The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 02, 1910, Image 5

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WAN'TKl) To rent a farm nenr
Honesdale. Address 13. L Hox K,
Honesdale. It
VOll HUNT First floor of house
Ko. 1227, Dyherry Place, to small
family. Inqulro of Mrs. II. Wilson,
307 Fifteenth street.
March eanio in like a
Will sho go out like a Hon?
all hope that Bhu will not.
- -The hearing In C C. Sliinn
bankruptcy case will take place In
W. W. Lee's office, referee In bank
ruptcy, on March 2.
On Thursday last Mrs. .lotin D.
West on cntf rtained a party of sixteen
to a slt'lKli-ride and dinner at L. O.
Mumford's at Dyberry.
'i!k from Harford Dairy Com
rn,iy'8 plant has been shut out of
Nets York City market owing to tho
fart that a case of scarlet fever oxlBts
in tho family of the Superintendent.
Arthur O'Conner. of Goshen,
fuinuTly of Hawloy, was taken seri
ously ill at Ills cut glass factory in
Oorhcn. and was romoved to IiIb
home He is at last accounts seri
ously 111.
The Auto Transportation t'o.
orgnnlzed on Thursday evening by
electing A. M. Lclno. John Krk, V.
T Moore, Emanuel Freeman, Law
rence Weniger and Frank Schuer
holz directors. The capital of the
company will bo $10,000. The at
torneys of the company were In
structed to procure a charter.
The Pennsylvania law requires
that every automobile shall carry
during the period from one hour af
ter sunset to one hour before sun-
rise two lights showing a white light
ilsible at least one hundred feet in
the direction toward which the ve
hicle Is proceeding, and also exhibit
ene red light visible in the reverse
An article in an issue of the
New York World last week, devot
ed to the description of the State
constabulary and their work, stat
ed that the last strike that they had
quelled was at Honesdale, Pa., and
that quite a number of the strikers
were Injured, etc. This Is news to
our people, who have always had
common sense enough to settle any
differences of opinion that arose
between them, without resorting to
County Detective N. li. Spencer
broke up a gang of coal thieves at
Hawley last Thursday. In company
with J. It. Ralp, Erie Railroad police
officer, N. R. Hentz, an Erie detec--1
tlve, and an officer of the Pennsyl
vania Coal Co., they arrested How
ard Huff, Martin Nee, J. Daushnauor,
John Vandemark, and two other
boys, on charges of stealing five
tons of coal from railroad cars. The
prisoners were brought before Jus
tice of the Peace Smith and fined $5
each and costs. Two of the boys
nald their fines. The others were
On February 28, 1902, we had
tho big ice Jam, which caused tho
banks of the Lackawaxen to over
sow with water and large cakes of
ice Portions of Honesdale were
covered with water, and It filled
many cellars. The bridge spanning
the river at .Main street was carried
away, also'a portion of tho Farnham
and Goodman bridges. Monday, the
anniversary of this event, the water
backed up so that the river was level
with Park and Twelfth street, but
at 3 p. m. the Ice loosened up and
went out without doing any dam
age. -Tho graduation class of the
High school havo made their ar
rangements for commencement
night, as follows: Valedictorian,
Miss Grace F. Hanlan; salutatorian,
Clarence Bodte; Misses Lucello
Rowland, Dortha Relchonbaker,
Beatrice Rehbeln, Harriet Arnold,
Ralph Hrown, William Pethick and
Conrad Hiller. Class night Misses
Elizabeth Burger, Rdse Durlam,
Katherlno Nicholson, Lillian IJar
beri, Helen Tryon, Mervln Bunnell,
David Peterson, and Lloyd Schuller
will take part. The class of 1910
b composed of eighteen members.
The class colors are maroon and
white, while the motto, "Proceed,
not recede "
George Doherty, a glass cutter,
about forty-five years of age, who
has been stopping at the Amerlcnn
Houlo on Lower Main street, mot
with un accident which resulted In
Hs death on Monday morning about
11.45 o'clock. Ho started to go to
his room which was on the uppor
ticor of the hotel, and in some un
accountable way ho foil down one
flight of stairs, fracturing his skull
at tho baso. Tho hotel proprietor,
Mr T J. O'Connell, heard tho fall
and at onco wont to his assistance,
finding him bndly injured. Dr.
lUConvllIo was summoned, who, on
examination, stated that his skull
was fractured. Everything that was
posslblo was done for tho sufferer
but he expired at C p. m. No form
erly lived In Wulton, N. Y. Tho
tauso of his fall will novor bo known.
He was not intoxicated; it Is supposed
that a fit of dizziness overcamo him,
or he might havo stumbled, tripped
and fell. Ho was a steady worker
and had been employed by Meyer's
Cut Glass Co., until thoy closed
down and had also been employed
nt the round house. Ills relatives
and frlonds at Walton have been
notified of his death.
Marks, the cattle buyer from
t)l. , t '
uuiik, inuv, jersey, lias ueen in
town buying cows and stock for sev
eral days. Ho shipped a car-load
on Saturday.
Hay will bo at n premium very
soon, so tho many farmers say who
visit our office. The poor crop last
year and tho severe winter aro to
Tho beautiful cut glass set, con
sisting of 1100 plecos, which is In
use nt tho While House, Is the pro
duct of Dorlllngor fc Son's factory
at White Mills.
Miss Caroline L. PoterhP.n will
address the Enstem Conference of
Federated Women nt Reading next
month. Tho subject will be "VII
lago Improvement."
The McMnhon Mercantile Syn
dicate of Pittsburg, have purchased
tho entire stock of tho Boston Store
and will offer those goods at prides
which ought to tempt buyers. Their
advertisement on our last page will
give you some idea of the priees
that they aro offering goods for.
Mr. lrvln Ball, of Wllkes-Barro,
Ib visiting his mother, Mrs. Cyrcnus
Ball, who Is seriously 111.
Miss Mary A. Do Verall, of Blng
hnmton, has been tho guest of Mrs.
Miss Mnry Mcnner will take n
much needed vacation from school
work. Miss Grace Jndwln will fill
the position until her return.
P. S. Bass of Plensant Mount.
and Miss Jessie Nelson, of Slko, , A. Pcnnlman for several days,
have sent In correct answers to vv 0 nock Dlvlglon Pnaaeneer
puzzle, "What's in tho Alphabet." I Agont of thc ,,:rIo Unllronii, wna n
Dr. 11. Golden, eyesight spcclnl-' huslness caller In town on Frldny.
1st of Carbondnlc, will bo at tho Allen Miss Annie Reed returned to
House on Wednesday of this week Blnghamton on Monday afternoon
and nt Park View Hotel, Hawley, nil
day Thursday. adv.
A formor Honesdaler was elect
ed alderman In Scrnnton lately. Ills
name Is George F. Kollow. Ho loft,
here In 1S72 and sottlcd in Scrnnton I
when ho was about 23 years of ago. ;
Storms and Signs, a booklet
published by J. A. Coles and edited ;
by U. C. Colos, Is at hand and is one
of tho most useful and Instructive
pamphlets that comes to the Citi
zen. Tlic union relvnl meetings are
well attended, and there Is every
Indication of a deep-sealed interest
On Monday tho Ice In the west by those who attend theso services.
branch of tho Lackawaxen broke up , Thc meetings will be held every
and came down to Honesdale, form-! evening this week except Saturday,
Ing n jam at tho dam In Park Lake, in the Baptist church.
Tho water continued to rlso until at j. y, Farloy, of Equlnunk, was
places tho banks wore overflowed. ; a caller at tho Citizen ollleo on Mon
but before any considerable dam- ; jay. Mr. Farley Is nn Electrical En
age wag done, the Jam was broken j glneer, and though giving his atten
aud tho Ico proceeded on its way i ti0n to tho business of his father,
down toward tho Dolaware. - the late Hon. H. X. Farloy, has
Rov. E. E. Davidson, thc noted ; erected a telephone lino along the
New England revivalist, is now at I south branch that Is said to be the
WellBboro. Tioga county, Pa., con-. best built telephone line In Wayne
ducting a most interesting series ! county. Mr. Farley Is a graduate
of religious services, with the re-1 of Syracuse University.
suit of a large number of conver
sions. Mr. Davidson Is well known j
in Honesdale, the result of his lab-'
ors still being witnessed in our :
The engineers, liremen and ,
telegraphers employed by the D. and 1
H. company have demanded a daily
increase in wages, ranging from five
to seven per cent., making an aver-'
age domandod Increase of twenty
five per cent, of the wages paid by .
the company, but the company has
refused to give them an increase in
Tlie special preachers at Grace j
Episcopal church will be Rev. Win.
Bartlett Beach of the Church of tho
Good Shepherd. Scrnnton, on Wed-,
Tho New York World of Feb.
after a sevcrnl days' visit at her homo
W. J. Ferbcr nnd Dr. Frank Cor
son, of Wayinnrt, are on a trip to
Philadelphia, Washington nnd Vir
ginia. MIssos Agnes Havoy, Mary Mur
phy, nnd Essie Kolley attonded thc
Teachers' Institute at Hawley on
Thomas Flnnorty litis returned
homo, after a two months' trip In
tho interest of the T. It. Clark Cut
Glass Co.
Miss Maude Sowden, of Wilkos
Barre, spent Sunday as tho guest
of her sister, Mrs. Frank S. Evans,
of West street.
Frank Colwell, who has been the
elllclent , clerk at tho Delawaro nnd
Hudson freight depot, has been
transferred to Plttston.
Mrs. Mlchnel Hanlan, of Honesdale,
is visiting at the home of William II.
Hoffman, of 917 Irving avenue,
Petersburg. Scranton Times.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Landnu, of
Scranton, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Landau's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mor
ris Freeman, of Court street.
John Rickert has returned from
his first trip as traveling snlesman
- i ".nn ... .1 ti .. Mr
i., ' , " ;' . . V l In many instances the cellars of the
V. VtllUUIUS Ol Ol. UUKCB CIlUl'CIl, , ,, ,.,, ,w. ,u,l n rn Olio,!
j with coal which the special officers
j of the Erie claim has been stolen
from that company. Coal Intended
for tide water Is stored at Hawley
and It is a very easy matter to carry
! coal uwav in bags and other ways un-
Honesdale, Thursday evening. Games , der cover 0f darkness. Over 200
were played and refreshments serv-; tolls of coai jn a month has been
28th has a lengthy article regarding i for the American Knitting Co. and
the Arkansas diamond mines of i reports a most successful tri p.
which our townsman. Jas. T. Fuller. I jjr. and .Mrs. Howard Hartung
Is chief engineer. Two hundred and son, of Scranton, were visitors
thousand dollars of new machinery ! nt the home of the former's parents,
is now being installed. Mr. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartung, of Elm
has been offered ills old position of j Btreet.
Chief Engineer of the South African Mss ,snbe, who lms
mines but has concluded to remain ,)eun v,siu her nts Qn b
in Arkansas, as he . considers the Mn,n Bt hM returned to hor
outlook for diamond mining more (hlt,es .,t Mans.e)d state Nomnl
promising at this new camp. gci,00i
Detective Nick Spencer has been i jilss Lizzie C. Bassett left for
busy rounding up a number of peo- j niverside, Cal., on Monday after
pie In Hawley who have been charg- I noon. SMe wm stop off nt Chicago
ed with stealing coal from the Erie and Kansas City, making short visits
Railroad cars. Up to the present 1 witli relatives there.
time thirty have been arrested and
Scranton, Friday at 7:.".0 p. m. The
public is cordially Invited. The
Thursday afternoon service will for
this week only, be omitted.
The C. I .T. U. club met at the
home of Miss Bessie Bunnell, East
ed. The young ladles met at the mssed and most of It is supposed
to have been lost at Hawley by theft.
The following transfers of real
home of Miss Ruth Lord and enjoy'
ed a slelghride to Miss Bunnell's
l,nmn TMman lirpcnnt wppn? rtnth
Lord,' Martha Kimble. Laura Cort-estate wero recorded in the ofllce of
right, Mary Bodle, Hattle Sinitn, ' '"- .......
Florence Eldred and Bessie Bunnell. . N. Rude and wife to Clinton
I Cemetery association, one and one--The
revival mee ngs are grow-j , c,nton townBhlp.
irtg in interest and there is a con- $i 17.50; Clarence E.
stantly Increasing attendance. The . - onll ,.,., fIftv
acres of land in Salem township;
singing under the leadership of Rev
Geo. Wendell, is becoming more
spirited, the favorite tunes being
sung with great fervor. Revs.
Swift, Hiller and Wendell alternate
In preaching. Services all this week
in tho Baptist church. Last Sunuay
evening this church was filled to
overflowing to listen to Rev. Mr.
Hiller, who preached a powerful
Jesse Wood, who resides
Waymart, met with a serious
consideration, $450; James K. Peck
and wife to Maria S. Bryane, three
acres of land In Mt. Pleasant; con
sideration, $200; Thomas Moore and
wife to Albert Odell, one, lot In
Proinpton borough; consideration,
$400; Winfleld S. Conklin and wife
to Demela G. Terrell and J. L. Ter
rell: sixty-six acres of land In Da-
mascus township; consideration,
ntj$750; W. Myron Norton, et al to
iic-i u ti Hn.tflon lnt In Clinton: con-
cident at Carhondalo on aaturdny. j sideratlon, $30.
He attempted to board a car near
Beeler's store on Canaan street, and
as ho stepped out In tho street he
came In contact with a team of
horses attached to a sleigh, and was
knocked down and run over by the
sleigh and his right leg was fractur
ed. He was taken to the City Pri
vato Hospital whero tho
was reduced, and his
f kits nrplilnnt
There Is a "temnest In a tea-' H. F. Guerney. of Jersey City, Is
pot" over the fact that some of the
The snow Is very deep, but the rain
to-day looks very much like a break
up. Coe Young, Sr., Thomas Caffery,
Mrs. Grant Teeple and Mrs. Jacob
Kellam are all in the doctor's care.
Last Friday night there was a
lecture with views given at the Bra-
man church by Rev. Gardner of
Emma Stalker returned home Fri
day, having spent two weeks with
I friends at Long Eddy.
The Ladies' Aid will meet this
week Thursday with Mrs. Louis
Three teams are hauling logs from
Dr. Frlsble's farm to Gould's mill at
Long Eddy.
Ernest White spent the last part
of the week at Lake Conio.
Clarence Stalker of' Lookout, "was
a caller at D. M. Stalker's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Conklin and
two grand-children of Conklin, spent
last week at John Mltterwager's.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White and
daughter, Helen, visited his mother,
Mrs. Mary White, last Saturday.
Will Adams had the misfortune to
lose a horse last week, by n kick
from another horse, breaking both
William Spettlgue spent Sunday
In .lermyn.
Maurice Church Is spending a few
fracture, in town'
friends not!-, C- Pethick, of Tyler Hill, was
i a caller in town on Friday.
ministers of Scranton are lovers of
the weed, and lo a little smoking on
the side for which the Rev. McCul
lough took them to task. The ser
mon on tho Mount, which has been
the Sunday school topic for the last
six weeks was lost sight of in tho
remarks which were used pro and
spending a few days here.
Robert Patterson, of Scranton,
was a visitor in town Sunday.
Ike Hollenback was a caller In
town tho lntter part of tho week.
Reed Gager of Cold Springs, is
visiting friends in town this week.
Miss Anna Connelly, of Scranton,
I t i i . e it l 1 .. ninl.,n
con. The Rov. McCullough's wife ! ,M u,u ' "-" t
had her say in tho discussion, and , Miss Mamo Evans of Scrnnton, Is
was callod a pest. At last accounts i visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Emery,
there is a "wish I hadn't said so and Dr. Perkins, of Carbondale, was
so" feeling existing among a few ofja business caller In town on Mon
our Scranton friends. Brethern. j day.
novor contract any habit you aro not I Attornoy Frank Kimble and
willing your children should copy, j wlfo nre )l0me fronl thQlr western
Tho wife of Slgol W. Seeman, j trip,
of tho firm of Seeman Bros., of Now MIb8 t1111o Grambs, of Scranton.
1 ork City, while laboring unuer a , visiting relntlvos and friends In
severe nervous strain, committed
suicide. Mr. Seeman lives at Bay
onne, N. J. Mrs. Seeman being in 111
health .had boon placed in tho pri
vate sanitarium of Miss Patmoro at
124 West Sevonty-flrst street, Now
York, that sho might havo tho best
of care. She was supposed to bo im
proving and it was expected that she
would return to hor home, but early
on Saturday morning she eluded tho
night nurses and locked herself In
Edward Fasshauer, of Carhondalo,
spent Sunday nt his homo on Green
W, H. Kaln, of Brooklyn, was a
businoss caller in Honesdale on
Mrs. W. H. Poarco and dnughtor,
Blanche, wero visitors In Scranton
recently. N
Mr. and Mrs. Loroy Hausor spent
tho bathroom. When the nurses Sunday with tho former's parontB nt
missed her they searched, and being Bethany.
unablo to open tho bathroom finally
got in by means of a fire escape.
Mrs. Seeman had detached a tube
from a water heater and fastening it
in her mouth had seated herself in
tho tub. Dr. E. H. Qulnn, of 108
West Seventy-first street said sho
had been dead about halt an hour.
Sho left no message. Mr. Seeman,
who has been living with his brother
Joseph, at 1C0 West Soventy-stxth
street since his wife's Illness, ascrib
ed hor act to her nervous trouble.
Homer Wells of New York, has
accepted a position with W. T. Hoft,
tho barber.
E. G. Simons, managor of tho Boll
Telephone Co,, of Scrnnton, is In
town this week.
Edward Kllroe, of New York city,
Is visiting at the homo of his moth
er, at Tanner's Falls.
Mrs. P. S. Bubs of Cold Springs,
wub a pleasant caller at tho Citizen
ofUco on Friday afternoon.
There Is more Catarrh In this sec
tion of the country than all other
diseases put together, and until the
last few years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years
doctors pronounced It a local disease
and prescribed local remedies, and by
constantly falling to cure with local
treatment, pronounced It Incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a
constitutional disease and therefore
requires constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It Is taken lntornnlly In
doses from 10 drops to a tenspoonful.
It acts directly on tho blood nnd muc
ous surfaces of the system. They
offer one hundred dollars for auy case
it falls to cure. Send for clrculnrs
and testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO..
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
New York, Fob. 2 1. Bitterness,
which had grown in her heart for
nearly thirty yoars Is to bo carried
to tho grave this afternoon with the
body of Mrs. May Jenks. To-day an
ndvortlsomont dlctntod to her daugh
ter an hour beforo her death, car
ries tho pitiful story of her suffering:
"Dlod. On Sunday, February 20,
of a brokon heart, May, tho unbolov
od wife of Thpmns Jonks."
Clad In u sllkon robo as near like
her wedding dross, as near as sho
could arrange beforo her death, but
with the wedding ring, which she had
troasurod for moro than a qunrtor of
n century, stripped from her finger,
tho body of tho woman awaits burla'
Tho story of the long sad years U
told by hor daughter.
Tho couple wero married in Eng
land and enmo to this country twen-ty-nlno
years ago. Their first threo
children died, nnd a gradual drawing
away of tho parents followed.
Thursday evening, Fob. 24th, Ar
thur Fasshauer was united in mar
riage to Miss Mary Fitch, nt the
Presbyterian mnnse, by tho Rev. W.
H. Swift, pastor of tho bride. Tho
affair was a very quiet one. Both
parties nre well known here and
havo a largo circle of friends who
wish them many yenrs or happi
ness. GRECCO ROOSA C. C. Grecco,
a well known glnss cutter of Honos
dalo, and Miss Ada 11. Roosa, also of
Honosdnle, wore united In marriage
at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon
at the Bnptlst parsonage, nt Carbon
dale. The coromony was performed
by the pastor, Rev. Porclval H.
Lynch, and Miss Beatrice McFadden,
of Carbondale, was tho only attendant.
The largest shipment of paint
ever received Into Honesdale, has
Just been unpacked by O. M. Spcttl
guo, who for years has been ngent
for the Sherwln Williams paints.
This slnglo shipment weighs twelve
thousand four hundred pounds and
aggregated nearly three thousand
cans. During Mr. Spettlguo's career
In handling this line he has dis
pensed to tho property owners over
twenty-live thousand gallons. Tho
rapid progress of tho Sherwln-Wll-llams
Co. has been due entirely to
tho high quality product which they
manufacture, and their sales annu
ally run Into millions of dollars.
Notice is hereby glvon that an
application will be made to the
Govornor of tho Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, on 24th day of March,
1910, by Jacob F. Katz, W. J. Katz
and Leon Katz, under the Act of
Assembly approved April 29, 1874,
entitled "An Act to provldo for the
incorporation and regulation of cer
tain corporations" and the supple
ments thereto, for tho charter of an
intended corporation to bo called
ED," the character and object of
which Is "buying and selling mer
chandise, goods and wares of all
kinds, nt wholesale and retail and
for these purposes to have, possoss,
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and
privileges of said Act of Assembly
and supplements thereto.
Honesdale, Pa., Feb. 28, 1910.
Vln I'hie Railroad.
Ask Ticket Agent for particulars,
lwto Ap. 9.
Drawing-Room Buffet
Sleeping Car
Scranton and Pittsburg
Pcnna. It. R. Irom Wilkes-Barre
I j Leave Scranton at 5:30 P. 31. daily
except Sun. arrive Pitts.'onrg7 A.M.
I I Leave Pittsburg at E:50 P.M. daily
ii except Sat. ar. Scranton 9:59 A.M.
Berth reservations can te made
through Ticket Ageats, or
Trains leave at 8:25 a. m. and
2:4S p. m.
Sundays at 2:48 p. in.
Trains arrive at 1:40 and S : OS J GEO. E. BATES,
p. m. l Div. Frt. and P.w. Agt.
Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 andl-
leaves at 7:10. i Scranton, Pa. Ioei20
Sundays at 7:02 p. m.
. K. M.MO.VS, Pdkhiukxt. i:. A. CMKltY, Cashikii.
farmers mmm BANK
CAPITAL STOCK $75,000.00
Of the People,
For the People and
By the People !
o o o g
We solicit the patronage of Individuals and firms
for either Checking Or Savings accounts, and always
stand ready to looii.'moncy to Wayne Countcans having
proper security.
Are You One of the 3,553 Depositors
73gr? Doing business at the
If not, the opportunity awalts'you to open en ac
count now.
Start the Idle money you have at your home to earn
ing interest.
If you have a small bank, bring or send It to us at
once. Put your Idle money at work.
If you wish to make a loan on your farm or house
or to borrow some money callyit the Dime Bank.
Business and Savings Accounts oollclled.
Wayne County money for Wayne Countcans.