JLHK CITIZISN, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1010. THE CITIZEN PUBU8IIKD RVRRT WKHMESDAT AND FRIDAY lit THE CITIZEN l't)BL181IIK0 COMPANY. Entered as second-clans mntte.r, nt the post ntllcc. lloucsdale. 1'n. subscription ii.eo , K. It. UAKDKNltKHGlt, P11KSIHKNT W. W. WOOD. - - MANAQKlt AND SKC'Y DIHECTOllB! c. n. Donri.wuKii. m. it. ai.liw. OINRY WILSON. It. It. IIARDRNMIROH. W. W, WOOD. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, HMO. Tho very worst of the gosslpora nro those who gather up all the harsh things that have been said about you anil bring them to you all tho things said against you or against your fam ily, or against your style of business. They gather them all up and bring them to you In the very worst shape; they bring them to you without nny of the extenuating circumstances, and nftor they have made your feel ings all raw, very raw, they take this brine, this turpentine, this aquafor tis, and rub it in with a coarse towel, and rub It in until it sinks to tho bone. They make you tho pin cush ion In which they- thrust all the sharp things they over heard about you. "Noty don't bring me into no tice. Now don't tell anybody I told you. Let it be between you and me. Don't involve me in It at all." They aggravate you to the point of pro fanity and then they wonder you cannot sing psalm tunes! They turn you on a spit before a hot firo and wonder why you are not absorbed in gratitude to them. Peddler of night shade! Peddlers of Canadian this tle! Sometimes they get you in a corner where you cannot very well escape without being rude, and they tell you all about this one, and all about the other one, and they talk, talk, talk. After awhile they go away, leaving the place looking like a barnyard after the foxes and weasles have been around; here a wing and here a claw, and yonder an eye and there a crop destruction everywhere. Strayed An old-fashioned spring not a bed-spring or n hand spring but an old-fashioned season of blooming roses and budding trees and glorious sunshine; an old-fashioned spring with white washed fences and bare-foot boys and clover bloom and bay colts and bumble bees' nests;" an old-fdshloncd season with farmers scouring their plows In the highways and the household ' goods scattered over the front porch; an old-time season with housewives marching through vacant rooms with their heads tied up and scrub brushes in their hands; with husbands slamming gates behind them and marching down town for cheese lunches; an old time spring with one poor boy making a ten foot onion bed and seventeen hard hearted neighbor boys passing by with Ashing rods on their shoulders. When last seen, the spring above de scribed was going south on a freight train wrapped In a shiver and a mufiler. tier nose was blue and she had her hands in her pockets. Re turn, oh! wanderer return! Come back and no questions will be asked. Heturn and view our lay out. Our angle worms are hanging near tho lire and so are our flower beds and sky blue pants. Wo are talking in deep bass and there is a red llannel rag around our throat. Tho neigh bors arc busy rolling n boy around on a keroseno barrel who skated through an air hole on tho swim ming pond. Our onions set, but froze on tho nest and the cord wood haul ers aro holding a convention in the timber. Return and let us linger in your lap. Denver News. ' TOO MUCH STUDY. With our school children bending over school benches tho first week of September, not to stand up straight again till July blows her hot furn ace; with the teacher, almost ap palled, addressing herself to tho year's work that lies beforo; with tho severe demands that our mod ern educational processes mako up on ono side of tho boy's nature, leav ing his other sldo severely alone, wo aro bringing up a raco of nbnor mally devoloped children, sharpened at ono corner and rounded off at nil tho others, tho beginning of tho school year may well carry tho measure of terror that it does for so many. Wo need to give less tlmo to mental cram and cerebral culture, nnd moro to rounding or developing tho boy or girl; and so' education would become less tho awful task that tho young student finds It to be and life would loso nothing of Im portance and high purpose in adding to tho sum of Its 'zest, . Tho base ball season Is again at hand. The essential apparatus of baso ball is Blniple and Inexpensive. All thnt Is required Is a ITold, a stick, tho ball itself and police protection for umpire. One ndvantago of tho game as played professionally Is that those sitting In tho grand stand can play the game a great deal better than tho olghteen men on tho dia mond. It Is also true that any ono of tho spectators, even though perch ed on a telephone polo across tho street or looking through a knothole In the fence beyond right, field, can Judge of the pitcher's skill or tho runner's fleotness much moro Intelli gently than the arbiter who stands behind tho battery. Tho great merit of the game Is that the people can participate In It. It is not like bridge whist. Its science Is not synonymous with silence. The thing to do is to tnke off your coat and root as long and ns loudly as you can, oven if you don't know what Is happening. TIIK MUCH ABUSKI) TARIFF. We have always hold that the for eign shipper pays tho tariff and it looks as If we were right. The tariff on hides was not taken off with any reference to "contributing to tho cam paign funds." The tariff was taken off as a concession to Senator Cum mins and other Free-Traders from cattle producing States. They want ed no Protection and got none. They argued thnt free hides would give the people cheaper leather and thus re lieve them from paying the tax. They got free hides, but leather Is not cheaper. The duty on a hide came to about $1. The Government got the $1. Some one paid It. With hides on the free list the Government gets noth ing. No one pays the dollar. Amer ican tanners pay the same prico for imported hidds, therefore they are relieved from no tax. If the importer did not take the $1 tut of the price paid on the hide when dutiable and does not save the $1, no bookkeeping will trace the money. The Free-Trader says, Take the duty off and the imported things will be cheaper and the cost of living will bo. less. The duty is off hides, but the imported goods are not cheaper nor the cost of living less. It Is eight months since the duty was taken off, and still prices are the same. Hides are not singular in this re spect. The duty on lumber Is less, the cost of lumber higher. Tariffs were reduced on sugar, corn, meal, salt, lard, starcJi, cream, dried peas, cabbage, green peas, barley, pork, ham, beef, mutton, veal (all neces sities), and all aro dearer than be fore. The tariff was increased on pineapples, figs, dates, hops, split peas, chicory, lemons, graped, buck wheat Hour (not necessities), but prices aro the same as bofore. Free-Traders have chewed on these facts for half a century, but their milk teeth are too soft to masticate the hard facts and their stomachs too weak to digest them. Tho Cal houn-Bryan school of statesmanship lays every trouble on the tariff. Meanwhile under Republican Tariff Protection the industries of the U. S. have always flourished, and under Free-Trade languished. Under Free Trade, foreign producers have been able to impose what prices they lik ed on us, but under Protection we. have built up competition In home production and forced foreign mono polies to give us goods nt fair prices. Hides aro a dry subject for Free Truders. Free hides are skinning their theories to the bone. AGAINST STRIKE LOSSES. Germany Has System of Insurance for Employers. Insurance against strike losses is an Institution of recent dato In Ger many, whites Consul Albert of Bruns wick. The numerous strikes which have taken place in this country havo caused industrial employers to use all means for self-protection and self-preservation against tho nttneks of labor. While tho workmen must suffer deprivation during a strlko, they have nothing to lose. When the funds of tho union aro exhausted, tho striker Is supported by contribu tions from other labor organizations. Severe material damage is dono tho employer by a strike. Tho factory lies Idle and suffers depreciation from wunt of uso. Production ceases anil the employer In these days of keen competition Is exposed to tho danger of being driven out of tho market which ho has with dllllculty acquired. As tho stoppago of work generally takes place at times of greatest prosperity, when orders are most numerous, ho Is likely to loso nil his custom to competitors. This unfavornblo position of In dustry ns compared with labor, which is supportod by its system of organization lias brought about In dustrial lnsuranco against loss by strikes. Tho extent to which It pre vails may bo Judged from, official statistics just published. According to the bureau of statistics, there aro In nil forty-eight companies, namoly, thirteen strike-Indemnity insurance coinpnnlcs, twenty-six employers' as sociations for strlko Insurance and nine in whjch indemnity 1b, from oc casion to occasion granted. Tho conditions under which a strlko Indemnity nro pold Is different in tho sevoral companies. Assist ance Is granted in case of strikes and generally In lockouts. Hut this Is subject to fixed conditions, tho most Important of which Is thnt the stop page of work has not been produced by tho fault of the employer himself. The obligations of the companies or associations to tho members begin nftcr a fixed Interval, in most cases threo months, but many vary up to tho year. The regulations nro also different as to whether after tho lapBO of this period relief shall be granted from the first day of tho breaking out of the strike or only nfter a later Juncturo or period. Some of tho companies mako the granting of tho indemnity upon furth er conditions, for instance, tho num ber of, tho strikes. Tho wholo Institution, however, is still in its infancy. The number of its adherents, nevertheless, Increases from year to year, showing Its econ omical usefulness. The fact that It strengthens the position of the em ployer against the attacks of labor is evidenced" by the diminished num ber of strikes, with their unhappy consequences. OBITUARY. R Y A N Mrs. James Ryan, a well known resident of Fermoy, this county, died at Emergency hos pital, Scranton, Tuesday evening. She was in a serious condition when ndmitted and she steadily grew worse. Mrs. Ryan was fifty-live years of age and had resided In Wayne county for a number of years. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Cody. She is survived by her husband and several children. The remains were be taken to the home of her sister, Mrs. James Fitzsimmons, on Brook lyn street, on Wednesday, and the funerai took' place on Thursday at 9:l.r o'clock. A requiem mass was celebrated In St. Rose church and In terment was made In the Canaan cemetery. ALASKA ONE DIC; MONEY IM)A Ksllnuites of Its Wealth Which Reach $1,500,000,000,000. "A table of statistics shows Alas ka's wealth to be anywhere from fif teen billion dollars to a trillion and a half," says Hampton's Magazine. It sounds more as If the results came from several tables of guesses in stead of statistics, but the figures are big any way you take them. "An Alaskan said recently that the only two persons who really know anything about Alaska are the Almighty and Alfred H. Brooks," says tho writer. "The latter is a member of the United States Geolo gical Survey and ve have what he knows about Alaska. "Mr. Brooks says that only '20 per cent, of Alaska has been surveyed at all. That is, only this much has been passed over even In reconnois sance surveys, which barely divide vast stretches according to their geological character. Survey in de tail has covered less than 1 per cent, of tho territory. "This affords at least some basis for an estimate. What is known of that 1 per cent.l added to what Is known of a patch here and there, suggests the possibilities for the rest. "There is sound reason to believe there is ?50Q,OQO,000 worth of placer gold In Alaska. There may bo a hundred or a thousand times that amount. "As for lode gold mining thero is practically only one deep gold mine being worked In Alaska, tho Tread well tho Rothschilds are said to control that and it has produced so far ?30,000,000. There may bo at least $G2G,000.000 lode gold In Alaska. "As for copper, this one item alone will some day make a big crop of Alaskan millionaires. The Govern ment survey exports say: 'It is im possible to estimate the copper ro sorves.' Others say there Is another Montana there, nnGther Arizona. "In coal tho official Government figures can bo definitely obtained. The coal areas known at this time aggregate 1,238 square miles, three times the area of Pennsylvania's coal bearing fields and much of Alaska's coal equals or bettors Penn sylvania's In quality. In unsurveyed areas thero are some fifty thousand squaro miles of coal bearing lands. Mr. Brooks's lowest estimate of Alaska's coal reaches tho stupendous total of 15,104,000,000 tons, and ho ndds, it would bo conservative to multiply this figure by ten, or ovon a hundred. "Thero are thousands of tons of other minerals, silver, quicksilver, tin, lead, Iron. There is also pe troleum. Thero may bo vast quanti ties of oil under largo areas. Of sil ver 1,817,000 ounces havo been tak en out. Iron abounds. "Ono great source of wealth- sealing has been exhausted already, Tho total on this slnglo Item reaches tho amazing figure of $125,000,000 tiio salmon industry produces a value of $10,000,000 every year. "it is estimated thnt thero nro 37,000,000,000 feet of saw timbor In Alaska; probably thore is twlco that much. Thero aro agricultural and grazing lands that may some day support a population of ten mil lion." Menner & Co. will closo out a lot of odd skirts, suitable for work skirts, at Igbb than half price. 4w KRIFS SUCCNSSFUL WINTER WORK. Under the unremitting efforts of Presldont Underwood nnd Vice President Stuart of tho Erie railroad, thnt road Is being brought up to a standard of operating oillclency hardly thought possible, for tho property some few years ago. Dur ing tho snow storms of the past win ter, the Westorn press was unani mous in commending tho Erlo man agement for Its ability to keep traf fic moving when most other roads were severely crippled. One of the severest tests which tho efficiency of Its operating force was called upon to meet was during the recent high water throughout New York and Pennsylvania, In March. At tho classification yards at Meadvllle, Pa the tracks for a mllo and a half were under two feet of water, yet traffic was handled without any appreciable delay or disturbance. In photographs taken at the time, the engines are seen running through water which nearly" roadbed up to tho lire boxes, engineers were tak en out to their engines in boats, men were wading in water consid erably over their knees, switch locks wore submerged nnd floating buoys were used to designate their loca ton. In the face of these conditions tho company handled over 1,000 cars In nnd out of tho yard dally for tho four days during which those conditions existed, and most of the traffic was handled on schedule time. Wall Street Journal. REPUDIATION OF THE CONSTI TUTION. ! Democratic representatives in the Maryland legislature unanimously decided to Ignore tho fifteenth amend ment in all state and local elections by refusing the negroes the right to register, thereby eliminating them frpm the voting population. The Democrats have a three-fifth major ity In both branches of tho Legisla ture. The Republicans bitterly denounce the action of the Democrats and say that party lias put itself on record squarely against the constitution of the United States. It Is tho most drastic step in recent American his tory the Republicans assert, and not since the war between the states has there been an act which so strongly asserted the discarded doctrine of states' rights. The Republicans say the action of the Democrats in caucus is to be fol lowed by the passage of a new gen eral registration law for next year and by legislation preliminary to the submission of a suffrage amendment next year which will practically amount to a repudiation of the con stitution of the United States, on a par with the threatened nullification by South Carolina over seventy years ago. Not only will the Repub licans fight the measures in the legis lature, but will fight them desperate ly 'before the people and In the courts. TO CALIFORNIA and PACIFIC COAST POINTS $10.50 Via Erie Railroad. Ask Ticket Agent for particulars, lwto Ap. 0. The spring gloves in a large va riety can be found at Menner & Co. 25eol w4. Scene from MOLLY DAWN, produc ed by tho Chauncey Kelffer Co. at tho Lyric Theatre next week. Stomach flisery Get Rid of Tlmt Sourness, Gas ami Indigestion. When your stomach Is out of ordqr or run down, your food doesn't di gest. It ferments In ypur stomach and forms gas which caiiBes sour ness, heartburn, foul breath, pain nt pit of stomach and many other mis erable Bymptoms. Ml-o-na stomach tablets will glvo joyful rellof In five minutes; if taken regularly for two weeks they will turn your flabby, sour, tired out stomach into a Bweet, energetic, per fect working ono, You can't bo very Btrong and vig orous If your food only half digests. Your appetlto will go and nausoa, dizziness, biliousness, nervousness, sick headache nnd constipation will follow. Ml-o-na stomach tnblets aro Bmall and easy to swallow and aro guaran teed to banish indigestion nnd nny or all of the above symptoms or money back. Fifty cents a largo box. Sold by druggists everywhere and by G. W. Pell. For constipation" there is rjo rem edy so satisfying ns Booth's Pills 25 cents. STATE MODEL ORCHARDS. Farmers anil Frult-GrowcM to be Shown Methods mill Taught, Principles of Orchard Man agement. Tho residents of this county aro about to bo shown the most approv ed methods of horticultural manage ment nnd suppression of Insect pests and fungous diseases thnt damage and destroy frultB and trees. Tho localities where demonstrations will bo given and dates of these meetings will be found below, on which oc casion at least two exports, from tho Division of Zoology of tho Depart ment of Agriculture will be present to give practical instruction. Prof. Surface, State Zoologist, expects to bo present nt one or moro of tho meetings held In this county. A section of the orchard In which these public meetings will bo hold will bo conducted ns a permanent Model Orchard nnd at the first meet ing trees will bo pruned, sprayed,, and perhaps planted. Insect pests and I fungous diseases Identified, different I types of apparatus shown, and lect ures delivered and questtons ans-1 wered. Everybody Interested In fruit culture and in saving tho trees j from injury, whether by Insects or diseases, should attend the meeting nearest his homo; and, also, take with him specimens of pests for iden tification. It Is understood that any questions asked ns to such pests and on orchard management will be cheerfully answered. The places whore meetings are scheduled in this county next week will be on the afternoon of the dates given herewith. Should the weather prove unfavorable they will be post poned to the following day: Monday, April 4, orchard of Chas. McKinney, near Gravity. Wednesday, April G, orchard of J. P. Warwick, near Inglehart. Monday, April 11, orchard of Hull Brothers, near Waymart. OUR FIRST CENSUS. In 1790, when the first census was taken, the people of this coun try numbered less than 4,000,000; at the taking of tho sixth census, In 1S40, the population had grown to more than 17,000,000. Our frontier by 1840 had been pushed across the Mississippi Valley to the western borders of Arkansas and Missouri and well Into Iowa and Wis consin. Ten million people dwelt on the Atlantic slope, C.OOu.OOO In the Misssisslppl Valley and 1,000,000 on the Gulf slope. New York had surpassed Philadelphia and was our greatest city. It had more than 300,000 Inhabitants. It was the great center on this continent of trade, commerce, finance and wealth. $100 REWARD, 5100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that .science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posi tive cure now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying tho foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. THE SPINAL COLUMN. The spinal column, or backbone, is the most ingenious engineering structure over constructed. It con tains within its center the spinal canal, Injury to which would pro duce In us immediate paralysis or death The separate bones of tho spinal column are fitted and adjusted so nicely that thero Is no danger to this, and, besides being provided with cushions, it is elastic and strong. An engineer could not do bettor than to study this remarkable Invention for pointers In bridge nnd houso building. It Is the acme of scienti fic construction. W. B. HOLMES, Phesidknt. A. T. SEA RLE, Vick Pm;s. We want yon to understand the reasons for the AJJSOIA'TK SKCUIt 1TY of thin Bank. WAYNE COUNTY HONE SD HAS A CAPITAL OF - AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF MAKING ALTOGETHER EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost beforo any depositor can loso a PENNY. It has conducted a growing nnd successful business for over 515 yours, serving an increasing number of customers with Ildeelitv and satisfaction. Its cash funds aro protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative, nmnneement, Insured by the OAKKKUL I'KHSONAL ATTKNTION constantly given the jwhk 8 nuairs nyn nouiniy uma til mat suri(t.MK sa f.i i wnicji Hunk. Total Assets, tST DEPOSITS MAY -DIRECTORS (MIAS.J.SMITII, Il.J.CONOKK. w f. auyuAU. n. HOLM R 3 A. T. SKAUI.K T. U. CLARK AFRAID OF THE COMET. Tho fear of nn Impending collision between the enrth and Halley's comet gavo rise to extraordinary happen ings last weok at Nagy St. Mlklos, a village in Hungary. The word had gono round thnt tho day of Judg ment was at hand, and when a night watchman in tho early hours of tho morning perceived a red glow In tho sky caused by n firo In a neighbor ing village ho gave a blast on his horn and cried the terrifying mes sage thnt tho Inhabitants must pre pare for tho worst. Men, women nnd children tumbled out of bed Into tho open, and Father KrlstofTsky, the old village pastor, after scanning the firmament, also camo to tho conclusion that tho world was coming to an end. Ho comforted his flock and exhorted all to wait their fato with resigna tion. It was, he said, only a matter of a few hours now. The people were somewhat paci fied and with ono accord decided that they might ns well finish oft what food and drink they possessed. Ac cordingly great fires were lit on the square fronting tho church and a feasting began. A few lamented, others prayed, but the vast major ity were Intent on having a good tlmo while it lasted. As the dread moment approach ed the revelry became an orgy; all prudence was thrown to tho winds; the fiery wine of tho country did the rest and soon thero was not a sober head among them. They sang and danced till they dropped and slept where they lay. The sleepers awoke In bright sun shine and finding the old world still rolling on as usual they unanimous ly cursed the comet for not doing its duty, especially when they realized that their larders and cellars were empty. What an Old Subscriber Says. Murphysboro, 111., Mar. 26, 1910. W. W. Wood, Dear Sir: Enclosed find money order for $1.50 to renew my sub scription. "The Citizen" has come to me regularly for forty-five years. Cannot do without It. Yours truly, Somo single suits to clean up stock, at Menner & Co.'b store, will bo sold out regardless of cost. 4w THE NOBBY LONG COATS - - AT - - enner & Cos Stores Are Suitable for Real Stylish Weai II. S. SALMON. Casiiikb W. J. WARD. Ass't Cashier SAVINGS BANK ALE, PA., 100,000.00 a94.00o.0o 494.000,00 iionru oi mrwtorsassnrns luepturoua is me prime essential or a good $2,886,000.00 BE MADE BY MAIL, -a I' V. KIMBI.K II. d. SALMON