The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 27, 1910, Image 1

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    THE WKATIIKK Wednesday partly ovcrcn-st nnd nearly stationary tern porntures will prevail, wltli light and frenh variable winds.
K t? " K" tf" JC tf c jc jo K" ic t? rr t? tc
Scml-Weekly Founded
Y Weekly "Founded. 1844 2
IV JP V JC " K Jf if JO X K" "! K X"
x; r- , . . ifK.
' of the
5 St 1
67th YEAR.
5 i NO. 33
Governor Will Enter United
States Supreme Gourt.
Selection Viewed With Satisfaction by
Justices and Statesmen at Wash
ington and Prompt Confirma
tion Is Expected.
Washington. April 20. Charles E
nughes, governor of Now York state
hns accepted President Taft's olTer ol
nn npiiulntment to the supreme court
bench, nnd his nomhmtlon Is now be
fore the Semite. !
This means that Mr. Hughes will re
sign from the governorship nnd that
Horace White of Syracuse will sue-,
ceed hhu In the executive chair nt Al
bany, i
It Is being suggested here that Presl-'
dent Taft may have assured Governoi
Hughes that he will be appointed chlcl 1
Justice In the event of a vacancy oc-1
currlng in the Taft administration.!
Such an understanding would explain
Governor Hughes' prompt acceptance .
of the offer. Mr. Tuft's close friends'
nnd advisers declare that they have .
bad no Intimation that any such sug
gestion was made to Governor Hughes, I
nnd they doubt If the president has
done this.
The public life of Governor Hughes
began only live years ago. IJefore that
be was llttb known outside of his pro
fession. Iu the live years that have
elapsed since his appointment as coun
sel to the Stevens 'investigation com
mittee he has mnde himself famous as
an investigator and as a governor who
bad no use for political bosses.
Governor Hughes was forty-eight
years old on April 11. He will be one
of the youngest men ever elevated to
the highest court of the nation. He
was born In Glens Palls, Is. Y., on
April 11. 1802. His father, the Iter.
David Charles Hughes, who died last
December, was born in Wales and was
u Baptist clergyman. Gorernor Hughes
attended public school 35 iu West
Thirteenth street in this city nnd at
the age of fourteen entered Madison,
now Colgate, uulrerslty. He afterward
went to Brown and 'was graduated in
1881. He was third iu a class of forty
eight, delivered the classical oration
and won a Phi Beta Kappa key. He
taught Greek and mathematics hi Del
aware academy at Delhi, N. Y.; stud
ied law iu the office of General Stew
art L. Woodford in this city, and at
Columbia and In 1884 was admitted to
the bar. Three years later he became
a member of the linn of Carter,
Hughes & Ciuvntli.
Mr. Hughes became professor of law
nt Cornell In 1891 and also n special
lecturer In the New York Law school.
In 1803 lie resumed the practice of law
in Ids old tirm, which became Carter,
Hughes & I) wight. In 1004, 0u the
dentil of Mr. Carter, the firm became
Hughes, Itiumds & Schurman.
It was in 1005 that the legislature
nppqlnted the commission headed by
Senator Stevens to Investigate tbo
price of gas. The commission chose
Mr. Hughes ns its couiisel, and his
public career may bo said to have be
gun then.
Albany, N. Y., April 20. Governor
Charles H. Hughes decided to accept
President Tuft's appointment as a
United States supreme court Justice In
preference to returning to the practlco
of the law in New York city. The
salary of gorernor Is $10,000 and that
of a United States supreme court Jus
tice $12,500, The latter salary Is to be
increased shortly to $17,500. Governor
Hughes feels that in accepting this Ufa
appointment from President Tuft that
he will bo able to lire within his In
come and save Home money, as tho po
sition will m t entail any material so-
f,fef" J ,. MARYp. H) ' RESIDSNT FAlllERks 'OFFfMNC,
News Snanshflfs l llu ',Latn of i,iUli Twain at his homo, Itcddlng, t'onn.. caused deep sorrow throughout the entire country. President I'allleivs
news ouapaiiuia ()f j.-r)K.,, greeted Roosevelt in Paris. Mary I). Spiers resigned for some mysterious reason as private secretary to Mis.
Of the Week 'rnlt- -lames S. Huron, Democrat, elected congressman from Rochester, N. Y. Senators Aldrich and Ilaic nmnmm-cd
that they would retire from somite next soring. Six college professors from Cornell are making tour of country with a cow
in private car to demonstrate to farmers best way to breed cattle. .Miss Marjorle Gould, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George .1. Gould, became I lie
bride of A. ,T. Droxel. Jr.
clal obligation or expenditure, such as
the governorship or the presidency.
As Gorernor Hughes will ascend the
supreme court bench at Washington at
the commencement of the second week
hi October, he will not lie a factor In
next fall's campaign In Now York
state, nor will he participate Iu it In
nny way. When Gorernor Hughes re
plgns in October he -will be succeeded
ns gorernor by Lieutenant Gorernor
Horace White of Syracuse, who will
act as gorernor until Jan. 1 next.
Brilliant and Lusty Reception
Xeiv Stnte Treusurer.
Hon. C. F. Wright returned to his
home at Susquehanna Thursday
evening on Erie train No. 3, and was
warmly greeted on his" arrival. The
Susquehanna band, with the mem
bers of' Erie Hose No. 1, nnd the
chemical engine company in line,
followed by residents, escorted the
new state treasurer to his home on
West Main street. The members of
the reception committee, composed
of Rev. Father Broderick, M. H. j
Eisman and John D. Miller of Sus-1
quehanna, and Ralph B. Little of
Montrose, made short addresses.
Mr. Wright responded. The re-1
ception that was accorded him was
a complete surprise. The numbers
that turned out showed the respect
and esteem in which he Is held by
the people, regardless of party afflla
tions. Delegates were present from
Montrose, Hallstead, Great Bend,
New Milford and Binghamton to
Join in the demonstration.
On the hillside above the railroad
station blazing red, white and blue
fire outlined the word "Wright" in
large letters. All of the whistles
of the rillage, loudly blown, helped
to emphasize the reception.
As an expression of her interest
in the State's work for the tuber
culous poor, Mrs. B. F. Jones, widow
fo the Pittsburg steel manufactur
er, has offered Health Commission
er Dixon her magnificent cottage
nnd grounds at Cresson. It . lies
close by the tract of land given the
Commonwealth by Andrew Carnegie
for Its Western Sanatorium for tub
erculosis, The cottage which is said to have
originally cost about $18,000, 1b
large enough to accommodate at
least twenty tuberculosis patients
and no time will be lost in getting
it ready for such occupancy. As
the cottage is in good repair this
will not take long bo that the bene
i fits of the high altitude and healthy
climate of Cresson will soon be en
1 Joyed by a number of poor suffer
! ers. In the meantime tho Sanitor
I lum buildings on the Carnegie
I tract will be rapidly pushed for
I ward.
The lot on which the 2-story
Jones' cottage stands is about 100
feet front and 150 feet deep. There
are In all thirteen bod-rooniB in the
building, most of them large and
comfortable, with big bay windows
into which the sun may pour Iib
healing rays. Wide porches almost
surround tho cottage. Hero the
patients may sit In their rest chairs
enjoying tho pure mountain air and
having a view of a surrounding
country whose scenic beauty Is un-
, surpassed.
j Mr, Jones' gift to tho Common
wealth, iiko mat oi Mr. uarnegiu,
Is particularly gratifying In that It
shows the complete confldenqo that
exists in tho State's pampalgn
against tuberculosis.
Goods especially adapted for
confirmation and commencement
dresses at Menner & Co.'s store.
m to i poisox ix Tin: pudiuxg
Sixteen persons, one of whom may
not lire, are conllned to their homes
at Newburgh as the result of pto-1
limine poisoning caused, It Is sup
posed, by eating a cocoanut pudding
at -i restaurant recently opened in I
that city by James H. Crooks. The
person in n dangerous condition is
Miss Elizabeth Fletcher. Among the
sufferers is Crook's wife.
The pudding, with a sauce of
whipped cream, was served Thurs
day among the desserts. Soon those
who had partaken of It became ill.
The first to notice the effects was
Henry M. Leonard, Treasurer of the
Columbus Trust Company. All the
rictlms required doctors' help.
Crooks recently had trouble with
his bakers, who went on strike, and
an attempt was made to connect the
labor difficulties and the poisoning.
But Crooks said he was convinced
the poisoning was caused by the
whipped cream and that the strike
had nothing to do with it. Physi
cians also' said there had been some
thing wrong with the cream.
The Wayne County Teachers' As
sociation will hold their spring
meeting at Hamllnton April 2'Jth and
A lecture, "The Homo and the
School," will he given Friday even
ing at the Methodist church at 8
o'clock by Prof. Oden C. Gortnor of
Mansfield State Normal School.
The day sessions will nlso be held
at the church commencing nt 1) a.
in. During the morning subjects for
discussion will be presented by Nel
lie Brennan, Florence Boyce, Win.
T. Wntkins, Frank K. Dimon, and
Jacob V. Creveling.
Professor Oden C. Gortner will
also give a talk.
There are two speakers for the af
ternoon session, Judge A. T. Searlo
will give nn address and M. J. Cos
tello of the English Department of
Scranton Technicnl High school will
give n tnlk, "Pennsylvania In Litera
ture." The Ladles' Aid society will fur
nish dinner at the I. O. O. F. Hall
on Saturday.
The public is invited to all the ses
sions. GALILEE.
Mrs. Mary Hitchcock, qf Scranton,
1b visiting friends and relatives here.
Mrs. John Loy, who has been visit
ing her son and family In Weehaw-
ken, N. J., has returned.
Burton Berry, of Scranton, was
a recent guest of his father, D. W.
Isaac Canfleld, who recently un
derwent nn operation for an abdo
ni I mil trouble, has returned to his
home greatly Improved in health.
Floyd Berry is under the care of
Dr. Appley, being confined to the
houso with rheumatism.
Miss Florence Boyce of Hamlin,
Is risltlng at tho homo of Isaac Rut
lodge. Eccentric Havomeyer Dead.
New York, April a. Frederick
Christian Havemeyer, eldest child In
tho family of which nenry O. Have
moyer, tho sugar trust head, was the
seventh, died In a nut at 130 West
Eighty-fourth street, where be bad
lived apart from his relatives for eight
een years. He was seventy-eight years
old. Unlike his threo active brothers
Henry O., Theodore A. and Thomas J.
this eldest son of the second Fred
crick Christian Havemeyer was not a
financier. Ills business career termi
nated -while ho was still a youug man.
Ho was a patron of many things. Mu
sic was always In tho foreground of
his life, and the stage was au obses
sion with him.
The County Superintendent
the Results.
The following applicants
the examination successfully
Janet Tuthill Berlin
Romain Crosby Berlin
i Sadie Wilson Berlin
) Wilbur Dowing Berlin
i Grace Gregory Berlin
Howard .Hiller Berlin
Legter Troverton Berlin
charle jiarnea Berlln
Gladys Mclntyre Berlin
John Dills Berlin
Fred Wegst Berlin
Chas. Case '. Berlin
Alice Branning Berlln
Blanche Ulce " Berlin
Alice Moloney . . .' Berlin
Lottie Hartman, . rrrwWs. I'Berlfu
Cynthln Hicks Berlin
Anna Walsh '. . Canaan
Anna McDonnell .... Cherry BIdge
Mamie Schafer Clinton
Fressie Derrick '. . . . .Clinton
Dow Cramer Clinton
Bertha Rosener Clinton
Francis Hiller Dnmascus
Gertrude Calkins Damascus
Ruth Coleman Damascus
Mary Abraham Damascus
Lena Pethlck Damascus i
Anna Gregg
T-l .,
Clarence Noble Damascus
Russell Pethlck Damascus
Win. Lovelass Damascus
Ralph Noble Damascus
Vernon Tegeler . . : Damascus
Era Skillhorn Damascus
Mary Vail Damascus
Irene Keeslor Damascus
Elmer Keeslor Damascus
Ora E. Bodlo Dyberry
Dora M. Bodlo Dyberry
Eloiso E. Webb Dyberry
Marie Brown Dyberry
Kenneth Brynnt Dyberry
Violet Glossenger . Lake
Martha Kizer Lake
Robert Edwards Lake
Bertha Smith Lake
Forest Blockuerger Lebanon
Clinton couklin Lebanon
William O'Neill Lebanon
Josephine Megirern Lebanon
Otis Latourette Lebanon
Ruth Nelson Lebanon
Katie Latourette Lebanon
Olive O. Robinson Lebanon
Stella Haynes .Manchester
Elton Gillow Manchester
Edna Runner Manchester
Bcrnlce Hnll Manchester
Hazel Warfleld Manchester
Elizabeth Mlnckler .... "Manchester
Clydo Stalker Manchester
Reglna Gill Mt. Pleasant
Mary Ksonlsh ...... Mt. Plonsant
Margaret McCabo .... Mt. Pleasant
Albert Miller Mt. Pleasant
Margaret Itlefler Oregon
Katharine Penwarden .... Oregon
Rosey Fritz Orfgon
Florence Ekheck Paupack
Alice Doyle Preston
Inez Rohno Preston
Tracoy Cora Preston
Mildred Brown Salem
Vlrga Bortree Salem
Robert Boland Salem
Leonard Elliott Salom
John Altemeier Salem
David Leo Salem
Harley Curtis Salem
Clnlro Simons Salem
Alice Bortreo Salom
Edward John , ... Scott
Cora Adams Scott
Lena Swlnglo So, Canaan
Emily Larrabeo Starrucca
Louise Karchor Starrucca
Clifford Sampson ...... Starrucca
County Superintendent.
Somo single suits to clean up
stock, at Menner & Co.'s storo, will
be Bold out regardless of cost. 4w
The students of tho Honesdale
schools have a unique way of adver
tising their entertainment next
Thursday evening. They have made
posters, many of them showing Jap
anese scenes, and placed them in the
store windows about town. They
show much ability on the part of the
students, as well as considerable
originality of thought. This enter
tainment is the annual affair given
by the scholars; It consists of stere
optlcon views with the description of
each picture giren by students of the
Serenth Grade. There will be many
Lchorouses, drills and other Interest
ing features. About 200 children
will take part. The admission Is 15
and 25 cents; the proceeds to be
used for the benefit- of the sqhool.
This is the first time the new stere
optlcon has been used In public. At
,tend thls.entertalnment.and 'see -how
they are teaching Geography at the
present time.
The Honesdale High school will
close at noon on Friday to allow the
teachers to attend the Wayne County
Teachers' Association to bo neld at
Hamllnton Friday' night and Satur
The program giren by the Junior
class last Friday nlcht in the audltor-
1 -
well attended as it should hare been.
It is not speaking well for the peo
j , f tl t . to negiect educational
matters of this sort.
Honesdale Is forging to the front
in the teaching of Geography. They
are now using six hundred lantern
slides and six hundred stereoptlcon
views, representing the special feat
ures of the different countries. The
stereoptlcon views are used In class;
the pictures carefully studied and
much descriptive matter concerning
the pictures is learned. After this
lias been well mastered, tho class is
taken to a room and the stereoptlcon
Views of tho same pictures are then
put upon the screen. Pupils describe
the pictures as they aro shown. This
form of teaching will he illustrated
at the entertainment next Thursday
"The State capltol at Harrlsburg
Is the" finest public building in the
United States; tho finest artists and
architects were employed In Its con
struction and it was built without
taxation, without borrowing money,
and It was paid for in cash ns It was
being erected."
This statement was made by ex
Governor Pennypacker at the annunl
dinner given last Friday night in
connection with the ono hundred
and fiftieth anniversary of the Ger
mnntown academy, which was bo
gun on Thursday.
Replying to the toast, "Tho Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania," tho
former govornor said: "When the
capltol was completed $12,000,000
remained in the Stnte treasury.
There has never been such n finan
cial achievement In this country."
Court Again Takes Up Cato of Copper
New York, April '-0. Tho trial of
Fritz Augustus Heluzo In the criminal
branch of tho United States circuit
court on the double cbargo of mlsai
plying, tho funds of tho Mercantile
National bank and ovorcertlfylng tho
checks of Otto ndnze & Co. was re
sumed today. Judge. Hough bus
thrown out of the Indictment of March
8, 1010, seven of the fourteen count.
Despondent Woman Blames
"Malicious Magnetism."
Miss Marion K. Stephens Ends Life
With Gas After Struggle Between
Loyalty to "Healer" and Church.
Efforts to Conceal Case.
New York, April 20. After every ef
fort had been made to conceal the fact.
It has been learned that Miss Marion
Stephens, tortured by her struggles
with her sense of duty and her loyalty
to Mrs. Augusta Stetson, the excom
municated leader of the First Church
of Christ. Scientist, and one of the most
successful "healers" of the church,
killed herself with gas last Saturday
night In the npartments of her sister,
Mrs. Weeks, at 520 West One Hundred
and Eleventh street. Her death was
reported to Coroner Felnberg, but so
far he has taken no action.
"Threo days ago," said an Intimate
friend of Miss Stephens, "Marion came
to nie and said, 'I cannot stand this
awful pressure any longer. It follows
me day and night. I love the church,
but something keeps holding me to
Mrs. Stetson. If I cannot break up
that Influence one way or the other I
shall take gas ami kill myself.' "
Though the death of Miss Stephens
was reported as a suicide, and there
fore lu ordinary course of events a
coroner's permit would be needed be
fore her body could be removed, It was
said that her body had been removed
to her home, which was in Tonnwandn.
for burial. Coroner Feinberg's clerks
said that he had Issued no permit.
Following the death of Harry P.
Toler, the Wall street broker, athlete
and Christian Scientist, whose suicide
shocked the whole Christian Science
community a year ago and was .attrib
uted to what Sirs. Stetson's opponents
called "malicious aulmul magnetism,"
the suicide of Miss Stephens created a
tremendous sensation when it was
whispered about the church. The of
ficers of the church and the few re
maining adherents of .Mrs. Stetson whn
worship In the Central Park West
temple united In endeavoring to keep
the news from the papers.
Miss Stephens wns one of the first
prominent members of the First church
to rebel against Mrs. Stetson, but later
resumed her allegiance to the deposed
leader. She took no active part In the.
battle Iu the church which resulted In
the deposition of Mrs. Stetson by
Mother Mary Glover Baker Eddy. Miss
Stephens was very much distressed by
the schism in the church and went to
Elmira, N. Y.. where she lived with
Results of Games Played In National
and American Leagues.
A triple play was made by the New
York Giants iu their game with Brook
lyn, which Is the first made In New
York In seven years.
At New York New York, 3; Brook
lyn, 1. Batteries Wiltse and Meyers;
Rucker and Bergen.
At Philadelphia-Boston. 5; Philadel
phia, 5. Butteries Brown and Gra
ham; Moron and Dooln.
At Cincinnati St. Louis, 8; Cincin
nati, 3. Batteries Bnehiuun and Bres
nahnn; Spade, Covaleskl, McLean and
At Chicago Plttshurg-Chlcago game
postponed owing to wet grounds.
Philadelphia (I
Pittsburg 5
Chicago 4
New York 5
Cincinnati 3
Boston 2
Brooklyn 2
St. Louis 2
At Washington-New York, 5; Wash
ington, 2. Batteries Warhop, Qulnn
and Sweeney, Oberlln and Slreet.
At Boston Philadelphia, 4; Boston,
2. Batteries Atkins and Thomas;
Wood, nail and Cnrrlgnu.
At St. LouIs-(Twelve hillings) St.
Louis, (I; Detroit, 5. Butteries Bulloy,
Wuddell nnd Stephens; Wllletts ami
At Cloveluud Chicago, 2; Cleveland,
0. Batteries Smith and Payuo; Bcr
ger nnd Bonds.
W. L. P.O.
New York 4 2 .007
Detroit , 0 3 .025
Philadelphia G 3 .025
St. Louis 3 2 .000
Cleveland ., 4 5 .444
Bostou 4 S ,444
Washington 3 (1 .333
Chicago 2 4 .333