The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 13, 1910, Image 2

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    THE CITIZEN. l'MDAY, MAY in, 1010.
Fate of Railroad Bill Will
Bo Soon Known.
American Millionaire's Race
Horse Wins Prix dos Cavalier.
Senate, Busy Today With Speechmak
ing, Is Not Expected to Act, but
House Will Take Final Vote.
Aldrich Returns.
Washington, Mny 10. Kepnhlicnn
lenders of tlio senate nre "tukluc
stock" on the railway lilll, anil they
feel very much encouraged that nfter
the house has acted on the bill now
pcndlUK nt that end of the capital that
the senate organization will be able to
put through n in en mi re that will be
A conference was held In the room
of Senator Aldrich, who has returned
to AVashhiBton and desired to know
just what program hnd been made In
his absence In the direction of an
agreement. Senator Hoot was tit the
conference and expressed the hope
that a vote might be reached before
Mny 21, as he expects to leave on that
day for Kurope. It Is slgnlllcant as to
when the leaders expect to have a
final vote that Immediately after the
conference Senator Koot went to Sen
ator Clay of (leorgla and arranged a
pair on the bill and amendments. -
The first vote in the senate will
come on the long and short hnul
amendment. It is believed that It will
be defeated, although n careful poll of
the senate developed unexpected Re
publican votes In favor of the amend
ments. At least nineteen Republican
senators will vote for it, and It Is said
that the opponents of the amendments
would have to command the votes of
at least eight Democratic senators In
order to defeat the amendment, but
Senator Aldrich Is confident that the
amendment will, fail.
It Is possible that a vote may bo
reached on this amendment even In
Erie Trainmen Said to Have
Approved Fight.
aturday Qight
Putiand, VL
)1 04
While Sentiment of Workers Is Re
ported to De Overwhelmingly For
Determined Stand, Erie President
Thinks Strike Not Inevitable.
New York, Mny 10. The strike vote
of the trainmen nud conductors on the
Erie railroad system between here and
Chicago for the wages granted to the
Baltimore and Ohio trainmen and con
ductors by the arbitrators under the
Krdmaun net, will be counted In this
city on May 10.
From the Indications so far the vote
( is overwhelmingly In favor of n strike,
and if thu full vote Is for n strike the
heads of the Rrotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen and Order of. Railroad Con
I ductors will In accordance of the rule-J
or '.lie two organizations make n last
effort to bring nbout n livaceable set
tlement before the strike Is declared.
The following statement as to the
'--rratlonal Bible Lesson for May 15,
MO (Matt. 12: 22-32, 38-42).
Paris, Mny 10. W. IC. Yanderbllt's
Rnrhnrossa, ridden by O'Noil, won the
race for the 1'rlx des Cavaliers of 4,000
francs nt St. Cloud. Ills horse Defend-1 situntlon wns Issued by the Erie rail
er, ridden by the snme Jockey, rim , road;
second for the Prix dps Iris of 3,(XK)
francs. The winner of this race was
Canay's Akbar. ridden by Barnt.
Frank .lay Gould's Inglmmbe. ridden
by Bartholomew, finished third In the
rnce for the Prix des Eglnntlers of
5,000 francs.
Heads of Nations Will Attend King
Edward's Burial.
Loudon, May 10. Although the late
King Edward VII. will not bo buried
until May 20, rulers of nations and
other notables are already arriving for
the imposing obsequies. Among those
who are here are the king and queen
fnrn llw rntnrn nf Sonntnrs Cummins I ' Norway.
o...l n..lll-nr wlin nro linn- llllSPllt. "- i ...uiuuu j cnu
, ',. , ,,i laid aside Its outward symbols of
be back on Thursday.
While today Is being made a day of
speechmaklng in the senate and there
is little or no expectation of a vote
being bad, there will be much Interest
In the proceedings In the house. The
situation is very uncertain there. The
final vote Is to bo taken today.
mourning while the quaintly garbed
heralds from four points In the me
tropolis, with all the fantastic ceremo
nies of antiquity, proclaimed the ac
cession to thu throne of his majesty
Oeorge V., king of Great Britain nud
Ireland and the dominions beyond the
"The Indications nre that the dim
cultles between the trainmen and con
ductors of the Erie railroad and tho
company are not of such a serious nn
turo'ns to make a strike inevitnble. It
is the usual procedure of railway or
ganizations, when their original de
mands are declined, for the
officers to tnBe any necessary steps
Including the declaration of n strike In
ense n satisfactory settlement Is not
made with the employer.
"In calling for u voto on the Erie
railroad, each employee of the organ
ization referred to Is requested to sign
to tho effect that ho will strlko 'Unless
a settlement of tho above referred to
questions, satisfactory to the general
committees and ollicc-rs of tho two or
ganizations, can otherwise bo effected '
For tho first year nnd n half of
Christ's public life and ministry ho
was the most popular man In Gnlllce.
He hnd gained many disciples' nnd at
tracted universal attention by His
teachings and miracles. The country
side was wild over Him. Tho mnltl
tudes thronged Him wherever Ho ap
peared. To nil human appearance the
kingdom of God was nt hand, nnd tho
dream of the Jowlsh nation was about
to be realized.
The Ebb Tide.
Then It wns that the flood tide
reached Its height, tossed with fall
bounds for n brief period and then,
surely and steadily begun to ebb. Tlu
king hnd come to tho Inevitable re
action. His old enemies, tho Scribe
nnd Pharisees, conscious that they
were losing their grip on tho multi
tudes milled their forces for another
desperate nssatilt upon him, and be
gan to challenge His speech, sow th?
seeds of discord among tho common
people, and stir up strife around Hira
In every direction. They stood in tho
crowd to sneer nt His remarks. They,
attacked Him for violating the Sab
bath day. They boldly charged that
He performed His works of hcnll'g
through the agency of tho prince of
the devils, and they Insulted Him by
clamoring for still greater signs and
And they succeeded In their scheme.
For tho fickle multitude turned ngnlns,
Him, and the cities of Galilee which
had given H!m a patient hearing and
nn inquiring attention, lapsed bi-
into their old ways of thinking am!
openly and derisively rejected H!
claims. At length His lips are open to
pronounce the stern words of judg
ment and of doom, declaring t'wv.
their opportunities nnd privileges are
likely to end In lrremedlnble ruin.
History of All Reform.
; Such Is the unlversnl history of it-
form. How many a man since Chris' f-
How Clever Mother Can Tempt a
Fitful Appetite.
The Biinrdlans of u finicky child
know that mcnltlmo Is often moro
thnn a matter of table setting and
food buying. Theorists say, "Make a
child eatl" But mothers know that
this Is often Impossible until the little
one Is reduced to sickness.
It will bo found easier to tempt the
fitful appctlto rnthcr than to scold or
punish. Delicate children can often be
coaxed Into a hearty meal when force
work would mean n scene. Mnke the
monl n plnytlme. Serve bread nnd but
ter cut into thin slices nnd piled up log
cabin wise Into n house nnd pretend
tho child Is nn ogre to cat it up.
Name dishes for different rhymes, ns
Jnck Horner's pie for hollowed out
rolls cooked like croutons and filled
with the nourishing poached eggs. Po
tatoes can be molded Into the form of
a wall with nn egg perched on top to
represent Ilumpty Dumpty. Tho child,
will quickly cat up the egg to prevent
"the great fall."
Boiled rlco can be molded Into snow
balls, Hoatlng islnnd can have all sorts
of delightful fancies woven about It,
vegetables can oe cut. lino mm auuiivM.
and nourishing custards, If put in Indi
vidual molds of animals, will lie eaten
without n protest.
Beef Juice usually causes a struggle,
but if the child pretends he Is Jnck the
Giant Killer, hurrying ip get rid of the
delicious juice lest the giant think It
"the blood of an Englishman," it is
swallowed without n murmur.
The game becomes of Interest to
mother ns well, ns child, as the neces
sity to invent new stories and fresh
forms to tempt the little one to cat de
mands Ingenuity. Insensibly tlie child
learns to eat, so that later tho practice
can be discontinued.
A trouble? Yes, but not hair so
troublesome as to sit up half the night
with a child cross from lack of food
or as to see dear ones dwindling from
Insufficient nourishment that n little
effort could supply.
Tho tcmplo of art dovotcd to that
peculiar form of entertainment yclept
"pollto vaudeville," wns crowded to
suffocation as Messrs. Biff and Bang,
tho refined Bkotch team and sidewalk
conversationalists, stopped Jauntily to
tho footlights. In response to tho
deafening applause Messrs. Biff and
Bang bowed condescendingly, aa
though It hurt them.
Without further preliminary Mr.
B'.rt hit hla partner on the rear of his
ample trousers with a stufTcd club,
remarking: "It's a wlso man that
knowa hla own mind."
And Mr. Bang, not to be outdone
In this Uttlo exchange of pleasantries,
promptly burled an ax in tho skull of
Mr. Biff, remarking the while: "It's a
wlso man that minds his own nose."
Whereupon the intelligent nudlenco
screamed with delight and voted Biff
and Bnng tho best over. 'And yet
they wcro a frost In the London
halls," commented a man In tho front
row. "Tho English have no apprecia
tion of real humor."
Tho Erie officials are somewhat at a ua . ul "
cause oi uiu scuru uuu luhluiucij
loss to understand what Js meant by
a 'settlement.' for the renson that tho
Erie Railroad company has been deal
ing with the generni officers of the or
ganizations rather than with the com
mittee of its own employees. The pro
ceedings have been carried on nbso
Moving Books
Many persons complain that their
books suffer in transit. The head of a
moving company was Interviewed on
this subject, and he said: "After sev
seas, emperor of India, defender of the i lutely and entirely by the presidents
faith. The day had dawned chill nnd and vice presidents of the two labor
gray, with a raw wind snapping the organizations, none of whom Is nn Erie
thousands of Hags that bung nt half ; employee."
mast for the dead sovereign whose Commenting on the statement, W.
body lay at rest in Buckingham palace. J g. riCe, grahd master of the trainmen,
But ns the hour of 0 a. in. npproached
eral years' experimenting with differ- there was a stir throughout the city,
ent things for the best conveyance of Brilliantly uniformed officers with
books I have found that the use of showy regiments of troops, Including
small boxes Is by far the most advls- the famous horse guards, assembled i
able, the smaller the better. These in Friary court, nt St. James' palace, j
boxes are easily secured for a few where for centuries tho English kings i
cents from your grocer. For storage have been publicly proclaimed, it was than they pay. When the Erie buys
purposes, where the matter Is left to a dazzling and Imposing spectacle, and j now cars or equipment It pays the
speaking for Grand Mnster Garretson
of the conductors nnd himself, snld:
"The Erie has been given the same
opportunity ns the New York Central
nnd the Baltimore nud Ohio railroads,
and wo did not ask a penny more nor
will we accept a penny less In wages
us, we move dooks in long, narrow u nppeuieu strongly io me juiue in im
boxes fitted with handles made cspe- thousands who had gathered to wit
cially for this purpose, but this is not ness It,
necessary, or course, ror tlie orumary
moving. Barrels simply ruin books,
and Irtrge boxes filled with heavy vol
umes have caused more than one strike
nmnug our men. They are the clum
siest of all things to handle, as well as
the heaviest."
Another mode of moving books Is to
tit them up In small bundles with stout
wrapping paper and heavy twine, leav
Ing enough of the twine to make a loop
handle for liftlug. New Idea Woman's.
The Drummer's Sermon.
"Certainly I will make a few re
marks," says the cigar salesman who
becuuso of his solemn garb, has been
mistaken for n man of the cloth.
Ascending the platform, he says
'Men nre much like cigars. Often
The body of King Edwnrd will be
removed May 17 from Buckingham
palace to Westminster hall, where It
will lie In slate for three days, thence
being taken to Windsor for Interment
in St. George's chapel.
The ensket will be borne on a gun
i-arriage through the streets pf Lon
don to Paddlngton station and through
the streets of Windsor to the castle.
The procession will be like that nt tlie
funeral of Queen Victoria.
l'he body will lie in state nt West-
minster hall on Tuesday, Wednesday
nnd Thursday of next week.
France probably will be represented
at tlie funeral by former President
I.oubet, although there Is talk that
President Fnllleres may come.
Emperor William will be here, as
will also the kings of Greece, Spain.
standard price, as the New York Cen
tral or the Baltimore and Ohio or any
other road has to pay. Why should it
pay less for labor than these roads?
There is no truth whatever in the
statement that the company has been
dealing with the officers of the organ
izations rather than Its own employees.
"The men have no share In Incur
ring any pf the charges left by other
managements of the company. The
Erie Is mnkiug money, but Is hnndl
coped by fixed charges owing to n
capitalization of $175,000 or so per
mile of road owing to poor manage
ment in the past, which tlie present
management inherited tlie burden of,
but which President Underwood, Gen
eral Manager Stuart or any of the
present officers are no more to bo
blamed for than the then. Why then
should the workers be expected to pay
a share of it?"
you cannot tell by the wrapper what Portugal, Denmarjc, Norway, Belgium
the filler Is. Sometimes a good old
stogy Is more popular than nn Im
ported celebrity. Some men are all
right In the showcase on display, but
are great disappointments when you
iret them home. No matter how fine
a man is. eventually he meets his
and Bulgaria, nnd tho heirs to tlie
thrones of Austria, Italy, Turkey,
Sweden nnd Roumanin.
A Scotch Anti-nolf Law,
Scotland, as ovcrybody knows, Is the
London, will represent Japan. Grand
Duke Michael Alexnudrovitch, young
er nrotner or wmperor jmciiowh, win
mfitch. A two-fer often puts on ns represent Russia, while Holland s rep
many airs ns a llfty-center. Some men resentntlve will bo Prince Henry,
never get to the front at all except if Mr, Roosevelt adheres to his pro-
duriug eumpnlgns. Some are very Krom he will arrive in London May HI.
fancy outside and are selected for The fixing of May 20 for King Ed
presents. Others have a rough ex- ward's funeral will prevent him from
terlor, but spread cheer nnd comfort delivering his Oxford lecture on the
about them because of what Is Inside, jstli. It Is hoped at the university
But all men. as nil cigars, good or
bad. two-fers, stogies or rich or poor,
come to nshes ut tho Inst." San Fran
cisco Chronicle.
that It will be postponed.
If Mr. Roosevelt is In London on
the day of tlie funeral ho will be ex-
pected to attend, but tlie question has
risen us to what his status would be,
Orioln of Commerce. In his desire to mitigate as far as
Commerce the International traffic possible tho disastrous effects of sud
in coods us distinct from domestic trnf- den mourning upon tho public King
nv.Was undoubtedly orJglnnted by the Georgo hotf caused messages to bo ls-
wonderful llttlo people known in hls-.l nucd expressing the wish tunt public
tory as the Phoenicians. The "Ynn- recreations shall not be curtailed more
kecs of antiquity," the Phoenicians, than cun be uvoided.
traded with various peoples long be- This emulation of his father's tact
fore the other nations had crossed wlll achieve for him nt one stroke an
their respective frontiers. All along enormous popularity with all classes
the shores of the Mediterranean ana 0f citizens.
un the coast of the Atlantic aa far
north ns the British isles their ships Rabbi Joins Ministers
worn to bo found, leaving their mnnu- York, Pa., Mny 10. For tho first
factures and wonderful dyea and bring- time In tho history of tho York Minis
Ing back to Tyro tin, wool and such tcrinl association a Jewish rabbi has
other articles ns paid them to deal in. affiliated Willi mem in ineir exercises.
Creating the merchant marina so long Rev, Dr. Jacob Singer, rabbi of Beth
nirn timt blstorv elves us no nccouut Israel Reformed congregation, read nn
nt tt tin. piinenifinns and their colo- Instructive paper on reformed Juda-
nlsts, tho Carthaginians, held it until ism. tho paper was uigiuy mmun-
It passed pn to Greece nnu Rome nna inenieu uy ineiuoure oi mo
later along to the republics of modern association, nnd a vote of thanks ta
Italy. New York American. tendered to nun. f
Prince Fushlinl. who Is already in i land where golf originated nnd the
land where It most flourishes. But it
tho law were strictly enforced north
of tho Tweed It would go hard with
the players of tho royal game In "bon
nlo Scotland." Golf players there may
not know it, but they nro llnble to a
sentence of denth for their Indulgence
In their fnvorito sport. Technically
this is literally a fact. In ancient
times, when Scotland always had work
for her soldiers to do, all young men
wcro required to perfect themselves In
archery. They preferred to play golf,
and so serious n rival did tho game be
come that It was for a time suppressed
and made n capital offeuse. That curi
ous law never has been repealed and
may still bo found on tho statute book.
Thero seems to bo no record, however,
of tho law over having been enforced.
A Japanese Custom.
On the anniversary of a Japanese
boy's birthday hla parents present him
with a hugo paper fish, rondo or a gay
ly painted tag. with a hoop of proper
dimensions forming the mouth. A
string la tied to the hoop, and tho fish
Is hoisted to a pole on the roof of
tho house. Then the wind rushing
through causes tho fish to Bwell out to
tho proper size and suapo and gives it
tho nppearanco of swimming in the
air. A Japanese boy carefully pre
serves every fish thus given to him
One can tell by the number of them
that swim from tho same pole how
many birthdays tho little fellow has
heaped upon him by his fellow men
How many a revolution has died a
horning. How many have had ttioi'
hopes and expectations raised up to
heaven, only to be cast down to h 11.
Tho trees of blessing are covered with
beautiful blossoms, fragrance fills the
air, and we say, "We are going to
have a bountiful crop of luscious
fruit," and then there comes, in tie
most unexpected moment a, killing
frost, and every bud is blighted aui
the whole harvest Is lost. That is the
reason why some men who start out
to revolutionize the world, and bring
in a reign of righteousness, grow heart
sick at tho fickleness of the crowd,
get disgusted with tho shilly-shally,
backing and filling of those for whom
they labor, and finally throw up ti o
whole mntter in disgust.
Tho fact Is In every attempt to im
prove the world Old Adam must al
ways be reckoned with. Man may
have been created upright, but he is
certainly very much twisted now. Ho
chooses darkness rather than light,
he compromises, wriggles, evndes, don
hies and turns Instead of goinj
straight forward. He is carried about
by every wind of doctrine. Dema
gogues and fanatics stampede him;
The same crowd that cries, Hosanna,
to-day, shrieks, crucify Him! Crucify
Him! to-morrow. Christ did His ut
most to win tho people, and gather
around Him n multltudo whom He
could depend upon, but Ho failed,
and was compelled at last to utter tho
almost despairing cry, "Wlion the Son
of Man comoth will He find faith on
the earth?"
In this lesson the truth Is empha
sized that those who would put their
hand to tho plough must not even look
back; that men must expect to en
dure hardness as good soldiers; that
disappointment is certain to come to
those who depend upon tho nrm of
flesh. It is no holiday task to win this
world for righteousness. Those who
go about it must reckon upon bearing
their cross after Him.
Crises In History.
Prescott, in hla conquest of Peru
says that Plznrro at one time came to
tho placo in Ills advance whon his fol
lowers shrank back and were about to
desert him. "Drawing his sword, he
traced a line with it from east to
west. Then turning toward the faomn
he said, 'Friends and comrades, on
that side are toll, hunger, nakedness,
the drenching storm, desertion rnd
death; on this side easo and pleasure.
There lies Peru with nil its riches;
here Pannma and its poverty. Choose,
each man, aa becomea a brave Cas-
tlllan. For my part I go to the
South." So saying ho stepped across
tho line. His soldiers hesitated but a
moment, and then, ouo aftor another,
they followed their great leader. Thai
was the crisis of Plzarro'a fate. As
Prescott moralizes, "There are mo
menta In the lives of men which, as
they are seized or neglected, decide
their futuro destiny."
The Unpardonable Sin.
It wna that way In Galileo, and es
peclally with the region round about
the sea of Galilee, whore tho mighty
works of Christ had been hitherto per
formed. They had" been exalted to
heaven In point of privilege. They
hod had every possible advantage,
But they did not appreciate their
chance. They rofuaed to live up to
the light they had, and the light was
taken from them. Thoy lost their
How to Handle Fine Carriages.
The following Instructions are given
by an experienced carriage builder In
reference to the care of fine carriages:
Freshly varnished carriages should be
washed frequently nnd exposed to the
nlr In the shade and should not be cov
ered until the varnish has become
hard. Mud allowed to dry upon fresh
varnish will lenve spots, nnd exposure
to ammonia will destroy fresh varnish.
Plenty of water should be used and
great care taken that It Is not driven
into the body of the enrriage, to tne
Injury of the lining. For tlie body
panels a large, soft sponge must be
used nnd when snturated squeezed.
over the panels, and thus by the flow
ing down of the water tho dirt will be
softened and run oft harmlessly. Care
should be taken to wipe the rurface
dry with soft chamois leather. Never
uso the same sponge ana ciinuiois u r
panels which arc used for running
gear. Never use soap on varnished
surfaces, and only take off tne grease
nnd dirt around the hubs and axles.
Swearing to Validity of an Excuse.
Kissing the book seems to be on the
point of being consigned to woll de
oerved oblivion, and England might
easily take pattern by tho form of
oath that obtains In the Channel isl
ands. Tho 12 rectors arc ex-ofllcio
members of tho States of Jersey, and
In common with other constituent ele
ments of tho same body they may fre
quently be seen with the uplifted
sand swearing to the validity of tho
excuse that another member is ab
sent through Illness. Tho custom has
been handed down from a Norman an
cqstry that ever recognized the sacred
nnnllty of putting n man on his oath,
and emphasizes most strikingly the
parallel values of tho right hand and
jf a man's plighted word. "Poingde
jfre"' la still a Jersey surname. The
Helium as for Airships.
Helium 13 the ideal gas for all light-er-than-air
airships, said Prof. Erd
mnnn tho other day in a lecture in
Berlin. Had Count Zeppelin used It,
he declared, the catastrophe at Ech-
terdingen last August would never
haira noniifcnrl
Roll of
Causti For Rejoicing.
"Here," said the disgruntled actor,
"I don't want this part. If I play It
I'll have to die in the first act"
"Well," replied tho mannger. "what
are you kicking about? You die a
natural death, don't you? If you got
a chance to come on In the second act
you'd get killed." Chicago Record-
Rummy Robinson Yes. mum; once
for a whole year 1 turned me back on
llkker. Kind Lady Ah, my noble man,
what were you doing nt tho time?
Rummy Robinson Driving a brewer's
dray, mum. London Tit-Bits.
Attention is called to tne STRENGTH
of the'
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
Citv has published a ROLL Or
HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list tlie WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County.
llf IX)
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00
Honesdale, Pa.. May 29, 1903.
10 00
2 15
1 20
2 1H
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6 SO
0 51
ti 11
fl 17
li 32
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7 24
7 27
7 31
1 20
2 08
4 301.
(1 Oi
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7 65
2 05
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2 37
2 43
2 49
2 52
2 67
2 5!l
3 Ul
3 07
3 10
3 is:
H 45'
8 65
8 50
9 18
0 21
9 29
9 32
9 3
U 39
9 43
9 47
9 60
9 55
... Albany ....
HlnL'lmmton .
... Philadelphia.
2 00
12 40
10 20;
9 37!
....Carbomlale ....
..Lincoln Avenue..
... Ijiko Lodoro ...
... . Waymnrt
.. . Honesdale ....
10 60,
8 45
7 31
4 03
3 15
8 05
7 54
7 60
7 33
7 251
7 19
7 17
7 12
7 09
7 05
7 01
C 6S
P.M.A.M.::::::plT.irM'.A.M.jAr Lv A.M.p.M,P..M. A.M.1P M.
1 33
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11 05
8 29
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The Era of New Mixed Paints !
rlnlnrvn nf now mixed naints. A con-
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to somokmd
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILI ON S MIXM)
. mmr mi . l.nmrr now mill hOflVlU' n 1 1 Vfil'llSGQ.
may And a 6alo with tho unwary.
Thoroaro reasons for the jiro-minonco of CHILTON PAINTSi
1st No one can mix abetter mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and willagreo to repaint, at his
owu oxpenso.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective. , ... .
4th Those who have used it are perfectly satisfied witn it,
and recommend its use to others.