The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 01, 1910, Image 1

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    THK WEATHKB On Friday, partly ovcrc$t to fair and cooler weather will prevail, nnd on Saturday, fair weather, with slightly lower, temperatures.
r h" t? K" j t" k h" jt tr to K k r
Scml-VVcckly F.oundcd 5
k 1908 v
Weekly Founded, 1844 J
. ot J .it ,jt j , jt Jt Jl J
- -Wayne County Organ
Y ogic
if f 1
0 t J ! J Ifil J 0 J J J .!
67th YEAR.
NO. 26
Legislation Suggested by
Ruth Wheeler Murder.
Coroner's Jury In New York Takes
Only Half an Hour to Find
Verdict Indictment Is
Equally Speedy.
Albany, X. Y. Mnrch 31. Loplsln
tlon to meet such a situation as has
been presented by the murder of Ruth
Wheeler In Xew York Is making Its
appearance here.
Samuel I'rlnoq. deputy commissioner
of licenses of Xew York city, nnd
Henry X. Steinert. attorney for the
commissioner, appeared before the
general laws committee nnd asked that
the Green bill amending the existing
employment agency law be further
amended with a view of more care
fully safeguarding the interests of
girls who have occasion to seek cut
ployment through the various schools
nnd business colleges which hold out
offers of employment In connectioif
with tuition courses.
The amendments bring such schools
and business colleges within the scope
of tiie employment agency law re
quiring them to be licensed and pro
vide that no licensed ierson shall send
out any female applicant for employ
ment without making a reasonable
effort to Investigate the character of
the employer.
Senator Gledhlll also Introduced a
bill to meet this situation which reg
ulates the obtaining of employment
for girls in tlrst nnd second class cit
ies. This bill prohibits any person,
firm or corporation conducting an em
ployment agency, school, business col
lego or other institution to suggest or
direct that any girl under the age of
eighteen years apply for employment
or to arrange for the employment of
any such girl until a thorough inves
tigation of the character nnd reputa
tion of the proposed employer has
been made by such person, firm or
'corporation unless the latter knows
the proposed employer to be reputa
ble. The bill requires the filing by every
such person, firm or corporation with
tho irallce department of a dally re
port of the name and address of ev
ery such girl directed to seek em
ployment and the name and address
of the prospective employer and tho
name and address of every such girl
for whom employment has been ar
ranged nnd the name and address of
the employer. Violation of any of
these provisions is made. a misde
meanor, punishable by a line of not
more than 1,000 or imprisonment for
not more than one year or both.
Xew York, March 31. Albert W.
Wolter, indicted for the murder of
fifteen-year-old Ituth Wheeler, was ar
raigned today before Judge Mulqueen
in general sessions, no pleaded not
guilty, and his trial was set down for
next mouth.
It required only half an hour for tin.
coroner's Jury to decide that Wolter
killed Ituth Wheeler and to hold him
for the grand Jury. The grand Jury
indicted him for murder in the first
degree in less than fifteen minutes.
Coroner's Physician Philip O'Hanlon
testified that ltuth Wheeler's death
was due to asphyxiation, strangulation
and Incineration. Ho explained that
she was first strangled until she wn
unconscious and theu burned to death.
Adelaide Wheeler, a sister of ltuth,
said that tho last time she saw her
sister alive was nt their home last
Thursday. She told how she went tn
the police station on Saturday and
identified a string of beads that Ituth
had worn when she left home.
Pearl Wheeler, the other sister, de
scribed her visit to Wolter's flat. When
Ituth failed to return home on Tburs
day evening she got worried and went
to the stenography school at Madison
avenue und Fifty-eighth street Tht
superintendent told her that Ruth had
answered a iostnl card signed "A
Wolter, secretary, 224 Bast Seventy
fifth street," ami had gone to that ad'
dress to see Wolter.
Pearl Wheeler said that Katlo Mul
ler opened the door for her when she
was shown to Wolter's flat. Kutlt
Muller whs told to stand up, and Miss
Wheeler identified her as tho woman
who admitted her to the flat. Woltei
came to the door and laughed at the
suggestion that Ituth was there. He
told Miss Wheeler he had not sent any
postal card to the school.
Miss Wheeler told how she went to
tho police stution nnd got a policeman,
how they searched tho flat for ltuth
and called her name loudly and how
Wolter and Kntio Muller denied over
and over again that ltuth had been
there or that they hod ever seen her.
It was Pearl Wheeler who Identified
Ruth's stickpin which was found In
the fireplace of Wolter's apartment
Sail For Naples on the Prim Helnrlch.
To Call at Copenhagen.
Cairo. March 31. On their departure
from here Colonel Itoosevelt, Mrs.
Boosevelt, their son Kcrmlt nnd daugh
ter Ethel received n heorty scndofT.
Later they sailed from Alexandria for
Naples on board the steamship Prliir.
The terrace at Shepheard's hotel and
the street alongside were full of well
wishers. There was nnothor gathering
at tho railway station. The khedlve
sent nn official to convey a cordial
farewell. A number of British nnd
Egyptian ofllclals and other prominent
men were nlso present.
Sir Eldon Gorst, the British diplo
matic agent, sent a hearty letter to
Colonel Itoosevelt thanking him for
tho speeches ho delivered at the uni
versity nnd elsewhere nnd gratefully
acknowledging the Interest ho had
shown In British work In Egypt nnd
the help he had given the British by
this Interest.
General Sir Francis WIngate, sirdar
of the Egyptian army, also wrote him
in the warmest terms, assuring him
that his public addresses would
strengthen Great Britain's hands.
When the party reached Alexandria,
Colonel Itoosevelt dispatched a tele
grain to the khedlve thanking him for
nil the courtesy shown him nnd his
He also telegraphed to Sir El-
don Gorst und the sirdar, uauklng1
them for their attentions nnd assuring
them that his visit had been delightful,
Copenhagen, Mar i 31. Maurice F.
Egan, the United States minister to
Denmark, who Is an old friend of Colo-
ncl Itoosevelt, has received a letter
from him intimating that he and his
party will arrive in Copenhagen on
May 2 or 3 nnd that he will make an
official call at court and dine at the
American legation.
-The people of Copenhagen, who re
gretted that the city was omitted
from the colonel's Itinerary, are now
delighted at the prosiect of seeing tho
redoubtable hunter.
Follows Example of Pennsylvania Rail
road In 6 Per Cent Increase.
Philadelphia. March 31.-Following
he announcement of a general wage ,
increase on the Pennsylvania railroad
system comes an official statement
from the Philadelphia and Beading
.-,, a Muumr increase ot o per
cent in the wages of all employees re-
ceiying less than ?300 per month.
Ihe last general increase the Bead-
jn k"u was iu per ceni anu iook ei
feet Nov. 1, 1000. Becently tho com.
pany made various advances In the
pay of engineers nnd a few othei
classes of employees. The Beading
now employs about 28,000 men.
For the Pennsylvania railroad a pre
pared statement on the wage advance
was Issued. It shows that about 105,
000 men will benefit by the (1 per cent
raise and that the cost of this advance
to tho company for this year will be
about $10,000,000.
Forty Massachusetts G A. R, Posts
Protest Against Acceptance.
Washington, March 31. Petitions
from forty Massachusetts G. A. B.
posts protesting agalust the accept
ance by congress of tho statue of Rob
ert E. Lee ln Statunry hall were pre
sented to the senate by Senator Lodge.'
One post referred to the Confederate
chieftain as "a traitor whoso name
should not be mentioned save with
Another characterized the presence
of the Lee stntuo la Statuary hull as
"a studied aud direct insult to every
living Union soldier and sailor and
doubly so to those who sacrificed their
lives for the preservation of tho Un
ion." The objection on the part of one
Massachusetts post to tho presence of
tho Confederate leader ln Statuary
hall is due to the fact that Lee Is
portrayed In a Confederate uniform.
ITS CAPITAL $500,000,000.
American Telephone and Telegraph
Company Increases Capital Stock.
Albany, N. Y March 31. Secretary
of State Koenlg has received papers
of the American Telephone and Tele
graph company Increasing the capital
stock from $300,000,000 to $500,000,000.
This is the second largest corporation
In the world, tho only larger one being
the United States Steel company.
The company certified that it has In
creased the number of Its directors
from eighteen to twenty-five. The cer
tificates urc signed by President Theo
dore N. Vnll aud Secretary Charles
Eustls Hubbard. The amount of stock
of the company actually issued is I
stated to bo $259,289,400.
New Italian Cabinet.
Rome, March 3L Slgnor Luzzattl
has formed a coalition cabinet, ln
which Slguor Gulllane, formerly Ital
ian ambassador to Great Britain, has
tho foreign portfolio.
Attorney For Cattle Raisers
Predicts Scarcity.
United States Senate Committee
Told That Cost of Production
Has Increased and Price
Must Be Maintained.
Washington, March 3l. Judge Sam
n. Cowan of Fort Worth, Tex., the
attorney for the American Xational
Live Stock association and the Cnttlo
Italsers' association of Texas, told the
senate committee that is Investigating
the high cost of living that the people
of the United Sjtntes need never expect
to get any more cheap beef, lie said:
"The advance In land values and the
increase iu the cost of feed, in wages
nnd in every item of the cost of pro
duction have been such that the price
of cattle must be maintained at Its
present level or the growers will go
ut of the business.
' it is the herds on many great
ranches in the southwest are being
sold off and the land is being sold to
'armors in small tracts. One great
ranch that formerly grazed 100,000
llt;ad now has less than 10,000 head,
Another of 437,000 ncres that grazed
30,000 head has all been cut up nnd
sold to cotton growers. If cattle rais
ing were very profitable that kind of
thing wouldn't happen.
"I don't see what you can do to rem
edy existing conditions unless you can
repeal the law of supply and demand.
If you take the tariff off cattle the
j country will be Hooded with Mexican
came nnu tiie price will be cut down,
but our growers will go out of busi
ness, the supply will be reduced, nnd
iu no time the price will return to the
higher level."
Judge Cowan said that the percent
aK0 of prolIt ln cattle mM t the
,)refiellt hlgh Ices ls luss UlU1 ,t WM
8,x ye.irs nRO wuen thu lllcrensed ,.
vestment required iu the business is
Ju(1(;e Cowan u,e conlmltte(J
detalled flgurca SU0W,UK tho cost of
0Ile stecr out of n bunch soM , v
Worth from tlie Ume u wn8 ,d b
the raiser until It reached tho con
sumer's table. It cost the packer $83,
was sold to the butcher for $84.70 and
cost the consumer $112.50.
Littleton In Atlanta Preparing Habeas
Corpus Proceedings.
Atlanta, Ga., March 31. Martin W.
Littleton, 'who came from New York,
was ln conference this afternoon for
two hours with Charles W. Morse at
the federal prison arranging final plans
for resuming his fight for freedom.
Application will be made for a writ
of habeas corpus ou the ground that
Morse's fifteen years' sentence is ille
gal, as ten years Is tho maximum for
the crime of which he was convicted.
Morse was convicted ou iifty-two
counts, but lie was sentenced on only
one, nnd it will be held that ns the sen
tence exceeded the maximum It is In
valld. Morse's attorneys will also allege
that Juror Dewey was crazy and that
tho Jury wus constantly ln charge of
employees of the district attorney's
office to the injury of Morse. Federal
Judge Newman of Atlanta will hear
tho application of Morse's attorneys.
Head of Federation of Labor Seeks to
Have State of Indiana Prosecute.
Indianapolis, lnd Marcli qi. Sum
ucl Gompers, president of tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor, nnd twenty
live other labor leaders called on Gov
ernor Marshall in nn effort to havo
tho United States Steel corporation at
Gary prosecuted under state laws.
Mr. Gompers filed charges that the
Steel corporation Is violating tho laws
of tho state in that it has evolved a
system of peonage ln Its operations
of which the ignorant foreigners who
are employed nro the victims.
Governor Marshall asked for a brief
on the law under which It was desir
ed that he should act. Mr. Gompers
promised to submit it.
Party of Qypslatf and Their Caravans
Lost In Russian Lake.
St. Petersburg, March 81. Fifty
gypsies were drowned lu nn accident
on-.Lake Cheromenetzki.
Tho party, which consisted of fifty
threo men, women nnd children, was
returning from tho annual fulr ut
Luga. While they were crossing tho
lake tho weight of the caravaus caused
tho Ice to collapse.
Mr. Wm, K., Jr., Takeo Cottage
in Reno (Nev.) Divorce Colony.
Reno, Se, March 31. Mrs. William
K. Vanderbllt. Jr., of New York, for
merly Miss Virginia Fair, daughter of
Senator Fair, the Pacific coast mln
lng magnate, is about to bring suit for
absolute divorce lu the courts here
and has leased a, handsome cottage In
Reno to take up her legal residence.
The cottage, known as the Werrum
House, contains eight large rooms nnd
has double bay windows looking out
upon a beautiful expanse of lawn and
greenery. It is within one block ot
the Truckee river. It ls being reno
vated In preparation for Mrs. Yander
bllt's arrival next week.
The law firm of Summerlleld & Cur
ler 'of this city has been retained by
Mrs. Vnndcrbllt's counsel In New
York to look after her interests here.
Mrs. Vanderbllt is now at Del Mou
to, Qui., with her children and a nurse.
Her husband ls lu Europe.
Miss Fair nnd W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr.!
were married in 18!0. She was a Cnth
olle, and the Vanderbllts nre Eplscopa
Huns. The ceremony wus performed
In the home of Miss Fair's sister, Mrs.
Herman Oelrlchs, New York, by the
Rev. Thomas F. Murphy, rector of the
Church of the Sacred Heart at Dobbs
Ferry, N. Y.
New York State Committeeman Justi
fies His Acceptance of $1,000.
Rochester, X. Y., March 31. Bepub
Heun State Committeeman George W,
Aldrldge, who is to be nominated for
congress on Saturday to succeed the
late James Breck Perkins, has writ
ten an open letter to Dr. Algernon S.
Crapsey, the former Episcopal rector,
In reply to the hitter's request for In
formation concerning Aldrldge's ac
ceptance of $1,000 from the fire Insur
ance companies for his Influence Iu
passing legislation.
Dr. Crapsey hud written to Aldrldge
that he considered It a grave moral
offense for him to deal secretly with
Interests affected by legislation und
to take money payments to further
such legislation.
In his letter Aldrldge says he In
terested himself lu the bill because It
was urged by the officers of tho Roch
ester German Insurance company and
was In the Interests of the company
and policy holders alike. He adds:
"Mr. Kennedy's contribution was not
made In contemplation of any legisla
tion, It was purely voluntary after
the law had been passed and after
the legislature had adjourned."
Assembly Judiciary Committee, 5 to 8,
Refuse to Report the Hill Bill.
Albany, N. Y., March 31. Tho as
sembly Judiciary committee by n de
cisive voto defeated tho Ulll-Toombs
proposition to let women vote. The
vote on the proposition beforo the
committee was as follows:
To report It favorably, Assembly
men Howard of Tioga, Greenwood ot
Wayne, Chnnler of Dutchess, Sullivan
of Chautauqua nnd Wllklo of Erie
Those opposed were Chairman Jesse
Phillips of Alleghauy, O. W. Phillips
of Monroe, Walters of Onondaga, F.
L. Young of "Westchester, Hlnman of
Albany, Goldberg and Word of New
York and M. X. O'Nell of Kings.
Ooean Grove Remains a Camp.
Trenton, N. J., March 31. Tho gilzor
bill providing for tho incorporation of
Oceau Grove as a borough was defeat
ed in the senate by a vote of 17 to 1,
Senator SUzer alone voting for tho
measure. For a number of years the
property owners Of Ocean Grove have
appeared before the legislature with a
bill seeking td establish a government
it their own Instead of the Ocean
3ovo Caihp Meeting association.
United States and Dominion to Read
just Trade Relations.
Washington, March 31. The United
States nnd Canada have agreed to
open negotiations for the drafting of
a reciprocity treaty. Next to the
averting of the threatened tariff war
between the two countries this ls the
most lmtortaut result of the tarllt
conferences between President Tuft
and W. S. Fielding, tho Dominion's
minister of finance.
The probability of reciprocity nego
tiations was disclosed ln the an
nouncement made by the state depart
ment of the trade agreement that has
been reached with Canada. Corre
spondence that has passed between
Secretary Knox and Mr. Fielding
Shows that the secretary of state al
ready has suggested by direction ol
the president thnt negotiations be bo-
gun with a view to readjusting the
trude relations between the countries
along more liberal lines. The secre
tary has formally expressed the hope
that the trade relations will be gov
erned by "a spirit of cordial reciproca
tion nnd Interdependence."
Minister Fielding ln a formal reply
to the secretary's letter has assented
to the proposition advanced by Mr.
Knox and Is willing to enter upon the
The basis of the new trade agree
ment between Canada and the United
States by which the threatened com
mercial war was averted was made
public soon after President Tuft hud
signed the proclamation extending tht
minimum rates of the American tarlft
law to Imports from Canada.
The Dominion has conceded reduced
rates ou about forty staple commodi
ties exported from the United States
to Canada. These commodities repre
sent n total annual business of about
No American duties on imports
from Canada are lowered from the
minimum rates of the Payne law, but
ertaln articles manufactured In the
United States, such as soaps, per
fumes and other toilet articles, will
hereafter enter Canada at per
cent ad valorem. Heretofore the duty
has been 20 per cent.
Canada's single concession, to the
United States was made with the right
to give the same rates to any country
she cares to favor.
Canada stands by her province em
bargoes, which keep up the prices of
wood pulp und print paper.
Will Do All In His Power to Eradicate
Corruption In Legislature.
Amsterdam, X. Y March 31. Prom
ising to do nil iu bis power to eradi
cate corrupt practices in the legisla
ture and other branches of the public
service, Senator -George W. Cobb ot
Wntertown, the newly elected Repub
lican leader of the state senate, iu an
address declared that the legislature
fully recognizes the awakened public'
sentiment which exists upon this ques
tion. .
"lu so far as any dishonest or cor
rupt practices exist ln our legislature
or other branches of public service,"
he said, "I propose to do nil ln my
power to eradicate It. There shall be
no effort upon my part, neither do I
believe there will be upon the part
of other members of the legislature,
to shield or conceal those who have
been faithless to auy trust placed in
their hands. In so far as it is neces
sary to delve luto the past to purify
the present pulltlcnl atmosphere I have
no hesitancy lu proceeding.
"You need hove no fear that men
with sinister motives will control my
action or the action of any considera
ble number of the members of tho leg
islature." Ci:na otock Quotations.
Sloney on call today was 2 per cent;
time money and mercantile paper un
changed ln rates. Closing stock quota
tions on the New York exchange March
30 were:
Amat. Copper... TSrk Norf. & West...lO!K
Atchison, 111 Northwestern ..1WH
H, & 0 110 Penn. It. It 135V4
llrooklyn It. T. , 764 Reading IKSTi
dies. & Ohio.... S1H Itock Island b
C.,C..C.&St.L. 87 St. Paul 1394
1). & II 171 Southern Pac...l26H
Erie 2314 Southern Ry.. I7T4
Gen. Klectrlc... 19 South. By. pf... C3V4
III. Central 133(4 Sugar
Int.-Met ZiVt Texas Pacific... 30
louls. & Nash.. H9Vi Union Pacific. ..181
Manhattan 137fe U. S. Steel 82ft
Missouri Pac... C9 U. a Steel pf...U9vl
N. Y. Central... mhi West. Union 74
Market Report.
BUTTEB Easier: receipt, 7.S3 pack
a sea; creamery, specials, StVjc; extras,
33Hc.; thirds to firsts. SCaHc: heJJ. sec
onds to specials, 24aS2c; state dairy, com
mon to tlnest, !Ma33c,; process, firsts to
specials, liiiZic; western, factory, sec
onds to firsts, 22aZ3Kc; Imtatlon cream
ery. 2-43HC
CHI2E8B Firm: receipts, 89 boxes;
state, full cream, fall make, specials, 17H '
alSc.; fancy, 17Hc: sod to prime, l4a,
ioc; current maxe, Dost, Uftaiec,: com
mon to fair, Ual&a; state skims, 1H lbs.
fall make, specials, Hic; good to prlmo,
UHoMo.; current make, best, llal2c. ; com
mon to good. BalOc; full skims, tatc,
KGG8 Steadier; receipts, 2S,4S3 cases;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery,
white, SaXc; gathered, white, 21a23Wc;
hennery, brown and mixed, fancy, 23c;
gathered, brown, fair to prime, T2a22c;
western, storage selections, 22aHc; reg
ular packed, extra firsts, aKa&o.: reg
ular packed, firsts. 21aXll&c
! Senate Committee Agrees
to Give Him Hearing.
Governor'Hughes Calls Special Eleo
tion For April 28 For a Suc
cessor to the Disgraced
Jotham P. Allds.
Albany, X. Y., March 31. Governoi
Hughes has lost no time In calling s
special election to fill the vacancy cans
cd by the reslgnraent of Senator Jo
tham P. Allds, who quit the senntt
before forty senators upheld tho Con
ger charges agalust him. Governot
Hughes has designated April 28 as th
date for tho election In Allds' district
the Thirty-seventh, which comprise
Chenango, Otsego and Madison coun
Bnlph W. Thomas, professor jf ora.
tory at Colgate university, is to sue
ceeil Allds ns senator. Madison count
is for Professor Thomas, and Judge
Arnold aud Assemblyman Stephen G
Clark of Otsego county say that that
county also is for Professor Thomas
nomination, as they consider him nt
Ideal candidate. Professor Thoma
was connected with the stnte board 01
regents for a number of years and Is a
member of the state board of chari
ties. Senator Betui Conger announce
that he did not intend to resign u.
least until after he had a chance tc
discuss the resolution. offered by Sena
tor Cobb nnd referred to the senate
judiciary committee proposing an in
vestigation of his acts;.-- He succeeded
in having the committee stave off ac
tlon ou this resolution for the time
being, nnd when the question came up
before the committee It was decided
to give Conger a chance on Tuesday
next at 10 a. m. to explain his position
Senator Conger is of the opinion
that he has performed a public serv
ice lu exposing Allds. When Louis
E. Carr of Allds' counsel heard that
Senator Conger was around explaining
to senators that It would be unfair to
scalp him after he had started the
great purification wave In the legisla
ture Mr. Carr said Ironically, "Yes,
they ought to give him a loving cup."
The Hughes senators, who tirst
heard Conger charge Allds with brib
ery, Insisted that Senator Conger
not be expelled from the senate. They
held Conger up as a public benefactor
and demanded to know where Conger
benefited by his attitude toward Allds.
They declared that Conger was a
brave man, who let his tongue slip at
the Hughes senators' conference und
then when his coulldeiicc was violated
and the charges he made peddled
around he stood his ground nnd prov
ed them. He had done a public serv
ice, the Hughes senators argued, and
he ought to be praised Instead of be
ing expelled by the senate. This ls
the particular point Senator Conger
will argue before the judiciary com
mittee on Tuesday next.
Senator Xewcomb was perhaps tho
most determined senator to extoll and
defend Conger.
"To punish Conger," said Senator
Xewcomb, "In view of his disclosures
which have resulted lu Inestimable
benefit to the state, would be unwise
from the point of view of public poll
cy. This principle is fully recognliet
Iu provisions of the stnte constitu
tion aud the penal h.v relating to
persons disclosing bribery.
"Further Investigation of legislative
corruption must be had. To serve no
tice by expelling Conger that any one
making disclosures would instantly be
delivered into hostile hands to be de
stroyed would close the mouths of
necessary witnesses and defeat the
endsaof Justice."
19 Killed and 79 Injured In Rear-end
Collision on German Railroad.
Mulhelm-um-Bhluc, Mnrch 30. A,
trulu du luxe ran into the reur of a
military trulu uear here.
Nineteen persons were killed, thirty
nine seriously and forty slightly In
jured. Tho majority of the victims
were soldiers.
Foxhall Keene Thrown From Horse.
IOtidou, March 30. Foxhall Keene,
Bon of James It. Keene of Xew York,
riding his own horSe, Percenter 11., ln
n steeplechase here, wus thrown and
broke his collarbone.
Judge of Customs Court Confirmed.
Washington, March 31. At tho ex
ecutive session of tho senato tho nom
inations of tiie Judges of the customs
court were continued.