TUB CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1010. The Scrap Book A Mill Worth Seeing. Joo Grim, the Itnllnn i)uglllat of Al toonn, was known as tlio human punching bag on account of tlio nwful amount of punishment he would take. Fltzslmmons In ono bout knocked Joo down fifteen times In bIx rounds, yet couldn't put him out. While Grim never won a light, ho was always will ing to meet almost anybody who came along nnd wns absolutely fearless. Ho paid no attention to class and regard ed It as a sort of duty to meet every now lighter whose name showed on the pugilistic horizon. Some time ago his friends wcro arranging a fight for Joe In Altoonn, and there wan somo bickering over the percentages. .Too .wanted the fight held In Philadelphia or nttsbnrg, as he thought It would draw n bigger crowd in cither city. To this his friends objected, insisting that Altoona was a good show town. "Why, Maxlnc Elliott played to a $100 house hero the other night" said one of the tight promoters. Quick as a flash Joo snapped back: "I'll light that Max Elliott too!" Pittsburg Gazette-Times. Life. We nro born; we laugh; wo weep; We love; we droop; wo die. Ah. wherefore do wo laugh or weep? Why do wo llvo or dlo? Who knowB tliot secret deepT Alas, not I! Why doth tho violet spring Viisccn by human eye? Why do tho radiant seasons hrlns Sweet thoughts that quickly fly? Why do our fond hearts cling To things that dlo? Wo toll through pain and wrong; We fight nnd fly; We love; we lose, and then ere long Stono dead wo He. O life. Is all thy song "Endure and die?" Bryan Waller Procter. His Point of Order. A prominent clergyman was asked by a colored minister to preach In tho colored people's church, and he gladly consented. Reaching the church, where ho was the only paleface prescut, tho preacher delivered a sermon full of helping advice, made ati eloquent prayer and then announced that the service would be closed by singing the hymn "Wash Me and I Will Be Whiter Than Snow." At this point one of the darksome congregation rose to his feet. "Look heah, pahson," said he Im pressively, "yo' will hab to scuse me, but I rise to a point of ordah." "What is it?" asked the preacher, with large symptoms of surprise float ing over his features. "It am dls way," replied the parish loner. "Yo hab ebidently made a mistake in de crowd. Dls am a cull'ed congregashuu, an', sence all de pump watah an' sof'soap In de county can't make do words ob dat hymn come true, I Jes' wish dat yo would chango her to some udder tune." Stranger Still. A Buffalo man took a relative re cently arrived from Scotland to see Niagara falls. The two gazed at the falls In silence n long time. Then the Buffalo man heaved a sigh aud said: "Ah, Cousin Donald, did you ever see anything so beautiful nnd strange?" The Scotchman after a moment's thought answered calmly: "Weel, for bonnle yon's a' richt. but for strange, no, fur I onco sow In tho town o' Peebles a peacock wi' a wood en leg." Poor Mule, This is the story of a Kansas mule. The corn was about ready to lay by, and his master was in the midst of the final plowing when the mule de cided that ho was through with work. No amount or form of moral or other suasion could induce him to "pull the hat off your head." Exasperated be yond endurance, the master at last succeeded In leading him to a nearbv corncrib, where he fastened him with. a log chain with the expressed Intent of leaving him there until he came to his senses. The day wus as hot as Kansas. Tho flies were Kansas tiles aud thick us they grow in Kansas. The crib was full of popcorn. By aud by the mule began to register his protest against tho outrage, for such he conceived it to be, by a lively tattoo against the side of the crib. "An ho kicked an he kicked an" he kicked" until hi shoes became red hot aud set tire to the corncrib. The fire popped tho corn, which fell about in such profusion that tho mule, believing it was snowing, lay down and froze to death. Louis vlllo Times. A Pious Wish. The parish church in a well known Scotch village being In sad need of re pair and the money required for such not being in hand, a meeting of the parishioners was held to see if the necessary funds could bo raUed by subscription. Tho local laird, noted for his wealth and also for his meanness, was asked to officiate as chairman. Addressing the villagers, he reminded them of tho object of their gatherlug together aud by way of example subscribed a guinea toward the cost of repair. When on tho point of sitting down a lump of plaster falling from tho celling utruck him a clout on the head. Look lng upward, he exclaimed: "Yes, friends, I seo tho church does need repairing badly. I'll ralso my subscription to 2 guineas." Upon hearing this an old lady In tho audience oxclaimed: "O Lord, give him anltbec clout!" SHORT STORIES When Hoar and Tillman Clashed Senator Hoar, one of the greatest students In congress, had not known Tillman long before ho began to Insist that his now friend from South Caro lina should take up a systematic course of reading. lie suggested half a dozen books. Tillman devoured them and called for more. As the senator's list was inexhaustible, Tillman was kept busy. One day a fellow senator got at Hoar on tho subject. "Look here, senator; you'ro killing Tillman, if you only know it," he said. "Uo tolls me ho sits up half the night THUS STAnTED VIItINO QUOTATIONS AT EACH OTIIElt. reading your books and sometimes he doesn't get more than two hours' sleep. You ought to let up on him." A smile of delight overspread the features of the Massachusetts states man. "Good!" he exclaimed. '"The country will be better off. Tillman will make his mark In the senate yet." A hot debate was going on in the senate one day, and Hoar and Tillman got Into a colloquy. They started firing quotations at eacli other, and Tillman more than held his own so' well, in fact, that a third senator was moved to arise In his place and remark: "It seems to me that the senator from South Carolina is getting the bet ter of the senator from Massachusetts In quotations." "I can't help it," shouted Tillman. "I got them out of his books, and he told me to read them." Change Doesn't Alter. "Senator Benu Conger," said an Al bany lawyer, "was praising tho other day the change for the better that had come over politics. "Changes," he said, smiling, "always occurred with the passage of time, but too often they were changes for the worse. lie Instanced tho case of a Groton lad. "This lad, from New York, where he was working, sent word to his father that ho wnutcd to get married. But his father sent word back that he was too young to marry. He must wait a year. If, however, he was still of the same mind at the year's end he might then marry aud welcome and the old man would furnish the house. "At tho year's end tho son came back home to Groton. 'I guess I'll get married now, fa ther,' he said. " 'You don't really, after a whole year, want to marry?' tho old man shouted. " 'Yes, I do. I certainly do,' was the obstinato reply. " 'Well, marry you shall, then, and I'll furnish the house,' said the old man. 'Son, I'm proud of you. I didn't believe such constancy existed.' '"Thanks, father,' said tho youth. But I forgot to tell you that it isn't the same girl.' " Rochester ncrald. The Power of Politics. Ellis II. Parker, detective of Bur lington county, N. J., Is a great gun ner. He often goes shooting in Salem county, whero ho knows all the men In public life and likes them. "The sheriff of Salem county Is a fluo man," he said recently, "as flno a man as you will find nuywhere. But once upon a time tho sheriffs of Salem county were known to be mighty drinkers. 'I remember once," continued Par ker, "that a farmpr down in Salem county had a calf which ho wanted to teach to drink, no tried to get tho animal to drink, but all his efforts were unavailing. " 'What do you think of this, Man- dv?' ho asked bis wife. 'This calf won't drink.' "Waal, Jake,' said Mandy, 'that's too bad. But If you really want to learn that calf to drink you better elect him sheriff of Salem county.' "Which says a lot for tho good old days," added Parker. Philadelphia Telegraph. Developed Sines Then. "Augustus St. Gaudens," said a Cor nish novelist, "used to illustrate the development of art in America by a story of the past. "Ho said that In the forties a rich Bostonlan built a fine house In tho Back Bay. Ho decided to adorn tho lawn with statuary, and, having heard of tho Venus de Mllo, bo wrote to Home for a replica. "The copy duly arrived. It was In marble. But the Boston man no soon er got It than ho sued tho railroad for $2,500 for mutilation. Ho won tho suit too." WASHING WOOLENS. How It Can Be Done by 8lmple Meth odt and Successfully. A good soap or washing powder, two or three tubs, ono or, better still, two family sized wringers, plenty of wri ter, n good drying yard, a boiler, n glass washboard, a really good wash ing machine and a sunshiny day nro tho essentials if one would wash wool ens successfully. The quickest thor ough washing Is tho best method In washing woolens. Except for extreme ly soiled things, soaking hinders clean liness rather than helps It. Tor the want of n little knowlcdgo In laundering natural undyed wools nro easily spoiled, though they nro Just as easily kept in perfect condi tion If ono goes nbout It In tho right way. In washing nil undyed woolen arti cles a little ammonia can be used to advnntage. rendering them soft and dellclously conifortnble. Prepare a lather, always using a soap jelly for tho purpose. The alkali iu tho soap Jelly Is much modified and less likely to harm tho wool. Soap Jolly Is made thus: Shred the soap finely, using ends nnd bits for the purpose, .lust cover with water and put In a paii or jar and place on the back of the stove until the soap Is all dissolved. It should be freshly mode, as It loses Its strength If kept long. Use In the proportion of n quar ter of a pound of soap to oue quart of water. It should be prepared just be fore washing day to be ready for use. See that the water is only a little more than tepid heat, work up the lather with tho bund, add n little nm monia a tnblespoonful to n gallon of liter Is the nllowauee and plunge In io garment. Never rub on soap or rub between the hands. Bather shake nbout in the water, using a squeezing sort of motion. Squeeze out this first water, turn and, if dirty, put into n second wntor with rather less soap oily and no nmmonia. Pass through this water in the same way, then into clean warm water for rinsing. A tn blespoonful of ammonia may be added to the rinsing water. Pass through tho wrlncer and then shake well. The Importance of this process must bo emphasized. To prevent shrinkage woolen goods must be dried quickly, and much of the moisture can bo shaken' out, and tho haklng also raises the pile of tho wool and makes It soft and cozy. Indeed, light knitted goods can be shaken near ly dry. See that such things are pulled Into their natural shape before they dry, and hang in the air, but not in the sun. If drying Indoors must be resort ed to, do not hang too near tho fire or in too great a heat. If the slightest steam arises from the woolens when they are drying they are "walking in" as hard as they can. In regard to the steeping of flannel this Is unnecessary unless for new flan nel or body woolens that are greasy with perspiration. Make a lather with soap jelly, add ammonia, put In the ar ticle and steep for half an hour with tho cover on. Use the water for tho first washing. This process gets all tho sulphur dressing out of tho flan nel. One or two precautions: Never use ammonia for colored material. The water must not be either too hot or too cold just tepid washing and rinsing nnd nil at tho same temperature. Too much soap hardens and discolors. If possible, wash only one gnrment nt a time, ns if woolen things lie about wet they shrink. HANGING OF HAMMOCKS. How to Accomplish This and Make Them Comfortable. A seasoned camper who has learned many things to make outdoor living comfortable has given this rule for hanging a hammock: The head should be two feet higher than the foot. This gives a comfort able curve. The proper distance Is about six feet from tho' ground for the head end and four feet for the foot. notber important point is to have the head rope shorter than that at tho foot of tho hammock. If the head oue is about a foot long and the other four and a half feet, the head of tho per son will feel little movement while the body swings. This overcomes that feeling of nnusea whicli keeps many persons out of a hammock. There are many Improved hammocics these days. Those with stiffening for both ends give almost tho effect of an open air bed. Somo of them have slightly raised sides to prevent falling out. How to Mako Coffee Ice Cream. Scald lightly a pint of thin cream or half milk and half cream. While hot put In ono cup of sugar, boiled five minutes, with ono cup of very strong, clear coffee. Cool and put in the freezer nnd turn till nearly stiff. Then fold in n pint of whipped cream and freeze solid. Pack In a mold and put In lco and salt till needed. Arrange on top a number of candled mint leaves standing them up In a clrclo toward the center. Servo plain or with whip ped cream nnd give a leaf or two of tho mint to each person served with the frozen coffee. How to Remove Ink Spots on a Waist A handsome whlto embroidered waist apparently ruined with ink was given a bath of kcroscno oil, rubbing tho Ink spots well with common yellow Boap. At tho end of half an hour It was washed with uoap and water, and not a traco of ink waa to bo seen. How to Improve Baked Potatoes. Lot them Btand In a pan of cold wa tor for about an hour, then put them In the oven while wet This seems to steam them and cook them much quicker, CHOICE MISCELLANY A Prodigal Princess. So much has been said nnd written about the debts of Princess Louise, her of tho National Farmers' Union, eldest daughter of tho loto king of the I has lived for years In a cavo at the Belgians, that any story Illustrating tP of a mountain 1 700 feet high. Tho her carelessness In money matters Is j " wake0 Wisconsin says It Is prob ... . , , . ,, I ably tho most palatial cavo in tho of Interest Trlnccss Louise literally j vom w,th n mo(,orn convcn!cncC8( docs not know what money means. , jnciu,nnB hot and cold water, electric Somo time ago during a stay alio fns, electric lights and stenm heat made In Paris u dress which sho had , Tho cave Is seventy-eight feet long by ordered was brought to her hotel, says j twonty-flvo feet wldo and thirty-two a Brussels paper. Tho girl who brought feet high. The walls aro of bcauti It was pretty and charmingly dressed, fu' Bn'te; wl''ch n,00 hnndsome. with that simplicity and grace pecul iar to tho llttlo work girl of the Buc do la Palx. Princess Louise admired tho child nnd told her so and ndmlrcd, too, a llttlo silver medal which the girl wore round her neck. "Perhaps your highness will accept It," said tho work girl. "It Is a medal of the Virgin of Prague." "That Is too sweet of you," said Prin cess Louise, "and you must let mo give you something in exchange to put round your neck." She gave her a necklace of pearls, with which the girl wont off In high glee. Sho thought they wcro imitation, nud, even so, they wcro flue ones. But ono day, being short of money, she took the necklace to a'jowclcr's to be valued. It Is worth 11,000. London Globe. Tho Value of Location. A striking Instance of business valu ation Is shown In the assessment of tho property in New York city on which stands the skyscraper successor to tho old Fifth Avenue hotel. It Is nt tho intersection of Fifth avenue. Broadway aud Twenty-third street, ex tending to Twenty-fourth street. Its irontnge on Diun avenue nnu iirouu- way, the two tiiorougntnres lormmg i an obtuse angle. Is 13,000 per front j toot. Step over me line on tue norm. Into what then becomes Twenty-fourth street a dead street for business nnd tho assessment becomes $1.C00, one seventh of the valuation of the land just across the crack In the cement walk. There are parcels of land In Wall street, the most valuable In the world, which are taxed on a valuation of 000 a front foot. New York city Imposes a tax on 00 per cent of full valuation. This high percentage has been brought about by an active campaign extending over a period of many years. The Ideal in the minds of its supporters is to tax eventually at full valuation. Book keeper. Well Supplied With Doctors. In all there are twenty-live physi cians nnd surgeons attached to the royal household. Of these, however. four are appoiuted in Ireland and an equal number in Scotland nnd would In tho event of their services being re quired only bo called upon to attend the klug when the court happened to bo In Ireland or Scotland. There are five physicians altogether specially ap pointed to attend King Edward, but Sir Francis Laklng, one of the physi cians Iu ordinary, Is his majesty's most frequent medical adviser. Tho king sees ono of tho household physlclaus every day, but tho Interview is a mere matter of form and lusts but a few minutes. The fact, however, that the Interview has taken place Is noted in tho medical diary in charge of the phy sicians In ordinary, in which is kept a dally record of his majesty's health. London M. A. P. Rapid Motion of the Comet. The comets whose periods are less than a hundred years aro called peri odic comets, and nearly half of them have been observed more than once. At present they number forty-five, but only three of them are retrograde- that Is, revolve iu their orbits In the opposite direction to the planets. Hnl- ley's comet is one of these three, and as n result it will pass us with a very rapid motion. At that time the earth wlil bo moving in its orbit nt a speed eighteen miles a second and tho comet In nearly the opposite direction nt a speed of twenty-five miles. The rela tive motion Is therefore about eighty times that of a canuon ball. William II. Pickering in Century. Paris Warring on Rats. Tho rats of tho Paris sewers, driven from their homes by the great floods, havo Invaded somo quarters of tho city In such numbers that special moans for their destruction havo had to be taken. Tho regular band of municipal rat catchers was overwhelmed by the magnitude of tho task, and tho force has been doubled. Tho occupation of rat catching In Paris pays well. Those animals which aro caught allvo aro sent to London and Brussels, whence numerous orders arrive from breeders of rut catching dogs. Tho Figaro says that tho exportation of Parisian rats at present amounts to between 1,500 and 2,000 a day. They aro sold for about a dollar a dozen. Most Appropriate. "John D. Rockefeller, Jr.," eald a Now York banker, "asked mo ono Bat urday after a good Biblical text to base an address on. " 'I'm thinking,' ho said, 'about that beautiful verso from tho Twenty-third Psalm, "Tho Lord la H17 shepherd; I ehall not want" ' " 'Beautiful nud appropriate,' agreed. 'But, Rockefeller, there Is even a better verso In tho samo psalm, "Thou anolntest my head with oil; my cud runneth over." " STYLE IN A CAVE. Novel Home of a Rich Arkansas Farm mcr at Mountain's Top. H. S. Moblcy, ono of tho most prom inent nnd successful farmera near Pralrlo Grove, Ark., on nctivo mom- thick. Tho front of the cave Is of glass nnd the floors are of hardwood. Tho flues of the cooking range pass out through the mouth of tho cavo and extend outward a distance of nearly forty feet. Movable screens permit tho increase and reduc tions of rooms at the plcasuro of the occupants. A flno spring at tho top of the mountain furnishes wntor through a private system of water works. This novel dwelling is reach ed by a beautiful road ascending tho crest of tho mountain by easy stages and the grounds about the cave are kept In perfect condition. Tho occu pants declare that It Is tho coolest dwelling In summer nnd tho most com fortable In winter, and they have no fear of cyclones, which aro frequent In that region. Neither heat nor cold por.ctrates the solid granite. Uncle Sam with the Rest. Undo Sam Is deeply Interested In ascertaining the size of the earth over which ho has stretched out his mighty hand, so he pays annually, through the American embassy at Berlin, his quota a3 an adhering member of tho International Geodetic association $1,. 500 for the measurement of the earth. A T C yy UU1U. I UU LilllUY Healthy Old Age? Advancing years bring a tendency to coldness of the hands and feet, resulting from sluggish circulation, a torpid liver and constipation. This is a condition, not a disease, and can best be remedied by taking Smith's Pineappleand Butternut Pills which invigorate the liver, cleanse and revitalize the blood and tone up the whole system. They are of inestimable value, not only in advanced age, but also for people of all ages. They prevent premature wrinkles, give a health glow to the skin, and under their antiseptic and blood cleansing influ ences the complexion retains its freshness while sallowness permanently disappears. Hundreds of grateful old ladies in their letters mite : " Your pills make me look and feel ten years younger." Smith's Pine apple and Butternut Pills always make old age comfortable, and promote digestion and nutrition by their specific action on the stomach, liver and bowels. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use HTlliLnrrhi, i uniuuaiin Ift-Til I anr 1 ndlaestton fif-"l BIITTFPHIITI KSSSS:"? H5x- PUIS I the Stomach 60 IMUs In Glass Vial 25c. All Drillers. SMITH'S BUCHU L1THIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys Bladder Dise&Ats, Ithenmatlini, the one best remedy. I tellable, endorsed by leading physicians; safe, effectual. Remits tasting. On the market 16 years. Hare cared thousands, loo pills In original glass package, to cents. Trial boxes, CO pills, cs cents. All drugglsta sell and recommend M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss For Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sal Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all limes. ALLEN HOUSE BARN Through Drawing-Room Buffet Sleeping Car BETWEEN Scranton and Pittsburg IN BOTH DIRECTIONS via Penna. E. It. from Wilkes-Barxe Leave Scranton at 5:30 P.M. daily exoeptSun. arrive Pittsburg 7 A.M. Leave Pittsburg at 8:50 P.M. daily except Sat. ar. Scranton 0:59 A.M. Berth reservations can be made through Ticket Agents, or GEO. E. BATES, Dir. Frt. and Pe. Act. Soranton, Pa, 15ei20 TN THE COUNT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. llcsslo M. Hector v. Claud J. Hector. No. 7 October Term 1WJ. I.lbel in Divorce. To CLAUD J. I1KCTOH You are hereby required to appear in the said court on tlio mini Mommy m .iiino next, io answer mo complaint exhibited to the Judeo nt said court by Ucssle .M. Hector your wife In the cause above stated, or in default thereof a decree of divorce ns prayed for in said complaint may be made urulnst you In your absence. M. t.KK IIHA.M AN. tec. Att'y. Sheriff. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS 1 OF WAYNE COUNTY. Ountavn Kleemaii v. Claire Kleeman. No. 31 October Term, lituo. Libel III Divorce. To CI.AIKK Kl.KK.MAN : You arc here by required to npiiosr in tho said Court on the third Monday of June next, to answer the comnlalnt exhibited to the ludcro of said court by Gustavo Kleeinau. your husband. In the cause above stated, or In default there of n decree of divorce as prayed for In said complaint may be made against you In your nbsenre. M. LKE DRAMAS. Searle .t Salmon. Att'ys. .Sheriff. Ilonemlule, I'u.. March 25. 1910. 25eolU s REAL ESTATE.-llv virtue of procew issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayno county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to mo directed and delivered, I havo levied on and will expose to public salo, at tko Court House in Honcsdale, on THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1010, U P. SI. All of defendant's right, titlo and intorest in the following described property, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in tho township of Pal myra, county of Wayne, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a post on the side of the public roai leading from Hawley to Honcsdale; thence along said road south seventy-two and one-half degrees east twelve and one-half rods to a pine tree; thence south twenty six degrees east four and three tenths rods to a post; thence by lands of George Atkinson north sixty-seven and one-half degrees cast thlrty-slx rods to a heap of stones by a chest nut tree; thenco north twenty-tw and one-half degrees east one hundred and thirty-three and one half rods to a stones corner in line of lands late of Russell Daniels; thenco along said line of land south sixty-seven and one-half degrees west seventy-seven and one-fourth rods to a post on the berme bank of the Delaware & Hudson canal; thence along said berme bank of the canal Its several courses and distances to a stake near and below lock numbered 32 on said canal, and thence along the lands of the Del. & Hudson Canal north 16 and one-half degrees east 3 and eight-tenths rods to post corner; north 55 degrees east 2 rode to post corner and north 3C degrees west 14 rods to place of beginning. Containing 45 acres and 76 perches. See Deed Book No. 89, page 257. About 6 acres of above lands art Improved. Upon same is two-story frame house and two small frame barns. Seized and taken In execution as the property of Mario E. O'DonneU at tho suit of F. L. Tuttle. No. 27X June Term 1903. Judgment, J172.60. Mumford, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale. Pa., Apr. 9, 1910. ajOTICE OP UNIFORM PRIMAR J IES In compliance with Sec tion 3, of the Uniform Primary Act, page 37, P. L., 190G, notice is here by given to the electors of Wayne county of the number of delegates to the State conventions each party is entitled to elect, names of party offices to be tilled and for what offices nominations arc to be mnde at the spring primaries to be held on SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1010. REPUBLICAN. 1 person for Representative in Congress. 1 person for Senator in General Assembly. 1 person for Representative in General Assembly. 2 persons for delegates to the State Convention. 1 person to bo elected Party Com mitteeman in each election district. DEMOCRATIC. 1 person for "Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator in uenerai Assembly. 1 person for Representative in General Assembly. 1 person for Dolegato to tho Stata Convention. 1 norson to be elected Party Com mitteeman in each election district. PROHIBITION. 1 person for Representative In Congress. 1 person for Senator in uenerai Assembly. 1 person for Representative in Genernl Assombly. 3 persons for Delegntes to tho Stata Convention. 3 persons for Alternate Delegates to tho State Convention. 1 person for Party Chairman. 1 person for Party Secretary. 1 person for Pnrty Treasurer. Petition forms may bo obtained at the Commissioners' office. Petitions for Congress, Senator nnd Representative must bo filed with tho Secretnry or tho Common wealth on or boforo Saturday, May 7, 1910. Petitions for Party offi cers, committeemen and delegates to tho state convoutlons must bo filed nt tho Commissioners' office on or boforo Saturday, May 14. 1910. J. E. MANDEVILLE. J. K. HORN BECK, T. C. MADDEN, Commissioners. Attest: Georgo P. Ross, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, Honosdalo. Pa., April 4, 1910. MALE HELP WANTED. Cut Glass Smoothers. Twen-ty-Flvo Men Wanted. Steady Work. GOOD PAY. PLEAS ANT SURROUNDINGS. THE STERLING GLASS CO., Cincinnati, Ohio.