THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, ArilHi fl, 1010. -tow taiwr l?-m - HANDY BEEJIVE CARRIER. Get It Ready for Putting the Hive Out In the Spring. To make, a beo hive carrier similar to that shown In the accompanying Illustration, select two small saplings about six feet long and hew a Oat sur- TJSING THE BEH HIVE CARRIER, face on each 01 them. Nail a board four feet long and 12 Inches wide on each flat surface as Indicated. The saplings can be cut any desired length. Honey and Money. In the first place the honey bee are of far more value to the farmer than they are ereaited with. They aro worth more as pollenlzers for all clovers than the bumble bee. I have seen them on the tirst crop when 1 was cutting It for hay and If It is dry and the supply of blossoms short for the seed crop they will work on that as much as the bumble bee. writes J. C. in a bee journal. For ..i fruit crop they can't be beat They commence with the llrst blossoms on the peach, cherry, apple, raspberry, blackberry, and In fact with all kinds of fruit I have ever seen them gathering pol len on the corn tassels. Besides being good pollenlzers, they are as profitable In the way of money as almost any other stock, consider ing the amount o cost of outlay. Once you get your hives, with proper care they are no more trouble, only the time to get .h.i honey I prepare for wintering. I generally keep twelve colonies. They furnish us with honey three times a day the year round, and on an average get about 330 to J35 per year, which is the easiest money I get during the year. We can learn a valuable lesson by watching them in the way of Industry. Of courso they may eat some grapes, but there are more grapes rot on the vines than the bees destroy, so I don't consider It much loss after all. Some people are afraid of tbe jees, but if you get good Italians and behave properly, it 1e very seldom they will sting. I for one would much rather rob the bees than some people ana run the risk of getting hurt 1 find my bees are much easier to handle at extracting times than most others are. All farmers ought to keep enough bees to furnish them with honey the year round. It Is one of the jiost valuable articles that goes U the table. There are many things, too numerous to mention, that are of value to us all In the oney bee ao keep a few colonies, and havu all the honey the children can eat It Is more health ful than medicine. ' Bee Notes. There Is gooc' evidence that a swarm of bees may travel 46 to 50 miles. Two swarms are reported to have crossed Lake Erie at those dis tances respectively Beekeepers dirfc r In opinion as to the deslrablllt of shade over the hives. This difference may be ex plained by supposing that It makes but little diiference one way or the other. first class beekeepers bewail the swarming tendency, and Dr. C. C. Miller, of Illinois, has almost elimi nated It by special selection. Car ried through several generations spe cial selections will do most anything. We have two Lives this season with oilcloth on )p of the framed and fitting out so closely to the edge ot the hive that tr. bees could not scl the cover Some prefer this plan but we are better Impressed with the sealed cover. Fearlessness and painstaking gen tleness aro requisites in the success ful handling of bees. By thoroughly frightening the bees with smoke in the hivo and then shaking them off the frames into a dish-pan where they are tumbled toguther in confu sion, an expert ma gently schoop them up In bis . anils before an audi ence and pour them on Ills bare arms and head without harm. J iter not try It however, unless you aro an expert Northern beeKeenoio do not feel Bafe with less tha- L'& to 30 pounds of honey to the coinny for winter stores. As our cold reason is shorter, we may do with a little less. It Is also said that n mild climate takes less sustonance 1. ino bee. do not fly out too much. Overtime for Bee. "I have Just snipped my bees to California,' said a beekeeper. "My bees work overMme. No hibernating for them, "lu the spring 1 uud them down South, ana they toll like blazes among the Soutnorn Cowers. In summer I bring them here to the I'abi working them till the honeysuckle and the clover aro quite gone. The autumn season Unas them in Florida, whero the make a peculiarly -rich and aro matic honoy from the Florida flowers. California givos them all they can do in tho winter. "It's a Bplondid idea. Isn't It, to keep one's boos in a perpetual state of work? I got tho Idea from those hotel keepers of Europo who have winter hotels on the Riviera and sum mer hotels at Dinard or Trourlllo. My traveling bees yield thrice as much honey as stay-at-home ones," Wolf in the Fold The aftermath of the sun's depart ing glory was fading Into nahen hum, whllo over tha quiet rawidows crept luminous waves of mist, and the air grew chill. "A pretty night for fellow to sleep outdoors," muttered Lewis Gib Bon as ho trudged wearily along the lonely road, switching savagely at the clouds of restless Insects that warmed vegetation. "What's life anyway? I don't seem to got much out of It. It owes me a living and I'm going to wring It from tht pocket of the first likely looking person I meet" Just then the rhythmic beat of a horse's feet was audible and he stopped quickly behind a tree. A woman was driving leisurely toward him. Bho gave a frightened exclamation aa ho jumped out nnd seized the brldta, and he saw that she was a tiny creatur with a sweet, wrinkled face framed In a blur of silvery hair. "How you startled me!" sho pant ed. "I thought you were a tramp and It was -such a relief when I realised you were only a boy. Did you want a lift? Gefright In, there Is plonty of room." She cleared a space and much to his own surprise Lewis seat ed hlmsolf beside her. "Take tho reins, please," she said, slipping them Into his hands. "I am a trifle upset When you sprang out looking so big and fierce. In a flash I thought of highwaymen and all Borta of dreadfufl things. That Is whore I live," sho continued, pointing with a tremulous finger to a secluded farm house, flanked on one side by a with ered cornfield and on the other by a clump of blue-green pines. "If you are in no hurry and will put my horsp up for me I will mako some hot coffee." IxjwIs grunted assent, and after helping unload her numerous parcels, drove sulkily off to the barn. When a few minutes later he open ed the kitchen door he was greeted by a whiff of savory odors and a cheery voice cried: "That's right Come In. I nm frying you a bit of bacon. My boy, Willie, always relished it on a cold night. You put me in mind of him, although you are not the least alike. He was never strong nnd hearty ns you ore. Whenever I see a young boy I want to mother him for Willie's sake. After his death it seem ed ns though I couldn't go on living, but law, folks can't die honestly when they take a notion. Draw up your chair, the bacon Is done to a turn." Lewis obeyed, and while doing Jus tice to the nourishing food, listened silently to his voluble little compan ion's stories of her son. "When Willie died folks said I ought not live here alone. But it seemed as If I had lost him com pletely whenever I thought of giving up the farm though I suppose they were right. To tell the truth, I havo been rather scarry of late. To-night I'm all of a-tremblo; but I put it down to the turn you gave me. You see I was getting home from the bank aad had quite a sum of money about mo when you popped up on the road, and so my guilty conscience helped fright en me." She laughed and dartod at him a bright glance. "Willie was studying for the minis try and was the greatest boy to bring home folks in trouble or need. He fixed up a room for them, which he called 'the fold.' and someone was there most of the time. I havo never changed It, and If you will Bleep ir it to-night I will consider it a favor, as I feel edgey about being alone this evening." Lewis avoided the dove-like eyes turned gratefully toward him as he gave assent and followed her awk wardly up tho narrow stairs. When she left him he went around examining his unusual quarters. The dainty freshness of the room was a revelation to him. Above the snowy bed hung an Illuminated verso of scripture that reRd: "And other sheep I have, "which are not of this fold, thoin also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." Through the muslin curtains could be distinguished tho shadowy outlines of the solemn pines, which seemed to guard those within, and a nameless at mosphere of pence pervaded tho little room. "I'll be blowed If this don't take the plum of tho tree," he soliloqulied, half scornfuflly. "It beats anything I ever butt up against. That Willie must have been tho limit. I feel as If ho was around somewhere." Lewis blew out the light and plunged to bed. While he lay with closed eyolids, nlort to every sound, the door opened gently and his little hostess, tip-toeing to the bedside, spread a warm blanket over htm, and bending down brushed his forehead gently with her tender, mother Hps. "Poor fellow," she whispered to herself, as sho stole noiselessly away. Lewis lay motionless, nnd later lio mellow face of the moon rising be yond tho feathery pine-tops looked down upon a curious sight. From tho window a stealthy figure nwung outward, and grasping a limber branch was lowered cautiously to the ground, and the fold waa empty. On the table lay an open letter cer tifying that Lewis Gibson had served his full term of two yoaro tn tho Stato penitentiary and was thereby dis charged. At the bottom was mrawl ed In pencil: "I ain't fit for the fold 1 cum In it to steel yer money but yer queered we I wlsht I wus like yer willy you is the only pusun what ever klst mo 1 am goin to be square. Good bL Lewis Gibson." MARY McIN-NIS. CLASSIFICATION AND APPRAISE MENT. Tho undorslgncd duly appointed nnd qualified Appraiser of Mercantile Tnxcs for tho year 1010, makes tho following classi fication and appraisement of venders of merchandise. RETAIL. BERLIN. Dunn, Wm. II. Gen. Mdse. Hcssler, Geo. Gen. Mdse. Ives, Wm. Gen. Mdse. BETHANY. Fantz, J. H. Gen. Mdse. BUCKINGHAM. Cary, J. A Gen. Mdse. Farley, H. A. Gen, Mdse. Knnpp, H. Furniture. Lord, Cain Gen. Mdse. Lnyton, Job. Confectionery Lake, It. E. Gen. Mdse. Randall, John Gen. Mdse. Spencer, H. W. Flour nnd Feed. Starlight Dairy Co. Gen. Mdso. Woodmnnsee, C. E. Gen. Mdso. CANAAN. Lake Lodoro Imp. Co. Clgnrs. CHERRY RIDGE. Cobb, W. J. Gen. Mdse. Brown, F. C. Gen. Mdse. Bonear, R. B. Gen. Mdso. Rauschmeler, F. W. Feed Stnhl, Louisa Gen. Mdse. CLINTON. Clinton Creamery Co. Groceries. Fltze, M. D. Gen. Mdse. Gummoe, Wm. T. Feed & Flour. Horvntion, Jos. Gen. Mdse. Mills, Harry Gen. Mdse. Meul, H. J. Clgnrs. Plkn, John O. Cigars. DAMASCUS. Abraham, Geo. C. Furniture. Abrahnm, A. J. Gen. Mdse. Baehrcr, Henry Harness. Clark, C. E. Gen. Mdse. Canfleld, J. A. Phonographs. Decker, Julia Mrs. Gen. Mdsj. Fromer, T. J. Gen. Mdse. Gregg, C. G. Gen. Mdse. Gulnnip, W. B. Gen. Mdso. Hill, Joel G. Gen. Mdse. Hocker, F. J. Phonographs. Kays & Page Flour and Feed. Lovelnss, Isaac Flour and Feed. Pethick, .C. M. Gen. Mdse. Rutledge, Frank Gen. Mdse. Skinner, Core E. Gen. Mdse. Shenrd, Job. Tob. and Cigars. Tyler, F. B. Jewelry. DREHER. Bleseker, Andrew Clgnrs. Carlton, E. E. & Son Gen. Mdso. Ehrhnrdt, Jr., F. A. Harness. Ehrhnrdt, Sr., F. A. Gen. Mdse. Gilpin & Barnes Gen. Mdse. Lange, C. Gen. Mdse. Miller, H. R. Gen. Mdse. Robacker, II . E. Cigars. Somraer, F. C. Gen. Mdso. Selg, J. H. Mrs. Gen. Mdse. Smith, David B. Cigars. Smith, H. B. Cigars. Simons, Frank Meat. Waltz, F. D. Gen. Mdse. Wert, Chas. F. Cigars. DYBERRY. Bunnell, E. D. Cigars. Bates, J. T. Flour and Feed. Davis, R. Cigars. Hauser, J. J. Meats. Kimble, A. K. Cigars. Reifler & Sons Gen. Mdse. LEBANON. Rutledge, Renj. Gen. Mdse. HONESDALE. Ammer, J. G. Gen. Mdso. Abrams, A. W. Clothing. Buorkett, Henry Cigars. Brown, I. B. Clothing. Barheri, A. Confoctlonery. Bodie, J. A. Art Store. Bregsteln Bros. Clothing. Betz, C. M. Harness. Brady, J. T. Drugs. Brown, John Est. Furniture. Burnard, W. L. Gen. Mdse. Brooks & Marsh Groceries. Colocotronis, L. Confectionery. Chambers, O. T. Drugs. Crosby & McGinnls Gen. Mdse. Clark & Bullock Gen. Mdse. Dunkleberg, II. A. Mcnts. Dunning, C. L. Gen. Mdso. Dahlmeyer, Geo. & Co., Gen. Mdse. Dein, Chas. W. Meats. Dunn, J. P. Meats. Deitzer, Edward Footwear. Deck, H. Hardware. Erk Bros. Hardware. Eldred, Mrs. A. M. Art Store. Eberlmrdt, Jr. A. Cigars & Tob. Fround, Henry Groceries. Fisher, David Junk Dealer. Freeman's Store Clothing. Ferber Bros. Cigars & Tob. Flynn. F. F. Cigars. Gray, Chas. li. Drugs. Grand Union Tea Co. Tea & Coffee. Green, Mrs. Theresa Stationery. Galvin, Mich. ' Clgnrs. Gilbert & Sllsby Cigars. Helferich, L. A. Clothing. Ham, S. T. Harness. Hnrtung, Edward Meats. Hessler, W. G. Cigars. Hurley, E. Cigars. Hcuman, J. H. Cigars. Herrman, W. L. Gen. Mdse. Holl, E. & II. Gen. Mdse. Hiller, I. A. Gen. Mdso. Holbert, -It. L. Gen. Mdso. Herzog, Mrs. Cntherlno Meats Holbert, li. L. Feed & Hay. Igo, Marao A. Notions. Jadwin, C. C. Drugs. Jncobson & Co. Gen. Mdse. Jenkins, F. A. Music Katz Bros. Gen. Mdso. Krnft & Conger Coal. Klmblo, George li. Gon. Mdsev Kroll, Mrs. F. uen. Mdse. Kreltner Bros. Roofing Lord, F. W. Cigars. Lelno, A. M. Drugs. Llghthlzor, T. A. Footwcmr. Loercher, John Furniture. Lowe, Chris. Cigars. Loris, BenJ. Cigars. Moore, W. T. Furniture. Meyer, Herninn Cigars. Markoy, Chas. Hardware. McKonna & Sons Cooporngo. McGranaghan, Paul E. Cigars. McKonna, Miss Knthertno Notions. Mclntyro, W. J. Sowing Machines. Mlchols, F. W. Cigars. Monnor & Co. Gen. Mdso. Murray & Co. Hardware Marton, L. Oon. Mdso. Nellson, J. B, Notions. O'Connoll, T. D. Clgnrs. Petorson. Chas. Jowolry. Poll, G. W. Drugs. Polt, W. C. Oysters. Roadkntght. W. B. Cigars. Rupport, Fred Confectionery. Rlchonbacker'a Pharmacy Drugs. Rolf, W. J, Footwear. Roeschlau, (1. Footwear. Rtdgeway. U. G. Art Store. Rettovr, Droa. Hardware Plnnos. Footwear, , Confectionery. , Millinery: Jewelry. Hnrdwaro. Schoell, Fred C. Cigars. SharpBteln & Bro. J. N, Tob. & Cig. Skollv. Mrs. John Clears. Susnltsky & Co., M. Stegner, J. H. Smith & Co., C. W. Smith, E. T. Sommers, G. P. Schuorholz, F. W. Schwenkcr, G. G. Swingle, L. B. Smith, Magglo Taeubner, A. R. Theobald, John Tcrwllllger. F. G. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Crockory. Wagons. Jewelry. Clgnrs. Bakery. Furniture. Cnndy. Clgnrs. Cigars Gen. Mdse. Weaver, C, J. Cigars. Wavne Co. Co-oneratlvo Assn. Gen, Mdse. Wenigor, L. C. Cigars. Weaver, John Cigars. Weaver, O. G. Jewelry. Watts, Graham Hardware. IIAWLEY. Atkinson & Qulnncy Bnbcock, O. E. Barrett. M. R. Ulgart, Homer S. Bower, P. J. Baschon, Lena Curran, John Corcoran, M. Drake, James F. Deitzer, Mrs: Mnry Evcrding, John Gen. Mdse. Harness. Groceries. Groceries. Groceries. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Groceries. , Cigars. Groceries Groceries. Cigars. Hardware. Footwear. Cigars. Art Store. Cigars. Clothing. Cigars. Cigars. Cigars. Groceries Millinery. Cigars. Clothing. Feed & Flour. Foster. Frank Frank, A. II. Gulnn Bros. Goldback, Edwin GeiBler, Louis Hen sol, L. Kumfert, Fred. Kerber, A. J. Kearney, P. H. Kohlmnn, George Lehmann, C. Lynch, Michael Langan, C. E. McDonald, C. C. Miller, S. Matter & Son, G. Mayer, Mary Cigars. Mnnimn 1T!ai!itfl. Mrs. Thos. Gen. MdS McDonald, F. H uiotning. Meats. Confectionery. Confectionery. Jewelry. Jewelry. Cigars. Confectionery. Meats. Harness. Cigars. Confectionery. Drugs. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Clothing. Drugs. Clothing. Clothing. Furniture. Gen. Mdse. Groceries. Gen. Mdse. Nell, C. P. Nallin, M. J. Lobb & 'Jacobs Oberle, Carl Phillips, Lewis Palmer & Peters Pelltz, L. H. Peopple, Fred Relneke, Fred Reailer, Martin Racker, Carl Snyder & Freethy Swingle, F. F. Schlager, E. L. Skier, M. D. Snyder & Freethy Skier, Benj. Skier, Jos. Teeter, R. Est. Tuttlo & Co. F. L. Thompson, George S Von Francic, iienry Vogler, E. Wntts & Son, G. Wolf. W. Welsh & Ames Watterson, Mary A. Warg, R. F. Wetzel, Aug. Wick, Gustavo LAKE Black, E. J. Brown, Jonothon Bortree & Son S. C. Flour & Feed. Hardware. Clothing. Gen. Mdse. Groceries. Footwear. Meats. Meats. Gen. Mdse. Footwear. Flour & Feed. Gen. Mdso. Tinware. Cigars. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Clothing. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Cigars. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse Bortree, Mrs. E. N. Collins, G. G. Howe, P. T. Klzer, Leslie Keyes & Son A. S. Lonstein, Samuel Masters. C. A. Mandeville, Geo. A. O'dell, L. J. Polley, S. H. Schaffer, O. W. Simons, E. W.. Samson & Cook LEHIGH Carr & Co. W. L. Crrra 1 TV Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Delroff! Frederick Candy & Cigars. m w r Meats. Garago'n. C. W. Cigars.! Harvey, W. L. Lumber. Mathews & Sons C. P. Flour & Feed Rhodes, A. L. Gen. Mdse. Reaser, A. B. Cigars. Smith, M. E. Gen. Mdso. MANCHESTER. Block,-Wm. A. Cigars. Bullock Estate John Gen. Mdse. Emerich. Wm. F. G. Cigars. Hornbeck, J. K. Feed Ac Coal Harford, J. W. Meats. Kellam, H. P. Gen. Mdse. Lord, Isaac Gon. Mdse. Stalker, D. M. Gen. Mdso. Teoplo, E. Gon. Mdso. Weitzer. Hymnn Gon Mdso. MOUNi PLEASANT Byron, M. J. Gen. Mdso. Brain Bros. Gon. Mdse. Breiiuan, J. D. Gen. Mdse. Bonham, C. V. Gen. Mdse. Bunnell, 1. W. Cigars. Fowler Ac Sponcer Feed. Giles, R. W. Gen. Mdso. Miller, O. C. Gen. Mdso. O'Hnra, M. L. Furniture O'Neill, F. J. Cigars. Porliain, J. .1. Farm Imp. Tiffany. J. E. Gen. Mdso. OREGON. HlghhoiiBe, C. L. Flour & Feed. Knorr, Fred Meats. Punwarden, E. D. Gen. Mdso. PALMYRA. ' Schmltt. P. F. Cigars. PAUPAO. Goble, A. Cigars and Candy. PRESTON. Dix. II. A. Gen. Mdse Dutnond, J. G. Hnckett, Co E. Gon. Mdse, Flour & Feotl. Gen. Mdso. Farm Imp. Gen. Mdso. Cigars. Cigars. Feed. Clgnrs. Coal. Clgnrs. Gon. Mdso. Gon, Mdso, Hlno. A. F. Hlno, Stanley Howell & Co. Hnrry Healy, Wm. J. - , Loltlngor, M. J. Lewis, J. W. Mndlgnn, P, McLean, 13. F. Slllsbeo, S. C. Sampson & Dix Tiffany, F. W. Woodmnnseo, S. PROMPTON, Dymond, J. B. Snedoker, A. E. SCOTT, Corey, MrB. S. A. Scott Chom'l Co. Tnrbox. Mrs. L. J. Gon. Mdso. Gon. Mdse, Gen. Mdso, Gon. Mdso. Gon. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. STARRUCOA. CnlJendor, S. L. Farm Imp. Erk, Mrs. Fred Gen. Mdso. Richmond, J. E. Smith, J. II. Schuller, F. F. Spruks, Mrs. S. E. Spencer Sc. Co. C. Spcttlgue, O. M. Koohler, O. E. lUrdwaro. Lnrnbco, A. W. Flour & Feed. Woodmnnsee, John Cigars. SALEM. Andrews, Geo. C, Hardware Alt & Son W. II. Farm Imp. Chumard, W. E. Farm Imp, Dlorenflcld, Jos. Gen. Mdse Elliott, J. E. Gen. Mdse Edwards, D. W. Jewelry. Footo, Ralph ClgarB. Goodrich, Florence Farm Imp. Hamlin, B. F. Gon. Mdse. Kellam. C. F. Gen. Mdse Lorlng, C. M. Furniture. Nicholson, II. F. Cigars. Potter, E. H. Gen. Mdse Surrldge, . II. Flour & Feed. Soscnhnmcr, John Farm Imp. Simons, C. L. Gen. Mdse. Savltz, Wm. Gen. Mdso. Stevens, W. A. Drugs. Wllllnms, 1. G. Gen. Mdse SOUTH CANAAN. Bentham, John Cigars. Benjamin, Irwin Gen. Mdse Bone, W. J. Meats. Bang, E. O. & S. A.. Drugs. Cook, A. M. Drugs. Hinds, M. M. Gen. Mdse Lockwood, H. S. Gen. Mdse Morlthew, A. L. Gen. Mdso. Shaffer, C. C. Gon. Mdse Shaffer, W. R. Gen. Mdse Swingle, Darius Gen. Mdse Shaffer, F. M. Gen. Mdse. Spangenberg, E. D. Farm Imp. STERLING. Cross, A. J. Gen. Mdse Cross, J. E. Gen. Mdse Cross, S. N. Gen. Mdse. Hnrtford, F. L. Gen. Mdse Howe, A. C. Farm Imp. TEXAS. Austin, J. M. Cigars. Beck, Jacob Cigars. Bishop, H. T. Gen. Mdso Bangert, John Gen. Mdse. Brown, Minor Gen. Mdse Bellman, J. H. Gen. Mdse Christ, Wm. Footwear. Dunkleberg, E. Gen. Mdse Gill, Thomas Cigars. Gavltt, E. B. Drugs. Hook, C. J. Cigars. Herrman ce Son, M. Wngons. Kranz, Fred Cigars. Mundy, James Cigars. Irving Cliff Bottling Works Cigars. Murphy, C. H. Cigars. Meyer, May Cigars. Meyer, George Cigars. Neimoyer, Wm. Cigars. Potter, David . Cigars. Rutledge, Benj. Flour & Feed. Smith, John C. Cigars. Skelly, E. T. Gen. Mdse Schmitt. P. J. Meats. Smith Ac Son G. Gen. Mdse. Seelig, B. & C. Gen. Mdse. Tuman, Joseph Confectionery. Werner, Fred Gen. Mdse. White Mills Coal Co. Coal. Weber Bros. Confectionery. Wolfson. Morris Shoes. Wayne Milling Co. Flour & Feed. WAY MART. Batten, Robert Farm Imp. Denk, .1. C. Cigars. Decker, J. W. Gen. Mdse. Dyniond. j. B. Gen. Mdse. Hiues, F. S. Gen. Mdse Hull Bros. Farm Imp. Keen, J. B. Flour & Feed. Medland, T. L. Harness. Mitchell, W. J. Cigars. Pierson, W. W. Gen. Mdse. Varcoe, F. R. Gen. Mdso. WHOLESALE: HONESDALE. Atlantic Refining Co. Oil. IS mm ALCOHOL 3 PER ni-NT AVegefaWeErepara(ionEr,s slmilaiirtfj theFoodarsIRcgula ting Uie Stomachs andfloweJs cf MM Promotes DiiestionjChff tful- ncss and Rest.Contalns rtfitor OpiuntIorphine norMiaenl. Not Narcotic. flmia Seed" jtb&Staa IFtmtSerd haaprmt&mr. mm 111 m Aperfect Remedy for Conslljia t toa , Sour StoKiach.lJiarrhOT Worms .ConvulsiensJ'everisfl ncss aralLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of D h Ml NEW YORK. in mm, wm Exact Copy of Wrapper. " Brady, J. T. Drugs. Durland & Weston Shoe Co. Footwoar. Fround, Henry Gen. Mdso. Holmes, W. U. Flour & Feed. Krnft & Conger Coal. Murray Co. Hardware Terrell J. Oscar Grocerlos. Wayno Milling Co. Flour Ac Feed. MANCHESTER. Atlantic Refining Co. oil. PRESTON. Hackett & Co., E. E. Flour & Feed. TEXAS. Smith & Son G Dairy Produce RESTAURANT. EATING HOUSE, CAFE, ETC. HONESDALE. Coston, G. D. Heumnn, John. BILLIARD, POOL & ALLEYS. BERLIN. Ives, Wm. Four Alloys. Wood, Wm. F. Four Alloys. Miller, E. Four Alloys. HONESDALE. Shnrpsteln & Bro. J. W. One Table Theobald, John One Table HAWLEY. Palmer & Peters One Table. BROKERS, AGENTS OR FACTORIES. Schleupncr, John Real Estate An appeal will bo held at tho County Treasurer's office on Wed nesday, April 20th, 1910, between the hours of 10 n. m. and 2 p. m. II. C. JACKSON, Mercantile Appraiser. Roll of HONOR Attention is called to tne STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York Citv has published a ROLL Or HO'NOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this tint the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands KM in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wavr.e County. Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00 ! Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 , Honesdalc, Pa., May 23, 1908. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CINTAUN COM FA NY, HZW YOUR CITY. KRAFT & CONGER MM HONESDALE, PA. Represent Reliable Companies ONLY Signature yM h JA In T For Over Thirty Years i nnn i it N HAN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers