The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 23, 1910, Image 8

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lll'll. Mabella Decker of Beach Lake, was
A great mnny gnllonstftf nno maple the guost of Mrs. W. II. Mnrshnll on
syrup hnu already been nin.c In this Wednesdny and Thursday of last
section. week.
Miss Myrtlo Simons has relumed . John Vnrcoc. who spent the enrly
from Scranton. j winter with Wllllnm Stephens of
The Wallen-Pnupnrk Tolephono Beach Lake, Is now making his homo
Company liave extended their lino with JolinHlnke of Manchester,
F. Dowen nnd wife. Her Bon, Oliver, I
; who has been upending a foW days ;
with, his grandparents, returned homo , ,.1 . .. .... ,
with h'qr. f Anns but Ih -Ilnppy, and
Leon Tucker and Miss Vina Wnr-j Wonderfully Smart With Jler Ifcct.
Iron were recent visitors nt Miss Mayvood, 111., March 10. It docs
Mnblc Towksbury's at Maplo Hill. 0no good to know Miss Kittle Smith.
To talk with her Is an Inspiration.
To see how she has overcomo a ter
rible, physlcnl affliction makes Im
agined troubles seem very silly. To
know what wonderful things this
young woman can do under a great
handlcnp makes one wonder at the
stupidity of persons In normal con
dition who fall to make use of their
Hev. and Mrs. Slgnor, Mrs. Larklri,
Miss Boyd and Dunno Slgnor wero
entertained nt Mrs. Kate Clcmo's on
Mrs. Maltrlco Fltze and children
I ory. Tho Institution Is now being
kopt up by a fund from tho Child
ren's qhnrltlcs and by lndlvldunl do
nations? nihn' of which are solicited
by Kittle Smith.
She 'sajs ,sho Is happy, and I bo
Hevc she truly knows tho joys of
llfo nnd achievement.
to Ledgedale. Graco Smith, of Aldenvllle, spent i "" ""-- 'w
Walter Brown, Thomas Glllett nnd! Sunday, tho 13th Inst., with her!u,"u-
Friend Simons each have now phones. ! mother. Mrs. Charles Smith. , Ilev; 7"prton' .J r?!
n.,i,n .,t i,.,ai.,u It. 11. Marshall is hrnnklnc In n tho gucst of Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. Iaatz
of Aldenvllle, camo Wednesday to
spend the week-end nt Mrs. George i natural powers.
Hauser's home, returning homo Sun-, Kittle Smith has no nrms. When
day. 1 she wns a Uttlo girl living In Chl-
Mrs. Helen Gilchrist nnd Miss Gil- cago she fell upon n red hot stove,
chrlst left for Wllkcs-Barre Thurs- 1 anu tho surgeons at tho hospital cut
off both her arms at tho shoulders.
trip to bi ranton one day this week. ; handsome colt,
Thursdny nnd Friday. He preached
If you would know what this
means, try to live an hour without
use of your arms. To tho U-year-old
Kittle, motherless nnd with father,
Vou Should All Attend tho Conven
tion on Mnrcli .!8tli.
Itcv. .1. H. Boyce preaches his
last rerninn for (he yonr nt Bldwoll days last week with her grnndpnr-
HI1I on Easter Sundny. onts, Mr. and Mrs. Garrett or lleacli
.Miss Ada Bortree has bcon nt ' Lake, n
home for tho past two weeks caring i Fred Avery, of Bethel Farm, sold
for her sister. Mrs. Wilcox. his neighbors a carload of lime last
Burrls Gilpin recently lost a vain- 1 week,
able cow Mrs. G. C. OIer of Chestnut Lake,
, accompanied by her sons, Grant and
Charles W. Pennell died very sud-j ' Alrs. William Oliver, of Gei'ioung
dcnly nt his home at Uswick on i town wn (l viHtor at Mrs. A. M.
March ICth, 1910. Deceased was a , Henshnw's on Tuesday.
Mrs. Floiyd ' Bayly spent several I nn excellent scrmpn Thursday even-. baby sister and two llttlo brothers
lng and helped In the meetings.
Miss Corlnne Stone of Honesdnle,
came Friday to spend Sunday with
Mrs. Herman Harmes.
Mrs. Cott came Friday to visit her
slBter, Mrs. .1. B. Faatz.
Miss Miller nnd niece, lsnbello
Puynter, of Carbondale, returned
Friday evening.
Miss Slnyton Is visiting friends In
Scranton nnd Cnrbondale.
Tho removal of the family of Her
man Harmes to Honesdnle is deeply
to housekecp for, It wns a terrible
blow. The neighbor women all said
that tho girl might bettor have died
than to bo so afflicted.
But Kittle has lived and she Is
prospering by her own efforts she
is now a self-supporting girl oT 2R,
nnd this is her story.
Kittle has learned to use her feet
to do the things that bands were
Intended to do, and almost weird are
her powers. How completely she
has overcome her misfortune Is best
Mrs. William Colwell nnd daugh
ter, Florence, of Torrey. wero visit
ing relatives here on Friday and Sat
urday. II. Bay Bayly sold his colt to Mr.
son of .Jonah and Sally Ann Pennell
of t'swif k. He wns born at Uswick
on Febrvary -i, 1857, nnd died In the'
same house In which he was born.
He had always lived on the old '
nomcstenu wnn me exception oi i sohwelghofer of Girdland
three yeas that bo lived at Lake- Mrs. Mao Richmond is
vine, anu nine moiuns tnai uc uvea
in Michigan. He married Miss Sarah
Hunt of Lackawnxcn, who survives
him, and two sons. Clarence of
Aetna, lnd., nnd Lester, at home;
two daughters, Mrs. Win. Seeger of
several weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Howard Bishop, of East Honesdale.
lrma Ham spent Saturday last with
her sister, Ida, of Hawley.
Rev. .John Tuthill, of Beach Lake,
preached his last sermon before
regretted by their mnny friends here, j told by horeelf. She said:
They will be greatly missed us j Clin't say I handle things, but 1
neighbors, church workers, nnd In a ,.an pay that I foot them,
social way. "Yes, I can sew. See these center-
Five weeks of successful revival nieces which I embroidered all ray-
' meetings closed Sunday evening. self. Just a moment nnd I will show
1 Mrs. Larkin brought tho message I you how quickly. I can thread a
from the text found. In Dent. 32: 1 1. j needle." and in a twinkling her
Tho church nnd community have been needle was threaded and the thread
greatly benefitted by these meetings, knotted. The needle was threaded
Mrs. Larkin and Miss Boyd left this I with her toes and the knot made with
morning for thefr home in Phllndel-. iier toes and the knot made with her
phia. I teeth.
Lakovlllc, and Miss Gladys, at home. fiolng to conference at this plnce on ' Those who nttendod tho I'resuy- "Now do you wish to see my
The other survivers are one sister. , cumhv iast We all hone that he : terian church Sunday morning heard ; workshop in the basement? We
Mrs. Jane Pennell, of Ariel, and four i ,vnl rturn to us He is a good I a ,nost comforting sermon by Kev: .i. i wct there and I saw pretty Kittle
speaker, preaches excellent sermons.! Cou; fro,u- Psalms ' . h n work nt her bench, which she built
lives as ho 1 1,1 i"ul" wii mm men utom... norseii.
navon. "This is my favorite pastime, slio
brothers, Gilbert, of Arlington, Pa.,
Joseph sr of Wilsonvllle, Pa., Frank
B. of Uswick. Ph., and Kev. Alvin R.
Pennell of Washingtonville, X. Y
also a half-sister, Mrs. William
Brown of Oklahoma, Okla.
Deceased was a good citizen and
neighbor, a kind, patient husband,
and a good father. He was a mem
ber of three lodges the Lakevllle
Lodge, 1. O. O. F., No. 1161, Lake
vllle, Pa., of which he was record
ing secretary; the Hildagard Re
bekau Lodge, No. 359, I. O. O. F..
of Lakeville, Pa., of which he was
financial secretary, and the Wash
ington Camp, P. O. S. of A. at Lake
Pittgburg Grand Jury Takes Action In
the Bribery Charges.
Pittsburg. March 22. The grand
Jury has Imndcd down Indictments of
forty-one couucllmeii In connection I
with the bribing of Pittsburg councils
by the Into Dallas C. Myers, a steel
king of Pittsburg, In the matter of !
the vacation or u street.
Obeying the call of District Attor
ney Blakely, Issued to nil grafting
councllmeii and bribe givers to conic
forward and make full confession In
open court oil pain of being railroad
crT to prison on Information got
through the confession of Councilman
John Klein, ten couucllmcn nnd ox
couiicllmen confessed before Judges
Fraser and Cohau that they hud sold
their votes In city councils for money.
Dr. W. H. Weber, select council,
confessed having accepted SlO.Oixi and ,
disbursed It ninong, other couucllmcn.
Thomas 'McOrathr member common
councils, confessed to having rccolwd i
!?ir0 bribe from Councilman Klein.
He resigned ns a councilman by nnlcr
of the court.
Jesse II. Slieanley, former common ran.aKa-totA
councilman, confessed to receiving s-joo j 0ll .Monduy, Muich 28tli, n conven
rrnni Klein. ,(,, (,r tllt supervisors, Burgesses,
Krwit Bothpletz. former common , n(1 0oiii.cJlnieii of Boroughs, and
councilman, confessed to. receiving Colmtv Commissioner will be held
:r00 from Klein. ' at thp Court Hotihc. This convention
X. F. Savage, former common oun-. ls caIlL.(, ut tho re( of j. y.
cflman. contesst.i to receiving .v-oo n.inter. State Highway Coiiiniisslon-
omNWoozrofft usmo ohac
uiim: rue strtdeoatc g:!'sfi;
from Klein.
er. Therfi will be two sessions
Frank W. Bonlni. wealthy fruit mer-1 ,0.:lH n ,llt aII(1 i::0 ,u Mr
and best of all, he
Tho members of the Ladies' Aid
will hold their monthly meeting nt
tho home of Mrs. A. M. Hcnshaw on
T nn t1t.o A.lnlntiln Mnliln ru.
i i.irtL t:t:n .tiico (iiivmiin,
Wntlnesrtnv next. Dinner will be . ,1 4i.-- tli 1 1 rt t 1i 1 fl ftoi'
served. . "T, ..', ' "3 ' mVv I W carpenter could with 1.1s hands."
said. "I love to hammer and saw
and ninlie things out of wood. I
can saw a board perfectly straight,
and almost as fast with my feet as
Samuel Saunders and II. II. Crosby
day 1
spending several weeks in the city.
Mrs. W. 12. Webster went to visit
She picked up her saw with her
ville, Pa. At the February election 1 their creamery at Alexander's, and
he was elected for Justice. He had
previously been Justice of the Peace
at this place about 15 years. Mr.
Eugene Stroh was elected In his
place five years ago and his term ex
pires May 4, 1910. Mr. Pennell was
to have succeeded him. He
was burled by the Odd Fellows
barns don't suit the Borden's, so they I
are going to try somewhere else and i
see how they get along with the
Board of Health. The Hale Eddy
creamery has been rented for three .
by special request of the family, years to the Sheflleld Farms-Slaw-1
The funeral services were con- ( son-Decker Co., and Milton Travis '
ducted by Rev. H. T. Purklss on , and John Davidson of Hale Eddy
Sunuay at 1 0 o'clock a. m. at the were here one day last week to see
i i trln to Bench I ake on Satur-' ." v Z v v T,,i . r'sht foot, and, while steading it
. a trip to Beach Lake on Satur her parents near Waverly. N . nnd..
n!It- perhaps will not return until alter , ...., , n.. u
conference. 1
Last week Hut Williams disposed
of a load or syrup for J. E. Cross.
Mr. Cross has over one hundred ar-'
tides advertised at a 23-cent skldoo !
sale that ought to attract several 1
say that they will do the right thing ' pVr?!?"8,!r. ,
by the farmers. But the trouble with J';. ,i L Z V ! complete set of tools.
mil ouuc ... p..,.. tol.lou nl,r,.ntu nnH
book shelves are listed among
chant, former member of councils, con
fessed to having receiving $SO for his
AVIlllam Kltehey. former common
councilman, admitted having token
$100 for his vote from Ivleln.
E. F. Piirnell. former common coun
cilman, admitted having taken .on
for his vote in councils.
Isaac Mathias, former councilman,
admitted that ho had taken ?S1.2( for
his vote.
William Mailer, former member se
lect council, admitted having been paid
$150 for his vote.
Hunter will c.vjilnin the workings of
tho Jones road law. Every super
visor sliould ! present.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tun
The farmers of this section will
have a good choice of places to take i
their milk. The Bordens will run
demonstrated how easily it was
done. Various tools wero scattered
over the workbench, and several
book racks which Miss Smith had just
finished were lined up waiting for
their coat of varnish, which she will
also apply herself. One of her
greatest desires is to some day own
trained nurse.
xne sterling mgu nuiiooi luuu, , nrftn,oc f fllrilr ,.! 1,V
was thoroughly packed a t Fr - Mesides doing this wbrk
day evening when the Newfound- her , she ,
and troop gave "The County lair.
.UUUV WCIC Jlcni-UU HUiu urn...., i
Hollistervllle and other places. The
to use a scroll saw.
Pen and Ink sketching is anoth-
house and 10:30 at the chureh. In
terment In the cemetery near tho
church. The family have the heart
felt sympathy of the entire com
munity. Mr. Clarence H. Pennell arrived
nt Uswick from Aetna, lnd., on
Thursday evening.
Miss Pearl Crane returned home
from Scranton on Thursday.
The supper that was to have been
served at the P. O. S. of A. Hall on
Friday evening was postponed until
next week on account of Mr. C. W.
Pennell's death.
Mr. Hardier, of Bone Ridge, was a
caller at James Swan's at Uswick re
cently A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Reer of Arlington ls visiting Mrs. J.
Jorden nt Uswick.
Wo are hnvlng some beautiful
play was well rendered and thorough
ly enjoyed by all. The Newfound
land Glee Club is composed of Messrs.
Will Rohrbacker, Frank
Burt" and David Smith, Arthur
ft T I f I t 1 .X.r, ,.lrn liintlV
WatTr iL. ' Charles t treasured possessions, and she
Terms In Prison For New Jersey Of
ficials Who Plundered Township.
Soinervllle. X. J., March 22.-Joel
and Horace Codington, former treas
urer and clerk of Warren township,
were sentenced by Judge Louis II.
Schonck to serve terms In the state
prisou for m Isnppropria ting funds of
the township.
The court imposed a sentence of one
year in the state prisou at hard labor
on Joel Codington nnd one year and
six months on Horace Codington.
The Codington made full restitution
of the funds taken from the Wnrren
hniv mnnv wnnlil Klrn tn upnfl lllpir
milk there. O. A. Lee and Frank : H"1.'
Kcrcher are among those that will
send there. Some have not made up
their mind what they will do. Have
not heard what will be done with
.i . 1 1 .. -i. ,.. i - ,
Lowe will make butter for all that ll , V'u k " , " ' printing.
...... . 'I llf Clllll Its t Mill HUtttJll Ul tl Jvjiij iwt, , , . .. .0
- win in cnmvinp nor nnnw m n inin
er accomplishment. She holds her township treasury tierore tliey were in
pen between the first and second dieted. Tly are In the county Jail
toes of her right foot and can copy) and will ho taken to the state prison
any picture that may be given her. ( . a few days.
A camera is numucreu among ner
Soig and Ward Froy, and they not
has made many fne pictures. Sho
not alone manipulates her camera
. , , 1 . . , i , 111IL U1UUC lliuitlf Ulill.i;a net ,uiui;ui,
only sang at the piny but tk but nlso doe8 nU he(. deve,0)lnB nml
farm at
tie calmly slipped her right foot out
of her shoe, and lifting tho receiver
off the hook with her toes proceeded
to answer tho call.
"Xo one understands the old
adage, 'Where there's a will there's
E. E. Avery, who has been mana
ger of Chas. Dorlllnger's farm at this
place, will move upon the Bethel
farm near Beach Lake soon, a prop
erty purchaned by the formor nearly
a year ago, All are sorry to have
Mr. and Mrs. Avery leave us. Dur
ing their stay here they have won the j
esteem of all their neighbors.
Nearly every farmor in this vicin
ity Is busily engaged at prunnlng
their fruit trees.
On Tuesday laBt tho dairymen
from hero attended Borden's meeting
at East Honesdale. All seemed to be
satisfied with tho prices of milk.
Mr. Olver, Inspector for Borden's
milk station at East Honesdale, was
a pleasant caller at this place on
Wednesday last.
John Blake, of Manchester, was a
visitor at W. s II, Marshall's on
Thursday and Friday last. Mr. B.
Informed us that there is good sleigh
ing at his home and that on his way
to Honesdale on Thursday ho had to
drive the fields in many places.
Georgo 'Bishop, a highly esteemed
citizen of this place, died on Satur
day evening last.
William Stephens, of Beach Lake,
who broke his leg last fall, is still
very Inmo.
On Thursday last wo had the
pleasure of calling on W. J. Dames,
whom we found busily engaged at his
saw mill, sawing lath and lumber.
He called our attention to a stick of
timber different in shape- from any
that wo had ever s6en before. He in
formed us that- it waB a hammer
handle for tho Honesdale Axe fac
tory W C Spry spent several days last
week at Keene and at various places
in the vicinity of tho valloy.
He was taken to the home of his
j sltster, Mrs. Elmer Smith, with whom
lie lived, by B. F. Tewksbury. He
has the sympathy of all.
Charles Blanford and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of a baby
William Doollttle will move from
tnkp Miplr milk tn bis
Sherman, it is said. "f fellows and nuiny l Kraphs. the telephone rang. Sitting
Lovell Smith hao to have an oner- they .wereJt"eest,lo,t. If Ln? Vi" 1 down In front of the instrument Kit-
, t . I 11 ,i over iiPiirci. iiiv tiuu a iu
ation or an Interna trouble. , He er d' ' k at
aht t TtS the ball and the nigh school, which
we,, as could be expected. reUed oO.OO.
James Wilson had the misfortune Bt of hs aunlf Mrs Ut u, Simons.
tn fnll thrnutrli thn irn nn n drift i , i
near Maple 11.11 school house last , Bro uwUh the Odd Fellows - W better than I.'' said smiling
Saturday and break one of his legs. nd there WQS a good attedance. K'tOo do not find tasks too
The Grange Is still grooving and , a ,esson
they now number IJO mem-, Qr 8kotcl, Qnd wnat ,
berji Next Wednesday evening they do Jg frQm congtant practlce.
will hnve a supper. wh(jn j wHte j sharpen my peIlcll(
opening and closing my knife myself.
WFRMAN " ' wash my face, brush my teeth, take
onr-Mmn. 4 . , I my bath, and can comb my hair when
Several young people spent Friday ; .. . . , ,,,, T ,
Hale Eddy to his farm at this place evonlng wlth MlBB Loulso Lynch Re- "V all paper. cloth or ma
thls spring , IfrcahmentH were served and all en- , , u, , , , , WQrk 1
Charles Blanford of Susauehanna. . Joyed themselves very much. , du Rnd b nd eye
has been spending a few days with Mr8. w. O. Curtis is visiting rela-! ,. ' ' . nm noUo(,
his family at this place. , t,ves in Blnghamton and Centervllle. . wheUier x enJoy Ufo. As , aln vory j
Miss Mary Alexander Is tutoring ! A. R. Lowe's now team of horses j do of cour80 J
Lowls Schmltz of Sherman. It iBlrau away last Tuesday, but no ono ', Tllj8 Womierful young woman was j
said that ho Is learning to be a book- was hurt. ; b rn , Chicago In 1882. Her par-,
keeper. B. W. Raymond vis ted relatives at , entfJ wenJ vory poor Aftor ner af.
Mrs. Frank Strain and two chit-, Oquoga Lake last Friday. , , fllctlon tho children's Home Society
dren. Cnlfrlnn and Otto, spent part A. R. Lowe expects to commence ' Qf , boenme Interested In her
oi last week with rejntives at sner-1 running ins creamery uu ",u"1"- case and through tho efforts of Dr. I
man. He will take several of tho farmers' prank M QreBg Qf tUat B0C,ety 0
Thoro was a surprise party at S. j milk. ..Kltt0 Smith" fund was raised for I
B. Alexander's one night last week.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs spent , th(j purposo of ncming tho child.1
All report a good time. Inst Thursday at Mrs. .D. Arneko s. ThU8 she wn8 taught to sew with!
Mr. anu .Mrs. i.onnie woou anu, a uaugmer wan uum iu .n. i j,er feet. The girl's father died a
But He Fails to Stop Sullivan of Bos
ton In Ten Rounds.
Xew York, March 22. Tim Sullivan,
the Boston middleweight, stood oft
Sailor Burke In a ten round tight at
thi! Olympic Athletic club here. Sul
livan showed enough cleverness and
pluck to stay the limit In spite of sev
eral knockdowns.
Burke was the winner In the long
run. but had Sullivan been In good
shape there might have been a differ
ent result to chronicle. The clubhouse
was jammed with light fans, who
thecred Sullivan to the echo when he
left the ring, his face a mass of bumps
nnd bruises.
The Delaware & Hudson Co. Is
now collating information for the
1J10 edition of "A Summer Para
dise," the D. & H. summer-hotel and
boarding-house directory that has
dono so much to advertise and de
velop the resorts In this section. It
offers opportunity for every summe;
hotel or boarding house proprietor
to advertise his place by representa
tion In this book. The Information
desired Is, as follows: Name of house;
P. O. Address; Name of Manager;
Altitude: Nearest D. & H. R. R. sta
tion; Distance from station; how
reached from station; Capacity of
house; Terms per week and per day;
Date of opening and closing house;
what modern Improvements; Sports
and other entertainments. This in
formation should bo sent at once to
Mr. A. A. Heard, General Passenger
Agent, Albany, N. Y. Blanks may
be obtained from the nearest ticket
ngent, if desired. No charge is made
for a card notice; a pictorial adver
tisement will cost J15.00 for a full
pago or ?7.50 a half-page. Our ho
tel people should get busy at once
and take advantage of this. Don't
make tho mistake of thinking that
your houso wll be represented be
cause it was in last year, but make
sure that you receive tho benefit of
this offer by forwarding the needed
Information without delay. Owners
of cottnges to rent are also given the
same rates for pictorial advertise
ments, but, for a card notice, a mini
mum charge of J3.00 will be made.
M. K. SIMONS, I'iiuhidkxt.
C. A. KMKltV, Casiiikii
CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00
Of the People,
For the People and
By the People !
two daughters attended the funeral
of Howard, the four-year-old son of
Frank Joy, at Deposit, last Friday.
William Evans and Charlie Al
drlch of Sherman, were at this placo
on business last Tuesday,
E, J. Henderson will continue to
work at Starrucca. and come hero
Saturdays and back Sunday. His
wife will stay and care for her
mother, whose health ls very poor.
Arthur and Roscoe Smith, of Oqu
aga.'Lako, wero callers at this place
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Con
row, a 10-pound boy. '
Loon J. Tucker is working for S.
L, Splcor.
S. C. Osborne, of Orson, Pa., Is
spending a few days with S, L.
Frank Curtis had tho mlsfortuno
to fall on the ico whllo going to his
work, and cut his arm vory badly
with an ax ho was carrying.
Mrs, R. B. Scudder of Deposit,
spent Monday with her parents, O.
Mrs. James Tuttle March ICth
Win. Evnns was In Honesdale last
Hungarians Raise a Wild Uproar In
Chamber at Budapest.
Budtipest, March 22. Wild scene
were witnessed In the Hungarian
chamber when a decree dissolving
that body, sanctioned by Frnucls Jo
Hcph, was rend. The Opposition de
clared that tho decree signed by the
emperor-king was unconstitutional.
Violent attacks wero made on the
government, und 'when some of the
Radical members lost their heads
heavy books and inkstands were hurl
ed at tho government members who
snt on tho ministerial benches.
Many of these missiles struck Pre
mier yon Hedovnry, who fell to the
few weeks after tho tragedy.
The, next eight years of her life
were spent in Poynette, Wis., whoro
sho nttented high school, nil expenses
being paid out of tho fund. Having
graduated, Miss Smith was of age
and tho fund exhausted. By exhibit
ing her work and selling her draw
ings and needlework nnd other
things she managed to eke out an ex
istence. Kittle caused the foundation of a
home nnd schoql for crippled chil
dren. To fit herself to act in nn offi
cial capacity in such institution she
attended the Taylor university nt Up
land, lnd.
A comfortable cottago was rented
hero. With only $300 the school was
opened, At present thoro are four
little pntlents and students. They
have medical care, plenty of fresh
nlr and plain but wholesomo food.
Klttlo does tho work.
One llttlo girl with a badly deform-
floor with Ills faco covered with blood.
IIU friends removed him from the I ed back, caused by a drunkard's kick,
chamber is beginning to show signs of recov-
We solicit the patronage of Individuals and firms
for either Checking or Savings accounts, and alweys
stand ready to loan money to Wayne Countcans having
proper security.
Mechanics Bank