THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APR. 27, 1010. z CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMNS THE MOST RELIABLE MEDIUM FOK ( SPREADING INFORMATION t INDIAN ORCHARD. Mrs. Shepherd Onrrett, of Beach hake, spent several days with rela tives here last week. lrma and Ethel Ham were guests of White Mills friends last week. Walter Garrett of Brooklyn, Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shephard Garrett of Ueach Lake. W. C Spry. Mike Tenbus, Hay Hayly and W. II. and K. N. Mar shall made a business trip to Nar rowsburg on Thnrsdny last. Earl C. Ham and bride, -who have been spending several days In tho metropolis, returned home on Sat urday. Alice Maloney, or Laurella, wns a guest of Mrs. Hay Hayly on Thurs day. Mrs. W. 11. Marshall spent Wed nesday last with relatives and friends at the lake. Wo called on Charles E. Neal, the poultry man, at East Beach Lake, on Thursday last. We found the proprietor and his amiable wife car- ing for several hundred little chicks, as well as gathering dozens of eggs which are crated and shipped to New York city. We also had a pleasant chat with Hov. C. T. Van Gorder of 'the same place. He In formed us that he had discovered how to make farming easy. Ho has purchased a sulky plow and a wheel cultivator, thus avoiding the tiresome part of the work. Several of the ladies of this place ntfpnilnfl n unrtv linlrl In Alirnn'e , Hall at Swamp Brook on Saturday. They tied two quilts, sowed several pounds of carpet rags, besides hav ing a good time. Mrs. E. Nonne macher, Mrs. Wm. DeReamer and Mrs. Charles Ahren, who had charge of the gathering, did all that they could to entertain their guests. Af ter being served with refreshments they departed for ther severnl homes, feeling well repaid for their visit. Charles Bayly, of Archbald, ac companied by a gentleman friend, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, R. E. Bayly and wife. Nettle Ham is very sick at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brock, of White Mills. She has a very se vere attack of rheumatism. Mildred Bayly Is quite sick with tonsilitis. Dr. Gavitte of White Mills, Is the attending physician. Mr. Charles Jay, who has been quite sick, we are glad to learn is better. C. A. Davey, the census enumera tor, was a caller at Altoona Farm on Saturday last. John Buckingham, of Atco, called at the Chestnut Grove farm on Thursday to see his mother, who has been sick for several weeks. Mrs. Peter J. Schmitt, of Swamp Brook who has been visiting her son, Herman, and wife, of Philadel phia, returned home on Saturday evening. We called on Mr. E. E. Avery of the Bethel Farm, on Wednesday. We found he and his son busily en gaged at putting the roomsi, of the house In fine condition, by papering, hanging doors, etc. Claude Smith is repairing and , raising his barn. He will put in a concrete basement. Borden's man is at work In this vicinity at whitewashing the stables for their patrons. We went to Hawley on Saturday rlage of her daughter, Grace Eve last and returned by way of Swamp j lyn, to Mr. William Charles Selfarth, Brook. More Improvements have on the forenoon of Thursday, the been done In that vicinity than in fifth of May at 1 1 o'clock at her resl any place we have visited this year, dence here. The first place after leaving the A dime social will be given Wed Long Ridge road we came to was i nesday evening at the pleasant home Mrs. William Klenck's. This Is as of .Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bodle, pretty a residence as can be found in any town. Wm. Daniels Is also Improving his building by rerooflng them. Jacob Schmitt has placed a very attractive sign at the entrance to his store where you will find him always ready to wait .upon his cus tomers to first-rlass goods, at reason able prices. HAMLIN. An essay contest for the W. C. T. lT. silver medal was held in the M. E. church here on Friday night, April 22nd. C M. Lorlng, Is working In Scranton, was at home part of the week. " Mrs. W. II. Alt and Mrs. A. F. Jones are spending this week at the Alt cottage at Big Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chumard have moved Into the house next the camp-ground, owned by . W. A. Stone. H. C. Pelton was in Scranton tho first of the week. Among others who visited Scranton were: Mr. and Mrs. C. L Simons, Claire Simons, G. O, Glllett, Mrs. B. F. Hamlin and Butler Hamlin. Frances Orchard returned to Stroudsburg on Thursday after spending a few days at her home here, H. D, Spangenbcrg made a trip to Deposit, Nr V., during the past week. , j Ray Wallof Hawley, was a busi ness caller In this vicinity on Fri day of last week. It was expected that Rov. Dr, Puller would give the Memorial Day address at this placo, but as he has T J f moved to Norwich, N. Y., ho will not bo able to do so. The G. A. H. Post has secured the Hov. W. E. Webster, of Sterling, to give tho ad dress on that day. Miss Flossie Edwards Is spend ing a few days at her home here. C. L. Simons is constructing a building In the rear of his resi dence, for his gas lighting plnnt. The Wayne County Teachers' AssnHHtlnn will niret at this nlaro I vnrl I ' tl an ' Oth Tl ero will be only an evening session on Frl-! day which will consist of a lecture faiuruay msi. by Prof. Gortncr of Mansfield State Wnrd Hanev hml R dnnc, nt tho Normal School. The public Is - O. S. of A. Hall on Saturday even cordially Invited. I lnK- ALDENVILLE. ! The "Bobolink" from Steeno cer-1 talnly can spin yarns by the yard. J Say, "Link," wo have you stopped though on syrup production. How's ' this: Twenty-seven gallons of maple I syrup made this season from forty- i live trees, and as "fer flshln' " we saw n trout thnt was caught on the loth thnt measured IS Inches and had been previously hooked, prob ably on tho snme day, as he car ried a bran new steel hook and sev eral yards of fish line In his upper Hp, besides the one with which he was finally landed with. By the way, "Link," how are tho bull-heads biting up at Keene? We note with pleasure the action taken by tho Prompton supervisors i - . ., mi.i- , in building a stone road. This is certainly a progressive measure. Wonder why Clinton don't do some thing of the kind on the road lead ing from Aldenvllle to Prompton? We own a stone crusher and It stands Idle. To be sure the town is In debt, or has been, but we will all die In debt If wo have to keep traveling over that miserable road mentioned nbove; broken wagon springs, wheels, extra horse feed, etc. E. K. Curtis is seriously ill of brain congestion. Dr. Noble is In attendance. We wonder if there are any trout at all left in the creek. It has been estimated that over one hundred fishermen chased one another up and down the stream from early morn till dark on the 15th. Many fine catches are reported. The baseball season was cracked open on Friday last. Our High school athletes bumped Into the Mount Pleasant High school team and were defeated. The boys say thoy would have stood a better show had It not been for a young man by the name of Benson who did the twirling for the visitors BETHANY. Miss Giles, of Aldenvillo-, Is visit ing Blanche Stnrnes. .Miss Cody was called to Honesdale Wednesday to rate for Miss Feurth Miss Maud Bennett returned home Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Cody attended the Kennedy-Kennedy wedding at Cold Springs on Wednesdny evening. Blanche Starnes gave a variety shower Friday evening at tier home for Grace Miller to about a dozen friends and a most enjoyable time was spent. During last week Mrs. 11. N. .Mil ler issued Invitations to the mar- Haines, for the benefit of Bethany Presbyterian church. Mrs. Ernest Bodle was called to Scranton Thursday by the serious Illness of her mother, Mrs. Delcy Schoonover. Her many friends nere were pained to hear the sad news of her death on Saturday morning. Slncu September Mrs. Bodle has had seven deaths of near relatives in her family and now the death of her mother comes as a severe blow. Miss .Many has Invited her scholars to a picnic on Wednesday If the weather Is fine, to Wlntergreen hill. Mrs. Charles Blake will entertain the Ladles' Aid Friday for supper at her home. All are Invited. USWICK & LAKEVILLE. Mr. G. Shaffer, of Hawley, visited his daughter, Mrs. A. Conklln, of Uswlck, on Eunday. Mr. A. Couklln Is now working for his neighbor, Mr. C. Sanders. Mrs. Daniel Kulin and son Eugene, of Adclla, visited Uswlck friends on Wednesday; also- looked after the flowers and attended to the craves of tho former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Smith, nt tho cemetery at this place. Mrs. Newel McCane, of Honesdale, moved in the house vacated by Mrs, J. Evorly, near Lakevlllo. MessrB. Mosior, J. Herzog and Georgo Haz elton mpved them. Elborl N. Swingle anr wife, of South Curinan, visited tho former's sister, Mrs. J. B. Mains, of Uowlok, on Saturday. Blrten Daniels and wife moved to Niagara, N. Y., on Friday of laet week. ' Mr. Wnlter I'cnnell returned I homo from Wnymart on Tuesday of 1 last week. Ho Is now farming while his father. F. B. Fennoll. Is onti-1 mcrallng tho census In Pnupack I township, Miss Jennie Crnno went to Brook lyn, N. Y on Friday to vIbU her sister, Miss S. Helen Crane, nnd oth er friends at that place for eight or ten days. Miss Louise Sodcrbery of New York Is expected to arrive at the Keith homo at Uswlck on Wednes day. There was no Sunday school at this place on April 17th on account of tho Inclemency of the weather. David Degroat has moved from the Dcmpsey house to tho house re- the door with their birthday greet centlv vacated by Edcar Degroat on : Ings. A pleasant time wns passed Mr. Andrew's farm at Uswlck. i 'The Misses Keith are exnected to arrive at their home at Uswlck on Flrday evening or this week. , -Mrs. H. W. Murphy, accompanied ner husband to Woodsldo Lake on MILANVILLE. Miss Calesta Skinner died April 19th, nged 88 years, 2 months and lf days from paralysis. Three years ago she broke her hip, nnd since then she has been an Invalid. She was an earnest Christian, loved by i all. In her early youth she united , with tho Methodist church. She I was the oldest of the twelve children i of Calvin Skinner nnd Sallle Llllie, live of whom are living, Volney, Milton L., Martha, Mrs. Ablgal Ill man, at home; nnd Mrs. Octavla Fermick, of Washington, D. C. She will be greatly missed. She was called "Aunt Callstn" by all. She was born on Feb. 3, 1822 In the house she died In. Miss Katie Shinier has returned to her home at Hackensack, X. J. Mrs. Lee Black is home after spending the winter with her grand daughter, Mrs. Elbrlge Carpenter, at Newark, N. J. J. J. McCollough, who has been staying with his mother, Mrs. Lee Black, has returned to Bingham ton, N. Y. Mrs. Cora Skinner has returned from her visit at Cozinovin, N. Y. Miss May Boucher, of Port Jer vls, Is visiting at W. B. Yerkes. Bessie E. Skinner, who spent the winter in New York, is expecten home in a few days. WHITES VALLEY. .Mrs. William Moase and daughter Bessie, of Pleasant Mount, called on friends here Snturday. Miss Rena Stark has returned home after spending several weeks In Prompton. Miss Nellie Hull, of Waymart, is" visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hutchlns, of Carbondale, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Glover. Mrs. Charles Gustln is visiting at William Gustin's. Mr. and Mrs. William Fltze spent the week-end with their daughter, Mrs. Carl Bonham, at Carbondale. Miss Rose Glanvllle, of Pleasant Mount, recently visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Bonham. Fred White left" last week for Blnghamton, N. Y. His grandmoth er, Mrs. Laura Coyne, accompanied him as far as Susquehanna. .Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Crossman spent Saturday and Sundny with Union dale friends. HAWLEY & WILSONVILLE On Tuesday P. J. Keary received a large supply of the Williams Clnrk fertilizers for which he Is agent. For sale at his home, the "Mountain View Farm House." There were threo funerals In town during the past week. On Sunday at 2 p.- in. occurred the death of Frank Dunn at his home at the Eddy after an illness of several months, a victim of Brlght's disease. The de ceased is survived by a young wife and two small boys, an invalid fath er, George Dunn, mother, and brothers. His funeral on vVeanesday afternoon was attended by a large delegation of friends. The floral offerings were especially beautiful. The glass cutters, among whom he worked, and' members of the I. O. O. F. Lodge, of which he was a mem ber, attended in a body. The re mains were laid to rest In tho Wal nut Grove cemetery. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. After being In feeble health for a long time, Mr. Wllbert, nged about 48 years, died on Monday at the home of his son-in-law, Mr, Kerber, with whom ho made his home. Fun eral on Thursday morning. Tho body was taken to Honesdale, his former home, for burial, accompan ied by his widow and many sorrow ing relatives and friends. An Infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan, of tho East SIdo, was laid to. rest in the Catholic cemetery on Friday. Mrs. Knesel, of Honesdale, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schalm. Mr. Howell, a survivor of the Civil War, is quite ill at his homo on Maple avenue. Julia Compton closed her school at Tafton on Friday afternoon. In the evening, teacher and pupils gave a farewell entertainment. The L. A. S. of tho M. E. church, mot with Mrs. D. Bingham on Wed nesday afternoon. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of Dopostt, were notified of tho ar rival of a little son at their homo on Good Friday. Mrs. Gallagher, whoso maiden nnme was Evelyn Tormey, n sister of Mrs. P. J. Kenry( with whom she formerly sncnt much time, has many friends In this vlcln Ity who sent congratulations Owing to weak eyes Hnlph llclncke, a glass cutter, has been enjoying a short vacation. Frederick, little son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lobb, was vory sick for several days during tho past week. Wednesday evening, Geo. Helton, one of Hawley's popular draymen, as n birthday treat, took his wife to the Nickelette. On her return bIic wns surprised to find her home had been Invaded by about twenty relatives and friends who mot her at and a delicious lunch served. Mrs. Florence Shook Is under tho ' care of Dr. Volgt. ! Florence Wllllnms had a stone bee I the latter part of tho week on tho j lot at tho rear of his dwelling. Some blasting was, done Mrs. H. C. White or Ariel, also William Clark, of Honesdale, at tended the funeral of Frank Dunn on Wednesday. Mrs. Meyef and daughter Anna, of Tafton, visited Mrs. Casper Unger of Bone HIdge, on Sunday. MAPLEWOOD. Thomas Bootenhelmer Is thinking of building a new barn In the near future. Duke Black am. Samuel Colwell are busy painting Robinson's cot- tage. Mrs. F. S. Keene and son Orrln, recently visited relatives In Scran ton. F. S. Keene entertained Clyde Cnsterlin of Plttston last week. Leroy Dodd has repaired the green house on the Orrln Sharpe place, and Is raising plants on same. The Maplewood base ball team has leased permanent ground of F. S. Keene. L. H. Geargy has been elect ed manager, and Mr. Scrapey cap tain. ORSON. An Ice cream social will be held at the home of E. S. Whipple on Fri day evening, April 29th, for the bene fit of the Epworth League. Mr. E. P. Harlow has gone south on a business trip. Mrs. J. W. Lewis Is In Susque hanna. Mrs. W. G. Mosher Is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Transue and family of Preston Park, have return ed home after visiting at the home of J. B. Lee and W. C. Lee. J. H. Sheldon has planted thirty live maple trees along tho highway of his farm, and says if the farmers of Preston 'township would plant a few trees each year along their farms it would soon be a pleasure to travel ers driving along our roads in hot weather. Frank Griffin, of Shehawken, vlsit- .i it.. a it.. . e .. Starrucca streams last Saturday. -itOTICE OF INCORPORATION JM Notice Is hereby given that an application will be made to the Gov ernor of the State of Pennsylvania on tho 23d day of May, 1910 by John J. Brown, Valentine Bliss, W. J. Davis, John J. Holland, F. W. Wol lerton, E. J. Lynott, A. G. Ruther ford and others, under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and government of street railway com panies in this Commonwealth," ap proved May 14, A. D. 1889, and the & I supplements and amendments there to, for a charter for and Intended corporation to be called "The Scran ton and Lake Ariel Railway Com - pany." Said proposed corporation is orgnnized for the purpose of build ing, constructing and operating a street railway over the following streets, highways and bridges as fol lows, namely: Beginning at the di viding line between Roaring Brook township and tho Borough of Mos cow, in Lackawanna county, where Main street crosses said line; thence along Main street in said borough to the intersection of Market street; thence along Market street to tho in tersection of Willow street; thence along Willow street to tho Intersec tion of Brook street; thence along Brook street to the borough and Madison township line; thence from tho Borough of Moscow lino along the public rond known ns the Bear Brook road, leading from Moscow to Holllstervllle, to tho count line (also known as the lino between Madison and Salem townships) ; thence from Madison township lino at the Wilcox placo, along the public road, known as tho road leading from Madlson villo, to Holllstorvlllo; thence from Holllstcrvillo to Moors Corners to Hamlin ton; thenco from Hamllnton along tho North and South Turnpike to Lake township line; thenco from line dividing Salem and Lake town ships along the public road loading to Lake Ariel In Lake township, known as the road leading from Hamllnton to Lake Ariel to Brown's Cornors In tho village of Ariel, Lake township, Wuyno county; thonce re turning by the same route to tho place, of beginning, with tho neces sary turnouts, sidings and switches, forming a complete circuit, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits anil privileges or said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. O'BRIEN & KELLY, A. G. RUTHERFORD, 33eol3. Solicitors. eu recently ut uie iiuuiu oi par- ,)e kleil Te I0r cent kerosene ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Grillln. emulsion cnn als0 be used for th,Si Three of our fishermen were ang- j mnklng lt ns a reguiar soap omul lelng for speckled beauties in the sinn. nr Rnllr lnMU pmi,isinn. n 1p- THE GRANGE ' STOPPING CHOWS FROM PULLING CORN. A farmer of one of the central countries wrote to State Zoologist H. A. Surface, Harrlsburg, about soaking corn In either coal tnr or dilute carbolic acid to keep crows from pulling up nowly-planted corn. He said that he suffered much dam- age In past years through the depre- datlons of crows, and wnnts to get i ahead of them this year. ! Professor Surfnce's answer to this letter contained tho following: "It is commonly reported thnt corn should be soaKeci a row minutes in water containing a solution of coal tar or gas tar, and then spread and allowed to dry. This will make tho corn so bitter that the crows will be suspicious of It and will not cat it for fear of being poisoned. I pre sumo dilute carbolic acid would servo the same purpose, but I am not certain nbout this. Different devices have been recom- mended to keep tho crows from pull- ing corn, one of which is strings stretched around and across the corn Held. It is also recommended to sow corn on top of the ground nbout the time it commences to shoot through the soil, in order to feed the crows at this time, so they will not pull the grain that Is plant ed. It Is best for a person to try one or more methods nnd make a practice of that which he finds best." TIIH CHERRY APHIS. The advice of Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, was asked by a resident of the Cumberland Valley a sto what to do for his cherry trees, which every spring for the last two years have been badly damaged by black lice destroying the young shoots as well as the stems bearing the cherries. The reply of Professor Surface was as follows: "The Insect Injuring your cherry tree Is the blnck plant louse, often called the cherry aphis. One of the best remedies is to spray with one pound of whale oil soap In five gal lons of water, just after the leaf buds open, but before the leaves are expanded, and, of course, before the flowers come. The spraying" should not be done If the young lice are not seen to be present. It should be held for immediate application when you do see them. Watch for them on tho leaves, and when they come, give them a spraying before the leaves curl. One Important point is to redch them before they curl In the leaves. After the leaves have curled the material will not come into direct contact with them, and they will not scribed In the Monthly Bulletin of the Division of Zoology, of the Pennsylvania Department of Agri culture, Harrlsburg, for June, 1909." THE FRUIT HARK BEETLE. A Chambersburg lawyer sent to Professor H. A. Surface, State Zoo logist, Harrlsburg, a portion of a limb of a five-year-old apple tree, which he described as "full of punc tures cnused by some kind of an Insect, and by .carefully cutting away the outer edge you will find a miniature worm, to my eye (looking through a glass) largely represent ing the apple tree borer." Tho correspondent continued by i saying: "All tho fruit growers in this section, as well as myself, are at a loss to know who our new found enemy is, how ho arrived, and what we can do to protect ourselves against his ravages," and then ask ed the following questions: 1. In your opinion was this tree killed by the Insect sent you? 2. Wns tho death of tho tree caus ed solely by the apple tree borer? 3. Is this miniature Insect an off spring the apple tree borer? Capital $75,000. Surplus $40,000 Deposits Over Half Million HONESDALE DIME BANK IS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION An examiner is liable to call at the institution at any time. This in sures carefulness and absolute safety in management. You do not have to leave tho bank where you are now doing business to open an account with this institution. Many people do their banking by mail and have accounts in several banks. Give to ua a part of your business. MONEY LOANED ON GOOD SECURITY, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. OFFICERS. E. C. MUMFOKI), President. WM. V. RIEFLEK. Vice President. J. A, FISCH, Cashier DIRECTORS. K.C. Mumford Joel O. Hill Jacob F.Katz Jlenl. F. Haines W. F. Hleller Frank Stelnman Wm. II. Kranti E. v, Penwanlen Thomas M. Uanley 11. II, Ely, M. D. W. E. l'eruan) 4. Did this Insect attack tho tree nfter having been killed by tho borer? C. Docs this Insect work upon llvo trees or only upon tho wood nnd sap wood under tho bark or dead trees? C.-Is this Insect likely to develop Into a moth and In that way perpetuato Its species, and what remedy would you sug gest? State Zoologist Surfaco found the Insect to bo tho Fruit Bark Beetle (Scolytus rugulosus), and said: "In orchards of thrifty trees this would be a new pest, but In old, declining and dying orchards, It Is 'an ola tlmer." He then answered the above queries, as follows: j nmi 2. I believe tho primary cause of the death of your young apple tree was tho borer, and that this Insect was secondnry, or followed in the wake of the borer. I mean to say that it attacks trees that are already de clining, or dying, rather than those that are thrifty. -It is not the young or offspring of tho apple borer, but will transform Into a small dark beetle about the size of No. 3.- 4 shot. 4.Thls Insect attacks the tree only after It has been Injur ed by some other cause. 5. It works upon trees that are In a declining, run-down or dy ing condition, and does not multiply In them after they are dead, excepting to com plete its life history. The channels which you note were cut by the larva or grub which transforms Into a beetle. If you will cut off a section of the injured wood and put it in a fruit Jar with a screen cloth over it; you will be able to obtain the pests in the mature rorm next summer. G. It Is not liable to develop Into a moth, but into a small beetle, as mentioned above "Spraying, especially with lime sulphur wash, which leaves a sedi ment like a thin paint on the bark, helps to prevent it. There is no euro after the adult has bored Into the hark and laid the eggs from which the grubs come. Cutting back a tree, and fertilizing and cul tivating to invigorate It, will prove useful." The new, long spring coats at Menner & Co. stores are stylish and effective. 25eol4 THE NOBBY LONG COATS AT Menner & Cos Stores Are Suitable for Real Stylish Wear mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers