niK CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1010. A WUKU COLUMN "WANTED Board for small famr lly In private house. B, Citizen of fice. r 2t LOST A signet ring with the let ters II. S. H. A reward will be given ' if left at 108 Tenth street. 2tj AVANTED House or apartments for small family. V, Citizen offlce. 2t FOR SALE Honesilale National Bank stock, 23 shares, or any part thereof, at $1CG per share. Warren P. Schenck, Honesdale, Pa. 30t2 j WANTED A girl who under stands washing and paraffining glass. Apply at once in person or by 'phone. Clinton Cut Glass Co., Aldcnvllle, Pa. 2t. , ! WANTED A man to work on farm. Apply to L. G. Iloff, Cherry Itldge, K. F. D. No. 2. 39to3. I "Oil SAIjK A horse, 5 years old; broko double and single; good driv er; weight Is 1050; price $175. C. LOZIER, Aldcnvllle, Pa. 3St2 WANTED A kitchen girl at Ho tel Wayne. 38t3. WAXTKI) A girl for general house work. Good home to the right party. Apply to C. C. Lozler, Alden vllle. Pa. tU HOW will you trade sewing ma chines? You can trade with Mc Intyre. 35eol2 FOR SALE House containing ton rooms and" bath, 30G Fourteenth street, Honesdale. Dwelling in ex cellent condition. All modern im provements. FRANK STEINMANtf TWELVE muslin trespass notices for $1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Name? of owner, township and law regarding trespnssing printed there on. CITIZEN offlce. FOIt SALE A walnut upholster ed, parlor set of furnlturo consist ing of sofa and two large cnalrs. In quire Citizen Office. tf ALL KINDS or legal blanks, notes, leases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, 'etc. Citizen office. AUCTION The undersigned will sell at Indian Orchard on Tuesday, May 24 th, 1910, at 1 p. m the fol lowing: 2 horses, 4 cows, 1 yearling heifer, 1 yearling bull. 2 mowing ma chines, 1 horse rake, plows, harrows, cultivators, and othr ifarm tools. One lumber wagon, 1 JIoGown spring wagon, 1 covered pedllling wagon, suitable for a butcher, a huckster, or for carrying mirk o station will hold 12 to 15 cans, 1 new "ManuB" bono cutter, 1 oorn slie'ller, pair bob sleighs, 1 two-seated 'jumper, 1 De Laval cream separator :No. 1, and other dairy utensils. Double and single harnesses, etc. In furniture: 1 extension table, stoves, cnalrs, and other articles too numerous to men tion. All sums of 10, cash; over that amount, six months' credit on judgment notes with approved se curlty. S. SAUNDERS. 39t2 LOCAL MENTION. The annual dnnce of the Ameri can Flint Glass Workers' Union proved a great success on Friday evening. A large slate vault Is being plac ed in position In the Hardenbergh plot in Glen Dyberry cemetery. When completed the remains of Mrs. E. B. Hardenbergh will be placed therein and the vault hermetically sealed. Mrs. George S. Purdy has had erected in Dyberry cemetery a mag nificent monument to the memory of her husband, the late Judge George S. Purdy. It Is a white granite sar cophagus, the base being five by seven feet, elegantly carved, finely proportioned, and It adds more beauty to our silent city of the dead. Peter Regan, oetter known as (Kid), who was born and educated in Honesdale, nnd was lately tried for tho murder of Walter R. Joyco In New York City on April 13, 190G, plead guilty of assault and battery In the first degree and was sentenced to state prison for not less than one year and not more than Feven. -To-day Is tho day whon we who inhabit this world will travel through tho comet's tall. Don't bo nlarmed If there is a little darkening of the at mosphere. Don't use your phone i nless R is necessary as tho atmos pheric disturbance may possibly sur charge tho nlr with more electricity than usual. Wireless telegraphy ap paratus will no doubt have more or less trouble, but no dangor to life or health will bo Incurred. Tho MUlertown Telegram has a long article about tho Brotherhood of the Presbyterian church of that place holding an entertainment nt which Mr. Rohboln, tho "Wizard of Wonderland," was introduced and for three-quarters of an hour held tho closest attention ot tho big nudl enco by his wonderful slight of hand tricks. Ho found a three-foot snake on Professor Halght, pulled a pack of flinch cards out ot the Domino's pocket, and found somo money on tho person of tho only editor who was present. They concluded that Gus surely had occult powers. After somo amusing stories, and tho as semblage bad been fed, Gus brought down tho houso by singing, "And Mother Hasn't Spoko to Father Since." T John O'Corincll accompanied Dr. Micks on a professional trip to Mt. Pleasant on Tuesday.' j The town council of Mllford ' has purchased C.500 gallons ot road oil to use on their streets. j Will Carlton, the fnmous poet, Is to recite from his writings at the UnwW nnntlR pimrph in.nliriit. i - - - - -1 ' - - - - ------ - l Durness Ames nnd Richard Evans of Hawley, are conducting a garage at Hawley for the convent enco of autolsts. Thursday evening the Knights of St. Paul of Grace Episcopal plmrnli will linlil tlinlr first liinntlnir with the ofllccrs In their respective ! chairs. E. C. Morris, of Scranton, an-1 uounces the engagement of his daughter, MIbs Maude, to William j Katz, of Honesdale. Tribune-Ke- publican. Miss Mae O'Neill, of Honesdale. 1 was the winner in District No. 8 of I the Scranton Truth's European con-j test, defeating her nearest opponent by over 43,000 votes. Lieut. W. H. Mumford, of Co. E, leaves for Mount Gretna, on Thursday, to attend the camp ot In-'Tuman, Mr. Tunian being a director structlon for ofllcers of tho National of the above company. Guard of Pennsylvania. The Maple City garage and 111a- Hon. A. T. Searle is in Scranton ci"e shop has been awarded the con thls week, presiding over the Lack-! fact to place a lfi-horsepower boiler wanna comity court, mid next week the Forest Lake Association club goes to Harrlsburg to officiate In tho sana; enpatity for Dauphin county. Grace Eplscopftl church, Trin ity Sunday, May a'2: Holy Commun ion at 3 a. 111.; Morning service at 10:30; evening service at 7:30; Sunday school and Bible class at 12 M I o...... e i......i . r Ti..i. oiiur -oupui iiiieuouiii ui x uu- lie Instruction, Nathan C. Schneffer, hns re-appolnted Win. B. Holmes, of Honesdale, as a trustee of the State Normal School, at East Stroudsbiirg, for tho term of three , years. Miss Anna McKeon, of Hones dale, has accepted n position In the office of the American Silk Company in New York City. She has lioen Tisiting her cousin, Mary Deluuiey, at Port Jervls, prior to going to New York to assume her duties. The Republicans will "p'lace a candidate in nomination for State Treasurer, and the nominee '-will no doubt be C. F. Wright, the present incumbent. This move lis :niade nec essary as there is a question wheth er Mr. Wright's trm 'expires in one or three years. The next addition ito our finan cial institutions will 'be .a National Bank which is to be 'organized at Lake Ariel and win -no doubt be well supported by the merchants doing business in the 'lower en'd of the county, many af "whom now do their banking In Scranton. There -win "be :a 'communion ser vice at live Indian 'Orchard school house for the nowly confirmed and others on Sunday, 'May 22, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. A. L. "Whlttaker will preach the sermon. On Thursday evening. May 19th, a box social will be held In the sdhodl house. Instead of commencement exer cises at Hawley this .year, there will be, a literary contest. The boys are to declaim "Spartaous Speech to the Gladiators." while the girls will tell us about "Paul "Revere's Ride." Harry Atkinson will furnish tho prizes that are to be awarded. The Hon. R. L. Burnett, of Stroudsbiirg, -who has announced himself as a Democratic candidate for the nomination of State Senator, is a man whose lifo-long character and reputation ds likely to appeal very strongly for the support of voters of this district regardless of party affiliations. Howard K. Rose of Ivoryton, Conn., was a guest over Sunday at the home of his uncle, J. E. Rich mond, of Central Park. Ho Is junior partner cf tho Comstock Cheney Co., manufacturers of Ivory keys and piano actions. It is tho oldest and largest factory In tho country, em ploying 'over 800 tiklllcd work men. Just ns soon as the comet com mences to draw away into spaco and away from the Earth's orbit, we may expect normal weather, but as it Is now tho, nbsorbtion of some of tho Sun's power to energize the comet is deverting heat and light which tho world otherwise would receive. Wo are glad that we will not bo a resi dent of this county when it makes Its next visit In 198C. John Klmblo and John II. Weaver, Jr., left for Towanda on Sunday morning where they will be gin their duties as managers of the now factory ot tho Wayno Cut Glass Co. They expect to bo in operntion by next Saturday witli a force of experienced glass cutters. Wo re gret to have these men lenvo our community, also tho men who go with them, ns they were a valuablo asset to tho town. It is the men who nro industrious, who aro will ing to work, and who aro determin ed to work who add 'to n town's worth. A comot party camped out on tho up-town bridgo Saturday night and Sunday morning, and in -order to keep warm thoy built a flro on tho north end of tho bridgo, which did no harm except leaving tho ashes and debris for Sunday morning church goers to walk over. They kopt awalto alright, nnd by their nolso kept everybody else awako In that neighborhood. Tho comet re fused to bo seen and hid Itself bo hind somo clouds that were too dense) to bo penetrated by the nak ed Qjto. ' Miss Helen Beck has accepted a position ns clerk for C. W. Smith Co. ' The ushers of Lyric theatre will ; conduct a comet dance at the Lyrlel hall on Wednesday ovenlng. w. M. Fowler has purchased a , Jackson Tourabout from the Dor-it Dinger ngency nt White Mills. n a r in ...m i,,. UVUl h 13. 11 i: 1 1 11 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 tuuuui.. services nnd preach at the Berlin Baptist church on Sunday next nt 2:30 p. 111. Lincoln Mcdland and family and Miss Stella Vanaan, of Carbondnle, motored to Hondsdalo Sunday and spent the dny with C. M. Betz and w,fo .. . 1 v tni , ,, ,, .,..' i, East Extension street, announce tho engagement 01 ineir daughter, .miss Grace, to Hay O. Bunnell, of Pi"1"' this The only two men here who re- member Hnlley's comet on its last visit arO Justice R. A. Smith, of' Honesdale and William. Pentlcost, of Pronipton, The Diamond Cut Glass Co. sus pended operations on Monday on ac count of the funeral of Mrs. Herman house In Pike county The Dauphin county court has fixed September 21st as the date for hearing arguments on the demurrers to the actions in equity growing out of the capltol furniture contracts. -M. F. porln, tho real estate , sold tho Bayly lot on Willow man Avenue, 52,Ax280, on which Is a . . , - , 4 rii splendid spring of water, to Chaun- eey E. Bates; consideration $475. The deed of the Armory site will be drawn this week, transferring the same to the State, and lmmed- lately bids will be opened and con tract awarded for building the State Armory. Tho formation oT a 'National Bank at Ariel is progressing rapidly. A temporary "organization has been formed with John BIgart, President; Chas. Shaffer, Vice President, and M. J. Emery, Cashier. A marriage license has been Issued to Miss Lillian Sweeney of this place, and Michael J. Bruen, of Trenton, N. J. Mr, Bruen, who Is a prison warden of that place, has been spending a few days in town. Irwin Browcr, of Preston, was before Judge Searle on the charge or larceny of $5.00 from'Zara Lee. The Judge suspended sentence and plac ed the prisoner on probation. He Is to pay Zara Lee the amount stolen, and also to pay $B.OO "monthly until the costs of. the suit are all paid. He is alBo to refrain from the use of intoxicating liquors for a period of one year, which is the term of his probation. Roscoe N. Lee was ap pointed probntlon 'Officer to whom the probationer is to regularly re port. Dance at Soelyvllle Fire Hall, Thursday ovenlng, May 19th. Tick ets 25 cents. PERSONAL MENTION uev. u. u. vjoennn lert on bainr- day for Jersey City. George Bourket -visited friends in Carbondale on Sunday. Miss Sophie Qulnlan was a caller In Hawley last Saturday. Mrs i. Alma Bortroe of Hawley, wa a visitor In town Saturday. Miss Merlo Eldred has gone to Scranton for a two woeks visit. Miss Cella Duff, of Forest street, is visiting friends in Carbondale. Mrs. Elizabeth Ilealy and Bessie Dudley were In Scranton on Monday. Frank X. Soete, of Norwich, Is visiting his parents on South Main street. George M. Genung is on a business trip through the middle western states. Miss Mlghon Roeslngor of Carbon dale, Is tho guest of MIbs Grnce Eric of Seelyville. Walter Campbell, of Scranton, passed Sunday with his parents at East Honesdale. Miss Maud Kelly, of Scranton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Seelyville friends. Misses Margaret Donnolly, Helen Oaks and Frances Domer spent Sun day In Carbondale. Robert Patterson, of tho Scranton Electric Light Co., was a visitor in town over Sunday, . Misses Frances Richardson and Maud Smith, of Prompton, spent last Saturday in Honesdale. Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Crago were recent guests at tho homo of C. H. Wllmartli of Aldenvlllo. R. W. Murphy, wlfo nnd party ot Hnwloy friends, camo to Honesdale in their automobile Saturday. Miss A. W. Knnpp, of tho R. K. Film sorvlco, spent Saturday and Sundoy with Honesdalo friends. August Rohboln has roturned from an extended trip in tho lntorcst of the Durlnnd-Weston Shoo Company, Sidney Colwoll aud family loavo this week for Wllkes-Bnrro, wnero they will make tholr future homo. Miss Elizabeth Colomnn, ot Jer sey City, visited her parents on Church street on Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Tuman, ot Scranton, attended the funoral of Mrs. Honnan Tuman on Monday morning, Ed. 'FlootiJ nndJtmn Stockman of Carbondnle, wore In town Monday evening. I"'0?" Hosenkranz loft Monday for Towanda to net In the capacity of V0"Jng Blcsn,nn for tlle Rwanda ut uln88 L0, Mr- ftnd Mrs- Pn Flves hnve bccn entertaining the former's brother nnd . . - , , . . . 1 . 1 niaici lui liiu puoi. nucn in 114111 iiuuiu on Park street. Daniel It. Coleman nnd Edmund A tiMnnrv nt Mm I! nil Tnlniitinno Pn I of Scranton, were visitors In this placo on Saturday. Mrs. .Martin Lynch left for her homo In Towanda on Sunday, after spending somo time with Martin Cnufleld and family on P; family on Park street, Otto Iloff, principal of tho Scely vlllo High school, leaves this week for Stroudsbiirg, Pa., where he will attend tho Normal School, for n short time. exnwted Lino rron tho Haiti f, ' 01"e . rm " ' Mnrcy, son of Dr. Hnrry B. Lly, more Medical College, the latter part of the week to Bpend his sum mer vacation. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. R. Kreltner left for their home In Scranton on Sun day. They were accompanied by Miss Alma Scliuller who will make a short visit with them. Mr. and Mrs. William Rlefler went to New York In their new Stude baker machine Thursday at 9:30 and returned Sunday eening. They had as guests Prof, and Mrs. Odny. Mrs. M. P. Kesler, granddnughter j Miss Marie McDermott, and Missi Mary Gall, left Monday morning for j Now York City, where they will bo the gue8t8 of relatives for about a j, Ira Marsh, who has been teaching in Seelyville, left on Tuesday morn ing for his home In Danlelsville, Pa. Miss Margaret Davis, a trained nurse of Carbondale, registered at the Allen House on Tuesday. OBITUARY. McKEE Andrew McKee died at his home In Winwood, Preston township. May 7, 1910, of paralysis, aged 78 years and 3 months. He was for many years a resident of the above town. Deceased was a mem ber of the Lake Como Lodge of Odd Fellows. Ho is survived by his wife, a married daughter and five sons. RICKARIJ Mrs. Snra Batron, wife of Commissioner John Rickard, of Cherry Ttidge, 'died at her homo Friday afternoon, May 13th, 1910, of heart trouble, agod sixty years. She Is survived by her husband, one son, William; one brother, Leonard, of Texas townBhtp, .and one sister, Mrs. Frank Gill, 'of Scranton. Funeral services were held from her late home Monday afternoon. Interment In Darling 'cemetery. TUMAN Mrs. Mignon E. Tunian, wife of Herman Tuman, of Vine street, died at her home on Thursday evening of blood poisoning, after a few days' illness. Mrs. Tuman had been wall-papering and in some man ner got some paste on her cheek. About three days after her face be gan to swell and Drs. M. E. Con- vili aud Ely performed an operation. Tho poison .had progressed so far, however, that tho operation was in- effectual in checking the poison and , she died at 10:30 Thursday evening. j Deceased was in her twenty-eighth j year. Besides her husband, a little daughter, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mangan, two brothers and two sisters, siirvive( Edward and Her ; Honesdale, and Mrs. Fred WaUers aud 'Jacob SmUh q Scranton. The funeral took place on Monday morning at 9:30 from St. John's Roman Catholic church, Rev. Thomas Hanley officiating. CLAUSON Mrs. Louisa, widow of the late Nicholas Clauson, died sud denly at her homo last Wednesday. The funoral was held from her lnte home on Friday morning at 10 o'clock in Damascus. She was 75 years of ago, having been born in Germany In 1835. She came to this country in 1852 with her parents, who settled In New Yory City. She was married to Nicholas Clauson, officer on one of tho ocean liners running out of New York. His health falling, they mov ed to Cochecton, N. Y., where Mr. Clauson died in 18C8. She Is sur vived by four sons, Fred W., of Honesdale; Charles M, and Georgo L. of Galilee; and Nicholas P. of Durgee, all of whom were present at tho funeral, and acted as pall-bearers. Sho lias also two sisters who survivo her, Mrs. Paulino Schilling, of Cnlllcoon, and Mrs. Thomas John son of Now York. Rov. James Cole man olllcinted at tho funeral, inter ment being mndo in tho old Cochec ton cometery. HOW'S THIS?. Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undorslgned, have known F. J. Chenoy for tho last 15 years, and believo him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fi nancially nblo to carry out any ob ligations mado by his firm. Waldlng, KInnan & Marvin, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is takon in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent freo. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. ako Hall's Family Pills for eon Btitatlon. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. "Oddfe'llowsiilpi Working In manhood's prime and ardent youth In that subllmest, most enobllng J strife, To show for man, best Friendship, j f.nvn nnrl TrttMi ' ' t Love nnd Truth In memory of Andrew McKce, who died .May 7th, 1910. "So let him sleep that dreamless ' previous year. It Is claimed that Bleep, our sorrows clustering . they are worth, on an overage, ten round his hend: dollars more per head than a year Be comforted, ye loved who weep, ago. ho lives with God he Is not dead." All lovers of the horse must rc Oncc again Death hath summoned Jolco to see the auto-truck relieving n Brother Odd Fellow, and tho gold-1 him of some of his cruel loads, but en gateway to the Eternal City has let no man dream the automobile opened to welcome him to his home. Ho has completed his work In the ministering to tho wants ot the nf- Dieted, In shedding light Into dark-1 encd souls nnd In bringing Joy Into j tlon, but because they are horses, the places of misery, and as his re-1 These would rather drive an Intolll ward has received the ptaddit, "well i gent, well-bred horse live miles than done," from the Supreme Being. j steer an automobile from Main to And Whereas, the all-wise and : California over the finest boulevard merciful Father has called our be- every built, loved and respected Brother home, And Whereas, he having been a! Cultivators, Weeders, and Hlllers true and faithful brother of our at Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 2t Mystic Order, therefore bo It ! Resolved, That Lake Como Lodge, No. 9G5, I. O. O. F., of Lake Como, In testimony of her loss, tenders to the family of the deceased brother our sincere condolence in tills deep affliction, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family. GEO. Et GILCHRIST, - HENRY MARTIN, . J. II. TAYLOR, , Committee. i Green be his memory, in the Order's heart Ho loved so well, through all his ! true life's span; ! Bless'd be his rest, who acted well his part. Who honor'd God in doing good to man. 85,000,000 MORE IN OIL. Mexican Eagle Co. Fighting the Waters-Pierce Interests. Tiiinplco, Mexico, May 17. Advices were received here that the Mexican Eagle Petroleum company, a subsi diary concern of S. Pearson & Sou. limited, has Increased its capital stock to $20,000,000 from $15,000,000. The increase was oversubscribed in London. Pnrt of the amount will be used to erect two oil refineries, It Is announced. The company Is waging a bitter war against the Waters-Pierce Oil company for cotitrol of the refined nil trade of Mexico. BALLINGER, FIEES KERBY. Secretary of Interior Harshly Arraigns Stenographer Who Talked.. Washington, May 17. Frederick M. Kerhy, the stenographer whose recent statement was followed by President Tuffs explanation of the so called Lawler memorandum in the Ballluger PInchot case, was dismissed from the government service by Mr. Balllnger. The letter of dismissal wits n severe arraignment of Kerby, Secretary Bill linger accusing him of having sought wrongfully to bring reproach upon the administration, of deliberately mis stating the facts and of being un worthy to remain In the public service. Kerby does not Intend to nccept the situation without making some sort of u tight. It is known that lie consulted a lawyer and that he is considering the possibility of bringing an action for libel against Mr. Balllnger. Kerby's friends are urglug him not to drop the matter without a legal fight, and such an action would, of course, be one more nunoylng feature in the present controversy for the secretary of the interior to combat. BASEBALL SCORES. Results of Games Played In National and American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis-St. Louis, 4; New York, 2. Batteries-Willis and Phelps; Wlltso and Meyers. At Ciucliinntl Cincinnati, 3; Brook lyn, 2. Batteries From me, Gasper and McLean; Seanlon, Bell and Erwln. At Pittsburg-Pittsburg, 7; Phihulel. phht, 1. Batteries I.eever, Lielleld mid Gibson; Shettler. Humphries and Dooln. At Chicago Chicago, -1; Boston, !!. Butteries Cole and Archer; Brown, Parsons, Graluini and Ilarldon. STANDING OF THE CLUBS- V. L. P.O. Pittsburg- i; 8 .011) Philadelphia 12 i) .571 Cincinnati 12 0 ..VT1 Chicago 13 11 .&r' Now York 11 12 .53S St. Louis 11 13 .458 Boston 9 14 ,301 Brooklyn 0 17 .310 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At New York New York, 0; St. Louis, 3. Batteries Ford and Swee ney; Luke and Klllifer. At Boston-Boston, 11; Detroit, 4. Butteries ICurger and Cnrrlgan; Per nell, Sirnnd, Donovan and Stanage. At Phlladelphia-Phlladolphla, 0; Chi cago, 1. Batteries Coombs and Lapp; Smith and Payne. At Washington Washington, 3; Cleveland, 1. Batteries Relshlng and Streot; Fnlkonburg nnd Clark. STANDING' OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P.O. Philadelphia 7! Ill 4 .800 Now York 13 8 .011! Detroit 15 10 .000 Clovcland 12 10 .515 noston 12 12 .500 Chicago ,..8 12 .400 Washington 0 10 .300 8t, Loula 4 17 .100 2nII ti Ills! HOUSE. It Is hard to believe that, with tho enormous increase in the number of automobiles, the horse is still so snlendldly holding his own. Ac- cording to a report lying beforo us . t. . . i - i- I . i. U1U IlUIUUei UL UUIBVH 111 U1U United States to-dny Is over 21,000,- 000. This Is 400,000 more than tho will supplant him. Men are born ever dny who love horses, not be cause they can serve them as beasts of burden or means of transporta -r"r-r-r-r-M"r-t--r-r-rt-r-r I FEMININE DELIGHTS abound in our latest ar rival of exquisite lin gerie and household necessities. This wonderful ment of assorl- CHOICE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR is now on full view in our store. Come in and look it over. TWO WOMEN'S NOTIONS. 1 may be different in many points, but they will agree, when it comes to ' naming the store', where the best dry goods are kept. j They will tell you this in not only tho best for the larger article but. also for ul I kinds of notions. BROS. -M-M- -f I ! . . . . . . 1 N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. NoraOlscii v. Ole Olson. No. 6,1 Jan. Toxin. 1910. I.Ibul In Divorce. To OI.K OI.SHN: You an- hereby re (iiilretl to appear In the suld Court on the third Monday of June next, to answer tlio complaint exhibited totlielmU'eoruIili-ourt by Nora Olson, your wife. In the cause above stated, or In defnult theirof u docue ot divorce us prayed for In said complaint may be made aualust you In your absence. SIMONS. Att'y M. I.KK HHA.MAX. Honesdale. Pa.. May 10, l'JIO. Sheriff. nOUUT PROCLAMATION. Whereas. U the Judge of the several Courts of the County of Wayne has Issued his precept for holding a Court ot Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, aud (ienerul Jail Delivery In and for said County, at tho Court House, to lift-In on M ON n A Y J UN K 'JC. 1910. and to continue one week : And directluu' that a Grand Jury for the Courts of Quarter Sessions anil Oyer and Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday, June 13. 1910, at 2 p. in. Notice Is therefore hereby elven to the Coroner and Justices of the Peace, nnd Con stables ot the County ot Wayne, that they be then and there In ihelr proper persons, at said Court House, at 'i o'clock la ibo utter noon ot Raid 13th ot June 1910. with their records, liuiulsitlons.cxumlnutlons undother remembrances, to do those things which to their olllccsuppertuln to bo done, and those who are bound by recoi-nlzunce or otherwise to nrnset'iitu tho iirtsoners who nr or ahull be in the Jail of Wayne County, be then nnd there to prosecute ugulnst them as shall b Just. mven unuer my nana, m jionesaaio, una 16th day of May. lull), and In the Kild year o! the Independence ot the United States , M I.KK II HA MAN. Sheriff. uenu a uuicu !rilli ; AUTOMOBILE I I ! Honesdale, May It), 1910. I. J 38wl