WIE WKATHKK - Partly cloudy on Friday; cooler in Southern portion. Saturday fair, wanner, liglit to rawl rate- r.orthwcct winds. K K" C JP P ( tC JO tC H jC K" jC K T Scml-Wcekly Founded J908 2 Weekly Founded, 1844 . J J OS J J J J jt jt jfc Jl JC l Jl J ttbetu Wayne County Organ or tlie 1 t - "i" .REPUBLICAN PARTY ,S JA , ,st J J ot J iJ J .A Ot J 2 O K S - 55 5 67th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1910. NO. 36 JAMES N. GILLETT. WEI.; OF THE MAINE. SCORES WIS is l MISB MARY HARRIMAN, S f i i President Taft Discusses "Cant of Demagogues." DEFENDS HIS APPOINTMENTS. Chief Executive Enlivens Gathering of St. Louis Business Men With Vig orous Speech Will Confer With Republican Leaders. St. Louis. May J5. After winding up his stay here with n reinnrknhte speech In which h denounced "demagogues and preachers of cant" who linve trou bled him, President Tuft left St. Louis early this morning for Washington, where he will confer with liepubllcan ' leaders concerning the situation In congress and particularly the probable ; fate of the railroad bill, before resuui-' Ing his journey eastward. Information from Washington that; forty-three senators had decided to i stand by the railroad bill as it is, with J the pooling and merger provisions out, reached President Taft before his do- parture. The president was greatly' encouraged by the news and hoped that the bill may now go through. He believes, It was said, that with changes already made many senators who here tofore opposed' the measure may fall Into line. As to the possibility of veto, the president would not talk, preferring to return to Washington before he dis cussed that question. It Is not believed, however, that the president will use the veto power. It Is possible that he will come out with a strong statement fixing the blame If the bill passes In emasculated shape. President Taft denounced the dema gogues, the preachers of caut and those who see only evil and delay -In the courts of the nation In his speech before the Business Men's league at the Southern hotel. The president spoke with an earnestness, with such emphasis and vigor, that his audience was qiilfe carried away. His defense of the supreme court and of his own appolutmcnts to that court was delivered in tones that rang with emotion. During most of the speech the presl- j dent gesticulated little, but his faeo srew red as he recited the tale of criti cism that has In some parts of the na tion greeted his selections to the great tribunal. All the way through the speech his hearers broke In with pro longed applause, and at the end, when Mr. Taft wound up nil that serious ad dress with a brief discourse on basts ball, the crowd beat the tables and cheered loudly. The president hadn't Intended to make a serious address at all, but when President Wilson of the league referred to the appolntuipnt of Judge Horace Lurton and Governor Hughes to the supreme court Mr. Taft found a subject that warranted the use of more than the two minutes he expected to take. While the president's only reference to the "Insurgents' was In one of the moments when ho smiled, It was evi dent that he had In mind the utter ances from his "enemies" lu the sen ate and house against his two supreme eourt si'lectlons. Not only did he de fend the supreme court, but he declar ed, too, that contention that the abil ity should be given the poor man to take his case, even if It Involves but $25, up to that tribunal Is the windy talk of the demagogue and politician against the law's delay. Mr.Tuft also was tint footed In his assertion that court procedure be changed to expe dite the business of litigants. Passaic, N. J May 5. In anticipa tion of the visit of President Taft, vho Is to be the guest of honor at the board of trade dinner, Passaic Is don ning gala attire. Already many public and private buildings are decorated with Hags and bunting, while great streamers are being stretched across the main street, through which the president Is to be escorted from tliu railroad station to the banquet hall. Titled German, Who Married American Heiress, Died Rich. Berlin, May 5. Couut Waldemor Orl ola, who died recently, left $18,000,000, an extraordinary fortune In Germany, where accumulations of such tiizo uro extremely rare. His will Hhows that a considerable part of his wealth was drawn from New York, Ho was tho owner of a plot on Wall street, on which there Is a thirty-two story sky icraper, which came Into his posses sion In 18S0 through his marriage to Miss Mortimer. Pension Bill Passed. Washington, May D. In less than fifteen minutes the senate considered and passed tho pension appropriation bill, carrying about $155,000,000. Sen ator Seott said that 31,000 pensioners Jiud died last year. California Governor Won't Stop Jeff rles-Johnson Fight. Omaha, Kelt., May 5. All doubt that the Johnson-.Tolfrlos light at Emery ville, Cal., on July 4 would not be held was dispelled by Governor Glllett of , California while passing through Oma-1 ha on his way to Washington. lie an nounced that he would not Interfere In the big light. Tills statement fore stalls the recent clerical movement against the contest that has attracted worldwide attention. The governor's announcement at this early date came as a surprise. Governor Glllett is said to have Inti mated that the light will be a good thing for California and is apparently linn In his decision not to stop It. In regard to the ministerial agitation against the contest, he said that the crusade did not concern hint very much. Ills idea Is to let the ministers of the country go ahead and fight out the question of whether or not the bat tit1 shall be held. The governor said that he fully ap preciated the ardor and seriousness of the ministers' protests. However, he added that It was perfectly legal to hold a contest at Emeryville under the statutes of the state of California and did not see why or how he could pre vent It. It Is said that the governor's statement was made with a view to ward blanketing the agitation of the clergy before the movement grew too strong, thus causing unnecessary dltll cultles at the last minute. BETTING MEN DEPART. Passing of Reform Measure Scatters Race Track Lobby. Albany, N. Y., May Itace track followers, who assembled here In an effort to defeat the Agnew-Perklns bill abolishing oral betting, have gloomily departed from Albany, owing to the passing of the measure by the senate by u vote of :U to IB. Senator Grady, the silver tongued Tammany orator, who has opposed drastic race track legislation, was en raged over the triumph of the Hughes senators, whom he characterized as "No better than olllce boys." "1 don't know where this frenzied subserviency to the cant of reformers will end," he said. "Thank God! I shall not he here to see It. "There was a day when no man could semi or a senator and bid him do thus and so. 1 saw the day when senators had no fear of newspaper rant and the clamor of the mob. "Then the commission of senator was held ly no lackey of men In power. 1 rejoice that I am soon to pass from a body so lowered In man hood and Influence." The reform 1)111 Is looked upon as the death blow to race track gam bling. It Is slill tlie occasion of n storm of bitter dispute. CANADIANS CAPTURE TUG. Fishermen Seized by Dominion Scout Boat Vigilant. Lorulne, O.. May 5. While three miles over the. International line lu Ca nadian waters, the llsh tug Sprudel, owned by linger & Warner, Is reported to have been captured by the Canadian scout boat Vigilant. Captain Adam Wickel of the tug George Edwards, u companion I tout of tho Sprudel, brought In the report. Captnln Dave Hopper well and five men were on the Sprudel. "The Sprudel was three miles over the line and nearly opposite Cleveland when tho Vigilant camo up," said Cap tuln Wickel. "I can't see how Captain Hopporweii railed to escape, I saw the Vigilant tea miles off ami supposed he did. He kept on pulling up till the Vlglluut circled about hlui. Ho sur rendered without a fight." Captain Hopperwell was lu eoniuiand or tlie tug liruy Mini wnen the vigi lant overturned the fishing tug in Ca iiadlau waters, June 5, UKW, drowning two men. f ! i Missing Helen Hastings Lost ) Save Others. ONE OR 100,000?" Investigator Reynolds Explains Why Child Was Not Taken From Crimi nal's Den More Arrests to Fol low Lrvinson's Confession. New York. May fi. "Should we save one girl or 100,000 from 'white slav eryV What would yon do'r" That was the reply of James It. Itcynolds, ns- I slstant district attorney, when he ex plained why George W. Miller, his de tective, had let Helen Hastings, the I little eleven-year-old girl in the Hat ot! i Belle Moore, the Degress, get awayi Now that tlie girl lias disappeared ! some persons think she has been mur- oereu tlie criticism or tlie detective has brought forth the fact that ho suddenly found himself In a remark able situation tlie day he called on tlie Moore woman to buy girls. "Miller understood the situation," continued .Mr. Itoynolds. "Had he taken the girl our plans to save 100, 000 would have gone awry. I would have done just as he did under the ' tor lmV(' " ; "V1US rougn me win sitine circumstances." ! 'or usually i. their town house, Fifth New York, May f! Information glv- j avenue and eventh-nlnth street. They en to District Attorney Whitman yes-1 were both l'i Anion today, terday by Harry Levlnson, the self No forniiil mnouneement of the en coufessed dealer or broker In women gagement I' vndy yet, It Is understood, will, It is expected, lead to n number ! Miss Man Harrlman Is the second of arrests today and may be the means of uncovering a number of "exchange houses" where won)en are kept In readiness for transportation all over the country. Whether these "ex changes" form the center of the so called "white slave" organization does not appear, but the revelations con cerning them seem to bo the strongest Indication of nu organized traffic which the Investigators have hit upon us yet. So far most of the lnforma-1 tlon given to the grand Jury which has" the traflic uuder Investigation, has . been so general that John 1"). Rockefel ler, Jr., the foreman of the Jury, sent out a call for witnesses with real facts to present. According to Edward Carpel, Levin son's counsel. I.,;vInson told Mr. Whit-, man of places In this city where from live to ten women are always kept ' waiting for transportation to places , In New York and elsewhere. Descrip- i tlons of these women on the waiting list are said to be furnished to such persons as wish them, and It Is under- I stood that orders are left at these places for women. i Levlnson is said to have told Mr. I Whitman that the "exchanges" are , supplied with girls largely by men ! I who get 10 per cent of the girl's earn ings for a specified time. I According to Levlnson a majority of i the young women taken to the "ex- j changes" come from outside of- New ( Vnrlf It, iiimiiv Itiul ,1 iir'jw tlwii fir.k nil. . proached at a cheap theater or moving picture shou by a woman, who invites them out to dinner, takes them for auto rides and finally suggests to them an easy way to live comfortably with out work The girl Is usually Intro duced to a man who acts as n kind of broker for arlous houses and whoso business It Is to sec that she is placed advantageously. For his part In the work of procuring he receives u com mission on tlie girl's earnings. It was not understood from Levin sou's story that a majority of tho young women Introduced into the "ex changes" were previously of unblem ished character. He Is said to have li- W'lilf tmiti Imu'iiiw flint lio f,u ,.,.w,iln tlint nt lonst Rmno ot the girls taken to these houses had been lured there without understand ing the full meaning of the step they were taking. The Ehrllch and Green berg girls, "sold" by Levlnson to tho district attorney agent, were not In mates of an exchange according to Levlnson's itory, but women of tho street whom ho procured hurriedly lu answer to Miller's request. Divorce Legislation In the Assembly. Albany, May 0.--TI10 assembly pass ed the hill of Assembly Welnert, ad vocated by tho national divorce con gress, which approved uniform divorce laws among tho states. Tho bill does pot recognize a divorce secured by a person from this stata In an adjacent rlato on grounds that are not statutory grouuds for divorce lu this state. Miss Morgan Wouldn't Speak. Denver, May 5. There was great disappointment among the women pol iticians of Denver because Miss Anno Morgan of Now York would not Bpeak at a women's political meeting at the Broadway theater. The houso was packed. Miss Morgan not only refused to speak, but declined to take n seat ou tho stage, contenting herself with viewing tho proceedings from a pri vate box nnd Ignoring tho frequent calls for her. Daughter of Late Railroad Mag nate to Marry C. C. Rumsey. 1 , New York. May 5. It has become known nn.-,.'.g the Intimate friends of the fainille. of Mrs. K. II. Ilarriman uud Lawrent e I), Itumsey that an eu- gagement to marry had been entered Into betwe.-i Miss Mary Ilarriman and Charles ('! Miss Ma unmarried ' nnrrlman. Itumsey. Ilnrrlman Is tho oldest lighter of tho lnte E. II. Mr. Itumsey Is a member family well known In ! of the Ilu..: that city. Mrs. E. U. Ilarriman and her daugh- daughter of the late .Edward H, Har rlman, who died on Sept. 0, 1000 and I isouBuimuuiuit.nvuum.,. IO one OI IIH" IHlK.l juriuura in mci world. Tin' railway magnate left all his proper!) . real and personal, to his wife, and she was the only person mentioned In his will. The bulk of the estate, nevertheless, will In time nat urally fall mi the children. .pPTAT.Tn pAiTV SPTRTT AriMSAii luraftii ariiui. Regulars In Senate Strive to Bring Insurgents Into Line. Washington, May 5. Consideration of tlie administration railroad bill was resumed In tlie house today, but vot ing on the amendments to the bill lu j the senate has been suspended pending an effort by the regulars to regain con- . trol of the situation and preserve the ' party organization. No further test of s strength on the measure will be risked i In. the senate before next Monday. I5y that time President Taft will have re turned to 'Washington to add his ef forts to the heroic attempts being made now by the senate conservatives to bring some of their more radical brethren in hehlnd the Taft program of legislation. The president will be In Washington tomorrow. The administration supporters are no longer appealing for votes on the mer its of the Taft railway bill, but have turned to the probably more effective "Piwiil of party expediency They were 1 laboring lu the senate lobbies and com- mlttee rooms witli the near Insurgents trying to make, them see that failure to enact the Taft legislation at this session will mean certain party defeat In the fall, with faireachlng effects upon Republican campaigns of tlie more distant future. Evidences were not lucking that this tack by the regulars was yielding some results. Insurgents In both the house and senate have been considerably so bered In the last few weeks by Demo cratic successes, and It is understool that a serious question has arisen among the Insurgents themselves ns to the length that they should go In op- posing tno J nu program oi legisiiuum. As usual, senator i.a roneueoi vi- cousin Is the most radical In his views on the policy to be pursued. Ho ob jects to accepting any reasonable com promise Other iusurgents are willing to accept reasonable concessions from the liepubllcan organization. A long conference of tho Insurgents was held, and It Is understood that there wero some sharp clashes. Senator Cummins Is ono of the Insurgents who believe lu accepting reasonable concessions and enacting as good a bill us possible. Tho administration senators said that as tho result of their day's labor they had forty-four senators pledged to stand by tho president on tho bill, with the exception of the long and short haul amendments. I this Is truo It will require only two Democratic votes to give the regulars control of tho situation. This statement, how ever, Is derided by tho Insurgents, who contend that their strength Is unbro ken. How to Make Spaghetti Salad. Hull tho spaghetti until tender In salted water, then drain after running through cold water, add equal part of chopped celery iind a little pimento, canned, for the color and flavor; tnako a dressing of lemon Juice, one table spoonful to three parts oil, nnd a very llttlo salt. BIG BONDSALES. Paris Bu' s Many Millions of Amer .jan Securities. ST. PAUL DEAL $50,000,000. Big Four A t oging to Sell $10,000,000. New York City Has Sold $10,000,000 Revenue Bonds Pennsylvania Record Is Nearly Reached. New York, May 5. New York bank ers are concluding arrangements for the largest nnd most Important sales of American securities In Paris that have ever been made, with the excep tion of the year before the panic. Then the Pennsylvania railroad, the bond market here being heavy, broke tho thick Ice of the Paris market with a sale of $50,000,000 bonds, nnd the New York, New Haven and Hartford fol lowed with a sale of $.10,000,000 deben tures. These were the biggest sales of American corporation bonds made in , Paris up to that time. Yesterday the negotiations which the bankers had under wny involved the sale of at least $i50.0)0,0(K-raIlroad bonds, $10,000,000 New York city revenue warrants nnd, according to report from ordinarily re liable sources, about $:',0,000,000 more bonds of various railroads. The principal flotation nnd one that is all but agreed upon Is one of about $.".0,000,000 bonds of the Chicago, Mil waukee and St. Paul. That company's Pacific coast extension has been open pd f((r bU!!lness jn Ule ,ust yoar anJ he company Is constructing branch linos for I use as feeders to the main system. On account of tho stagnant condition o the bond market most of this year the company, though Itt credit is tlie highest, found It InadviS' able to put out a bond Issue according to the terms obtainable here. The ex penses of the flotntlon of a loan In Paris are v.ery heavy, but the Interest rate Is lower. Apart from this consid eration It was deemed expedient to of fer the bonds in Paris because that center Is long of funds, whereas thft New York money market has been weakened by shipments of $.10,000,00C gold to Loudon in recent weeks. HIRE NONUNION BAKERS. Plants Filling Places of Strikers Men Still Confident. New York, May f. KCports from tlie big bakeries and hotels affected by the bakers' strike indicated that nonunion recruits are rapidly filling the places of the men who went out. Charles t'alel manager of the big Flelscliman plant said that he had employed seventy-five nonunion bakers and that he would soon have a full compliment of men at the ovens. "Of course." he said, "we are hous lug and looking after these new men but that condition will not last long, The strike is au absolute failure. The drivers have stuck to us loyally, and the strikers have received no outside aid or sympathy.' Without the aid of the drivers the strike was hound to fall. "Within forty-eight hours we will be baking the usual number of loaves. As for the hotels, I hear that they are baking all the bread they need nnd are rapidly tilling the places of all the men who struck." The strikers, on the other hand, de clare that little bread Is being baked and that they will surely win. JOY RIDER KILLED. Bridgeport Architect Meets Death Auto Crash. New Haven, Conn., May 5. Whli racing with another cur the occupants of which have not yet been found, tho large touring ear of Joseph O'Brien, Bridgeport architect, ran Into a post ut Indian Ulver, near Mllford, nnd O'Brien was Instantly killed. Henry A. ltellly, manager of the Stratford Inn, one of the other three occupants, was badly Injured, while the remain lug two escaped with bruises. O'Brien, who was driving his car, started to race with tho passing auto mobile down the Mllford road. They were neck and neck until they camo to a narrow place, when each turned out to give the other tho right of way O'Brien's ear struck a telegraph pole, His face and head .wero smashed In and ho died Instantly. The other car passed on. Twelve Eggs) Thirteen Chicks. Bloomtleld, N. J., May G. Mrs. Anna Qehrlng of Brookdalo 1ms thirteen chickens, which she avers that one of her big Plymouth Itock hens batched from twelve eggs. Other farmers' wives who have been sotting hens this spring nud haven't, hnd a doublo yolk egg hatch out Insist thut Mrs. Gchr lug's hen must have adopted a stray chick somewhere. Ill Fi.vS Vessel to Bo Raised From the Havana Harbor. Washington, May 5.-Aftcr twelvo years the 111 fated battleship Maine is to lie removed from Havana harbor. and the bodies which went down with the vessel will be Interred In the Na tional cemetery at Arlington. A bill providing for such removal and burial has passed the house and senate. The Maine was destroyed at forty minutes past 0 on the evening of Feb. 1S08. Two distinct explosions, ono following Immediately after tho other. did the fatal work, the first lifting the forward part of the ship, the second supposedly due to the explosion of two or more of the forward magazines. Two oUlcers and 204 of her crew per ished. The eourt of Inquiry that passed on the disaster attributed It to an explo sion caused by a mine. DELIVERS NOBEL ADDRESS. Colonel Roosevelt Speaks Before Bril liant Christiania Throng. Chrlstianin, May .-.-Cdlvuel Tifeo ' dore Itoosevelt today delivered tho Nobel prize address before a large and brilliant gathering in the National the ater. All the notables of Norway and many visiting celebrities were present. Tills evening Colonel Itoosevelt will be entertained at a banquet. Tomorrow he will receive a doctor a degree from King Frederick's univer sity. King Haakon and the royal family of Norway are leaving nothing undone to make Colonel lloosovolt's sojourn hi Norway enjoyable nud memorable. The king and Queen Maud met the Itoosevelts at the station on their ar rival here. The station was a vivid picture of color and light. There was bright sunshine, nnd wreaths, flowers ind tlags covered every pillar and wall of the little grand stand. This had about a dozen tiers of seats, which were tilled with women in bright cos tumes. The entire platfform was cov ered with a red carpet, and as the train pulled In a band stationed then, played "The Star Spangled Banner." A few minutes later Colonel Uoose velt, with Queen Maud on his arm, fol lowed by King Haakon escorting Mrs. Itoosevelt and the rest of the party, walked through the decorated royal waiting room and took seats In tlie royal landaus. As the landaus started for the royal palace the great crowd outside the station raised their hats but there were no sounds of cheering. FEWER FAILURES. Bradstreet's Reports 872 For Month of April, a Marked Decrease. New York, May 5. According to Bradstreet's there were S"2 separate failures last month, a decrease of 17 per cent from March, of 12.0 per cent from April. 100!, and of 24 per cent from April. VMS. Business insolven cies reported In the month of April this year were less than during the corresponding month In nine of the last seventeen years. Liabilities for April, however, aggre gated $2-l,:i40,770, an Increase of 35 pet cent over April n year ago and of 8.3 per cent over April, 100S. N. Y. CENTRAL AGREEMENT. About 3,000 Firemen Will Get In creases Averaging 7 Per Cent. Now York, May 0. The Now York Central railroad has made an agree ment with Its lliemeii by which about il.OOO firemen get advances In wuge averaging 7 per cent. This agreement was reached and signed after confer ences lasting over a week between Assistant General Manager P. H. Crowley of tho Central and the griev ance committee of the llremen. Tim settlement was brought about by th committee without tho necessity ot tailing lu tho services of a member ot the grand lodge of the Brotherhood ot Locomotive Firemen and Englueiuen.