The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 06, 1910, Image 6
THE CITIZEN, Kit I DAY, MAY 0, 1010. X" NOTES IVY C.M.DARNITZ MVTRSIDE PA. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED These articles and Illustrations must not le reprinted without special permis sion. IN FOND REMEMBRANCE. The poets have cunc bf the old oaken bucket That hunt; in irrandpap's well. They've struck their harps about moth er's big slipper That made us bad Iclcs yell. 13ut how did they miss grandad's speckled hen, The hen with sly bqulnt In her eye, A demon to scratch In grandmother's truck paten, A ripper In wheat Meld and rye. Old hen. do you now from hen heaven look down To your lousy old nest In Fan's rack And regret the day when you. Hopped down on me And clawed thoso big holes In my back? Ha, ha! You remember the ducking you got In tho trough In the pozy barnyard, Where you cackled and clucked In the smell and the rot And dug your poor toe nails so hard. But It singing bards could forget grand pap's hen How could they par3 by her hen fruit? The egg of the mow that gave nog Its wild fizz And at politicians went "Toot!" Our hat Is off now to tho egg of the mow That was hidden so long In the heat. That drew through Its shell the old barn's rich smell And tho fragrance of mown hay so Bweet. I'm longing right now for that egg from tho mow, For like "vase In which roses have once been distilled" Tears may break, they may shatter, that esg If they will, Yet tho scent of tho barnyard will hang round It still. C. M. BARNITZ. BREEDING FROM WEAK STOCK. So many breed from weak stock, then fail In egg production and rais ing stock, and then what a knock! "It's nil a fizzle! It doesu't and never did pay!" They've surely a brainstorm. They demand perfect stallions and brood mares, breeding cattle must be stand ard, and brood sows must be Al, and even their garden seeds must be test ed and guaranteed. But turkeys, chickens, ducks nnd geese may be In bred, ill feed, half dead, undersized, full of lice, yet they must roll out the eggs and raise perfect progeny. Occasionally they buy a rooster and expect him to work a miracle with their calico colored culls, or they trade n deadhead gobbler for one that has to stand up against tho fence to gob ble. What n fowl fizzle! What a I fool farce! Vigor Is the essential to j success. Without It, nit. DOPING THE FEEDS. Swiudlern have humped their backs doping feeds since the rise in prices of grain and grain products. Bran selling at $22 to $30 per ton has been salted to the extent of 200 to 300 hundredweight to tho ton. salt selling at $2.50 to $3.50 per ton. Illce hulls nnd corncobs pulverized to dust are mixed with bran and mid dlings, and offal, corncobs and oat hulls have been found prominent in 'Al chop." Tho prepared chick and hen foods have been an easy mark for swindlers, all sorts of old stock being dumped Into them, tho wed companies and seed stores being especially generous with their old beans, peas, sweet corn and what not. These feeds, selling from $-10 to $00 per ton, In many cases were moldy, dusty and had n big proportion of oys ter shell and grit that only costs from $1 to $0 per ton. Even certain highly guaranteed beef scrap is. currion and tankage, in one case mixed with oak bark. It Is your business to have sunpccled articles analyzed, to put the matter in the hands of proper authori ties, for In most of the states there are stringent laws to meet cases like these. DON'TS. Don't let tho late chicks bo without shade. They need extra care and fare. Don't feed molting hens benvr. The lean hen always finishes her molt nnd starts to lay first. Don't leave your fine stock In tho care of a know not nnd go off on n ' Jaunt. When a man gets gay It doesn't pay. Don't wait to prepare winter quar ters for young stock until tho frosts prepare your birds for tho undertaker'. Don't spray fruit and potatoes with paris greeu and acetate of lead while chickens arc nround or you'll be put ting them under ground. Don't keep that strong disinfectant in tho drinking water. Make your placo sanitary, keep real cool nnd let the other fellow play tho fool. Don't let tho ground In tboso pens get rank. Scnttcr lime and get busy with the spado or cholera will make a raid. Don't let thoso birds you Intend to show get nlong anyway and then ex pect to fix them up In a day. Your chance to win will be thin. ML oft 4fM FIVE STAGES OK CKEAM1XG. I,nM, nnd Host One ttt the Age of tho Separator. Originally tho calf got nil of tho cream. This wns In the period when tho cow wns kept for the beef which she would produce. Tho next step showed the milk upon tho cellar shelf. Hero tho calf got about hnlt of tho cream, and tho other half was made Into butter. Tho third stngo shows the long milk cans in spring or well water, says Kimball's Dairy Farmer. Hero tho calf gets less of the cream, but still he has a part of it. Inventlvo genius Introduced tho fourth stop, and we have tho patent creamer operated with Ice nnd water. Hy the uso of this fully threefourths of the cream goes Into the butter and tho calf must content himself with tho remaining one-fourth. Finally we come to the present timo and tho nge of the separator. All tho cream now goes into tho butter and the calf Is doing just as well as he did before. Tho dairyman makes two profits in stead of one. Carefully worked out experiments show that tho dairy calf or baby beef can be raised upon skim milk more cheaply than upon tho whole milk. Some breeders wljl tell you that they must have the whole milk, but such men are usually de votees or thin-milk breeds. Tho milk from cows that give a largo per centage of butter-fat need not be Ted whole to tho calves. A little oll-cako and corn meal will tako the place of the butter-fat and produce just as good an animal. In fact, science has shown that tho cajf's stomach, as well as tho human stomach, Is oicn overworked by the largo percentage of butter-fat which enters with whole milk. The separator then represents the great economy and the largest profits in the present day of dairy ing. Clean ."Milking by Machine. In using the milking machine at the Pennsylvania experiment station, it was found that in general cows were milked cleaner as they become accustomed to the machine, but in dividuals varied widely in this re spect. Two of the cows tested could never be milked with the machine without leaving one or more pounds of strlppings while the others were often milked as completely as would be done by hand under ordinary cir cumstances. No difference yield of milk was observed that could be at tributed to the machine milking, but there was usually a slight drop when changing from one method to tho other, always in changing from hand to machine milking. Feeding Dnlry Heifers. My practice of feeding heifers from calfhood has been to give rations which would Induce growth of bone and muscles, not withholding a gen erous supply of fat forming mate rials so that the little creatures were symmetrical beauties, When they begin to milk I stiil give them enough of such food to keep them from be coming skinny, believing for the manufacture of the greatest supply of milk they wore capable of pro ducing they should bo furnished tho materials In their food and not be re quired to take it from their own bod ies, and I believe if this method of feeding were more generally prac ticed there would be less tuberculo sis among the dairy herds of the country. D. O. Cornmann, In Na tional Stockman and Farmer. Novel Milk Cars. One of the American consuls in the United Kingdom reports that a now plan has been adopted by tho Great Northern Railway, in England, for transporting milk, and the idea Is being tried in Ireland also. Tho milk cars are fitted with special ad Justed ventilating apparatus, and tho oscillation which has on a number of occasions nearly cnurnod milk into butter during a journey has almost disappeared. Even at rap Id speed on sharp curves there is scarcely any oscillation. Tho vann are forty feet long and run on two four wheeler bogles. Care of the Churn. If the churn Is turned upside down it will not dry out rapidly. If it stands right sido up, dirt containing bad germs may fail in. Whon put ting the churn away lay it on its side having the open end slightly lower than tho other. This gives good drain age and pormlts air to circulate freely enough for drying purposes, while preventing dirt from falling into the churn easily. Value of IaioUs. Keeping a cow for her good looks may bo line esthetics, but It is not Bood business. Husinoss demands that a cow glvo at least C.000 pounds of milk a year; make $C0 worth of butter; that she furnish one calf, worth $5 or more; $10 worth of sweet skim milk, and manure enough to pay for her food.' In this way a farmer can eat his cake und have it at the samo time. Do not sacrifice good dairy cows or hollers from such cows, They can ofton be sold near homo at a fair price; but if necessary, advertise them. The papers t at have tho most practical reading for farmers la them will be good mediums In Which to advertise such animals. HUMOR OF THE HOUR "What Is It?" A-Gwore-!. Jones was Inquisitive. Ue was nlso loquacious. He talked to everybuly, and everybody tnlked to him. As a news gatherer and news distributer he wns without tt peer. Jones wns stroking down the Htrcct one evening when ho met Doc Smlth crs rushing nlong nt brenkneck speed. "Evening, Doc. Say, Doc, what's" "No time to stop, Jones." gasped Doc nnd rushed on. "Huh! Funny Doc's In such n hurry. Wonder what's Good evening, rev erend." "Good evening, Mr. Jones." "Say, Just a minute. What's Doc" "l am in n grent hurry, Mr. Jones. Good night" "Well, 1 declare! Something's up sure when Itov. Thomas litis no time to talk. Now, I just wonder ah! How do do, judge. In a hurry? I just want ed to nsk you What? Ilnven't time? Well, don't it beat the world? Now. I wonder what tho judge How nro you, Aunt Sally? Where arc you go ing? What do you suppose" "Now, Mr. Jones. I Just cannot wait n minute." "Denr me. If that isn't about tho strangest thing! Doc and tho preacher and the Judge nnd Aunt Sally nil In n hurry. I wonder what's up out this way." Jones sauntered on down the street and shared his nstoulshmeut with Hill Conway, Ellas rotors nnd other citi zens. The final conclusion of .this conven tion of citizens was that something serious had happened. It could bo nothing else. An accident a death per haps! So the company began to move west. As they walked the number was augmented by newcomers at every corner. On up the street they pressed, talk lug, gesticulating and prophesying un til they came to the home of Mrs. Ark wrlght, Judge Gross' daughter. Here they halted. The judge was just leav ing tho house. Jones motioned the crowd to silence and, addressing the judge in an awed whisper, Inquired. "What Is It. judge?" The judge straightened up, smote his chest with pride and answered, "It's a boy, by gum!" Success Magazine. Soporific. "I heard one man," said tho play wright, "who attended the premier of my new play Inst night complain that it was so late when ho got out." "Yes?" queried the critics. "Yes, and yet the final curtain fell beford 10:45." "Ah! Perhaps he overslept him self." Catholic Standard and Times. Tit For Tat. Stranger (to prominent clergyman) I came In here, sir, to'crltlclse your church management and tell you how It ought to be run. Prominent Clergyman (amazed) 'What do you mean, sir? Dow dare you? Who nre you, anyway? "I am the humble editor of the pa per you have been writing to." Life. A Forgotten Art. New Customer I see you have Van Falutln for a customer. Are you aware that his ancestors came across on tho Mnyllower? Tailor So? It's too bad ho doesn't try to emulate their noble deed. "What do you mean?" "I, made him two suits, and he hasn't come ncross yet." Puck. A Restless Profession. "You make it a rulo to keep your constituents interested as much as pos sible." "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "In politics there is no use of trying to let well enough nlone. If you don't give people something to think nbout they'll bo giving you something to think about." Washington Star. What a Difference Now. "Are you going to visit thoso rural relatives of yours this summer?" we ask of our friend who so often has amused us with his accounts of vaca tions on the farm. "I will if they invite me," ho un swers, "but they'ro so blamed rich and exclusive now they make mo weary." Judge. On the Wrong Side. "I onco knew a man," remarked tho observer of ovents and things, "who thought he wus always ou tho right side of things until one day ho got on tho wrong side of a cow nnd tried to milk her." Youkers Statesman. Weakening to Parental Respect. Tho Visitor Well, Johnnie, I sup poso you aro going to grow up nnd bo a man llko your father? Johnnie No, sir; not llko my father. You ought to hear what mn calls him. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Hard Proposition. Auxiou3 Father I wish I knew what to do with my son. Business Friend What is bo llko? Anxious Father "Well, they say he's very llko mo. (Silence.) Boston Iler ald, ' Doubtful Compliment. Mr. Bored I wish I had your voice. Miss Bawler (delighted) Why so? Mr. Bored Well, then, I could stop It whenever I pleased. Baltimore American. Better Pay. Stella Tho census man gets only 2 cents a name. Bella-Well, I'll get 560,000 for tak ing Jack's Ne-w York Sun. A HOME-MADE GHEENHOUSE. How You Can Get One Bendy for Next Winter. A small house 3G feet long, of even span, mnde In the following way, will prove useful and Inexpensive. Tho foundation may bo mado of brick, concrete or grout, whichever Is moat convenient to build, nnd should he 12 inches wide and 3 1-2 feet high, of which 3 feet Is In the ground. On this Is built a frame tho .length of tho house nnd nigh enough to hold a 14x24 Inch pane of glass, tho sash bars being sot at right angles to the foundationl. Tho top of tho sido fr.imo is mado of 4x14 inches stud, planed and finished like a hot bed sash frame, to hold the gash bars. The ridge, made of 2x4 inch material, It supported on Iron pipe posts, which nre strong and light. There nre two rows of sash on eacli side of tho house. Half of the distance between END VIEW OF GREENHOUSE, the ridge and the side there is a 2xJ running the length of the bouse nnd supporteu In tho same manner as the ridge with pipe posts. Tho sash, G.3, glassed with 10x12 panes are just laid on and then hold on placo by two wood screws, which pass through the sash and take hold of tho wood beneath. Provision is made for ventilation by making every third sash of the upper row on each side of the house movable at its lower end. This ad mits fresh air just over the walks on both sides of the house. TheHe ven tilating sash are hinged to tho oppo site sash at the upper end, says the Country Gentleman. The Joints of the sash are covered with weather strips to keep out the cold, and along the peak of the roof where the sashes como together there Is nailed a strip of roofing paper, which turns tho rain and snow. The beds are made directly on the ground, three in num ber, separated by sunken walks, a little over a foot In width and a foot deep. From the top of the middle bed to the peak is six feet. Harrow and Culttvute. Weeds grow, rain or shine, hot or cold, so the man who has neglected his corn ground for two weeks will have a mighty big job on his hands before the corn is up, the harrow will destroy millions of these tiny weeds. Keep it going, and then cultivate Just as soon as you can &ee tho rows. Don't stop at three times over; keep at It until the corn gets too big. These frequent cultivations will keep tho corn hump, ing, and you are saving moisture every time you go over tho field. And don't forget the orchard. It needs cultivation and lots of It. No mat ter how much rnln has fallen during May the trees will need nil tho mois ture they can get for August and September growth. PICKING BASKET FOB PEACHES. AVntorcress. Watercress can ho easily grown in tho shallows of any pure water stream that has a sandy or gravelly bottom, a steady How nnd a moder ate current, if tho seeds are sown at once in tho moist soil ,it water level; or a crop may bo secured quickly by pegging down cuttings In rn Inch or two of water until they tnko root. Af ter planting no cultivation Is need ed except to keep free from weeds nnd aquatic grasses. lteplimtlng Corn, Making every hill contain nt least two stalks, and each stalk contain at least ono average Blzed car Is the se cret of successful corn raising. As soon as the corn Is an Inch high re plant ovory hill that contains no plants. Whllo this may be a Uttlo later than tho first planting, and some may not got out of the way ol frost, It will make a good cattle feed, If nothing more. Birds' Wuges. In tho garden there aro a thous and small offenders tnat ho who tills tho soil for pleasuro would willingly forgive. If It bo granted that the thrush and tho blackbird steal a cer tain amount of fruit, still their pres ence is so beautiful and their song bo sweet that what they take may gladly be accorded as wages. JBL She Repudiated' tho Charge. At tho men's service ill it Yorkshire parish the vicar tried to convey tho lesson thnt the truest heroes and hero ines arc thoso who do noble deeds In tho secret corner of the home, where none can seo or npplaud. "Few of you seem to think," ho con. eluded, "that your wives staying nt home uncomplnlnlngly to mind tho children and prepare the meals aro heroines, nnd yet their touching devo tion to duty proves them to be so." It certainly hndn't struck ono old farmer In this way before, nnd ns soon ns he got homo lie promptly told his wife that tho vlcnr hnd called' her n heroine. "Whntever docs thnt mean?" asked tho good lady. "Oh, it means a womnn who stay In t' house instead of goln' nrt to show hersen," explained the farmer vaguely. "Then I'm not a heroine, nil' I'll tlinng t' vicar to mind what lie's sny in" snapped the wife. "I go to h church rn tauch as t' other womeu do, an' ho must be blind if ho can't seo mo. Why, I'd five different colors in t' bonnet I wore Inst Sunday!" Lon don Spectator. Wellington's Coolness. The Duke of Wellington was one day sitting at his library table when the door opened and without any an nouncement In stalked u figure of siu gularly ill omen. "Who are you?" asked the duke iu his short and dry manner, looking up without tho slightest change of coun tenance upon the Intruder. f "I am Apollyon. I am sent here to kill you." "Kill mo? Very odd." "I am Apollyon and must put you to death." "'Bilged to do It today?" "I am not told the day or tho hour, but I must do my mission." "Very inconvenient; very busy; great many letters to write. Coll again or write mo word. I'll be ready for you." The duke then went on with his cor respondence. The maniac, appalled probably by the stern, Immovable old gentleman, backed out of the room and In half an hour was lu un asylum. A Legend of February. nere is the pretty legend which tells why February has only twenty-eight or twenty-nine days. Long ago, they say, February was a gambler, and he was so unlucky that lie soon lost all his money. Like other gamblers, he tried to recover it, nnd he said to his companions that if they would lend him some money ho would give them as security one of his days. January and Miircii, who were naturally asso ciated with him more often than any of the other months, accepted his of fer, and ns poor February soon lost the money 'which he hnd borrowed each of them acquired one of his days. That Is why January and March have each thirty-one days and February has only twenty-eight In ordinary and twenty-nine in leap years. Tho Kind Ton Have Always in uso for over 30 years, and w7 - J1- Bonal supervision since its infancy. (CCdCit&Z Allnnr tin mm tn Irffl vfl VOII ill this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms nnd nUays Foverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30. Years. TMC CCNTUJII COMPANY, TT MUHHY TRICT, NCW VORKCIT. Before the Drug Act. "Before we had governmental In spection of drugs," said a chemist of Washington, "queer things used tr happen. Hero Is one: "A Washington man was taken vio lently 111, nnd his wlfo got him a box of nux pills. He took three and re covered. Tho rcmnlnder of tho bor was put nwny In a damp closet. "Soino time later, going to tho closet, the man found that two of tho six pills left In the box had sprouted. A healthy green shoot hnd sprung, from each. Instead, you nee, of being nux pills, they were nothing but peas covered with a coat of flour." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Slgnaturo ADDS IN THE CITIZEN A1AVAYS BEING RESULTS Roll of HONOR Attention is called to the STRENGTH of the Wayne Countj 7 The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Or HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands -38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavne County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 Honesdale, Pa.. May 29, 1908. 'Bought, and which has been lins borno tho signatnro of has been mado under his per- Signature of KRAFT & CONGER 4M HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Companies ONLY