THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AIMt. 27, 1010. WASHINGTON LEHER BURGLARS' TOOLS. By CARL Most of Them Made by Supposedly I Respectable Mechanics. Corre- Every Httlo whllo, said n detecUvo I recently, tho police arrest n mnn wun SCHOril-LI). Special spondcnt. The District of Columbia elnlms to a set of burslar'a tools In his posses- have the rentest collection of stnMien slon, and ono naturally wonders where and monuments perpetuating the mem. they all como from. . . T. lm Mnn.. n In... n mm nf nnV fin. ory of the nation's great men. No i " " " other city can boast of such a valuable """ V " h. J- array of marble and bronr.c linage of men who helped to make the United States the lending nation of tho world. The Capital's Statues. The total nmount of money expended for nil the statues in the District is estimated at $5,000,000. While this sum Is enormous, it docs not adequate ly represent tho value of tho statues. Many of them were erected by nets of congress with money appropriated from the United States treasury, a I large number are gifts of patriotic so cieties, but the greatest collection of nil is that in the national hall of fame. In the capltol, which is composed of gifts from the' various states. More than fifty statues are still to be added to tho collection in the hall of fame by the states. Gifts From Foreign Rulers. Twice have presents made to the president and other oflicers of tho United States by foreign rulers been the subjects of burglary, but each time they were recovered and are yet in the custody of the government. The provision of section 1), article 1, of the constitution of the United States, which precludes the acceptance by government oflicers without the con sent of congress of "any present, emol ument, otlico or title of any kind what ever from any king or prince of any foreign state," wos an enigma to the rulers of foreign countries who sought to honor our country through Its ofli cers. Many of the gifts referred to were proffered after the conclusion of trea ties. They were sent to presidents, ministers, commissioners, consuls and oflicers of the navy, but the consent of congress was obtainable in but few in stances, and they went to the custody of tho state department, the patent otllce being the repository. Kroni the latter some of the most valuable were stolen more than sixty years ago, but were recovered and hidden away in the treasury vaults for over thirty years. Some of the Treasures. Among the presents were two mus kets presented to President Jefferson by the bey of Tunis, a cane sent to John Qulncy Adams made of an ele phant's tusk and gold mounted, a gold snuffbox with the initial A In diamonds presented to General Jack son by Emperor Alexander of Itussla, a sword with gold scabbard and mountings presented to Commodore James Biddle by tho viceroy of Peru, necklaces of diamonds and pearls, cashmere shawla, Persian rugs, other ornaments of pearls and a gold mount ed sword presented to Commodore J. D. Elliot by the imaum of Muscat. Presents From Muscat. Later other presents were scut by the imaum to President Van Buren direct On Christmas day, 1839, tho ship Sultance arrived at New York with two Arabian horses, n bottle of attar of roses, five demijohns of rose water, a package of cashmere shawls, a bale of Persian rugs, a box of pearls, etc., most of them for the president, but n sword was for Commodore El liot and a shawl each for the wives of Lieutenants W. V. Shields and A. II. Footc. The latter oilleer afterward be came an admiral. The horses were sold, and the state department added tho other articles to the collection In the patent otllce. There was no day watchman, and Dec. 21. 1SU. in broad daylight, tho door was opuued by means of a false key. and the thief carried off the snuff box and gold scabbard. The loss was placed at over $15,000, and a reward of $1,000 was offered for their recovery. Little was hoard of them for a few wit'k's. but thev were recovered In some mysterious manner In Baltimore, Soon afterward tho National Institute was given charge of the articles as rart of the museum, and they were placed In cases for exhibition. Thieves Get Jewels. As a precaution against nny nttempt to carry them off bells were attached, lnceulously hidden, but this did not prevent a successful raid. The night of Nov. 8. 1818. there was much ex citement In the city, for the result of the election was not then known, and until a late , hour there were largo crowds unon the streets uncertain as to whether Taylor or Cass was elect ed nresldeut. Tho building in which thu gifts were stored was In charge of two watchmen, and one, having made the rounds at 1 o clock and found all safe, awoke his mate and turned in The following morning a rope was found dangling from a Window by which a thief had made his escape with tho booty. Tho snuffbox and irold scabbard, the ntUir of roses, dla mouds, pearls and over thirty gold and silver medals were carried off. On Exhibition After Many Years Tho. National Institute tho day fol lowlug offered n reward of $1,500, and in a fow weeks tho arrest .was made of John Hand liear Philadelphia. Near lv If not all tho property was recovered Tho authorities then took no chances and May 10, 1810, turned tho articles over to tho treasury for sate Keeping, Feb. 27. 1887, tho secretary of the treasury directed the treasurer to de liver tho articles to tho Smithsonian Institution. Thus after thirty-eight years the val untile were nut in charge of the Smithsonian (and again placed ou ex hibition. purchasing tho most wlckcd-looklng knifo over made. But who would know where to got n "Jimmy" or n de vice for drilling Into a safe or any Of tho many1 tools used by tho profession al burglar In tho pursuit of his call ing? Thcro nre places In the largo cities where these things are made and sold to the users, but such places nre ex ceedingly scarce. It may seem a lit tle strango to learn that most oi ino tools used In burglaries are made by mechanics who arc looked upon as re spectable men in tho community. Whon a burglar wants any particu lar tool made ho goes to a mechanic who can do the Job and pays him per haps five times what It Is actually worth for making the tool and keeping quiet about it. Many detectives can recall casos of this kind tnai navo como to light. One in particular occurred some i years ago, wnen an escupeu named Williams went to a black smith nnd got him to make a lot of drills to be used In safe cracking. He personally superintended the temper ing of the steel, but when tho Job was nearly completed it leaked out, nnd Williams was arrested, in tnis in stance tho blacksmith knew nothing of the use to which the tools were to be put Most of the tools used by burglars arc secured in the same way. Philadelphia Inquirer. Of Interest to Women Readers MAS8AGE APPARATUS. Can Be Attached to Electric Light Fix ture for Power. No, this Is not a telephone, It Is a massage, apparatus designed by a Now York man nnd it has many ad vantageous features not possessed by the ordinary massago machine. Tho instrument has a box-like compartr mont nt tho top which contains electro-magnets, armature plates, etc., and means for graduating the strongth of Music-Loving Cows. Music pleases man and beast. Tho author of tho book of Job records the effects of the trumpet on the horse, and a writer In the American Nat uralist tolls of a herd of cows that was greatly moved by tho music of a band. Twelve or thirteen cows In a herd were grazing in a large fleld op posite a dwelling house. One day a German band began playing on the road dividing tho house from the field. No sooner did the cows'hear the music than they camo from the farther end of tho field, nnd standing with their heads over the dividing stono fence quietly listened to the music. On tho departure of the musicians, the cows followed them as far as they could on the other sldo of the wall. When they could go no farther, they stood lowing ptteously. Some of them became so excited that they ran round and round the field, seeking to get out. Finding no outlet, they returned to the corner hero they had lost sight of tue Dana and remained there for a long time. More Exclusive In Philadelphia. The story Is told of an elderly worn- ... ... -1 i " n an, a memuer oi uie iuucr uitic u. Philadelphia society, who was mucn affected by the news of the death of a man of social aspirations which, had not. It is sad to relate, been aided by his well known benevolence. Mr. Blank was in many respects an admirable character," said the old lady, "and It was a real pity that his lowly origin made impossible our rec ognition of him. Poor. dear, vulgar creature! We could not know him in Philadelphia, but we shall meet him In heaven!" Llppincott's. the current sent out. The whole Is mounted on a long, hollow rubber handle through which run the wires by which tho instrument can be con nected with a battery of its own or with the electric light fixtures in tho house. The bell-shaped device which so closely resembles tho receiver of a telephone Is detachable, and It Is that through which the electric current 1b transmitted. When this apparatus Is hitched up to the source of power used, the vibratory mechanism Inside is set into operation and the devlco Is passed over the head or body to pro duce the tingling sensation which sets the blood Into circulation and from which the benefits of massage are de rived. Being so light and easily manipulated, the instrument can bo used by the subject himself. f Pictures of Presidents. In every department, nnd In fact In overy buronu, arc to bo found the pic tures of the former heads of those de partments or bureaus. Pictures of all of tho presidents nre not In the Whlto House, hut mnny are t bo found there. Neither arc the pictures of tho wives of all the presidents, those who occupied tho position of "first lady of the land," to b! found In the Whlto Houso, though a goodly number have been preserved. It Is rnthor a nota ble fact that tho plcturos of nearly all the women who have graced tho posi tion of mistress of the White Houso are placed In the lower rooms and cor ridors. This region might bo termed tho basement, though It scarcely mer its' that position In architecture. All of these- corridors are used at the big functions at the Whlto Houso, ant1 no doubt more people see tho pic tures of the women than would bo tho cane If they wore hung In the up per rooms. Literary Favorites. Tho Paris Gaulols has been asking Its readers to name the 23 greatest writers in the world up to tho present day. Tho list which resulted from the voices given by '11,247 renders runs: Victor Hugo, Shakespeare. Uaclne, Cornellle. Vergil. Mollere, Homer.' Dante, Goethe, Bossuot La Fontaine, Lamartlne, Chateaubriand, Voltaire, Cicero. Pascal. Musset. Ralzac, Soph ocles. Horace. Schiller. Plato, Cer vantes. J. J. Rousseau and Milton. Votes were given for 432 other auth ora. It will be noticed that the list con tains the nnme of no living writer, nnd that 14 of tho 25 are French, thrco Latin, two Greek, two English, two German, one Italian and one Spanish, THE TOAD AND THE SNAKE. Wherein the Batrachlan Shows Him self as Wise as Serpent. j Tho following snako story was told norno tlrao ago by a reputable citizen of Anson county, says tho Charlottes ville Observer: Driving along tho public road ono day ho saw a toad crossing tho road at top speed hitting only tho high plnccs. nnd few of them. As the frog disappeared in tho bosky underbrush on ono sldo a blncksnako In hot pur suit made its nppearance on tho other. Tho story teller followed the two Into the bushes to see what tho result would bo. Ho had proceeded only a short distance when he found tho frog nt bay, facing tho snake, and with the latter circling about in nn effort to ranko an attack from tho rear. His frogshlp kept turning all the time, al ways facing the enemy. Tho ronson of the snako a manoeu vre was that tho frog had In Its mouth, held crosswise and nbout the middle, a stick about the slzo and length of a load pencil. Tho frog know the snake could not swallow him so long as ho presented such a front The frog won as tho snako quit cold. AimiVAIi AND DEPARTURE OF ERIE TRAINS. 8:26 a. m. and Trains lcavo at 2MS p. m. Sundays at 2:48 p. m. Trains arrive at-1:40 and 8:08 p. m. Saturdays, arrives at 2:45 and leaves at 7:10. Sundays nt 7:02 p. in. New England Pie. Some poor dwelled In the benight ed beyond of Chicago asks what a real New England pie is like. It probably will not help him to bo told, but if ho means apple, it is like an essay by Emerson nullified with the music of Massenet and spiced with the cyni cism of Shaw; if ho means pumpkin. it is like some of Gounod's music hoard In a landscape all sun and (low ers. It Is too early yet to describe the mince pies of 1910. but last year's and last year was not an extraordi nary good year were like an Increase In salary, and a present from home ar riving on tho day when ones consci ence was behaving Itself. Boston Globe. Learning the Elements. Tho editor of tho Atlanta Constitu tion, Mr. Clark Howell, tells a good story about a former Janitor of the Constitution otflco. who lost his place through overlndulgenco In liquor, and who afterward secured a position as an assistant In an automobile garage in that city. "Ho had been working round the garage as a handy man for about six months," said Mr. Howell, "and hap pening to meet him on tho street one day, I asked him how ho was getting along in tho automobile business. " 'Fine.' said he. " 'I supposo you know everything about an automobile now, Tom?" I said to him. "'Yes. sir, Mr. Howell, I knows a lot about dem cars, for I'b been work ing under dem and over dem and all around dem ever sinco I left de Con stitution ofilce. But dere is Just one thing about dom automobiles dat puz zles me,' said Tom. " 'What's that?' I asked. " 'Well, sir, Mr. Howell, I can't get it into my hoad how they make em go without hitching a horae to 'em.' " S MARTIN CAUFIELD I Designer and Man- 1 ufacturer of ARTISTIC 1 MEMORIALS I Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. His Handicap. Mack How did she happen to mar iry a man with only one leg? Wyld Ho couldn't run away. For New Late Novelties IN JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES Try SPENCER, The Jeweler "Guaranteed articles only sold." Dainty Table for Cables' Clothes. If It has ever been our lot to dress and undress a small baby, you will al ready be acquainted with the fact that where to put Its clothes you do not know. Truly, at ypur side there la tho basket In which the garments may bo folded neatly; but it Is much easier to write about folding up tiny garments whllo the possessor is wrlgglng in your lap than to fold them. Besides, which It Is certainly more hygienic to let the clothes remain open for a Misery. The neighbor's dog sits out on tho front lawn and howls dismally. Tho man In the window looks out and yells: "Sh-h-h, you beast! The uog continues to howl. Tiie man again comes to the window and this time hurls a shoe at the dog. Still tho nnimnl howls. Another shoe follows. Tho next day the man's wife goes around In her stocking feet because she can't find her shoes. Tho man hasn't the price of another pair of shoes for her. and tho next night the dog howls louder than ever. The Baths of Old Rome. At the end of the third century after Christ there were In Home 11 large public baths and 92G smaller ones. The baths of Caracalla could accommodate at one time 1.600 people, those of Diocletian. 3,600. Taking 1,500 as the average of each of the. public baths, and 50 as that of each of the private baths, it appears tnat at any minute naming accommouauuua were possible for 62,000 people in ancient Rome. Counting on a popu lation of 2.000.000, the figure generally given ns tho correct one, It would thus seom that ample privillges were af- fo-Oed every day for every Inhabitant of the Imperial City. W. B. HOLMES, President. A. T. SEAKLE, Vice Pres. H. XV. SALMON, Cashier WAltD, Ass't Cashier We want vou to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of this Bank. WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 394,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 494,000.00 EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose a l'l-.iNiN l . It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 35 years, serving nn increasing number of customers with fideelitv and satisfaction. Us casti lunus are protectee, ay -iuLr.ivx omci. i"juu. What. Indeed? ".lames was always Kind or mo- roo. saiU airs. rHKU iu iiur uanci, "but now he's married again, seems ar. if he couldn't boar to have anybody B?nilp. "There vou go. he says to Al- mlry, the other day, 'always singing rTYf o 1 AQCPfS vaie oi i - Cf5T DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. S All ot these thmcs. coupled with conservative management. Insured by tho CAllEKUL PEHSONAI. ATTENTION constantly slveii the Hank's affairs by a notably able Hoard of Dlrectorsassuresthepatrons of that SUPIIEMK SAKKTY which Is the .prime essentlul of u cood Bank. them secular songs In this woe. What if you was took sudden,' says lie. 'and called to your last ac count with the "Soldier's Tear" In your mouth?' " ExclwHa $2,886,000.00 W. I!. HOLMES A .T. SEAHI.K T. U.CLAKK -DIRECTORS CHAS. J.SMITH. H.J.CONGEK. W V. SUYDaM. P. KIMIU.K S. SALMON Ready for the End. Tho rector and a farraor were dis cussing tho subject of pork one day and the rector displayed considerable Interest in a pen of good-sized Berk shires. "Thoso pigs of yours are In fine condition, Tomkinson,' ho re marked. '.'Yes, sur; they be," .replied the matter-of-fact farmer. "Ah, sur, If we was all of us only as lit to die as thoy be, sur, we'd do." London News. Historic Edifice Gone. The courthouso at Washington, Ma son county, Kentucky, In which Uncle Tom of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" famo was sold, was struck by lightning and destroyed on August 13. Tho building was erected In 17U4. It was tho salo of tho aged negro nt this place that gave Harriet Beecber Stowe tho basis for her story. Green Hag. Olive Trees Live Long. Olive trees have extraordinarily long lives. In Syria recently have been found somo romnrkably ancient olive, trees whoso ages are established beyond question. A trust deed exists which relates to an orchard covering 490 trees near Tripoli, Syria, the trust deed having been Issued 490 years ago. The Better Part of Courage. "1 admires courage." said Uncle Eben. "but I doesn't blame a man fob glttln' out'n de way when ho ain't got no show. Dar wouldn't bo no sense at all in a mouse tryin' to light a cat." Codfish and Flounder. Somo authorities s: y tho floundet Is only a codfish with a flattened head. Baby's Dress Stand Made from Plant Pedestal. whllo to thoroughly air them. Henco the cute little dress stand about which I am going to tell you. In Its original state It was made of whlto wood. Without doubt its origi nal mission in life was to support a pot of flowers, for Its three straight legs supported a circular top about the size of a dinner plate, while, for greater Btrength, a triangular pleco of wood connected the legs near the base, thus forming a tiny shelf. Whlto, always, for babies; so first or all it was enamelled, Then a nodes of small hooks, such as are used for a dresser, were scrowod in all round the edge of the table top, and uny bags of lavender were Introduced among tho broad satin ribbon which wound about tho legs and was tied in a hUKe bow at one side. To tho Bhelf beneath a pretty enamelled pow der box was secured with fish glue. And if you are a practical person you will make It your business to ascer tain that the lid of such powder box can be eaBlly removed with ono hand. The Evolution of Booster Bill III. Bill Goes After New Industries When old Bill Blue got a new view The thing transformed him through and through. He took a publlo spirit pill. That made a BOOSTER out of Bill. D. & H. CO. TIIIE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH A.M. I SUN a 30 1C 00 A.M. SUN 10 00 1 20 2 US P.M. 5 40 5 GO 5 51 (i 11 (i 17 (i 21 li 2t! K32 li 35 K39 ti 43 li 4( (i b0 For the Friend Who Travels. If you have a woman friend who Is planning to take a long trip, make her a silk hat bag and win her heart--felt ftratltude. Most of tho Pullman porters are ready to supply the trav eler with paper bags for the protec tion of the hat, but these bags are stiff and unwleldly, nnd one of soft china silk, provided -with a ribbon run through a casing at tho top will b much more convenient. On tho out side of the bag, near the lower edge. may be placed pockets, closed by snap buttons, for tho accommodation of gloves and veil. Thus everything for a Httlo Jaunt away from tho train Is at hand when a stop 1b made for any length of time. LB IVU 1 l'.M, 2 15 7 25 8 15! A.M. II 05 U 15 U 111 0 ! 9 12 9 IS II 51 9 57 10 00 10 01 10 08 10 11 10 15 A M. .M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 4 40' 5 30 P.M. 0 20 ti ;so G 31 G 52 am 7 04 7 07 7 13 7 Hi 7 20 7 24 7 7 31 l'.M. .M. H 30 1 20 2 OS P.M. 2 05 2 15 2 1!) 2 37 J 41 2 49 2 52 2 5: 2 Kl 3 0.1 3 07 3 in 3 15 P.M. .M. 4 30. 6 03 A.M. 2 15 7 10 7 55 A.M. . . Albany .... ltlii'.'lmnitou . I'.M.I 2 00 12 40 .. Philadelphia.. ... Wilkes-Iinrro. Pcrnnton.... I.v Ar 8 45i Carbondale .... H 55,... Lincoln Avenue.. 8 Kl 9 IK a 2i 9 29 9 37' . 9 39 9 4t .. 9 47.. 9 M . 9 55) . A M.,Ar .. Whites. l-'arvlew.... Cnnaun . . Lake Ixnlore . .. . Way mart... ,. Keene Bteeno . ...I'rumptou... Kortenla.... M-clyville .. 3 5.1 tV . M 10 20 9 37 KM, 8 05 7 54 7 50 7 33 7 25 7 19 7 17 7 12 7 eo 7 05 7 01 li 5n Ilonesdale G 55 A.M.l 10 50' 8 45 7 31 4 0.5 3 15 P.M. 1 35 1 25 1 21 1 0.1 12 as 12 51 12 49 12 13 12 40 12 :i 12 32 12 29 12 25 I.v'A M. P.M. 732 r.M. 7 15 G 20 P.M. 5 40 530 5 24 5 OS 5 01 5 5t 4 54 4 4S 4 45 4 41 4 37 4 34 4 30 P.M. 1 P. .(A.M. Sl'N ,SL'N . 10 50! .1 8 45l 7 31 7 32 Tali M. 1 35 10 3 P.M.iP M. 12 17 12 07 12 03 It 44 II 37 11 31 11 29 11 23 II 20 11 10 11 12 11 09 11 05 A M. 8 29 8 17 8 1.1 7 51 7 17 7 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 20 7 22 7 19 7 15 P.M. 8ald he, "To me 'tis very clmr WE NEED 80ME NEW INDUS TRIES HERE." And so ha advertised and planned And ant out wrltsupa through the land. Replies came fast, and now arise New factory stacks to meat the skies. "As a town tonle, why, gee whiz," Says 8111. "PRINT INK'S THE BEST THAT IS." The Era of New Mixed Paints ! n'hics imrin nnn 1 wirli ft delutro of new mixed paints. A con- dition brought about by our enterprising doalora to igot somekind of a mixed paint that wouiu suppiant uwuiuu o huahu F AlrSlb. TllOir COIIJIJUUIHIB, UOl(j HUH U vv.v.v.uv.v, may find a sale with tho unwary. Till? ONIjY PIjAOE IS HONUSIALEpJ TflWC MIVPIl PRINTS AUTIIOniZKD TO HANDLE UIIIUI UH W inii-w , . . Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. Thoroaro reasons for tho pre-ominonco of OHILTON PAINTS? 1st No ono can mix a uottor mixeu painc. 2d Tho painters dedaro that it works easily and has won dorful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his owu oxpenso.overy surface painted with Ohilton Paint that proves defective , 4th Thoso who havo used it aro perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend its use to others.