The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 20, 1910, Image 1

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TIIK WEATHER Wednesday fair and slightly cooler weather wilt prevail, and Thursday fair wcutlicr.
tr v k " sc tc jc jc r jc ic c
c Scml-Wcckly Founded 5
I908 v
f o
Weekly Founded, 1844
' Wtfc County Organ
k iff f the 1
1 ,67th YEAE.
NO. 31
1 m
- - .
Question of the Election, of Jurists
At Coming November Election
Reviewed In Alilc Opinion.
Tho following letter rrora Attor
ney General Todd sheds considerable
light on the mooted question as to
whether Judges of the Court of
Common Plens may be chosen at
the general election to be held in
Office of the Attorney General.
Harrlsburg, Pa., March 31, 1910. I
Hon. Robert McAfee,
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Harrisburg, Pa.
I have your letter of the 17th
Inst., enclosing a letter of Hon.
Alonzo T. Searle, of the 10th Inst.,
to Governor Stuart, and 1 note you
request my opinion on the follow
ing questions:
1. Will the terms of Judges of the
Courts of Common Pleas who were
appointed to nil vacancies, and
whoso commissions expire on the
first Monday of January, 1911, be
extended for one year from that
date of the constitutional amend
ments and schedule of 1909; and,
If so, should such judges be recora
mlssioned for an additional year?
2. Can the ofllce of Judge of the
Court of Common Pleas, now held
by Judgea under appointment of
the Governor, whose commissions
expire on the first Monday of Janu
ary, 1911, be filled by the election
of judges at the General Election
In November, 1910?
I understand that Judge Searle
was appointed on September 15,
1909, and commissioned until the
first Monday of January, 1911. The
amendments to the constitution that
were adopted at the election held
November 2, 1909, which are perti
nent to the questions you propound,
are as follows:
Amendment Five, to Article
Eight, Section Two, provides that
the general elections shall be held
biennially on the Tuesday next fol
lowing the first Monday of Novem
ber in each even numbered year.
Amendment Six, to Article Eight,
Section Three, provides that the
municipal elections shall be held on
the Tuesday next following the first
Monday of November in each . odd
numbered year. This is supple
mented by a provision In the sched
ule that, In the year 1910, the muni
cipal election shall be held on the
third Tuesday of February as
Amendment Eight, to Article
Twelve, Section One, provides that
election of State officers shall be
held on a general election day, and
that elections of local officers shall
be held on a municipal election
day. except when, In either case,
special elections may be required
to fill unexpired terms.
Amendment 'Six, to Article Eight,
Section Three, provides that all
elections for judges of the courts
nf tho Rfvprnl 1iifl(.(nl llct-1,c- !
j ..... . -1. 1 uia.iii.ia, 11 11 11
for county, city, ward, borough and
township officers for regular terms
of service, shall be held on the
municipal election day; namely, the
next Tuesday following the
Monday of November In each odd '
numbered year. hitch whatever in the purchase
The schedule provides that all j plans. Furthermore, he says, that
judges of the courts for the several i the report published In the same
judicial districts, and also all county i paper that their machinery had been
officers holding offlcd- at the date of j held up at Lackawaxen pending
the approval of these amendments, the settlement of this matter, was
whose terms of office may end in j a falsehood, puro and simple. In
the year one thousand nine hundred j tended to make the other falsehood
and eleven, shall continue to hold , appear plausible.
their offlces until the first Monday
of January, one thousand nine hun-i FOK A SPOTLESS TOWN.
dred and twelve. j
The effect of these amendments Campulnn For Cleaner Streets and
(Continued on Pago 5.)
Keilly Morun.
At the nuptial mass celebrated In
St. John's Roman Catholic church at
8 o'clock Monday morning by Rov.
Thomas M. Hanley. Miss Marv Moran I
.mi r.,,i0 whi wi.
dale, were united in marriage. The
bride was attired In a white silk
princess dress, a white picture hat
nnd carried) a bouquet of white roses.
Her maid, Miss Agnes Clune, of New
York city, wore a pink princess dress,
a black picture hat and carried a
bouquet of pink roses. The bride
groom was attended by Charles
O'Neill, of Mt. Pleasant. After the
ceremony a wedding breakfast was
served at tho homo of the bride's
father, William Moran, on Union
street. Tho young couple left at
noon for a short honeymoon which
will Include Philadelphia and New
York City, after which they will
bo at homo on Union street.
-. I, i m
Npw; Snanhrc Thc cc,ls,1!
Of the Week
ttuon meeting In Washington. Uev. C. F. Aked broke all records for raising money for churches by collectln
Avenue Baptist church, New York city.
A Special Service.
Rev. A. L. Whittaker will hold a
special service at the Indian Orchard
school house on Thursday, April 21,
at 8 p. m. All are invited.
Examination Soon.
Remember that If you want to be
postmaster or postmistress of Lau
rella, that the examination takes
place on Saturday, April 23rd, at
Superintendent Leaves.
Thomas P. Coakley, who for the
past eighteen months has been the
efficient superintendent at the plant
of the National Elevator Company,
has severed his relations with the
firm and accepted another position
in New York. Who the successor
of Mr. Coakley will he has not been
made known.
Valuable Farm Sold.
After residing there for over a
half century prior to removing to
this place two years ago, Oscar E.
Bunnell has sold his farm In Dy
berry township to Samuel Wright
of Bockvllle Centre, N. Y. The new
owner, who is Clerk to the Surro
gate of Nassau county, N. Y., will
not take possession of the property
until August 1st. In the meantime
........ luuiiJi laes juu
acres, will be cultivated under the
supervision of the former owner.
Mrs. Jacob Denier Will Direct Wuy
niuit High School.
J. J. Koehler, superintendent
of our county schools, upon request
of the Wnymart directors, has ap
pointed Mrs. Jacob Demer, of
Honesdale (Miss Maude Murray) to
succeed the late Prof. J. F. Dooley
as principal of the High school of
that place. She Is considered one
of this county's best teachers and
will probably complete the remaind
er of the term.
False Statements Denied.
Mr. Kelly, of Kelly & Steinman.
reports that the statement published
that negotiations for the purchase of
the Outing property at Deposit, by
ills company, had been delayed ow-
ing to a defect in the title, was ab-
solutoly false, as there has been no
Yards Begins May lid.
The Ladies' Improvement So
ciety will Inaugurate a movement
for a civic cleaning, beginning on
May 2nd. They appeal to every
person Interested In a cleaner, nicer,
and better looking Honesdale, and
iiexas townsiiip, to begin on
ahovo mentioned date, to do their
share of tho work necessary to make
possible the above result. Clean
up In front, and In tho rear, and
on both sides of your own proper
ty, or the home you occupy. De
stroy all the debris you can, and
burn the rest so that It Is hidden
from view. Encourage your neigh
bors to do likewise. Enlist the
young men and maldenB to Join In
the crusade, and Jolly all tho chil
dren Into doing their share. Let
everybody for tho next few days, In
spect tho surroundings of their own
premises, seo how same looks, plan
how to make them look hotter, and
on May 2nd, roll up your sleeves
and executo your plan.
y fe1 -' 1 1
V .v" ius t0- - f&foAS&. SEASatf OPEN5 -
man began his work.
AI Bishop Aspires.
It Is rumored that Al Bishop, of
Hawley, will file papers as a candi
date for Representative.
Not a Candidate.
Warren E. Perhani, of New York,
has notified a number of his friends
that he will not be a candidate for
nomination as a Representative.
Six New Parties.
A variety of names for now par
ties have been pre-empted at Har
risburg. They are "People's,"
"Anti-Machine,' "Union-Labor,"
"Independent," "Good Roads," and
Shoo Workers Klect.
The following officers for the en
suing year have been elected by
Local 377, Boot and Shoe Workers'
Union: President. Anthony Okowitz;
vice president, Daniel Viclnius; fi
nancial secretary, Duane Lohman;
recording secretary, Lewis Orchard;
treasurer, William Hoellein.
An Important Sale.
The personal property of the es
tate of Elizabeth J. Boyd will be
offered at publle sale on Wednes-
at Boyds Mills. The property com-
prises four excellent horses, 21 head j
of cattle, harness, wagons, farming
ioois, macninery and 20,000 feet of I
lumber. T. Y. Boyd is the admin-
Humors Itifo of Establishment
New Industry.
According to the Scranton
Times Honesdale may have another
glass cutting factory, owned and
operated by out-of-town men. It
is rumored that ono of the western
concerns which is under the juris
diction of the union will locate a
branch shop here, in order to give
a practical illustration of the ad
vantages of employing union labor
Auto Stage in Sen-ire.
The first auto-stage of the Auto
Transportation Co. reached Hones
dale on Friday evening. The trip
from Allentown was very pleasanj
until Pike county was readied. Hero
the roads were in bad condition, and
the auto was given a severe test
traversing them. The nuto made Its
initial trip here on Saturday and
the patronage was all that could ho
desired. Sunday and Monday being
stormy days, there was a falling on
In the number of riders, although the
schcdulo was adhered to In spite of
the muddy roads and the down-pour
of rain which made traveling unusu
ally hard and dlsgreeablo. Tho
total number of riders taken on the
new auto Saturday and Sunday was
over 200.
Midnight Sons Entertain.
The Midnight Sons entertained a
large number of their friends at a
delightful danco last Friday even
ing In Lyric Hall. Among those
present were Miss Frances McGulro,
New York; Miss Ruth Monnghan and
Matt. Hefferon, Scranton; Misses
Verna and Gertrude Drake, George
Foster, George Jacobs, Hawley;
John Hensey, White Mills; Misses
Lottie HIsted, Eleanor Rlordon,
Mabel Hojde and Chas. Rlerdon.
Wilbur Morgan, John Morgan, Car
bondalo, and R. P. Cummlngs, Hart
ford, Conn.
Tho committee In charge of tho af
fair was composed of the following
young men: Thos. Charlesworth,
John Klmhlo, Clarence Green, Otto
Truscott, William Bourkot, AuBtln
Lyons, Richard Bracoy and Edward
D. KatE.
S 'IT?.1,'''?'''1'.'8 Trln.B V10 U""C1 S,n,ea TUu l,nscI,nl1 &e;lso" Pncd- (;Ifrord ""cliot met Colonel Roosevelt' In
V 1 y V " tW dT ta'k- l'"C0 f York have half a dozen Chinese murder mysteries to sol
as result of now inn"1 wnr. Mrs n If 1 iinin...i ?,... ci -i ' a pnvi
.Mrs. 15. C. Uydu defends her husband, on trhil fnr tin tntinlnr rt Ptinn..i ?
v. nut. iviiiia i nv v ip-nuim n in rvnrinrni urntiinn Ci,fr-.,,. i
Unclaimed Letters.
The following letters remain un
called for at the Honesdale postor
fice: Miss Jane Burnett, Mr. Silas
Curtis, Mr. Charles Hergotta- Mr.
Fred D. Hartman, Manager Shady
Lane Cottage, Mr. E. Wernlck.
Escort Him Home.
The Pnlestinean who persists in
working for Herbeck-Demer Co., is
escorted home from his work every
evening by Officer Canivan and De
tective Spencer, who are followed by
a large number of the striking glass
Cnrd of Thanks,
and Mrs. Isaac S. Rutledge
wish to thank the kind friends and
neighbors for flowers, cards, and the
many favors shown to their dear
daughter Elraa, auring her Illness,
and for the beautiful floral pieces
given at the Jlme of her funeral,
showing their love and sympathy
In their sad bereavement.
Former Resident III.
John II. Weaver was called to
Mlddletown on Saturday on ac
count of the illness of his brother,
William, who formerly lived here,
and who was considered as one of
the best and fastest lirlnklnvora in
this section of the state. He Is now
engaged as a contractor In Mlddle-
D., L. & Y. Strikers Win.
More than two thousand conduc
tors and trainmen, employed by the
Delnware, Lackawanna and West
ern Railroad were ordered to cease
work at 11:45 Sunday night by the
heads of their respective brother
hoods, but within an hour and a
half after the strike order was is
sued the company receded from its
position and peace was restored.
Dr. Cook in Hiding.
Just homo from an extended tour
of South American countries, form
er State Comptroller William S.
Hancock, of Trenton, N. J., reports
that he and his party, Including Dr.
Robert N. Keely, of Browns Mills,
N. J., found Dr. Frederick Cook, the
discredited polar explorer, hiding
away" In a most desolate ana for
saken village called Chllacoles, on
tho Chilean side of the Andes.
The explorer nnd his wife were
staying there under tho names of
Mr. and Mrs. Craig. They wero
very reticent at first, but tho man
Anally admitted his Identity, al
though ho refused emphatically to
talk about his polar feats or the
charges of faking that have been
brought against him.
Iteeeiitly Elected Officers of I. O. O.
F. Now Being Installed.
District Deputy Grand Master
Henry Martin of the Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, Is now on
gaged In making a tour of visitation
to the vnrlouB lodges In this juris
diction for the purpose of Installing
the recently elected officers.
On tho 13th ho was at Goulds
boro, at Newfoundland on tho 14th;
at Sterling on tho lGth; at Hamlin
on tho lGth; at Honesdale on tho
18th; at Lakovllle on tho 19th, nnd
will bo at Hawley to-night. He will
be at South Canaan on tho 23rd and
at Aldenvlllo tho following evening.
Deputy Grnnd MaBter Martin Is
not only an Odd Follow but a genial,
whole-hearted fellow whom It Is In
deed good to know, and his appoint
ment to tho high office ho now occu
pies was received with universal
favor. His visits to tho lodges in
tho Jurisdiction are eagerly awaited
and much Interest Is sure to be
aroused on such occasions,
$ai(5,(X)0 In twenty-eight minutes for Fifth
Jacob Geiser, of Scranton
caller in town yesterday.
was a
R. T. Whitney, of Scranton,
visiting Honesdale relatives.
Joseph A. Fisch of the Dime Bank,
was a Scranton visitor Sunday.
Dr. Noble, of Waymart, was a
professional caller In town on Mon
day. -
Robert Smith, of Big Pond, Pike
county, was in Honesdale on Mon
Joseph Graziano, of Carbondale.
is spending a few days in the Maple
Liouis uea, oi fort jervis, was a
caller in Honesdale Saturday and
k. w. uutterworth returned to
Carbondale after spending a few
days here on business.
A. S. Keyes ras returned to his
home at Lake Ariel after a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dorflinger, of
hite Miljs, Pa., are spending a
few days at the Hotel Wolcott in
New York City.
Samuel Katz, who is now in busi
ness in New York, Is spending a few-
days In town, preparatory to his
removal to the metropolis.
George Thomas returned to Car-
bondnlo Sunday accompanied by his
wife and little daughter Helen, who
spent the week In Honesdale
Emanuel Bodewald has moved his
family from Brooklyn to Honesdale
where he has accepted a position
with the Durland-Weston Shoe Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Berry and
Munson McDermott attended tho
funeral of the former's daughter-in-
law, Mrs. Charles Berry at Jessup,
Pa., on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Penwarden
and daughter, Emma Joyce, of Ash
land, Ky are visiting at the home
of the former parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Georgo W. Penwarden, of South
Main street.
New Testing Tower.
At- present there Is being con
structed at tho plant of the National
Elevator Company a tower approxi
mating one hundred feet in height,
which will be used In testing out im
proved elevator machinery known ns
the "Traction," which Is said to be
far superior to any now In use.
Prohibition Candidates.
Tho Prohibition party has filed
papers placing In nomination tho
following: A. V. Tyler, Damascus,
chairman; C. H. Allen, Calkins, sec
retary; W. H. Varcoe, Honesdale,
treasurer; delegates to State Con
vention, A. V. Tyler, Damascus; Rov.
J. B. Cody, Bethany, nnd Jonathan
Brown, Ariel. Thoy will also place
In nomination a full set of candi
dates, Including Congressman, State
Senator and Representative.
Supreme Court Affirms Judgment Im
pounding $135,000 In Bonds.
Washington, April 10. The United
States supreme court affirms the Judg
ment of the lower courts Impounding
$135,000 In bonds In the bauds of Lor
enzo D. Carter and I. Stanton Carter,
brother and uncle, respectively, of
former Captain Oberlln M. Carter, IT.
S. A., ns a part of tho funds the latter
received as a result of the conspiracy
to defraud the government lu connec
tion with harbor Improvements at Sa
vannah, Ga.
Carter has already served his flvo
years' sentence at Fort Leavenworth
prison, and Greeuo uud Gaynor, his
confederates, are now serving their
terms ut tho Atlanta poultentlary.
Testimony Presented Before Justice
Smith Was Remarkably Con
flicting. Following argument Tuesday
morning by tho counsel for the
prosecution and defense in tho case
of the ten striking glass cutters who
had been arrested for participating
In a march and alleged assault upon
members of the Demer family on
the evening of April 13th, Justice
Smith imposed a line of ?G and costs
upon John Goodllne, Charles Faatz,
Roy Williams, Jacob Letppe and
Jacob Storr. Lawrence Bauer, Lloyd
Danlelson, Olaf Highouse, Fred Mc
Ardle, and John Reed were discharg
ed. The case was threshed out In de
tail before Justice Smith at the
court house Monday afternoon, the
session lasting until nearly 5 o'clock,
at which time the opposing counsel
agreed to defer argument until
Tuesday morning at eleven o'clock,
when the above decision was ren
dered. The witnesses examined during
the progress of the case on Monday
gave widely conflicting testimony,
the replies nt times causing ripples
of merriment and whispers of doubt
among the hundreds of curious
spectators present.
The prosecution's Interests were
ably looked after by Attorney Iloff,
while the defendants had retained
Attorneys Salmon, Searle and Mum
ford. Tho prosecution opened with the
testimony of John H. Weaver and
his son, John, Jr., who related tho
incidents of the now famous march
of April 13th, together with the hap
penings along the line from the fac
tory to the Hotel Wayne. Cross
examinatlpn failed to shake their
testimony, (
Jacob Demer next took the stand
and told in detail the happenings or
the strenuous evening in question.
He stated that when he came out of
the factory he saw a mob of prob
ably 150 or 200 men congregated In
front of the building; that many of
the men uttered threats and cursed
him and his father. He said ho was
Jostled and pushed all the way to the
river bridge, at which point he had
practically to run the gauntlet. He
testlfled that he considered his life
and tho life of his father In grave
danger at the time. Witness also
told in a graphic manner of an as
sault made upon him by a man
named Madison, now In Philadel
phia, and the brutal treatment ac
corded his father when the vicinity
of the Hotel Wayno had been reach
ed. A sevore cross-examination fail
ed to shake the testimony of this
witness in any way but rather served
to bring out other points damaging
to the defense, among which was
that Roy Williams, one of the de
fendants, had seized him by tho
arm and threatened to do him fur
ther Injury.
Henry Demer was the next man
called to the witness chair and he
corroborated the testimony of tho
preceding witness In every detail.
He also testified that he saw Chas.
Faatz jump on his father's heels,
causing him to fall heavily while
near the Hotel Wayne. Ho also tes
tified to having heard many threats
of bodily harm, vile names and had
been told that the members of the
mob purposed throwing him from
the river bridge. He also identified
nearly all tho prisoners as members
of the crowd responsible for the
Philip Demer was the next wit
ness, corroborating the provlous
testimony and adding that John
Goodllne and Lawrenco Bauer had
(Continued on Page Five.)
Sister Rosa Makes Sister Josephine an
Aunt, to Her Vast Surprise.
Prague, Bohemia, April 10. The two
sisters Blazek, who are joined to
gether like the Siamese twins, have
entered a local hospital here, and oue
of them,, has become the mother
of a son.
The inseparable sister, Josephine, ex
pressed grout surprise at the unac
countable occurrence which made her
an aunt.
Joseph Leltor Sells His Illinois Mines.
Chicago, April 10. Joseph Lcltcr has
sold his mines at Zelgler, 111., which
cost him S2.000.000 and in which near
ly a hundred lives were lost during his
fight on tho miners' union, to the Bell
Zollcr company, which has made an
agreement with tho United Mlno Work
ers to hiro union men. rfho mines,
eealod for more than a year, will be