TUK CITIZEN, WKDXKSDAV, MAY 4. 10 10. I CORRESPONDED' COLUMNS X THK MOST liKLIAUJ.B MKDIUM FOK X 1 SPREADING INFORMATION ALDENVILLE. Hov. James Hnlney purchased n four-yenr-old colt from V. Cottle Inst week. The Clinton Cut Glass Co. has shut down, waiting for ulanks. G, 11. Knapp and George Gaylord are running a gasoline saw mill at the present writing. Tho base tinll team has bought a new outllt of base ball suits. They will be known as the "Alerts." Work on the ball ground has ceased for the summer. A new back stop has been erected. About ?G0 has been laid out on the field, be sides tho cost of the back-stop. Sev eral parties who signed for work on the ground have not appeared. S. J. Stanton is taking possession of one side of G. 11. Knapp's new house. C. C. Lozler lias razed the build ing known In olden times as the "Sho Ply" building, and whicli lias lately been used ns n carpenter's shop. The supervisors are working the roads In this section at present. An item in the Aldcnville news In the Wayne Independent lately, stated that Rev. James Itainoy sold a horse to C. H.Vilmarth. This was a mis take ns the horse was sold td G. G. Wilmarth. The Clinton High school base ball team went to Waymart Friday af ternoon to play the Waymart High school team. The Clinton Cut Glass Co. will hold a public auction sale in G.G. Wilmnrth's hall about the middle of May for the purpose of disposing of a quantity of seconds. There will be two sessions, afternoon and even ing. The base ball team will furnish supper and stabling. Rev. Grant Stanton was a caller at the home of his brother, S. J. Stanton, this week. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Watkins len Friday for Hamllnton where they merntor, was calling on tho people Friday nnd Saturday. Mortlmoro Lavo Is having a visit from his brother, Henry Lavo, of Dallas, Texas. TYLER HILL. It looks as though we tire going to have a wet spring. Airs. Ernest Olver nnd Miss Flor ence Brush mnde a recent trip to Port Jervis. Rev. R. 1). Mlnch was In town last week. Ilertha and Hnttle Seipp are visit ing relatives In New York City- Dr. H. C. Mnny is on a trip to New York and Philadelphia for treat ment. Joshua Boucher, who has been staying at I-alah Huntington's this winter, is now living at his aunt's, Mrs. Nelson Alfnst's. Frank SJchoonover and family of Port Jervis, spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. P. V. Ellison. George Brown, of Blnghnmton, is assisting Porter Ross in painting and papering in this vicinity. A number have purchased fruit trees of various lirms this spring. If these live they will prove a good Investment. STERLING. No one now Is complaining about it being too dry, and many are get ting anxious to make garden and do a little farming. .Mr. ana .Mrs. r. ii. Howe are spending a day or two with Scran- ton friends. Dr. C. G. Cross and wlfo and Mrs. Drake (Mrs. Cross' mother), of Stroudsburg, spent Sunday and Mon day at A. J. Cross', returning to Stroudsburg on Monday. Professor Crevellng held an ex amination on the 2Gth and 27th for promotion to admittance to the High school, and Cnrl Simons, Royal Cross, Ellis Uban, George Cross, Legrand Miss Anna M. Hausor Is ill nt her j TKIiKCJRAPII OPERATORS TO RE-I home hero. ! (fElVE INCREASED PAY. Mr. nnd Mrs. G. N. Bonham have Mr. E. J. Nally, Vice-President and ' reiurnou irom inruonunio, auor Genornl Managor of the Postal Tele spending several wcoks with their I graph-Cable Company, authorizes son, W. S. Bonham. tno nnnouncement that on June 1st, Mr. S, Phillips, Of Scrnnton, Visit- Mint mm nun V will mnkn BiihBtnntlnl ROOTS SEARCH FOR AYATER. ed over the week-end nt Mrs. Martha Stark's. - Miss Anna Fltze Is visiting Aldcn ville friends. Messrs. C. V. Bonham, H. Wlitte, Albert Miller and Frank Dlx attend ed tho ball game between Pleasant Mount, nnd Aldcnville nt the latter place on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Dlx has the contrnct to pitch for Plcnsant Mount the coming season. Incronecd in tho wages of Its tele' graph operators In all Important of' flees of the system. Theso offices will he cnsslfied nccordlng to their comparative importance, nnd the In creases, which will bo selective, will run from five, and In some cases as high ns twenty-flvo per cent. Full Inquiry nnd careful examina tion will ho made as to the merits of each Individual operator's case; ability to be the tlrst consideration; HAWLEY& WILSON VILLE ic iorienco "d uiiiiri niH.-uiui muiicua ui lunula Traced 1,100 (o Inko Where It llrnuchi-d Out Into Threads. Senttlc, Wash., April 30. In up rooting a hemlock tree nt Wood lawn Park to make room for a flower bed the great length of tho surface roots was conimented on, and to as certain how far tho largest one ran n workman wns told to trace it up with his spade. Its course was to ward tho west bank of Green Lake. After It had been followed for about 700 feet, the root dwindled to about the size of a clothes line. At Agnes Beahcn closed her school nt Audell on Friday and will leave will count In each mnn's fnvor; all will ho carefully graded and treated on Wednesday for Stroudsburg to '-nccordlngy. Efflclent and deserving nttend the normal school at that j operators will thus recelvo additional Place. pay commensurate with the value of Daniel bmltu, of ScJrnnton, was a; the work they are able to perform; business visitor In this vicinity on Wednesday. Henry Gardner, who drives one of Wall & Murphy's teams used for hauling lumber, hns been confined to the house with Illness during the past week. Leonard Degroat has moved from the Eddy, Into rooms on. Maple Avenue. Miss O'Connor, of East Hawloy, less experienced and new operators will he given greater opportunity In other ways to demonstrate their fitness for advancement In pay or pro motion. It Is the Postal Telegraph Com pany's Intention, by continued fair dealing with employees to retain and attract to its service the most skill ful and reliable operators, thus maintaining nnd improving what Is REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE. win uiieim u ucuue r .mu, Burrows, Ray Cross and Olive Sim- and Mr. Watkins will take part In ons pnsgedi an(J theru are otherg an Institute on Saturday. to take the examinatlon.s Eva Stiles has found employment For some Ume t M ,fi Crosg with the Clinton Cut Glass Co. hM been a nurge , a Scranton hos. pltal, but on account of rheumatism SEELYVILLE. is now at home. The Seelyville Fire Company had - Miss Laura Gilpin closed her school their opening in their new fire house with exercises appropriate for the oc on Friday evening. It was well at-' caslon, and George Gilpin treated his tended but owing to the bad weath- pupils to Ice cream. er many could not "partake of the enjoyments. On Sunday evening, May St'h, Rev. Wendell, the pastor of the Hones dale Baptist church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon for the gradu ating class of the Seelyville High school in the chapel at 7:45 o'clock. The commencement exercises will be held at the chapel on Friday even ing, May 13th. Dr. D. J. Waller, Jr., of the Bloomsburg Normal school, will deliver the commence ment address. Music will be fur nished by the Lyric orchestra. The graduating class consists of the fol lowing members :Rose Hahn, Mattle Erk, Mildred Thompson, Helen Faatz, Gladys" Mantle, Daniel Eno, Cecil Box, nnd Raymond Thayer. Ualph Ferguson, and bride, who have been the guests of the former's grandfather. W. S. Ferguson, and other friends, the past ten days, re turned to Binghamton on Saturday. BETHANY. Dr. Harry Many, of Tyler Hill, spent part of last week with his parents and sister. A very pleasant time was spent by tnose who attended tho plo social at Haines Wednesday evening. The Hubbard lot in the cemetery Is being improved by grey granite markers for the graves, and posts of the same to mark the corners all nicely cut. The foundation for a monument is also placed, tho work b"hs done by Martin Caulleld of Honesdale. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Clemo were given the usual bridal serenade on Thursday evening at the Clemo home stead. Russell Gammell returned Mon day night and Is now running the Gammell farm. Miss Cody came home Frldny f'ora Honesdale. Friday wo had a touch of winter snow and hall, ending in steady rain all the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Lavlnla Pethlck returned to her home on Wednesday from Honesdale. Mrs. Wesley Paynter and Mrs. Robert Mlllor of Carbondale, came the lirst of the week and their hus bands and daughters will como on Wednesday to attend tho Selfarth Miller wedding on Thursday. An entertainment will bo given by the people or Central Dyberry on Friday evening, May Cth, at tho school house, followed by n plo so cial. Proceeds to be dlvldod between the Methodist and Presbyterian churches. If tho room is not Inrge enough tho windows -will bo opened. Delegates of the Honesdale dis trict Sunday school convention nt Waymart Vodnqsday are, from tho MethodlBt' Sunday1 school Rov Slg nor, Georgo Meyers, Irnh Bnlloo, Elolso Webb and John Maddoford and from the Presbyterian school, Miss Cody. Nicholas Llppert, tho cenauB enu- On the 26th Rev. Webster made an address at the I. O. O. F. Hall, It being the 91st anniversary of Odd Fellowship in America, and the hall was well filled and all enjoyed the excellent address, and also the music kindly furnished by Prof. Crevellng and pupils. Brief remarks were also made by members of the fraternity. Abrnm Garris is the Representative to the Grand Lodge. John Walker expects to have a job In Carbondale driving a milk wagon. W. B. Lesher and John Gillnor were at Honesdale this week. In order to get the 5 per cent, re duction in the cash road tax, it must be paid by June 1st. To-morrow the supervisors meet to ascertain where they are at. Mrs. Herbert Stevens is still at Dr. Burns' hospital in Scranton, but ib improving. Grace Gillan is spending a day or two at home, and Katie and Lowell Cross are visiting friends in Scranton. Mr. and Mrs. G. 1. Gilpin attend ed the afternoon session of the Teachers' Association, at Salem. S. N. Cross and .Margaret Howe were also present. M. J. Costollo's talk was very good and Judge Searle's address was appreciated by all. The Judgo can make a hit every time and wo wero'sorry when he closed. Rev. J. II. Boyce's remarks were very good, as usual, and wo were pleased to hear him ngain. Rev. Murdock, the new District President, will hold the lirst quar terly conference at South Sterling on the afternoon of tho 13th, and will also preach a sermon. On the l&th Rev. Webster will have a Roll Call at 10:30, of the members, and It will be Interesting to many to learn who are members of the M. E. church, for strango as it many seem, a number do not know whether they are members or not. Frnnk Featherman lias the founda tion completed for tho creamery building. Will Yates Is tearing down the old building ho purchased of Benj. Yntes. Young pigs aro decidedly scarce, but there are more potatoes In the market than there was last fall. returned from a trip to Honesdale nlready recognized as the fastest on Wednesday afternoon. telegraph service In the world. Mrs:. Gilbert Pennell and son, j Carl, of Arlington, were In town on Thursday. The faculty of tho graded school attended the Teachers' Association at Salem on Friday, in consequence the pupils enjoyed two week-end holidays. Mrs. Eckback, of Adelia, was calling on Tafton friends on Wed nesday. Helen Grant passed Friday after noon at the Whole home at Wllson vllle. Mr. Eck, of Tafton, has purchas ed of Harry Atkinson about half an acre of lnnd situated between Wood land and Bollemonte Avenues upon which he will probably erect a dwelling house in the near future. Mrs. Farrington Suydam and lit tle son, Coe Durland, also Margaret Whele, have been enjoying the sea breezes at Atlantic City during the past fortnight. Ross Branning of Honesdale, visited at the home of his uncle, D. J. Branning, on Friday. Wm. Mott, of White Mills, called on Hawley friends yesterday. The L. A. S. of the Methodist church will meet with .Mrs. Elbert Blossom on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. F- Curtis of Sydney, has re turned to her home after a sojourn of two weeks with her friend, Mrs. Frank Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Daniels and lit tle son of Honesdale, arrived on Thursday for a visit with the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eck, of Taf ton. Edward Tormey, of Ledgedale, Is doing the blncksmlthing in the shop of Thielko & Kiellwich, the latter being unable to attend his duties owing to injuries sustained by a fall on the Ice during the past winter. Michael Golden entertained dur ing the week his brother, a Priest, In one of the R. C. church of Scran ton. Miss Anna Taft is visiting among her former neighbors and friends in town. Chauncy Purdy and family, of Seelyville paEsed yesterday with friends at 'Uswick. The Deltzer twins secured the "Dreamland prlzo for being the most popular Misses in town. Miss Losey was given tho second prize. Henry Hardier, who worked at his trade of glass cutting in Hones dale for the past year, has entered tho employ of the Keystone glass works as foreman in the add room. John Ames has engaged carpen ters to convert Into a tenement house his barn not used in several years, situated on Keystone street. NEWFOUNDLAND. Grand concert of old songs by a chorus of twenty-live voices, will be given in the Moravian church on Thursday evonlng, May bth, 1910, at 8 o'clock. Admission 10 and 1C cents. The Ladles' Aid society will Berve refreshments. WHITES VALLEY. Mrs. John Romlch and children, ot Prompton, nrq visiting the form er's mother, Mrs. Martha Stark. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peck, of Scranton, are guests nt W, G. Spencer's, at Lako LoMar. A WINNING TRICK. lie Lost AH His llets mill Made Mon ey by Doing So. The captain of one rather old and slow steamer of years ago, finding that he would have to bo a long time In China before he received a full cargo of tea and would have probably to return In ballast, began, to every one's astonishment, to say that, ow ing to the repairs that had been done to his engines, ho hoped to make a racing passage back to England Then, still more to the astonishment of the captains of the fast steamers and the world at large, no com menced to back himself to make the fastest passage home. In such very considerable sums of money did he wager that people bo gan to think there was something In it, and the merchants sent their tea almost entirely to his ship, arguing that as the captain stood to lose 250 the repairs to his steamer's engines had probably put him In a position to bet almost on a certainty. Of course the steamer, whose great est speed was eight knots an hour, arrived in England weeks after tho othors, and tho captain lost 250, hut instead of having to Ho in China waiting his chance of cargo coming in from tho Interior, a 'probable de lay of weeks, ho had cleared in a few days after his bets becamo known to tho public with a full ship, thus recouping to his owners, who, of course, paid his betting losses, a con sldorable number of thousands of pounds profit. Blackwood's Mngtt zlne. FRED C. REICIIEXRACKER, Druggist, Honesdale, la. Wns born at Honesdale In 1SC4 and has always been a resident of the borough. He was educated In the Honesdale high school and learn ed the druggist's business In the pharmacy of C. C. Jadwin, and is still engaged in that calling. He has always been an active and con sistent Republican, is well versed in and an able exponent of the prlncl pies of the party and wholly devoted to its interests. Mr. Relchenbacker is a member of the American Federa tion of Musicians, (Union) Local No. 413. He was placed in nomination for state senator of the Fourteenth district by the conferees of Wayne at Stroudsburg in 1008 and during tho deadlock had the highest vote of any candidate; but, notwithstand ing tho 'nomination belonged to Wayne, his name was withdrawn on the fifty-second ballot and tho noni ination went to Carbon county. (adv.) THEATRE WAR. Inasmuch as Mr. Mose Reis and Mr. Julius Calm aro posing as bene factors to the one night stands, they represent in their announcement that tholr theatres will hereafter play attractions booked by Messrs Kluw & Erlanger nnd others, might as well ho made clear that this Is merely their statement Neither Klaw & Erlanger nor any of -tho managers nllillated with them will piny any of their attractions in any theatres booked by Mose Rels or Julius Calm. It also Is just as well to let tho public kuow that these men In their pretenses tho they are for an "open door" in this matter are guilty of rank and traitorous hypocrisy. Tho fact Is that each of them has received money to sell out these theatres Wo mean exactly this: That they have for years been receiving mon ey fo represent certain theatres In tho United States; that for a mon eyed consideration they have opened the doors of these theatres to the Shubert attractions, thereby closing them to all the attractions of Chas Frohman, Klaw & Erlanger, Joseph Brooks, Charles B. Dillingham, H B. Harris, Henry W. Savago, Cohan & Harris, Frederic Thompson, Flo Zlegfeld, Jr., Daniel Frohman Wagenhals & Kemper, David Bel nsco, Harrison Grey Fiske, Lltt & Dingwall, Joseph M. Galtes, Henry Miller, Joseph Grlsmer, Al. Woods Mort Slngor nnd other producing managers and stars going into tho hundreds. This money which they received In consideration for this goos Into .their own pockets, not a penny of It going into any of the theatres which have been paying them for their sorvices. Have Light. ' Nover live in darkened rooms fio'ii morning till night for fear a gleam of sunshine will fade carpota or curtains. 1,000 feet It was a mero cord. When tho damp earth bordering on the lake was reached, at about 1,400 feet from tho tree, tho ends of tho root grow Into mere hairs and formed a network In all directions. As this particular hemlock was living on a knoll It Is thought the root reached out toward the lake In quest of water. The green root has been taken by tho botanical class at tho State Univer sity nnd will bo preserved In an es pecially built herbarium. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED ONE OF THOSE IATTIiE ADS? PUBLIC AUCTION ALE OF CUT GLASS AFTERNOON AND EVENING The Inc. will hold a public sale of damaged cut glass in I3 willmarth's HALL SATURDAY, MAY 14, 3 10 Sale will ooen nromotly. rain or shine on hours men tioned below : Afternoon Sale from 1:30 to 5:00 P. M. Evening Sale from 7:00 to 9:00 P. H. This, lot of cut glass consists of a general line of slightly imperfect pieces. Many of them are very good. Don't forget the date, Saturday May 14, 1910. The linse Rail team will serve a HOc. Nupper ami also furnish stabling nt moderate prices. TERMS OF S ALE CASH. CLINTON CUT GLASS CO., Inc., ALDENVILLE, Pa. Capital $75,000. Surplus $40,000 Deposits Over Half Million E B IS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION An examiner is liable to call at the institution at any time. This in sures carefulness and absolute safety in management. You do not have to leave the bank where you are now doing business to open an account witli this institution. Many people do their banking by mail and have accounts in several banks. Give to us a part of your business). MONEY LOANED ON GOOD SECURITY. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KENT. OFFICKKS. R. C. MUMFOItl), President. WM. F. KIEFLKR. Vice President. J. A. I'ISCII. Cashle: MKEf'TOUfi. K. C. Mwinfori! Joel G. Hill Jacob F. Kutz lienl. F. Haines W. K. Metier Frank Steinmnii Win. II. Kmnlz K. I). Pen warden Thomas .M. Hanley II. li. Ely, M. IJ. W. E. Perham FREE AUTO RIDE HAWLEY and WHITE MILLS PEOPLE who take the auto to KATZ BROS. Store receive the money for the return trip by purchasing $5 worth of merchandise. Our Prices are Always Lowest. Not only on coods advertised, but through out all srades in every department. The Greatest Sale of Tailor-Made Suits ever held in Honesdale. ISO samples ot one ot the most noted makers . Inoltnlliii.' all the latest models at money-sav-liii." prices. Suits formerly sold at $20. Sale Price $14.75 Suits formerly sold at $22.50 Sale Pries $18.50 Sultsformcrlysold at $27.50, $30.00 Sale Price, $22.50 t 4- - X i - t Are You All Ready silWsnaf'ffiS all the Gloves. Uelts and Xeckwear which you need lor tho wurm weather? t WoTc KATZ BROS.
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