The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 13, 1910, Image 4

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    THE CITIZEN, I'MDAY, MAY Jfl, 1010.
Knlcred as iwontl-clnBS inntter. at the post
olllcc. Honbsdale. l'a.
Kit I DAY, MAY lit, KHO.
Only wind Is needed to spread
rumors but for relintile news you
must read The Citizen.
Evorv community should enact
laws to protect Itself ngalnst the
"outsider" who brings troublo and
strife Into Its homes and factories.
Wo feel sorry for the misguided
workman who allows himself to be
hypnotized by the smooth-tongued
stranger, who strips him of his In
dependence and makes him his vas
The glass cutting manufacturers
say that the latch string of their fnc
tory door is on the outside to be used
by any workman who is willing to
work for the mutual benefit of him
self and proprietor.
One of our good farmers was tell
ing on the streets yesterday a con
versation he chanced to hear be
tween a young boy In his teens and
a Christian Scientist. It appears the
Scientist came across a small boy
sitting under an apple tree doubled
up with pain. "My little man," he
said, "what Is the matter?" "I ate
some green apples," moaned the
boy, "and, oh, how I ache!" "You
don't ache," answered the follower
of Mrs. Eddy; "you only think you
do." The boy looked up in aston
ishment at such a statement, and
then replied in a most positive man
ner: "That's all right; you may think
so, but I've got inside Information.
We regret to see a disposition on
the part oi a few of our young people
to quit school. Stay at school an
other year or two, and don't be
ashamed of what ought to be your
glory, that you want to learn more.
Step from the district school to the
High school, from the High school
to college If you can. Get a business
education b,y all means you will
never, learn too much. If you. desire
to become a mechanic instead of an
engineer or farmer, an education
will not unfit you to become either,
it will always be capital bearing a
large income of Interest
"When home and lands are gone and
Then learning is most excellent."
No town will become a good busi
ness center so long as its business
men rely on a few merchants to
make the effort to bring trade to
town. Too often the men In a few
HneB of trade are about the only
ones that reach out after custom.
Other merchants wait until theso
men induce the people to come to
town and content themselves with
trade that naturally drifts to their
place. A public spirited man should
ask himself If ho Is doing his part
to attract people to come to town
to trade, in helping the entire busi
ness community, and no town is a
success unless all lines are working
to extend the trade as far as pos
sible, and trying to bring a larger
territory in tho circles In which tho
town Is the business center.
We wonder how many of our boys
realize that land Is going fast boys
brought up to think that In Amer
ica land can never be scarce; that
when they have played out at every
thing else they can somewhere get
a piece of land for nothing, and the
next day be a prosperous farmor,
can with dlfflcuty be made to see it.
In 1865 there were but little over
81,000,000 acres under cultivation
in tho United States. To-day the
cultivation acres number 230,000,
000 and these acres are not only our
best, but they are fast going up In
value beyond the reach of men of
small means. Keen scented corpora
tions snuffing tho inevitable battlo
from afar aro turning their attention
to land, and greedily buying wholo
counties with no Idea of ever letting
nn acre go; but tho boy who thinks
he Is made for something higher
looks calmly on thinking there will
bo plenty left for him should ho
ever have to stoop to It. Tho sons
of half starved teachers, lawyers,
traders and others, who aro unsuc
cessful in their over-crowded call
ings, aro turning to our cheaper
lands, sure to find thero what thoy
nor their parents have never known
before truly Independent homes.
Which is the best assot for n com
munity, a manufacturer working
ovortlmo or a worklngmnn drawing
strike benefits?
We feel nshened to wrlto this ar
ticle, and as our pen touches the
paper wo can feel the hot flush of our
blood as it circulates around the
corners of our conscience. Wo read
in a Democratic paper that "Mr.
John Doc and Mr. Itlchnrd Doc HAD
11KEN SKATED as delegates to vote
for Berry for Governor." To think
thnt the Democratic party, who have
been politically sanctified and puri
fied by fasting so many years from
office-holding and whoso cardlnaj
principal of faith is opposition to
King Utile and Doss Hidden politics,
should at this important epoch in
the history of their party, stoop so
low as to SLATE DELEGATES. This
shows that tho Democratic family
niter is being neglected and that the
purified aro longing for tho ilesh
pots of office holding, and it behooves
Moses (Derry) to revive the waning
ethics of his party by calling atten
tion to St. Lucifer's first epistle to
the Guffyltes.
The railroad side of the contro
versy between tho Erie railroad nnd
its conductors and trainmen Is con
tained in n statement issued Mon
day. It is as follows:
"The Indications are that tho dlf
ilculties between the trainmen and
conductors of the Erie Railroad and
tho Company are not of such a tierl
lus nature as to make a strike In
evitable. It is the usual procedure
of railway organizations, when their
original demands are declined, for
the general officers to fortify them
selves with what is known as a
strike vote; i. e., the men are re
quested to authorize their chief offi
cers to take any necessary steps,
Including the declaration of a strike
in case a satisfactory settlement Is
not made with the employer.
"In calling for a vote on the Erie
Railroad, each employe of the or
ganizations referred to Is requested
to sign to the effect that he will
strike "unless a settlement of the
above referred to questions, satis
factory to the General Committees
and officers of the two organizations,
can otherwise be effected." The
Erie officials are somewhat at a loss
to understand what Is meant by a
"settlement," for the reason that
the Erie Railroad Company has been
dealing with the general officers of
the organizations rather than with
the committee of Its own employes.
The proceedings have been carried
on absolutely and entirely by the
presidents and vice-presidents ot- the
two labor organizations, none ot
whom Is an Erie employee.
"The general officers of the O. R.
C. and U. of R. T. have stated
plainly to the management of the
Erie Railroad that they demand the
wage scale now in effect on the Bal
timore & Ohio and New York Cen
tral Railroads and some other east
ern lines and that if it Is not grant
ed and they secure sufficient votes,
they will declare a strike on the
Erie Railroad to enforce their de
mands. They also state positively
that they will not consent to any
mediation or arbitration of the
questions involved.
"A statement has been made on
tho part of the organization leaders
to the effect that the Erie company
stated clearly that all it would give
would be an increase of approxi
mately six per cent, which offer was
refused. As a matter of fact, tho
Erie has recently concluded agree
ments and Increased wages of other
employees In similar service, which
advance amounted approximately to
six per cent, and it is ready to nego
tiate with the conductors and train
men on relatively the same basis.
"When an advance of bIx per cent
was discussed, It was distinctly un
dorstood that If there should de
velop any conditions which would
justify further consideration, each
caso would bo considered on its
"It was further stated on tho part
of tho Erie Railroad that It was op
posed to a standardization of wages
applying to all railroads in tho ter
ritory traversed by the Erie with
out giving conditions proper thought
and consideration. However, the
labor leaders have takon the stand
that a standard wage winch they
themselves havo formulated must bo
accepted by all railroads regardless
of conditions or ability and they
state If their demands aro not, com
piled with, that strikes will bo de
clared for tho enforcement of tholr
principles, and oven going further
by making tho statement that neith
er mediation nor arbitration will bo
"As a matter of fact, .however, tho
situation has not reached a point
whero olthor sldo expects a striko
and it Is quito likely aftor the voto
is taken that a compromise will bo
effected. Elthor sldo, however, still
has tho right in caso of a deadlock
to demand arbitration undor tho
Erdmann Act.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Gave Ills Reasons For Not Patroniz
ing Scars & Roebuck.
A physician of n neighboring
county wroto a Chicago mall order
houso tho following letter In re
sponse to n personal letter from
them in which thoy stated: "If thero
Is any reason why you do not buy
of us, please glvo us your reasons
in tho enclosed stnmpcd envelope
nnd wo will strive to remove the
cnuso." Tho physician wroto as fol
lows: "Your letter of recent date, ask
ing why I had not traded with you
for a long time, is received nnd ns
you ask mo to toll you frankly why,
1 will glvo you a few reasons. First,
I am in business In this community
and am looking to this community
with Its vnrled industries for my
support. 1 cannot ask tho merchnnts
of this town for their support If I
do not glvo them mine. Second, in
looking over my books I fall to find
any of your company's members'
names, which reminds me thnt none
of tho gentlemen have over given me
a penny's patronnge. Why Is this?
Am I too far away, or have neither
of them needed a physician, or are
they afraid of the mall-order plan
when it comes to tho prnctlco of
medicine? I can certainly glvo as
good satisfaction by mall as your
house can, and will appreciate a
call from either of them when in
need of medical service. Third, In
looking over the subscription lists
for Improving our streets and pub
lic highways I have failed to find tho
nnmo of nny member of your firm
down for one penny to assist In the
work. Also, I have been unable to
find your name on any of the charity
lists whero help has been rendered
to our poor. In other words, you
are not down as a contributor to
our Helping Hand society. In fact,
in all the movements for the better
ments of our condition, where our
community has needed the united ef
forts of her public-spirited citizens,
I have failed to find your name
among the list of our contributing
merchants. Your name is not on
our city tax books, nor do I find
where you havo paid a city license to
do a mercantile business In competi
tion with our home, merchants.
These are a few answers to your
questions, and I trust you will see
tho justice of them."
No one can ever mane good by mak
ing bad.
A soft answer turneth. away dis
couragement. To-morrow never comes; neither
does yesterday. ,j
There are no great. men, in their
own estimation.
Lots of good advice is
simply because It Is free.
Time will tell, and therefore time
must, of course, be feminine.
Some folks put their shoulders to
the wheel and then don't push.
Although actions speak louder
than words they can't be heard so
If a man was "made to mourn,"
then woman was made to make him
If a man were what he'd like every
other man to be, what a One old
world we'd bo living In!
There may bo nothing new under
the sun, hut remember the sun
doesn't shine all tho time.
It makes a cat mad to stroke Its
fur the wrong way, and people aro
not abovo cats when it comes to
It is pathetic when a man Imagines
ho Is capable of ruling a lot of peo
ple, or controlling a largo business,
when ho can't control himself.
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars
Reward for any caso of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's. Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years,
and bellovo him perfectly honorablo
In all business transactions and fi
nancially ablo to carry out any ob
ligations raado by his Arm.
Waldlng, KInnan & Marvin,
' Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Id
terpally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent freo.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
"So you think tho automobllo has
mado life much pleasantor?"
"It has for mo," answered tho
comfortablo citizen, "I drive a fast
horso and my son rides a bicycle.
Tho automobllo has taken tho minds
of tho police off both of us." Wash
ington Star.
Road Tho Citizen.
"Docs the Cciimih Ilnve Anything to
Do With Taxation; if so, wlmt?"
In tho United States a census Is
taken every ton years. In other civ
ilized countries various periods In
tervene. It may be interesting to
nolo that tho United States was
the first modern nation to order a
count taken of the people Great
Drltaln followed eleven years later.
The term census bad Its origin In
Rome nnd tho function of our pros-
ont curteoiis enumerator was per-
formed by a high officer called ccn-1
sor. Tho Roman census was deem-i
ed vnluablo In tho adjustment oflto a high degree. Every enumera
clnlms and suits at law. This would
seem to ho a logical uso. Tho ob-
Ject of knowing how many people !
thero were wns almost lost sight or. i
The Roman census wns complete and
full, containing Information about
persons, property nnd domestic rela-
tlons. In the Middle Ages tho ccn-
bus was used to denoto social rank '
and for purposes of taxation. And
to-day the inquiry Is often put to
the enumerator, "Does this deal with
Modern Europe was slow to
adopt census taking nnd to-day esti-
mntcs of tho population of nearly
half of Europe aro merely guesses
and the amounts aro grossly exag -
gerated as are all guesses about
population. There seems to bo a
universal desire to excel In numbers 1 ment of the scope of tho census oc
whlch prompts people to estimate i curred In 1010 when the enumerators
their local towns too highly. The ' were required to tnko Information
population of China to-day is count-'about tho manufacturing establish
ed that way. Some local nuthority 1 ments of the land. In 1850 it was
places his estimate and sends It in. ' extended to cover such subjects as
Thus one can see why tho total pop- mortality, agriculture, Industries,
ulatlon of China is exaggerated by i schools, newspapers, etc. Tho
about one-third. When our first cen- schedules havo been largely Increas
sus was taken In 1790 the returns ed because of the Inability of the
so far fell short of expectations that ' government to obtain under cover
great disappointment was felt and of the Constitutional provision for
dissatisfaction at methods of enu- a decennial census.
merntlon was loudly expressed. -
Thos. Jefferson, then Secretary of
inos. jenerson, men secretary oi
State, issued tables of results noting
that the tables fell short of expect-
ed results and lie even went so far
as to supply the ommlsslons which
he supposed to exist. The results of
later censuses however substan- j
tlated the accuracy of the first cen
bus and proved that the disappoint
ment of the time was the result of
over strained anticipations accom
panied by a lively local desire every
where to excel In numbers.
The peculiarities of tho new Con
stitution made census taking a polit
ical necessity. It says: "Represen
tatives and direct taxes shall be ap
portioned among the several states
which may be included within this
Union according to their respective
numbers, the actual
enumeration shall be made within
three years after tho first meeting
of tho Congress of the United States
and within every subsequent term
of ten years In such manner as they
shall by law direct."
So while the main purpose of tho
census was to ascertain .the number
of people in order to determine tho
number of representatives, it was
also ordered for the purpose of a
direct tax. So the general fear of
tho skeptical public that the census
may have something to do with tax
ation is not so unfounded after all.
But the danger of its use is slight
as will bo shown. A general analy
sis of taxation will show this. At
present the taxes paid by the people
aro tot township, county and state
purposes. The national government
is supported by tho tariff, internal
revenue such as tho stamp tax on
tobacco and intoxicating liquors, and
by tho sale of public lands; but in
ense money Is needed Congress bas
power to lay a direct tax on each
person or owner of a particular
thing. But no direct tax has becu
levied since civil war days. So wo aro
in little danger from a direct tax by
tho natlonnl government. Then a
direct tax must of necessity bo an
unjust tax. An example will show
this. In tho early part of tho last
century the United States placed a
direct tax on cnrrlages. Now tho
Constitution says that direct taxes
must bo apportioned among tho
states according to their population.
Now suppose Virginia had 100,000
people and 10,000 carriages and
suppose Maine had 50,000 peoplo
and 10 carriages in those days
Now ti direct tax falls on tho owner
of tho specific property taxed. Ono
stato would be selected as a stand
ard and tho others must measure
up according to population. Sup
pose again Virginia wero selected.
The government, placing a $1 tax
on carriages in Virginia, would de
rlvo therefrom 110,000 from tho 10,
000 carriages owners. That would
bo a direct tax and would perhaps
seem not unreasonable; but accord
ing to tho constitution direct taxes
must bo laid upon tho states accord
ing to population. Now Maine hav
ing half as many peoplo us Virginia
would bo expected to contribute hnlf
as much to tho direct tax fund, or
?5,000. Now this sum would fall
on tho carriage owners of Maine.
Referring to tho census tables tho
'authorities would find ton carriago
owners In Mnlno who would bo re
quired to pay tho entire carriago tax
for Malno, or $500 onch for tho priv
ilege of using n pleasuro carriage,
while tho carriago ownor of Vir
ginia would have to pay only ?1.
Congress saw tho Injustice of tho
wholo schemo of direct taxation ,ns
authorized by the constitution and
very few attempts havo been mado
sluco to lay a direct tax, founded on
tiro returns of tho census. So tho
danger of taxation from that sourco
is slight. However the government
raises money from Indirect taxation,
such ns tariff cn imported goods and
by means of internal revenue, and
there would seem to bo no objection
to using the census Information as
a gcncrnl guldo to tho condition of
tho country from tlmo to time. For
Instance, in a general way we can
compare tho prosperity of frco trado
trado times with tho present times
If wo get nccurnto census Informa
tion and that Is tho only true way
to prove tho usefulness or ineffi
ciency of any governmental policy.
Our political policies must stand act
ual test and the census- department
will furnish tho crucible.
The methods of enumeration In
tho United States havo been but in
tlo chnnged from tho first nnd they
aro to-day antiquated and Inefficient
tor who has had to wrlto tho word
"Pennsylvania" In full three times
for each Inhabitant enumerated will
substantiate this. Tho census
schedule we believe could he made
easier and simpler. It appears that
It could be made to show the same
amount of Information thnt It does
now with at least one-third less la-
bor on tho part of the enumerator,
This means that over one-third of
tho cost Is unnecessary and that we
i aro longer In getting returns than we
should bo and thnt the information
so much more liablo to be innccur-
Tho first census wns taken by the
. Marshalls of the U. S. District
' Courts who had power to count tho
people merely. Tho first enlarge-1
n, mm, c
0101118011 lYllSCrV TOF
Uver bix Years
Read what Mr. Hoffman, landlord
of the Webster Hotel, writes:
"I suffered misery and Intense
pains from stomach trouble for over
six years, and all the doctoring that
I did or medicines I used were of no
avail until about two years ago, when
I used a treatment of Ml-o-na. The
first few days' treatment helped me
greatly, and upon using It a while
I was made entirely freo from any i
stomach trouble or complaint what
ever. Since tho euro by Ml-o-na I
have regained my weight, I eat and
sleep well, am never nervous, and
my entire general health Is much
better." Max M. Hoffman, Webster,
N. Y., Aug. 2, 1900.
Mi-o-na stomach tablets relieve
distress In five minutes. Thoy act
like, magic. They are guaranteed to
euro sour stomach, gas eructations,
heartburn, dizziness, biliousness and
nervousness, or money back. For
sale by druggists everywhere and by
G, W. Pell, Honesdale, for 50 cents
a large box.
Try Booth's Pills for constipation;
they never disappoint, 25c.
Trains leave at 8:25 a. m.
2:48 p. m.
Sundays at 2:4S p. m.
Trains arrive at 1:40 and
p. m.
Saturdays, arrives at 3:45
leaves at 7:10.
Sundays at 7:02 d. m.
This Dunk wns Organized In December, I83G, nnd Nationalized
In December, I8G4.
Since its organization it has paid in Dividends
to its Stock holders,
The Comptroller of the Currency has pluced It on the HONOR
ROLL, from the fact thut Its Snrplus Fund more than
equals Its capital stock.
What Class 1
316 YOU in 1
The world has always been divided into two classes thoee who liavo
saved, those who hnvo spent the thrifty and the extravagant.!
It is the saver who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the
railroads, the ships and all the other great works which stand foreman's
advancement and happiness.
The spenders nre slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature.? Wo
want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department
and be independent.
One Dollar will Start an Account.
This Bank will be pleased to receive all
or a portion of YOUR banking business.
Lifo Is spoiled because we fall to
estimate values. Wo think too
much of trifles. Tho sick woman
tolls nwny until death comes pre
maturely; sho thought darning sockB
was more lmportnnt to her chlldron
than her own life.
Druggist, Honesdale, l'a.
Was born at Honesdale In 18G4
and has always been a resident of
the borough. Ho was educated In
the Honesdale high school and learn
ed the druggist's business In the
pharmacy of C. C. Jadwln, and Is
still engaged In that calling. Ho
has always been an active and con
sistent Republican, Is well versed In
and an able exponent of the princi
ples of tho party and wholly devoted
to Its interests. Mr. Reichenbacker
is a member of the American Federa
tion of Musicians. He was placed In
nomination for state senator of tho
14th district by tho conferees of
Wayno at Stroudsburg In 1908 and
during the deadlock had the highest
voto of any candidate; but notwith
standing the nomination belonged to
Wayne, his name was withdrawn on
tho fifty-second ballot and the nom
ination went to Carbon county.
Turn out to Primaries Saturday,
Juno 4, 1910.
BENJ. II. DITTKICH. Lessee it Manager.
The Greatest of AH Rural
SEE and HEAR Our
Band and Orchestra
Don't Fail To See The Great
PRICES: 15-25-35 and 50c.
Seat Palo opens at tho Box Olllce at
9 A. M. Monday. May lbth.