T1IH CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APllIL 20, tt)10. I CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMNS THE MOST HBIjIAIII.1" MEDIUM FOR SPREADING HAM MX. Mrs. George Collins and sister, Miss Ada Sadler, of Honesdale, call ed on friends In town last week. ' John Williams and family havo removed to their new house. Frances Orchard is home from Stroudsburg, and Carl Stevens is home from Pcrklomcn Seminary. Mrs. C. M. Lorlng Bpcnt Thurs day in Scranton. The Grange meeting on Friday evening last was well attended. Mrs. R. H. Simons Is visiting Mrs. Li. J Pelton. Mrs. C. H. Spnngenberg and son Homer, who have been spending the winter In Florida, returned home Tuesday, April 12th. David Lee loft on Friday for Wellsboro, N. Y., where he will remain during tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gale and lit tle son Burton, of Scranton, spent part of the week with Mrs. Gale's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Simons. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Abbey visited in Scranton this week. Miss 13. M. Buckingham visited Mrs. Brown at Ariel this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arrln Wornbacker and little son spent Sunday with Mrs. F. A. Abbey. H. F. Nicholson celebrated the opening of the trout season and was rewarded witli a fine catch. HAWLEY & WILSON VILLE M. Lassley, proprietor of the "Sand Spring Farm House," and Postmaster of Bohemia, Pa., also Curtis James, mail-carrier for this office, were in town on Monday. I Henry Groner, fireman in Gibbs' glass cutting factory, owing -to the ' strike, has secured a position In I Dunmore, and will move his family there the first of the week. Several of Hawley's children have the pink eye. ! Mr. Knesel, of tho Glass Row, moved to the east side last week. i Mr. and Mrs. Leo Taggert have been entertaining his aunt, Miss Smith, of Honesdale. D. Bingham, Hawley's popular insurance agent, who has been in feeble health for several weeks, is i Improving. Accompanied by Mrs. Bingham, he drove to Ledgedale on Wednesday, 'returning on Thursday afternoon. Miss Smith, a clerk in the post ofllce, has entered a hospital In New York, where she will prepare to be come a trained nurse. She is suc ceeded In the office by a young lady, who was a member of Hawley's graduating class of 1909. Mr. Griffin, of Towanda, was a business visitor of P. J. Keary, tho latter part of the week. Mrs. Henry Drake entertained her friend, Mrs. Madden, of Hawley, on Monday afternoon. A roponMnn will lin pknn in TTrv B. P. Rlnlev and wife Fridav even ing at the Methodist church by tho members of the church and congre gation. The appearance on Saturday after noon on the streets of Hawley of the Auto-Transportation Co.'s new car caused considerable excitement. Dorothy Volgt, little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Arno Volgt, received the greater number of votes in the baby contest, and at a gala per formance in honor of the occasion on Monday night was presented with the prize which was a go-cart. The Kelly baby being next in line, was also given one. Mrs. Coe Durland of Honesdale, was tho guest of her daughter. Airs. F. W. Suydam, on Friday. Two new glass cutting industries have Just started into business dur ing the past week, one at the Eddy and the other on the east side. Joseph S. Pennell, of Hawley, has been appointed census enumerator for Hawley Borough in place of Ed ward McAndrew, who has secured the position of ticket agent at Gar lield, and could not serve. He re ceived his commission badge, etc., on Thursday afternoon, thus giving him but little time for preparation, being compelled to start work Fri day morning. Mr. Eck, of Tafton, has received a large consignment of fruit trees, which he is delivering among the people. "Mrs. Ryan, of Tafton, was a caller on Monday of her sister, Mrs. Wil liam Masten. Tho V. P. S. of the German Luth eran church will hold a social on April 20th at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Warg on Penn Avenue. Admlsslou 15 cents. The public is cordially Invited. Virginia Goble, of Lakevillo, visit ed her friend, Mrs. Augusta Keyes, on Thursday. Mr. Richards has loased the Bell inger building formerly used as a knitting, mill, and will open a garage. He will also do repair work. Mrs. Jacob Stermer and son of Scranton, and Mrs. Fred Poeppel, Jr., of Chicago, havo been visiting their sister, Mrs. James Drake, on Church street, Mrs. Smith and daughter havo moved from tho Krauso building In to the Drako house on Bishop Ave nue. T. F. Wall has sold his pony to E Degroat of Fowlertown. INFORMATION STEItMXG. Although early in tho season a number nre planting potatoes, being afraid that when rain docs conic there will be a long wet spell, R. B. nnd I. G. Simons have fin ished sawing nnd are now home again. By working twenty-eight days they cut one hundred nnd seventy thousand .feet of lumber. On the 13th Harriet Hazelton moved to Moscow and is now keep ing house for Joseph Catterson. On tho evening of tho 12th the young folks gave Miss Alectia Barnes a party and all passed a pleasant evening. Rev. Webster returned on tho 14th and we will have preaching next Sunday. i A couple of years ago William Stevens moved off his farm and L. F. Aiumermnn still had about two tons of hay in tho barn and there were nlso a number of sap buckets and a lot of other stuff, but on the evening of the 12th nt nbout eleven o'clock the barn was discovered to be on lire and in a short time was entirely consumed. A little shower occurred about two hours previously but Mr. Ammerman lives but a few rods below the barn and ho neither saw lightning nor heard thunder, so It Is hard to account for the origin of tho fire. District Deputy Martin installed officers in tho I. O. O. F. Lodge, No. 959, on tlie evening of the 15th as follows: Noble Grand, L. G. Butler; vice grand, J. V. Croveling; secre tary, A. C. Howe; chaplain, S. N. Cross; also a number of other of ficers whose names we havo not got. A number of men are working at the F. Fetherman building and tho doors and windows are on hand. ALDENVILLE. Mr. Knapp has his new house nearly completed. C. C. Lozler, who hns been on a business trip In the interest of the Clinton Cut Glass Co., has returned home. Mrs. S. J. Stanton is on the sick list, but is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Minor Crosby and Grace Smith are visiting relatives at Beach Lake. W. D. Hiller, of Susquehanna, spent Sunday at the home of Minor Crosby. Mr. W. D. Watkins, who has been visiting in Elysburg and Catawissa, has returned home. A base ball game was played be tween the Pleasant Mount High school and the Clinton High school last Friday, and resulted in favor of the Pleasant Mount High school. ORSON. Everybody busy and moving at Orson. Mrs. Nellie Keeney has moved in to her house vacated by Victor Barthleson, who hns returned to his farm at West Preston. Jarvis Palmer is moving to Forest City. W. H. Sanford has moved Into his own house and tho rooms he vacat ed are occuyled by Horace Lee. D. .1. Utter has gone to tho Martin farm. Mr. and Mrs. Harlow have return ed to their summer homo here after spending the winter in the south. Carpenters are rushing tho work on the new house being built for R. N. Lee. Winfred Hine has returned from a business trip In Sidney, N. Y. D. .1. Chamberlain is papering and painting the now home of L. A. Spoor at Thompson. Dr. and Mrs. Kay have returned home after being absent during the winter. W. R. Belknnpp has the contract for remodeling the creamery. It will be an up-to-date building when completed. Milton Rhone, teamster for the Milk and Cream association of New York, is living In rooms In A. T. nine's house. Mrs. C. R. Hlno has returned home after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. L. J. Woodraansee. at Carbon dale. STEENE. Francis C. Arnold returned to his homo at Mlddletown, N. Y., Saturday after visiting a week with his moth er and sister, Mrs. J. E. Haley. Our school teacher, Miss Nicholas, is confined to her hoarding placo with quinsy soro throat. Mrs. Oscar Clarke and son Wil liam, of Deposit, N. Y are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haley. John W. Arnold returned Saturday after a week's visit with friends at Carbondale. Mrs. Albert O'DolI and Mrs. Sam uel Collins, of Prompton, spent tho latter part of last week with friends at Carbondale. Charles Dennlo has been laid up on account of rheumatism. Wo hear that engineer George Nichols haB accepted a position near Keens Lake. Samuel Found Is going right Into tho farming business this season, as ho had several men and, teams tilling the boII last week. Mr, Found sayB that ho onco knew how to ralso potatoes and buckwheat nnd as ho feels some younger than In former yenrs, ho will show some of tho younger farmers tho profits of tilling tho soli. Miss Margaret Haloy, of Hones dale, visited her parents at Stccnc on Sunday. Elmer Hamlin, of Honesdale, visited friends nt Stccne on Sundny. Richard Plcrco has sold his 2:40 trotter and Is In quest of something n trifle faster. Alonzo nnd William Wood nro kept busy by tho Lake Lodoro Company. Mr, Found expectB nil farm pro duce will bo chenp tho coming fall, ns ho has gone into tho business again. Richard Bodic Is beautifying the grounds around tho M. 12. church at Prompton and lnylng concrete walks, i Lumberman Hollcnback has had several carpenters, painters and I masons for the last two months en- j gaged In building a boarding house . and horse bnrn nnd is now erecting j an Ice house. I Thomas Moore, George Nichols and Charles Keen will employ sever al men In their new excelsior factory during the summer months. , SOUTH STERLING. The young people of tills place gave Miss Anna Barnes a very pleas ant surprise last Monday night, April 11th, In honor ol her 21st birthday. Many different gnmes were tho amusement of tho evening, after which Ice cream, cake and candy were served. Mr. George Frey started for Michigan City, Indiana, last Tues day, where he expects to assist In undertaking and work In furniture store. Mr. Luther Frlck has gone to LaAnna to clerk In the store for Mr. Ivlson Gilpin. James M. Gilpin lias just return ed from Scranton; spent first part of week in Stroudsburg. Misses Hazel and Meble Smith spent a few days in Scranton Inst week. Fishing season opened with lots of fishermen from all parts of the country. Several auto parties were here. Mr. Simpson's auto from Scranton put up at Ed. Smith's which consisted of a happy crowd of young people. Mr. Friend Bartleson expects to move in part of his father's house as soon as rooms are ready. Miss Lydia Robacker Is still on the sick list. Mr. Scrag of Scranton, spent a few days at the home of Mr. G. H. Lancaster. Mr. Albert Gilpin and wife are rejoicing over a son, which arrived last Wednesday. Mr. E. E. Carlton have purchased a new horse. BETHANY. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Strong man opened their house last week for the summer. Mrs. E. W. Gammell and Miss Bennett spent Thursday with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. E. Avery at Indian Orchard. Miss Halsey went to Wilkes-Barre Friday to visit relatives. Mrs. Susie Blake and Miss Addie Jennings spent Friday with Mrs. James Johns. Rev. J. B. Cody leaves for Avoca to-day to attend the spring Presby tery. The annual election of officers took place in the Methodist Sunday school last Sunday and the following were elected: Mr. George Meyers, superintendent; Grant Collins, as sistant superintendent; John Madde ford, secretary and treasurer; or ganist, Alice Ward; first aslsstant, Etta Faatz; second assistant, Blanch Starnes; librarian, Irah Balloo; superintendent of Home Depart ment, Emma Sargent; superintendent of Cradle Roll, Dorothy Clemo. Mrs. W. B. Signor is expected home tills week. School closes hero on the 27th of April. Everybody get busy Mny 2d. Honesdale Beautiful! All can help May 2d. BASEBALL SC0BES. Results of Games Played In National and American Leagues. NATIONAL LEAGUE. All games postponed on account of rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L P. C. Boston 1! 1 .007 Philadelphia 2 1 .007 Pittsburg 2 1 .007 Chicago 2 2 .500 Cincinnati 2 2 .500 New York 1 2 .3311 Brooklyn 1 2 .333 St. Louis 1 2 .333 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Detroit-Detroit, 3; St. Louis, 2. Batteries Mtillln and Stallage and Schmidt; Bailey and Stephens, All other games postponed on ac count of rain or wet grounds. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. Ii P. O. Washington 2 1 .007 Cleveland 2 1 .007 New York 1 1 .500 Chicago 1 1 .500 Boston 1 1 .500 Detroit 2 2 JiOO St Louis 1 2 .333 Philadelphia 1 2 .833 Rake up! Burn up!! up!!J May 2d. Clean OBITUARY. DUNN Frank C. Dunn died at his homo In Hawley on Sunday, April 17th, of dlnbctcs. Ho Is stirvlved by hlfl wife, and two sons. Funeral was held on Tuesday nfternoon from his Into homo nnd was In charge of tho Independent Ordor of Odd Fellows. K E L L U M Mrs. E. H. Kcllum, foster sister of Frank W. Tcrwllll ger, of this place, died-In the Moses Taylor hospital, Scranton, on Thurs day morning, April 14th. The fun eral was held from tho home of tho deceased, on Sundny afternoon at 2 o'clock. M 1 L L S Mrs. Rlchnrd Mills, aged 79 years, died at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Brooking, nt Poyntellc on Wednesday, April 13th. Her death was due to gen eral debility. Deceased had been a resident of Plensnnt Mount town ship for nbout 50 years. Her hus band died about six years ago. The following sons and daughters sur vive her: Richard, Jesse, Earl, Wal lace and Reuben, nnd Mrs. J. T. Brooking, nnd Mrs. John Edwards. Funeral took placo on Friday, ser mon at the house at 9 a. in., nnd nt 10:30 a. m. Interment at Meth odist cemetery, Pleasant Mount. B E R'R Y Taken suddenly ill with pneumonia while caring for her sick sister, Mrs. Stephen Con nor, of Jessup. Mrs. Charles Berry died last Friday. Mrs. Berry was 23 years of age, and previous to her marriage was Miss Agnes Cawley, of Carbondale. Deceased was well known in Honesdale, having spent the greater part of the fall and winter here, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Berry of River street. Beside her husband, she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Stephen Connor, and one brother, Thomas Cawley, of Buffalo. Funeral was held on Friday; interment at Jessup. W R I G II T Mrs. . Lucy A. Wright died on Saturday, April ICth, at heY home on East street, of par alysis. Deceased, who was a daugh ter of John and Mlllany Lincoln, was born in Leoanon township, Wayne county, on October 19, 1820, where she spent most of her life, coming to Honesdale only about 9 years ago in company with her daughter. Miss Emily L. Wright. At the death of her husband, about twenty-three years ago, who was then town treasurer, Mrs. Wright was appointed to that office, which position she held for many years. She is survived by the following daughters: Miss Emily at home, and Mrs. Frank Alberty, of Dyberry, also one brother, Stuart O. Lincoln. Funeral was held Tues day morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. A. L. Whittaker officiating. Interment at Rileyville. Y O U N G Coe F. Young, one of the most respected residents ot Man chester township, died at his home at Braman, Pa., on Sunday, April 17th, of heart failure. Deceased was about G4 years of age, and hnd been prominent In the affairs of Man chester for many years. He was a man of excellent Judgment, of an amiable disposition, and wns looked up to by his neighbors, as a man who was Just and upright in his daily walk in life. Ho was promi nent, at one time in politics, being a life-long Republican. He Is sur vived by his wife Adeline, and two children, Mrs. L. Runner, and Coe F. Young, Jr. He was burled on Tuesday, the 19th Inst. Interment was made at Braman, Rev. Gardner of Equlnunk, officiating. A large concourse of people were present to pay the last sad tribute to this most estimable man. G R A M B S August B. Grambs died at ills home at Ariel. Pa., on Thursday evening, April 14th, of a complication of diseases. Mr. Grambs was born In Honesdale 41 years ago last July, and spent most of ills boyhood days here, after which ho went out west, and for some time conducted a hardware store at Mandam. N. D., but owing to 111 health he came east last fall and ever since had lived a retired life, having purchased the Alfred Keyes property at Lake Ariel. He Is sur vived by a wife, whose maiden name was Helen Kahencamp, of New York City; also tho following broth ers and sisters, namely, Albert A., of Honesdale; Henry, of Mandam, N. D.; Frank G., of Blsmark, N. D.; William, of Seattle; Louis and Miss Mntllda. ot Scranton; Mrs. W. H. Krantz, of Honesdale. A short fun oral service was held from the house at Ariel and the remains taken to New York city Monday morning for interment. The President Delivers a Speech on Patriotism. Washington, April 10. Moro than 4,000 delegates were present when President Tuft delivered his speech of welcome at the opening session ot the congress of tho Daughters of the Amerlcuu Revolution. Tho president dodged the suffrage question by remarking that "without discussing the power and placo of wo men, which we all ngreo Is so high that it needs no discussion at all, I want to Bpeak of other things." Patriotism was the keynote of the president's speech. Ho congratulated tho society on its chief purpose "to keep constantly before tho country that virtue which makes for the great ness and tho usefulness of our govern ment patriotism and to emphasize the place, tho persons and tho oveuts whoso memory arouses In every truo American n Iovo of country." L DDI. Mariorie Becomes . 1 Bride of A. J. Drcxcl, Jr. siiF has nnwRY of i n nnn nnn Brilliant Social Event of the 8eason In New York Costliest Presents, Prettiest Dridosmalds, Crowds of Sightseers. New York. April II). The fact that tho bride had a dowry of $ 10,000,000 and that the bridegroom possessed ns much or more of the world's goods Hindu the wedding today of .Miss Mar Jorle Gwynne Gould, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gould, to Anthony J. Drexel, Jr., of Philadel phia, the social event of the season. Tlie wedding took place In St. Bur tholomew's church, Madison avenue and Forty-fourth street, nnd not since Miss Gladys Vimderbilt became tin Countess Sz'eehenyi, more than two years ago, and at none of the Interna tional weddings which have followed has there been such general Interest In a marriage. MarJorie Gould was the first debu tante In tlie Gould family since her aunt, Anna Gould, the youngest daugh ter of the late Jay Gould and now Duchess do Talloyrand-Perigord, made her bow to society many years ago. The crowds at the church were lar ger than at any wedding for years. Everybody of social Importance and wealth laid been Invited. The luncheon before the wedding nnd tho reception following were more exclusive. Bishop Scarborough of New Jersey performed tlie ceremony, assisted by Dr. Leighton Parks, rector of St. Bar tholomew's, and the Rev. Mr. Math ews. The bridesmaids, six of the prettiest girls in New York society, wore frocks of pink chiffon over pale blue satin and high blue straw toques trimmed with pink tulle nnd a pink feather. The maid of honor. Miss Vivian Gould, wore the same, except thnt her frock was of blue over pink. The bridesmaids were Misses Bea trice Clailiii, Hope Hamilton. MarJorie Curtis, Elsie Nlcoll and Dorothy Ran dolph. Misses Ellin Mnckay and Edith Gould were (lower girls. At this luncheon Miss Gould pre sented her gifts to her bridesmaids, which were the most expensive ever given by a bride in New York. They were tiny chatelaine watches, each In cased in a ball of diamonds. Tlie bride's gown was of white satin channelise, cut In long tlowing prin cesse lines. There was an overdress of white chiffon, embroidered with orange blossoms nnd a long train, also em broidered with the conventional llo'wer. The tulle veil, which fell below the bottom of the skirt, was fastened with a spray of orange blossoms. The bridal liompiet was of orange blossoms and white roses. The reception at the George Gould home was hold Immediately after the ceremony at St. Bartholomew's. Here, too, the decorations were pink, the en tire house having been decorated. Ev ery iuiagluahle variety of pink tlower was distributed In luxuriance on every floor against backgrounds of palms and vines.. Besides the lirlde and bridegroom and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drexel, .Miss Helen Gould and Mrs. William A. Hamilton, a cousin of tlie Goulds, were In the receiving line. The cutting of the wedding cake was onu of the most Interesting features of the wedding festivities. It was the largest and most wonderfully decorat ed coke ever turned out of an oven. It represented the triumph of the French baker's art. The honeymoon will bo passed on George Gould's yacht, which has been put In commission early for the pur pose and which will take the young couple on ir cruise that will end when they arrive In Loudon In Juue to at tend the wedding of Miss Margaret Drexel, the bridegroom's sister, and Viscount Maidstone. The presents at this wedding sur pass any ever given In New York. George Gould gave his daughter a house, 1015 Fifth avenue, worth $500, 000, He also gave her n diamond neck lace of oriental design with stones of graduated size. x Mrs. Gould gave a large plastron or stomacher of diamonds and sapphires especially designed and built. The Duchess de Tulleyrund-Perlgord sent au ancient ring sot with a largo black pearl, and Frank Gould, also hi Paris, sent a diamond bracelet. The Drexel family and connections sent silver, great chests of It, compris ing every nrtlclo which may be used in the household. BISHOP AND PRIESTS DROWN. Fugitives From Changsha Perihod In Thistle Collision. Shanghai, April 10. Tho British gnu boat Thistle has been in collision with u Junk which was sulllng without lights near Changsha. The Junk was sunk, and Bishop Perez and three Spanish Augustlnlan priests, -who were fleeing from Changsha, wero drowned. Tho Thlstlo was unablo to reach Changsha. Tho British warships Snipe nnd Nightlngulo havo arrived at Wuchang, and troops have arrived at Changsha, which is now reported as quiet. Purls, April 10. Two French war ships havo been ordered to China lu View of tho troubles at Changsha. I i j Menner & Co, will close out a 1 lot of odd skirts, suitable for work j skirts, at less than half price. 4w CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought S2? signature or LAaSZT&zz&M NOTICE Or ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OF KuzAiiETH .1, Horn, late of Dnmnscus, Pn. , All persons Indebted to said estate ore noti fied to mnkc Immediate payment to the tin dcralened : and those having claims njnlnst the said eitntc are notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. THOMAS Y. IIOYD. Hoyds Mill, Pn., April 20, Administrator. North Carolina coring We have a large and select stock of North Carolina Pine Lumber as well as plenty of choice Maple and Oak flooring, White and Yellow Pine Lumber, Hemlock Di mension, Shingles, Lath, etc. It will pay you to examine our Lum ber and Building Material before buying elsewhere as we are in a po sition to supply you promptly wilh the best in quality at a price that means a large saving. Come in and investigate. 1'i'r miirTri inwyrwrnm artin Hermann Builders1 Material CALLICOON, N. Y. Auction The undersigned will ex pose at auction sale the per sonal property of the estate of ELIZABETH J. BOYD, at Boyd Mills, Pa. WEDNESDAY April 27fh9 1910 At nine o'clock sharp, the following property: HORSES Good pair Brown Horses, 2,600 lbs.; Black Mare in Foal, weight 1,400 lbs., Chestnut Hoad Horse, weight 1,050, not afraid of anything. Bay Mare Colt. Harness, Wagons, Etc. Heavy Harness and Single Har ness, Wide Tire Wagon, Low-down Wagon wooden wheels, Cart, Surry, Top Buggy, 2 Road Wagons, 2 Cut ters, 2 Pair Bob Sleighs, Hay Pig ging, 2 Wagon Canvasses, Iron Axle Wagon. Farm Tools , Hay Rake, Mowing Machine, Root j Cutter, Cutting Box, Wood Rigging, i Threshing Machine Rigging, Spring Tooth Harrow, Broadcast Seeder, Steel Scraper, Plows, 2 Horse Riding Cultivators, Weeder, Patjato Fork, I Ensilage Fork, Scoop Fork. CATTLE Fifteen Choice Cows, mostly Hol stelns, First Class Jersoy, Holstein Bull, Two 2 year old Holstein Heif ers, One Yearling Holstein Heifer, 2 Holstein Calves, Ono Hog. Miscellaneous Gasoline Engine, Blacksmith Drill, nearly now, Chains, Crowbars, Stono Hammers, Forks, Shovels, Hand Rakes, Sledges, CO gallon Iron Kettle, Milk Cans, Sap Pans, Sap Buckets, Chicken Wlro, Wood Vice, Grind Stone, Cider Barrels, Good all Stone Hook, and Wlro Stretcher. 25,000 FEET OF LUMBER Consisting of Hemlock, Basswood, Whltowood, Cherry, Maplo nnd Ash, Wagon Box Sides, Wagon Tongues, Hay Rigging Arms and a quantity ot shingles. TKHMS OF SAIiK: AU sums under '$10, cash; all sums over that amount, six months' or ono year's credit with Judgment note and approved security. T. Y. BOYD, Administrator. irine Fl Sale