TOTS OITIZKN, WKDNBSDAY, MAY 18, 1910. THE I GRANGE FACTS II FEW LIS TREATMENT OF FALSE HAIR. "LA8T 81QH MOOR." ANOTHHIt I'LAOUE OV IilCH. Tho following la n sample of many letters, In rcgnrd to tho appearance of plant lice on vegetables, received nt the Dlvisron of Zoology of tho Pennsylvania Department of Agri culture: "We are having a 'plague of lice' In this section. A small, green louse Is killing our potatoes, tomatoes, radishes and other vegetables. The lice cling to the under sides of the leaves, and some leaves aro entirely covered. 1 sprayed tho potatoes with Bordeaux mixture and Paris green, nnd also dusted them with air-slaked lime, but to no purpose. Coll oil cnlulslon seems to kill them when applied directly to the under surface of the leaves, but that, of course, Is too tedious an operation to be prac ticable. Can you suggest anything to help us out?" To this State Zoologist Surface re plied as follows: "I beg to state that the plant llco of which you write are sucking Insects and are, therefore, not to be destroyed by the Bordeaux mixture or arsenical poisons, such as Paris green. The Bordeaux mixture is only for plant diseases, and the arsenical poisons are only for chow Ing Insects, Biich as the potato beetles and codling moth. Two good pre paratlons can be used: one Is kero sene emulsion, containing about eight or ten per cent, kerosene, an nlied with a sprayer having an ex tension rod on the end of the hose. On the end of this extension rod use an eighth-turn with a "Y" carrying two up-turned nozzles. You can spray the under sides of the leaves on each side of the potato row, al most as fast as a man can walk along, and you will kill the lice very soon. The other remedy is whale oil soap: One pound of the soap should be dissolved In six gallons of water. Two pounds of soft coap or of com mon laundry soap In four gallons of water will also kill them. Apply this In the same way. The pests must be reached by a contact Insec ticide which actually touches their bodies, or they will not be destroyed. These are the remedies for all kinds of plant lice." 0 0 THK ELM LEAF BEETLE. An esteemed Adams county cor respondent Inquired of Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, as to the elm leaf beetle, and said: "1 will be very glad to receive Information con cernlng the proper treatment of elm trees, to prevent the ravages of the Insects which caused so much trouble last summer. I would like to know in this connection what merit the home-boiled lime sulfur solution would have." Professor Surface answered this request for information as follows "Replying to your recent letter making inquiry for the proper treat ment for the Elm leaf beetle, I beg to say that this consists of arsenate of lead, or some other poison, like Paris green. If the latter Is used one-third pound in fifty gallons of water Is enough. However, I much prefer tho arsenate of lead, of which you should use two or three pounds In fifty gallons of water. Apply It soon as a spray on the young leaves When the beetles first commence their work, they should be destroyed by this poison. The lime-sulfur wash Is not a poison, but kills Insects only by contact, and when It Is strong enough to kill the Insects like Elm leaf beetles, It would bo strong enough to destroy the leaves. There fore, I do not recommend It. "The Elm leaf beetle Is very de structive to the elm trees In certain localities of the southeastern part of ' this State. This Is to be regretted, as the elm tree. Is one of our most magnificent and beautiful shade trees, and this pest Is very serious In Its efforts. However, It does not spread to other trees than tho elms, and Is comparatively easy to hold In check by thoroughly spraying with a poison, such as arsenate of lead used whenever tho beetle commences to make Its appearance and feed on the leaves. The Injury results gen erally In perforated and netted leaves, which really are reduced to skeletons In a comparatively short time. This forces tho trees to put out another crop of leaves, which, of course, Is quite a drain on their vi tality." The Old Surf Bath. It la not so many years ago when surf bathing of a very primitive kind nrevalled at the eastern end of Long Island and, for aught I know, at other points. Every Saturday morning, or afternoon, as the tide willed, through out the Summer big farm wagons trun died down to the beach and were swung around abreast or the line of breakers. Old flshhouBes served the nurnooe of modern bathing pavilions and the sea costumes were those of last year's village street. A long rope was drawn from under the seats and hitched to the wheel, and thou some Btuidv ex-whaler or life crew man In red flannel fihlrt and old trousers tied at the ankles Bllpped his waist through the loop at the end of this primitive life line and, wading out, kept It as taunt as circumstances permittee while the women and children hunt to it and reeled and wallowed and shrieked, rejoicing In their "Saturday The Chlue decline to buy phono graphs hnvlntf black irunilvti. In, German cities fowl prices arc now about as high as in the United Stn'os. Movlnz picture shows at present form the most sought for amusement by all classps In Slam. Rents of working class dwellings are about 23 per cent lower In Bel gium than in England. The most expensive publication In New York, with tho least Income, Is the City Record, which costs yearly $1,180,000. Tho government of Victoria, Austra lia. Is promoting nn Immigration scheme to secure 40,000 settlers with- lu two years. " A flexible rubber mouthpiece for telephones 19 n novelty, tho Idea being to prevent breakngo should n desk In strument bo opsot. The total number of patents Issued In nil countries which thus protect their Inventors from the earliest time to Dec. 1. 1009, was 2,009,433. Tiio smallpox epidemic nt Santiago Inst winter cost that city more than J200.000 United States gold for treat ment In pesthouscs, vaccination, etc. The ncuto rnlsln crisis In Spnlu has led to tho uprooting of ninny acres of muscatel vines nnd the planting of almonds as the most promising substi tute crop. Though the accidents in the streets of New York are Increasing In num ber, the proportion of fatnlltlcs Is growing less. Out of the last 17,000 accidents 1,200 were clnsslflcd as seri ous. The Cunard line steamship Umbrln has been sold to ship brenkcrs for $100,000 and will now go to tho scrap heap. The Umbrla was built twenty five years ago and at tho time was the crack of the Cunard fleet A woman in Chicago society says that It would bo nn excellent thing for the men of that city and New York to spend n little time reading Lord Chest ertleld's letters. She thinks It would Improve their manners. The first trust In the United States to pass the $100,000,000 mark In capi talization was the United States Leath er company, organized In 1893. Its capital stock combined with nn Issue of bonds amounted to $13S,000,000. German Southwest Africa produces not only diamonds, but copper, tin, lead, usbestus nnd graphite. More over, It Is said mat goiu uas oeen found lu the northern parts of the ter ritory, notably lu tho Karrlbb vicinity. Canada will pay u subsidy of $120,- 000 a year for a monthly steamship sen-Ice on the Atlantic between Cana da, Australia and New Zealand by way of the Capo of Good Hope. The ships may return by any route they choose. The slow progress In French Guiana, with only 40,000 Inhabitants, on a ter ritory more thau onc-flfth the area of France, Is contrasted with the success ful work of the Dutch nnd the Eng lish In their respective portions of Guiana. A silk handkerchief was sold the other day in Berlin for tho equivalent of $3,750. On it was printed n poem, preceded by these words. "To Frauleln Minna Planer on her marriage to Mu sical Director Richard Wagner. Ko nlgsberg. Nov. 14. 1830." There nre only half as many opium dens lu China us there were eighteen months ago. It Is now difficult to buy opium, except by license, which per mits n smoker to buy nt one tlmo Ave drams. Each license costs 10 cents and Is good for three months. Professor Frances Squire Potter and Professor Mary Gray Peck are to be at tho head of the work of organizing uffrnge settlements throughout tho country. The settlements nre to bo under the auspices If not tho actual control of the National Woman's Suf frage association. Ground has been broken for the great library building at tho Universi ty of Chicago, which Is to servo as a memorial to the late president, 11 Ham Ralney Harper. The contract price Is $000,000, and tho building Is to be completed by the summer of 1011. Tho structure will be 270 by 80 feet, fronting ou tho Mldwny Plai- sunce. A bill will bo brought before the British parliament calling for steps to be taken to prevent the high mortnllty from tuberculosis In Ireland. The bill will demnnd the compulsory notifica tion and registration of tuberculosis cases, tho estnuusumont or special in stitutions for consumptive patients, tho Instruction of the public nbout this disease and Improved control over the meat and milk supplies. A German genealogist. Professor Otto Forst, a leading authority on me diaeval lines of descent, has tried to demonstrate that two emperors, tho German emperor and the czar of Rus sia, nnd four kings thoso of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Saxony; also Arcn- duke Ferdinand of Austria are de scended from a fifteenth century bar ber named Babou, who was born about 1450 and who earned his living as a barber In Paris, whero ho was a skill ed beard tralucr. Tho Archduke Franz Ferdinand of napsburg is a nephew of the aged emperor of Austria and heir presump tive to tho imperial throne. lie is a son of tho lato Arcbduko Karl Ludwig and Is married to the Princess of Ho henberg. Ab, howorer, his wlfo was not of a royal family, their children cannot ascend the Austrian throne, nnd tho archduke was forced to form ally renounce tho throno on behalf of any of his descendants before bo could obtain permission to marry. How to Clean It Properly and Make It Lat and Look Better. False hair will last longer nnd look better If properly cared for, nnd as tho best qunllty Is not Inexpensive and! should be selected It behooves a wo man, now that quantities of It aro worn, to know how to make It last. To begin with, then, n cheap qunllty Is the most expensive, for after little wear It becomes cither scrubby look ing or so harsh that It cannot bo used. Cheap pieces lose color and cither streak or fade quickly. Ono of tho most Important and dif ficult details of caring for chignons Is to keep them free from dust. Like hnlr growing on tho head, they hold Impurities nnd unless cleansed will grow dull looking nnd old. In their care a soft brush Is an essential, and every night when the pieces nre re moved they should bo stroked lightly, but thoroughly, with bristles In such n way that tho dust Is taken out. This should not bo omitted even for one night, for once the Bwitch or puffs be come dust laden they nre difficult to clenn. No fnlso hair, when not being worn, should be exposed to tho light, for sun and nlr will absorb Its dressing un necessarily. After being worn It must never be put nwny until It has been well smoothed. To wnsh a switch or puffs is prac tically Impossible, but as cleansing Is necessary nt intervals cornmcnl shduld bo applied. The meal must be rubbed ccntly, but thoroughly, through tho strands, nnd then, fastening the top of the piece securely, a long bristle brush must be applied vigorously to remove tho grains. m Before this, how ever, the long hnlr inust be rubbed be tween tho hnnds, so the meal will ab sorb the dust. Once In a long while, perhaps every two months, a little oil rubbed on the false piece will keep It lu condition and nld In preserving tho dressing. For this glycerin Is excellent, and the manner of applying should be cnreful ly followed. Too much of the grease will almost rulu it, while too little will not be effective. When using the glyc erin the tip of the piece must be se curely fastened where tho long hair will hang free. Then a few drops, scented, may be rubbed between the palms of the hands to distribute It evenly nnd then put directly upon the hnlr, the only difficulty being that un less care Is exercised the crease will adhere to only one part of the switch, This is most apt to be avoided by pressing the palms lightly when first thev aro nut on. making the stroke heavier as the grease Is absorbed. Under no clrcurastnnces must there be an appearance of grease. It Promises to Be the Most Distress ing of All for Spain. Fore raoro than 400 years tho bodies of dead Spaniards have filled tho trenches and tho bnttlo plnlns from North America to Torro del Fuo go and from Cuba to tho Philippines. Every family's dead Is scattered over tho earth. And It lms all been lu vain. Iho people of Spain have only really prospered since wo relieved them of this burden of world-power nnd world meddling which wo aro finding so costly nnd troublesome. Thoy havo Eccn all go. save n fow rocks on for eign shores, of which Ccuta nnd Melll la are the most vnlunble, and they nro wihtng to lot them go rather than pay tribute to the war gods. Tho Liberals, the Republicans, the Democrats, tho I .i.gresslvo common pcoplo, and tho mothers of Spain have had enough of It all. They demand less war and more education for Spain. The Morocco wnr Is not new. It Is only another echo of that momentous reign of Ferdinand nnd Isabella. Tho present war is directly attributable to the opening of minc3 and raids on those mines fifteen miles Inland from Melllla. But as a matter of fact this Is only the present day provocation. Underneath and behind It, smoldering through centuries, are the fires of tho hatred for tho Spaniards that tho Moors brought over to the Riff coast when they wore expelled from Spain and when, leaving Granada, they even carried their keys with them to Africa with the determination to return to use them. The present war began In Melllla only five years after Columbus dis covered America; when the Spaniards following tho Moors, established tho Spanish town nnd convict station on tho rocky peninsula which Is now Melllla, and to which Spain Is now sending her soldiers. And this time the Moors are equipped with tho very rlfies that the Spaniards carried In Cuba, sold to them by a snort-sighted government. They have the hatred, the villainous appearance, nnd tho arms to make this "last sigh of tho Moor" the most distressing ono of all. The Evolution of Booster Bill VIII. Organizes a Boosters' Club When BUI Blue grew a booster bold He wanted all within the fold, And to at high and low he went To Join tho band of betterment. Said ho! "We'll make this town of ours The home of fortune, frulte and flow ers. Of Progress it shall be the hub. We'll organize A BOOSTERS' CLUB. How to Cook Bananas. Fow persons know the convenience and delicate taste of cooked bananas. Few not to bananas bora realize their nutritive value. Yellow bananas can be employed In ninny excellent ways. They are fine plainly boiled In their skins and served with cream or sweet butter for breakfast. They may be boiled with salt pork or baked around a leg of fresh pork (peeled in last in stance) or fried and served with broil ed lnmb kidneys and bacon. Used in this way, both the kidneys nnd the bananas take on an added flavor by being together. Select fruit which while ripe, Is yet perfectly firm. Ten minutes nre required for boiling and five or a llttlo more for frying. The fruit will let you know when It is done, for It falls Into a pulp as easy to digest as baby food. Baked bananas mny take the place of potatoes on a luncheon table, as they are excellent with all meats. Bake them In their skins in a hot oven nnd punch them occasionally with the fingers to see bow they nre progressing. Roll of HONOR Attention is called to the STRENGTH of tho Wayne County is i The FINANCIER of New York City has published a RQLL Or HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands IO1I1 in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County. "We'll make each member sign a pledge To talk things up and be on edge From Fortune's cheese to cut a slice And likewise make this town cut Ice." 'Twas done, and now we're racing up Advancement road to take the cup. "There's nothing like the creed 'I WILL' To make a kill," saya "Booster Bill." RICI'OKT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 ! Honesdale, Pa.. May 29, 1908. THE NOBBY LONG COATS - - AT - - taer & Cos Stores Soap for the Orient. It is told by travellers that the homes of the common people of China nre so wanting In cleanliness that a Russian dog would refuse to live in one of them. The peasantry are said to be unacquainted entirely with the benefits of water except for irrigat ing and drinking purposes. From the report of the Deputy Con- sul-General at Hong Kong It appears that a new order of things Is begin ning to interest tho Chinese. Among the Inhabitants of Southern China a brisk demand has of late sprung up for soap. In the year 1906 Great Brit ain sold more than $500,000 worth, and In tho same period soap to the value of $22,000 ha3 been Imported from the United States. Tho Euro pean business has almost doubled in a year, and the Americans are doing better than ever before. Tho Deputy Consul-Qeneral says that the demand Is a growing one, the taste of the buy ers running toward the highly scented grades and those with attractive wrappings. He thinks that American manufacturers could do very well If they went after the business, putting their products up In cartons marked with Chinese characters. Toledo Blade. How to Make Cleaning Balls. Cleaning balls arc easily made and cost less than If bought of n chemist. To mako them take half a pound of dry fuller's earth and moisten It with a little lemon Juice. Then add half an ounce of finely pulverized pearlash, and make all into a thick paste. Form Into llttlo balls, and dry them in tho sun or at some distance from a Are. In n few hours the balls will be ready for use. When required the stained cloth should be moistened with warm water and rubbed with a ball. Let the garment dry, then brush off the pow der, nnd wash It out If necessary. Japanese Coins the Finest. If comparison Is made with coins of other countries it is found that, so far at least as the experience of the New York assay office goes, the American coin, although falling considerably short of the absolute fineness, Is about as good as any other gold coin cur rent In Europe, and better by a good deal than some of them. The average of German coins that have been melt ed down at the assay office has proved to bo about 899,626, the average fine ness of French coin about 899.4, while the Spanish coins havo frequently been found to bo as low ah 896. In all these countries the legal flnoness Is 900, so that these figures show that there is considerable variation from the nominal fineness of coins, not only here, but In Europo as well. It is an Interesting fact light recently thrown on Japaneso affairs In gen eral makes It possible to say a curi ous fact that the Japanese coins In tho matter of fineness aro superior to all others. Finance. HONESDAUS, VA?HK CO.. TA., at the closo of business. May 2, 1910. RESOURCES Reserve fund Cash, specie and notes, Ho;i79 50 Legal securities 5,000 00 Due from approved re serve nsents 12G.788 20-212.1G7 fClrkehi. rents niul fractional cur rency IBM 27 Checks nnd cash Items 2,420 45 Dim from Ilunksand Trust Co s. not rpscrvu agents 14,(E7 60 Hills discounted. $313,442 M Time loans with collateral 43,450 00 Loans on call with col- lateral 83.121 87 Loans on call upon one name 3,900 00 Loans on call upon two or more names 54.1.4 31 Loans secured by bond ..... and morteace 21.400 521.491 7ts Investment securities owned ex clusive of reserve bonds, viz: Stocks, Bonds, etc.. 1.811,084 71 Mortgages and Judg ments of record.... 273,478 Ol--2.084.5G2 75 Office Building and Lot 27.000 00 Other Heal Estate, 6,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures 2,000 00 Overdrafts 32 47 Miscellaneous Assets , 400 08 $2.870,3G6 92 LIABILITIES Capital Stock.pald in... .$ 100,000 00 Surplus Fund 310,000 00 Undivided Profits, less expenses and taxes paid 97.4 18,93-067,113 94 Deposits subject to check $1U2,9J0 53 Time certificates ot de posit m o Saving Fund Deposit, 2,178.791 75 nrMfrri Checks 50 00 Cashier's check outst'g 657 60-2,312.671 62 Due to uommonweaiui..... zu.wu uu DuetobanksandTrustCos. not re- servo agents 246 32 Dividends unpaid How to Wash Delicate Materials. To wnsh silks and pongees and dim ltles so that they will look like new wash them In bran water. For one waist take a nlnt of bran, put in n white muslin bag and pour enough hot water Into tho basin containing tho bran to wash tho waist. When tho water Is cool enough to bear the bands In squeeze tho bag several times in the water. Add n teaspoonful of borax and wash tho waist in the prepared water, rinse and when dry iron on tho wrong side. No Btarch Is needed, for the bran will stiffen tho waist Buffl clently. How to Remove an Ink Stain. A llttlo puro alcohol of any kind is splendid for removing stains caused by a typewriter ribbon. Rub it well Into the fingers as soon as possible nfter thoy nro stained. Afterward wash carefully in warm water and plenty of really good soap. If you havo no pure alcohol try methylated spirit. How to Keep Shirt Waists Trim If you have difficulty In holding your ihlrt waists down mako a belt of itrong clastic two inches smaller than your waist. Then sow a book on one end and an cyo on tho other and fasten around the waist over the Bhlrt waist nnd under tho skirt band. It works like a charm. f2.870.366 92 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss: 1, 11. Scott Salmon, Cashier of the ubove named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. . (Signed) II. S. SALMON. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before methls 9th day of May 1910. (Signed) KOBEKT A. SMITH. N P. Corrcct-Attest: T. II. Clark, 1 A. T.. Sea rle. Directors. C.J. Smith, ) Are Suitable for Real Stylish Wear D. & li. CO.TiriE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH That Blush That Won't Come Off. Ono can now havo a blush tattooed on her face that Is warranted "not to come out In the wash" or to yield to the weather. It will not corao and go, of course, like tho dellcato flush with which novelists so conveniently en dow their heroines, and one Is not sure whether It Is not hotter to trust to Providence for an occasional blush than to wear it continually and never be able to pale ou ocaslon. It one did naturally blush, moroover, with tho "healthy flush" already placed there by artlflclalty's artful aid, goodness alono knows what tho effect would be. Our last state of roslness might bo worse than our first of pallor. frM-lVA A.M. A.M. P.M. "stTtTons jl jsiV si'lN 8:w..:... :::::: 1000 430 Albany 200 10 10 so 1? 00 ...... ...... 10 00 U 05 .... Ulngliainton .... 12 40 8 45 ...... Sib ...... 11) 00 2 15 12 30 8 30 15 .... Philadelphia .... 3 53 7 31 731 7 32 TaiTS :::::: T4oT207lo....wiikes-i!arfe.... 1020 4 95 7 2 25T.M. 2 08 8 15 .1.;.. 630 2 08 7 65 Scrantun 9 37 J 15 b 20 1 35 10 05 p3l a3T :::::: vm. vm. JJl lv Ar am. im. im. :::::: p.m. p.m. "Ho 9 03 :::::: 620 205 845 carbomiaie M?5 ?,! T7 5 60 9 15 6 30 2 15 K 55 ...Lincoln Avenue.. . 54 1 25 5 30 2 07 8 17 5 64 9 19 0 31 2 19 59 White 7 50 1 21 5 21 12 03 8 13 6 11 OX...... 6 52 2 37 9 18 Fnrvlew 7 33 1 0. 0 Oh 11 44 7 54 6 17 9 42 ... 6 68 2 43 9 24 Canaan 7 25 IS N. 5 01 1 37 7 4 k o js 7 01 2 49 9 29 .... Lake Lodoro .... 7 19 12 61 5 5b 11 31 7 41 x 9 61 :::: : im 2K 932 ... .wman ?kss is 2 ?s 6 32 0 67 .... 7 13 2 67 9 37 Kecne 7 12 2 43 4 48 1 23 U fi " 111 l: :.: 7 16 2 69 9 39 Steene 7 OU 12 40 4 45 II 2U 7 JU 6 10 Ot 7 20 3 03 8 43 Urompton 7 OS 12 36 4 41 6 7 26 6 43 10 08 7 24 3 07 9 47 Korten a 7 01 12 32 4 37 11 1. 7 i. H 4 10 11 7 27 3 10 9 60 Scelyvllle 6 58 12 29 4 34 JJ U9 7 19 660 10 15::::" 75l 3 15."..Honesdale 6 55 12 25 4 30 11 05 7 15 F3l aII :::::: iTiTEATM.Ar lva.m. p.m. p.m. :::::: a.m. p.m. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! rPKin ltnnw Annn 1 With fl dnlntra of now 1111X0(1 naillts. i dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to et some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised, may find a sale with the unwary. A con- THE ONLY PLAOI3 IN HONESDALE pill I TnW'C MIYCn PAINTS AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE OIIIUI UI1 M . ... Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. A Winter's Tale. Mme. Do Navarro praised at a luncheon In Now York American wit. "It was horribly cold the other afternoon," she said. "A bitter wind whirled the dry snow through tho air. I no policemen uuu reu, awuuuu iucoo, ... r -itttt rrrM DATMTO. nnd all the teamsters, as they drove, There aro reasons for the pro-minoncc i Of pHLLUUfl I AilNlb. trnnt nlnnnlne thptr nonr frost bitten 1of Kn rmn rnn mix ft better miXGU DaillC. hands against their breasts. o,i Tho Daintors declare that it works easily and has won- "Getting Into my hansom I said to dorful covoring qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his owu oxponse.overy Burfaco painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Thoso who havo used it are perfectly satisfied wan it, and recommend its use to others. the driver: "'This Is roal winter weather, isn't It?" The driver nodded and smiled grim ly. " 'I give you my word, ma'am said I ain't seen a butterfly all day. " ho. tub " I J.