THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1010. FATE AND ONE MRS MAGUiRE Between Them They Brought tho Parted Couple Together. By M. LOUISE CUMMINS. lira. Magulre looked up from her knitting n second time to meet the same pair of brown eyes. Again n Bense of familiarity In their gaze went over her. "And, sure, thcre'd bo nothing Btrnngo In that," she soliloquized, "aft er mo being attendant In this wnltitig room for tho past fifteen years." Nevertheless her mind went back gropingly trying to place tho girl sit ting opposite. She gave a quick glance and reached what she sought with such suddenness that she fairly start ed. "'Tls the very wnn the very wan," she muttered. "But, Lord love us nil. what has changed her so much?" Presently she rose, holding her knit ting In her left hand, and made a little tour of the room, picking up a paper here, straightening a chair there, ap parently Intent only upon her business. But she paused near the woman who had attracted her attention. " 'Tls tiresome work waiting for trains, ma'am," she hazarded. "It Is, indeed!" At sight of such woe In her eyes, which she had once seen filled with bucIi blessedness of joy that, as sho said, "they were like twin lights on an altar," Mrs. Maguire's heart ached. "Though there's them that don't mind it," she went on. "Look there, now," with n sidelong nod to where in tho outer -waiting room a young couple were seated' oblivious of time and place. "They makes me think of a pair that sat in that very spot let me see, It must be all of four years ago," she continued reminlscently. "They had missed their train nnd had to wait six mortal hours for the western express. "Well, if you'll believe me, I don't think they knew 'twns as many minutes." Mrs. Magulre saw the hands of the woman come slowly together suddenly In her lap. "Did you ever see them again?" she asked slowly. "Not her." The dark eyes came round In a flash. "And him?" "Well, as sure as you live" Mrs. Ma gulre had seated herself and was knit ting complacently " 'twas only last week. He come in nnd Just sit in that very spot. I. took no notice to him at first, but ho looked so broke up I had to. It seemed all wrong to see him sitting without her." The woman at her side sprang up. "It is suffocating in hero!" she pant ed. Then she sank back into the chair. "You recognized me," she said weari ly. "And If I did, a-lanive" Mrs. Ma gulre laid a soothing palm on her knee, the soft crooning of her mother tongue coming back to her "I meant no harm by what I said. Sure, when I looked across the room you made me think of a bit of a primrose you'd see in a boreeu nt home wilting because the bush that sheltered it was tore away." "And I thought" her slender body seemed to contract with tho agony of recollection "God help me! "What I thought was not tho truth." "God help us all when we begins to doubt tho wan that's dearer to us than our heart's blood. 'Tls well to be sure" she went on slowly "sure be fore you spake the word that can't be ouspoken." "If some one had said that to me then.1" Her breathing seemed to tear tho delicate throat. "But I would not listen to him, nnd now now it is too late!" '"Tls never that," Mrs. Magulre said, with conviction. "It is. He said if I left him it would bo final." If Mrs. Maguire's Angers flow her thoughts went at such bewildering pace that she started when her com panion rose. She took nnd patted be tween "her own the hand held out to her, looking beyond with unseeing eyes. "She'll come back," sho thought, with tho assurance of one who knew. "And he, mother of God! Isn't it the pity of the world to see thorn parted? And for nothing at all, most likely!" It was strange ufter that on days when a slight tigure in dark blue sat In tho ladles' wultlng room how many excuses Mrs. Mogulro found for excur sions to different parts of tho station, with what eagerness sho sat out on these expeditions und with dejection written in every line of her comely face when she returned. "Tls watching for him she is her self," she thought, meeting tho wistful interrogation of tho dark eyes. And never did maiden look for the coming of her lover us did Mrs. Magulru for the tall figure which had Imprinted it self on her memory. It was a matter of genuine impor tance, however, which called her away ono dny just as her visitor entered. "I'll bo back in a minute. "Tls tho superintendent himself wants mo," she explained, smoothing down a snowy apron in a little bustle of excitement. Half an hour later in returning sho passed by tho long lino of tracks. A crowd surrounding a woman whose dark head was covered with n cotton handkerchief attracted her attention, and Hho drew near. "What's tho trouble, Mike?" sho asked a uniformed fellow countryman. "Thlm dagoes," Mike jerked a thumb over ono shoulder. "Wnn of thlm lost his mother, nnd nothln' 'd do the young dlvll but to skrcwge throiirJi the gatcn and try to cross the tra i;n Just ns No. C7 wits pullln' in. If 'tus:i i'.ir that glntleman there thcre'd lu on mielgu cr less to grow tip in tho co 'iithry." Mrs. .Magulre turned to uol: at the tall figure. Ono glance was sufficient. A moment later she was hanging to his arm with all tho pressure of her 175 pounds. "Walt, sir!" sho panted. "For the love of heaven, don't go I" lie looked down nmazed. "Oh, I'm not mad; don't you think it." And, indeed, tho gray eyes raised to his wcro wonderfully sane behind their steel rimmed glasses. I'Shc's in there," Mrs. Magulre whis pered. "She! Who?" "Herself tho little girl you married four years ago. Oh, didn't I sho you? Sure, 'twas little else I did that bless ed day but look at the picture you made. Tho curses of the Almighty on whoever came between you, for sure you must have the kind, brave heart to do what you Just done." The man paled ns he had not done when looking death In the face. "Go!" Mrs. Magulre gave him n push toward the waiting room door. "She's in there, I tell you, eating her heart out for n sight of you. And," grasp ing him ngaln, "don't you say a word, but just take her along home." As his broad back disappeared Mrs. Magulre laid hold of a newspaper stand for support. A few minutes later, when, with flushed cheeks, sho passed humming a bar of "Eileen Aroon" nbove n lump which threatened to choke her, they were Bitting where they had sat four years before. "Dear," he said huskily, his head lient over hers, "that we should meet hero--it was fate." "And Maggie Magulre," added that worthy woman ns she entered her own domnln. Untold Riches. Wealth Is merely comparative. One's possessions constitute a pittance or a fortune, according to one's point of view. The Itev. Frederic Denison tells a story of ono of the Inhabitants of old Westerly, It. I., which shows there is no general standard of riches. Tho young man, prompted by patriotism and desire for gold, had enlisted in the uncertnln business of privateering. On returning home after many nnd various cruises lie was thankfully greeted by his kin and anxious friends. His motber, with maternal solicitude, inquired: "Well, Harry, how have you made out? Did you get much money?" "Oh, yes, mother," nnswered tho nd venturer, "I had good luck. I am rich. I shall have enough, with prudence and care, to carry me through life, I hope." "I am glad, my son. now much have you?-' "Well, I don't exactly know yet, but I think when we settle up it will amount to $30." Youth's Companion. Curries and Chutneys. True Indian curry sauce is an inven tion of unknown antiquity. Tho Hin doo makes It fresh as used from pound ed up various aromatic herbs and nuts, boiling It in ghee, a butter, and cocoa nut water. It Is very mild nnd aro matic and only slightly pungent and hot. As a rule, It is poured over heaps of light, snowy cooked rice, to which meat is ndded, If It is to be had. Mus sulmans and Portuguese of later India took It up and added strong cayennes, garlic nnd onions and other strong spices nbhorred by tho natives. East Indians also use a chutney sauce mado of pickled green mangoes nnd ent on the side little spratllkc dried fishes, to which Is given n high flavor by keep ing until putrefied, and tho chutney and fish are eaten along with curried rice. Curries nro antiseptic, kill worms in the lnsldes nnd are a tonic to tho stomach and circulation and no doubt save from sickness in climates of germ laden water nnd heat of India. New YorK Press. Boasted of His Costly Napkins. Diego do Torres, tho Spanish am bassador, who visited tho emperor of Morocco in 1547, found that knives, spoons nnd forks were unknown at tho royal table. Each guest helped himself with his lingers and cleaned his hand with his tongue, excepting the emper or, who performed that ofllco on the head of n black boy whom he retnlncd by bis side iii readiness. The emperor, observing tho ambassador smile, asked him with what Christian kings wiped their hnnds at meals und whut such things wero worth. "Pino napkins," replied tho ambassador, "a clean ono at every meal, worth a crown apleco or more." "Don't you think this nap kin much better," suid tho emperor, wiping his hands again on tho black boy's head, "which is worth 70 or 80 crowns?" Foolish Curiosity. Many a wild animal has lost its lifo by Its own foollshuess. Nearly every creature is anxious to learn so nothing about what Is now to it. Of this habit hunters tako full ndvantago. In tho chaso of the guanaco, a llama that Is found In South America from Tern to Patagonia, tho hunter invites it to come within rungo of his gun merely by lying on his back and kicking up bis heels in tho air. Tho guanaco draws near to this funny looking ob ject just ns guilelessly as the lly walks Into the spider's parlor, nnd cro it knows who's who or what's what it is killed or wounded by tho sports man. So silly a creature it Is that it will not oven bolt when tho bullet has missed it, for it thinks the flash and tho report aro part and parcel of the nm. . WEATHER TERMS. Maiden, with n. powder puff Dabbing- hero nnd there. This reported weather wine Means "Continued fair." Hubby comlnfj home nt one, KlRza courso n-wondlng. Weather signal In thin caae Would be, "Storm Impending." Baby climbing- on n chair. If Bhe Blips and falls, It Is not unlikely that There'll be "Sudden squalls." Girl nnd lover have a spat. She flings down his flowers. Lover, nnitry, grabs his hat And rushes oft. That's "Showers." Man sees tailor on tho street; Seems n trifle nettled; Crosse to tho other side. That suggests "Unsettled." Boston Transcript. Caught Out. Little Brother Won't you tako me to the ball game, Sir. Wlcky, when the season opens? Mr. Wlcky My boy, I never go to ball games. Ltttlo Brother I thought you was a player. Ma told sis you was a good catch. Tenor Gets Funny. Slezak, who was ono of the new bunch of talent nt the Metropolitan Opera House In New York Just closed for tho season Is n practical joker. All the company wero his victims. Ills favorite was Schmedcs, the Vlennn tenor. One morning about 2 o'clock Slezak stirred up Schmedes. "Are you nerr Schmedcs?" Slezak called through the telephone In broken German, fitting tho character. "Yes," came In sleepy impatience "Herr Schmedes, tho tenor." Yes, of course, the tenor. What oth er would at that hour have stickled for complete identification? "How fortunate!" was the ambigu ous rejoinder. "I nm Lord Morley, nt the Hotel Bristol." "Delighted, I am sure." The voice sounded now quite awake. A distinguished foreigner of n nation not noted for its impulsiveness could not sleep without a word with him! "Who is singing in 'Lohengrin Mon day night?" sped to him over the wire. "I, Schmedes," the answer rang, with an Inference of pleasing news. "Ah!" Deep, startling disappoint ment freighted tho word. "I had hoped it was Slezak. They 'say ho slugs so beautifully." Chicago Post. Mysterious Knowledge. Some years ago an expedition from tho University of Pennsylvania was sent to ono of our southern states for the purpose of observing a solar eclipse. Tho day before tho event one of tho professors said to an old colored niuu belonging to the household wherein the scientist was quartered: "Tom, If you will watch your 'chick ens tomorrow morning you'll find that they'll all go to roost at 11 o'clock." Tom wns of course skeptical, but nt tho appointed hour the heavens wcro dnrkened, nnd tho chickens retired to roost. At this tho man's amazement showed no bounds, and he "sought out the scientist "Perfesser,!' said he, "how long ago did you know dem chickens would go to roost?" "About n year ago," said the profess or smilingly. "Welf," of dat don't beat all!" was the man's comment. "Porfessor, a year ago dem chickens wa'n't even hatched." Ladles' Homo Journal. His Incentive. "You fought that burglar llko a very demon," said tho police lieutenant as he listened to the little man's story. "Thunk you," replied tho little mau. "And the fellow was twice as big as you," pursued tho admiring lieu tenant. "I don't think I ever saw a man much worse beat up. You must hnvo been frightfully mud." "It wasn't that exactly," said the llttlo man modestly. "You see, my wife was behind me, prodding me with n hatpin!" Cleveland Plain Deal er. Identified. "I wouldn't marry tho best man in tho world," said Miss Dolllver scorn fully. "I'm glad to hear it," cried Bolivar Joyously. "Then I can hope." "You?" she retorted. "Yes," said Bolivar. "I'm not tho best man in tho world, you know." And sho married him Just to get even. nnrpcr's Weekly. So Sweet of Him. "I was passing that swell florist's shop with Lord Brokclolgh," snld the first holrcss, "and I hlutcd that I'd llko to havo soma of tho lovely roses that wero displayed in tho window" "And did ho rcnlly send you some?" eagerly Interrupted tho other. "Yes; they camo this morning O. O. D." Catholic Standnrd and Times. Giving Orders. Bella Isn't ho married yet? Btella-No; ho is still living a la carte. New York Herald. IN THE WORLD OF SPORT Warren Barbour, Who May Meet Tony Biddle. Strong efforts are being made to bring Warreu Barbour, son of a wealthy New Yorker, who recently won tho amateur heavyweight boxing championship of the United States, nnd Tony Biddle, the young society man of Philadelphia, together in a bat tle for the millionaire championship of America. Barbour and Biddle nro mil lionaires in their own right many times over and belong to tho Four .Hundred set in their respective cities. Charley White, tho famous referee, who han dled Barbour In his bouts In Boston recently, is inclined to believe that his protege might be Induced to meet Bid dle under certain conditions. The bringing of these two young gladiators together in a glove contest according to Quecnsborry rules would be nn event that would be sure to bring out the society swells In New York and Philadelphia. It is to bo hoped that promoters will succeed in staging the match. Stuart to Quit Hockey. It was reported in Montreal in hock ey circles that Bruco Stuart, captain of tho Ottawa professional hockey team, has retired from tho sport It; is said that an injury lie sustnlned last season caused him to quit tho game. Stuart was injured in tho Reufrew Ottawa game. Stuart was offered 51,000 nt tho start of the season, and when the Henfrew magnates started raising tho price of the hockey stars the Ottawa captain was proffered a contract calling for $2,000 and a bonus if he lauded tho championship. It was puro loyalty to his homo town that kept him In Otta wa last winter. Machine Made Baseball Averages. Machine made baseball nvernges will bo tho rule In the American lenguo shortly if Secretary Robert Mcltoy can learn how to make tho "Jigger" divide. A London made machine nrrived nt the league heiidqunrters In Chicago recently, and with tho aid of Umpire Jack Sheridan nnd several others Mc ltoy discovered how to make It add, subtract and multiply. But It simply wouldn't divide. livery time ho thought It working n big buuch of O's would appear to throw calculations out of gear. Hyatt New Eastern Basketball Head. Tho Iutcrcollcglato Basketball league, with Yale, Princeton, Cornell nnd Pennsylvania ns members, was reor ganized recently nt a meeting of dele gates from tho four universities at tho Cornell club In New York. The league suspended two years ngo. It. B. Hyatt of Yalo was elected pres ident nnd Ralph Morgan of Pennsyl vania secretary-treasurer. Tho old form schedule of two games each will be announced next fall. Want Hackenschmldt Back. Boveral well known wrestling pro moters in Kansas City nro trying to influence Georgo nackcnschmldt, "tho Russian Lion," to come to this country again to display his prowess in tho mat game. Hackenschmldt is tho wrestler, it will bo remembered, who was handled so roughly by Frank Ootch, tho world's champion, when tho two met in a title bout in Chicago two years ngo. Unique Golf TltU For Egan. H. Chandler Egan ndded tho rather unique title, of western Indoor golf champion to bis achievements recent ly when ho defeated Harry S. Rock well of tho Calumet Country club by 0 up and C to play in tho final over tho MInnakahda courso at the Wabash nvenuo school, Chicago. Tho tourna ment has been in progress for ovor a month. ART OF COOKING RICE. How to Master It With Little Troubls and Careful Washing. Cooking rlco Is n great art which is easily mastered by those who nro will ing to take tho trouble. In the first place, do not get inexpensive rice. Even the best grade Is not especially dear. Always ask for the very best quality, and you will find the grains nro whole nnd there Is no chaff, unlike the rice ono gets in somo lunch rooms, boarding houses and restaurants, which is soft and wet like mush and full of llttlo pieces of debris. This cheaper quality Is neither so nourishing nor so palatable. Rice cannot be cooked properly un less It has been washed carefully. Put It In a coarse strainer, set the strainer In n basin of cold water, pick out all pieces of forcigu mntter and change the water again und again until it re mains clear. Then the rice is ready to bo cooked. Tnko ono and one-fourth cupfuls of boiling water, one-half tcaspoonful of salt nnd half a cupful of rice. Put It Into boiling water and salt, In tho up per half of n double boiler, nnd steam for about three-quarters of an hour, or until there Is no grlttlness loft In the grains, which should be quite soft. Add a little water If tho rice becomes too dry when cooking. When done pour Into a colander and set on the back of the stove or lu tho oven for two or three minutes until all damp ness Is absorbed and each grain of rice stands out from Its fellow. A oiieul r..;r.. Jorklns There's Perkins you know Perkins entered into nu agreement with his wife soon after their mnr riage, twenty years ago, that when ever either lost temper or stormed tho other was to keep silence. Bob And the scheme worked? Jorkins Admi rably. Perkins has kept silenco for twenty years. HOW TO CURE A TERRIFIC HEADACHE. Many people suffer with an aching head week after week, occasionally getting relief from so-called headache powders and nerva stupefying drugs. They never get cured because they start wrong. Such people should do a little commonsense thinking. Headache is simply the result, a warning signal, of a far more serious trouble. Usu ally it means bad blood poisoned by an in active or sluggish liver. Headache suffer ers are often nervous, cross and irritable. Their sleep is disturbed and digestion im paired. The liver doesn't do its work right, and the bile elements poison both nerve and brain. Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Kite remove the cause of headache. They are Nature's true laxative, and give tone to liver activity, area positive specific for bil iousness and a torpid liver. Get your liver right by using Smith's Pineapple and But ternut Pills and your head won't ache, your nerves won't weaken, nor your food distress you. Physicians use and recom mend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITHS I PINEAPPLE Con &ti& Atinn Biliousness. AND Kiaiaestion. eaaacheana IBUTTERHUTi Diseases of, PILLS the Stomaefi' l-ift i GO fills In Glass Vlnl 25c All Dealers. SMITH'S BUCHU L1THIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys Bladder Dlaeaiet, Tthenmatltm, the one beat remedy. Reliable, endorsed b j leading physicians ; ate, effectual. Iteaulta laaUng. On tba market IS years, llavet; cared thousands. 100 pUla InM original glass package, CO cents. Trial boiea, to pllla, IScenta. AIM uruKKiHa ku ana recommena M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for salp Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. ALLEN HOUSE BARN Through Drawing-Room Buffet Sleeping Car BETWEEN Scranton and Pittsburg IN BOTH DIRECTIONS via Fenna. R. R. from Wilkes-Barre Leave Scranton at 5:30 P.M. daily except Sun, arrive Pittsburg 7 A.M. Leave Pittsburg at 8:50 P.M. daily except Sat. ar. Soranton 9:59 A.M. Berth reservations can be made through Ticket Agents, or GEO, E. BATES, Dir. Frt. and Paw. Agt, Soranton, Pa. 15ei20 3 VrOTlGH O ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OP KltZAriBTit J. IJovn. late of Damascus. Pa. All persons Indebted to said cstato ore noti fied to mnkc Immediate payment to theun (Icrslsnrd : and thoso liavlna claims against the said estate are untitled to present them duly attested, for settlement. THOMAS Y. I10YD. Itoyds Mill, Pa., April UO, Administrator. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 01 WAYNE COUNTY. Ilessle M. Hector v. Claud J. Hector. Nn. 70 October Term IWH. I.Ibcl In Divorce. To CLAUD .1. HIXTOH You are lirreby retiulred to appear In the said court on tho third Monday of June ntxt. to answer tho romplalnt exhibited to the judce of said court by Hesslo M. Hector your wife In the cnuso above stated, or In default thereof n deereo of divorce us prayed for In said complaint niny be made auahist you In your nbsenc M.LEKitKAMAN. r,ee. Att'y. aherlff. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. Gustavo Klecmnn v. Claire Kleeman. No.;tl October Term. 1!WJ. J.lbei in Divorce. , To CLAIItK KLKEMA.V: You are here by required to uppeir In the said Court on the third Monday of June next, to answer the complaint exhibited to the Judge of said rourt by Gustavo Klccmun, your husband. In the cause above stated, or In default there of a decree or divorce as prayed for In said complaint may bo made against you In your absence. M. I.KK I1KA.MAN. henrle & Salmon. Att'ys. .Sheriff. Honesdalu. la March 25. 1910. MeolU SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. -By virtue of process issued out of the Court, of. Common Plena of Wayno county, nnd State of Pennsylvnnla, and to me directed nnd delivered, I havo levied on ana will expose to puhllc sale, at tho Court House In Honesdale, on THURSDAY, MAY 1010, 2 V. M. All of defendant's right, title and Interest in tho following described property, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the township of Pal myra, county of Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the side of the public road leading from Hawley to Honesdale; thence along said road south seventy-two and one-half degrees east twelve and one-halt rods to a pine tree; thence south twenty six degrees east four and three tenths rods to a post; thence by lands of George Atkinson north sixty-seven and one-half degrees east thirty-six rods to a heap of stones by a chest nut tree; thence north twenty-two and one-half degrees east ono hundred and thirty-three and one half rods to a stones corner in line of lands late of Russell Daniels; thence along said line of land south sixty-seven and one-half degrees west seventy-seven and one-fourth rods to a post on the berme bank of the Delaware & Hudson canal; thence along said berme bank of tho canal Its several courses and distances to a stake near and below lock numbered 32 on said canal, and thence along the lands of the Del. & Hudson Canal north 10 and one-half degrees east 3 and eight-tenths rods to post corner; north 55 degrees east 2 rods to post corner and north 36 degrees west 14 rods ,Jo place of beginning. Containing 45 acres and 7C perches. See Deed Book No. SO, page 257. About C acres of above lands are improved. Upon same is two-story frame house and two small frame barns. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Marie E. O'Donnell at tho suit of F. L. Tuttle. No. 278 June Term 1909. Judgment, $172.60. Mumford, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must bo paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., Apr. 9, 1910. i IES In compliance with Sec tion 3, of the Uniform Primary Act, page 37, P. L., 1906, nottco is here by given to tho electors of Wayno county of tho number of delegates to tho State conventions each party" is entitled to elect, names of party olllces to be filled and for what o likes nominations aro to be made at the spring primaries to ho held on SATURDAY, JUNE -I, 11)10. REPUBLICAN. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative In General Assembly. 2 persons for delegates to the State Convention. 1 person to bo elected Party Com mitteeman in eacli election district. DEMOCRATIC. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 porson for Senator in General Assembly. 1 person for Representative in Goneral Assembly. 1 person for Delegate to tho State Convention. 1 person to ho elected Party Com mitteeman In ench election district. PROHIBITION. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator In General Assembly. 1 person for Representative in General Assembly. 3 persons for Delegates to the State Convention. 3 persons for Altornate Dolegates to tho Stato Convention. 1 person for Party Chairman. 1 porson for Party Secretary. 1 person for Party Treasurer. Petition forms may bo obtained at the Commissioners' ofllce. Petitions for Congress, Senator and Representative must be filed with tho Secretary of tho Common wealth on or boforo Saturday, May 7, 1910. Petitions for Party offl cers, committeemen and dolegates to the stato conventions must be filed at tho Commissioners' ofllco on or before Saturday, May 14, 1910. J. E. MANDEVILLE, J. K. HORNBECK, T. C. MADDEN, Commissioners. Attest: Georgo P. Ross, Clerk. Commissioners' Ofllco, Honesdalo, Pa., April 4, 1910.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers