nothing, ne's got a Job now where
ho doesn't havo to sell anything."
Detroit Free Press,
A Kill Joy.
Ab suro as I say all Is well
And start to draw a cheerful breath
A life Insurance man droits In,
And, with a sad and sickly grin.
He gloomily begins to tell
How common and how sure Is death.
Detroit Free Press.
Proof Positive.
Ilnrker They say Tlmklns has got
to be a first class vocalist
Parker I guess that's right. At
least tho neighbors don't, shoot when
he tries to sing. Philadelphia Press.
A Literary Puzzle.
Now, I have read the lyric gems
And parodies a few.
But on my life I could not tell
Which were the best. Could youT
Barkeeper This is tin.
Patron Tin! 1 thought it wns five.
Have ono yourself. Spokano Spokes
Anti-meat Advice.
"Mother, may I go marketing?"
"res, but be discreet. ,
Buy some spuds ana onions, (ear,
But out a ban on meat.'1
Los Angels Bipresa.
String Can Be Taken Out, Though It
Looks Impossible.
Years of use having failed to dim
tho popularity of the Teddy bear, a
Tennessee man has adapted tho toy
to a new use by making n puzzlo
which will give tho average person
plenty of exercise for his or her wits.
Of course, like any other puzzle, onco
solved it is quite easy. Tho puzzlo
consists of a Teddy bear, in a sitting
posture, with Its forelegs outstretch
ed. There Is a hole in his nose nnd
In each forepaw, and through theso
a double cord Is passed. Tho ends
of the cord pass through tho paws and
on each end nre metal rings, much
too large to pass through tho holes.
By making the proper use of the loops
in the cord, however, the latter may
be removed from the bear and re
placed with ease. The basic' principle
of the puzzle, that of making the se
cret in the proper manipulation of
tho loops, Is not strictly new, but tho
adaptation of this prlnclplo to tho
Teddy bear will Insure its popularity
as a puzzle.
By Edward Thorpe.
A cheap and efficient tireless cook
er wns made by the writer as follows:
A box measuring 34 1-2 Inches long,
12 Inches wide and 16 inches deep in
side measure was bought from the
grocer. After lining it well with
newspapers lapped at the corners and
tacKea in piace, a uea oi newsjmyerB
A was piacea on me bohobi 10 a uepui
OI 4 incnes. i ne iaise uuuuui u wu
then nailed aDove mem, ana a sneei
of aBbestos placed upon it.
Three pieces of sheet zinc, 7x26 1
inches, were made into cylinders and
soldered at the Joint. These cylinders
were then soldered to a sheet of zinc,
Cross Section Through One of the
Zinc Cylinders.
D, cut to fit the false bottom, B, tho
cylinders being spaced 10 Inches be
tween centers. To facilitate the sol
dering of the cylinders E to the zinc
plate D, small ears may be left In the
cutting and bent outwardly.
' rn holes the diameter of the out
he cylinders, 10 inches be
tters, were made in a board
.nches long and 8 1-2 inches
?, and nailed In placo around tho
cylinders, the cylinders being nailed
to the board F. A strip of .asbestos
was then wrapped around each cylin
der and tied in place with string.
A Cheaply-Constructed Flreless
Tho anaee around tho cylinders was
no5V won paed with sawdust, K, and
tho small strips of wood, f, were In
sorted and nailed to tho box to com
plete tho sholf F. Three half bricks,
G, and threo enameled-waro pans bx
6 1-2 Inches covered by an old feather
pillow, II, which In turn was pressed
firmly over the palls by a hinged Hd,
L, held closed by a suitable fastening,
completes the cooker. To improve tho
appearance of the box tho outside,
with the exception of the bottom, was
padded with paper tacked in placo and
covered with cretonno. Handles
placed at tho ends were found useless
as well as ornamontal. Tho novelty
and efficiency of this cooker lies In the
use ot the half-bricks, G, which being
placed around the gas burner, or on
tho stove with the pall resting on
thorn, whllo bringing the contents of
tho pall to tho boiling point absorb
considerable heat (the hotter they get
the better). They are then used as
shown in the illustrations. Scientific
Bismarck's Measure.
Bismarck is credited with drinking
one gallon ot French brandy lu a one-
night sosslon. Bismarck claimed that
so long as alcohol wasted Its effect
upon tho brain in keeping up sprightly
thought and conversation It had Utile
effect on the rest- t, the system.
How to Make tho Kind That Melts Ir
the Mouth.
Puff paste should never be called by
Its christened name unless It Is de
serving of the title. It should bo as
light ns air nnd melt lu the mouth like
n snowflnkc on tho river. It has been
supposed to be Indigestible, but when
it Is light nnd dry nnd flaky It Is per
fectly safe to bo cntcn. It Is only tho
soggy, heavy pnstry that refuses to bo
separated by the gastric fluids nnd be
comes like lend in the stomach In a
very short time. Puff paste Is not
often n success the first tlmo It Is
made. It requires practice to make It
well and n certain light touch which
only practice brings. If tho young
housekeeper makes her puste accord
ing to this rcclpo she will find It nn
excellent one:
One pint of good butter, one quart
of flour sifted, three-quarters of n tea
spoonful of snlt nnd n teacupful of Ice
water. Chill a mixing bowl with cold
water. Wash tho butter In cold water
by working It with a spoon until It is
soft. Divide it into four parts, roll in
a napkin nnd put It on ice. Mix the
flour nnd salt together and gradually
mix In one part of tho butter. Some
pcoplo use their bauds, while other
people mix it with a spoon or knife.
When the butter nnd flour aro well
mixed pour iu tho Ice water very slow
ly. Do not stir the pastry, but cut It
with the knife until the water is ab
sorbed. Sprinkle the rolling board
with n little Hour, toss the ball of paste
on with the knife and then pat with
tho rolling pin until It Is quite flat and
about nn Inch thick. Roll very lightly
nnd quickly the whole length of tho
paste nt every stroke.
When tne paste Is rolled out lay ono
of tho quarters of butter In a little
flour and roll Into a long, tbin piece
nnd fold it into the pnstry. Pound It
lightly Into n fiat cake and roll again.
Itepout with the rest of the butter,
putting In a quarter each tlmo and
patting it nnd rolling It deftly and
quickly. When tho butter Is all rolled
In tho pnstry may .be patted and re
rolled ns often ns your strength will
Each time the paste Is folded over
tho butter a small bubble of air gets
In, nnd this does not escapo unless
the pastry Is patted down. The motion
for rolling should therefore be very
light Indeed and always away from
you. The folding and rolling should
continue until all streaks of 'butter are
absorbed. Always put the puff paste
on the Ice to harden before It is baked.
It should be very cold when it is put
into the oven.
How to Clean Aluminium.
Olive oil is an excellent cleanser for
aluminium ware. After washing the
articles nnd drying them rub with a
cloth which has been saturated with
oil. It will keep the ware bright and
free from rust.
sirallating itefbotfamlRcduti
ting the S toandis oMBowls of
Promotes Digeslionflieerfur
ncss and ItestXontains neitar
OpiumMorphine norMiacral.
Jtept of Old HcSWnnKEER
ftxpia Seed"
Ckrfot Suwr
A norfort Rompil V fnr Coittfll
Hon, Sour Stonuch.Dlarrtoea
Worms ,CoTilsioiisJ'criir
ncss andLOSSOFSUxf
lacSinile Signature cf
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
An Incomplete Landscape.
Mr. Krcozus, the multimillionaire,
was entertaining a friond nt his c.c
gant country home. "I was born aud
brought up In this neighborhood," ho
said, "and when I was a boy I used
to think what a lino thing ;t wou'.u
he tovhave n house on this li.i,. It's
the highest point of ground, you will
notice, within a circuit of several
miles, and tho view from hero Is ex
tensive." "It Is magnificent!" exclaimed the
f'Yes, and whon tho time camo tha
I could afford It I gratified my boy.ji
ambition by buying the land rojnd
here and putting up this house."
"I have been In a great many pla s
nnd I have never seen a finer 1 '
scape than this."
"That's what I used to think, but t
don't like It now as well as I did when
I wns a boy." ,
"What makes tho difference?"
"It Isn't complete."
"Not complete? Why, you own '.he
landscape, don't you?" '
"That's the trouble. I own all of It
hut that eight-acre patch over there
beyond the creek, about six miles
awny. The old curmudgeon that owns
It won't sell It to me at any figure."
And Mr. Kreezus sighed dlsinallr.
A Live Town.
Some are Inclined to call tilts a
dead town, when for some time thero
has not been a night that something
hasn't been going on worth mentioning.
A moving-picture show overy night, a
revival at the Methodist church, with
good music and gospel preaching, ana
a skating rink and lodges, and every
thing that human Inclination for varie
ty could wish, and then to think the
town dead. If thero Is anything about
the town that is dead you are It. You
had better wake up some. Just think
of a town this size with two bands like
oursl Mount Ayr (la.) Press.
Style In Writing.
Many things go to make a great
writer, says Conan Doyle. One Is style.
No man In the world has a natural
style. To get style he must turn to
the best writers and Impregnate him
self with them. Surely, Stevenson
has helped many a lame dog Into a
"style." The young writer also needs
never-ending patience. When I began
to play a game of ping-pong with my
self on one side of the net and edi
tors on the other, and my manuscript
as the ball, I needed as much patience
and philosophy as any man upon this
Smugglers' Retreat for a Sanatorium.
Steep Holme, an old-time hangout
of smugglers, may be the site for a
big sanntorlum. This Island Is about
the size of a forty acre field, rises two
hundred feet out of water, and Its five
forts make It the Gibraltar of the
Bristol Channel. It is said, to be free
from dust, and one of the most
healthful spots In the world.
For Infanta aniTCHiidren.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Represent Reliable
Comoanies ONLY