The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 09, 1910, Image 5

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I HAVH ItUVKItK for small farms.
Mnybo yours will suit'. If you want
to sell drop a postal. M. F. Dorln,
Honesdnlo, I'a. 21.
Large lot with house and barn, good ,
fruit, never-failing water, located nt
Prompton, Pa.
Honcsdnlc. Pa.
Prompton, Pa. Warren P. Schenck,
It. !
beds, 1
a 10-foot oak dining room tnuio nnd
6 chairs to match, and a Kstey piano.
Inquire at 1207 East street. Got
A IlKi. UICi BARGAIN' Two or-,
cans, line condition. High tops
Mirrors, $22.00 each. Mclntyre.
2v - eol.
DON'T ill'Y a Wayno county farm,
Honcsdalo residence or building lot
until you see me. 1 can save you
money Over a hundred properties
on my bargain list to select from.
11 r. Dorln. olfico 1302 Spring St.,
Honesdale. Consolidated 'phone
7U-.I lStl
Easter hats will soon be seen 1 ro"nty. Win. Crabtreo's Woolen tors of nny team that can bo got to
upon the streets of the Maple City. ! AllM ut -Montgomery was partly de- gether in this county.
Judges Ralph Little, of Susquo-!
hanna, and Charles Staples of Mon- ,
roe will assist Judge A. T. Searlo at !
this session of court.
Mrs. Wnrren K. Dimmock left
Honesdale on Saturday to take up
her residence In Brooklyn, where
. .,., ,. ,. . . , .
buu Hiii me HiLu iiui sun. i kiuuio i.
Mr. C. H. Dorllinger and Hon. ;
E. I). Hardenbergh were registered
at the Hotel Wolcott, Now York
City, last week, being in that city on
a business trip.
Friday evening, March 11th,
the Hawley High school basket ball
team will piny tho local High school
team at the High school. This team
defeated Honesdale In the first game
at Hawley.
-J. Bonj. Dimmick is a possible
candidate lor Congress from the
Lackawanna district. If elected the
people of that district will bo well
and truly represented. Mr. Dim
mick was formerly from
There is a story going the rounds
about a young lady who contracted
the dreadful disease of leprosy from
a " rat " used in her hair. Tle
rats that carry and spread disease
are not the kind women use In
building up their head gear.
According to the woodchuck
prophets of Feb. 2d, we should have
had winter weather tho past week
Instead of spring temperatures. Ac
cording to tho prophecy the ground
hog should bo snoozing in his nest
until March lGth, to keep from get
ting cold feet.
A resident of Hancock, and his
brother-in-law, living in Waymnrt,
were arrested last week, cnarged
with stealing thirty odd chickens
from Whitmore Transue, of Buck
ingham township. The evidence was
conclusive as to their guilt, and they
were each sentenced to the Delhi
Jail for sixty days and fined $2ii.
Only two transcripts were pre
sented to the grand Jury by District
Attorney M. E. Simons, namely,
those of Commonwealth against
Christ Sell of Texas township, for
non-suppolt of his wife; Common
wealth vs. Frank Brannlng and Fred
Wood of Berlin, for malicious de
struction of property belonging to tho
school house.
Postmaster M. B. Allen received
a postal from the Postmaster Gen
eral last week notifying him that his
office ranked first on the list of tho
Pennsylvania postofllces for general
efficiency In handling the mails
carried by the star routes.
The boys In the postofllce intend
framing this card, as they feel proud
of the fact that their attention to
ij in moss has called forth this en
'Oinium from headquarters.
The primarloR will bo held on
Juno 4 tli. when candidates for Con
gressman. State Senator and Repre
sentative will bo placed in nomina
tion ly both parties. Tho Antl-Sa-
loon League aro bettor organized
this year than over and proposo to
tnKo an nctivo part In shaping the
result of both primaries and eiec- j
tion There Is n noticeable hanging
iiaeit uy titose who aspiro for the
above offices in declaring thomsolvos.
and it Is no doubt duo to tho fact
that this new factor In politics hns
Increased tho percentage of uncer
tainty in results.
-Job B. Tlllou, who Is a near
relative of Rodney Tillou, who, un
til hio death, was a rosldont of this
borough, celobratod last week tho
O.Tth anniversary of his birthday.
He Is as active and frisky as many
a man who Is less than 50 years of
age Ho attributes his unusual ac
tivity and good hoalth to tho fact
ho hns found in u spring on tho
rJdo of a mountain at South Orange,
N J , tho fountain of youth that
attracted Senor do Leon to Florida
many years ago. Tho celebration
was hold In tho houBO In which Mr.
Tlllou wns born, Tho spring which
has kept him healthy is near his
dwelling. Mr. Tillou is South
Orange's oldest inhabitant He has
refused to connect his house with
the local water supply uyEtem, de
claring that his mountain spring lmu
piled up tho years for him.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colemnn'H
two children are 111 of diphtheria.
Another new nuto In town, a
Ford, belonging to Dr. ! H. Peter
sen. '
On Tuesday evening, March 29, 1 street;. size of lot about T.Ox lG0x2Ii.
the Honesdnlo Golf Club will enter-1 Ex- Sheriff Murphy, Dr. L. 1.
tnln at 'enrds, In the Lyric Theatre, j Cooke and Cashier Victor Decker of
Judge A. T. Soarle and Chief ' Hnwley, were In Honesdnlo on Sat
Burgcss John Kuhbach attended the ' "rday.
funeral of the late Judge Wllliard of
Alfred Tyco has secured n posl-
Hon with tho Maple City Glut's Co.,
of Hnwley, and expects to move his
family there at an early date.
Madison F. Larktn, of Scrnnton,
is iiKt'iy to bo nominnted ror Gover
nor by the Prohibitionists, and If
ho is, there will bo a bigger vote for
that party than thoy usually noil.
Scrnnton olllclals have closed a
contract with tho Scrnnton Electric
Company to supply Hint city with
arc lights at $i"0 por arc lamp per
year. The price formerly paid was
53. 1 Itov. W. H. Hiller will proach
ltobins and bluo-blrds have this (Tuesday) evening in tho Pres
made their appearance In this local- I bytorlnn church. - Uev. Mr. Wendell
lty, nnd wo are In hopes that the will preach Wednesdny evening,
weather will continue to bo warm, Tho Grand Jury mot on Monday
so thoy won't bo obliged to go south
Reports of dnmnge by Hood man. and M. A. Smith, of Goulds
! reach us from all sections of tho , horo, clerk.
1 country. We note that the Walklll 1 Tho White Mills base ball team
river was on tho rampage and did , has organized and judging by the
considerable damage in Orange line tin they will bo worthy conweti-
-The preacher nt the Wednesday
evening service in Grace Episcopal
church will be the Rector. Tho
preacher on Friday OVeilinc. 7:30
o'clock, will be the Itov. Jnmes Porter
j Ware, formerly Rector of Grace '
church. There will be Lenten ser-
il,,ul1 - " - rL . " Ul fatr
vices on lucsuny and i nursaay
'afternoons at 4:15 o'clock.
There Is a rumor that our cs-,
teemed contemporary, the "Indepen-
, KuiuuK urai oi gumB u A ,utlo ,,auRnter arrived at the
alone In tho newspaper business, and ' llom(J of Mr an(i MrS- Arthur Secor
will Incorporate and join the ranks , of JorBey citv Heights on Feb. 2Dth.
of the corporations. If we areVrs cnr ... fnrmpl.,v Kii,nwi.
wrong wo know our highly re-
spected friend will forgive us, and
will set the world aright by denying
the rumor.
-.Mrs. Alva Astor obtained a di-
vorce. She gets $10,000,000 spot
cash, and $300,000 per year. Is
marriage a failure? Not much, if!
money counts. She has also the j
right to marry again. Tho Colonel I
cannot marry in Now York State but
if hn line Ihraa mnlc l,,ft ..fto- nv.
ing the above bill, he can buy a ferry 1
ticket and take another chnnce at
married life in New Jersey.
Caught In tho rushing waters of
a hollow In a road near Easton,
Claud Pritchard, a rural carrier or
mail was swept from his wngon nnd
was saved with difficulty by a crew
of a trolley car. The horse was
drowned and the mail swept away
in the flood. A heavy rain storm j
wh ch lasted all of Sunday night ,
.Will .WUlllliiy I11UI 11111H 1UUDVU 111U
rivers and creeks to rise, doing con
siderable damage.
The McMahon Syndicate, who
are in ciiarge oi w.e s ub which ib j
now taking place at the Boston
Store In this borough, were com-.
pletely swamped with customers on
their opening day last Friday. They
increased their clerical force by tak- I
ing on several exira hith ,
wnuiu were kuui uusj iiiicu i iijshik
time filling orders. Spring good are ,
arriving daily and will be put on
sale this week.
Two IncipicnfHres wero nipped in ,
the bud last week. Ono at the Eleva- I
tor Works was discovered by thj
watchman, Thomas Shanloy, about 3
a. in. Sunday and extinguished by
him; the other fire was at the home
of David Menner, and the cause was ;
a crossed electric wire. The lire was
subdued by the occupants after caus-j
ing some slight damage which was ,
covered by insurance. This latter
fire occurred on Saturday evening, j
Thos. Seem, of the American i
La France Firo Engine Co., of EI-'
mira, Is overhauling ono of tho !
steamers of Protection Engine Co. i
On examination It was discovered
that the tubes In tho boiler were
badly pitted, and were in an unsafe i
condition. Mr. Seem is putting In !
an entire new set of composite tubes j
made of stool, reinforced by n copper I
backing. These tubes aro indestruc-1
tlble and will last indefinitely. I
Harry Rockwell Is assisting Mr. !
I Ono of the incorporators of the i
! Rockefeller Foundation, which is !
now helng organized to systomati-1
cnlly dlsposo of tho millions of Mr.
Rnckufnllnr alone charitable lines.
)8 it young man well known to some
of our Honcsdalo people. His name
is Chas. O. Heydt. Ho has been an
occaslonnl visitor to our borough,
being tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. A.
T. Searlo, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Gale,
now of Itlvordalo, and Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Tibbltts, of Gerninntown. Ho
has beon tho private secretary of
John D., Jr.. for many years.
In tho fast gnmo of basketball
played last Friday ovenlng betweon
Honesdnlo High school and Dun- j
more High school, on tho lnttor'a '
iinur in n.uimnri. Honos.iuln won bv I
tho lnRn score, of 14 to in At sov-!
ernl junctions throughout tho gamo
members of Father McMauus' team
appeared upon tho lloor and began
coaching the Dunmoro follows, but
when our captain romonstrntod thoy
ceased and tho gamo proceeded ;
quietly. O.ur team was given ac
commodations at tho Hotel Holland
In Scranton. Tho features of tho
gamo wore Jacobs' long shots for
baskets and Freund's scientific
A little daughter nrrlv'ed nt tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Box of
Spring street Friday morning.
Albert I). Dyrnnt hns purchased
from J. L. Burchor a lot on Hast
The Woman's Auxlllnry of tho
Kplsropal church met nt the homo of
lr- 0 L. Kowl-tnd on Monday nf-
The Hoot nnd Shoo Workers
Union will conduct their sixth nnnunl
bnll at the Lyric hall on Friday even
lug, April 1st.
The Easy Hoes, Tom Plntt, of
'Npw Yorli State, has gone to his
. st. Brlght's disease was tho cause
! of his dentil.
Five now dwellings, nt least.
" possibly seven, are to bo erected
llonosdnle oarly this spring, above
m? btatc uriiige.
afternoon. The Hon. J. D. Brennen
of Mt. Pleasant, was appointed fore-
T).0 t. pl.llilroii ,,f Mr mill
Jirs. Lorin Gale, who have been 111
with scarlet fever In Tennessee,
where the family have been spending
in nnrtinn nf tho wlntnr. nri nnw mi
the road to recovery.
TIl0 Unlon ,ov"lval meetings are
.? , V , u lnec"nBbnre
well attended nnd those nttending
have listened to some excellent dis
courses. The. sinirlnr Is verv in-
siilrlnc and tho nicotines aro annre-
dated as the attendance shows.
Wolng8 of Haw!ey. and a sister of
Mrs. T. A. Lighthizer of this place.
A contract wns closed with the
Mack Motor Company of Allentown
by the Auto Transportation Com
pany for a automobile stage to carry
sixteen passengers. This stage Is to
run between Seelyville and Hawley.
Price agreed to be paid $5,000.
, , . " "
"' -aw.LUUU Nl.llliuil mull I. lie ic
I,,ortB f00tl when the condl-
tion of the roads are taken into con
sideration. Many of the farmers have
been unable to reach their near-
est towns since early In January on
account of impassable roads.
Tho wires of the Consolidated
Telephone system at White Mills and
Hawley were out of commission on
Thursday owing to the falling of a
tree wh,ch broke boUl tnmk nes
SllI)orinten(ent Boyd rushed his
Hones(lale rep!llr sang to the Beene
anil in two hours the heiios were
circulating over tho wires.
On Thursday afternoon Inst a
, farmer nnined A. Altano, attempted
tQ crns8 U)e r,ver n R hQat ,u Mast
IIol,ei when tho ,)oat u an(, a,
tl)0U(;h 0 stniKBiGH hard to reach
Ule shorei ,)e flna BUccunibed.
..,,. t ,,,s ,., ,.nn,m,nn ,
body was carried down the river by
the current. He was about 50 years
0f age
LT,;e superintendents of all the '
(lsn hatcheries in the state mot at
Harrlsburg the other day for in-
structlon in fighting fish diseases, 1
and the Held work for the year,
Addresses on diseases which have i
ueen killing fish recently were de-j
livered by Mr. 'Median, the fish
commissioner, and plans wero also
discussed for planting tho fry. i
The new system of telegraph
,ettor8 aUol)ted by tho combined
Wester Union Telegraph Co. and the
nt,n Telephone Co., went Into effect
on Momlny n,K,lt ioreafter you
can send a dispatch consisting of
Hfty words for tho samo price that
it cost for ten words, but this can
only be done betweon tho hours of
six and twelve o'clock at night. You
can send your message or letter at 1
nny time to tho toiegrnph oillco and
they will send it betweon these ,
hours at tho above mentioned rates,
You can telephone your message
over the Bell telephone wires to tho
nearest telegraph station without
extra charge. TJieso letters or mes-
sagos will be telegraphed to the sen-
(lee nnu roac lllm hY the first mail
11,0 next morning.
Justico to Pittsburg demands
publicity for its good as well as Its
bad points. In one of tho Pittsburg
hospitals lies a man, much battered i
and worn, name at present unknown,
for ho hns not yot recovered sufii-1
clontly to talk, who tried to "Wild
West" a restaurant. His dramatic i
command to the occupants to put .
up their bunds and valuables without
delay was tho signal for ono or two j
nntlvos to rise up and smlto him,
tnko away his rovolvor and jump on j
hint without regard to long establlsh-
od custom, which ordained that thoy
''0,ul(1 ,stan.d1 wlth chattering tooth;
whll 11,0 vlllal" wcnt through their ,
lckots. Tho pollco arrived just In I
tlmo to pick tho victim up without
using n broom and dustpan, and It 1b4
expected within a fow days ho will !
bo ablo to oxplnlu how It happonod. I
Leo Osborno Is spending tho week
la town.
E. M. McCracken spent Monday
lu Scranton.
Clara Saundors Is visiting Carbon
dnlo relatives.
James Moran, of Scrnnton, spent I
sundny In town.
Gcorgo Foster of llawloy. spent
Sundny in town.
M. G. Noble, of Calkins.
, Tuesday In town.
Mrs. Jnmes Lindsay Bpent Satur
day In Cnrbondale.
, Miss Louise Hardcnbcrgh spent
Tuesday In Scrnnton.
Wnllace C. Spry, of Hoach Lake,
spent Tuesday In town.
Mlas Martha Collum Is visiting
friends In Philadelphia.
Esther Lavlno, of White Mills,
spent Saturday In town.
Jay Smith of Carbondnlo spent
Sundny with frlonds In town.
Miss Almcda Kirkham, of Hawley,
Is spending tho week in town.
.Tnmos U. Keen, of Kecne, was n
business cnllor In town on Tuesdny.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Emory spent I
Sunday with relatives in Scrnnton.
Charles Burrowr, of Carbondnlo, votes and .Mr. Gcnung 3 votes, leaving
spent Sundny with friends In town. J the deciding vote to the President.
(!..,. di.,.1 t. o 1 I In accordance with the old custom
Attorney Charles P. Searlo was a 1 ()f tho C0UMc , tt f
business caller In Scranton on Tuo-,thl8 kln(i thjJ VrvsMnt volC(, ,
fnvor of Mr. Genung, ns he was the
Miss Goorgoana E. Martin spent oldost member of the council,
tho early part of the week in Scran-. on motion of Mr. Penwnrden and
ton' ! seconded by Mr. Cnnnlvan, C. It. Mc-
Floyd Iirown, of Mauch Chunk, is, Carty wns nominated for city counsel
passing a few days In tho .Maple at the salary of $50 a year.
City. On motion of S. T. Ham and sec-
Miss Mario Ward Is visiting ondod by W. W. Kimble. O. L. Row
friends In Wllkes-Parro and Scran-; land was nominated for city counsel
ton. i nt the salary of $50 a year.
Carl Roesinger, of Carbondale, I Ul,n h""nS for tho attorney of
snent Sunday with friends in
Leo McGownn has returned from
a sevcrnl days' visit with friends In
Misses Katherine and Josephine
McKenna aro on a business trip to
New York.
Attorney Ed. De Laney of Car
bondale, was in tov,'n on Saturday
on business.
Judge David E. Anthony of
Baltimore, was in town on Saturday
on business.
John Williams, of Oswego, N. Y..
has been spending several days with
friends here.
Arthur Powell, of WllKes-Uarre, :
snmit Riinilnv in Ilnnpsilnli with his '
many friends.
Louis Mackly loft to-day for
Providence. R. I., where he has ac
cepted a position.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Mueller,
of Plttston, spent Sunday with his
mother at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Rimron, of Car
bondale, spent Snturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank S. Evans.
J. J. Nohlln, of Scranton, was a
business caller in Honesdale the lat
ter part of last week.'
Misses Bessio Hoaly and Minnie
Miller were the guests of Carbon
dale friends on Sunday.
Miss Jennie Abrams, of Scrantou,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. David
Fisher, for a few days.
N. B. Schunian, a former resident
of Honcsdalo, is renewing acquaint
ances in town this week.
Samuel Freeman of New York,
was, a caller on Honesdnle friends
the latter part of last week.
Miss Barbara McLaughlin has re
turned to her homo after spending
a week with friends In Carbondale.
.Mrs. Mary E. Sowden of Wilkes
Barro, Is spending some time with
her daughter, Mrs. Frank S. Evans.
W. W. Ham. of the New York Sun,
nrrived in Honesdale Monday to see
his father. Hon. T. J. Ham, who Is
slightly Improved.
Mrs. Win. II. Hawken and Mrs.
Chas. L. Bassett of East street, aro
visiting their aunt, Mrs. Susie Budd
of Peckville, Pa.
Justice of the Peace James A.
Hoag, of Autumn Leaves, and Levi
E. Ecker, of Winterdale, wero in town
on business to-day.
Lloyd ltosencrans, traveling sales
man for tho Wayne Cut Glass Co.,
loft Monday for an, extended trip in
the Interest of the firm.
Mr. and .Mrs. John Bryden, of
Niiiovah. have been spending a few
days with tho letter's sister, Mrs.
Cryonnes Ball, who Is seriously ill.
Miss Daisy Alberty, who is em
ployed with tho Carbondnlo Milling
Co., returned to her work on Mon
day morning, niter a short visit at
her home here.
ried in Doposit, N. Y.. Fob. 24, 1010,
by L. G. Carpenter, Esn.., Miss Lila
Whitmore to Tracy Stryker, both of
Lookout, this county.
ried In Doposit, N. Y.. Feb. 23, 1010,
by tho Rev. Georgo R. Morrled,
formerly of Bethany, Miss Bnrbara
M. Seckel, of Scott township, this
county, to Howard Sanoabury, of
A Doposit dispatch says tho own
ers of tho Outing plant and power
house have turned down an offer of
$0,000 from u firm which wants tho
aito for manufacturing purppsos. A
Now Yorker has just been nt Do
posit, who wants tho plnco in which
to conduct a lithograph ink business,
now located In tho metropolis, and
ho Is woll pleased with tho prlco of
fered, but no writings havo been
Comi lnpi ,,-,, ovnn, ,, ,n
I the time set uslde for nil linrnueli
councils to organize,
Tho fnllnwlni? tnnmtinro ,,,.
present: I'. It. Murray. 0. M. Gcnung,
(J. W. Pcnwardon, Thomas Cnnnt-
van. S. T. Ham, Martin Cauflold, V.
W. Kimble, nnd Hon. John Kuh -
Motion made by P. R. Murray and
seconded by O. M. Gcnung that Mar
tin Cnufleld be our permanent
President for the year 1910.
Motion by G. M. Gonung and sec
onded by P. R. Murrny that Wyman
W. Kimble bo secretary for tho year
1910. carried.
Motion made by P. R. Murray and
seconded by F. J. Cnnnlvan that O.
W. Penwar.lnn h trsnsnmr fnr
,.. loin
Motion made by W. W. Kimble
and seconded by S. T. Ham tnnt G.
M. Gonung be treasurer for 1910.
Upon balloting for the two can
didates Mr. Pcnwardon received 3
two votes and Mr. McCnrty four
votes, thereby electing Mr. McCarty
Lawrence Weidncr was chosen
street commissioner for the year.
Tho following committees were
appointed: Pnrks and streets: P. R.
Murray, G. M. Gcnung; law and or
der. S. T. Ham, G. W. Penwarden;
ordinance. Mr. '"annivan and Mr.
Ham; borough buildings, Mr. Cnnnl
van; fire department, G. M. Genung,
W. W. Kimble; police, Mr. Penwar-1
den to co-operate with the Mayor In j
any disturbance that may arise.
Motion by P. R. Murray and sec-
onded by Mr. Cannivan that council
Held nt the High School l;iit Snt
urday ICvening.
At 8 o'clock the first basket ball
game was called. In between the
halves the high jump and high
dive took place.
High Jump 1st Joseph Jacobs,
height 5 ft. 2 in.; 2nd Frank Kelly,
height 4 ft. 8 in.
High Dive 1st Walter Allen
backer, height 4 te. 10 in.; 2nd
Frank Kelly, height 4 ft. 7 in.
Last half of first basket ball game
was now called and ended S. P.
T's 28; D. O. T's 24.
Indian Wrestling Mntch Contes
ants wero Frank Kelly and Regin
ald O'ConnolI. Kelley won by throw
ing O'Connell two times out of three.
Indian Club Race Contestants
were Chas. Crist, Howard Ilagamau
and Irving .Morrison. The outcome
was as follows: 1st Hagnman; 2nd
Morrison; 3rd Crist.
Standing Broad Jump off of 12
in. raise Won by Joseph Jacobs;
distance 10 ft. 8 in.
While tho Standing Broad Jump
was taking place Master Ray Reir
don entertained the audience with
some very nrtlstlc acrobntlc work.
After this act all tho lights were
turned out and Prof. Mnrtz of the
Hawley High school gave a verj
pretty exhibition of Electric Indian
Club swinging.
Professor Oday called the second
basket ball game between two girl
teams known ns the Blllikens nnd
the Swastikas. Tho game ended in
favor of the Blllikens by tho score
of 33 to 20.
Now there nppeared part of the
i CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00
Of the People,
For the People and
By the Peopje !
4 $i
Wc solicit the patronage of Individuals and firms
for cither Checking or Savings accounts, and always
stnnd ready to loan money
proper security.
I Farmers Mechanics Bank
H. H. S. Haskct Hall tenm, In their
i now suits, on the lloor read
ready for
tho racc8, Tho outcome of tho
I :vb. iu uuicumu ui wiu races
I no (is luiiuno.
30-Vard Dash Juniors vs. Seniors
j --ncobB. who claims he is a Junior.
a,!hougl1, he hllfi bc,en. ,n.V10 Hlgh
T '-'' l-,u w,l a'P
1 "row"' ,T,;osc. two ran ngalnst
iirown, winning uy a iew incnes.
Relay Race, 8th Grade vs, 7th
Grade It caused much excitement
to see the little fellows beat It
around the gymnasium lloor and
much cheering followed every grand
spurt. Winning team: 8th Grade.
Relay Race Sophomores vs.
Freshmen. Winning team: Sopho
mores. Relny Race JunlorB vs. Seniors.
Tll winner of tho 30-yard dash, with
I tho help of bis classmates made
some very fast time boating
Juniors by a long margin.
30-Yard Dash for Small Boys.
Won by Samuel Morrison, Jr. This
was tho last event. Much credit Is
duo to the efforts of Prof. Oday in
securing such an athletic feast.
Are already here in splendid
variety in all the accepted
i fabrics including Foulards,
Rough Shantungs, Imperial
Messaline, Peking, and Kek
ko Silks.
So you can give yourself
plenty time to make or have
it made up just as you want
Priesiley's English Tus
sah Royal
Made of Worsted and Mo
hair. The new and distinc
tive dress fabric for evening
and street wear.
Come and look them over
and you will notice our Suits
arc all lined with Bclding
Satin and well tailored. Get
in line for Easter and select
your suit early.
K. A. KMKItY, Camukii
sw i I '
lo Wayne Couiitcnns having ft