The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 18, 1910, Image 4

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Entered ns second-clnss matter, at the post
nlUcc. lloncstlnle. l'a.
Thn editor of the independent con
siders 'bur exposure of 1ib grafting
unkind and ungcntlcmanly. lie evi
dently belldvcs ho has tho dlvlno
right to vlolnto any of tho-ten com
mandments with Impunity.
WKDNKSDAY, MAY 18, 1010.
The taxpayers )f Wayne county are
anxiously nwiilliiig your answer to
Uio clmrno mndo by this paper that
you knowingly mid deliberately over-
rhnrKcd and collected from the coun
ty treasurer nearly 400 per cent,
more for printing ballots than you
should havo done. This Is a herlous
innttcr, Mr. Haines, and one that the
Grand Jury inny take Into consldeni
tlon. Your notice of this charge in
Your Issue was more like the
rnttlo of a stone In a tin enn than mi
The beautiful should exist in tho
school life of the child. The school
building nnd grounds should portray
the artistic and beautiful. Those
things which adorn the tasty home
should embellish the school prop
erty the lawn, terraces, walks, trees
and flowers. Within should be neat
ness and refinement. A neglected
school house is a terrible demorali
zer. Pjnce a child nt a mutilated
desk, put in his hands torn and soil
ed books and we find an almost ir
resistible temptation to continue the
destruction with knife and pencil
Place the same child in a neat, clean
room with suitable and beautiful
furniture and we Immediately re
move the temptation for destruction
Xo place else on the globe will
you find as big-hearted, generous and
noble people as reside in Wayne
county. They are not much on dress
parade. They do not wear silk stock
Ings and silk hats but they have
hearts' as big and warm as ever put
sated in human breasts.
Editor Haines went to a great deal
of trouble to write the article, "Over
tho Seas Pleading for Peace," in
order to KNOCK the ARMORY
WHICH COMPANY E is trying to
obtain from the State, and yet he
blows about his great fidelity to
Honesdale and her Interests.
It has fallen to tho lot of the
writer to travel up and down this
broad commonwealth to a consider
able extent, both in search of busi
ness and pleasure, and without an
attempt to flatter the good people
of this section It can be truthfully
said that no town of equal size has
yet been found that equals our own
little city.
Mr. Urynn Bays he Is not a candl
date for the Presidency nnd Is not
seeking the nomination. But ho has
not told us what he might do un
der pressure. Tho cnll of one's
country sometimes Just must bo
gnnlzcr would feel cpntempt for hlm- other, mourned a Teddy bear. Theso
self If he, would stop to renson, how J girls aro now under tho protection
his work not only docs not benefit I of the District Attorney's otlice,
Our duty to the factories and
plants of different elnsses and kinds
nlready here, should be to encour
age and Btipport them in every pos
sible way. Jas. G. Shepherd, on ac
cepting tho Presidency of the Scran-
ton Board of Trade.
When the renl reason why the
employers of Honcsdnle will not
confer with their employees, now
out on a strike at Honcsdnle, is
known, ns It doubtless will be, tho
public may no longer marvel over
whnt tied up the situation. There
is snid to be a secret key. Tho
people will say if they discover it,
"That solves tho mystory." Neith
er will anyone then bo surprised
at the. flight of two concerns from
The above Is an editorial by tho
portly editor who gave way to tho
temptation of trying to assume tho
pose oC n Siegfried who, having slain
tho dragon of predatory wealth, '
Btands with one foot on the monster's 1
enrcass clasping Brunhilde A. F. Q. ;
Work Is a great blessing. You
can not see now but somo day you
will say that you were fortunate In
your boyhood days because you were
compelled, to work. Because you
cannot get power to do things save
by doing them. Look over tho suc
cessful men you know. Get their
history. Nearly overyono was com
pelled to work in boyhood. They
toughened their muscles by hard
work and sharpened their brains by
looking out for themselves.
his follow being, but how It converts i
, him Into n leech, creating troulflo and
dissentton wherever he appears.
Would there have been any trouble
. in Honsdnlc, If tho organizer would
' not havo appeared? Wo do not
I think so! Tho cutters hero wore
earning good wages, were satisfied
with their lot apparently nnd Hones
dale was a contented and prosperous
community. How quickly has tho
work of the organizer changed this
condition! Two factories have mov
ed to more plcnsnnt climes nlready,
reducing tho yearly circulation of
money by nearly ? 100,000. If our
Information is correct, some pf the
remnlnlng manufacturers nro on the
out-look for more congenial sur
roundings nnd will move, ns soon as
opportunity presents Itself. Each
removal will mean a corresponding
reduction of our yearly circulation
r TT in Vi I ti fironot in t r full trTnrn .
of the spotlight. Tho thought may th, ls, ,,uo, t0 tho wfk f "0
have occurred to him also that the : man, who is not even a native of this
gore of tho reptile might make fer-ilow" nml 1 untllcr tho Mt fav
tlllzer for the subscription tree under orable ndit ons Is constant drain
which his camp ls pitched. No one
...111 tl.n Tr,ll. f..v llinl.
i,,. 0..mi..i , I him 9 somewhat of a benetnetor,
r . " notwithstanding that their dally
tainly a heroic one and It would have ' 8t0!-c reeol, dwindling more
, , ... . , . nnd more. They don't seem to think
miss the opportunity. ;
'"Pit it iM ff nrnne n lint U'nnn o (nlilnniiv
In the mimic world nnd real life is 1 themselves in the deserted s ho pa and
on our circulation. Still some of
our business mon seem to consider
Hint It will take quite some time, be
fore other industries will establish
this, that the stage drama ends
with It as a climax, while life goes
right on. Now, If there were a se
quence to the Siegfried tableaux al
luded to, it would show the hero
scratching his head in embarrass
ment over the necessity of having a
young lady with a good appetite and
nrtistic tastes to be cared for in his
camp; it might also show signs of
; peevishness on the heroine's coun
I tenance when she remembers that
1 . i. -.1.1 .1 ....... . l, 1 e i. .1 n
",c um,.u"'bU" ,""D "i present trouble,
I a provider; and hero, heroine and ,
i the whole outfit would hardly be !
I pleasant to contemplate on account i
Commissioner Declares Havens Xeg-
leeted Kvpeiisc Account.
A dispatch from Rochester, N. Y.,
Election Commissioner Alden
Nichols declares that James S. Ha
vens, whose election to Congress over
George W. Aldridge, tho Republican
boss, was hailed as a great victory,
has forfeited the victory at the polls
1... 1 .!...- . .1 1 1. 1 1 ., I
iiu&iuuliuk lu uiu in ciuuiiuii ui- rion
pense account within the required Tjje sltuaUon , whluh om. edltor
ten daS. I fln,i Ulmt.lf ta nvnntlv tho unmn
but there are enough points of simi
larity to make It equally distasteful
to him. True, lie did not kill the
restore tho former pay-rolls. Every
new-comer will want to know the
reason, why tho shops wore deserted
and what the citizens of Honesdale
havo done for the protection of their
manufacturers. Other communities
guard their industries and take good
care that no outside influence brings
trouble or drives their money pro
ducers away. When will our busi
ness men wake up to their duty and
! assert their rights by demanding the
departure of tho living cause of the
ready to testify when tho cases arc
brought to trial. One of tho deal
ers, aa ntrendy stated, has pleaded
guilty, and n great deal of evidence
tins been obtained which can not yet
be mndc public. According to this
denlcr's statement, tho trafllc had
three principal "stockades," or ex
changes, In Now York. "In theso
places," he says, "flvo or ten girls
nro nlways kept on hnnd ready for
Immediate sale and shipment to any
part of the country." Says the Knox
vlllo Sentinel:
"It Is notorious that in Now York
City alone hundreds of girls disap
pear, drop out of sight every year.
Story of Tills Interesting Piny to lio
(liven Hero Soon.
Tho play opens In Mr. Hardcastlo'8
home whero the master of the houso
Informs his hnndsoinc daughter Kato
that ho expects tho young man ho
has chosen to be her husband that
night. Mennwhlle this young man,
the son of Sir Charles Marlow, and
his friend, hnve stopped at a neigh
boring inn to inqnlro tho way. They
are mndo tho victims of a practical
Joke by Kate's brother, young Tony
Lumpklns, who directs them to Mr.
Hnrdcastlc's home as to an inn.
Acts II, HI and IV show the mis
understandings and embarrassments
and in most enses tho researches of which are the results of Tony's mls-
tho pollco nnd of their relatives nro guidance, nnd it ls only In tho fifth
without any results. These girls are
lost to their friends forever. The
'Old Homestead' story Is left incom
complete. Thero is no return.
"Of course many of them go out
of their own will, and In spite of tho
miseries of tho llfo they havo enter- take this role and it fits htm to per
ed upon voluntarily continue It. But fection; Miss Margaret Eberhardt
It Is well known that this new llfo will bo tho Kate Hardcastlo of the
ls organized under tho motto set by I play when given at the Lyric on
Danto nbove the gates of Hell, 'who .Tuesday evening, May 24th, under the
act that peace and harmony aro fin
ally restored in the Hardcastle
Throughout the play Tony ls n very
considerable factor in tho fun rank
ing. Mr. Frank Truscott Is to under-
of the stench nrislng from the car-
By the actual purchase of
enters here, leave hope behind,' The
recruits are held In economic bond
ago. They aro kept in debt and in
terror of tho law, In case they should
leave with the clothes they wear.
"Let It be conceded that ninety
nine in a hundred of the girls and
women who have left homo and
friends for the supposedly easier and
larger earnings of the life of shame
would not turn back If they could.
We are not considering the facts.
One percentage Is as good as another.
But we are concerned nnd should bo
mightily concerned with the hun
dredth who would turn back and can
not. In failing to guarantee to this
hundredth person the right of life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,
we are recreant to the principles of
the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution of the United States.
And how much more horrible is this
white slavery than the
Nichols gave out this statement!
after Havens' expense account was
received from Washington after the
ten days had elapsed and Nicholas
had declined to receive it. Nicholas
asserts that this will disqualify Havens.
King George Is the second son of
the late king and until the death of
his brother, the duke of Clarence,
was dwarfed by the latter. When
he was 14 years old he began a tour
of the world. He and the -duke of
Clarence were regularly enrolled as
cadets in the training ship Britannia
and were accorded no special favors.
On one occasion, when called to
stand watch he struck a cadet who
had awakened him, blackening his
eye. For this he was court-martialed,
found guilty and sentenced
to be spanked by the cadet with
whom he had the trouble. This was
done, first in the Britannia and later mire
noxious monster, nor tame it, but
chunks hacked out of its body and
scales and claws littering up the
abode of a community priding itself
of a vigilant Ladies' Improvement
Society aro a bad enougli result, in
deed, nnd worst of all, it turns out,
that the milk the beast gave, when
properly coaxed, nourished lite un
der the. subscription tree, having a
beneficial Influence on that delicate,
plant, as no gory fertilizer coujd
ever produce.
The editorial cited at the begin
ning of these lines leaves the im
pression that the hero-editor wishes
to withdraw quietly from the center
of the stage, and the limelight, blam
ing a "mystery to which there is a
secret key" for the debris of the bat
tle, stench and all. This attitude
is certainly undignified for an editor,
especially a portly one. We all ad-
ln William Randolph Hearst
Bronchial Tubes
AH Stuffed Up
"While a resident of Washington,
D. C, I suffered continually and In
tensely with a bronchial trouble that
was simply terrible to endure. I would
have such spells that I could hard
ly breathe. I would choke up, fill
up in my throat and bronchial
tubes, and the doctoring that I did
and the remedies used were of no
benefit to me whatever. I heard
about Booth's Hyomel being so
beneficial In catarrhal and bronchial
I affections and procured an outfit. I
economic received relief from the first by Its
young girls In New York's under- servitude mat nrougnt auout tne use. I continued with it nnd re-
world the agents of the special grand great crisis of our history, a bond- celved a cure. It is about two years
jury which for months hns been in- age of body and soul. As long as a since I have suffered at all from
vestigattng the white-slave trade in single woman remains subject to this j my ' former trouble." Mrs. R. L.
that city have removed from tho pub- unlawful trafllc, society fails to meet Pannell, 404 N. Augusta street,
It will Staunton, Va., Mt
auspices of the Young Men's Hebrew
Association. The play will be under
the personal direction of Mrs. Benj.
H. Dittrlch.
lie mind the last lingering doubt as one of Its first obligations.
The statement In the last Issue o
the Independent that somebody had
remarked that the editor of that
paper "ought to bo driven out of
town," Is not only possibly, but
probably true, as a large number
of the people of Honesdale and
vicinity have no doubt expressed
themselves time and time again to
this same effect. It is said that "his
tory repeats Itself."
Now that ladles aro so generally
employed as stenographers and type
writer operators, the columns of
newspapers are burdened with coarse
attempts at humor, in which tho
pretty amanuensis and her alleged
flirtations with tho business men are
tho inspiring theme. Perhaps these
Jokes, on account of their Insipid
ity, are harmless and do not deserve
the dignity of a remonstrance, but,
nevertheless, we entor our protest
against any attempt to place In a
ridiculous or improper light tho
honest and worthy occupation of n
woman. All honor to tho girl who
has the energy, pluck and determina
tlon to qualify herself to bo soW
sustaining and make herself useful
In the groat world of business; and
bllehtlng. withering shamo be his
portion who would place tho light
est straw in her way. Thero aro
enough actual follies, weaknesses
nnd foibles of men to laugh about
without making innocent women tho
subject of ridicule by making them
figure In Incidents entirely the pro
duct of an impuro imagination. Tho
shafts of ridlculo should bo aimed
only at thoso who deserve punlBh
raont and there aro enough of this
class, God knows; and wit and hu
mor loso their charm when Indulged
In at tho expenco of anything that Is
good and useful. A woman's repu
tatlon la too delicate to bo roughly
handled nnd any light treatment of
her occupation injures hor who is
Identified with It.
in the cruiser Bacchante.
The two princes traveled 45,000
miles. Following the educational
tour, Prince George was appointed
a lieutenant in the navy. In 1890
he was made commander of a gun
boat and in 1892 was made a post
captain and given tho title of duke
of York. While a lieutenant on the
Thunderer In the Mediterranean,
Prince George met tho daughter of a
naval officer with whom it ls general
ly bellovod ho contracted a mar
riage. Although solemnized by an
ordained clergyman, It was not legal
as she was not of royal blood. Little
notice was taken of tho episode until
after the death of the duke of
Clarence. Then by command of
Queen Victoria, Prince George aban-i
doned his Malta spouse and was.
wedded to Mary of Teck, who had
been betrothed to his brother. She
was born May 2G, 18G7. She ls her
husband's cousin, both on her fa
ther's and her mother's side.
As prince of Wales, the new king
plainly showed his decided preference
for a country life. Ho liked riding,
hunting, fishing and golf. Ho has
shown that public speaking and pub
lic functions genernlly bored him.
Tho domestic character of tho new
king ls flawless and he admittedly
has no vices. Ho hns no regnl Ideas
about money and In many respects
Is declared to be stingy and niggard
ly. His Intimates are tho oldest of
the British peers and many of his
father's friends are personally ob
noxious to him.
the courage with which he persues
his ideas through nil their conse
quences to the end. He follows lifs
editorial writings, with a run for
public office. He does not shrink
from having himself dissected, dis
cussed and analysed, mentally and
morally. Don't evade your chance,
brother. HANCOCK.
people and by the whole people."
Oats, Potato, Corn and Buck
wheat fertilizer In any quantity at
Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. 2t
to the existence of such a traffic. In
merely proving that this evil exists,
declares the New Orleans Times
Democrat, 'Sie investigators "have
progressed further in their cam
paign for its eradication than they
perhaps realize." This opinion Is
evidently shared by Mr. Edward
Carpel, counsel for the "slave deal
er" who admits having sold two of
the girls purchased by the Govern
ment agents. "District Attorney
Whitman," declares Mr. Carpel in la -f-f-f-f-f-f-t--f-f-t-f-f--f-f -f-f-f-M-t-
signed statement, "has broken the
back of the white slave system, not
only In New York, but throughout
the country." And he adds that
"the amazing revelations yet to come"
as a result of Mr. Whitman's efforts
will practically put a stop to the or
ganized trafllc In women.
It will be remembered that In
January a special grand Jury, with
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., as Its fore
man, was sworn In to Investigate the
truth or falsity of certain widely
published statements to the effect
that "the City of New York ls a
center or clearing-house for an or
ganized traffic in women for Immoral
purposes, or what has come to be
known as the white-slave traffic
The definite nnd conclusive evidence
was finally obtained by two women,
college graduates, whoso services
were enlisted In the cause. In or
March 26, 1909.
not do to strike statistical averages. I Hyomel Is guaranteed by G. W.
A deliberate wrong done to a single ' Peil to cure catarrh, croup, bron
person and suffered complacently by 1 chltls, coughs, colds and sore throat
the people is a wrong to the whole or money back.
A complete Hyomel (pronounced
HIgh-o-me) outfit costs 1.00 at
druggists everywhere. This includes
a hard rubber pocket Inhaler and
bottle of Hyomel; extra bottles Hy
omel cost 50c.
$ 150,000.00
When a community has enjoyed a der to win their way Into the confl-
Inmr torm nf nmannrltv on account : donee of New iorks under-world
nf thn flourishing of its industries, one of these women began her cam
it is natural that tho Inhabitants I pnlgn In Seattle, tho other In Juneau,
niiniiid rnnch that nolnt. when they Alaska. The story Is thus told In
begin to believe that a change In ! the New York World
i i nil i i I nl1ni i A f l rton rl n nru Mm wnmnn W Pllf
slble. This belief Is at times fostered to work to oecomo acquainted wuu f
iiiiu uiiLuuiiibi'U uy oiiie i '-- . -
clans or weak-kneed publicists who with scores of keepers of disorderly
seem unable to realize, that ho, who resorts, and finally tho young woman
sows the wind, will renp the Alaska told some of her undor
wind. To make a community pros- world acquaintances thero that she
perous, it Is of the utmost import- was going to New York to get some
anco. that all Its citizens co-operato i 'now girls.'
In the endeavor to bring all the mon-! "That sounded good to tho men
ev nosslble Into Its limits from out-. and women of the disorderly resorts.
side and thereby glvo every citizen Now York seemed far off, but thoy
nn opportunity to secure In some all had friends here, and at the re
proper way IiIb share of this wealth. I quest of tho young woman Investign
If we nsk ourselves, how is tho mon-! tor several proprietors of resorts
ev broucht to us and who Is the orlg- gnvo her letters to persons In Now
lnal distributor, wo cannot help but York whero she was told that sho
come to tho conclusion thnt tho could buy girls 'at n reasonablo ilg-
inanufncturor ls really the corner- uro.'
stono of our prosperity and that as "This Investigator stopped off at
soon as we help to stop his machinery i Seattle, and by degrees noi too rnp
nnd keen his trnvollng men from Idly boenmo acquainted with her
going through tho country, disposing t fellow Investigator,
You have more or less banking business. Possibly it
is with U6, such being tho case you know something ot our
service, but if not a natron would it not bo well for you to t
become one 1
will htl) yon start. It is calculated to serve all classes, the
old and tho young, tho rich and the poor,
and allows three per cent, interest annually. Interest willjbe pnkl?from
the liret of any month on all deposits made on or before the 10th of the
month provided such deposit remain three calendar months or longer.
- Fund For Aged Ministers.
Chicago, May VI. Tho Northern Ilnp-
tlst convention, In session here, hns
btnrted a movement to raise $1,000,000
for the support of aged ministers nnd
their dependents.
How to Clean a Sponge.
To clean tho bath sponge, which
should bo n good shape, plunge it in
water in which you have put tho Juice
of a half lemon nnd nllow It to remain
overnight or about twelvo hours.
How about a wagon, Itond Carts,
Open Duggles, Runabouts, Cut Un
dors, DIko Wagons, nuck-Doards,
Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Mar
ket AVagons, Depot Wagons, Carry
AUb, Top Duggles, Two-ln-ono Dug'
gles, Farm Wagons, Delivery Wag
of his wares wo nro stopping tho
flow of money from outside, and that
before long prosperity will hnvo tak
en Its leave. The laborer should nl
ways receive his duo, but to mako
him bellovo, that ho ls tho malnstny
of a community, ls a mistake, which
can only bring loss nnd trouble. Tho
work of every citizen should bo con
structive and not destructive! It ls
but natural thnt somo people cling
to the Idea, thnt a community can bo
benefited by destructive work; In
tlmo they will reallzo their mistake
To persuado a man to stop working
or to encourngo tho ldlo, ls destruc
tive work. Tho professional organ
Izor ls nlways doing destructive
work. If ho wns of a constructive
'They obtained more letters. Then
by easy stages they came to New
"Finally tho two collogo women
found tho tlmo was ripe for the big
movo In tho work they had set out
upon. They told tholr Now York
acquaintances of the underworld
that they wished to got eight or ten
girls to take back to Alaska.
"Arrangements were mado for the
delivery of flvo girls to tho Investi
gators. Then thero enmo a hitch.
It was found that ono of tho girls,
the ono said to bo only cloven years
old, was In n city hospital. Tho
purchasers expressed Indignation and
said they would not pay for nioro
than the four ready to accompany
caliber, he would snvo n part of his thorn
wnges whllo working nt hla trade
and by and by embark In tho mnnu
ons, One-horse Farm Wagons. All facturing hlrasoir, employ men and
styles nt Murray Co., Honesdale, I work for tho Interest of his homo
Pa, 2t. : town by bringing In outside money.
Instead of doing this, no uecomos n
Dance nt Seelyvllle Fire Hall,
Thursday evening, May 19th. Tick
ets 25 cents.
destructive force by deciding to llyo
offJthe earnings of his fellowinen.
Wf feel certain, that inany an or-
"Dy this tlmo tho women Investi
gators had won tholr way to the en
tire confldenco of tho slavo doalors.
Tho inouoy was paid and tho four
white slaves were turned over to
tholr now owners."
One of tho glrla thus purchased is
said to have crled'-because hor doll
was lost in tho transfer, while an-
Does Your Roof Leak ?
It's a iiood time now to repair leaky roofs and here's a good place
to get "thefixm's". Our
Red Cedar Shingles
ore exceptionally well made from good sound timber. The square
cut ends make laying easy and quick work. All our shingles are
Extra Thick From Butt To Tip
and have no feather edges.
Iled Cedar Shingles will last for years and cost no more to put oa
your roof than cheaper shingles which rot, crack and leak In a short
time. Call and examine our stock of Lumber, Shingles. Lath, etc.