The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 20, 1910, Image 2

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    TUB OITIZKN, WEDNESDAY, AimiL 20, 1010.
John Dalzell, Head of New
Rules Committee.
Congressman John Dalzell of Penn
sylvania, chairman of tho new commit
tee on rules of the national house of
representatives, is well equipped by ex
perience and training for the duties of
his now position. Mr. Dalzell repre
sents Pittsburg and has served contin
uously in congress since 1887.
Tho members of the new committee
take rank as follows: Dalzell of Penn
sylvania, Smith of Iowa. Boutell of Illi
nois, Lawrence of Massachusetts, Pas
sett of New York and Smith of Califor
nia, Republicans, and Clark of Missou
ri, Underwood of Alabama, Dixon of
Indiana and Fitzgerald of New York,
Mr. Dalzell was born In New York
city in 1845. but ho has lived in ritts
burg since be was two years old. He
received a college education, being
graduated from Yale in 18C3. He stud
led law and two years later was admit
ted to the bar. He 60on developed
great adaptability for the profession
and advanced rapidly. At the time of
his first election to congress ho was a
partner of John H. Hampton in oue of
tho most successful law firms in Pitts
burg. He was also nsslstant solicitor
of the Pennsylvania railroad, a very
lucrative position.
To Work For Humanity.
The relief of suffering humanity Is
to be tho life work of John D. Rocke
feller, Jr., if congress sanctions the
incorporation of the Rockefeller foun
dation. It is planned that young
Rockefeller shall be the executive
bead of the proposed institution, and
with that end in view he has beeti
gradually withdrawing from the di
rectorate of the big enterprises with
which ho has been connected.
Young Mr. Rockefeller is now thirty
three years old. He was born In
Cleveland lu 1877 and has been thor
oughly trained In the methods of han
dling large affairs. In personal ap
pearance he Is rather thick set, very
pale, smooth shaven aud wears glasses.
Until a couplo of years ago ho was tho
leader of a Blblo class at the Fifth
'Avenuo Baptist church, New York city.
Although a very sedato young man,
Mr. Rockefeller is not without humor.
In one of his Sunday talks bo told a
story about a young man who asked
his father the best way to proposo to
a girl.
"Just slip tho ring on her finger,"
aald tho old man, "and say to her,
'When this you see, remember mo.'
"But," said John D Jr., "when ho
came to put tho ring on tho maiden's
finger ho forgot and murmured, 'When
this you see. remember father."
Mr. Rockefeller was married nlno
years ago to Miss Abby Aldrich, daugh
ter of Senator AJdrlch of Rbodo Island.
!Tuey havo two children.
The Passengers' Waybills How They
Were Filled Out and Used.
Tho earliest rnllway tickets differed
entirely from those now In use. Tho
booking clerk wns furnished with a
volumo, tho pages of which wore dl-1
vlded down tho centre by a perforated
line, the outside half of each page was
ogalu divided into slips about four
Inches long by an Inch nnd three
quarters In width, on each of which
was printed the name of the issuing
station; spaces were provided in
which tho clerk had to write tho
destination, passenger's name, date of
Issue and tho time tho train was duo
to depart,
Ono of these slips, duly filled in,
was detached from tho book and hnnd
ed over to each would bo passenger in
exchange for his fare.
The traveller, having thus obtained
his ticket, wns passed on to tho guard
of tho train by which he desired, to
travel. This official was provided
with a kind of waybill on which ho en
tered particulars of all his passengers
in much tho same way that a parcel is
served nowadays.
Titanium Steel.
Titanium steel rails for railroads
were first mndo experimentally in
1907. The results- that they showed
led to their manufacture by several
steel companies in 1908, and during
1909, according to tho Engineering
and Mining Journal, their manufac
ture entered upon tho commercial
scale. Kxperlments on the New York
Central have confirmed those made
elsewhere in showing that these rails
wear several times as long as those
1 made of ordinary Bessemer steel, TI
, tanlum has a great affinity for nltro
t gen, and remains as an impurity in
' ordinary Bteel, the good effects of an
' alloy of titanium are ascribed to Its
; acting as a flux, thereby removing lm
j purities nnd Increasing the solidity of
the steel. The Increased cost Ib put
at $ 3.50 per ton of rails.
Physique of Young Japan.
Rumors have been rife that the
constitution of Young Japan Is degen
erating year after year says the Eibun
Tsushlnsha,. but thoy are firmly de
nied by the authorities, who are of
the opinion that according to the re
ports of the physicians of conscripts
both constitution and weight are show
ing an upward tendency on the whole,
and there is not a bit of cause to Justi
fy the rumors.
This must be the 'joon of compul
sory education, only the prevalence
of several diseases and of trachoma Is
true and indeed alarming, and on
this account every year a great many
young men are disqualified for the ser
vice; but the authorities reassure us
that the physique of Young Japan is
never on the decline.
Pontius Pilate.
History is silent regarding the last
days and manner of death of Pontius
Pilate. Some claim that ho killed
himself; others that he was beheaded
by Nero. Another tradition banishes
him to Vicnne, on the Rhone, whore a
singular monument is called "Pontius
Pilate's Tomb." Still another has It
that he sought to hide his sorrows on
the mountain beside Lake Lucerne,
now called Mount PllattiB, and that
there, after spending years In Its re
cesses, In remorse and despair, he
plunged into tho lake which occupies
its summit. All of this, of course, is
pure guess work, and it is safe to
say that concerning the place or man
ner of the famous (or Infamous) Pro
curator's death we know absolutely
Driving the Fact Home.
There are various methods, diplo
matic or brusque, of notifying an un
satisfactory employee of his dismis
sal. The pink envelope, says a writer
In the Boston Record, is the recog
nized messenger of fate in many busi
ness offices, but there are other ways.
The most picturesque and original
of methods was that which "Uncle
Jimmy" Gilbert used to use in his
printing-office. When a new man
enme. Uncle Jimmy drove a nail In
the wall for him to hang his bat and
coat on.
Some morning the man would come
to work and find the nail driven In
up to the head. Ho knew that he was
I through then.
A Huge Flying Fish.
A flying-fish measuring 17 1-4 Inches
from tip of nose to tip of tall came
aboard the steamship Kaipara, alight
ing on the deck 20 feet above the wa
ter when the vessel was SO miles north
of Tenerlffe. The fish was seized aud
cooked. Mr. C. Howtird Tripp, who
was aboard, says It was the largest
flying-fish that ho has ever handled,
although he has studied them for
years. He remarks that tho largest
species Bcem always to be tho longest
filers. The longest flight of u llying
llsh that he has observed covered
about 400 yards.
Ruskln's Favorite Game.
At the opening of the Ruskln Park
Extension, Denmark Hill, Mr. Gcorgo
Alexander said that in coming down
he asked Mr. Severn what was Rus
kln's favorite game, and was told,
"Battledore and shuttlecock." Mr. Sev
ern also told him that Ruskln believed
In exercises that were usoful, nnd
when at Oxford advised some ladles
who had given him a cataloguo of the
various exerclseB thoy practiced that
better than all would bo to carry tho
coals upsrtairs!
Uncle Ezra Says.
"Fellers who do all their travelln'
in airships won't bev much uv an op
portunity fur leavin' footprints on the
sands uv time."
Cicely Hnlstcad's wedding morn
dawned gray and cIkmm-Ipss. Leaden
skies gave little prmnlp of sunshine.
Add to tho depressing lutluencu of the
weather the vivid memory of a dream
in which her loved mother had appear
cd to her with outstretched arms
pleading with Iter to renounce her
lover even at this late hour, telling her
that nothing but misery and unhappl
ness could result from the uuion, and
It readily believed that it was
with a Joyless heart that she arose.
Cicely was an orphan, possessed of
considerable wealth. She made her
homo with u maiden aunt whose chief
nim in lifo was to make Cicely happy.
Her wealth as well as beauty of face
and loveliness of character had
brought many suitors to her fceL Of
them all but ono had won her heart
gay and handsome Philip Reycroft.
There were many who openly de
clared that it was Cicely's wealth that
ho desired, as ho was known to be
reckless in his living and frequently
involved in financial dlflicultics.
Cicely could not throw off her op
pression of heart, and. though not un
usually superstitious, she felt that a
voice direct from heaven had spoken
and should be obeyed.
With aching heart aud tear dimmed
eyes sho wrote a note and sent it to
her betrothed.
Scarce believing the evidence of Ills
eyes. Philip sat as if stunned on read
ing Cicely's message. Sho had clearly
stated her reason for her nction and in
closing had said:
'It will be useless to attempt to see
me, as 1 leave homo at onco for an in
definite period. 1 shall always love
and pray for you."
For perhaps tho first time in the twen
ty-nine years of his existence Philip
Reycroft indulged In a mental reverie
the subject of which was ills own life
and actions as thoy must have ap
peared to others, and ho could not but
wonder how such a sweet girl as
Cicely could ever have cared for him.
He was forced to acknowledge that
sho was justllled In her act.
As he loved her most sincerely he
resolved that he would prove his love
and if fate was kind would yet win
her. Henceforth his old haunts and
friends should know him no more.
With this determination he entered
tho office of n large law firm and de
voted himself most faithfully to the
practice of his profession, to which be
had heretofore given llttlo time.
Five years elapsed, and Philip Rey
croft wa3 known as ono of tho leading
lawyers of the great city and a man
who for integrity of character com
manded the respect nnd admiration of
all who knew him. During these years
he had no word of Cicely, but ho be
lieved that somewhere in the great
world she still lived and cared for him.
Weary of travel nnd sightseeing and
lonely at heart since tho death of her
aunt. Cicely resolved to return to her
native land nnd take up her abode in
the old home. It wns a beautiful es
tate situated on the banks of a noble
river, and there she found peace of
mind such as she bad not known for
many years. Old friends welcomed
her heartily, and It was not long be
fore she learned of the chango in Phil
ip nnd the splendid name ho had made
for himself.
One morning at breakfast on taking
up the dally paper her eye caught the
line "Lawyer Reycroft Seriously In
After the first shock of tho nows she
read the full account, which stated
how a favorite little newsboy of Mr.
Reycroft's, running across tho street
to meet him. came directly in tho way
of a runaway nutomobllo which sud
denly appeared around the corner and
but for the presence of mind and
speedy action of his friend must sure
ly have been killed. Tho child escaped
with slight Injury, but his rescuer was
severely hurt and taken to the hos
pital, where It was feared ho would
not recover.
Cicely lost no time, but went up at
onco to the city and drovo directly to
tho hospital. She was told that no one
could see him, but sho begged so ear
nestly to bo allowed to go to him that
permission was granted her. Philip
was In a partially unconscious condi
tion, muttering brokeu phrases in
which she caught the sound of her
own name.
Kneeling by his bedside, sho laid her
ool baud on bis fevered brow and
6oftly murmured: "Philip, dear Philip.
I am here. Will you not speak to mo?"
At tho sound of her, geutlo voice bis
eyes opened, and as they rested on the
loved faco an expression of absoluto
peaco and happiness gavo place to that
of pain and agony. Too weak to moro
than utter ber name, his band clasped
over hers, nnd bo fell Into a deep sleep.
On awakening Cicely promised, on
condition that ha would not try to talk
or cxclto himself, that sho would call
again on tho morrow.
Gravo fears for his recovery wore
still entertained by tho doctors and
nurses; but. with Cicely now returned
to him, he made a deeporato struggle
for lifo and won tho victory over
death. In a fow weeks bo was able
to Icavo the hospital, though bearing
marks of his heroic performance which
would remain with him through lifo,
and shortly after on a lovely autumn
day tlicso two, so long separated, wero
united never to part again.
They decided that tbo llttlo newsboy
who was Indirectly tho means of reunit
ing them should sharo their happiness
and all tho advantages which lore and
wealth could give. St Louis Star.
Com Is Hard to Distinguish from the
Natural One.
There are fair prospects that tho
cost of sapphires may fall In tho near
future, says the Boston Globe. French
chemists have succoededln producing
nil artificial or "synthetic" sapphire
which is said to bo identical in com
portion, hardness, color effects and
other quantities with tho natural
stone, from which it cannot bo distin
guished by physical or chemical tests.
Natural sapphires of tho finest qunllty
sell for $100 to $200 a carat, while the
equally beautiful manufactured artlclo
can bo sold at less than $5 a carat,
and no ono will bo able to tell the dif
ference botween them.
Some years ago when n process of
making artificial rubles was discov
ered, the ruby market wns demoral
ized for a time, but the natural stones
later regained their prestige, and they
now cost more than diamonds.
A Matter of Opinion.
Tlmo was and this, too, in modern
as;es when no one was considered a
scholar unless he could discourse in
Greek, and In ono age of tho world
red eyes wero in the highest typo of
beauty. In China now the greatest
beauty is tho one with the smallest
feet. In Peru a lady Is not consider
ed dressed unless her face Is hidden.
A dozen different doctors will main
tain conflicting opinions touching both
diagnosis and remedy In a sick patient.
A story Is told of a certain artisan
who was designing so simple a thing
as an ax helve. Seven different peo
ple who professed to know what was
the correct thing advised him to mako
it In seven different ways. He follow
ed no one's advice, but made a per
fect helve this according to his own
Bad Handwriting.
Every man who has his living to
earn or any work In the world to do
ought to be made to understand that
if he does not write legibly at least,
if not beautifully, It is entirely his own
fault, and that if ho is mado to Buffer
for it he has only himself to blame.
The pestilent theory that bad writing
is the sign of a groat mind ought to
receive no countennnce from men of
common sense. It is sometimes, no
doubt, the result of extreme prossure
of business; but in most cases it is
the sign either of bad training or of
a contemptible perversity in fashion
or of a careless and unstable disposi
tion which will display itself sooner
or later in things much more impor
tant than handwriting. In no case Is
It to be commended; In only few cases
Is It to be even excused.
The Jerboa's Cold Storage.
We knew that the Jerboa was a
wonder, for we had In our minds
Browning's picture of him "a-musing
outside his sand house" when tho
music of David had weight with him:
There are none such as he for a won
der, half bird and half mouse!
Major Stanton, at the Colonial In
stitute. London, filled in the picture.
The Jerboa in the arid parts of the
Soudan lives through the drought on
preserved melons. He preserves them
by burying them in sand, biting off
the melon Just as It Is ripe and dig
ging away the sand from under it so
that it siuks below tho level of tho
ground. The wind then covers it up;
so tho Jerboa keeps his larder from
the hot sun. One Jerboa will bury
forty melons in a season.
Microscopic Measurement.
The measurement of microscopic
objects 1b done by rulings on glass,
which are produced by wonderfully
delicate machines. These rulings aro
constructed so as to accurately divide
an inch or any other unit of measure
ment into any desired number of
parts, as, for instance 1-100 of an inch,
or 1-1,000 of an inch, or even 1-10,000
of an inch. Tho llnest rulings thus
far produced by any of tho machines
are at tho rate of something like 200,
000 to the Inch. Some Idea of tho
closeness of the ruled lines can be ob
tained from considering that 1,000
such lines would occupy only tho
space included in the thickness of a
sheet of ordinary writing paper.
$ The Flying Dutchman.
Tho Flying Dutchman was a ship
which was sometimes vlslblo from
various points of land, but moro par
ticularly from the Cape of Good
Hope, in very stormy weather. The
Btory runs that her captain onco swore
so fearful an oath that as a punish
ment for his blasphemy ho was con
demned to beat about tho oceans un
til tho day of Judgment. The Flying
Dutchman was never known to get
Into port, and was generally soen sail
ing, under full canvas, before a strong
wind. The myth is generally under
stood to have had its origin in the
watersprout, which In tho distance re
sombles a sailing vessel.
The Mule's Intelligence.
"Dat ol' mule knows dat ploughln'
time has come," said Brother Dickey.
"W'en I gone ter do barn tor feed
him dis mawnln' ho had done kicked
do do' loose. Jumped two wire fences
an' swimmed do mlllpon' ter de big
woods. W'en you stops ter consider de
few adwantages de mule hez had de
intelligence er mere man can't hoi'
halt a candle ter him!"
Her Nationality.
When email Slgrld made her first
appearanco in an Amorlcan school,
says Harper's Magazine, she was ask
ed tho usual puzzling questions, one
of which was:
"What is your nationality, Slgrld!"
Slgrld tossed her flaxen braids. "I'm
an American of Norwegian design,"
she said, promptly.
Some Play a Part In Getting and Han
dling Feminine Patronage.
In addition to the stereotyped du
ties usunlly performed by men in n
bank many women havo mndo now
positions for themselves, somo as
mnnngcrB of women's departments,
where they nxplnln carefully and pa
tiently the . - cries of hanking to
other women, to whose minds any
thing that pertains to finance seems
qnlto as puzzling as the black arts.
Such n woman, says tho Bookkeep
er, must know thoroughly every detail
of banking, for her duties will cover
n wldo field from mnklng out a check
for some dear old lady to explaining
tho uses of a letter of credit to n par
ty of school teachers contemplating
their first trip abroad.
Other women have taken upon
themselves tho work of making a per
sonal canvass of the tenements for
tho savings of the poor, thereby ac
complishing In addition to their duties
a very practical sort of charity in
teaching those who most need such
Instruction something of tho difficult
art of saving.
Lincoln's Strange Voolng.
Lincoln's wooing and wedding are
of bo peculiar a nature that they de
serve notice in the annals of his re
markable life, as throwing a side-light
upon ono aspect of his character with
which the general public is wholly un
familiar. This peculiarity can only bo
explained by his disordered state of
mind when he became acquainted with
Miss Mnry Todd In 1S39. His wooing
was a series of morbid misgivings as
the force of his affections, of alternato
ardor and coolness, advances and
withdrawals, and every variety of
strange language and freakish behavi
or, continued until tho appearanco of
his omnlpreBent political rival, Doug
Ins, in the field of love gave it the
much-needed matrimonial impetus.
But when, after several months of
courtship, the wedding day arrived,
the bride waited vainly amid her silks
and bowers for the recalcitrant lover.
Friends discovered him on tho mor
row, hidden in an out-of-the-way cor
ner, if not insane, at least sunken In
one of those absorbing fits of de
spondent gloom from which he suffer
ed at that time. Months later, when
he was quite recovered, tho wedding
took place,- this time with much less
ostentation, thanks to the former ridi
culous performance.
W. B. HOLMES, President.
A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pres.
We want you to understand the reasons for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY
EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY.
It has conducted a growing and successful business for over Ji5 years, serving
an increasing number of customers with fideelity and satisfaction.
its cash fund3 are protected by zivut,uy br&KL vaults.
All of these things, couplet! with conservative management. Insured
by the CAKKKuL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly given the
liank's affairs by a notably able Hoard of Directors ussures the patrons
of that SUPREME SAFETY which is the .prime essential of a good
Total Assets,
ear deposits may
D. & H. CO. TiriE TABLE
A.M. i
10 00
10 00
4 30
6 IB
Albany ....
.... Iliuchamton .
Iff OOi
IS 00
2 15
12 30
B 30
2 15
Philadelphia .
1 SO
2 OS
7 23
s 13
4 48
1 20
2 OS
7 10
7 55
6 30
5 40
6 CO
!) 05
9 15
y ia
u :st
9 42
U 4.S
(i 20
G :o
2 05
8 45
8 53
8 59
a is
...Carbondale ....
.Lincoln Avenue..
. . Lake Loilore ...
... Wnyinart
. . . l'rompten
.. . Korteniii
. ..Keelyvllle
. . Honesdale
2 15
5 51
(i SI
2 ia
(i 11
ti 52
6 68
2 37
2 i ii
9 21
(i 21
(i 21!
(i 32
6 :
(S 39
a 4.i
ti 46
C 60
7 04
2 49
2 52
2 57i
2 60
a at
3 07
9 20
9 32
II 61
7 07
7 13
7 1
7 20
9 57
10 00
9 37
a u
It 47
9 60
S 55
10 04
10 OS
7 24
10 11
7 27
3 10
3 15
10 15
7 31
P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M.IAr
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
This year opoiu with a doluge of new mixed paints. A con
dition brought about by our entorprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paiut that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised,
may find a sale with the unwary.
There aro reasons for the pro-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS?
1st No one can mix a bettor mixed paint.
2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won
dorful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at his
own oxpense.every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective.
4th Those who hare used it aro perfectly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
Trains leave at S:2S n. ia. and
z:4I p. m.
Sundays at 1:4 1 p. m.
Trains arrive at 1:40 and 8:08
p. m.
Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 and
leaves at 7:10.
Sundays at 7:02 p. in.
Designer and Man-
nfor-tiit-Ai- nf If
umwkuiM ui
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
For .New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeweler
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
II. S. SALMON, Cashier
V. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier
this Bank.
be made by mail, -a
V 1.
II. S.
2 00
12 40,
10 50
10 50
8 43
8 45!
3 53
7 31
7 32
7 31
A ..M
10 20
4 05
.3 15
7 15
6 20,
2 25
1 35
10 03
9 37
8 mi
1 35
1 25
5 40
5 30:
12 17
12 07
12 03
8 21
8 17
8 13
7 64
7 47
7 41
7 311
7 32
7 30
7 28
7 22
7 19
7 15
7 54
7 60
1 21
6 21
7 3.)
7 25
7 19
7 17
7 12
7 so
7 03
1 93
12 66
5 OS
11 41
11 37
11 31
6 01
12 51
5 6U
12 49
12 43
12 40
4 54
11 29
11 23
4 4S
4 45
11 20
11 1G
11 12
11 09
11 03
12 3G
12 32
12 29
12 23
4 41
7 01
4 37
6 58
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4 31
I 301
Lv A.M. P.M. P.M
.. A.M. P.M