niK CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, MAY I, 1010. 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN Mlt. MAN Oil IjADY: Will you exchange that road horso for n piano? See Mclntyre. 2t. HOW will you trade sowing ma chines? You can trade with Mc lntyre. , 35col2 FOR SALE Eight snares of Honesdale Natlonnl Hank stock at one hundred sixty-live dollars ($1G5) n share. Warren 1'. Schcnck, Hones dale, Pa. It PIANO TUNING I will bo In Honesdale, May 9th to 13th. Or ders by postal card, care Hotel Wayne, promptly attended to. Sam. S. Wlnt. 34t4 FOK SAIiU House containing ten rooms and bath, 30C Fourteenth streets Honesdale. Dwelling In ex cellent condition. All modern Im provements. FRANK STBINMAN tf FOR Flagging, Curbing, and Steps call on Miller. 174 Delaware St. eol 4t. TWELVE muslin trespass notices for ?1.00; six for sevonty-llvo cents. Name of owner, township nnd law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. FOR SALE A walnut upholster ed, parlor set of furniture consist ing of sofa and two largo cnairs. lu ouire Citizen onice. tf ALL KINDS of legal blanks, notes, leases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, etc. Citizen olllce. FOR SALE Large gas stove, In good condition. Apply 1407 East street. tf. WANTED A woman for general house work. Apply to Dr. E. V. Gavltte, White Mills. 33t3 LOCAL MENTION. If you want some National Bank stock read Warren Schenck's ad. Architect Huston was found guilty of conspiracy to cheat and de fraud the commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. The ladles of the Grand Army' Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Isaac H. Ball on Friday afternoon of this week. The regular monthly meeting of Capt. James Ham Post, prior to Memorial Day, will be held on Friday of this week. All members are ex pected to be present. Henry Huffman, who no doubt will receive the Democratic nomina tion for State Senator, and S. E. Shull, Esq., both of Stroudsburg, were In town on Friday. The Wayne1 County" Agricultur al Society held their meeting on Tuesday morning and afternoon, a full account of the proceedings will appear in our next Issue. Protection Engine Co. has an auxiliary truck house in course of construction on West street near the residence of William Lemnltzer. It will be equipped with a hose cart, five hundred feet of hose, with necessary nozzle, etc., for up-town fire protec tion. Scranton is now In the lime light of investigation. The affairs of the school board for several years past is where they expect to find the "niggpr In the woodpile." Some ugly rumors as to what has transplr ea In the manipulation of the monies appropriated for school purposes, are In circulation. At the coroner's Inquest on tho body of a woman who was drowned In a well the husband testified: "I saw her when she leaned over the curb and tumble In, 'and I was going to help her out, but Just then I saw the cow among the cabbages and I thought I'd drive her out first. Mary orter known nuff to hang on till I got there." 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Erk cele brated tho 30th anniversary of their wedding at their home at Seelyville on Thursday evonlng, April 28th. Mrs. Erk was formerly Miss Anna Wilderstein, John Erk and family, Frank Erk and wife, Henry Rohln son nnd wife, Mrs. Catherine Erk, Misses Grace, Elizabeth and Knto ''k, Mr. and Mrs. Eno, and Mr. . 'icrt Ransom and wife wero ong those present. Refresh es were served and a very en . ' .o time was had. -H. T. Hudson, "of Waymart, was town Monday. Ho Is better known Doc" Hudson, a nick namo which i.e rccolvod when a boy and which has stuck to him over since. Ho Is now past 70 years and has been era ployed by tho D. & H. Company over since a boy; In fact, he has never worked for nnyono else except this company. Ho spont over fifty years of his life working on the old Grav ity road. When a little fellow, thcro was a big nogro called "Doc" Whoa ton employed on the road and when ever this big fellow would come over tho mountain from his homo at Car bondale, tho men employed on the canal would holler to young Hud son, "Here comes Doc," nnd tho youngster would run homo and re main homo until Wheaton had gone back. It was from this often recur ring event that Hudson ncqulred his cognomen of "Doc" Hudson Is now a tall, stalworth, rugged man In splto of his seventy years of hard work, and gives ovldonco that In his younger days ho must have been a man of giant strength. 1 The Supremo Court decides that ! 1 C. f. Wright Is State Treasurer. Oran Sutton Is now foreman of 1 the machine shop at the Elevator i Works. Fred Schoell is now the owner of tho Halfway House, hnvlng pur chased snme from Victor Mlcslcr; consideration ?4,000. On Snturday last, Patrick Igo was removed to tho Sanltnrlum nt Danville by Pntrlck McNally and Poor, Director J. L. Burchcr. The American Flint Glass Workers' Union will hold a ball In I O'Connoll's hall on Frldny evening, j Mny 13th. Music and dancing. I E. F. Freer, who has been forc I man of tho machine shop of the Nn j tionnl Elevator Co., resigned, and I loft for his home at Kingston, N. Y., j on Saturdny. Toledo, Ohio, is happy over our strike and trouble In tho glnss cut ting Industry. Tills is the homo town of tho Llbby and other cut glnss companies and Is where tne organi zer, Luckock, hails from. Tho town council arc trying to better Main street and have placed a car load of craiked stone, which they received from some placb In tho val ley, on that portion of Main street near the Commercial Hotel. Tho glass cutters, who are on strike, received checks on the Hones dale Dime Bank on Saturday. The cheeks' were for $17, $14, and ?8, bc-ing t'.iree weeks' pay. The latter amomit was the pay the apprentices, received. The baseball season opened on Saturday afternoon on the silk mill ground. Carbondnle was tho con testing team, but both teams wqre very soft, Carbondale being the soft est. The score was, Honesdale I I, Carbondale 2. Express Messenger William D. Lewis of tho National Express Co. on the Honesdale Branch of the D. & H., has been promoted to a better position. He will be succeeued by F. M. KUlem, a former messenger on the branch. An old man named Mullen, at least sixty years old, was arrested by officer Degroat on Thursday night for intoxication. Ho was giv en a hearing and lined ?10. Not having the money he was placed in charge of Street Commissioner Weld ner to work out his fine. Rev. H. Liebeck, of Albany, N. Y., preached In St. John's Lutheran church on Sunday morning and even ing. His sermon in the morning was delivered in German, while the even ing discourse was In English. Both services were well attended by. con gregations that were greatly pleased. According to the Bradford Star, when the census was taken in 1790 there were five negro slaves In Bradford county. Two were owned, by William Houck, of Stand ing Stone, and Dr. Stephen Hopkins and Guy Maxwell, of Athens, and Adam Mann, of Wysox, each owned one slave. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gardner and Mrs. Wesley Gardner and son Perry, of Scranton, were In this place last week packing the house hold effects of Benjamin Gardner preparatory to his removal to Fac toryvllle .where he will make his home with his sister, Mrs. Gilmore. Mr. Gardner Is one of the Maple City's highest esteemed pioneer resi dents, and his removal Is deeply regretted. The Montrose Democrat, of a. recent date, says: W. A. Cooley Is the possessor of a relic of a number of generations which he exhibited in this office the first of the week, In tho form of a pocketbook made from the skin of a colored man that was hung for the murder of the Vaness family, of Newark, .N. J.. In 1789, ho being tho first colored man hung In that state. This pocket book was given as a present to tho late Amos Cooley's great grand father and has been handed down until now It Is tho property of W. A. Cooley. A castle of tho Knights of St. Paul, for boys from 12 to 1C years of age, will be organized In tho Sun day school rooms of Grace Episcopal church on Thursday, May C, at 7:30 p. m. A delegation" of nhout fifteen are oxpected from Trinity church, Carbondnle, Including the Rector, Rev. H. E. Robblns, to organize tho new castlo, to exemplify tho mystic rites of tho order and probably to Install ofllcors. Afterwards tho visiting Knights and tho newly made Knights will have a foast. Tho Car bondale boys aro to bring with them all necessary paraphernalia and ro galla. Tho first accident to tho largo auto, now making trips between Haw ley and Seelyville, took place on Fri day afternoon while tho car was on its way to Honesdale. Whon about two miles from Hawley, as they at tempted to cross a small bridge, tho front wheels went through and It looked as If tho car would go down Into tho creok, but tho passengers three In number and tho chauffeur, all Jumped out of tho machine, and this probably saved tho machine from turning over nnd going down Into tho ditch about fifteen foot deep. Word was sent to Honosdulo nnd n wrecking crew, consisting of John Erk, Robert Murray, and Frank Erk, armed with jacks, crow-bars, block nnd tacklo, hastened to tho scone, and after working until Saturday morning, tho car was placed on terra flrma. Tho machine was but slightly damaged and resumed its trips on Saturday morning. Tho bridgo has been repaired. Rend Ostcrhardt & Dykmnn Land Co.'s adv. In this paper. Wo call attention to Frank i Stolnmnn's advertisement of hlsi homo for Bnlo. j Georgo W. Klpp, of Townndn, i will bo tho Dcmocrntlc cnndldnte for Congressman from this district. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Stelnmnn and family expect to remove to De posit, N. Y., tho Inst of tho week. Ostorhoudt & Dykmnn have tho true spirit nnd correct method of ad vertising. Go nnd see them soil on Saturday. Gen. E. F. Jones, of Blnghnm-ton.-hns offered to pay tho expense of dental trcntmont for all the poor children of that city and tho offer has been accepted by the board of education. A very pleasant evening was spent nt the homo of Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Losch on Ridge street, on Frl dny last, whon a variety shower was given In honor of her sister, Miss Alice McGlnnls. On Frldny evening Inst about ten friends of the Misses Edna hud Ethel Hawker gathered at their homo on Dyberry Plnce, tho oc casion being their blrtliday. A very pleasant evening wns spent. Mrs. Clarence Knapp, of Pas saic, N. .1., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pothick and son Dunne, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Pethlck and daughter, of Scranton, wero guests at the family circle of Mr. and Airs. Rich ard Pothick at East Honesdale on Sunday Inst. About tl:4ri a. m. Tuesday morning tho gong sounded an nlarm for lire. Smoke wns seen coming up over the culm piles on Texas No. 4. The fire companies responded, but discovered that it was a lot of brush being destroyed on account of cleaning up day. T,he floral tokens of respect to Mrs. Hardenbergh canio from friends both far and near. Tele grams to tho leading florists of New York, Philadelphia, from distant friends for appropriate symbols of affection brought a profusion of beautiful flowers, and this with the magnificent offering of friends in Honesdale, White Mills, Hawley and other nearby places showed the high appreciation tho lady was held In by her many friends who for years sympathized with her in her afflic tion and who loved her for her true womanly qualities. A test was made last Sunday In the Presbyterlnn church of an In strument which enables those whose hearing Is defective to hear very plainly. The main transmitter was placed on the pulpit so that the Rev. Swift's voice was taken up and transmitted same as In a telephone to those In the pews who had re ceivers which they applied to their ears and thus many whose hearing was imperfect were enabled to hear distinctly eyery word that was spok en by the preacher! There were about ten receivers Installed and used to the satisfaction of the To remember mother, to show honor to her who is the best belov ed the world over, the white carna tion, emblem of purity.'wlll bo worn by the people of the nation next Sunday Mothers' Day. Growing out of the devotion of. one woman who set aside the day on which her mother died to be an occasion each year consecrated to the memory of the departed loved one, tho observ ance of Mothers' Day has spreail with such rapidity that tho second Sunday in May of last year, the first anniversary of Mothers Day, found a nation kneeling at the shrine of inother-lovo. Mothers' Day was first observed on tho sec,ond Sunday In Mny, 1908. The public is asked to wear a white carnation to properly observe this day. If mother is liv ing, wear tne carnation, but also sit down nnd write the good, old soul a kind letter, full of tho af fection that you surely have for her but havo been too busy to tell her about very; often. She will appre ciate It moro than all the carnntlonB worn on succeeding Mothers' Days or piled above tho coffin lid over her thin, worn hands. Tho way to ob serve Mothers' Day In spirit and truth is to keep in close touch with hor as long as she lives, nnd assure her constantly of your affection nnd regnrd. Later, whon under tho daisies, sho won't need It. Tho Seolyvlllo Flro Company will havo a ball In their hall next Friday night. adv. PERSONAL MENTION Peter Helnlcklo Is tho guest of Scrnnton friends. Floyd Bldwoll was a callor In Port Jorvls on Sunday. William Welch was a Hawley visitor on Sunday. J. V. Stnrnos of Bethany was In town Tuesday morning. Frank Rosonkrnntz recontly visit ed friends In Scranton. Miss Lena Lehman, of Hawley, spent Thursday in town. Mrs. Louis Jcltz spent Sunday with friends in Scranton. Mrs. William Spettlguo visited rel atives in Jermyn last week. C. P. Searlo mado a short busi ness trip to Now York Saturday. Edward Fasshauser, of Carbon dnle, spent Sunday at his homo hero. Slgamund Kntz spont Saturday and Sundny with relatlvos In Scran ton. Miss Floronce Coyne, of Scranton, is spending a fow days with Seely ville friends, Robert M, Dorln Is nssisting his father, M. F. Dorln, In his renl es tato business. Mrs. Manda Russoll, of Carbon dnle, Is spending somo tlmo wltji friends in town. Miss Hclene Bishop wns tho guest of Miss Gertrude Harvey of Carbon dnle on Sundny. W. Wallace Ham, of New York, spent tho latter part of tho week In town on business. Miss Elizabeth .Matthews of Scranton, Is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. A. Clnrk. Frank A. Jonklns Is spending n fow days In tho northern part of Wnyno on business. John Glllnor and W. B. Lesher, both of Sterling, were recent busi ness callers in town. Richnrd Pethlck nnd family, ' of Cnrbondnlc, spent Sundny with EaBt Honesdnle relatives. Miss Penrl Robblns returned to Wilkcs-Barre on Snturday after a month's stay in town. Miss Mnry Knlsh, of New York City, is spending n short vacation with rolntivcs in town. Miss Jesslo Williams, of Carbon dale, was tho guest of Miss Bessie Tompkins over Sundny. .Mnyor John KuhbnUi and John H. Weaver made n business trip on Sat urday over in tho vnlley. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Torrey left Tuesday morning for Atlantic City for a two weeks' sojourn. Misses Martha and Florence Volgt visited their brother, Dr. Arno r. Volgt nt Hawley last week. Miss Grace Ritenauor returned on Thursday evening from a several days' visit with Scranton friends. William G. Blakney and O. L. Rowland left Tuesday morning for Wnlden, N. Y., on a business trip. F. W. Krletner and wife spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Edson Krletner of Scran ton. Mrs. S. M. Decker, of Court street, Is entertaining her sister, Airs. Myria Mulford, of Aladlson, N. J. William Saddler, who Is employed at the Family Theatre In Carbon dale, spent Sundny at his homo here. Clarence R. Callaway returned to New York City on Monday morning, after spending a few days at his Jiome here. J. O. Jackson, formerly of Tyler Hill, now living at Howells, Orange county, New York, was In town on .Mondny on business. Air. nnd Airs. John C. Rellly, of Alerldan, Conn., who have 'been spending a few days here, returned to their home Sunday. Aliss Daisy Alberty, of Carbon- I1UIG, aiciiu ouiiucij ii.ii lid jmi- fcnts, Air. and Airs. Frank Alberty, 6n East Extension street, t Lawrence Weldner, having pur chased the barn on the Doherty property at the foot of Ninth street, intends to tear down same. Airs. John A. Gale and daughter Blakslee, of Blnghamton, N. Y., at tended the funernl of Airs. E. B. Hardenbergh, and while here were guests at the homo of L. J. Dor flinger. - Aliss Alargaret Davis, of Carbon dale, who is employed by the State Department of Health, for the treatment of tuberculosis patients in Wayne county, registered at the Allen House Tuesday. HYMENEAL. RE1LLY AICAIANN On Wed nesday, April 27th, John C. Rellly, son of Airs. Catherine Rellly, of this place, and Aliss Elizabeth AlcAIann, daughter of Air. and Airs. John Alc AIann, both of Alerlden, Conn., were married In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church, at that place. The offertory was sung by Mrs. Allchnel E. Dardls, of Brooklyn, sister of the bridegroom. Air. nnd Airs. John C. Rellly arrived here on Wednesday evening nnd spent a part of their honeymoon at tho homo of the. bridegroom's mother, returning on Sunday. Air. Rellly Is well known here, being ono of Honesdale's former baso ball players. Before going to Alerlden, Conn., which--Is about threo years ago, he was em ployed as a glass cutter, and Is now with tho Amoricnn Cut Glass Co. Air. Rellly has many friends who join in wishing them a very hnppy future. HOW'S THIS? Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any enso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and boliovo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to carry out any ob ligations mado by his firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken in ternally, noting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sont freo. Prlco 7G cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggets. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Kindly read tne advertisement of tho Clinton Cut Glass Co. of Al denvillo. Thoy nro going to have an auction sale on Saturday, May 14 th. SATURDAY IS BIDDING DAY. The Only Opportunity of Its Kind Ever Offered Here. At the miction salo of building .lota at Willow Pnrk, East Honesdale, op posite the Erie Railroad depot, to be held next Snturday, Alay 7tl'i. at 2 p. m., a mnn In a cnrrlagc will stop at n certain lot and ask what Is offered. In n moment the salo will be made, and the nuctloneers will move to tho next lot, nnd then to tho next, etc., until all are sold. This method of selling renl estnte Is being Introduc ed here by tho Osterhoudt &. Dykman Lnnd Co., of Kingston, N. ., who havo been operating In suburban real estate extensively, nnd wltn grent success for the past live years. To further advertise tho sTilo of these splendid lots, tho company has engaged both the local bnnu nnd tho Flfo nnd Drum Corps; the lntter will give a parade concert through tho principal streets on Friday evonlng of this week from 7 to 9 o'clock. On Snturday at 12:30 p. m. tho band will give a concort at tho Centrnl Pnrk after which they will pnrade out Willow Avenue to tho Willow Park lots In time for tho auction sale at 2 p. m. On arriving at the grounds ench lady will be presented with a box .of Schrufft's delicious chocolates, and each gentleman with u good cigar; also before nnd during the sale, thirty $2. fiO gold pieces ($75.00 in all) will bo given away to those being on the grounds at 2 o'clock when the sale commences. A discount of 1 0 per cent, for casii will be allowed from tho prices at which the lots are bid In for, or to those who 'do not desire to pay cash, as low as $10 down and $5 per month will secure a lot. Building lots adjoining this splendid tract cannot bo bought for less than from $350 to ?G00 each and as the buy ers at the auction make their own prices, some great bargains should be had, and with tho rapid ndvanco In vnluntlon which always follows these sales, buyers will undoubtedly double their money or even better, In a very short time. The company states that you do not have to buy a lot or put yourself under any obli gation whatever to get the candy and cigars, or to participate in the drawings for the gold pieces. Free coupons for which nre now being distributed throughout the town. So better attend the sale, have a good time, and Incidentally bid In a lot, either to build a home on or as a good safe and profitable Investment. Seo larga. adv. In this Issue. M. K. SIMON'S, I'llKSlDRNT. FARMERS MECHANICS SANK CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00 THE BANK Of the People. For the People and By the People ! We solicit the patronage of Individuals nnd firms for either Checking or Savings accounts, nnd always stand rendy to loon money to Wayne Counlcons hnvlng proper security. O O O SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS RENTED BY THE MONTH OR YEAR. FarmBrs Mm Si The Big Stick Is useful in its phtce. It does not matter whether you want one big stick or enuf lumber to build a house or barn you can get what you want when you want it if you come to us. We have one of the most complete stocks of lum ber carried by any retail yard. White and Yellow Pine lumber, Hemlock, Hard woods, Shingles and Lath, Mouldings, Interior Finish, Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc. Come in and look over our stock whether you want to buy anything just now or not. You are always welcome here. MARTIN HERMANN, WAYNE COUNTY ARMORY. A largo delegation of the promi nent citizens of Wnyno county call ed on tho county commissioners on Tuesday and mnde a request that thoy avail themselves of the propo sition made by tho State Armory Board of Pennsylvania to place an armory in Honesdale for tho bene fit of tho Wayne county members of the National Gunrd, the State Armory Board agreeing to placo a building costing from $15,00o to $20,000, If the county would fur nish the site. The delegation re quested the commissioners to ap propriate $1,000 and called their at tention to the fact that the State Legislature had passed an Act giv ing them the authority not only to make this npproprlntion but furth ermore recommended that the same be done. The attention of the com missioners wns called to the fact that under the old enrollment net, Wayne county wns taxed 50 cents on encli male citizen over 18 nnd under 45 yenrs of age, capable of bearing arms, and as we have an enrollment of 3500 this meant a tax of $1730 each year. The new National Guard act repealed this law and saved I Wnyno county this amount each year and consequently tho members of : tho National Guard (Company E) of Wnyno county, who by their ol J untary services save this amount , to the county each year, are entitled to a home. Tho commissioners went into session, and finding that tho law hail been properly quoteu, nnd that they were under obligations to the citizen soldiery of the county, agreed to appropriate $1,000 to wards a site, tho citizens of Hones dale to furnish tho balance. It was tho general Impression of those who were present and listen ed to the arguments of the delega tion, that the action of the commis sioners was wise, and should win : for them the commendation of the t people of Wayne county. 1act!cr.s or TactlulV "Waiters who hire out for parties oight to be trained for that," said ono who has suffered. "Last night at a little party I was giving, a waiter I thought knew his business walked up to a distinguished singer, who was In the midst of a song, and insisted upon her taking a plate of salad and a glass of punch. She had to stop the song to get rid of him." 1 ADDS IN THE CITIZEN I AlAVAYS BRING RESULTS C. A. KM KKV, Casiiikh STARTS"- AN ACCOUNT! CALL1COON, N.Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers