t rilE CITIZEN, WERNESHAY, APR. i!7, 1010. CENT A WORD COLUMN WANTED Four experienced glass cutters who wish to become equal pnrtners In a co-operntlvc com pany to manufacture cut glass. Cap ital required, $250 each. Address correspondence, GLASS CUTTER, care this ofllce. 33t2. iminnE paixtixcs uwb for painting Seclyvlllo and Mnng's state bridges will be received at the Com missioners' olllce, Honesdale, until 3 a. m. Tuesday, May 3rd. I'alnt fur nished by county. 3t. FOR Flagging, Curbing, nnd Stops call on Miller, 174 Delaware St. eol 4t. DOX'T work too hard. A Cam bridge sulky plow saves one-half of your plowing labor nnd does It bet ter. Murray Co.. Honesdale, Pa. TWELVE muslin trespass notices! for $100; six for seventy-five cents. Name of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN fflce- IjAWX IIRESSIXO and Gnrdon Fertilizer at Murray Co., Honesdale, l'enn'a. FOR SALE A walnut upholster ed, parlor set of furniture consist ing of sofa nnd two large cnalrs. In quire Citizen Olllce. tf WAXTEH One rougher, married. Apply at once. Clinton Cut Glass Co.. Aldenville. Pa. 33t2 FOR THE LAXI) SAKES use our fertilizers. They make the crops grow. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. ALL KIXDS of legal blanks, notes, leases, deeds, warrants, bonds, sum monses, constable bonds, etc. Citizen ofllce. LIGHT AXI HEAVY WAOOXS in endless variety at Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. Attention! Forward! Destroy the common enemy May 2d. FERTILIZERS AXI) CHEMICALS of all kinds at Murray Co., Hones dale, Pa. 32t2 FOR SALE Large gas stove, In good condition. Apply 1407 East street. tf. HAVE YOU SEEX our big har ness display? If not, come In when convenient. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. "Let us all work together" to make Honesdale beautiful on May 2d. WANTED A woman for general house work. Apply to Dr. E. V. Gavltte, White Mills. 33t3 LOCAL' MENTION. If you want to De a boss, glass cutter read our advertisement for' four good men. Dr. Charles Brady has contract ed with Kreitner Bros, to build his new house at West and Fourteenth streets. Hon. Jason Sexton, who rep resented Montgomery county in the State Legislature during the ses sions of 1889 and 1901, is the in spector of tho State road now being constructed in Dyberry township. George W. Taylor, ex-county commissioner, now residing at Tor rey. contemplates purchasing the T. I Ham property on Court and Eleventh streets, if satisfactory ar rangements can bo made. Mr. Taylor will build a double house on the property. The candidates who have de clared themselves for the nomina tion of Representative to the Legis lature are Democrats: Martin Gal vln. Leopold Feurth, of Honesdale; and E. R. Bodle, of I'rompton. Republicans: W. E. Ames and Al Hlshop, of Hawley, and Fred. Rclchcnbacker, of Honesdale. -"She Stoops to Conquer" In five acts will bo given in the near future at tho Lyric by local talent under the auspices of the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Hones dale. A lino cast has been selected and the production will be staged under the personal direction of -s. Benjamin II. Dittrlch. Re .ii als were started on last Thurs cn enlng and indications are his will bo tho biggest suc of any of our recent local at . is upon the stago. Anont tho postal card crusade, .any persons nro not awaro of tho luct that tho postal card craze Is not a new fad. An exchange has called attention to tho fact that the post card buslnose is over a century old, oven If tho printers havo not been working at it all the time. A long forgotten book entitled Almanac do la Petite do 1777" has Just been discovered, showing that even thus early tho picture post card nourished In Franco at least. Tho almanac reports as follows; "Demanlson tho printer, has Intro duced pictorial cards containing room for short announcements or letters, Those pretty cards are sent through tho post llko letters at a cheaper rate, and aro all In vogue." In 1777, however, the "Oh, kid," and tho bull-dog scries were not In vogue. If the present day affronts to decency had nppcared in those days, It is probable that a good many of the enterprising dealers would havo landed in prison. Tho third anniversary ball of i the Central Republican Club of White Mills on April 30th promises to bo n splendid affair. The base ball scaBon will Open In Honesdale on Saturdny when tho Carbondalo Clippers will lino up against the local tenm. Wesley M. Gardner, President of tho Finch Manufacturing Com pany, Scrnnton, has been fishing this week In tho vicinity of Hones dale. Don't forget tho .bnll nnd slip per of tho Seelyvlllo Fire Depart ment on Friday, April 29th. Go and see their new hall and head quarters. Tho firm of Searlo & Salmon sold Snumunl Wright the Bunnell farm. This (Inn has a real estate department and havo some ex-col"-lent bnrgalns. There will be no strlko on tho D. d. II. R. R. A satisfactory ad justment of the domnnds of conduc tors, trainmen and telegraphers has, been arrived at. William Fround. who success fully passed examinations to become a clerk in the Census Department at Washington, D. C, left Tuesday to enter upon his duties. Rents have increased over 10 per cent. In Deposit slnco Kelly & Stclnmnn hnve moved there. Tho moving away of the Outing factory left many empty houses. Albert Wolter. who was charg ed v Ith the murder and" incinera tion of Ruth Wheeler of New York City, has been tried and convicted of murder In tho first degree. - The Hawley, Honesdale and Seelyvlllo auto stage makes only live stops in Honesdale as follows: Wayne Hotel, Henry Freund, Union depot, Menner & Co., and Commer cial Hotel. Rev. Paul Hummer, of St. Pet er's church, Scranton, Pa., preached an eloquent sermon In German at St. John's Lutheran church on Sunday morning. On Sunday even ing he preached in English. , Tho Hebrews celebrated pass- over yesterday; tho Synagogues throughout the land were thronged with worshippers, and eloquent ser mons were preached on the day and Its sacredness to the Jews. The Third Brigade of which our Company E is a component part, will go to Gettysburg and take part In the maneuvers of the United States Army which will take place from July 11th to 18th. Albert Kinney, who was head brewer for the Irving Cliff Brewery until It ceased operations, left Honesdale on Saturday to accept a position in Pittsburg. We aro sorry to have Mr. Kenney and fam ily leave Honesdale as they were ex cellent residents. Mrs. Charles Marsh has Just received from the order of the Knights o the' -Maccabees, through their roward keeper, W. H. Varcoe, a draft for $1,000 on the life of her lato husband. This claim was '. re ceived within twelve days after tho proofs of death were mailed to the home office. Montrose's new postmaster Is F. I. Lott, Esq. He at one time lived In Wayne county and attended the Waymart High school under Prof. Jeremiah E. Hawker. He also taught school for two successive years In this county, was highly es teemed while here, and his appoint ment meets with great favor by all who remember him. William Penwarden has sold two lots at Traceyvllle, on the north side of the road to Carley Brook, formerly belonging to B. F. Fralley. The eastermost lot contained tho large house built by C. L. Penwar den, to Patrick Havey; considera tion ?87D. The lot west of this, containing the former residence of B. F. Fralley, to John II. Penwnr den. There was a conference held in the Baptist church on Thursday af ternoon and ovening at which the Rev. E. L. Swift of Pottsville, Pa., and Rev. J. M. Wells of Kennett Square, Pa., spoke. Rev. Wells' topics were "Young People's Work" and "Young People's Society," while tho Rev. Mr. Swift spoke upon "Sunday School Work" and "Tho Bible School." These gentlemen hold a conference at Hawley on Friday. Tho annual banquet of tho Odd Fellows was held at their hall on Mondny evening. M. E. Simons acted as Master of Ceremonies. Tho ad dress of welcomo was given by Mayor Kuhbach. Tho following program was rondored: Piano solo, Elsa Jacob; duet, Elso Jacobs and Arthur Lelne; vocal solo, Gustave Kettol; accompanist, Jos. Bodle, Jr. Prof. Chambers of tho Scranton School of Oratory, wns tho entertainer of tho evening and proved very pleasing. Dcsplto the Inclemency of the weath er tho hall was lilled to 'its capacity. Honesdale ought to havo an nrmory and thero should not bo any hesitation about tho Commissioners appropriating part, or oven tho wholo of tho amount ($2,000) towards buy ing tho necessary land. Honesdalo pays one-fifth of tho county taxes, and Is not asking tho commissioners to pay for stato roads, etc., and for them to refuse to pay tho paltry sum needed, when tho Stato offers to put up a $30,000 building seems to bo a case of short slghtodness. Wo need a big hall for receptions, enter tainments, mass meotings, as woli as a homo for tho military company. All law-abiding cltlzenB should hold up both hands to help maintain and encourage our citizen soldiery. Mrs. O. M. Spettigue, Jr., en tertained at enrds on Saturday in honor of Miss Alice Wood of Derby, Conn. There will bo n civil service ex amination at Gouldshoro on May 21, for applicants who desire to be post? master at South Sterling. On Thursday evening Inst, Miss Nelllo Hulslzcr pleasantly entertain ed her Sundny school class at supper at her home on West street. John F. Bushwnller and family of Erie street, hnve moved to Dun moro, where .Mr. Bushwnller Is em ployed on the Erie nnd Wyoming. Miss Blanche Stnrncs enter tained a number of friends nt her homo In Bethany on Fridny evening in honor of Miss Grnco Miller. Miss Mny Penwarden, of Ninth street, with n few of her friends, en tertained Mrs. Edson Blnndin on Friday cards and Tefreshments. Ward Hall, of Brooklyn, N. Y Is visiting his old friends In Hones dale and vicinity. Mr. Hall contem plates locating nere lor an indefinite time.' Mrs. Fletcher W. Bunnell re cently entertained at her home on Fourth street about forty members of tho Parish Aid and Daughters of Grnce Episcopal church, to a turkey dinner. A. O. Blake has sold tho house and lot recently purchased from John Yerkes on East Extension street to David Gagcr. Possession given im mediately. The Palcstenn, who worked for Herbeck-Denier & Co., and who was tho central llgure In the famous mnrch of April 13th, left town on Monday. Destination not known. Fifty million dollars is tho amount of damage done to the crops of tlie Mississippi Valley by a bliz zard which swept over that section on Snturday last. Mr. E. G. Simons, Scranton man ager of the Bell Telephone Company, was a pleasant caller at the Citizen ofneo on Tuesday. His managerial duties call him to Honesdale very often. Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold a special service at the Indian Or chard school house on Thursday, April 28th, at which he will baptize several candidates and will make an address. Dave Doremus, one of the 6Id est men In the service of the Erie railroad, and for years station mas ter In the passenger depot at Port Jervls, died In his 79th year on Sun day evening. The station so long known as Turners, on the Erie railroad, will be renamed "Harriman," which will also be the name of the village. Mrs. Harriman has given a site for a new $9,000 station. Mrs. H. N. Miller of Bethany, has Issued Invitations to the marri age of her daughter, Miss Grace Evelyn, to Mr. William Charles Sel farth, on the forenoon of Thurs day, May 5th, at the residence. Edward Hartung has leased the building on Seventh street, formerly occupied by himself as a butcher shop, to Edward Sporer, of Scranton. .Mr. Sporer has purchased the shop furnishings of Mr. Hartung, and will open up his shop on Saturday. The Bell Telephone Co. are now trying to compel users of their phones to either send them a check or call at their office and pay their monthly accounts. A company that can clean up a profit of ?23,000",Q00 In a year ought to be able to support a collector. John RIckert, who for about eight years has been In the employ of Abo W. Abrahams, clothier, has purchased the entire stock of goods lately owned by Louis Helferich. Ho will open tho store just ns soon as arrangements can bo made, which will be within a few days. On Friday evening last, the Juniors of the High school entertain ed their friends in tho rendition of an excellent literary and muslcnl pro gram. After tho entertalnmnt, the Juniors and Seniors were treated to refreshments by the Sophmores, and a most enjoyable evening was spent. John Lens, of East Honesdale, has sold to Osterhoudt & Dykman Co. of Kingston, N. Y., seven acres of land at East Honesdale. This con cern aro now busy surveying tho property and propose to lay It out In town lots. They will extend Young street through to Traeey street nnd will stake- out 45 good size lots, which will bo offered at bargain prices, nt a date soon to be announc ed. Tho sottloment will bo called Willow Park. Streets nnd sldownlks will bo Inld out nnd we understand shade trees planted. It Is a most attractive place and has escaped tho notice of our local people who will he surprised at tho number of deslrnblo lots which will bo soon placed upon tho market. This property will In crease rnpidly In valuo as soon as tho trolley is running. This is tho be ginning of a real estate development that will astonish our older inhabi tants. This concorn, Osterhoudt & Dykman Co., nro experienced renl ostato developers, stand high in fi nancial circles, with an excellent rep utation for squaro dealing. This method of doing things Is up-to-dnto, and gives satisfaction whorover they opernte. Hotter go down, look tho situation over, and grab a lot before tho best aro all taken. Their terms aro easy. Tho spring gloves in n largo va riety can bo found nt Menner & Co. 1 . Don't forget to clean up 'on May 2d. PERSONAL MENTION Austin Lyons spent the week-end In Scrnnton. ' Miss Etta N'lelBon Bpent Saturday In Cnrbondnlo. Miss .Mary Menner spent Sntur day In Scrnnton. TIioh. Butler, of Cnrbondnlo, spent Snturday In town. Albert Stolnman, of Deposit, spent Sunday at this place. John Morgan of Cnrbondnlo, wns a caller In town Sundny. Miss Florence Wntts was a Scran ton visitor on Saturday. William GIbney is visiting relatives In Scrnnton nnd Cnrbondnlo. Joseph Grnzlnno, of Cnrbondnlo, Is visiting friends In town. Miss Mae Burger, of Scranton, spent Sunday with relatives here. Frank Westfnll was visiting In Scranton and Carbondale on Sunday. Miss Mae Campbell recently spent a few days witlt relatives in Scran ton. E. E. Knox and A. S. Keyes, both of Ariel, were callers In town on Fri dny. J. M. Graff and William Gutholnz of Scrnnton, were In town on Friday Inst. Thomas Finnerty Ifhs returned from a business trip in tho Middle West. Mrs. M. Lee Brnman is the guest of friends and relatives In Huguenot, N. Y. - , Miss Barbara .McLaughlin is visit ing nt the homo of her sister in Car bondale. .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts, of Now York, are visiting In Honesdalo for a short time. Judge Searle and Homer Greene, Esq., were business callers in Scran ton last Friday. Miss Maine Lynott has returned from Scranton after visiting relatives for a few days. Earl Gager, D. & H. station agent at Providence, was a caller In Hones dalo on Sunday. Mrs. Herman Harmes of Hawley, spent the latter part of the week in the Maple City. Walter Moore, of New York, is spending a few days with relatives on Court street. Dr. Arno Voigt of Hawley, attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Delcy Schoon- over on Monday. E. D. Goodnough and son of Glrd- land, Pa., was a business caller in town on Tuesday. Richard Bracey has returned to his home after spending several days in Scranton. Michael Mebs and William Kuhn have accepted positions at glass cut ting at Jeanette, Pa. 1 Miss Lois Mills, of Carbondale, 'spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of C. W. Frederick. Mrs. W. H. Lee left on Saturday afternoon for WIlkes-Barre where she is the guest of relatives. Mrs. C. A. Emery entertained on Sunday last Miss Maine Evans and Seth Speck, both of Scranton. Mrs. Llewelyn Morgan and daugh ter, of Scranton, are guests of Mrs. Duncan Mac Tavish on Cliff street Mrs. Mary Kupfer of River street, Ib spending some time with her chll tlren in New York City and Brook lyn. Miss Charlotte Lane has returned from New York City, where she un derwent an operation for appendi citis. Vice Principal Martz of the Haw ley High school, spent Monday In Honesdalo as the guest of Frank A, Jenkins. Misses Nellie Cavanaugh, Rose Flynn, and Alice McGlnnis visited relatives In Scranton and WIlkes- Barre recently. Mrs. Augustus Grambs returned to her homo at Lake Ariel on Saturday, after spending several days with rel atives In town. Louis Bader, William Denk and William Hensey loft Saturday for Elmlra, where they will work at their trade of glass cutting. .Mrs. Ellen G. Varcoe and Mrs. Caroline E. Sell attended the asso elation of Rebekah Lodges at W llkes-Barro on .Saturday last. Mrs. R. N. Torroy, who has made qulto an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Hull, of Brooklyn, returned to her home on Fridny Inst. Catarrh Will Go Relief In Tho Minutes, Complete Ciiro Soon. Don't go on hawking yourself sick ovory morning; it s cruel, it s harm ful and it's unnecessary. If aftor breathing Hyomel, tho wonder-worker, you aro not rid of vllo catarrh, you can have your mon oy bnck. No stomach dosjug just take tho llttlo hard rubber pocket Inhaler that comes with each outfit, and pour into k a row drops or Hyomel Breatho It according to directions In two minutes it will relievo you of tnut stuffed up reollng. Uso It n fow minutes every dny, and In a fow weoks you will bo entirely free from cntarrh. Got an outfit to-day; It only costs $1.00; It's worth $1,000 to any ca tarrh sufferer. For sale by drug gists everywhere, and by G. W. Pell who guarantees it to cure catarrh, croup, coughs, colda, soro throat and bronchitis. An extra bottlo of Hy omel liquid if needed costs but GOc, Tho little hard rubber pocket inhaler you get with outfit will last a lifetime. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cocnen, parents of tho Rev. Dr. Cocnen, havo bidden good-byo to their many friends In Honcsdnlc, prior to their departuro Jor Jersey City. i i CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the yCg . Signature of iiaZTUcLc BOY PLOTTER CAUGHT. Plans Bank Robbery and Murder, but Is Jailed. Lansing, Mich.. April 2(1. - Robert C'olister, aged' twenty-one yours, an employee of the Oldn Motor works. Is locked up In the city Jail charged with aiding and abetting a pliiu to roil the Union State Saving lunik nt Lalngs- burgh, ten miles north, and his com panion, Frank 'ltlvcnbcrg. In being de tained by the police ns a witness. His plot included the u-c of an auto mobile for the trip over to Liilngx burg early Monday morning, the kill ing of the clmtilTour on the way, the Isolation of Lnliigsburg by cutting all telephone ami telegraph wires and an entrance Into th lunik with an auto matic Lugci- pistol and a Cult i-all 1er as. He Is sild to have admitted that he expected ho would havo to shoot down Cashier Hunt, who is a distant relative of the prisoner. $100 REWARD, S100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded dlseaso that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posi tive euro now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 7Ec. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. M. K. SIMON'S, PlIKSIDKNT. FARMERS MECHANICS BANK CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00 THE BANK Of the People, For the People and By the People !i H Si. I Wc solicit the patronage of Individuals nnd firms H for either Checking or Savings accounts, mid always H I stand ready to loan money to Wayne Countenns having H p proper security. If 1 SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS RENTED 1 I BY THE MONTH OR YEAR. 1 I Farmers Mm Ml White Pine Lumber Why you should use White Pine. Because it is a very durable wood and the most suitable for many different purposes. It will not check, warp or split and holds paint exceedingly well. We have a large and complete stock of select white pine lumber that will meet your needs, whatever they may be. Come in and look at our lumber. MARTIN HERMANN, CALLICOON, PA. OX TRIAL FOR .MURDER. Kid Regan, a Honesdnlo boy, Is on trial for murder In New York City, the deed being committed some years ngo. His pull with the Democratic administration staved off his appre hension nnd trial until now. Tho New York World of Tuesday has a picture of Rog.m and his counsel, Menner & Co. will close out a lot of odd skirts, suitable for work skirts, at less than half price. 4w REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR NOMINATION FOR REPRESENTATIVE. FRED C. REICHEXHACKER, Honesdule, Pa. Was born at Honesdale In 1SC4 and has always been n resident of the borough. He was educated In the Honesdale high school and learn ed the druggist's business In the pharmacy of C. C. Jadwin, and is still engaged In that calling. He has always been nn active and con sistent Republican, is well versed In and an able exponent of the princi ples of the party and wholly devoted to Its Interests. Mr. Relchenbacker Is a member of the American Federa tion of Musicians, (Union) Local No. 413. He was placed in nomination for state senator of the Fourteenth district by the conferees of Wayne at Stroudsburg In190S and during the deadlock had the highest vote of any candidate; but, notwithstand ing the nomination belonged to Wayne, his name was withdrawn on the fifty-second ballot and the nom ination went to Carbon county. (adv.) C. A. E5IE1IV, Casiiikb 11 i STARTS AN ACCOUNT