The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 01, 1910, Image 3

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    T1IK CITIZEN, FltlDAY, AIMHIi 1, 1010.
Attempt to Identify Him al
Insurance Inquiry.
$1,500 Asked From President oi
Phenix Company to Help he
Campaign Fund of "Our
Friend In Saratoga."
Now York. March 21. The nniiio oi
Senator Hrackott wns mentioned with
great frequency nt the Insurance hear
ing when Superintendent lloichklsf
tried to find out from William II
Buckley, legislative agent for insur
ance companies at Albany, If Sjeiiutni
IlracKett was not the person referred
to in some correspondence that was
read as "our friend Senator 1$.," "tin
Saratoga party" and "our Saratoga
Huckley had had trouble beating
Senator Jtrackctt's resolution intro
duced In the session of 11MKJ dlreetlnp
the Investigation of lire Insurance rate?
In this state. The letters covered the
session of 100-J. That year Mr. Hack
ley wanted $1,500 from George P. Sliel
don. the president of the l'henlx. and
the chairman of the law and leglsla
tive committee of the New York board
of underwriters, to help the campaign
fuud of "our friend In the Saratoga
Mr. Sheldon had suggested after tin
1004 session was out of the way that
It would be a good plan to aid tilings
in the fall election of that year In somt
of the senatorial districts. Huekle.t
didn't approve of this plan very much
because, lie said, "our friends forget
they had been helped when the vri-
come." He said lie thought it was but
tcr to withhold aid until a crisis, but
later, it seems, lie thought it advisable
to do something for "our friend in tin
Saratoga district." Sheldon was onlj
able to send up $300, and Huckley scnl
this back because he said it wouldiiM
be appreciated.
It appeared that following the busj
session of 1003 Huckley got on the joL
early la preparation for the next ses
hlon. On Dec. 17, 1003, he wrote a let
ter to Mr. Sheldon Inclosing drafts ol
some Insurance bill "proposed by mil
mutual friend Mr. H."
On Dec. 10. two days later, Hucklcj
"1 hnve Just returned from Sara
toga, where I had a satisfactory talk
with our friend Senator H." j
"Who was that Senator H.?" asked
Mr. Hotchklss.
"I have no recollection. I had lots
of friends in Saratoga."
"You know a Senator H. In Saratoga
don't you?"
"I want to get an admission from
you that he was Senator Hrnckett."
"You ain't get it from me."
Mr. Hotchklss could not get Huckley
to admit that "our friend. Senator It.,"
was Seuator Ilrackett, who bad given
him so much trouble the year before.
Just who this person was Huckley
couldn't remember, though there ap
peared to be only one Senator It. In
Saratoga at the time.
With Mr. Huckley still on the stand,
.Mr. Hotchklss called Mr. Gresmlth.
general counsel of the Travelers' In
snranee company, and asked lilm if
his company had ever paid Huckley
any money. He said that his com
pany hud made four payments to
Huckley In 1003-$1S,000 In April, $1,
000 In May and ?1,000 in November
of that year. Tho money, he said, was
paid to put through a bill which lie
hud drafted himself Increasing the lia
bility reserve required of accident in
surance companies.
Huckley. he said, had been recom
mended to him by a New York man
now dead. Tho bill was introduced In
January or February of 1003 and was
opposed by most of the accident com
panies, but was reported in May and
passed and signed by the governor.
Mr. Hotchklss brought out the fact
that, although he got a fee of iflM.-KHj
for helping this bill along, Buckley
had not made any argument, but that
the company had hired another llrm
of lawyers for that purpose, this linn
charging only $500. Mr. Grosmith
didn't know exactly what Huckley had
done, and when Mr. Hotchklss asked
lilm why there was such a dlscrepau
y between his fee and the fee paid
the other lawyers the witness said he
did not know. He admitted that there
had been trouble over Huckley's bill
and that before it had been paid Huck
ley had threatened to sue tho com
pany .
Railroad Increases Wages About Half
Million Dollars a Year.
New JIaven, Conn.. March lilt. Fol
lowing a conference here bet wees
General Manager Hlgglns and Genera
Superintendent I'olloek of the New
York and New Haven road and I,. U
Sheppard, representing tho conductors
and C II. Silica, representing the
trainmen, an agreement was reached
whereby the road granred about $500,
000 a year In wage Increase to the
This practically settles the trouble
that has been brewing here for several
months among the conductors, train
men and yardmen, which resulted hi
08 per cent of the trainmen nnd con
ductors voting to strike if their de
mands were not granted by the road.
Tho increase In wages represents
about 15 per cent
Monsters With Which Antediluvian
Man Contended.
The remains- of tho Dryoplthcoua
or fossil man discovered on tho
Bongnwan river, In .lava, mixed as
they wore with fossil bones of rep
tiles, of tho Calnozolc ago, and lying
In tho cretaceous strata, clearly
prove that man was contempoiary
with the Inter of the giant Saurlnii3
Ioreovor, the discovery of the Nam
pa Image, a piece of handiwork
found In the cretneeons strata In
Ada county, Idaho, would Imply that
ho had attained some slight degreo
of art. Assuming then that man
was living In tho Calnozole ago, tho
question Is. how did he survive his
acquaintanceship with the gigantic
Saurlans, anyone of which could
plow his way through n suburban
street today or trample a herd ot
elephants to death? How did ho
escape the shining horns of the Trie
ertops and Ceratosaurus or Pleslos
nurus? The answer to these ques
tions Is that oven then man possess
ed Intelligence far in excess of that
of the other animals. He could sup
uly his lack of natural weapons by
means of sharpened rocks nnd fllnt.i
an.i could, by reason of his greater
courage, take refuge on tho sides
o volcanoes and other dangerous
places where his gigantic foes dare
no follow him. At any rate he not
only survived the huge creatures of
the later reptilian era. but passed
into the Tertiary era or Mammalian
atngo as the first and greatest of the
Ireland To Have Forests.
Ireland has awakened to the value
of her forests. A commission ap
pointed by the Crown has Just made
public its report.
The commission urges the adop
tion of a scheme for the stato to
plant about 700,000 acres. This,
with the 300,000 acres existing,
would give Ireland 1.000.000 acres
of forest land, an area which the
commission considers as essential.
About 20,000 acres would be pur
chased by the state in mountainous
regions nnd managed as stato forest,
while 500.000 acres would bo plant
ed by the state, but managed by prl
vnte owners or by county councils.
Denmark, an agricultural country
half the size of Ireland, has since
1NS1 Increased her forests by 175,
000 acres. Helglum, in spito of her
dense population, has added 70,000
acres to her rorests in the last twenty-live
Ireland Is particularly suited in
soli and climate for the growth of
forests, but only 1 t. per cent, of
her total area Is forested.
The Gulf Stream.
This great "Hiver of the Sea"
flows from the Gulf of Mexico
(nonce Its name) through tho Flor
ida Strait along the eastern coast of
the United States, and is then de
flected near the banks of Newfound
land diagonally across the Atlantic.
It ts estimated to bo 150 miles wide
off Charleston, and 300 miles wide
off Sandy Hook, where It spreads,
fanllke. over the surface of tho
North Atlantic. Off Cape Hatteras
its velocity Is reckoned at about 3
miles an hour, off the banks of New
foundland 1 Vz miles an hour, then
the rate slowly merges into that of
the northeasterly drift or tho Atlan
tic 4 or 5 miles a day. its tem
perature Is rrora -4 5 to 81 degrees,
according to depth and latitude.
Grant's Peaceful Knd.
Tho peace that he had so often
wished for others came to him at
last in the truer and more enduring
sense. It was the calm death he
had hoped for. a gentle and gradual
falling to sleep. The weary, anx
ious night had passed, tho rays of
the morning sun stole quietly into
the death-chamber: but at last there
was another morning for him, an
other light, glorious, infinite. Im
mortal. We Poor Men!
Harry is six year3 old. "Pa," he
asked one day. "If I get married will
I have a wife like ma?"
"Very likely," replied his 7ather.
"And if I don't get married will I
havo to be an old bachelor like Un
do Tom?"
"Very likely."
"Well, pa." he said, after a mo-
mont of deep thought, "It's u mighty
tough world for us men. ain't It?"
I Would He Absolute.
And the Hint thing I would do In
my government, 1 would have no
body to control me. I would bo ab
solute; and who but 1. Now, he that
Is absolute; and can do what he
likes, can take his pleasure; he that
can take his pleasure, can be con
tent; and he that can be content has
no more to desire; so the manor's
over. Cervantes. "Don Quixote."
Adding to Ills OfTenslvciiess.
The man who told us so Is always
doubly offonslvo if ho comes around
after tho arrival of our troublos and
tries to look as if he had forgotten
all about It.
Dr. GrlUln 1 must say the world
Is very ungrateful toward our pro
fession. How seldom one sees a
public memorial erected to a doctor!
Mrs. Gollghtly How seldoml Oh,
doctor, think of our cemeteries!
It Abscnco Not Regretted.
Nerve is a thing that no man
wants when he gats lnjo a dentist's
ch nl r.
Justice of U. S. Supreme Court
Dies Suddenly of Apoplexy.
Ex-President Denounces Assassinatior
of Egyptian Premier.
Cairo, March 110. Colonel Itoose
velfs promised address to the students
of the University of Egypt was do.
livered here, and many of those who
arc responsible for the present gov
ernment of Egypt are wishing that It
had not been.
It was feared beforehand that Colo
nel Roosevelt would make uudeslred
references to the assassination of the
late Premier Houtres and the Nation
nlist agitation which Is now undei
Prince Fouad, who. In addition to
being the president of the university,
is the khedive's uncle, was nervous
before tho address was delivered and
tried to induce Sir Kldon Gorst, the
Hrltisli agent, to persuade the dlstln
guished visitor to avoid political topics
but Sir Kldon refused point blank to
interfere in any way.
Colonel Roosevelt not only denounc
ed the assassination of Houtres with
characteristic vehemence, but de
nonnced with scarcely less vigor the
assassins themselves and their sym
pathizers, among whom are included
virtually all of the members of the
Young Fgypt party. He told the
Egyptians in effect that they were as
yet unlit for self government.
Colonel Roosevelt said that the men
gift of a paper constitution did not
make a people lit for self government
Self government wns not a matter ol
a decade or two, but of generations
Nobody could give self government
any more than they could give the in
dividual self help.
The lecturer then denounced tin
murder of the late premier, which h
termed a greater calamity to Egypt
thau it was to the victim. Emphasiz
ing his words with a heavy blow ol
his list, Colonel Itoosevelt said:
"Any of the accomplices of the assas
sins who either directly or indirect!
incited the commission of the crlmt
by act, word or deed ought to be ar
raigned on I lie same criminal charge."
Terrible Catastrophe st Dance In Vil
lage Hall In Hungary.
Vienna, .March :.'!. The most terri
ble catastrophe that has happened hi
Austria-Hungary since the IMng the
ater was burned In 18S1 occurred
when ilSTi persons were killed In a lire
in u large coachhouse which had been
fitted up as a dance hall at the village
of Oekoerlto. More than a hundred
survivors of the yutnstrophc were
shockingly injured. Many of those will
probably die.
The dance hall was constructed en
tirely of wood, nnd the Interior was
decorated with paper festoons, ever
green wreaths and paper lanterns.
One of "the lanterns became Ignited,
and tho lire ran with lightning rapid
ity. Those nearest the door began to
make their way out, but very few had
passed Into the air before tho whole
celling was a roaring mass of llame.
An awful panic seized the dnncers.
They rushed to tho door, where a ter
rifying battle took place. All self con.
trol seemed to vanish In the presence
of Imminent death. While the fore
most of the crowd that was now com
pletely frenzied were pushing, clawing
and struggling Ilko wild animals the
terror stricken mass behind pressed
on, creating such a Jam that the door
could not be forced open. Children
nnd the weaker of the adults went
down before the maddened rush.
Scores of persons were trampled to
death or suffocated, while above the
pile of Injured and dying the awful
battle raged. Tho terrible scene was
at ItH height when the roof of tho
structure collapsed and fell in upon
those below.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of uerfffl&&&
Gorgeous Floats With llrnss Churns
and Hen Hur Drivers.
In English towns, a Canadian visi
tor declares in the "Quoen." tho for
olgner runs out to the pavomont Just
to boo that glorious chariot called a
milk lloat go by that gay bit of a
two-whoelnd thing. Viilto and yel
low, white and blue, or ted, white
and blue, with the shining brass
churn erect at the side, tin, reins,
coming over the shining brass rati
la front, tho little square seat in
serted at the rear, and the charioteer
standing at the back llko Hen Hur
anj driving ns much like that hero
as In a modern town whero even
motor cars are not unknown Is
pia Ulcahle.
Then the hngjish milkman who
comes on toot, with a modern yoke
on hi shoulders, ahd swinging at
ea h side a brass bound tin pall, in Is a queer If ttlo measuring
di..pir. Who could wish to have
milk delivered In glass bottles with
a paper sealed top. when ho can have
It measured out at his door Into his
omi Jug In this qunlntly curious
fa Hlon? What do microbes amount
to ompared with the Joy of the med
iaeval! Hlghi'vt HoM.-innint In World.
What Is probably the highest res
taurant In the world-has been opened
n the Elsmeer station of the .lung
frun railway in Switzerland, says the
"Sphere." It Is situated 10.000 feet
hbove sen level, close to the summit
of the mountain
The food Is not cooked by means
of ordinary fuel, but by electricity
generated by the I.titschlne water
fall, deep down In the valley below
Tho cooking Is done on the principle
of the so-called "Papinlan dlgestpr."
as owing to the rarefaction of the
air at that great altitude, water bolls
much more quickly, and would evap
orate before cooking the food.
With an expenditure of thirty kil
owatts of electrical energy It is pos
sible to prepare a five-course dinner
for a party of one hundred persons
In h very short time. The guests are
accommodated In a large hall hewn
out of the solid rock and heated by
electricity. The view from the huge
windows comprises mountain scen
ery which for grandeur lias perhaps
no eqyal in tho world.
Hefore the Day of Matches.
Sixty years ago the use of flint
and steel to produce a fire was not
wholly unknown. The Inte William
E. Stone, of Peoria. 111., lived at
Beaver, Pa. His father one warm
August night was striken with ap
oplexy. The fire was out in tho
kitchen hearth and his mother in her
distress, unable to find tho tinder
box, was obliged to send his brother
Marsh two miles and a half to a
neighbor. She gave him a handful
of tow, which ho put In his pocket.
Arousing a neighbor with some diffi
culty, she gave hlra a live coal, which
he wrapped In the tow. and putting
It back In tils pocket, ran home.
When ho arrived there he swung tho
tow around his head, thus fanned
the coal and produced ii IVniu which
lighted a candle In the meantime
relief had been so lo.ig coming that
the fathor was past all surgery.
Milder Definition.
At Emerson's dinner table one day
there was mention of a woman well
known as a Hon nunter; and. in
speaking of her, Mrs. Emerson used
the word "snob " Mr. Emerson ob
jected, tho woru was too harsh; ho
dlcn't like that ugly class of words
beginning with "sn." His wife in
quired how he would characterize
tho lady. "I shouli) say" very
slowly "sho Is a person having
great sympathy with success."
The Demur Hrown .Maiden In nor
Holiday Attire.
The Japanese college girl enter
taining the fudge party with oriental
"On every holiday," she said, "tho
Japanese maiden must rise and havo
her toilet tlnished before tho sun
looks ov.or Fujiyama, our sacred
"And what a toilet! The long,
coarse black tresses are washed,
combed and greased till the head
shines llko a knob of polished black
marble. The chooks are rouged a
fine pink. The throat, neck und
bosom are powdered, but at tho nape
of the nock there nro loft throo lines
of tho original brown skin, in ac
cordance with tho rules of Japaucso
cosmetic art.
"With, charcoal sho rounds and
lengthens her eyebrows. She rod
dens her Hps with cherry pasto, add
ing a gilt diamond to tho center .of
tho Touting lowor Hp. Sho puts on
eight fresh garments, and she ties
her obi, or great sash, in a symboli
cal knot. Her socks sho doesn't
wmr stockings are very white and
pure; and her clogs aro lacquered till
they shine llko a silk hat.
"Now she Is ready to sat out. She
fills her silk tobacco pouch, thrusts
her pipe in her girdle, puts six paper
handkerchiefs up her wide sloevo
and sallies forth, turning her toes In
and Waving her fan with a domuro
graco." Los Angeles Times.
The HaiKl lOloiiin-iu.
A recent novel had the following
passage: "With one nana ho held
the beautiful golden head above the
buffeting wuvcu. and with the other
called loudly for assistance."
tjort fermon
One of tho numberless touches of
exquisite poetry In the Old Testament
Is that which describes the "tender
grass springing out of the earth by
clour shining after rain." The verdant
grass plot which gladdens the eye Is
the remit of a double process -shower
nnd sunshine. Uoth are Indlspen
srble. We find In this beautiful ex
MasIon a typo of our deepest and
richest spiritual experiences. It Is a
t e of the most thorough work of
cor version by the Holy Spirit.
Over every .Impenitent soul hangs
the dark cloud of God's righteous
pleasure; His holy Woid thunders
ngainst sin and His threatenirgs beat
like a storm of hall. Repcuance and
faith In Christ sweep away this cloud;
the thunders cease: the face of tho
atoning, pardoning Saviour look forth
like n clear, blue sky after a storm;
for there Is no condemnation to them
who nre in Christ Jesus. No two
cases of conversion nre exactly simi
lar; yet in every thorough work of
grace the darkness and dread which
belong to a state of guilt give place to
the smile and peace of God In the face
of Jesus Christ.
What is true in the beginnings of
the most thorough Christian life Is
often realized in the subsequent ex
periences, the believer. Main and
sunshine both play their part In de
veloping godly character. It ought to
be a comfort to such of my readers as
are under the heavy downpour of
trials to open their Bibles and read
how it fared with some of God's most
faithful children.
Abraham tolled on his sorrowful
way to Mount Morinh under a dark
cloud of apprehension, but the clear
shining came when God approved his
faith and' spared the beloved son of
Isaac to tho father's heart. The suc
cessive strokes of trial that burst on
the head of Joseph only made his ex
altation the more signal when he be
came prime minister of Egypt. There
are forty-one chapters ot the book of
Job through which beats the tempest
which smote the four corners of his
house, but in the forty-second chapter
comes the clear shining after the rain,
nnd tho blaze of restored prosperity.
The biographies of Elijah and of Dan
iel prove that light is sown for tho
righteous; and the eleventh chapter
of the Hebrews is a meteorological
record to show how faith paints rain
bows on thunder clouds.
In our day God often employs
stormy providences for the discipline
nnd perfecting of His own people. He
knows when we need the drenchings.
Every rain drop has its mission to
perform. It goes right down to the
roots of the heart, and creeps into
every crevice. Not one drop of sor
row, not one tear, but may have some
beneficent purpose. The process Is
not Joyous, but grievous; nevertheless
afterward it yieldeth the peaceable
fruits of righteousness and purity and
strength. Christ's countenance never
beams with such brightness and beau
ty as when It breaks forth after a de
luge of sorrow; and many a Christian
has become a braver, stronger, and
holier man or woman for terrible af
lllctlons; there has been n clear shin
ing after rain.
This principle has manifold appli
cations. Sometimes a cloud of unjust
calumny gathers over a good man's
name; lies darken the air, and It pours
falsehoods forty days and forty nights.
But when the shower of -slander has
spent Itself the truth creeps out slow
ly but surely from behind the clouds
of defamntlon. and tho slandered char
acter shines with more lustor than
over. The same storm that wrecks n
rotten trco only rots tho more firmly
the found tree, whose leaves glisten
In tho subsequent sunshine.
Ail yo children of God who aro un
der the peltiugs of poverty, or the
downpour of disappointments, or the
blizzards of adversity, "think it not
strange as though somo strange thing
had happened unto you." Million;)
have had the 'same experiences be
foro you. No storm ever droivned a
true believer, or washed out the foun
dations of hope. The trial of your
faith will be found unto pralne nnd
honor and glory at tho appearing of
your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Two things ought to glvo you cour
age. Ono Is that our Lord loves to
honor and reward unwavering faith.
He permits the storm to tost you, and
then sends the smile of His sunshine
to reward you. Another thought Is
that tho skies are never bo brilliantly
bluo as when they have been washed
by n storm. Tho countenance of Jesus
Is never so welcome and lovablo as
when it broaks forth upon us a sun
of consolation nnd Joy after trials.
Sin a Burden.
There nre those to whom sin Is a
burden. I'enltont hearts there are
who desire to forsake evil, but who
fear God, and who know so well that
tho nest hour they may fall and fall,
that they hardly dare to pray for help
in their weakness, whose good de
sires are palsied by discouragement.
. . , To such come tho words of
Jesus as words of llfo, "Be not fearful,
but-believing: come, follow mo, and
ye shall find reat for your souls."
Epl' Peabodjr.
Office. .Moronic building, m-cond floor
HoncsUale, Fa.
Olllceovor post office. All IcriiI business
promptly ntt ended to. lloncsdnle, l'o.
i,,."rI'lb.7ty,,.n1.1 "U'ldlnir. opiKJsltethe
Post Olllri-. IloucMlnlc. 1'u.
Olllcc over Kelt's store. IIonvdate l'a.
Office vcr Post Olllce. Honcsdale. Pa
Special nnd prompt nttentloirdvcn to the
collect lou of claims. Office over Kelt's tnew
store. Honcsdale. Pa.
Olllce over tlju nost olllce Honcsdale. Pa.
Oflice in the Court House, HoncEclale
Patents and pension"! secured. Office in thn
.Scliuerbolz tmlldhi!; HoiiusdalR. Pa.
Office Second floor old Snlrijf! Hi ,k
bullilliiL'. Hnnesdnle. l'a.
Olllcesllately occupied by Judge Searle.
Olllcc First floor, old Savings llunk'bulld
Ins, Honcsdale. l'a.
Dr. C. K. UKADY. Dkktist. llonesdale.'Pa.
OmcK Horns a in. to p. m
Any eveninc by appointment.
Citlmis' iihone. XI Keeldence. No. NrX
Office and residence 1019 Courfstrcet
telephones. Office Hours 2:00 to J:00 Entid
liio os.u'.ru
LIVERY. ! red. G. Rickard has re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Chuch street to Whitney's Stone
tana B
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Oflice: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug etore,
If you don't insure ml
cs, we both lose.
White Mills Pa.
1 A. O. BLAKE,
You will make money
liy ImvliiL' me.
iiKLLi-HONKu-i' Bethany, Pa.
We have tho sort of tooth brushes that nre
made to thoroughly cleanse und save the
They are the kind that clean teeth wltbont
eavlnc vour mouth lull of bristles.
We recommend tliosu costlne S3 cents or
more, as see can guarantee them and will re
place, free, any that show defects ot manu
facture within three months.
Opp.D. & tt. SUtloo, HONESDALB, PA