The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 02, 1910, Image 8

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    ttlK CITIZEN, WKDN'USDAY, MARCH 2, 1010.
spreading inform
There was no service In tho M.
E. church at tills place on Sunday
morning on account of the quarter
ly meeting at the M. E. church nt
Arlington at 2:30 p. in. Itcv.
Boyco of Salem, assisted by Rev. II.
T. Purklss, of Lakevllle, conducted
the service.
The Ladles' Aid society of this
place will meet at the parsonage nt
Lakevllle on Wednesday, March 2nd
for the purpose of electing olllcers
for the coming year.
Mr. .1 M. Klchtcr of Uswick, ex
changed his property In Xew York
City for Mr. Young's farm, known
ns the Frank White place, near
Lakevllle on Wednesday. February
23 rd.
.Mr. Schleupncr and Mr. Young
and Mr. and Mrs. Hichter made a
business trip to Hoiiesdale last week
Mr. A Goble of Lnkeville. went
to Honcsdalo on Thursday.
Mr Frank Purdy of Scelyville,
visited Mr. C. W. Ponnell nt Us-
wlck, on Wednesday evening and
spent the night there. On Thursday I tell us some of his thrilling experi
menting he visited his friends, Os- uncos of landing some of the inons
car Dunning and C. I!. Olosenger ter fish of the latter days, that is,
nnd returned to Ilawley with the if he lias a good, old-fashioned plug
stage the same morning.
Mr. Stanley Crane and Misses
.lennie Crane and llattie Hosen
cranse of Uswick, attended the
teachers' local institute at Ilawley
on Saturday last.
There was no preaching service
in the church here on Sunday even
ing, Feb 20th, as our pastor, Kev.
H T Purklss, was too ill to get
out We are pleased to learn that
he is able to get around again. We
regret to learn that Mrs. Purkiss
was also ill last week witn neural-1
gia, and we hope she may soon re
cover. Mrs. John Bishop, of Lakevllle,
is also ill; her daughter ,Mrs. A. K.
Degroat of Honesdale, came on
Thursday evening to help care for
her mother for a week.
Born, to Mr. and Airs. M. H. Har
loe, of Ledgedale, a daughter, on
Thursday, Feb. 24, 1910.
Mr. Young of Lakevllle, moved
to New York on Friday.
Mr. J M. Hichter. of Uswick,
moved to his new home near Lake
ville on Saturday.
Miss Emma May Buckingham, of
Ilamlinton, authoress of "The Self
Made Woman," and "Parson
Thorn's Trials," two excellent books,
and many other good writings, was
a very pleasant cnller at the Uswick
postoflice on Friday evening.
C. W. Pennell and William See
ger made a trip to Tafton on Satur
day and brought home some saw
dust for packing their ice.
We learn that John Bishop also
hauled saw-dust from the Tafton
saw mill to pack his ice.
Mrs William Ptt is spending
some time with her daughter. Mrs.
R W Murphy, at Ilawley
Read ! Read !
Every word of this advertisement
is as true as gospel! Seeing Is be
lieving. Come and see. The chance J
of a life-time. j
ooooooooooooccoccooocccooo i
Now in the hands
of the
Wait for the Grand OpeningFRIDAY, MARCH 4
at 9:00 a. m. sharp. Store closed until then to re
The above are only a few of
late. Impress on your mind
Mr, James F. McMabon, President
of tho McMabon Mercantile Syndi
cate, wires us ho will bo hero to
personally conduct this sale, which
lasts only 10 days.
M?1 rti I
Miss Pearl Crane, who visited
Hnwloy friends for a week, return
ed home on Thursday.
Mr. John Smith of Keeno, never
tires of talking to his old ncuualnt
nneos of the things that hnve hap
pened about Keonc, Stcono and
Prompton for the past SO years.
Mr. Smith's memory Is remarkable
for a man of his years, especially
while enjoying a good smoke.
Mr. Rucklnnd of Ste'ene Is prob
ably an older resident of Keene
and Stccne than Mr. Smith, but he
remembers nothing of the past but
bis fishing expeditions, away back
when Keene Lake was surrounded
on all sides by a dense forest. lie
claims that he would go while the
women folks built the lire, nnd
would be back by the time the frying
pan was hot with fish enough to feed
a large family all dny, fisli averag
ing from one. two. four and six
pounds. He says In those days the
butchers couldn't afford automobiles
or drive a fast horse. Later ho will
of tobacco to keep Ills memory Irom
Another old timer in this section
is Mr. Uennie. who has been, and is
yet, n great trapper, so much so
that its a very sly fox or mink that
will pass ills traps without being
enticed to tnste of the death-dealing
bait, or to get in range of nn old
ne'ver-miss rltlo. Hint is always ready
for emergency, but as Mr. Uennie
doesn't use tobacco in any form, it's
bard for him to keep his nerves
steady enough to relate some of his
thrilling experiences in trapping,
hut he will give us something in the
near future.
The funeral services of the late
Charles Scudder of Prompton, were
largely attended on Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'clock, t he Itcv. Mr. Davis
of Waymart. officiating. Burial
at Honesdale.
Mrs. Samuel Found visited friends
nt Carbondale last week.
The Rev. Mr. Olver of Honesdale,
occupied the pulpits at Waymart and
Steene on Sunday in the absence of
the pastor. Mr. Davis.
The Bobolink enjoyed a hand
shake with several of his old shoY
mates at Carbondale Saturday.
Miss Itutb Nichols visited Sctnr
day and Sunday with friends at
Miss Josephine Perry spent Sat
urday and Sunday with friends at
.Merchant Snediker and family, of
Prompton, enjoyed a sleighrido to
1 Waymart on Sunday.
Mrs. Ernest Olver of Carbondale
is visiting friends at Prompton and
After a two weeks' visit with
t friends at Carbondale, Mrs. Belring-
Men's Shoe Department
$2.50 Men's Shoes 31 .SIS
$3.00 Men's Shoes 1.C9
$4.00 Men's Shoes li.UU
Boys' $2.00 Shoe 08c
Boys' 3.00 Shoes 1.10
Men's Woonsocket Gum Boots
Best on earth, sold every
where for 14. 75, go at. $.1.00
Men'B 11.00 Dress Rubbers. Olc
Ladles' 75c. Rubbers -lie
the Multitude of Record-breaking, Smashing, Crashing, Annihilation of Prices. Don't let
the name and place.
olock ana OLore in n&nas oicne iviuivaj3.vj.N jexjivuai, ijjju .
er has returned to her homo nt
Thomas Arthur Is on the sick list.
Mrs. William Cole Is so ns to
be around agnln after a two weeks'
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith nro
moving to Unlondnlo to-day. We
are sorry to loose thorn.
John Jeffrey spent Saturdny In
The chicken plo supper given by
the P. O. S. of A. In their rooms
Ttiesdny evening, wns a grand suc
cess. About $32 was added to their
A Jolly sleigh load went to .lud
son Wngner's at Canaan on Friday
evening, roinposed of the following:
Mr. and Mrs Victor (leer, Mr. nnd
Mrs. David Clpperly, Mr. and Mrs.
7.. A. Wonnncott, Mr. and Mrs. Lin
coln Medlnud, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles
Stephenson, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Daniel
Cray, Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Mannick,
Mr. and Mrs. John Clemo, Mr. and
Mrs. Kichnrd Wonnacott, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Oscar Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Mon
roe Wnymnn, Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
Lee, Mrs. W. W. Plcrson nnd Mrs.
G. J. Mcrwln.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Bunting, of
Clinton, and Mrs. II. P. Stnrkwcath
er and daughter, Clinrlotte, of Car-
bondnIcv visited Mrs. A. J. Merwln I
recently. i
Dan. Griffith, who has employ-,
nient in Carbondale, lias been home
sick for the past week.
Blanche Lyon, of New York City, I
has been the guest of Irene Lyons'
the past week.
1. J. Many drove his son, Dr. H.
C. Many, to Tyler Hill Thursday
and returned homo Friday. It will
take some months for the Doctor's
linnd to lical.
Mrs. Khoda Grimstone spent last
week In WIlkes-Barre visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Irvin Ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hauser, of
Honesdale. spent Sunday with rela
tives here.
Robert Miller, of Carbondale,
spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs.
Henry Miller.
Rev. J. B. Cody goes to Pittsburg
this week to attend the meeting
of state Sunday School workers.
Mrs. M. Slayton is Improving, be
ing able to be around the house.
All those who can should improve
the opportunity of bearing Mrs.
Larkiu and Miss Boyd at the revival
meetings held in the M. E. church..
The meetings will continue this week
every evening at 7:30, excepting
Saturday. Sunday morning Miss
Boyd preached a very clear ser
mon on "Sanetlticatlon." In the
evening Mrs. Larkln took her bear
ers from "Hell to Heaven." Mrs.
Larkin also sang several songs, one
that will always be a favorite "You
Must Unload."
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Noyes, of
Honesdale, were lero over Sunday
at the Starnes' home.
Mrs. Wayne Hazen and daughter
Marjorle, of Seelyvllle, will spend
part of the week with her mother,
Mrs. Kate Clemo, and attend the
Bickneil and Helen Bennett have
recovered from the chicken-pox and
are able to be out
Rev and Mrs. J B. Cody, Airs. J.
Entire $
arrange and re-mark stock. Read every item carefully.
Children's 50e. Rubbers 20c
Boys' GOc Knee Pants .... 10c
Boys' $2.00 Suits 07c
Boys' 13.00 Suits l.-IJJ
Boys' $5.00 Suits 2.HO
Ladies' Shoe Department
$2.00 Values 91.1-1
$2.50 Values 1.23
$3.00 Values 1.50
Misses' $2.00 Shoes HOc
I Faut,. Mids Starnes and 15. V.
anmmcll attended the Martha Wash
ington dinner in Honesdale.
Miss Martha Ploraon has return-1
ed from n visit with out-of-town
friends. i
Mrs. Charles Afford nnd children
have been visiting hor parents, Mr. j
and Mrs. Maskors, at Arlington.
Mrs. Wheeler of Erie, Pn., was'
visited by her mothor, Mrs. Albert1
Whelo, of Wllsonvllle, from Sat-.
urdny until Tuosday nfternoon.
William Degroat of Adella, was
a recent caller of George Hoichel
beck. Mr. Cross accompanied his friend
to Uswick on Sundny afternoon.
Several of the silk mill girls of
Mlnooka, hnve secured employment
In the Hnwlcy mills.
Miss Locklln of Lakevllle, pass-i
ed Saturday with hor friend, Mrs. I
Joseph Pennell.
Mrs. Keyes of Church street, en-
tertnlned on Saturday Mesdames
Goble and Daniels, of Lakevllle. I
These Indies, with othor friends, '
attended tho Nlckelette In the after-j
noon and visited the Rose Rebekah
Lodge In tho evening. i
Mrs. Earl Ubnn Is on the sick j
list. j
Miss Altnoda Klrkham returned '
on Saturday from a sojourn with i
Stroudsburg friends.
Mr. Dllllne, who, In partnership,
with Mr. Gruinson, purchased the
Matter farm last spring, made a
business trip to the metropolis on '
Monday. The latter-named gentle-!
man, who has a cigar store in tho I
city, will soon leave the farm In
charge of his partner and return to
resume management of his business.
Mr. Grumson still has a liking for
farm life but thinks when he tries
it again It will be in a wanner cll
innte, for instance, Texas, where
good land is being sold for $5 per
acre and so rapidly is this land be
ing taken up that the time is limited
when one may have this rare chance.
The Leaguers of the M. 13. church
will have a social at the home of
Marjorie Guinn on Friday evening.
Light refreshments will bo served
and there will also bo for sale pies
of various kinds made by the fair
sex of tills wide-awake society. A
cordial invitation is extended to the
Mr. and Mrs. George Heiehelbeck
entertained on Tuesday evening
Gottleil) and Mary Eppel and Mrs.
Laura Lyons, of Fowlertown.
I wish to correct an error made
In my Inst contribution in which I
stilted that the late Mrs. S. J. O'Con
nor was a widow, being thus in
formed. I find that Mr. O'Couner
is still living.
The W. C. T. U. will have a meet
ing in the M. E. church on Friday
P. J. Keary draws the reins over
a tine sorrel colt that he has lately
been training.
. John ttennett passed Saturday
night and Sunday with his friend, G.
Eppel. of Fowlertown.
Mrs. Charles Brady, of Hones
dale, was entertained, on Saturday by
her sister, Mrs. F. W. Suydam, Jr.
Florence Shook and wife nttended
the funeral of Ellas Comfort who
died of paralysis on Thursday at
his home on the Decker farm near
Tafton Corners. Funeral services
on Sunday. The remains were taken
Men's Suit Department
$0.00 odd and ends Men's suits :
$10.00 Fine Worsted Suits..
$12.50 Imported Clny Worsted
Suit and somo Thlbcts.. 90.
$15.00 Men's Suits, fancy and
Plain, Worsteds and Thlb
$20.00 and $22.50 Imported
Worsteds, Tweeds and
to Kinibles for burial ,Io leaves n'
widow and many friends to mourn
their 'oss.
Eugene Webster, who has Just re
turned from bis trip to Florida nnd
Cuba, brought with him from tho
latter plnce, a specimen of Spanish
moss, very different from nny of the
inosB seen In tho northern latitudes.
Its color Is a rich dark green with a
long fringe Hko fiber of great thick
ness which covers treos nnd rocks.
Wm. Mott, of White Mills, spent
Saturdny afternoon nt Ilawley.
skkly villi:.
Strongman has removed the ma
chinery from tho building recently
purchased from him by the Seely
vllle firemen. Tho carpenters will
soon bo nt work remodeling tho In
terior to meet the demands of the
lire company.
A lltcrnry contest was the center
of Interest in the programme on
Washington's blrthdny at the High
school. The following programme
wns rendered:
1. Song, "Star Spangled Banner."
2. Piano duet by Helen Faatz and
Glndys Mantle.
3. Recitation, by Warren Doney.
1. Song, "Mt. Vernon Bolls,'' by
the school.
i". "Washington and Lincoln,"
0. Song, "Our Heroes," by the
7. Song, "Red, White, and Blue,"
by the school.
The members of the Lincolnian
team were: Raymond Thayer, cap
tain; Florence Monies, Edwin Wood
ward, Cecil Box, Helen Eno anil
Helen Faatz; of the Washington
ians: Daniel Ego, captain; Mildred
Thompson. Gladys Mantle, Mildred
Jones, Ruth Macklo, and Daniel
Each team decorated their side of
the room very neatly with Ameri
can Hags and pictures of the man
they represented. This gave to the
room an appearance which por
trayed a -healthful spirit of patriot
ism. The contestants extolled the virt
ues of the man they represented
by means of compositions and reci
tations. Helen Eno deserves special men
tion for the pleasing mnnner in
which she presented her selection
on the Lincolnian side. The judges
awarded the victory to the Lincoln
ians. The programme was well
rendered and seemed to be enjoyed
by all present.
Yesterday's thaw lowered the
snow banks in this vicinity very
much. It was rumored that if the
snow went away with a rush, as it
does occasionally, that tho Bordens
would have to ship the milk from
here to Honesdale on a scow, as
no team would be able to make the
trip, but at present everything looks
favorable for an early spring nnd
no serious floods.
During the past winter moro
horses have been injured than usual
ly; this is due to the great depth
of snow, making it difficult for
teams to travel on the highways.
Leon Toms, of this place, spent
Saturday last with bis cousin, Frank
Marshall, of Genoungtown, where
the dny was spent at coasting down
The many friends of Charles Bay
This sale will positively create the BIGGEST
Grocery Department
Sugar -"e H.
Soap, Lenox and Star. . . ii burs 10c
Coffee. Golen Rio 10c lb.
Soap, Union Brand M for 25
2000 Parlor Matches Oc.
40 Clothes Pins Be
3 Cans Early June Peas 25c
3 Cuns Tomntoes or Corn . . . 25c
1 lb. Can King Bird Salmon.. 10c
3 Bottles Good Catsup 25c
1 Bar P. & G. Napatha Soap.. le
Baker's Best Cocoa Oc
2 Boxes Magic Yeast Be
anything keep you away, or
osite Union Station
ly of Arehbald, but formerly of this
place, were sorry to learn tbat he
iiad received Injuries that compelled
him to give up work for the present
Thomas Trovorton, of Bench Lake,
mndo a business trip to Honesdale
during tho early part or the week
Charles Spry. Jr., In handling the
reins over a fine tlireo-year-old colt
Mrs. W. I). Backlnghnm nnd son,
Joseph, spent Monday last at Hones
dale. Mr. and .Mrs. Carlton Brooks, of
East Bench Lake, were recent visi
tors at tho Old Red Rock Farm a
the guosU of V. C. Spry and wife
Horaco Budd and wife, of the
West Shore House, have entertnln
ed several city boarder during tha
past month.
ltlchnrd Ham has been haullnc
logs from his plnce to Minor
Brown's mill near the Forest Lake,
tho past week.
A. M. HeiiHliaw took a load of the
members of the L. A. S. of this
place to the home of Mrs. L. N
Bunting on Wednesday evening last
where an enjoyable evening wns
Earl Ham is hauling wood froia
John llelnlng's, near Gonoungtown
Charles Spry, Jr., is visiting him
R. Neal Marshall attended the
poultry meeting at the court house
at Honesdale on Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Budd, of
Beach Lake, have gone to State Col
lege to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Frank Knoll. Mr. Knoll is one of
the faculty, he having charge of
the butter making.
Albert Swartz is visiting his uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Os
trandor at Atco.
The Berlin supervisors met on
Saturday evening at Beach Lake
Mrs. Roy Klllam, who hns been
visiting relatives at Ilawley. re
turned home on Saturday last. She
was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Seaman, who were entertained by
Thomas Ham and daughters at the
Red Rock Farm.
The school at this place will give
an entertainment at the Grange
Hall on Friday evening, March 11
Joseph G. Schmidt is presenting
ills many patrons with a fine ac
count book and a lead pencil Mr
SI sells good fertilizers at a reason
able figure.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunn of
Beach Lake, passed this place en
route for Honesdale the latter part
of last week.
Mrs. Case is spending several
days with relatives at Ilawley.
Mr. and Mrs. John Case's Infant
son is quite sick. Dr. Gavitte, of
White Mills, is the attending phy
sician. Joseph Buckingham spent several
days recently with his grandpar
ents, S. Saunders and wife. He alsa
visited his aunt, Mrs. Wm. Pregnall
on Friday.
W. H. Hall made a business tri
to Scranton on Saturday last.
Countries Owe Much to America.
American plows and cultivators are
turning up the soil in more than 70
countries and colonies.
Hospitals on Warships.
Each of the British dreadnoughts
has a hospital with a capacity of CI
$1,000 Reward
Will be paid to any charitable in
stitution designated by any persom
or persons who can prove that the
McMalion Mercantile Syndicate has
ever countenanced anything hut a
boni fide reduction sale.
of New York
and Pittsburg.
you will regret It when it Is too