THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AI'ML !!(), 1010. f-ft-H-H-tttt I ROME IT a i in i i ii i II yi i EASTER TIME il? - Hi I I- W I I fill B- How the Holy City Ob serves Easier Holiday ICmzKji'fl Special ConuBsroNnr.NT.1 "All ronds lead to Rome." Es pecially is this true at tho Easter season. The pilgrims como from all over Italy, from Frnnco and Switzerland, many from Germany, and not a few from tho gambling tables of Monte Carlo. Of icourse a multitude do not go from any motives of piety, but only out of a mere curiosity, desiring to see tho Easter ceremonial where It is most elaborately observed. Catholic and Protestant, Jew and Gentile, they all come. Rome Is still the "Sacred City" even as in the days of the Caesars. It is strange how the very word grips tho imagination. Napoleon wittily said concerning "the Holy Roman Empire" at a certain stago of its degeneracy that it was "neither holy, Romnn, nor an Em plre," yet so powerfully did tho very name appeal to the minds of jnen that they still continued to obey the behest of the puppet king. Marlon Crawford's great work hails the city as immortal, and so indeed the city seems to be at the Paschal season. Perhaps this is because Rome Is such a suitable place to spend Eas ter. It is literally bowered In palms and flowers. It is said that there are more palms on one short trip of the Italian coast than in all the Holy land. On the way down we rode through miles of flowers; primroses and daisies in the grass, almond, plum nnd cherry trees white, and peach trees literally cov ered with pink blossoms; gardens well grown; while oranges and lemons covered the trees or lay upon the ground beneath. All this at sea-level, while the distant mountains In plain sight at Cararra were whiter than the beautiful marble piled about the station. The very contrast to those who bad left the snows made Rome the ideal I spot to spend Easter. The whole trip down the coast would have been one long delight but for the fact that the train kept running into trouble every few minutes. I actually counted forty two tunnels, many of them more than half a mile long, in the first twenty miles. It was like trying,to see Italy by midnight. I lost count somewhere between 75 and 100. But before we reached Rome the region became more level and the flowers in the fields more abund ant. It is said that every year more and more people come to Rome for Holy week. All the hotels were strained to their utmost capacity to accommodate those who came at the last moment. Mark Twain's daughter nnd her husband, M. Gab rilowitsch, went to seventeen ho tels before finding a room and bath, and in the end left in despair for Florence, after a day spent In Rome. In all there were some 60,- 000 people came to Rome for Easter this year. , In order to get tho full apprecia tion of tho servico of the Resurrec tion morning, one should at least be present in St. Peter's on Good Friday, when what Is called the of fice of teneorae is performed. In this service, the most painfully solemn In the ritual of the church, the gathering darkness of the day is symbolized. One after another the candles flaming before the high altar aro extinguished. Cardinals and bishops retire, no bells aro al lowed to bo rung, while In solemn silence they wait for the Pnssover dawn. Although no unusual attraction was offered beyond other years, tho servico at St. Peter's was attended by an unusually largo throng. From the point of view of n mere strang er. I should say .a great majority were thoro sololy from curiosity, not for the purpose of worship. It is not always easy to distinguish 'Ijc strango from tho native, for in uillgent, well-bred people look much tho same tho world ovor, but it was possible from the actions and speech or many, to guess that they were not natlvo to tho city. Tho great majority walked about slowly, looking at tho pictures, ctatues or relics whllo only a small minority seemed to bo worshipers. Tho crowd was enormous. Fully "5,000 peoplo passed through St. Peter's during tho day, with per haps 20,000 standing in front of tho high altar during tho colobratlon of tho High Mass. Many brought chairs and sat, while a few, per haps, knelt. During tho progress of this sorvlco which attracts tho great crowd a much smaller ser vice wont on in tho west transept. Hero I found ovldenees of renl de votion, about two hundred persons reverently kneeling, I was shocked at tho Irreverence nnd bad manners of many English speaking people, not all Americans. Perhaps it was not so much delib erate rudeness as thoughtlessness of tho feelings and rights of others. Thero were personally conducted parties being taken about tho build- inKa nnd tho guldb did not invnrl . uuiy speiiK in a low volco, oven while tho service wns In progress ; One German guldo una particularly I vociferous. Tliuro woro Cook's i tourists alttlng on nltnr mils, oven -' wtmrn I. n . . .1 1 1... II.. ""ku liiu uuuKuis wuiu miuuuuB ! 1 8aw Inoro Biildo hooks tlinn prayer nooks, and boiho or them were In tho hands of those whoso clerical gnrh proclaimed them to bo mem bers of the same religion whoso sorvloo wns In progress on Us greatest fcstlwil. St. Peter's Is built of marble, but for tho most pnrt, Homo Is a city of stucco and mortar. It may once have been marble, but much of tho inarblo In the palaces of tho Cae sars nnd oven some pf the statuary went during the middle ages to the lime-kiln nnd now exists in the form of mortar holding together brick or stone. Tho marbles nnd columns of the great St. Peter's nnd other churches were taken from tho Forum and from Michael An gelo's great stone quarry In the skies, tho Coliseum. If it had not been for such vandalism we might still keep holiday nmld buildings even greater than St. Peter's. Now that Lent is over the city Is Indeed .in n holiday mood, not only in the social sense but In popular wny. Tho restaurants have set their tables out of doors and tho populace has Hocked to ; parks. Tho drives are lined tho with "carriages of the rich and bare- kneed children pick flowers from the grass. There arc many schools in Rome and all grant Easter boll days. The scholars aro often dressed in uniform, sometimes blue or scarlet, especially those who are to enter some religious order. 'these In addition to the hosts of soldiers and police, clad in almost every color of the rainbow, make tho city seem strikingly festive. I was particularly impressed by the character of tho soldiers of Italy. Granting that that those who guard the various palaces of Rome are show soldiers, yet I saw those who are not, whose faces and uni forms bore marks of a winter spent in the open. They were an athletic set of young fellows, tho very strength and life of the nation, who should, no doubt, have been at work in tho fields or the shops. They marched with a fine, swing ing stride, obeying orders with the precision of a machine. Whatever we Americans may have thought, these aro not men "such as Europe breeds in her decay." There was not a degenerate among them. At the other extreme are tho beggars, picturesquo in rags and dirt. The doors of the sanctuaries swarm with them. One babe of five came up yesterday and wanted to thrust a bunch of violets Into my buttonhole, with a filthy fist. I would have surrendered at the beginning, If there had not been a horde waiting to descend. Her mother on the opposite side of the rail kept Instructing the child how to proceed. When I returned her flowers for the fifth time she grew angry and. tried to catch my lingers in her mouth. I felt distinctly the gnashing of her tiny milk teeth and 1 heard her mother curse me. What cjn be done for such as these? There yen have the contrast, un iform?, holiday splendor and pal aces on the one hand, while beg gary, ignorance and hate cower on the other. Who shall set it right? WHEN LION'S EVES ARE KIND. Then Only Does the Animal Train er Dare Put His Head in tho Roust's Mouth. "You must love the animals," said a well-known trainer, "or oth erwise you cannot train them. They can tell at once whether you love them or not. They know it by instinct. They know whether or not you are afraid of them; they can toll that right away. You must never, never let them know that you are afraid. "it Is always best to begin with an animal direct from tho Jungle. Tho wild animal is much better. Tho tamo animal, born and brought up in captivity, begins to play with you liko a little kitten. Thnt's be fore his claws have grown big. Then, whon his claws do grow and ho scratches you, you begin to bo afraid of him. That Is very bad for the animal to know that you are in any fear of him. Ho prompt ly takes advantago of It. But tho wild animal, on tho contrary, knows nothing of you whether you aro afraid or not. Ho just comes at you fiercely. You stab him onco or twice. You stick him with tho prong; ho retreats. That's whore you win. "No, never try to train tamo ani mals. Tacklo tho wild animals straight from tho Jungle. Now, thero's my Hon tho one in whoso mouth I put my head. That is real ly dangerous. I don't always do that in my act. I do it when I see that his eyes aro kind. I could 'sleep with that animal he's gen erally so kind. No, I haven't tried it, but I could. "Of courso tho Hon might put an end to me in a Jiffy. One pinch of his teoth would settlo it. But I look him straight In tho cyo and I soo whethor or not it twinkles. If it twinkles I do', not put my head in his mouth. If it does not twinkle I run tho risk." The spring gloves in a largo va riety can bo found at Mennor & Co. Tho now, long spring coats at Monnor & Co. stores aro stylish and effective. 2SooI4 HINTS FOR THE BUSY HOUSBMFE Pneumatic Sweeper That Is Operated by Hand. The pneumatic sweeper Illustrated nbove Is operated by hand and obvi ates the need of having a house wired tor, electricity In order to save the housewife labor. The sweeper con sists of a triangular framowork with a receptacle for the dirt set inside The upper bar of tho triangle is hollow and terminates at tho lower end in a mouth like that on any pneumatic sweeper. At tho upper end is a blower device, a handle to guide tho machine by and a wheel by means of which tho blower is operated. A flexible pipe also runs from this upper portion down Into tho receptacle. By turning tho wheel a suction Is caused by the blower, and ns the sweeper Is pushed nloug it takes up the dirt through tho stationary pipe and deposits It In the car below through tho hose. Tho ma chine is not so cumbcrsomo as most other types of sweepers that genera to their own power. Washington Apple Pie. Beat together until creamy and light one-half cupful of butter, one nnd one half cupfuls of sugar and three eggs. Add half a cupful of sweet milk alter nately with two and one-half cupfuls of sifted flour, again sifted with two tablespoonfuls of baking powder. Beat to a smooth batter and bake in three layers. When done fill with following mixture: Pare and grato two large tart apples, adding the Juice of a lem on nnd a cupful of granulated sugar as you grate tho apples in order to keep it light colored. Add tho grated yellow rind of the lemon. Placo over tho flro and stir nnd cook until it looks liko Jellying. Remove from the fire and whllo hot beat in tho yolk of one egg. Spread between tho cake layers and on top under a soft boiled white Icing. Simple Remedies. For stomach pains a simple remedy is tho application of a sponge wrung out of very hot water. Borax should always be found on the toilet table. A small quantity added to tho water will greatly soften it. Too much will dry tho skin. Rash Is caused by chill or some error in diet Keep tho patient warm and give a slight aperient at night, and the rash will disappear. Neglected colds are great detractors from iersonal appearance. If a cold hangs on take a tonic which will strengthen one to throw off the cold. Damp bands nro a great source of annoyance to their owner. Apply a lo tion of one part of eau de cologne and two of rosewater and dust with bo raclc iowder. Lady's Cabbage. Tako a head of young, hard, white cabbage and cut it up in dico shaped pieces. Throw In cold water, to which add a little vinegar, and let stand an hour. Drain, cover with boiling water and cook, uncovered, until the cabbage grows tender, then drain off tho boil ing water, pour a little cold water over It and drain ngaln. Mnko a good cream sauce, and when tho cabbage Is well drained add tho sauce, heat up well aud servo in a heated dish. Sprinkle n little grated cheese over tlie top If you liko tho flavor of Parmesan. Almond Icing. Almoud Icing on white cake-Is de licious. First blanch sweet almonds and pound them to a paste. A finer paste Is niado by adding tho granulat ed sugar during the pounding. Make a boiled fondant, allow it to cool slightly, thou pour it over the beaten whito of ono egg. To this add a tea spoonful of rosewater and tho blanch ed almonds. Spread it between layers and on top nnd ico tho sides of tho cakes. Salt Fish Chowder. Soak one-half box of salt fish ono hour, drain off water, fry Ave or sir slices of salt pork, drain' Into tho fish with a Httlo warm water, two largo sized onions cut fine, flvo or sir po tatoes sliced, ono quart of rallk; drop In flvo or sir crackers, pepper and salt. Boiled Cider Pie. Beat together until light ono egg, ono and one-half cupfuls of sugar and three tablespoonfuls of flour. Add half a cupful of boiled cider and a pint of cold water. This is sufficient for two pies mado with a single crust Spread soft Icing over the top. CARE OF HANDKERCHIEFS. How to Wash ths Cits of Delleats Loce Trimmed Linen. The careful Frenchwoman takes much trouble over tho proper warh inir c.f hor hundUorehtefH and would no m re think of having them go Into the hnnds of tho family laundress than she would semi n piece of hand some lace to her. Even ir they are of tho thinnest material, nnd they are mostly simple hits of delicate linen embroidered or lace trimmed, they nro expected to last their allotted time, and that they shall do so requires that great pains be taken with them. If there Is no maid In tho llttlo menage, then madam must do her own wash ing, and this Is tho way she goes about It: In tho first place, her handkerchiefs are never allowed to become unduly soiled jind nftcr onco using nro put into n small linen bag that always hangs beside the toilet table. When a half dozen or more have collected they ure- put to soak in nn earthen bowl niled with cold water and suds made from tho best of washing soap. In this they should remain for half an hour, nfter which they are cure fully rinsed In more cool water. Then comes the thorough washing of them In hot water In which a spoonful of burns 1ms been dissolved. This Is done ns gently as possible by patting and rubbing, and for this last many women use a child's toy washboard, which Is exaetly the right size for the purpose. In this way no threads of the line material nro broken, a dlsas tor which Is diillcult to remedy. The final rinsing is also done' through many cool waters until every particle of soup Is gone, and then comes the climax of the entire performance. The handkerchiefs are placed hi a bowl of milk into which have been put a few drops of essence of violet, which Is strong and of a bluish tinge, and this will give to them the pure white color which Is so necessary. From this each Is taken nnd partially dried In a clean towel and at once Ironed No starch Is used, for tho milk takes tho place of that, and the little Iron Ing board Is covered first with a heavy flannel and after with a spotlessly clean piece of white cloth. An Iron is kept especially for this work, nnd usually It is some patented affair, cither for electricity or alcho- hol. To do this all properly will take an hour or more of madam's time, but she is more than repaid for that by tho results seen. The little pile of handkerchiefs will come from her hands ns If fresh from the shelves of a shop, and they will have tho deli cate fragrance of having lain in a velvet sachet. A Son of the Revolution. Professor Jeremiah Smith of tho Harvard Law school, who has pre sented his resignation, to take effect Sept. 1, 1010, when he will be In his seventy-third year, Is actually a "son of the Revolution." His father, like wise Jeremiah Smith by name, ran away from Harvard in 1777 to jolu the Revolutionary army, being then eight een years of age. Uo served In the campulgn ngalnst Burgoyno and was wounded at Bennington. He finally graduated at Queens (now Rutgers) college In 17S0 and was later governor of New Hampshire, congressman from that state and Its chief justice. Baked Potatoes a Foot Long. Baked potatoes a foot long are tho kind served in the new diners of tho Northern Pacific. Specially selected potatoes, coming usually from AVash lascton, are kept on hand for baking, whicn the dining car management has made u specialty. A baked potato on the diner costs 10 cents. Each diner is loaded with 300 to 400 pounds of tho mammoth potatoes beforo leaving a terminal for the trip across tho con tinent from St. Paul to Seattle.-St. Paul Dispatch. The Evolution of Booster Eill I. He Was Once Bill Blue Bill Blue was once a knocker, and He knocked us all to beat tho band. His long suit was in running down The stores and people of this town. One day a stranger heard his clack And saidi "Your liver's out of whack. The thing you need to make you smile Is to turn in and BOOST AWHILE." That mads Bill think. To our amaze He started singing this town's praise. It soon Improved his looks and health, His trade, his prospects and his wealth. The town began to boom, and wo Elected Bill our mayor. He Keeps up the sunshine habit still AND NOW WE CALL HIM "BOOST ER BILL." MlhHMMM"HH"W J. POINTS REGARDING THE h CENSUS. J. ' Tho census begins Apr. ID J nnd must bo completed In I thirty days. The enumerators will wear f. n badge inscribed "United .J. States Census. 1910." J The law requires every J. ndult person to furnish J tho prescribed information, J but also provides that It I shall be treated confldentlnl- I ly, so that no Injury can come to any person from .j answering tho questions. J Tho Census Bureau, prior J. to April 15, Will distribute I to overy farm owner nnd ten- J. ant In this stnto a blank or l schedule containing the J- Census questions rolntlvo to farm operations nnd equip- J incnt. This should he filled I up, If possible, not later than tho morning of April 15, but if nnyono has been un- J. able to fill It up by that time, I he should do It as soon af ! terwards as he can, J Peoplo who do not speak J. English or who do not un- derstnnd the schedule coni- pletoly should got help from J others, If possible, in filling I it up. Tho President has Issued . a proclamation, calling on all citizens to co-operato -I- I I- 4 J with tho Census and assur . Ing them that it has noth- ing to do witli taxation, l- army or Jury service, com- pulsory school attendance, j regulation or Immigration, J or enforcement or any law, l- and that no one can bo in J jured by answering the in -l- quiries. J It is of tho utmost import J. ance that the farm census of j this state be complete and J. correct. f. Therefore every farm own J er and tenant should J- promptly, and accurately fill up the "Advance Farm Schedule" and carefully pre J. serve It ror the enumerator 4 when he calls. Don't pay retail prices for furni ture. Our catalogue 'will save you fully 25. Only $17.90 For this handsome Sideboard In selected Qolden Oak of a handsome UKUre. The base Is 4SxS3 Inches; three drawers at top. one lined for silver, all swell front. Including tho large linen drawer, richly carved design on the two cabinet doors. The mirror is 26x16, beautifully carved Jap with shaped standards and side fhelvcs. This Sideboard Is the equal in quslltr, style and workmanship of side 'boards retailing from 423.00 to $35.00. Carefully packed and shipped freight charges prepaid for $17.00. SEND TODAY for our factory price catalogue of Furniture FREE. BIHGHAMTON, N. Y. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF IIIK HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. I'A. At the close of business, Manh 21), 1910. nEsouncKB. Loans and Discounts 1 2t.MM 2.r, Overdrafts.secured and unsecured 20 7J u. m. iioims to secure circulation. 55.0U0 00 Premiums on U. S. Houds 2.HU 00 Homls. securities, etc L152.717 hi llanklne-house, furniture nnd tlx- tures 40,000 00 Duo from National Hanks (not lieserve Airentsl JO Due from Plate nnd Private Hanks anil Hankers. Trust companies, nnd Savings Hunks 1 1n S7 iiuu irom approved reserve agents 110JJI0 70 Cheeks and other cash Items ii .Notes or other National Hanks sm uo Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 315 18 Lawful Money Reserve In Rank. vis: npeeie J8I.WS w Ij'L'nl tender lintwn K UK (Hi at.i2i oo Redemption fund with U. h. i reusurer. to per cent, or circu lation) '.73)00 J00 00 Due from U. K. Treasurer Total $1.KW,01S H) LIAUIUTIIM, Capital Stock paid In $ 150.000 00 surplus fund 1W.0O0 00 i miividcd proms, less cxpensos anil hiKHN nnlil ti r in National Hank notes outstanding W3M 00 niaie jjank notes outstanding.... HO 00 Duo to other National Hanks m 21 Due to State und l'rivato Hanks and Hankers 231 15 Individual deposits subject to check. $l.H7A03 2o Demand eertlflciitKHiif deposit 207GO 00 Certllled cheeks KM0 Cashier's cheeks out standing 11,21)0 95-f M73.U51 l Hnnds harrowed None Notes and bills redlscouuted Hills payable. Including certltl- Koihj caies ot deposit ror money bor rowed None Kone Liabilities other than those above siuieu. ,,, Total SLK&Uui HO State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, bs. I, II. '.. Russell, President ot the abore named Hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ot iuv knowledge and belief. 11. Z. Hdsskll. Pres dent. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of April. 1810. W.II.6TONK, N. P. Correct-attest: Andiikw Tiioureon, ) jiuhkk uukehk, fiiireciori. JPItOFUSSlONAL, GAUDS. Attorncvs-.ol-I.nw. s: WILSON, ArrOtlNEI Jk COUNHHt.OIl.JlT.I.AW. Ulllce. Mnonlc D-inllnc. tecond floor Ilunoedn.i'. I'a. "WM. II. LEE, ? i attoiim:v 4 COL'NSKI.OIl-AT-T.AW. Olllce over mitt (MUv. All WmI invito... promptly attended to. iloiicsdnlv. Pa. Ijl C. MUM FORD, U. ATTOKN'KY A COUKBm.OK-AT-LAW . Otllre Liberty Hnll biilldimr, opposite tbo Post Olllce. Jloni'Mlule. 1'n. HOMER GREENE, ATTOIINEY A COUN8Kt.OR-AT-I.AW. Olllce over Hell's store, lloncftdole la. OL. ROWLAND, ATTOIINEY A COUNEEUm-AT-LAW, Olllce ver l'ot Olllee. Uuiieitdulc, Pa c I1ARLES A. McCARTY, ATTOIINEY Jk COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Siicclnl nnd tiruinut .'lttoiitlun siren to the collection ntrlnim. utllce over Hell's .new store.lloiicsdale. I'a. TJ1 P. KIMBLE, X' . A ATTORNEY i COUNHKLOIt-AT-LAW, OlllcOover the uostoflUo Iloliesdale. I'a. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNPELOU-AT-LAW, Olllce in the Court Houfee, Honesdale Pa. PETER II. ILOFF, ATTORNEY A COUNSKLOK-AT-LAW. Olflcc Second Moor old Savings I5nk bulUUu. Honesdale. I'a. QEARLE & SALMON, iJ ATTORNEYS A COUNPELOliS-AT-LAK. Otllcustlatcly occupied by Judge Searlc. Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Olllce First floor, old Savlnis'liank.bulld Inc. Ilonesdule. I'a. Dr. C. 11. BRADY. Dkntist. iloncsdalePa. Office Hoijks-S tu. to p. m Any evening by appointment. Citizens' phone. 33 Residence. No. 8G-X Physicians. D1 11. II. U. SEARLES, HONESDALE, PA. Olllce and residence 1018 CourtJstreet telephones. Olllee Hours 2:00 to 4:00 land 60U ob:CKJ. u.iu LIvcry. LIVERY. r red. u. Hickard has re moved his livery establishment from corner Church street to Whitney's Stone Hani ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. FIRST CLASS OUTFITS. Voyl JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire I The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Olice: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jatlwin's drug store, Honesdale. If you don't insure with us, we both lose. IB I nsurance White Mills Pa. A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALER You will make money byhavlnt me. 5HHLI. pnoNE'o-i' Kfitnanv. pa. Tooth Savers We have the sort of tooth brushes that are made to thoroughly cleanse and save the teeth.: They ure the kind that clean teeth (without eavln? Your mouth full ot bristles. We recommend those cost luff 23 cents or more, as we can euarauteu them and will re place, free, any that show defects o manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, I'llARflACIST, HIT Opp.D. M, Statlta tlONESDALB, PA 1. it. MUBDAT, i W4