The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 23, 1910, Image 3

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The, Democrats have been much
irritated over an article- written by,
President Gompers. of the American .
federation of Labor, and recently
. luu oren i"- 1
tlou. Mr. Gompers spent consider-1
able time In Europe last year In com-j
pany with other members. of his or
ganization, and though a persistent
opponent of tho Republican party,
his article Is a very strong utter
anco In favor of the Protective
Tarlff., Ho gives a statement of
uicnnra noil, a momucr 01 mo u- Mlsa C()le nml noylc un(, booII
Ish Parliament, made before tho Ullowu lo be frIcmlly for soldo time.
British Trades Union Congress last Uecently Miss CoIe vl8lleU Dr ploe.
September, In which .Mr. Bell stated ' bo Low of Ln,erty, nm) on Tuesday
that railway men In Great Brltnln B,10 d,od nfter returnlng l0 lu3t. bome.
received $4.25 a week, and ono nlstrlct Attorney Ellsworth Baker
G. H. Roberts, another member of , obtnlncd from Mls8 Colc nn nnte.
tho British Parliament, also stated mortom statement, upon the strength
that agricultural laborers were re-. of whldl ,C ,sgued wnrranU ni8 for
celviug less than S3 a week. Mr. Dr L(nv and M,gg Sm0 Cnreyi
Thorn, still another member of the I Dr Low ,g 75 .cara of ag0 nnd ,ms
British Parliament, mentioned thnt been racucng In Central Valley for
l)Ullders laborers In Ipswich were tbo ,agt twenty years- Mlsg Cole was
receiving 0 cents nn hour, and some , the dauBhter or Mr. an,i Mrs. wil
men In the audience called out that j Unm Co,0i who lnoved t0 Hancock ro-
ninny of tnem were wonting iui ,
cents an hour. Mr. Gompers quotes
from an official Gorman document ,
showing that only three or four j
of the trades of that county average
over ?300 a year for skilled work-1
,R"' .,rn iL ' Vw Z
.. ...i, mrtot rf lin nvnrn trn ril n
.. c. , i. 1i.m n nn
Berlin Saddlers' organization union
scale calls only for ?7 a week, while
8 i"u,uu,s,u" v" 1
plumbers in tho same city Bet from
$S to $9 a week, and wages are
1. i 1 . 1.. ,nvltn tlmn nnv nlonn ftlo
...Buc. ... 1 have been sending out postal cards
in Germany Bay laborers l h earing the words. "IJill Rendered."
from 02 cents to 75 cents a day. Mr. I An enve,opo Qr
Gompers says: ,,,.,, outside cover, or wrapper of which,
ertte0XofW T "T ,nny
America is greater to the working delineations, epithets, terms of lan
man depends entirely on the stand- gunge of a lascivious, libelous de
ard of living he adopts while In famatory or threatening character,
America. If be voluntarily lives a and obviously Intended to affect in
life of self-denial in this country that jurlously the character or conduct of
he compulsorlly lived in his native another maIli are written or printed,
land, his outlay in money will re- are decIare(, nnmalIabie matter. Any
III ill II ilUUUl L"U Dame
Even tnen i
,.til Loi-fllf (icontin frninltiir Rnnift
from the superior supply oi tne goou
things of life in America. Living is
cheap to the wage worker in Europe j
only because he does without what j
in America soon becomes a neccs-
slty to him food in good quantity j
ana quality, preseiuuu.u i
anu a comioruium uuhic, u..u, i
SSSorV TEW life" i dunned-before. Is classed as defam-
Meat is usually from 25 per cent, to "tory. Likewise, are running cards
100 per cent, higher in Europe than bearing the numerals 1, 2, 3, l, sug
in the United States. The imml- gesting that the man addressed had
grant coining to America linds that been reminded of his debt more than
he can uuy in quaniuy, anu u
cases where lie need not) his flour,
potatoes, fuel, oil, sugar, coffee, salt
-the essentials for his plain table
all cost less ordinarily than in the
lnn,l hp lnft. The eheanness and :
abundance of many varieties of fruit remit" postal for 14 consecutive
and of our melons and tomatoes is a j days.
surprise to him. Closely after the!
most pressing necessities come a THE MAX OF THE HOCK IX
lino-of things cheaper than in Eu- KANSAS,
rope, such as cotton clothing, Jump-' jay e. House in Human Life for
ers and shoes. Fine wool and silk ' M h t0 poworful human inter
stuffs, furs, laces and kid gloves cost nn(i tho snbieot is Gov
less abroad than in the United States; ! ebt sto'77and1'e bubJe" lbt,v
a fact, however, which bears as ernor Stubbs of Kansas. In all tho
lightly In an Inquiry as to the condi- political turmoil and unrest which
tions of the masses as does the tariff , has shriven the West during the past
nn the masternleces of art. The i five vears. no other nersonality so
main conclusion as to housing is the distinctive and unusual has been dls
samo as that relating to food; if the closed- He wag( BO t0 speak, pitch
.LZ forked into reform-broke in over
at the same level he was obliged to
nccept in his native land, he can find
it for the same money.
,...... , . o,.i 1
"u,u"6lm" 'Vf ",n,,, ThBir
with plants generally explain their
behavior during Passion week. The
..till nl.t.t,i.n iifWh FAmnrca lm
.,,.eu u.. D....D . ,
cause when Christ passed, it had
boldly faced the heavens instead of
bowing Its head In company with the
other trees. Tho Savior cast one
look on it and the memory of that
sorrowful glance Is handed down
even to this generation.
Tho willow was used for the
scourges and ever since It has drop
ped its arms In misery. Tho elder
is commonly supposed to be the tree
upon which Judas hanged himself,
and it Is not oven to be touched as
firewood. However, it affords a safe
refuge in a warring of the elements,
Ughtning will de jgn
luiifeus tnat grows on
for not oven
to strike it. A
the elder and is now known as Jew's
ears was originally called Judas'
The exalls, or wood sorrel, was
standing at the foot of tho cross and
received some drops of the preclouB
blood. These she still carries. Tho
Italians have the same legend nnd
call this little blossom
nllolnl'i " .,B i
1 . , i , Vhn Inrw
great gift to the word. i?,.nr the '
anemone, too, Is said to bear the,
ctams of Christ's blood.
God's true preachors have been
distinguished by ono greatj feature; j
they were men of prayer. Differing
often in many things, thoy have!
always had one common centre.
They may have started from diffor-
ent points, and travoled by different j
roads, but they converged to ono
point; they were one in prayer. God
to them was the centre of attraction,
and prayer wbb tho path that led to
These men prayed not occasion-
allv. not a little at regular or at
odd times, but thoy so prayed that
their prayers entered Into and shap
ed their characters; they so prayed
as to affect their own lives and tho
lives of others; they so prayed as to
make tho history of tho church and
Influence tho current of the times.
They spent much tlmo In prayer,
not because thoy marked the shadow
ou the dial or tho hands of tho
clock, but because it was to them
so momentous and ongaging a busi
ness that they could scarcely give
Warrants Out for Hancock, X. V.,
Mnn nnt, Tmo Wonicn.
A a,8pntch from L11)0rty, N, Y.,
, FrliiarB Ncw York TlnlC3( 9(ly(S
resldent8 of central Valley, especial-
ly of Liberty and Hancock, whero the
principals were well known, were
8Urpr,sed Thursdliy by lho tfsav.
penraticc from Hancock of Eugene
Hoylc, a prosperous young business
man, following the death of Hazel
Colo, 17 years old, and Issuance of a
warrant for Boyle's arrest based up-
on 1)or Iulte.mortcm statoinont
I cently from WInterdalo, Penn.
Ignorance or disregard of the pos
tal laws, particularly as to the Hml-
tatlons they put on postal card cor
respondence. is liable to bring some
, . . ' ,,,, , , ,ni
people Into the clutches of the postal
authorities, says a Washington dis-
,t ,g a , mber of
firms In this section as individuals
person who causes to be deposited
is punishable, upon conviction, by
a line .of ?5,000, or imprisonment at
hard labor for five years, or both,
jn tbe discretion of the court. "Bill
rendered," Inasmuch as it shows
that the man addressed has
"Please remit." is acceptable to
tho federal authorities, and one
firm recently took that way of prod-
i ji. l .1 1
us cruuuuis, fteuuiuB a i,.uat,u
Stubbs, with the hayseed still in
his hair, had never seen the inside
of the Kannas Statehouse until the
iirst Legislature in which he sat
convened, and in his innocence im
aglned that every member had some
Qf ,n go
on the very first day, the "machine"
majority large enough to do
f ,,,, t,Za., f
anything it liked, and proceeded to
distribute the loaves and lishes, he
was amazed and disgustea. Ho
protested, and his protests made
about as much impression appar
ently ns a mosquito bite on a Dread-
naught. Nobody paid any attention
to him.
There was a weak spot In the ar
mor. The "bosses" had aroused a
sleeping giant in his wrath; a typical
Kansan tornado was on the .war-
,path. Knowing nothing of tho po-
lltlcal aiao- socia,,y crude and un"
Ri,nttcreil tho "old" Kansas
machine drunk with power -into
kindling wood, and prepared a num
ber of clever statesmen for tho junk
A splendid lighter is Stubbs at
once the most admired and tho best
hated Jayhawker on tho political
noriZOIl Ol puuuirem swio iu-
. I . I . 1 . O . . .. tl , .. L' . 1 1 in-
aire, ardent reformer and purifier
ofpolitics, the story of the rise of
...,',. , ' ,, ,a
this unlettered farmer boy is one
that will stir tho blood of every clti
zen who likes to believe that honor
. imtrjott8m and sturdy manhood
are as much a part of our alvic life
to-day as ever they were.
L A reckless man In a zoological
garden onco seized a venomous ser
pent by tho nape of the neck and
held It up before his companions
Tho man thought ho had tho serpent
wholly In his power. But It began
to coll its long body about his nrm
and then slowly tighten Its grasp
till the man In agony was obliged to
drop his hold of his neck. Quick
ly then It turned anu im nun. mm
soon the man was dead.
Ho thought ho was strong enough
to nlay with tho sorpont, and then
thrust It from him when wearied of
the play. Many think they aro strong
enough to play with tomptatlon of
any sort, but thoy find sooner or
later that tho temptation has mas
tered them. " Watch and pray that
ye enter not Into tomptatlon," said
Christ. It Is the entering into toinp
tatlon which is to bo guarded
Organized Cheering and Cheer Lead
ing Here Novelties for Foreigners.
"There Is probably no one thing
that so Hiirprlses British visitors to
our collego football games and boat
races," said the one time varsity ath
lete, "as the organized cheering and
the poses and antics of tho cheer lead
ers. At a British meet polite hand
clapping In about the strongest Indica
tion of approval of any performance
and the cheering at the football games
Is just that hort any man might give
vent to If Konieihius stirred him.
"The clitcf leader Is a product that
astounds many Americans not a little,
and therefore the surprise of tho Brit
ish visitor is not so remarkable. Tho
sight of two or three young men, out
In front of a stand, waving mega
phones, whirling arms abodt and
twisting from side to side to give tho
time to the cheering folks cortainly
is out of the ordinary. 'Quite busi
ness,' Is the British comment, and the
cheering does seem to lack spontane
ity." Animal Learning.
Dr. T. Zell, a German naturalist, haa
collected many Instances to prove that
nnlmals learn by experience, and thus
become wiser animals than their unln-
etructed parents. Game animals of
all kinds, ho avers, have learned
the range of modern rifles. Grey
hounds quickly learn to let rab
bits alone, and fox-hounds pay no
attention to either rabbits or
hares. Killer whales and gulls follow
whaling vessels, just as vultures fol
low an army. Crows begin to accom
pany the chamois hunter as soon as
they have seen the result of his first
successful shot, and rough-legged buz
zards follow the sportsman after
winged game. The number of birds
that kill or injure themselves by fly-
ng against telegraph wires is much
smaller than it used to be. Dr. Zell
also refers to the fact that birds and
quadrupeds have learned to disregard
passing railway trains, aB horses
quickly cease to be frightened by
motor cars. His Instances of intelli
gent selection exercls.ed' by sheep
dogs are familiar to all.; Tit-Bits.
Plea for the Imagination.'
.Just as if every living belngmust
have soul and body, so must man have
two points of view; that which helps
him to see after worldly affairs and
that which makes hinv realize that
there Is something beyond. .
In training tho child's Imagination
there is danger. It is that he may de
velop a contempt for tho practical;
but one should be a help to the other.
A man who Is always In the clouds is
a cause of irritation to his neighbor;
but one who cannot ascend there will
be a dull and depressing companion.
A man who sees Mont Blanc for the
first time and wonders what Is going
on on the stock exchange Is a person
to be pitied; but the one who makes
his friend lose his train because he la
lecturing him on the beautiful, or for
gets to bring the ring to church be
cause he Is so much in love. Is every
bit as tiresome as the other.
Story of a Bunch of Keys.
After Mary Queen of Scots had suc
ceeded In effecting her escape from
the grim old fortress of Lochleven,
her deliverer, William Douglas, threw
the keys which had brought her her
freedom into the waters of tho lake,
There they lay till the parching sum
mer of 1805, when a boy named Wil
liam Honeyman, while strolling on its
banks, picked-up a bunch of five keys
of antique workmanship, fastened by
an iron ring. These the boy carried
to the parish schoolmaster, who for
warded them to the earl of Morton.
hereditary keeper of Cochleven cas
tle near Edinburgh, where they still
remuln. They arc, without doubt, the
old keys which William Douglas threw
into tho loch on the eventful night
when the queen escaped, only to be
taken again and consigned to life-long
Brussels Women Live Long.
Tho length of life of an average
woman, In Brussels at least, Is super
ior to man, according to the Independ
anco Beige. Statistics Bhow that dur
ing the last two years the feminine
element has predominated In the Brus
sels population, In 1908 there were
only 7.81 R. boys In the Belgian capital
between the ages of ten and fifteen
years and 7,903 girls of tho same ago.
After twenty years the difference in
creases in favor of the woman, and
while Brussels only possessed 9,383
.males of twenty and twenty-five years
and 9,181 of twenty-five to thirty years
the falresl half of the liumau race was
represented by 11,701 and 10,899, re
spectively. Our First Money.
The first United States money was
mado in 1780, but Instead of bearing
the faces of leading statesmen it boro
only tbo face of Liberty. Some fow
coins wore stamped with the face of
Washington, and are highly valued by
collectors, Tho first coins struck by
the United States Mint wero some
half-dimes, In 1792. Tho first United
States dimes wore struck In Franco
from old silver fnmlly plate furnished
by Washington, and were known as
"Martha Washington Dimes," from the
fact that tho Liberty head was adapt
ed to that of the President's wife.
"Divine Right."
Following is an extract from a
speech mudo by a railroad president
during the anthracite strike; "The
rights and interests of tho laboring
man will bo looked after and cared
for, not by the agitators, but by Chris
tian men to whom God in His Infinite
wisdom has given control of the prop
erty interosU of th country,"
Paris Has the Craze and Londor I
Starts an Exclusive Sunday Club. 1
All Paris has gone wild over rollqi
nkatlng and the various rinks are gaj
all afternoon and evening with per-
formers In various degrees of perfec
tion. Even tbe parks and the streets
have their skuterR, and the broad ns-
phalt walks of the Tnllerles and the
Luxembourg make line practicing
grounds for small boy3 nnd sirls. The
keenest of all skaters W-kIut rollet
or otherwise are the Eur!!''! school
girls In Pat-Is. and It Is axtnnlshlng,
nays the Queen, to find how many
there are of them.
In London the Olympia Skating
Club, an exclusive organisation for en-
Joying roller skating on Sunday afier-
noons, has aroused opposition among
churchgoers, but It has coifiu to stay,
at least until Easter.
He Was Not Hypercritical.
"I don't want to he hypercritical."
said a citizen, as he was negotiating at
a Harlem garage for the use of an
auto, "but 1 don't want that red-haired
chauffeur to drive me. GIyo me an
other man."
"What's tho matter with him?" ask
ed the manager. "He's all right. Has
he ever driven you?"
"No," replied the man who didn't
want to be hypercritical. "But tho
other afternoon when the thermome
ter stood at 91 he went by my place
alone in a machine, and I'm blest If
he hadn't taken his hat off, exposing
his head to a broiling sun, and kept
his coat on when he might have got
some relief by taking off his coat and
protecting his head with his hat.
"I figure It out that with a man who
has no more Intelligence than he dis
played. It would be only a question of
of time till he'd land In a ditch or In
a hospital. I don't want him."
First Hospital In New World.
It is said that the first hospital over
built In America was erected by the
Spaniard Cortez in the City of Mexico
In 1524. It was endowed out of the
revenues obtained from the properties
conferred on him by the Spanish
crown for his services in the con
quest of Mexico. The endowment was
so arranged that it still exists and is
paid at the present day. A supervisor
is named by the lineal descendant of
Cortez at present.
In this hospital women occupied po
sitions as nurses and physicians, and
In their care were all cases of obste
trics and women's diseases. Consider
able was known by the Indians of
medicine. The Mexican hospital is a
line building, with arcades and court
yard. It is an interesting landmark in
the history of hospital construction
and administration. Medical Record.
Hall of Fame.
Tho Hall of Fame for Great Ameri
cans Is the name of a building on Uni
versity Heights, in New York City, in
which aro inscribed the names of fa
mous American men and women.
Nominations for the honor are made
by the public and submitted to a com
mittee of ono hundred eminent citi
zens. In the cato of men fifty-one
votes are required and in the case of
women forty-seven. The first ballot
ing took place in October, 1900.
Cause of Tidal Waves.
The great tidal waves observed at
Marseilles on Juno 15, 1909, appear to
have been caused by unusually high
electrical charge of the atmosphere
which is known to have existed during
the period of the earthquakes which
devastated the south of France. The
powerful attraction exerted on the
surface of th6 eartli by this electric
charge caused earthquakes on land
aud tidal waves in the Mediterranean.
Scientific American.
The Gypsies.
The origin of the people known as
gypsies remains largely a mystery.
Egypt, India, Persia and Arabia have
In turn been pointed out as their origi
nal country, but there is but little
definite knowledge on the subject. The
weight of evidence Is In favor of their
having originated in India. They first
appeared in Europe about 1400, and
from the Danube region spread all
over the Continent, appearing in Eng
land about 1520.
A Tongue-Twister.
Do you read by sight or sound? Do
you skim the sense or pronounce tho
words ns you go? Inatldlbly but con
sciously? Thore nro many readers
who read by the oar, and when this
writer had written tho sentence
nbout Wick (there was an election
there) "Wick Is rich In Plctish re
lics," he leaned back and tried to whis
per It, thinking of the next. "Wick Is
rich In Plctish relics." Say it three
times quickly.
The Torpedo.
Tho use of tho torpedo In naval war
fare was thought of so early as the
beginning of tho last century, but It
muy be said that tho first practical ap
plication of torpedoes was made by
the Confederates duvlng the Civil War
of 18G1-C5. So soon as their destruc
tive character was demonstrated both
sldos used them quite extensively, nnd
since the war betwoon the States the
torpedo has- been the most dreaded
weapon In marlno warfare.
Quaint Little Clock.
An odd llttlo clock Is In the form
of a crystal ball suspended by a leath
er strap to the top of a stirrup iron.
The Iron, which la really of silver
or gun metal, stands on the desk or
dresser on the metal base on which
the foot rests when one rides, and the
clock swings from its tiny leather
THE lily to regarded t..i a saint
n moil flowers, nnd the reason
lilies are so largely- used In the ,
decoration of churches Is not
only because they are the most perfect
if floral type, hut because of their
symbolic meaning.
One beautiful old belief about the
Illy relates that the candidates for tlu
Virgin Mnry'.s hand after having
nought the Lord's blessing each left
his own stuff In tbe temple In the
etenlng. The next morning the dry
rod of Joxcph wjih found green nnd
blossomed with lily Mowers.
Another pretty legend Is that Mary
on her way to the temple plucked a
Illy, and upon pressing It to her breast
It became white. "Lily of the Virgin,"
"Madonna flower" and several other
mystical mimes were given to the Illy
Mini have reference, to this legend.
A German belief points to tho Harz
mountains as the birthplace of the
white lily. A beautiful girl mimed
Alice was curried off by a wicked
lord. Just ns ho reached his castle
the guardian spirit of tbe place wrest
ed the girl from his arms. On tbe'place
touched by tho feet of this innocent
maid sprang the white illy. This story
Is believed by tbe peasants of tho
liar, mountains, and every year hun
dreds of them mnke a pilgrimage to
the castle to behold the dazzling beau
ty of the Mower that nourishes there.
Another German legend runs this
way and relates to the "red" lily:
Once the garden of Gethsemane wn.
full of Mowers of all kinds and among
them none ho lovely as the splendid
lily, with her clustering bells proudly
upright. It was evening, and the
Lord came to walk in his garden. As
ho passed along each Mower bowed
before him, but when he came to the
Illy her haughty head remained erect,
defiant In her conscious beauty. The
Lord paused and looked at her for a
second. She braved the mild eye of
reproof, then slowly bent her head,
while blushes swept over her. Still
the Lord's gaze rested on her. Lower
sank her head, deeper burned her
crimson, then tear after tear welled
up In her lily cups. At this the
Lord passed on. When morning came
all the Mowers lifted their heads nil
but tbe lily, that once was white
queen among them. Her head remain
ed bowed In shame. To this day she
blushes over her sin of vanity, anil
the clear crystal tears of repentance
still sway In the cups of the Mower
that refused to bend before the Lord.
An Easter Miracle.
It was in the year 1709, when the
armies of Napoleon were passing over
the continent of Europe and conquer
ing all that came In their way.
It was Easter morning, and the sun
shone brightly on Feldkirch, a little
town situated on the III river, Just
within the borders of Austria. Tho
111 Mows into the Ithine.
Quite early on this morning there
suddenly appeared on the heights
above the town to the west the glit
tering weapons of 1S.O0O Erench sol
diers, tin- division under the command
of General .Massena.
There was a hasty assembling of
the town council, and It was decided
that a deputation be sent to Massena
with the keys of the town and a peti
tion for mercy.
In the midst of all the confusion of
the hurrying to' and fro and the anx
ious consultation the old dean of the
church stood up serene as was the
morning, with no thought of fear In
his brave Christian heart.
'It Is Easter day." he said. "We
have been reckoning on our own
strength, and it is hut weakness. Let
us ring the bells and have service as
usual. Wo will leave our troubles in
the hands of the Higher Power."
Soon from all the church 'Spires of
l-'eldklrch the bells rang out Joyously.
The streets became thronged with wor
shipers on their way to church. Loud
er and more triumphant pealed the
bells as they rang out the glad mes
sage, and the hills putting on their
new green, echoed back: "Christ Is
risen. He Is risen from the dead."
The French army heard the sounds
of rejoicing, and Massena concluded
there could be but one reason for It
Ho was sure that the Austrian itrinv
had arrived In the night.
Ho ordered his men to break up
camp, aud almost before the bells luu
censed ringing long before Easter
services were over the French army
was In elderly retreat.
lly noon not a tent, not a solJIer.
not a glittering bayonet, was to be
seen on the heights above KeldUlrcli.--Doston
An Easter Sermavi.
"I'm Kind that Knster Sunday's here,"
Said Mrs. Henry Gray.
"My bonnet now mid other gear
I'll wear to church today.
A vein of Klory will pervade
My hymn of-praise and prayer.
Kor when my toilet Is displayed
' How Mrs. llllsa will stare!
I hate that horrid Mrs. Brown,
With all her quirks and smiles.
Of ull the women In tho town
She apus the coarsest styles.
She bought her bonnet 'way last spring
And ears It now for new.
And as for that old Thompson thins,
1 vow 1 hate her tool
"I hoar Sllss Jones, the cross eyed cat.
Has bought a new pekay
And terra cottu Paris hat
To wear to church today.
And Helen White has got a. dress
They say is just divine.
Come, Sir. dray, and do you guess
It's halt as sweet as mine? .
"There go those awful Hillings girls.
They paint and powder too. ,
They pad and wear cheap bungs and curls
They do I know they dol
You needn't laugh. I boldly say
And stake my honor on It
I'll paralyze them all today
With my new dress and bonnet!"
Eueene field,
Olllce, .Masonic
Honesdnle. I'a.
Iieilillni:, t crond floor
Olllreovir post oflk-u. All h-unl business
promptly i.tlindcd to. JIouvmIuIc, l'a.
Olllce Liberty Hull tmlldlni:. opposite the
Post (JfUcc. lloiifsilale. i'a.
(JlMtc over Itt'lf's store, llonetdnle l'a.
Olllce ver l'o.t Olllce. Ilunesdiile. l'a
Special and prompt attention Klve.ii to the
collection of rfnlniN. Olllce over Itch's new
More. Honesdalc. J'u.
Olllce over the post olllce. Honcadale. l'a.
Olllce in the Court Honte, Ilonesdale
Patents ami pensions secured. Olllce In thi
Sclnierholz ImlldlliL' llonesrlale. l'a.
Otllec Second Itoor old Suvlncs Brik
hulldlnu. Honesdalc. I'a.
Olllcesllntely occupli d Ny .ludue Senrle.
Olllce First floor, old Savings llank'.bulld
Ins. Honesdalc. I'a.
Or. C. It. IiKADY. Dentist. Ilonesdale. Fa.
Offick Homts-8 p. in
Any evening by appointment.
Citizens' ihone.33 Residence. No. S6-X
Olllce mid reildenie IU19 Court 'street
telephones. Olllce Hours &C0 to 4:00 nnd
h(H) o 8:00.u. m
L1VHKV. rred. U. Hickard has re
moved his livery establishment from
corner Church btreet to Whitnev'c Stone
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayse County.
Oflice: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. J ad win's drug store,
If you don't insure with
us, we both lose.
White Wills? Pa.
You will make money
hylmvliiL- me.
liKixriioNK m Bethany, Pa.
Wo have the sort of tooth brushes that are
made to thoroughly cleanse and save the
They are the kind that clean teeth without
eavlnc vour mouth lull of brUtles.
We recommend those costhir 23 cents or
more, us we cun tuuranteu them and will re-
filace, free, any that show detects ot nianu
acture within three months.
Opp.D. A H. StatUa tlONESDALB, PA