The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 02, 1910, Image 1

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ao j- K jc tc if o r it & r & ir jc k
Semi-Weekly Founded
J Weekly Founded. 1844
so j j j wt jt t j: ji J
jo k1 jo so sr jv jr k
tA Wayne County Organ
' of the
- kr t J :. o :
6 7th YEAR.
NO. 17
THIS WEATHER Tlio wenthcr for Wednesday will bo colder; with light Turlablo winds.
mm for
Philadelphia Turns on
Traction Company.
Banks and Merchants Bring
Pressure to Bear.
Philadelphia, March 1. As every i
hour brings neorer tliu time fixed for I
the general strike of 12."i,000 workmen '
in sympathy with the striking motor-
men nnd eonductors of the I'hlladel-
phlu Rapid Transit company business
mnri are tnk-Inr tlin nlnrm. .m1 scores
men are Inking the nlarm, and scores
of organizations liave 'appealed to the
mayor nnd elty councils to endeavor to
bring about arbitration of the matters
In dispute between the company and
Its men.
The Impression strengthens hourly
thut the Central Labor uuiou was not
bluffing when it ordered n general
sympathetic strike. Merchants and
manufacturers who laughed a few
itni-u iit-.i ut .lit. rw.uoiitmt.. ,xt '
. . . i j p,vs .... ntu rjnniuiii. ul I. A L i-11 11 1-11
trouble have become nonrebenslve
They are scared, nnd they ndmlt It.
Business has been cramped enough as
it is uy uiu ueviury inui grew out. oi
the enrmen's strike. The possibilities
that hinge upon a general walkout
tint 11 ,ti.l(, iknan kn. i
have made these business men thor
oughly uncomfortable.
The transit company Is In the curi
ous position of being about to loso a
strike that It has won, a dilemma
brought upon itself by the snub It gave
o -the- vlergyimn'of the city when It
torn tiie ministers that it would not
iuiu uiu ministers mat It would not
1LI mi .. .. -
aiuuiuiu uiiyiuiiig, xne pertinacity 01
one man, George II. Earle, one of three !
city representatives on the transit
company's board of directors, required
the company to take that stand.
Previously the sympathies of a pub-1
He were with the company because it '
wns generally believed that it was j
within its rights In declining to permit I
Clarence O. Trait, the Detroit labor j
leaner, ana tiie Amalgamated Union i
of Street Hallway Employees to die-'
tate how and when it should employ
or discharge Its men. For upward of a
week public opinion backed up the ;
transit directors. People turned u cold '
Mnmilfliif .mi. i.l ti..a j 1 1. i. ,.
"u me ririK- ciais or tlio united Mine Workers and
era. I he men's position was made ! the operators.
oven more untenable because of wide- ! A call has been sent out for a gen
spread and vicious disorder. Little by 1 eral convention of the miners in r.ln-
little car by car, the company relnsti-
tuted service until It was within r.0
per cent of the normal.
Hut the strike seemed likely to drag
out for weeks, because Pratt is a fight
er and maintains extraordinary ascen
dency over ids followers. The strik
ers were willing to arbitrate, and they
would have agreed to tim decision of a 1
board of arbitration GVL'Il if tin Iwt'i I'll
had eliminated the question of exclu
sive recognition of their union.
Acting in response to n general de
mand, the clergymen, including lllshop
Fowler of the Methodist church and
Archbishop Ityan of the Komnn Cath
olic diocehe, offered means of adjust
ment The company through Its di
rectors gave heed to George II. Earle
nnd turned down the mediatory offers.
Then, us had beeu threatened, u geu-
, ,, , , n "
eial strike was planned and called. '
i latt and Murphy had enough lullu-
ence with the leaders of 125,000 union
workmen to swing them iu behind the 1
carmen. Atf things stand uow, these
men will leave their picks In tho air
on next Saturday morning unless the
transit company decides to leave the
points of dllferenco between itself and
Its meu to a board of arbitration.
Tho company uow stands In Just the
position it had the striking carmen
three dujH ago. Its back Is to the
wall, and It Is being attacked by ev
erybody who has nn Interest In the
present crisis.
Half a dozen movements have been
darted to compel the transit company
to arbitrate. Xobody wants a general
Htrlke, not even the union men who
are preparing to walk out, but the
town Is thoroughly convinced thnt
Keneral strike Is Inevitable In case the
transit company remains obdurate
Employers of all kinds-brow?' '
headH of uwivimr r,i,.tnri,.u nr?..Jl
heads of weaving factories, the Cramp
Khh;ibuIldlnK firm, men who employ
machinists, KtonmlUters, carpenters,
tailors, milk wagon drivers, electrical
workers and a hundred other kinds of
workmen have asked their men what
they really Intend to do if the transit
company refuses to arbitrate. In nl
most every case they have been iu-
Philadelphia Banker Resists De
mand Fop Strike Arbitration.
-- ,
;"" """ '"" employees win amue
'' tn0 "vision of their unions and CO
out on strike.
The big banks have taken a band in
the game. There are many inrge In
dustrial concerns In Philadelphia that
have large contracts on hand. They
are carrying these contracts on money
borrowed from the banks. Tim lmnica
j are keenly Interested in preventing a
general strike. They nut the solution
of the problem up to one of the most
lowerful I
lxjwerrul Institutions in this city, the
Market Street Merchants association.
The merchants, headed by Ellis Glm
oel aud Samuel D. Lit, got together
iuu.iuii'i,i iu mu ihiiiis
' action, one of which or both may
1,0 brought forward. The llrst plan
WflK tCt 1'IWMlll fni
nnd agreed tentatively to two plans
was to recall from Florida Boss Me
Nlchol and Boss Vnre, who settled
the strike last June. The second wns
to make direct representations to the
transit eonipauy that something would
drop If the company continued to hold
oeiimur mm necoruer vure
1 1 . ... 11 -1 . It. ,...1
Senator McNichol and Hecorder Vnre
"in iui iuiuuku cuum-iin u rusuiiuiuu
requesting in the name of the city
fathers that the compnny nnd the
strikers get together nnd arbitrate.
Call Issued For Joint Convention at
Cincinnati March 8.
Indianapolis, Ind., March l.-The
miners nnd operators of the central
competitive bituminous coal Held will
meet in Cincinnati Mnrch 8 for a Joint
conference on the wage question. The
call has been Issued as a result of a
conference held in Cincinnati by oill-
. . .. ..
clnnntl on March M to ratify any nc
tion which mny be tnkeu by the Joint
It hns been agreed between the min
ers nnd the operators that If the Illi
nois miners aud operators both come
to the convention aud take nnrt in It.
uuu fiu. ii i-iiuei mu operators
or the miners from Illinois fail to
well and good. If either the operators
como In the state will be left out nf
tho Joint convention. This means, of
course, that the Illinois operators will
not attend and that therefore the Illi
nois miners will not bo seated In the
This will leave the central competi
tive field then to consist of western
Pennsylvania, Ohio nnd Indiann. Illi
nois will be a separate proposition.
Tho miners stick to their demand for
" ""l luiitnoo iu wuiiun Ul JU CUIUS H
ton. The operators Insist on a re.iiio.
a flat Increase in wages of 10 cents a
tion In miners' wages from 10 cents to
no cents a ton
State Gets Stay of Proceedings For j
XSyjsfer From Matteawan,
White Plains, N. Y March l.-Jus-tlco
Tompkins In the supremo court
granted on motion of tho attorney:
general n stay of the proceedings be
fore Referee WUIlain Van Ames in tho I
matter of the application of Harry IC 1
Thaw to be transferred from the Mat-i
tcnwnn asylum to some other lnstltu-l
tion. i
Tho stay Is granted with tho under
standing that tho state is to appeal im
mediately to the appellate division
from tho order under which tho ref
eree was uppolnted. J itlee Tompkins
r,,e tll,0!)llon of power of the
co"rt to mako an investigation or to
court to mako nn investigation or to'
oruer tne transfer of the patient to
another Institution wns not presented
by the attornoy general on the argu
ment. Hnd the question of tho court's
nuthorlty to make such an Investiga
tion beeu raised I would have given It
careful consideration. As It was, I
guvo It no consideration .whatever.
Nevertheless it is nn important ques
tion, nnd It may be best to have it set
tled by tho nppellntc division before
the parties go to the trouble nnd ex
pense of a hearing before the referee."
berlin exposition delay.
Committee Will Make It German
American instead of American.
New York, March . The American
exposition which wns to have been
held in llerlin this coming summer
has been positioned. Tho executive
committee 1ms decided that In view of
nnd this country it wns best to post
pone the project for another year nt i
least and then to endeavor to make !
the affair German-American in char-'
acter. 1
win. tcis object in view and to
prove that tlio proposed exposition Is
not intended as an American commer
cial Invasion of Germany members of
the executive committee will visit Ger
many this summer.
The honorary commission appointed
by President Tnft, which Includes J
P. Morgan, John Wanamaker and Da-
vld It. Francis, will be continued.
Price nnd Hnas Arraigned In Wash
ington Criminal Court.
Washington, March 1. Theodore II. sent to Iturke, and doctors were rush-1 There will be a dampness there and
Price of New York, the cotton broker, cd to both places from Wallace on spe-! It will bo unnecessary to provide ar
was arraigned In tho criminal court cinl trains. More than a thousand res-, tiflclal moisture. If the incubator is
here on nn Indictment chnrging him,
Moses Haas and Frederick A. Peck-1
ham with having conspired to secure
advance information respecting cotton
reports from Edwin S. Holmes, Jr.,
wno was axMcnue siausueion or the
department of agriculture.
Price filed sixteen pleas In a state-1
meni nneging, among otner tilings,
that certain members of the grand
Jury were dlsqnlllied to serve.
United States Attorney Baker ob-
Jected to the filing of the pleas. Ho i of miners who had responded to ap-1 better to hatch at as low tempera
told the court that while Price had ' peuls from Mnce were unable to move, ture as possible. It makes a dl'f
been Indicted in 1008 he had resisted aud these may have been buried In the; ference as to what kind of chickens
removal to this jurisdiction, carrying snow. 1 are hatched. -
tne case rrom the United States com-;
mlssioner through the courts of New
York to the supreme court of the
United States, which tribuiinl had or
dered his removal to this district for
Justice Gould allowed' the pleas to
be filed, and ball was given by Price
In sr,.ooo.
Former District Attorney Appears For
Indicted Directors.
New York, Mnrcli 1. Ex-District At
torney Jerome was In the criminal
branch of tho supreme court yester
day as counsel for five of the eight
Indicted directors of the Consolidated
Milk Exchange.
His clients aud the other three sur
rendered themselves to nnswer the In
dictments chnrging them with con
spiracy In that they met to fix in re
straint of trade the price they would
pay for milk, thereby tending to create
n monopoly.
Tho .defendants were held In $1,000
.nl.' nvfc.
He Has Made Fortune of $8,000,000 In
corners In Wheat.
Chicago, March 1. After making a
fortune of ,000,000 by manipulating
comers In wheat, James A. Patron an
nounces his retirement from active
business. He says his career us a
speculator is ended, and he will never
again try to run up the prices of wheat
and Hour. Patten will sail for Eu
rope tomorrow and will not return un
til April 1.
With his retirement will come the
withdrawal of his brother, George W.
Patten, and his partner of years, Wil
liam II. Bartlett.
The firm of Bartlett, Patten & Co.
will go out of existence, and hi Its
stead tho Bartlett-Patten company will
bo organized on July 1.
Broker's Wife Loses Diamond Heart
and Horseshoe In Hotel.
New York, March 1. Tho mysterious
dlsappoarauco of a diamond horseshoe
ono of tho largost In existence nnd
a diamond heart, nggregntlng $50,000
in value, from tho boudoir of Mrs.
Sanford Erlanger, wlfo of a stock
broker, at tho Hotel Ansonla Is baf
fling tho police.
The diamonds vanished from a
chatelalno bag which Mrs. Erlanger
left ou top of her dresser while she
was at her bath.
Tho detectives bollcvo that tho thief
entered Mrs. Erlnnger's room while
she Wns at the bath and while tho
maid stepped to another part of the
suit, which Is on the fourth floor of
tho hotel.
The diamond horseshoe, made up of
forty-seven glistening gems, was a
wedding gift to Mrs. Erlanger nnd
wns worth $30,000, whllo the heart,
composed of 100 diamonds, was a gift
ou her wedding anniversary.
Mining Towns Buried by&Jn
SnowsHdes In Idaho.
aiiiene overwhelmed by Juass
Which Falls Down the
Mountain Side.
i are placed in the incubntor raise the
Spokane, Wash., March 1. More heat to 102 degrees nnd at tho eighth
than thirty lives have been lost In two day to 10!i degrees and then don't
great snowslldes nt mining towns of . lower it. Examine the eggs on the
the Coenr d'AIeno district In northern I sixth day. The eggs that are clear
Idaho. A slide swept down the mown- are unfertile; those having webb
tnln. striking tlio little town of Mnce like lines running through them are
and burying twenty-live houses and 1 fertile, while those h.-ivinn- ,,
their sleeping occupants In n mnss of
snow nnd Ico at the bottom of the
canyon. Another slide rushed dpwn
upon Iturke, crushing n score of bouses
under thousands of tons of earth nnd
Every man who could be spared
from the rescue work nt .Mnce wns
j cuers arc now at work
From the foot of the Anchor mine
1 plant for nbout half a mile tho slide Is
! thirty feet deep.
I When tho alarm sprend through the
mining camp tnat Mace had been nl -
most wiped out by a landslide mothers,
wives and children of the miners cm -
ployed at tiie Hecln, Hercules nnd An-
t-uor mines nnu cnreiaKers or tue oia ueiter tnan those. Hatching tem-Tiger-Poorman
mine begnn to seek ' perature can vary from 101 degrees
places of safety. Wives and families to 104 V, decrees, nlthnilr-li It la
Burke had tho larger population,
about 000, and the houses were closer
together. Mothers carried their cull -
dren to the side hills, brothers drag -
ged their little sisters to places of
safety, and when tho slide struck
niany of the homes werb dese'rted,
while tho men wero rescuing injured
at the stricken sister town.
Old timers In the Coeur d'Alene dls -
trlct hnve been Issuing dally warnings
to Mace, Iturke and Illnck Bear that
because of the record depth of the
snow slides were Imminent. For six- mixture is for tills time of the year,
teen winters these towns have es-1 .Mr. Itipou did not recommend the
catied devastating slides, and so strong I Hreless brooder. The greatest teach
wos the confidence of the miner resi- j or Is Nature. Watch the old hen.
dents that their homes nnd fnmilies President Cody then asked Hoy
were snfo thnt no precautions had i Sands his mode of feeding. The lat
becn tnken. i ter snid lie took one-third parts of
Thirty-five men sleeping In nn outfit j bran, cornmeal and middlings to
enr on the Northern Pacific siding who which he added alfalfa, bono com
wcro swept away with their car In I position and charcoal. Give grain
the liottoni of the canyon used the I mixture morning and evening, but
tools In their enr to dig themselves no wet mnsh.
out. I Mr. Cody gave a short address In
Superintendent Paseoe of the Stand-1 which he stated that It was the pur
ard tnino and his wlfo were nsleep pose of the Wayno County Poultry
when their hohie nt Mnce was crushed and Pigeon association to more
like an eggshell. Mr. Pnscoe, two sons thoroughly und widely foster the
and a daughter were killed. Ills wlfo I poultry Interest In this county as In
was only slightly Injured. I other counties.
The little mining town of Mace lies I
hptuwiftn nriw-fnttiilla mmintnln ctflna n '
straggling line of cottnges In the creek
bottoms, bisected by the lines of the
Northern Pacific and Oregon Railroad
and Navigation company. Its one In
dustry Is mining, and its big mine Is
the Standard. With hardly a dividing
line perceptible, tho towns of Blnck
Bear, Gem. Mnce and Burke form a
long string of houses for six miles.
Mace has a population of 100, all, with
tho exception of a few storekeepers
and schoolteachers, In the employ of !
the mine.
, ' camo a resident of Mllford in 1S73.
ASaUITH MOVES ON LORDS. ; -Mr. Armstrong Is survived by his
, wlfo and son, William. Interment
Veto Measuro to Be Introduced In the 'n the .Mllford cemetery.
Commons March 29. j
London. March 1. Prime Minister SCHROEDER Fred Leonaru Sch
Asqulth's motion that tho government i roeder died Friday, Feb. 25th, at 4
have a monopoly of tlio time In the 1
I house of commons until March 1U hav
ing been agreed to without division,
the cabinet Is safe again until March
20. The house will renssemblo then
nfter an adjournment tnken from
Mnrcli 24.
The Luborltes supported the govern
ment, but Mr. Asqulth had to promise
to droit the budget nnd to mako a
pledge also that before touching It ho
would not only pass the resolutions
dealing with the lords' veto through
tho commons, but send them up to tho
He said enough to satisfy the Irish
Nationalists, especially when, In re
spect to asking guarantees of tho
crown, ho declared thnt he would ten
der to the crown such ndvlco as ho
thought proper regarding the exigen
cies of the case.
Mississippi's New Senator.
Washington, Mnrch 1. The creden
tials of the new senator from Mis
sissippi, Leroy Percy, who will suc
ceed" the venerablo Colonel Gordon,
wen presented In the senate by Sen
ator Money.
A good representation of tho
Wayno County Poultry nnd Pigeon
Association nnd others assembled at
mo court House Inst Saturday even.
was ono of tho Judges of the a.nnn
birds on exhibition at tho Wayno
county fair last year, and is no
stranger to poultry raisers in this
bw Principally "upon incubation
and brooding. Mr. Kipon spoke In
pari as louows:
The prime theory of incubation is
to havo strong and vigorous eggs.
Whon eggs are pluced in an incu
bator, have them of uniform size.
Test tho Incubator before placing the
eggs in tlio machine. Run it at 100
degrees for tho test. When the eggs
spot are decayed and should bo
thrown out as the fumes arising from
mem will poison the fertile eggs.
Examine the eggs on the Cth, 15th
and ISth. Do not assist the chicks
in hatching, the speaker did it once
to his sorrow. Place the machine
in a cellar where Mir nlr la friui.
iiuv;ju uij-Mimrs use a sand nan
There arc other methods, as placing
cotton In the incubator and syphon
ing water from the nursery. This
is only in its infancy and is con-
1 sldered an experiment at present
t A teaspoonful of wnter in a sponge
1 will keep 100 eggs moist for twen-
f ty-four hours, but the sand pan is
The speaker advocated the use of
a large machine havlnir n mnnfttv
. of from 250 to 240 eggs, claiming
! that It Is more reliable than smaller
capacity machines,
j Mr. Uipon recommended, .the so
of an egg tester,
Feed old hens twice a day equal
proportions of bran, middlings, feed,
1 cornmeal, add to this alfalfa and'
1 bono meal, mix well until stiff and
j serve warm. Give whole grain and
i cracked corn at night. The above
ARMSTRONG Milton Armstrong
died at his residence in Mllford, Pa.,
Feb. 21. 1910. nged 69 years, 4
months nnd 20 days. He was n
native of White Mills, where he made
his home until 1SG1, when ho be
came a resident of Dyberry. Ho
was drafted In 1SG2. and was must
ered Iu as a private in Co. E. 179th
Pennsylvania. Nov. 4, 1SG2, and
served ton months. Deceased be-
1'- "., of typhoid pneumonia at Jer
sey City, where ho wns employed by
the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. He
Is survived by his wife, three chil
dren, father, three brothers, name
ly: Charles Christian nnd William,
also three sisters, Mrs. JtMttriRir
mlchael, .Mrs. Edward Short, and
Mrs. John Schmuck. Tho funeral
was held on Tuesday from tho Gor
man Lutheran church, Row Coenon
oillclntlng. Interment wus mnde in
the Lutheran cemetery.
WATTS John Watts, aged 84.
died Sunday morning at his homo
in Oregon township. Ho was ono
of Wayno county's prosperous
farmers. Ho was born in Cornwall,
England, In 1825, and camo to this
country In 1837, coming from New
York City by stage and settled in
the neighborhood whero ho died.
He never married and never rode In
a railroad passenger car. Ho was
of a frugal disposition nnd amassed
considerable monoy. Ho is surviv
ed by a brother William, und has
Bevernl relatives In tho west, chil
dren of a deceased brother.
PUENTI(J3WOn Thursday morn
ing, Mrs. cjK J wife of Fred
Prentice, djj&f blood-poisoning af
ter nn IllriWRof two weeks. She
was born at Poyntelle on June 25,
1801, and was tho daughter of Geo.
nnd Lurretla Ithono. She leaves,
besides her husband and little
daughter ten months' old, a father
and mother, two brothers, Henry
aud Charles, and three sisters, Mrs.
Addle Dunning, of Orson, Mrs. Ettle
Stevens, of Poyntelle, and Miss Inez,
at home. Tho remains were remov
ed to the homo of her parents, at
Poyntelle. on Friday afternoon. Th
funeral at the church on Saturday,
Uevs. Emmcl and Russell officiating
Interment at I lines Corners.
M1LLEH George E. Miller died
at his home In Carbondale, on the
19th tilt. He was a native of Mt.
Pleasant, and passed the greater part
of his life at Whites Valley. A few
years ago he removed to Carbondale,
where he resided until his death.
During the Civil war he served In
Compnny D, 179th Pa., from Nov.
22, 18(52. until the regiment was
mustered out. July 2". 18G3, and
faithfully performed every duty. He
was a member of Capt. James Ham
Post, No. 198, G. A. It., and was an
earnest supporter of tho order. His
funeral took place on the Monday
following his death, the interment
being at Whites Valley. It was the
intention of the Post to have the G.
A. H. burial service; but the Post
Commander, being prostrated by a
severe attack of tho grip, was un
able to go out; and the state of tho
weather and the roads was such
I that the Post reluctantly abandoned
its design.
George K. Uclchenbacker died of
Bright's disease at his home at Bun
nelltown, after a lingering illness.
He was born in Cherry Ridge, was
41 years of age and a most worthy
citizen, a glass cutter by traoe, and
one of the Incorporators of the Irving
Cut Glass Co., which started in busi
ness In 1900. He was elected presi
dent and displayed a good sound
Judgment, unusual executive ability
in the performance of his duties. His
fidelity to the company's Interests
was a prominent factor In the suc
cessful development of this concern.
'He was a man who bj' his uniform
kindness and evenness of disposition
made friends fast. His devotion to
his family was a marked trait In his
character. He is survived by his
wife, wno was Mary A. Stengle, and
two sons. Royal and Charles, com
prise his family. He is also survived
by the following brothers and sis
ters: Mrs. William Shaffer. Mrs.
Wm. Groger, Mrs. William Stratt,
Mrs. John Deniger, .Mary Tteichen
backer, Fred and David, all of Brook
lyn, and Henry, of Los Angeles, Cal.
The funeral services will be held
this afternoon from his home. In
terment in Glen Dyberry cemetery.
Will Take Place in the High School
Building Here on Saturday.
The districts of Honesdale, Texas,
Bethany, Cherry Ridge, SeelyvUIo,
and Dyberry will hold their annual
Institute lu the auditorium of the
Houesdalo High school, Saturday,
March 5. 1910. Teachers and pat
rons are cordially Invited to attend
and enter discussions. The follow
ing subjects will be presented:
"Goldsmith, the Man," Miss Alta
"Goldsmith, tho Writer," Miss
Maine Downing.
"Common Senso Didactics I," Miss
Freda Rose.
'Common Sense Didactics II,"
Miss AUcq Mullen.
"Common Sense Didactics Hi,"
Miss Rose Switzer.
"The Deserted Village." Miss
Essio Kelley.
"Geography," Miss Elizabeth
"A Great Educator," Mr. Ira
"School Games," Prof. H. A.
"Music Drill," Miss Amy Clark.
"The Farmer's View of Agricul
ture In the Schools," Mr. C. J. Welsh.
"A Life from tho History of Edu
cation," Miss Mary Fives.
"Hints to Beginners," Miss Mary
Institute called promptly at 10 a.
m. and 2 p. m,
Quits the Ministry to Raise Poultry.
Verona, N. J., March 1. The Rev.
Charles E. Little, pastor of the Verona
Methodist Episcopal church, has de
cided to retire and will devote his
time to poultry raising on bis farm,
near Cedar Grove.
New Archdeacon of Newark.
Montclnlr, N. J., March 1. Tho Rev.
Frederick B. Carter, rector of St.
Luke's Episcopal church, has been ap
pointed archdeacon of tho dloceso of
Newark. ITo succeeds the late Arch
deacon Cameron of South Orange,