The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 11, 1910, Image 1

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    TIIK WKATIIKU For Friday fair weather nnd on Saturday It will bo .unsettled.
h" f K" r 1." jC K ? K" JO K K" JO
Scm!-Weekly Founded 5
! 1908
fc Weekly Founded. 1844 '
' f Ji'" JO 00 JO .: ,,,
; Wayne County Organ J
" f the
.. . : j o j o: j jj
l8 7th YEAR.
C O. 20
'Philadelphia Union Labor
Leaders Make Threat.
Doubt Expressed Whether Organized
Workers Throughout Pennsyl
vania Will Obey the Order
to Quit Work.
Philadelphia, March 10. The unlor.
labor chiefs here are banking on the
threat of a state wide or natlon.v
strike. Their plan Is broadly to drlvi
the merchants and business Interests
not only of Philadelphia, but of tin
whole country, into n panic, so thai
tremendous pressure will be brought
al? Amerlcnn' cllli-.ons under our constitu
tions nnd laws; and
Whereas, This strike iwralnst organised
labor of Philadelphia by the mayor,
transit company nnd allied corporations Is
a flizht atrnlnat nnnnUnJ 1-1
( , ' . '"h""11! muur every
where and If successful means open dec-
loimiunn 01 war against the labor move
ment for Industrial democracy through
3Ut Pennsylvania and the United States:
Resolved, That we. the Pennsylvania
state Federation of Ijibor In convention
assembled. Indorse and approve of the
action taken by our fellow unionists of
Itesolved, That we pledge to our fellow
workers of Philadelphia our moral and
financial support and If necessary to ex
tend the general strike to every Industry
of the state of Pennsylvania and to ap
peal to the workers
; to take similar action;
I Resolved. Thnt w li-r-hv mi u
j American Federation of Labor and to all
national and International unions to In- 1
dorse and give their support to the Phil- '
I adelphla workers;
I Resolved. That we hereby Instruct our
president to repair at once to Phlladel-
pnla, there to unite and co-operate with
Hie general strike committee and to do
i nil in his power to aid them In their
Virginian Statesman Critically
III In Florida With Paralysis.
Trenton Trolley Cars Tied Up.
Trenton, N. J., March 10. The mo
(onuen and conductors of the Trenton
Street Rnilwny company are on strike
following the refusal of the company
to accede to the
to bear on the Philadelphia Haploj k by the union. The union demand
Transit company to treat with its for for the nieu an increase from 20 cents
mcr employees. to 23 cents an hour, ten hours' work
Neither the city otllcials "nor thi m twelve consecutive hours, the ad'
principal employers of labor, ueh as! J"s"''ont of grievances through a com
" me union and the reinstate
ment of all the men who were dis
charged for joining the union.
The company, through its general
manager, Peter E. Hurley, has declar
ed that it will not recognize the union
and that It will pay no higher wages
than at present.
The Trenton Street Hallway com
pany is operated by the Interstate
Hallway company, which has lines in
Chester and Heading, pn.. and Wll
miiiL'ton. Del.
Mme. Catherine Breshkov-
skaya Sent to Siberia.
Woman Acquitted of Double
Murder Revisits Paris Secretly.
Nicholas Tschaikovsky Declared Not
Guilty of Criminal Activity In
the Russian Revolutionary
the textile mill owners, are grcatl
alarmed at the news from New
castle that the state federation hat
Indorsed a state wide strike "shoulo
It be necessary" and has urged tin
American Federation of Labor to or
der a strike of national scope. Mayoi !
Heyburn and others think the state
federation is hlufiing. They do nol
believe that there Is the slightest dan
ger of extensive defections of unioi.
employees throughout Pennsylvania.
Inquiry among the owners of tlu j
larger mills and factories elicited j
much the same opinion. The nieu wIk i
own the great looms of Kensingtor,
are becoming confident that Ihey cat
win their light for the Inviolability oi '
agreements even if they have to kecr j
their shops closed for a year to do it .
These employers have stiffened theli;
backbones Immensely in the past daj
or two. They have ceased practicallj
to shout for arbitration. They are
meeting principally for the purpose ol
determining a uniform mode of pro
cednre should it become necessary tt
suspend operations Indefinitely.
With the merchants, the proprietor!
Daytonn, Flu.. March lO.John War
wick Daniel. United States senator
from Virginia, who has lieen here for
some days, is stricken with paralysis,
and his condition Is critical.
The senator was In bed when strick
en, and it was" some time before he ral
lied. The physicians fear n recur
rence of the stroke, which would prob
ably prove fatal owing to the senator's
advanced ago.
Senator Daniel has Lever been very
strong physically owing to the loss of
a leg and other injuries which he sus
tained In the civil war.
Financier's Firm Begins Making Ab
sorption of Companies.
New York. March 10. A mammoth
combination of automobile manufac
turing companies is In process of for
mation, nnd it will be llnanced by J.
I'. Morgan, who thus appears In a iiew
nem or industry. This was learned
Classmates Strip Sophomore, Duck
Him and Make Him Dance.
Washington, Pa., March 10. The
sophomores of Hethany college strip
ped and lashed Charles Wlnslow, one
of their class. Ilesides. the.v degraded
as a result of the absorption of the u before the girl co-eds of the col
Everett - Metzger - Flnuders company. '0KO, ducked him and locked him In
which makes E-M-F cars, by Morgan uu unfurnished room, all because he
& Co. for the purpose of combining It refused to take part In a cane light,
with the Studebaker Manufacturing His classmen seized Wiuslow, tore
company. his clothes off and forced him tn nm
of the big downtown stores, the shop , The big combine will be built up as nnny times around the campus They
keepers in the neighborhoods when ' was the United States Steel corpora- ood In a great circle, and as Whi
ttle strike feeling is hottest and Hit' tion, and the llnancing will be similar alow passed each of them a whip do-
St. Petersburg, March 10. Nicholas
Tschaikovsky, who was tiled on the
charge of criminal nctivlty in the rev
olutlonary organization, was acquitted
here by the high court.
Mine. Catherine Breshkovskaya was
convicted nnd sentenced to be exiled
for life to Siberia.
The announcement by the court oe-
i casioued no unusual scene. Mine,
j Jireshkovskaya received her sentence
unmoved nnd a moment later asked
tlie correspondent to send her greet
ings and best wishes to her friends in
Mine. Hreshkovskaya's sentence pro
vides a perpetual exile, but this is con
sidered as a victory for her lawyers.
who had scarcely honed that their
client would escape hard labor, as she l'n"- March 10. Mine. Marguerite
N still within the age limit when she, Su'l,ll,'l. '" was recently acquitted
might receive such additional punish- "r ,Iu' "f having murdered her
mont i """ siii'i inoiner, visiteu tins city
The John indictment found nirnlnst i " sf-'lllst' ' elderly lady, and her
Tschaikovsky and .Mine. Hreshkovska-1 vls't was for the purpose 'of consulting
ya charged them with membership In1 ht'r '"wyer. Her daughter Marthe.
the central revolutionarv commltti... 1 w,1 was aware of her visit refused
-a 3
His Former AsJJates Deny
Buying Jock.
Theodore P. Oilman Says He Passed
the Tip and That Accused leg
islator Made the Purchase
on His Own Account.
to receive her mothcK.
It Is said that .Mine. Steinheil will
imiki' her appearance on the stage In
London in a short time.
retail dealers all over the city the cast
is different. They have suffered sc
much in the pocketbook already thai
they are calling lustily for somebod
to make the transit company arbitrate
The situation has been so disagree;!
ble to them that they have sought U
minimize in every way possible the
reports of rioting and lawlessness
The Market street merchants havt
in mat or me steel combine In many scended on him until his back and
respects. , legs were covered with welts
Auto concerns In various parts of '-Then the young men of the sopho-
uiuuu-j urcjueing organized into more class uressed Wlnslow in pa
a series of units with the Idea of J'mas and a nightgown and compelled
amalgamating nil those units. It Is In him to dance a la Lole Kuiicr lmfon.
this way that Mr. Morgan forms all
his great Industrial combinations.
First he forms independent-concerns
into units and then
adopted a resolution which provides I these units into one big entity
ror distributing circulars nil over the These units nre said to be factors In
country, circulars that will reassure I the combination:
me girls' dormitory while the fair
young students peeped from the win
dows. Growing weary of their amuse
menl, the sophs soused Wlnslow In
Huffalo creek and locked him up.
Wlnslow swore out warrants this
morning for the arrest of six-teen tn.
uenerai .Motors company, controlling dents who were most active and cruel
The feeling is somewhat tenser on, about one dozen automobile mnnur. ' in hazinir him.
ii.count of the Newcastle threat and luring concerns, the principal being Ten of them were haled before Mny-
because the union succeeded in pulllnp Halnier, Oldsmoblle. Cadillac, Bulck or Alonzo Wells nnd heavily lined
2,000 unorganized workmen from the Oaklahd and Hapld and Iteliancc Tl'e other six lied town, but will be
Haldwin Ixjcoinotive works. Both oc-' trucks; present capital, $00,000,000; es-' arrested if they return. Members of
turrences were discounted In ndvnnce 1 tlmated yearly output, -10,000 ears. ' the faculty say that the hazers will
however It was known that the un United Motors company, controlling 1 lie punished severely.
.u.m ..mi vmy one nig weapon lert, and -Mnxweii-uriscoe, Columbia and Brush
It was never doubted that many of the! present capital, $10,000,000; estlmuted
liaiawin employees were stromrlv In! yearly uroduetlon. in nnn
sympathy with the Strikers. Their at 1 Studebaker company, controlling the1
tacks on policemen In the early daj U-M-F, Studebaker and Flanders cars; !
or the strike indicated how far thej present combined capital, about $15 -1
were prepared logo. , 000,000; estimated yearly output in'-!
But the committee of ten failed to , 000 care. I
iop won. at tne locomotive plant oi Total present capitalization. S91.000.
Former Public Administrator of Bos
ton Arrested In New York.
New York, March 10. Osmnn F.
nateman. former public admlnistratot
of Boston, who 1h wanted in thnt city
for the larceny of $10,000 of "dend"
een to cripple the activities of the! 000; estimated total output, 70,000 cars ""vlngs bank accounts, was arrested
shop seriously. Although 2,000 menl ' here at the Hotel York by detectives
quit at noontime, 12,000 remained loy SHE CALIS KNOX A SNOB from Boston.
In one of the many riotous out
breaks a trolley car was dynamited on
fJermantown aveuue. The explosion
"lieu tne car orr the track and set It
Mother of Bride Angry With the Sec
retarv of State.
Providence, It. I., Mnrch 10. Mrs.' ?t and steamship passage to South
Batemon Is big, well appearing
man, fifty-eight years old. When ar
rested he Inn $000 in cash hi bis pock-
nnq cited articles showing that they
advocated terrorism.
Tschaikovsky was quoted as making
speeches In favor of the crime of regi
cide and Mine. Breshkovskaya as
avowing participation in the prepara
tions for the assassination of Interior,
Minister vou Plehve. Grand Dnko Ser-' For Renominat'ion of Stone to Be Col
gins and. Constantino Pobiedenosteff, ' lector at Baltimore,
prpcurqtor general of the holy synod. Washington. March 10. President
The Indictment separately charged Tnft 's criticised In a petition nresent-
1 Tschaikovsky with visiting the United, ' the White- House and also filed
Mates in 11KW-7 to arrange for the, 111 ,,ll senate by Thomas .1. Went
shipment of arms to Hussla and to col- i worth, secretary of the Business Men's
lect funds. association of Baltimore. This orgnn-
Karly in the present month a cable Nation Is protesting strongly against
message signed by several congress- JIr- Toft's action hi renominating W1I
meu, supreme court judges, college! "nl" Stone as collector of the port
presidents and others iu the United I "f Unltlmore.
States was sent to Premier Stolypln 'r',l Petition left at the White House
reminding the Husslnn prime minister, sl,i'K tlial president sent in the
that "America expects an open and "o"iuatlon after be had promised to
public trial of these distinguished prls- receive a delegation of Baltimoreans
oners, In accordance with the usages i 011 March 12 who Intended to urge the
or civilized nations." ' appointment of Isaac II. States.
Nevertheless the prefect of police of I At the White House It was said to
st. Petersburg ordered that the trial' "M'1 that the president still expects
should be held behind closed doors, it! N0-' the delegation on March 12. It
being feared that the defendants might
take ndvantnge of the occasion to de
liver n revolutionary address to the
Mine. Breshkovskaya, who has been
sentenced to exile, underwent the
hardships of Siberian exile for the
cause of Hussiau freedom more than
thirty years ago. After a year of hard
labor in the Kara mines she was trans
ferred to a hamlet In the arctic circle.
Itli other exiles she tried to escape,
was said also that Mr. Stone, who Is
sergeant at arms of the Hepubllcan
national committee, has the best of In
dorsements from business men of Bal
timore. The petition alleges that Stone is
"unworthy of serious consideration"
and says that the association has "uvi
dence that will prove to the satisfac
tion of any impartial mind that lie
should not be appointed."
The president invest! L'Mteil tlm
lint was captured and ngaln sent to I c'1!lt'Kt!i "gainst Air. Stone before lie
Kara, hater she was permitted to re
turn to Hussla.
A few years ago she visited the Unit
ed States to arouse sentiment for the
oppressed people of her native country
and on returning to St. Petersburg was
again thrust Into prison.
was appointed and found nothing
against him. If the Baltimoreans have
further charges to make they will be
referred to the secretary of the treas
Dntlfnl flAfirv ninf1in tf !.. 1. ' A ninclnn
down crosswnys with a crash thai 1 Philander C. Knox. Jr., expresses great
Mtiashed every window pane und hurl , indignation over the way Secretary! PREVENTORIUM WAR ENDS.
.. ii.uuKt:rH against tne seatt , Knox refused to receive her daughter. '
and sides of the car.
The concussion broke window glass
in dozens of tho houses along tho ave
nue and produced a pnnlcky feeling in
the neighborhood. It was remarkable
that none of the people in the cur
seriously hurt. A dynamite cartridge
wiiii a percussion cap nail been fixed
iu a ran,
Newcastle, Pa., March 10. -The
Pennsylvania State Federation of La
Isir came out strongly In favor of a
general strike to be Inaugurated
throughout the state, Tho following
resolution, presented by President W.
I. Mason of the Amalgamated Asso
elation of Street and Electric Hallway
Employed', was udopted unaulmously:
Whereas. The working classes of Phlla.
ilelphla, both orsanlzed and unorganized,
bavins- revolted against the un-American
methods of the Philadelphia Hapld Trans
It company and the corrupt and high
handed attitude of the Philadelphia city
administration In the concerted uttempt
of these two forces to subdue the street
car men's union to the extent that work
ing men and wunipii and -hUiirn
125.G0O stroni;. have thrown down their
tools, receiving not to take them up again
until tho transit company agrees to ar
Wtratlon and to accord its employees
that trtalmer.F hi whlnii ihv ar wiiiui
Kcferring to liim as a snob, she do-!
clared that she had "a good mind to
pack up and statt for Washington to'
tell tho secretary of state Just what I
think of liim and show liim that my
daughter is Just as good as his son." j
Philander C. Knox. Jr., nud his bride
got back here without having received
parental forgiveness or blessing.
Young Knox issued n statement hi
which he deplored the fact that his fa
ther had taken Ills marriage so hard,
but expressed belief that the secretary
wouiii reient alter a time. He de-
it will Removo From Lakewood and
Work Under New State Law.
Trenton, N. J., March 10. Tho dl
rectors of the tuberculosis nrevento
rinm at Lakewood and the residents
or thnt resort who are opposed to Its
location there at a long conferenco
here reached an amicable agreement
for the enactment of n law that will
give tho state board of health supervi
sion over an sucn institutions.
The directors of tho preventorium
nnnounced that tho Institution would
no moved from I-nkowood to a farm
ntnn.l .1.... I. - . . '
mui . wouiu go to work audi six miles north nnd n mile from the
".wuri. m who ir necessary. He Central railroad. Tho now site is over
..i. w . . . I 1,10 ccau county lino In Monmouth
It has been said that mv fnthAr cminfv Ariii.... .
threw me out : ot tho Houho when I saw tho rami nnd tho buildings to tho men
Urn in Washington. This is untrue, and women who nro behind he nr.
ventorium project
Marcus M, Marks, president of the
My father nnd I had no ouarrel. or.
cept that ho does not approve of my
"I have nover regretted the step I
took nnd never wllL Miss Boiler Is
my Ideal and well worthy of being
any man's wife. She Is fitted for mo in
overy way, and I know that she would
be accepted by my father should be
fver see her. as I hope he will."
preventorium board, said after the
"The substitute bill meets with our
entire approval. We linvo agreed to
move tho preventorium to a farm six
miles from Lakewood to the pines and
will develop there nit Institution that
will accommodate -100 children
Only One Man of Crew of Six Saved
by the Pennsylvania.
Hamburg, March 10. While ap
proaching Hamburg, Just opposite the
second lightship, the Hainburg-Amerl-ciut
liner Pennsylvania, from New
York for this port, ran down and sank
the sehoouer Gertrude, bound for Scot
land. Out of a crew of six on the Ger
trude live were drowned.
Tho olllcers of tho Pennsylvania soy
that while the steamship was coming
hi nt full speed tho schooner suddenly Father Jones In 1877.
appenreu tinner ner bow
He Is Examined at Home In Suit With
out Taking Oath.,
Baltimore. March Hl.-The testimony
of Cardinal Gibbous was taken before
a commissioner here li a suit brought
by Joseph 10, Wlldinau. a Catholic
publisher, against Frank Cazenove
Jones as executor of the estate of his
cousin, the Ilev. Father John M.
Jones, to recover $0,000 for services.
The testimony was taken In the car-!
dluals residence, and counsel stipu
lated that the examination be made
without requiring the cardinal to take
tho statutory oath.
Cardinal Gibbons said ho ilrst met
New York, March 10. The three for
mer associates of Senator Jotham P.
Allds of Albany who were named by
him in Ills testimony ou Tuesday as
having purchased Jointly shares of
stock In the New York Transportation
company iu lDOO, 100 shares of which
lie said they had purchased for him,
deny that they ever purchased any
stock for Senator Allds.
Theodore P. Oilman, a member of
tho General Electric Inspection com
pany; Edward H. Fallows, counsel
for the stute comptroller, and Frank
J. Price, assistant corporation counsel,
are the three who were named by
Senator Allds ns having been Inter
ested in tlie pool on New York Trans
portation company stock in which ho
was represented to the extent of 100
shares. They had all been members
or "the family" in the House of Com
mons on State street. Allmnv. whnro
Allds and several of his associates at
the capltol clubbed together in 1!KX).
Otto Kclsey ami the late S. Fred Nix
on, at that time speaker of the assem
bly, had also been members of "the
family" witli Senator Allds.
"One of the members of tlie house
in which we lived made a purchase
jointly for three or four members of
the family there." said Senator Allds,
"and the shares of tock, the 100 to
which I subscribed, were Issued to me
In my name."
-AsslstantCorporatlon Counsel Price
said .that Allds: lntught the stock on
his own initiative, ami that there was
no such thing as a Inlying pool among
the members of the family in the
House of Commons.
"I was representing the Twelfth ns
seiubly district of Kings in tlie legis
lature that year." he said, "and I lived
with the others whom Senator Allds
mentioned In the clubhouse on State
street. As to the purchase of these
shares in the New York Transporta
tion company. It was I who "got a tip
from a friend who was well acquaint
ed with the street. He said that this
stock would be a good Investment, and
I passinl the tiii around the table just
as any one would pass n tip from the
street to his friends.
"Senator Allds' purchase, of stock
was made like any other transaction.
There was no suggestion of privilege
about it at all. It was a private trans
action." E.-Assemhlynmu Fallows said, "I
dirt not purchase any stock for Mr.
Allds at that or any other time."
Theodore P. Oilman, who was dep
uty comptroller In 1900, made an un
qualified denial of Allds testimony in
regard to the stock.
"I never bought stock for Mr. Allds
or for anybody else," he said. "I
bought no stock for myself in the New
York Transportation eouipnny."
Tlie Fifth avenue stnge bill was one
introduced lit the assembly in 1000 giv
ing the Fifth Avenue Stage company
widely extended franchises for opera
tion on the streets uptown. After the
passage of this bill the Fifth Avenue
Stage company was absorbed by the
New York Transportation company.
The bill was reported from tho com
mittee ou rules and pushed through a
second and third reading at one sit
ting. Allds, who was a member of this
committee, voted for the passage of
the bill.
Later Fnthnr
Life boats . Jones became chnnhil
were lowered nt once by the Pennsyl- hospital In Washington nnd was up
vnnhfc.nnd the lightship, but only the pointed to Plkesvllle, Md., in 1895
Meersman of tho sailing vessel was "I went to Europe In Slav nf"ti.
' year," said Cardinal Gibbons, "and
was gone four mouths. I returned
and found that the relations of Father
Jones with the diocese had been dis
continued. He was permitted to leave
Ihe diocese, nnd I havo not seen him
"Was ho voltintniily relieved?" ask
ed counsel for the plaintiff.
"I am not prepared to say," said tho
cardinal. "Ho was of a roving nnd
migratory character. More than like
ly ho was asked to retire."
Father Jones died on shipboard iu
1002 when on ids way to .Europe. Ills
executor, Frauk Cazenove Jones, Is
president of a brick company In New
York. '
Nine Months For Carew Martin.
Iunion, March 10. Cnrow Martin.
tho art critic, was convlctod of mlsnn-
proprlatlng funds of tho Roynl Society
of British Artists, qf which he was sec
retary. He was senteuced to nine
months' Imprisonment.
Asqulth to Brino Up Budget Again.
London, Mnrch 10. In tho house of
commons Premier Asqulth said It was
tho Intention o'flho government to aslc
the house to assent to tho budget tax
es. Picludliig an Income tax, before It
rises for tho spring recess.
Broker Must Pay Damages For Neg
lecting to Marry Mrs. Walter.
New York, .March 10. Mrs. Helen
Walter, formerly of Philadelphia,
who sued Theodore A. Ityerson. neph
eu of Martin Hyerson of Chicago, for
$.10,000 for breach of promise, received
a verdict for $3,000 from the Jury be
fore Supreme Court Justice Dugro.
Hyerson had testified In court that he
was still willing to carry out his prom
ise to marry her, but she said she
didn't care to marry liim now, because
she didn't bellevo she could trust him.
Hyerson was not in court when the
Jury's sealed verdict wns opened, but
Mrs. Walter was there. Sho said t
tho Jurors:
"I thank you, gentlemen, very much.
It wns not the money I cared about; It
'us a vindication."
Justice Dugro denied a motion to Bet
aside tho verdict.
Weather Probabilities.
Unsettled; moderate north to north
east winds.