The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 06, 1910, Image 8

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W. G. llauso la visiting relatives removed to Horrlck, where she then regard to earth worms. The writer
and friends in Bethlehem, Reading had a brother living, who hns died ! stntcd that ho had been referred to
nnd Kiinborton, Chester county, Pa. , since. Her maiden naino was Ulan-1 the Stnto Zoologist to ascertain wlint
Mr. Coyer, who recently purchased din. She Is survived by two sisters, could bo dono'to rid his garden of
among relntlvcs hore
Farmers arc waiting anxiously
lot' fine weather and they are ready
to plow, sow, and make garden as
soon as It comes. Seeds that were
1'i't In the ground In March aro pro
gressing slowly; not much time is
gained by planting before the ground
gets warm.
Congratulations would bo In order
If you meet Mr. Y. Wnrfleld, for a
young gentleman wns announced In
his homo Inst week. It is an au
thentic tale for Dr. Gavlttc nnd
others were there on his arrival and
can vouch for It.
Mrs. Hudd and Mrs. Bradbury
went to Honesdale Saturday to see
the remains of Mrs. S. T. Hurnard
laid nway in the Glenwood ceme
tery. The funeral services wero h61d
in Carbondalc the day previous.
Mrs. Burnard's maiden nnme was
Nora Lassely. She was born nnd
raised in Atcp, near Narrowsburg.
We have always known her and
those tlint knew her beet loved her
Mrs. John lluckinghnm died very
suddenly Pridny but she wns like a
sheave of wheat all ready for the
harvest. She had lived ten years
more than the alloted time of man.
Wo trust and believe she enn now
see, but a (good many of her last
years has -been spent In total dark
ness, but nor God can open her blind
eyes agajii.
Thursday evening the people In
general are lnvltea to attend a meet
ing to determine what way to light
the,. 13. church. Since one of the
lamps that were in use exploded, and
tfho sexton, Alex. Crosby, got burned
.'so seriously, they would not venture
to light them again. Hope there
will be a good attendance.
n visitor
The Episcopal services at tho
school house on Sunday were well
Florence Weber, of White Mills,
lin llnnfv Wnlr nrnnnrlv la anftlntrl M lao' T .ni leu wlirt lttrn.1 .trill, lin. nml
, out n lnrgo number of grape vines I Mrs. Hosclcttn Johnson, of Illinois.
' nnd is preparing to raise celery ex- j Tho Christian Endeavor at the re
1 tenslvely. cent election, elected the following
H. T. Madden nnd n party of i officers: Lois Norton, President; Not-
frlcnds of Scrnnton Bpcnt a day last tie Lootnls, vice president; Amanda
week with A. C. Angel, fishing for I Norton, organist; Mrs. Arthur Sing
trout. They had fair success In er, assistant organist; Florn Loomls,
sccrctnry; J. E. Schoeblg, trensurer;
Mrs. K. N. Rude, prayer meeting
Mr. Kcllermnn preached to good
congregations Sunday afternoon nnd
Messrs. W. J. Varcoe and Arthur
splto ot very unfavorable weather.
Jacob Waltz hns moved his saw
mill from John Gerhnrt's property
to tho Wallace tract in Lehigh town-
spent Sunday last nt tho home of i ship. They aro sawing lumber for
Mr. and Mrs. Swltzor. R. Mcgargel.
Elizabeth Swltzor is sncndlnc sov- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kline, of Phll-
cral weeks with friends nt Mooslc. adolphla, recently moved Into one of! Curtis have had telephones placed In
Frances Gray, ono of Berlin's best tbe S. S. Spruks' tenement houses their houses. We understand that
teachers, la training tho young idens 1 near tho Union church. tho line will bo run farther through
of Pike county. ' c- w- Akers has n patch of rye Grlswald Gap. Orson Lilly and John
Thomas Vnrcoe and wife, of knee high, nnd John Ilnzleton hns a : B. Varcoe have recently had phones
Honesdale, were recent visitors at couple of acres of newly-sown oats j placed in their homes, and poles
the homo of Mrs. Charles Smith. i that is over three Inches nbove have been set at Milton Lilly's, nnd
W. H. Mitchell, of New York City, j ground. It Is sown on new ground.1 E. W. Lilly has given orders for n
Is visltlnc relatives here. I arming is mucn aeiayeu oy uie re- pnone.
May Richmond, of Enst Honesdale cent cold and wet weather and only
spent Sunday and Monday with her a very few farmers have their oats
parents. ! sowed. Fruit blossoms show no bad
Kathryn Wagner, of Honesdale. I effect of the cold wet spell.
spent Sunday with her parents, C. j
Wagner nnd wife. ROCIC LAKH.
Peter Nell of Hawloy, was a busl- Miss Margaret Kane, who spent
ness caller here to-day. the past several months In New
John Penwarden of East Hones-, York City, has returned to this
dale, wns renewing acquaintances ! place. . ' t t nnvnirv
here on Monday. Joseph Dooly, of New York City, LUUK.UU1.
Addle Jennings of Bench Grove, visited Inst week at tho nome of I .Millard Teeple, of Pond
those "night crnwlors," which had
destroyed several thousand plants
In crawling around them, nnd pull
ing them out by the roots.
Tho reply of Professor Surface is
given herewith in full:
"Replying to your recent letter
asking whnt to do for the large earth
worms commonly called night crawl
ers, I beg to say that they can be
killed or driven nway by one of three
or four methods. The chief of these
Is to use salt or salt water In the
soil which they Inhabit. I must nd-
Total rainfall measured on thir
teen days, traces four other days, Is
4.13 Inches, or 1.48 Inches more than
April average of 2.65 Inches for 41
years; from .67 inch in 180C, to 5.07
Inches In 1874, and flvo Inches last
year. There were traces of snow on
the 7th, and 29th. Last year's rec
ord shows a 7 inch snow storm, Apr.
29 th.
April Temporature 1910, highest
each day was registered from 35 de
grees on tho 8th, to 82 degrees on
the 5th; nverago 60.2 degrees; last
year thirty degrees the 10th, to 80
degrees the 19th; averago 51.6 degs,
Highest on my record, for 47 years,
mi ilmf In irnrdmiR Uinro is ilnnenr I varies from 61 degrees In 1874, to 88
nf uniUnir tho frrminil tnn mnoli fnr degrees April 1 Stli, 1896. Lowest
the welfare of the plnnts, nnd this' was 55 degrees the 26th, down to 19
Tho young People's Society placed
new singing books In all the pews
last Sunday.
Dogs Incidentally entered the
Hocks of E. K. Leo nnd Bernard
Croat and did savage work among
them. Mr. Groat says ho has six
sheop and 13 lambs left.
spent Mondny with Snrah Beardslce. IiIb grandmother, Mrs. J. McLaugh
' Tlfotinltin .t'l. u-nu tli....,... IVm.. n
I ... 111,1 ..111' t... IIIIUII1I .
isj load of stone and badly hurt one day
visited his parents, E. Teeple and
Merchant Clark, of Boyds Mills, lin. , wife, on Monday and Tuesday.
was a business cnller hero on Satur- i Reglna Kerlin, of Pleasant Mount, , Mrs. J. Brnnnlng is at Lordville
day. spent Sundny with relatives in tills Helping to care lor nor son, William
Mrs. Ficken, who has been sick , place,
for several months, we are sorry to Andrew Riley, of Carbondalc
say,' is no better. I spending his vacation nt the home , last week.
''of his parents. i L. Hinkley moved his family from
Joseph FItzslmmons made a busl-, this place to Kcllam s on Tuesday.
I noca trln In Pnrlinnilnlo nn Kntiirdfiv. . Mrs. .Tnnnnttn Flntohor. wlin snpnt
Thecla McAvoy has returned to the winter with her daughter, Mrs.
her home here after completing a 1 Darwin Toms, Monroevllle, Ohio, re
successful term of school at Slier-(turned to Union on Friday. She
man, Pa. I will have a sale to dispose of her
Several from this plnce attended , household goods and will make Ohio
the drama at Pleasant Mount on Frl- her future home,
day evening.
Frederick Leonard visited rela
tives in Scrnnton last week.
James McVey and F. A. Mansfield
were callers In Forest City Saturday
and Sunday.
Friends and relatives from this
place attended the funeral of John
Tuesday. Mr.
Merchant Snedlker is treating Jiis
store to a coat of pnint. 1
Miss Ruth Nichols closed a very
successful term of school here at
Steene Monday of this. week. I
Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Frese, of,
Vnndllng, visited Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Buck-'
land here.
Mrs. G'aylon Perry, of Carbondalc,
visited friends here nt Steene on
Saturday and Sundny.
If the rain holds off this week, i
should be nvolded. Tho second meth
od suggested Is tho dusting of fresh
ly slaked lime abundantly about tho
ground where these pests aro likely
to appear at night. I think that for
this purpose the lime especlnlly
known ns now process, or prepared
lime, would bo particularly valuable.
It is quite finely divided nnd would
ndhoro to the moist bodies of the
earth worms and prevent their
crawling on the top of the soil. It
will, of course, burn them consider
nbly, and doubtless even destroy
"As a third method, I would rer
omniend dusting fresh wood ashes
over the soil where they occur, and as
a fourth and iinnl remedy I recom
mend fumigating the ground where
they live by making holes Into the
earth, one-half foot or one foot in
depth, using a small pointed stick
like a sharpened broom handle, and
into each of these pouring one-half
nn.m ,f ii 1 nf I lin tfnntri Irtinti.n fin .or- '
degrees the 13th; average 35.8 de
grees; and lowest Inst year was IS
degrees on tho 11th. My lowest rec
ord In April is seven degrees on the
13th, 1874. Rnnge this year was
four degrees on the 7th and 8th, to
17 degrees on the 14th; nverago 24.3
degrees, last year, 19.6 degrees.
Warmest day the 5th, mean 64 de
grees, last year, tho 19th, was warm
est day, mean 61 degrees. This year
coldest day was the 8th, mean 33' de
grees, nnd last year, the tenth, mean
25 degrees. Mean for month was
48.7 degrees. Is 5.8 degrees above
April average of 42.9 degrees for 45
years; from 35 oegrces In 1874, to
50.5 degrees In 1S78. Last year it
was 41.9 degrees.
Twelve days were clear, eight fair
and ten cloudy; nverago fifty per
cent, of sunshine. Prevailing winds
northwest and southeast nearly
equal. Last year 41 per cent, of sun
shine with only four clear days.
Last six days of March, twenty-one
imn i.IriiIiwio nn,i ..lnaintr tho hnio ! to twenty-nine places reported 80 to
with mud or earth tramped firmly. ' 9 degrees temperatures; and first
six unys oi iprii, n iu -u jjiui-vb ov
the farmers In this section will
plnnt their early potatoes and sow t rjowns at Hancock
their oats; if the rain comes tne Downs wns a former resident of this
Link" will put a gang of men on , 1n nn,i i,is ,nfU,v friends will be
Mr. Frank Klein and son George,
of Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived at Us
wick on Wednesday of last week.
They were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Schleupner for a few days.
Louise Soderbcrg of New York
Pltv nrrlvoil nt TTvlik nn Wnilnps-
day of last week. ! tne roaas.
Mrs. .1. Ruescher and Mrs. Frank The Bobolink's time Is all engag
Hanoy mnde a business trip to ed for this season, as he has rented
Honesdale on Thursday of last week. 1 another farm adjoining his own, be- i acc0mpanied by his wife.
Mr. Seltzer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., sides taking a large nimuer jou oi
Mr. Hollenuack, nnd Keeping nine
miles of roads In passable condi
tion. He sees no chance of a va-
i cation this season.
1 The correspondent from Alden-
ville cortninly spun a very good
"Spraying the plants that the earth ,
worms are liable to cut off and de-'
vour, using arsenical sprays, such
ns arsenate of lead, two pounds, In
fifty gallons of water, or paris green,
one-third pound, in the same amount
of water, will also destroy the pests
and insure safety to the plants from
chewing insects of various kinds. 1
grieved to learn of his sudden aemlse. m.oSSOM.S.
Hugh Kane has gone to Mt. Clem
ens, Mich., tor treatment. He was.
has exchanged his property in that
city for Mr. Splelvogel's farm at this
place. Mr. Klein is caring for the
place for a few weeks.
Mr. Splelvogle moved to Brooklyn
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrln Simons, of
Peckville, spent Sunday at R. H.
Simons' on the Eas. Side.
G. O. Gillett visited Honesdale
Miss Hazel James returned home j yarn concerning the maple syrup he a c"1)le ? hTf Scrantmf
from Hawley on Saturday evening.
Mlnses Virginia, Ella and Harriet
, Keith arrived at their home at Us
wlck on Saturday to spend a week's
Miss Jennie Crane expects to re
turn home from Brooklyn, N. Y.,
Mr Schleupner recently purchas
ed a horse or Mr. C. Sanders.
Mrs. A. Goble spent Saturday at
tending the Rebekah association at
Lester Carlton of Arlington, at
tended services nt the M. E. church
here on Sunday. They are moving
back from Philadelphia.
made, and the trout he saw caught
with several steel, fish hooks, and '
several yards of line dangling from i
each hook; but we think we have
got' him on thesyrup business, nnd ,
pretty sure wehave In a true fish ,
story. Our neighbor, Mr. Dennle,
made sixty gallons of syrup from
seventy-two trees, so wo are told.
Mr. Buckland caught an eel that '
weighed 7 flounds, and had thir
teen hooks In different parts of his
upper and lower Hps. Every hook .
had at least two feet of line at
tached, and the strangest part of
it all is that Mr. Buckland identi
fies every hook as one of his own.
He says that eel has been stealing
his hooks for the last three years.
II. L. Nush, of Scranton, called on
friends here on Thursday last.
A good many automobiles are
travelling these days in spite of tl)e
rain and mud.
C. L. Simons and family are once
more residing in their home which
has been remodeled and Improved.
Miss Flossie Edwards has returned
to Scranton where she will resume
her work of nursing.
.Mrs. W. H. Alt is home from Big
T. B. Lymnn and sons have Just
set a new windmill for G. O. Gillett.
F. A. Peet, W. II. Alt and H. F.
Nicholson were Honesdale visitors
on Tuesday, May 3rd.
C. B. Gale, of Scranton, wns in
town this week.
Tho telephone line has been com
He saw that there was no use trying
Dave Olver hns been annointed 1 , n,n fiui, ..-in. i,r.,.ir twl
pathmaster for this part of Berlin , ,Ine so be lnaue a wooden trap, ! Iletel to Moscow; as far as the bor-1
township, and Is now mending the j (something similar to the traps he ! ouB" uuu
way between the Old Red KOCK lls.,i Rivtv vpnrs norn Irvine to rntah ' ujKjrm"u Buuii.
farm and tho Grange Hall. . i the white rabbits at Keen's Lake),
Minor Crosby and , wife, of Alden-: and took lt t0 )Is 0id fishing
ville, were calling on the Intter's j Kround, ns he ulways fished in tho
mother nt this plnce on Sunday last, i same i)iaee. put in several pounds
of stone to sink it, and "after tying a
large knot of worms, ho let It down,
relatives at
They also called
Beach Lake.
Nettie Ham, who has been very
sick at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
John Brock of White Mills, returned
The Wayne County Teachers' As-
soclntlon met at this place on April
29th and 30th. Because of the in
clemency of tho weather on Friday
the attendance was not so largo as
I usual, although about fifty teachers
T)nnr A.tri.i'u ait.
keeping the rope in his hand, so the ii.m. . .u, .
least jar would tell 1.1m when the ; V Friday evening was appre
tran had sprung. He Isn't losing ! elated by al who were present. He
to her homo at tho Red Rock farm any more hooks, as he captured the,Bavo,a Iieai, common-senbe uik
on Sunday last thief i 011 tlie rulntlon8 w'ch should exist
Bert Dain and family, of Hones-1 ' j between the home and the school.
dale, are spending several days with I , Tho papers and discussions of the
Mrs. Daln's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 JjREHER. i Saturday morning session were ex-
Richard Ham. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Adams! ceptlonally interesting. Thenfter-
A great many from hero attend- on April 21st, a son, named Robert ' n session consisted of a speech
Boyd's sale at Boyd's Mills on Bruco Adams. Mother and son nro ' y J tinge a. i. aeuriewiu u uuuiur iy
to 94 degrees. April 11th nnd 12th
sixteen places were reporting SO to
S8 degrees and White River, Can
ada, twelve degrees on those two
Fields and forests are slowly
changing from brown to green, and
many fruit trees are beginning to
blossom earlier than usual, with
"Since the gape worm of the chick ..- 1Ittle damaeo by frosts in this
is conveyed to uio young iowi as a i rcgIoni to first days of May.
parasite In the earth worm, lt is to
be seen that these remedies for earth
worms will help to prevent the gapes
of fowls. This also explains the
principle of abundnnt lime in poul
try ynrds to prevent loss from this
Dyberry, May 2, 1910.
The Seelyville Flro Company
will have a ball In their hall next
Friday night. adv.
Wednesday last. Everything
brought fair prices.
Mrs. George Spry, of Chestnut
Lake, spent several days last week
with her mother at tho home of her
brother, W. D. Buckingham at the
Chestnut Grovo farm.
The Odd Fellows of tills place at
tended the banquet at Honesdale on
.Monday evening of last week where
they were treated to a fine supper
and nn excellent entertainment. ,
Eulah Noble, of Fallsdale, and
Stella Buckingham are staying with
their grandfather, Samuel Saund
ers. Rebecca Buckingham of Newport
News, Virginia, is sponding a few
days with relatives hore.
Rev. John Tuthlll, of Clifford,
was a caller hero on Wednesday of
last weekv when ho performed tho
marriage ceremony of Fred Daniels
and Anna Troop, both of Berlin,
Mrs. Guthell, or White Mills,
visited her mother, Mrs. Rebecca
Leftwlch, on Saturday.
Mnrsliall Smith, who recently pur
chased tho George Bishop farm, Is
muking a great many improvements
on the name.
Mrs. William Colwill and son,
Clarence, of Torrey, wore visitors nt
tho Altoona" fdrm ou Mondny, so also
wore .Mr. and Mrs, C. O. Blako of
Grace Smith, of Aldenvlllo, was
doing well.
Mrs. Angellno Burke is having wa
ter piped to her house from a spring
on the adjoining property of Merrlt
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles! -Relckle
on May 1st, a son. , CLINTON.
Miss Nettle Kerr, of Gouldsboro, ! fihnrlos N. Ledvard nnd wife, of
is spending a short vacation witli Scranton, wore calling on friends
Prof. CoBtello of the Technical High
School of Scranton. His subject was
"Pennsylvania In Literature," and
his remarks were most pleasing and
her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mss Lydia Robackcr is seriously
afflicted with cancer nnd is under tho
care of Dr. Kerllng of Gouldsboro.
Miss Mary Cross Is visiting rela
tives In Scranton nnd Mooslc.
C. W. Graser has recently added to
his farm machinery a now grain drill
nnd a thresher.
About forty members of Wnllen
paupac Lodgo, I. O. O. F vlsitod
Mountain Home Lodgo, I, O. O. P.,
at Cresco, on Thursday evening of
last week and wero given a royal re
ception. Quite a number ot them
wero accompanied by their wives.
Several of tho Grand Lodgo officials
wero present and conferred the Grand
Lodge degree on a clnss of forty
seven of Lodgo members.
George Proy, son of J, GvFroy, of
South Sterling, has gone to Michi
gan City, where he is employed. In
the embalming business.
Dr. nnd Mrs. P. Gilpin aro with
Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Harvey of West
Hold, N. J.
hero last week.
Albert Norton, of Dalton, was a
guest of his mother recently.
L. O. Loomls, of Carbondale, spent
Sunday with Ills mother, Mrs. Laura
Loomls, who has been suffering with
a severe attack of pleurisy, but is
better at tills time.
Mrs. Lenora Groat is on the sick
Henry Loomls has moved into tho
Peck home, and Is with his son,
Aaron, working for W. E. Rude on
tho Rldgo farm.
Ray Ferrell, of Carbondnle, has
left railroading and is to work his
grandmother's (Mrs. Mllo Gaylorcf)
farm this season. ,.
Mrs. Marietta Darling died at -ller-rlck
Tuesday last, aged 78 years, and
was burled in tho Clinton cemetery,
besldo her liUBbnnd, Jpremlah Darl
ing, Thursday nfternoon, her pastor,
Rov, James Ralnoy, officiating. J$ho
had been a member of the Clinton
church since early womanhood.
Soon aftrir her husband's death, a
few yearfc ago, she, with her Bister,
A word of caution still seems nec
essary in regard to the spraying of
fruit blossoms, as requests for in
formation are being continually re-J
ceived by H. A. Surface, Harrisburg,
couched in language like the follow
ing: "In your March Bulletin for spray
ing you recommend arsenate of lead
In spraying for codling moth. Now
should it be used where there aro
bees? Would it have any effect on
the bees or on the honey?"
To all such Inquiries Professor Sur
face has but one reply. He snys:
"It is very important not only for the
sake of the bees, tfiit also for the sake
of the fruit, that no spraying be done
on any blossoms that are expanded,
and which are in condition to bo
visited by bees. No real fruit grow
er ever sprays his trees while in
bloom. The spraying should ue done
just nfter the blossoms fall, but not
while the flowers are open. It is
liable not only to kill the bees, which
are essential in carrying tho pollen
from llower to flower, and thus insur
ing a good crop of fruit, but lt is also
liable to destroy'the setting of the
fruit itself, to spray tho blossoms.
"I certainly feel it my duty to cau
tion all persons against spraying
trees of any kind while in bloom, un
less they wish to destroy their fruit
crop as well as the very necessary
bees that pororm such nn Important
service by insuring the fertilizing of
0 0
"Our oats have been Infested with
smut tho last few years. Could you
tell mo what to treat tho seed oats
witli so as to prevent smut? If you
can, I shall be very thankful."
Thui" wrote a Juniata Valley farm
er to Professor H. A. Surfnco, State
Zoologist, Harrisburg, to which re
quest for information tho letter re
plied as follows:
' "Replying to your recent letter
ftsking what to do for Oats Smut, I
beg to say that this can bo prevent
ed by soaking tho seed oats In a weak
formalin solution, using ono pint of
formalin to thirty gallons of water,
or in that proportion. Soak the seed
about forty minutes, having it in a
sack, so Unit you can put lt down
into a barrol containing the liquid.
By lifting the sack up and. down you
can get the liquid to penetrate
through the entire uiubs of seed. Af
ter it is well soaked, spread It on n
clean barn floor and let It dry; then
go ahead and sow it, and you will
have no Smut. It It Bhould dry too
slowly, shovol lt ovor occasionally.
"Exactly tho same treatment Is
recommended for seed potatoes, to
destroy tho germs of blight or rot
that may be upon them. Formalin,
or formaldehyde, can bo purchnsod
from leading drug firms, lt Is com
monly used ns a disinfectant. If
tho dlluto liquid Is kept covered so
that the formalin fumes do not evap
orate, it can bo usod over and over
v d
A letter was received by Prof. H.
A. Surface, from Altoona, Pa., in
. T. SEAR LE, Vice Piif.
II. S. SALMON, Cashieu
W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier
We want votiM understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECUUITY
of this Bank.
HAS A CAPITAL OF $100,()()0.(iu
EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY.
It has conducted a growniR and successful business for over ;o years, serving
nn increasing number of customers with fideelity and satisfaction.
Ifs casli funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS.
All of these tilings, coupled with conservative manacement, insured
by tlie UAKKKUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly eiven the
Hunk's nlfiilrs liy a iiotnhly able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons
of that SUl'KKM K SAFETY which Is the .prime esxcntlul of a booiI
Total Assets,
W. Il.HOl.MK
1I.J. CONC.Eit.
PEOPLE who take the auto to
KATZ BROS. Store receive
the money for the return trip by
purchasing $5 worth of mer
chandise. Our Prices are Always Lowest.
Not only on ijoods advertised, hut tliroui'h
out all trades In every department.
The Greatest 'Sale of Tailor-Made
Suits ever held in Honesdale. t
150 sampler of mm of the most noted makers,
lucltitllns all the laleit models at moncy-saV- T
iuj prices. J
Suits formerly sold nt $20.
Sole Price $14.75 I
Suits formerly sold nt $22.50
Sale Prlc; $18.50
Suits formerly sold nt $27.50, $30.00
Sole Price, $22.50
Are You All Ready SllWXKr'K
all the Gloves. Holts and Neckwear which you
need for tlie warm weather?