The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 04, 1910, Image 3

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An interesting letter was received
at the Division of Zoology of tho
Pennsylvania Department of Agrlcul
turo from a man in Luzerne county
who owns a small fruit garden, and
who has been able to control tho In
sect pests on his premises by (spray
ing them with kerosene by means
of an ordinary perfumery ntomlzer.
In writing to State Zoologist H. A.
Surface, in regard to tho matter, this
man said:
"1 used a common to-ounco atom
izer tilled with clear kerosene.
Wherever I noticed any Insert pests
I at once used the kerosene spray.
So far my place has been effectually
ridden of about everything in tho
line of insect pests, and I have not
noticed a single instance of damage.
As to grape hoppers, I have been
surprised to see them fall In showers
wherever I have used the sprayer."
Professor Surface, In acknowledg
ing the receipt of this Information,
"I am much gratified to learn of
your successful experience in using
pure kerosene In a hand perfume
atomizer for Insect pests of various
kinds on grnpe, apple and other
trees in your town lot. Your sue
cess lays in the fact that you had an
atomizer which threw the liquid in
the form of a very- line spray or
mist; that you could readily control
tho amount of liquid applied, and
did not put on enough to drench or
even cover tho foliage or fruit. If
spraying wero done In this way, even
pure kerosene could be used In more
extensive horticultural work, but tho
great difficulty Is. that coarser ap
paratus Is quite liable to throw the
kerosene in sprinkles or large glo
bules, and also apply more of it, and
thus you would have very serious re
suits In burning and even removing
the foliage. Spraying with pure
kerosene on a windy -sunshiny day
to promote rapid evaporation Is to be
Tecommended for insect pests of
nearly all kinds, If the operator will
be sure to use only enough to reach
tho pests, and be careful that It is ap
plied in the form of a very fine mist
and not in drops, however small
they may be."
0 0
State Zoologist Surface replied as
follows to a request from Philadel
phia for information as to spraying
rose bushes:
"Replying to your letter, asking
what you should spray Rosa Rogosa,
I beg to Say that this depends upon
what is wrong with the rose bushes
at the time of the spraying, or, in
other words, what you are spraying
for. I presume you wish to prevent
mildew, and also to prevent insects
from eating the leaves. Thus you
need a combined fungicide and in
secticide. .In my experience I have
proven that any material containing
sulfur, with It free or in compound,
is effective In preventing mildew of
roses. I would, therefore, recom
mend a very dilute lime-sulfur solu
tion, with an arsenical poison, like
arsenate of lead, added to it.
You can buy tho commercial lime
sulfur of all seedsmen; of The Gen
eral Chemical Co., C08 Philadelphia
Bourse, Powers- Welghtman-Rosen-
garten, and others in your city. Di
lute this with about forty or fifty
times Its bulk of water, and add ar
senate of lead in the proportion of
two pounds," to each fifty gallons of
tho dilute lime-sulfur. Spray tho
rose bushes thoroughly with this ap
plication, and you will find that it
will prevent tho mildew and also de
stroy most of tho leaf-eating pests."
0 0
In the treatment of grapo vines
which wero damaged last year
through spraying them with a cer
tain proprietary article, Prof. 11. A.
Surface made tho following recom
mendation: "Cut back the plants very severely
and mulch them, fertilize them, and
during the summer uso a little nltrnto
of soda and water very frequently.
.-' ray, Just after tho buds burst, with
ideaux mixture, made with two
nda of blue-stone and three
ids of lime in fifty gallons of wa-
r, or using that proportion. After
i ho flowers have droped and tho fruit
set and about tho slzo of a No.
C shot, spray with Bordeax mixture
again. If tho rain washes this off
soon, apply another coat as early as
possible, and two weeks from tho
date of tho last spraying, spray again,
using Bordeaux and poison. In two
weeks from this time, spray again,
and this should bo tho last spraying!
required to give you perfect leaf, and
"Story of a Tariff" is tho title of a
document of 480 pages, Just Issued
by the American Protectlvo Tariff
Lcaguo of New York, which will un
doubtedly provo of value, not only
during tho Congressional campalgu,
but for tho uso of speakers, writers,
etc., for years to como. This docu
ment or book Includes speeches of
Porsldent Taft, quotations nnd sta
tistical matter from tho speeches of
over 1G0 Senators and Representa
tives in Congress delivered on tho
Tariff during tho special session of
the Cist Congress.
(Special, Correspondent.)
Pozzuolo, Italy, April 19, 1910.
It Is a curious fact that North
America receives most of Its immi
grants from southern Italy, while
those who leave tho northern part
of tho kingdom go to South Ameri
ca. Why these two streams of Im
migrants should cross each other the
Commissioner of Immigration could
not tell mo except tlint as tho
streams started to flow so they novo
continued, each In Its own separate
way. Even hero In Italy, tho two
streams of blood do not oaBily How
I have been paying a short visit
to that section of Italy whero most
of those have lived who come to tho
United States'. It Is a most interest
ing place to sec and 1 11ml the homes
of the people more Interesting than
tho palace3. For the most part those
coming to America to work In tho
mines hnvo been farm laborers on
tho plains and mountain sides.
Their homes, their lives and their
labors are all very simple. Nearly
everything is done by hand nnd of
ten in what seems to us to be the
hardest way. It fairly makes you
ache to seo how hard is their work.
In Hummer they rise with the light,
going out in groups to the fields and
vineyards to work before the sun
Is fairly up, having eaten only a
liht breakfast at dawn. As, they go
the party may bo heard singing.
They work till toward noon, then
have their lunch and rest for an
hour of more. They return rather
early to the village to care for their
animals. After supper they loll
around out of doors tired out, and
before it Is dark they are asleep.
They must indeed be a light-hearted
set to enjoy life In spite of rags,
hard work, bare feet In winter and
heavy taxes.
As the vineyards were not In need
of attention at this season of the
year, I will describe the cultivation
of the plains as I saw it. In the vi
cinity of Naples the cultivation of
the soil though crude In method is
highly intensive. The land belongs
to the ancient families and is rented
out to the peasant farmers In tracts
of from one to three acres. The soil
is volcanic in origin and naturally
very fertile. At the foot of Mt.
Vesuvius you may see the whole
process of soli making from the bar
ren mass as it leaves the crater to
the productive gardens of the sea
level. You have the solid rock where
the lava ran down some ravine and
cooled. Perhaps you can follow Its
course whore It destroyed houses,
railroads, cities, everything. Some
of the rock Is cracked by contrac
tion in cooling, and all Is more or
less mixed with cinders. Years of
rain and sun disintegrate tho mass
and presently a few feeble weeds
appear. Next come the pines and
then more tender herbs. In the
process of disintegration tho rock
gives off gases most necessary to tho
life of plants. Vineyards are soon
planted where the lava once de
stroyed them. They flourish for
years where those planted by former
generations were destroyed until an
other flow of lava shall destroy
In addition to the natural fertility
of the soil the farmers do much to
add to Its productiveness by tho uso
of manure and irrigation. Four and
even five crops are raised each year.
Just now the winter crops of cab
bage, cauliflower, crimson clover,
ryo ensilage, artichokes, celery, and
other vegetables have been gathered
"and other crops are succeeding them.
Peas, beans, lentlles nnd root crops
are growing. Wheat is well on to
ward jointing and has received Its
last hoeing. (They cultivate their
wheat hero). Oranges and lomons
are nearly all gathered.
On tho level plains they plant
most of their vegetables in rows
ridged up by hand. Heavy hoes are
used for this work, with blades as
largo as an American shovel, which
no one of our farmers would caro
to swing. I saw women using these
hoes, or coarso rakes almost as
heavy, dragging tho soil Into ridges
or breaking up ridges that nad been
stripped of their crops. Tho two
pronged hoo mado classic in tho
painting, "Tho Man with tho Hoe,"
is used Instend of a plow. Thous
ands of acros in this part of Italy
havo just been turned over with it,
mon and women alike working with
this tool, In which I can see no
Hero and there on tho level plains
there are wheels to bo seen standing
over concrcto wells or cisterns run
by hand power or by donkeys from
which irrigation ditches go out, or
water is carried on the head, to the
rows of plants during dry weather.
Tho vegetables which go to tho
tables of hotels and ships from theso
rich gardens, grown In such soil nnd
forced into such rapid maturity, aro
exceedingly sweet and tender.
Evory foot of ground Is cultivat
ed. Vineyards and orchards aro all
turned over with theso hand tools,
and tho space between tho trees and
vines is planted with other crops.
Tho trees aro mado to branch high,
so as to allow light nnd air beneath
and tho grapo vines aro trained high
for tho same reason. The vines aro
often plnntod besldo growing poplar
or other quick growing trees, so as
to have a living arbor to support
thorn. These are kept cloB&ly cut
back so as not to shade the vines
I too much nnd tho sprouts nro care
fully saved and bound together ns
fnggots for tho winter fires. All tho
trees In this part of Italy aro trim
med high so that tho soil may bo used
for tho growth of crops. The famil
iar umbrella-shaped pines seen In all
photographs are not so by nature,
but havo been cut Into this shnpo so
that tho sun shnll not bo kept from
tho soil. They need tho timber and
they need tho crop, nnd they contrlvo
to get both. Every pnrtlclc of
wood Is saved and UBed, oven to tho
roots of the gnarled ollvo trees that
havo ceased to bear.
For all this hard labor tho peas
ant receives what Is equivalent In
American money to thirty cents per
dny. Befbre immigration set in the
wago was only one-half as great. At
thc wages paid to-day farmer
and laborer could both live .and
prosper but for tho burden of taxa
tion made necessary by tho military
aspirations of tho government, the
same burden borno by the peasantry
of every European power. Every
product of the soil Is tnxed, down to
tho Inst onion. Beside this tho
young mon of tho country are
drawn away from the farms for ser
vlco in the army, so tho burden falls
actually on tho old men and tho
women. No wonder tho Italian im
migrates! But immigration Is doing raore
to change conditions thnn merely to
raise the wnge3. Moral and social
changes aro wrought as well as eco
nomic. Two villages, one in tho cen
ter and the other In tho south of
Italy may serve to show this. The
first, was on the Campannla, where
the tenant holds a lease for 49 yoars
from the late Pope Plus IX. He
was occupying what had once been a
sort of temple built for the reception
of the ashes of tho bodies of those
who were cremated during the days
of the Roman Empire. In the shed
where tho family ate were holes In
the wallB made long ago for the
reception of funeral urns containing
ashes. The sacred temple Itself was
"UBed as a store-house, cluttered with
'every sort of gear, tools, baskets,
coal, dried meat and a store of goats'
dung. When the tomb was opened,
some thirty years ago, the nnmes of
two persons mentioned by St. Paul
were found inscribed among others
in this resting place of the slaves
bf Caesar'B household. Not far
from this spot is the Quo Vadls
church and the spot where Paul was
Tho other village Is near Pozzuolo,
where Paul landed In Italy. It. Is
called Avelllno and lies among the
mountains. Twenty years ago a
boy from this village, Charles De
Marco, went to New York. He came
Lunder the Influence of the late Col.
Waring and served first on the fam
ous "White Wings." Col. Waring's
influence made a permanent Impres
sion upon him. To-day he takes con
tracts for himself. Ho has his villa
In this beautiful mountain village.
A few years ago they elected him
Mayor and he proceeded to carry
out some of Col. Waring's ideals. It
is not too much to say that the vil
lage has been revolutionized. Sew
ers have been dug, the- streets are
clean, the people prosperous and
contented. In comparison, very few
immigrants have gone out from here, !
yet hardly any other village has
profited more by the new spirit that
is permeating Italy.
Ethel did not rush into his arms
and cry "Oh, Cuthbert!" as usual.
When he was ushered Into the
drawing room she gave him tho
frigid eye, and the gns was kept on
at full pressure.
"I've been studying pedomnncy,
Cuthbert," sho announced.
"Pedomancy, pet?"
"Divination by the fact," sho ex
plained. "Feet that Incline to flat
ness are a sign of meanness, Cuth
bert." Cuthbert looked down at his No.
10 tans and sighed.
"A hurried yet silent walk," she
continued, "Is Indicative of criminal
Instincts. Your walk is so hurried,
so noiseless, Cuthbert."
"You are speaking of only one of
my styles of walking, Ethel," ho an
swered brightly. "I havo another.
1 used It this afternoon to walK Into
a joweler's shop and buy a ?150
engagement ring that I had hop
ed" "Oh, Cuthbert!" sho cried, and tho
noxt mlnuto tho pedomnncy expert
and a splay footed youth wero crowd
ed Into ono saddlobag chair, and
tho gas was turned down into a
little blue bubble San Francisco
Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata."
The story runs thnt Beethoven's
"Moonlight Sonata" always so called,
though ho so rarely gave u descriptive
name to any of his works was com
posed ou an occasion when hu had
been, playing to some stranger folk
by chance. Walklug with a friend, he
overheard In a humble house some
ono playing with much feeling a bit
of one of his sonatas. He paused to
listen. In u mnmcnt the music ceased,
nnd n girl siwke longingly of her wish
to hear somo really good concert Tho
volco was so appealing thut tho com
poser stepped without hesitation .to
tho door and knocked. Admitted to
tho wondering host, ho said, "I will
play for you," nnd played wonder
fully till tho lamp burned out. Then
with tho moonlight filling tho room ho
began to Improvise tho mysterious
dollcato breathings of tho beginning
of that wonderful sonata, then tho
tricksy elf-llko second part, and the
glory of tho close. Christian Scienco
The Separate Coat.
Tho sepnrnto coat reainins long,
while the suit coat has Buffered abbre
viation, it was not without reluetnuco
which became almost open rebellion
that tho girls gavo up tho long suit
coats. They better than any ono else
understand tho value of long lines for
their slim figures.
Somo of tho new sepnrnto wraps nro
eccentric in tho extreme, but every
spring with dressy afternoon uso ahead
for such garments they take on n tone
of plcturcsqucness. This time a good
many old shapes aro being played
upon. Among them tho Florcnttno
cloaks nro frequently tho theme, from
which, to be sure, wide departuro Is
usually made. For ono thing, tho Ilk
lng for scanty skirts thwnrts any
mediaeval effect that might otherwise
bo pronounced. Ono coat now popu
lar well Illustrates ono of these shapes.
It Is mado of fawn colored satin with
nn old scarf shoulder drapery of gold
cloth veiled with brown. Tho buttons
nro Jeweled nnd have odd antique
Bordered Materials.
In deep bordered materials tho plain
part of the goods more often than not
Is making the lower part of the skirt
and the figured part the upper portion
nnd the waist. Figured fabrics aro
being made up with plain ones in this
way. Sqniu of tho borders are helped
out amazingly by adding a band of
plain color on the outside. In Imported
gowns one finds borders of tho kind
added with very apparent stitching.
But American dressmakers sew far
better than the French. A woman
wedded as yet to French gowns has
her homo dressmaker engaged to ro
finlsh such costumes as soon as they
reach this side. And the woman who
does the work is a little home sewer
without name or fame, but she often
reconstructs a gown bearing a high
6oundlng Paris name to its great Im
provement. Pretty Summer Frock.
Blue challle In the pretty shades of
Alice blue with a white spot in It Is
chosen for this model, although linen,
dlralty or foulard silk will be happy
selections, and the sleeves may be
short or long as shown In tho back
view. Tho glrdfo Is of blue messa
llne, tho lace edging tho little short
bodice and tuulc effect. This will bo
suitable for slinplo evening affairs
during tho spring and for cool days
In summer.
Circular Skirt Approved.
The most correct suit skirt Is plaited
from band to hem. This stylo Is espe
cially adapted as an accompaniment to
tho mannish suit cont The very new
est and smnrlcst models, however,
show tho circular skirt, though tho
plaited models are still popular. Some
suits show skirts with tunic adapta
tions, but thero is an Indication that
tho tunic styles will flguro more suc
ccssfully In drosses, fancy separato
skirts and tho fancier of tho two pleco
suits. Designers are still bent on keep
ing to straight unbroken Hues In tho
tailored garment.
Printed Stocking.
Fashions for printed things extend
oven to tho pretty stockings of the
summer girl. They aro undeniably
pretty, nnd so dainty as to altogether
bo in keeping with white buckskin
They nro mado with a whlto back
ground, nd printed with groups of
pink blossoms about an Inch In di
ameter. .The only other pattern on
them Is the drop stitch, which forms an
Invlslblo bar as background for tho
flowers. They come In silk and lisle.
The New Veils.
Tho now veils nro lovely. Thoy nro
clearer thau those that havo been worn
for somo time, nnd tho spot 13 vory
largo and very becoming. Either vel
vet or chenille is used for tho spot of
tho moment. Tho "floating" veil Is
coming back Into favor, this return be
ing duo to the size of the hat over
which It Is to be worn. A tight veil
Is on Impossibility with a bat of a
yard and a half In circumference.
Cash and Credit.
"Father, what Is meant by bank
ruptcy?" "Bankruptcy Is when you put your
money In your hip pocket and lot your
creditors tnko your coat." Fllcgendu
No Barrier.
Miss Plaync You can't marry Jack
because I'm engaged to him. Miss
Fnlrc What's thnt got to do with It?
3t. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Dent ill red With the Stickler
Mlrnntlt Vurnitnro Co. and aavo
tho dealer's proCt.
Or&y $7.95
For this largo Und handsome Couch In
fancy brocaded Velour. Th.s splendid
Couch Is 75 Inches long. 87 ln :hcs wide,
Flvo rows wldo and deep turtlnir. Con
struction guaranteed. Ol. tempered
Bprlngsnll mem fastened which Insures
excellent wear! n it quail tics. Sprlns edire.
Fran) In golden Oak, richly carved.
Claw foot design.
This stylo of hand-mado Coach would
easily retail In stores from 111. to 12.00.
Carefully packed and
shipped freight charges
prepaid for $7.95,
Send TO-DAY for our factory
price catalogue of Furniture, and
be well posted on .Furniture styles.
Menner & Cos Stores
Are Suitable for
Real Stylish Wear
We iiavo the sort oC.tooth brushes that are
made .to thoroughly cleanse undsave the
Ther are the kind Uiat clean teeth wlthou
envlucvour mouth full of bristles.
We recommend tliom costing 25 cents or
more, as wu can guarantee them and will re
place, irae, any mat snow ueiecis 01 manu
facture vrlihln three months.
Opp. D. A II. Station; HGNI2SD ALU, PA
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Olllce! Second floor Masonic Build.
lng, over O. O. Jadwln'i drug store,
Olllce. Masonic hvildlne, second floor
lloncsdrfe. I'o.
Ofllce over post olllce. All legal business
promptly attended to. Honesdale, Pa.
Attohvev a rnttMRP.T.rin.iT.T w
Onlrn T.lhrrltr TTnll tiutlillnr.
Post Olllce. Honesdale. Pa.
Olllce over Keif's store, Honesdale I'n.
Olllce vcr Post Ollku. lioiiesdalc. Pa
niiAitLES a. Mccarty,
Special and prompt nttention given to the
collection of claim". Olliie over Kelt's new
store. Honesdalu. Pa.
Olllce over the tost otltie Honesdale. I'n.
Oflicc in the Court Unite, Honesdale
Olllcc-Second floor old Savings link
building. Honesdale. 1'a
Olllccsllately occupied by Judge Searle.
-TiR. E. T. BROWN,
Olllce First floor, old Savings Bank build
ing. Honesdale. l'a.
Dr. C. It. BIIADY. Dk-ii8t. Honesdale. Pa.
Office Houns 8 p. ru
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' phone. 33. Residence. No. 6&-X
Olllce and residence 1019 Court street
telephones. Olllce Hours 2:00 to 4:00.,and
boo otj:00.t).ru
LIVERY. Fred. G. Rickard has re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Church street to Whitney's Stone
Notice la hereby given that aa
application will be made to tho Gov
ernor of the State of Pennsylvania
on the 23d day of May, 1910 by John
J. Brown, Valentino Bliss, W. J.
Davis, John J. Holland, P. W. Wol
lerton, E. J. Lynott, A. G. Ruther
ford and others, under the Act of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to
provide for the incorporation and
government of street railway com
panies in this Commonwealth," ap
proved May 14, A. D. 18SU, and tho
supplements and amendments there
to, for a charter for and Intended
corporation to be called "Tho Scran
ton and Lake Ariel Railway Com
pany." Said proposed corporation
is organized for the purpose of build
ing, constructing and operating a
street railway over the following
streets, highways and bridges as foK
lows, namely: Beginning at tho di
viding lino between Roaring Brook
township and the Borough of Mos
cow, In Lackawanna county, where
.Main street crosses said line; thence
along Main street In said borough to
the Intersection of Market street;
thence along Market street to tho in
tersection of Willow street; thence
along Willow street to the intersec
tion of Brook street; thence along
Brook street to tho borough nnd
Madison township line; thenco from
the Borough of Moscow line along
tho public road known as the Bear
Brook road, leading from Moscow to
Holllsterville, to tho count lino (also
kuown as tho lino between Madison
nnd Salem townships); thenco from
Madison township lino at tho Wilcox
place, along tho public road, known
as tho road leading from Madlson
vllle, to Holllsterville; thence from
Holllstorvlllo to Moors Corners to
Hanillnton; thenco from Hanilluton
along tho North and South Turnplko
to Lake township lino; thence from
lino dividing Salem and Lake town
ships nlong tho public road leading
to Lake Ariel In Lako township,
known as tho road leading from
Hanillnton to Lako Ariel to Brown's
Corners in tho village of Ariel, Lako
township, Wnyno county; thence re
turning by the snuio route to tho
plnco of beginning, with tho neces
sary turnouts, sidings and switches,
forming a comploto circuit, and for
theso purposos to hnve, possess and
enjoy all the rights, beuellts and
privileges of said Act of Assembly
and its supplements.
33eot3. Solicitors.
You will make money
by having me,
bellpiionk ru Bethany, Pa.