THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AI'K. 37, 1010. THE CITIZEN rUBLleilKD KVKRT WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY I1T T1IR CITIZEN rUMJBlltUn COMI-ANT. Entered ns second-class matter, nt tliopost olllcc. llonesdnlc. J'n. SUBSCRIPTION 11.50 K. 11. HAKDKNllKHGII, PJtKSIDKNT W. W. WOOD. - MAXAGKK AND SKC'Y nntixTone: 0. II. DORFI.IKQER. M. II. AM.K.N. IIKNBT WILSON. E. B. ll.UtniCNHER(llt. V. W. WOOD. WEDNESDAY, AIMUIj 'JT, 11)10. When n woman wants to get rid or her husband for nn hour, she sends him up stairs to get some thing from tho pocket of her dress. Which Is the greater evil to Honesdale, the Galilean who Is earn ing his bread by the sweat of his brow, or tho Organizer who gets his bread while a lot of other fellows do the sweating? There arc many striking exam ples of tho value of good roads. Wherever roads have been perma nently improved it Is found that there has been n very great in crease in value of the adjacent property. This is Just tho right size toAvn to settle down in and enjoy life. Everything for the comfort of life can be bought here nnd ?10 will go as far as ?25 will in the largo cities. When you want to leave the farm, come to our town and build a nice comfortable home and bo among the best people In the world. Why is It that no one wants to live in the country anymore? Cities are full of people who live from ''hand to mouth," and whose total wealth Is represented by the cloth ing they have on. Years go by and these persons never have a home. They lose that Independence that the proud owner of a farm has. If there is one needed reform it is to keep people on farms and away from cities. We aro not given to boasting, but we are proud of the farmer boys of this vicinity. They are, with rare exceptions, a healthy, intelligent and happy class of young men. We feel like taking bur hat clear oft when we meet them upon our streets, and no class is more wel comed to our office. Too many', boys leave the farm where, they would have made substantial and good citizens, and go to the city where only one In a thousand suc ceed in life's battle. There are farmers who fairly drive their boys away. There Is no excuse for this. The farmer boy is entitled to his vacations, to several relaxations, his visits to the city, good books, magazines and his homo paper. To the observing one It Is plain to bo seen that the old farm is the best place in the world for the average young man and never fails to bring a happier and more useful life than the city. Young men, you who till the soil and earn your bread by the sweat of your brow, we are proud of you; our latchstring is always out to you and you will always have a friend in this paper. Come and see us and give us the news from your neighborhood. THEY A DOIT THE IDEA. Citizens of Deposit Adopt Editor Haines' .Majority Itnlc Idea. Ever since tho old, reliablo Erlo ran its first passenger train through Deposit, there has been considerable suspense on tho part of various In dividuals who have gathered at the depot to wait for trains; hut never has that hurry feeling come so near reaching a white heat as on Friday last, when two union cut glass agi tators from Honesdalo came to town for the purpose of limiting trouble and blocking in every way possible the plans of tho proprietors of the new cut glass industry about to lo cate here. As soon as the mission ot those two dlsturbanco-seekers was known, a dozen or llftoen good, strong, able-bodlod citlzons procured an officer and escorted them to tho depot to await tho arrival of tho first train from tho east. Geese feathers and glittering tar, which in by-gone days havo proven an excellent rom edy for various evils, wero suggested by tho crowd that followed as a means of expressing our contempt for these follows, but they wero spared with tho promlso that they would leave town as soon as tho Erie and tho officer would let thorn, which they did. If Honesdalo has any more of this class she will do well to keep .them within tho folds of tho union. As a rulo Deposit Is a pretty docllo town, but whon any ono comes along looking for trouble and attempts to Interfere with any of her Industries, five minutes Is ample tlino to recruit an army, that for enthusiasm and tho protection of all within our bord ers, equalB that of Teddy'a rough riders In their charge up San Juan hill. Deposit Courier-Journal. EL QVERS21 .000 WHAT MERCHANTS GET A lnrge Amount of Money Is 1'nld tho (Slufs Cutters of HoncMlnlo and the Merchnnts Deceive a I.nrc Share of It. A enreful canvass of the Cut Glass Manufacturers regarding tho amount of their payrolls shows that tho average amount paid by each factory every two weeks Is ?2,100. This makes a total payroll every two weeks of f 10,500, and as the strike has now been on for four weeks, it means n loss to men of $21,000. The greater part of this money, naturally, would havo found its way into tho cash drawers of our morchants. As tho strike Is not over, this loss will continue to in crease. Tho manufacturers claim that If the strike was declared oil to-morrow, they could not take back over half their men, as the trado outlook Is bad. Several concerns, visited, freely expressed their opin ions that while they deplored hav ing the men go out, yet now that they are out, it is a blessing as at this season of tho year they could do with hair their force, but rather than lose them, by laying them off, they struggled along barely clear ing expenses, so thnt the men in striking and remaining out, have done Just what the manufacturers always hesitated to do. One manu facturer stated that he hoped the men would call the bluff of Organi zer Luckock who proclaimed that the Union had $14 7,000 to back them up, if they went out, as he know when he made the statement that the Glass Blowers who are the bone nnd sinew of the Flint Glass Union will not allow their reserve fund to be used by the Glass Cut ters. The manufacturers are un animous in stating that there is nothing to arbitrate. They claim that their men voluntarily threw up their positions, and left their em ploy; and that they are under no obligations to reinstate them, and furthermore, they cannot be forced to do so, and that intimidation threats, etc., will not swerve them one Iota In their determination to have absolute control and jurisdic tion over their own property and business. IiAHOlt IJATTLK. AH Quiet Along the I.ackawaxcn and Dyberry. The pickets of the strikers main tain their vigil watch to see that no union or non-union man deserts and goes over to the enemy. 'Their Generallsomo, with headquarters at the Hall of Fame and Temple of In dustry, has the situation well In hand. The Independent's acrobatic efforts to get a strangle hold on the labor vote while he does a little slobber ing for the manufacturers, who have an account In his bank, is causing a feeling of distrust among the strikers and disgust with every one else. There was a rumor that a Padrone was In town last week and had arranged to bring 1C0 able bodied Sicilians to town. It was stipulated that they must be suffi ciently naturalized so that they could lawrully carry stilletoes (which Is the Italian name or tooth picks) and gatling guns. It was lurther agreed that they will have tho right to vote for Judge at next year's primary. This clause waB inserted so that the Independent would consent to their coming. The only qualifications the manufacturers insisted upon was, that every man must bo strong In the arms and thick In the head, on account of tho clim ate. This body of men are to be assembled at Port Jervls and In tho dead of night will embark upon gun boats and by the light of the com et's tail will proceed up tho I.acka waxeu and land at the foot of East Eleventh street (which Is tho his torical spot where the tnmous march of tho 13th of April began) and go into enmp in the old elec tric light station. These men are expected to reach Honesdalo simul taneously with Harry Richard's gang of Glass Cutters, disguised as trolley railroad builders who aro now bolng numbered nt Castle Gar den. It Is expected that a public meeting will bo called and ovory one who is afraid of Tho Hoycott or Comet's Tall bo recommended to prepare their cellars as a safo abiding place whero tholr cour age shrouded In darkness will not havo any chanco to assert Itself, and expose tho holder thereof to tho loss of any man's trade. SALESMAN. ZEPPELIN II. WRECKED. German Government Balloon Breaks From Moorings and Is Smashed. Llmburg-im-der-Lahn, Prussia, April 20. The Zeppelin II., ono of three dir igible balloons of tho German govern ment's aerlul fleet, ran away und was destroyed. Tho airship, which was forced to descend hero owing to a Btorm encountered whllo attempting a return trip from Homburg to Cologne, broko her moorings and without a crew drifted in a northeasterly dlrec. tion. A half hour after its escape the dir igible dropped at Wellburg and was smashed to nieces. HONESDAL OSES MANUEACTUltEIt EXPLAINS. Mr. Editor: Porhnps a fow words from a man ufacturer would not bo amiss to help enlighten tho public regard ing a fow facts connected with tho present controversy between tho glass cuttors and their employees. While It Is genorally conccedo.d by right thinking employers thnt it is wrong to use discrimination in hiring or discharging employees, tho fnct remains nevertheless that an employer must fortify nnd protect himself, also prepare for any trouble of nny nature that In his Judgment exists or is about to takb placo which would seriously crlpplo nn industry which ho has, perhaps, all his money Invested In nnd which would naturally, IT allowed to ma ture, be the means of throwing his best nnd satisfied employees out of employment. When such -evidence exists wo deem it proper and right i to weed out the trouble-makers which we have always found to be the ones that aro the least use to tho manufacturer, the ones that do not enre whether they work or not and aro only too glad to use every I effort to I ml lie o good men to Join I them In breeding discontent. I Being a manufacturer is not tho I most pleasant occupation that some i people thnt haven't had tho experi ence might Imagine; on the con-1 trary it Is the most worrying busl-! ness and I think tho most Imposed i upon In a good many different! ways. He has a great many things to contend with and to worry about which keeps his brain in a whirl night and dny; in fnct, ho Is never free from care. There is a very great competition in the cut glass business to-day and a manufacturer has some sharp fig uring to do to get in and out of this competition with a small profit. The cut glass business is not by any means what It was ten or twelve I years ago, the market price being j about 50 per cent, less and wages I about 40 per cent. more. Of course! there has been a decrease of pro duction due to modern methods in polishing but nothing compared to i the decrease In selling price or the finished article. ! Another thing that should be con sidered is that during the yenr there are about three months or dull sea son In which an enormous stock Is piled upon the shelves. This is done more to keep the employees at work during this season. Tills ac cumulated stock is a risk, a gamble, whether the larger part of It will not be laying Idle on these shelves for perhaps two years or more and then perhaps a large portion will be sacrificed on account of patterns be ing discarded in the meantime. All this time It means to the manufac turer an additional Insurance and money tied up that otherwise might be turned over perhaps fifty times. While the employee Is always sure of his salary at the end or the week or two weeks, as the ' case might be, the manuracturer Is'reA celvlng notice nearly every day or some one or his customers going in to bankruptcy which will probably realize to him 1 per cent, to 33 per cent, on the dollar which would just about cover the expense or sell ing the bill of goods provided 'he received the larger amount. I don't think there is anybody in our city that deplores this existing trouble any "more than the manu facturers. It has been said that they aro responsible for bringing on this trouble. If this Is so, then It was through protecting their Interests and investments only and. which no doubt -would bo repeated If occasion required. The real foundation ot this trouble dates back to last year when the organizer appeared In our quiet and peaceful town and sowed tho seed of discontent among our sntislicd employees and from this seed lias sprung tho present trouble. Before this gentleman appeared among us everything was going along very smoothly and everybody seemed satisfied. From this seed I think we shall reap a harvest that will not prove a blessing to our town, as already wo can "see the effects of it, as one factory has al ready moved away and more are likely to follow. It Is not so easy to get factories to replace tho onos lost as the editor of the Independ ent might think, as onco a town gets a reputation for this kind ot troublo there nre tew mnnufnetur ers that caro to Invest or settle where others aro being drlvon nway. Or course tho record this t,own has had in the past In encouraging and helping manufacturers to locato hero and doing all posslblo to keep what thoy havo might overcome this ono objection. Honesdalo's manufactured goods, especially Its cut glass, has enjoyed tho greatest prestige tho whole country over, so much so that tho factories hero have been kept run ning even through tho panic while factories In other towns and cities hnve been at a standstill, but I am afraid this troublo, If allowed to go on, will hurt this reputation so much so that wo will gradually be in the samo class as tho towns I might mention which has gone through this samo experience. In conclusion It would bo well to remember that In order to romoyo a troublo wo must first romovo tho cauBo. I thoreforo would suggest that this cause bo given his pass ports nnd told to go homo and mako his' garden, nnd If ho needs nny holp wo would suggest ho tako along our prominent trouble-makers, who aro trying to educate tho editors of our local papers. At present we do not feel tho need or them as there will bo no closed cut glnsa factory ruii under tho juris diction of tho A. F. G. W. U. In this town and those Interested might as well know It first as last. In this assertion I am sure I vulco tho sen timents of nil tho manufacturers of cut glass. MANUFACTURER. OBITUARY. DUN N Evn L., wife or BenJ. F. Dunn, died nt her residence In Scranton, April 22, 1910, aged 57 years and 2 months. Tho family wero ror many years residents or Dyberry township, this county. Tho ! deceased was rormerly Miss Eva L. Keen, of Caiman township. Inter-1 ment in tho Damascus cemetery. S A U N D E R S Grace Brock, wife of Samuel Saunders, died sud-; denly nt her home at Indian Orchnrd I on Saturday evening. Mrs. Saunders had seemed to be In unusual good j cheer and health on tho dny of her i death, and her sudden taking away , was a great surprise and" shock to friends nnd relntlves. She was born J in Cornwall, England, In 1830, enmo to this country while very young and wns married in 1SG2 to Samuel Saunders. She Is survived by her husband nnd four children, namely: Mrs. Wlllinm Buckingham of Indian Orchard; Mrs. S. D. Noblo or Falls dale; Mrs. Win. H. Pregnall of East Honesdalo, and Joseph, who is at homo. Two brothers and ono sister, also are living, Richard Brock ot Bend Lake; James or South Dakota, and Mrs. Simon Marshall (widow) or Honesdale. Funeral to-day at her home; burial In Indian Orchard cemetery, officiate. Rev. A. L. Whittaker will SCHOONOVE It Delcy, wid- ; ow of Levi Schoonover, died Saturday morning in Scranton from the effects i of an operation performed to remove i a cancerous growth. She was CG years of age, born in New York state and married to LeVi Schoonover of i Carley Brook. Mr. Schoonover serv- ed as a private In Co. I, 188th N. Y. , Volunteers. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Schoonover lived at Prompton, he being employed by the D. & H. ' Railroad Co. until his death. Four daughters survive her: Miss Jennie, and Mrs. Ruth Volgt or Honesdale; Mrs. John Relfler, of Tanners Falls; Mrs. Ernest Bodle, of Bethany; also three sisters, Mrs. Lucy Davis, Glov ersvllle, N. Y.; Mrs. Anna Sampson, Seolyvtlle, and Mrs. Ferris Ashland, New York; two brothers, Ichobod, Bath, N. Y., and Altred, or Claredon, N. Y. The funeral was held Monday artcrnoon rrom her late home, Rev. Dr. Swltt officiating. Interment was i made In Glen Dyberry. C A U F I E L D Mary A. Fannon, J wife of Martin Cauffeld, died at her home on West Park street, on Mon day morning, April 25th. She .had, 'been ill for several years, but It was" not thought that the end was so near. The deceased was the mother of a large and Interesting family, and the imprint ot her loving and gener ous nature was stamped upon them by her unselfish devotion that they might be successful and happy In life. No one ever entered her home without a warm welcome, nor left without feeling the warmth of a genuine hospltnllty, so characteris tic of the people of her ancestry. Adhering to the faith of her fathers, she was a consistent christian wom an, who loved to attend the services of her church, when health permitted. To her the struggle and burden bearing ot earth are ended, and we know, like ono who awakes from a troubled dream, she has awakened to seo lire's endless morning break and knows herseir at home with all the vast throng or loved ones, missed ! from earth about her. Her homo in stincts were strong here in this world or disappointment. Her af fectlon Tor friends nnd kindred wero tender and abiding. Among us all sho ranked a woman of sympathy, a kind neighbor, a ralthtul wire, a de voted mother, and a true friend, and ' her memory will ever remain with thoso who mourn her loss. Mrs. Caufleld was born In Honesdalo, April 27, 1857, whore sho had al ways lived. Deceased was married Feb. I, 1S77, and besides her hus band, Martin Caufleld, the following children survlvo: Mrs. M. T. Lynch, of Towanda; J. Joseph, of Minneap olis, Minn.; Eugene, or St. Bonavon turo's College, Alleghony; John, Annn, Helen, Elizabeth and Frances, at home; also by ono brother, John Fannon, ot Gntun, Canal Zone, Pan ama. The runoral will tako place on Thursday nt St. John's Romnn Cath olic church at 10 o'clock. Inter ment In the church cemetery. M A L E John Mnlo, Sr., died at his homo at Cherry nidge on Satur day evening, ot paralysis, aged 92 yoars. Mr. Malo was a retired Tann er nnd dairyman, having ror almost a half century been Identified with the' agricultural Interests of Wayno county. Mr. Mnlo was born In Corn wall, England, January 8, 1818. Ho romnlned in his homo town until ho wns marriod In 1841 to Elizabeth II. Medland. In 1850 Mr. Malo emi grated to Amorlcn, landing at Que bec, Canada, after a voyago of six wcoks and four days. After spend ing tho first winter in St. Thomas, Ontario, ho came to Honesdalo, where ho worked at gonornl labor for eighteen months and thou rented from B. F. Klmblo a farm In Toxns township, which ho successfully operated for thrco years. Ho then removed to his present farm which ho purchased In 1852, .paying $24 por aero for same. At that tlmo It was almost nn unbroken wilderness, but his untiring labors transformed It into ono of tho most highly cul tivated tracts In Cherry Ridge town ship. In politics, Mr. Mnle has al ways been a Republican but nover nsplred to nn office. Ho was a mem ber of the Episcopal church of Eng land. Mr. Male's parents, Jbhn and Lucy Bant Mnle, also lived to ripe old ages, the father died when he wns 85 years of ago while Mrs. Male passed away at the ago of 87. Tho maternal great-grandfather, John Bant, Sr., died nt the ago of 84, while the subject's grandfather, John ' Bnnt, Jr., lived to the extreme old! ago ot 90 years. Mr. Male Is stir-1 vlvcd by thrco children, nnmely, j John, Jr., nt home; Isaac, of Haw-' ley, and Mrs. J. B. Sllter, of Eltnlra, N. Y.; also by ono brother, Isaar , who Is blind and Is now 87 years old. Ho lives In Englnnd. Tho fun cral will be held rrom his Into home on Tuesday artcrnoon, Rev. W. H. Hlllcr, pastor or the Honesdalo Methodist church, officiating. Inter ment will be mnde in Glen Dyberry cemetery. Herald. HOW THE TROLLEY HELPS. When the trolley began to Invade the rural districts, many farmers resented their intrusion on tho ground that they took short cuts through their farms, frightened their cattle and were a nuisance on general principles. The country merchants rose up In arms against this chariot of modern civilization and declared that it was carrying destruction to their business because it afforded country people better facilities for trading In the largo cities where they spent their money. But after tho trolley had forced its way into the rural districts HENRY Z. RUSSELL. PRF.8IDEXT. ANDREW THOMPSON VICE PRESIDENT. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Organized In December, 1836, and Nationalized In December, 1864. Since its organization it has paid in Dividends to its Stock holders, $1,905,800.00 The Comptroller of the Currency has placed It on the HONOR ROLL, from the fact thnt Its Snrplus Fund more than equals Its capital stock. What Class 9 , are YOU in The world has always been divided into two clasEes those who have saved, those who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant. It is the savei who have built the houses, the mills, the bridges, the railroads, the shi,o and all the other great works which stand for man's advancement and happiness. , The spenders are slaves to the savers. It ia the law of nature. We want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business The Are nil need 1 r-f-r-frrtr"Mr against nil opposition of this kind U quickly won tho support of tho very peoplo who had opposed it In the start. Farmers found thnt tho advantage of being able to go to tho city by a dozen trains a day instead of one and of having their purchases delivered almost at their doors tho same day, more than offset the dis advantage ot cut-up farms and nervous cows. The country merchnnt discovered thnt atter n short time his trndo Increased Instead of railing ofT. Tho trolley brought tho country so near to tho cities that thousands of city people either bought or rented country places and transferred their trado from the city to the country stores. This was clear gain because, while their old customers perhaps i-pent more money in tho city stores than before, their deslro of trading grow upon them, and with Increas ing prosperity nnd business activity their patronage was larger and more profitable than over. Tills may not be true or all lines or business, but It applies as a general rulo and the man who lost trade lost it more through his lack or enterprise than through the fault of the trolley. The trolley has not only greatly enhanced tho value of farm lands but of country town property as well. It Is nn easy matter for a city man to live on a farm or In a country town from 30 to GO miles from his business because the trol ley affords him swift, cheap and re liable transportation. Like the sowing-mnchine, the reaper, tho printing, express trains and every other modern Improve ment In civilization, tho trolley has proved a blessing by expanding the country's growth and adding to the comfort and convenience of the people. Farm World. EDWIN K. TOUliEY rsniEH ALIIEUTC. LINDSAY ASSISTANT r S1IIEB FREE AUTO RIDE l IIAWLEY and WHITE MILLS t PEOPLE who take the auto to KATZ BROS. Store receive j the money for the return trip by purchasing $5 worth of mer- chandisc. Our Prices are Always Lowest, i Not only on sroods advertised, but tlironcli- . out all erodes In every department. 4- Greatest Sale of Tailor-Made Milts ever held in Honesnaie. 150 samples of one of the most noted makers. Iik'IikIIiil' all tho latest models at uioiiey-sav-iiiK prices. Suits formerly sold nt $20. Sale Price $14.73 Suits formerly sold nt $22.30 Sale Pries $18.30 Sultsformerlysold nt $27.50, $30.00 Snle Price, $22.50 You All Ready silWiffiWflfS the filoves. Kelts und Neckwear which you for the warm weather? KATZ BROS.