The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 25, 1910, Image 7
i to i icj iisbi MSM Notes amid Coinnimeimft Of Interest to Women Readers GROWTH OF WOMAN SUFFRAGE. Mr. George Allan England Asserts j that the Movement Is Always Galnlnn RrnunH. ' D . . In a very striking article entitled "Tho Leaven of Woman Suffrage Around tho World," published In Lin plncott's, Mr. Georgo Allan England says: "The average American seems to have hardly more idea about the mag nitude of this wave elsewhere than ho has about the mountains on the moon, perhaps not so much. For any good telescope will show those moun tains plainly, whereas the capitalist press as a rulo very carefully sup presses or distorts and ridicules tho news In re woman suffrage abroad. Tho limit of knowledge of the average man barely exceeds this: that here at home we have four States where uni versal suffrage prevails, that there are vigorous demonstrations now taking place In England, and that "women vote In New England.' Beyond this, his Information la not likely to go, al though his facile criticism nnd ridi cule might Indicate a broader scope. "As a matter of plain fact, that is not half tho story. So rapid Is the advance of the suflrago wave olse where than In free America, chival rous America, that almost before one can record It In cold type some other new development turns up. Let us Just take a brief bird's eye survey of the situation, as nearly up-to-date as we can bring It. "New Zealand, of course, we all know about, where women meet men on terms of entire political equality at the polls, and where their Influence has been so salutory. "Australia has not lagged far be hind. As far back as 1902 tho so called 'Federated States' granted full national suffrage to women. Last No vember even the Bomewhat backward State of Victoria ceded. All the wom en of Federated Australia therefore now enjoy full municipal, state, and national suffrage. "So, too, the activity in Finland, where the suffrage was gained only three short years ago, yet where the powers of evil are already trembling In their boots. "Conservative England some years ago here and there granted the muni cipal suffrage to a varying extent, and no observer to-day doubts very seriously that the parliamentary suf frage is almost at hand. The project ed 'betrothal boycott' and 'marriage strike' ought certainly to have soma weight with perfidious Albion, If nothing else will! "Denmark succumbed last year to the demand for municipal suffrage. At the Copenhagen elections In March, the women took an active part in the fight, at least a third of the votes be ing cast by them. According to offi cial statistics the election returned 9,682 male councillors and 127 wom en ones. The battle Is still on there in true Valkyrie style. "Sweden has already capitulated. The Riksdag has recently passed a bill which enables all the inhabitants of the country, over twenty-four years of age, to vote. So the unlimited wom an suffrage is there already an estab lished fact. "In Germany womankind seems to be under a ban, so far as Old-party politics are concerned; but neverthe less they are in great numbers adher ents of the Social-Democracy there. Once this militant party attains the power which now it is reaching out for, to the consternation of Conserva tion, its women can at once turn their activities from revolutionary party politics to national affairs. "In Russia, Cuba, Spain, Japan, ven Turkey, the agitation is going on vigorously. Iceland has It, too, nnd In no passive form at that. The suffrage movement is always gaining ground, never permanently losing. Its outcome Is, to my mind at least, posi tively certain. As women are forced out Into commercial and Industrial pursuits, and are obliged by the grow ing power of Industrialism to abandon the home, 'that sphere of woman,' no other posslblo outcome can result than Just this fight and the winning of the fight. Behind it are powerful economic reasons; and economic de terminism, though It grind as slowly as the mills of the gods, always grinds exceedingly small." A TURBAN FROM PARIS. 00 S OUR BOYS AND GIRLS oooooooaooooooooooooooooo GUNDA THE DANCER When Gunda, the big Indian o'o phant at Bronx Park, New Yor!:. Isn't busy munch'ng carrots or at tending to his duties at the rocclv ng tellnr'n window of his personally con. duted hank, ho generally will be found swinging his gigantic frame easily backward and forward with n rolling rhythmic movement strongly suggestive of dancing. Keep er "Baldy" Thunian, at tiny rate, de clares It's danc'ng, and ho ought to know, for no humnn being knows tho big chap nnd' his ways as well as he does. Atnoug the visitors recently to the antelope house where Gunda Is making his happy homo pending the completion of his own palatial man Blon n quarter of a mllo north, wore a pretty young school teacher and her class of a Hcore of little girls. Gun da was just as glad to see them as WHEN GUNDA DANCES, they wore to see him, and the big fellow had the time of his Hfo while the peanuts lasted. After he had passed abou, a dozen quarts of the toothsome goobers d.wn into his ca- pt.clous interior and had collected all the pennies in sight nnd added them to his store, seeing nothing further coming his way and feeling entirely satisfied vtth the world in general and himself In particular, he began to swing forward and backward on his toes,' with his wonted grace and ease. "O-o-oo-oh!" shouted all the little girls and the pretty teacher in uni son, "he's doing 'The Merry Widow Waltz!' " "You're all right, old boy," whis pered Keep Thunian Into Gunda's ear after the encore, "gim'me a soul kiss. Gund:. responded by laying the end of his trunk lovingly against his keeper's cheek. Retreat of a Lion. An Englishman who passed five years hunting In Africa, gives a graphic account of a scene that he once witnessed there. Ho was out elephant hunting, andhls party con sisted of 250 natives. That was a large and imposing force, and one would think that so great an array would terrify even the wildest and moat ferocious beast. Sudden. the hunter saw a big lion coming slowly but defiantly out of the brush. Its eyes blazing with fury and its tall nervously lashing its sides. Not a bit nbashed was it at the army of hunters that confronted It, but it came boldly toward them as If seeking to force a combat. It is hardly necessary to say that the natives, every mother's son of them, fled from the beast like a flock of frightened sheep. In the panic that followed eight of the hunter's dogs were allowed to escape from the leash. The dogs Instantly faced the Hon, but that kingly animal, seeing that Its bold bearing had routed its hum an enemies, became uneasy about its cubs and their mothor, and turned toward the brush through which they were retreating. It did not run, there was no showing of the whlto feather in its action; it Just walked calmly and majestically away, growling fiercely at the dogs, which trotted along on each side, As the hunter had been left alone by the stampede of tho natives, he thought it wise not to bother with tho Hon, for fear of unpleasant conse quences, so he called off his dogs and watched the Hon disappear in the un dergrowth covering his retreat of his family with the air of a conqueror. Potter Wiisps at Work. The family Eumunldae. or solitary wasps, contains some curious work ers. Some miners, and dig sol itary tunnelB In tho earth; some are carpenters and cut channels In wood and then divide the space into cham bers by parltltlons of mud. Some build cval or globe-like mud nests on branches or .vlgs. This home may bo partitioned Into several tiny rooms into watch are put various Binnl Insects by the mother wasp upon which the young wasps feed. St. Nicholas. Little Bobby Uncle Johi , does hair grow on your face because you Bhavo?? Uncle John (who la tmid) Yes, Bobby. Little Bobby Then why don't you Bhnvo your head? BELLS OF MEXICAN RANCH. Date from the Sixteenth Century and Highly Prized by Indians. The ranch of Jocotlan, belonging to the Indlnns of the district, com prises 50,000 hectares of very rich land. Tho pride of tho Indlnns Is twn old bells Hint hang In tho tiny church ynrd. They dato from tho year 1550 and It Is rumored, are enst with gold and copper and silver. They boar tho dato nnd some words In Latin. Of their history nothing Is known. It seem probable that they wero cast up by the sea or taken from one of tho old Spnnlsh galleons, as Jocotlan Is only a day from tho coast. This ImmcnBo rnnco has a history. After tho war of Indcpcndcnco It wns handed 'to the Indigenes of Jocotlan, who now number 200. This gift wns further ratified under the government of Comonfort in 1857. Many have desired to get these bells, but the Indians will not part with them at any price. At the Milliner's. An Atchison woman who has a sin cere desire to bo economical, says tho Kansas City Journal, took a blue feather, some velvet, and a rose to a milliner, nsking tho milliner to fur nish the shape and trim it The wom an wns proud of the feather, tho vel vet, nnd tho rose, as they were as good as new,, but the milliner enst Just one glance tit them, nnd then the woman began to apologize. "Apologies are not noccscary," said the milliner Icily. "You surely don't expect me to use anything like that!" And the woman didn't. Another Woman said to her milliner, bravely: "I want a hat that doesn't cost a cent over five dollars." "W-h-a-t!" screamed the milliner. "I mean," stammered the woman, "that doesn't cost over 515." "Oh, well, that's better," said tho milliner. Boats Towed by Autos. Tho first successful towing of ca nal boats by automobile was accom plished one recent Sunday on the Le high canal. Owing to the Hnbillty of the tow-line to snap In tho effort to start, George B. Plummer, a Camden automobile expert, equipped a seven ton motor truck of 45 horsepower with spiral springs. Six bnrges with 800 tons of cargo wero taken from Allen town to Bethlehem in an hour. Pres ent lock capacity and speed limita tions considered, It Is estimated that automobiles compared with mules will handle double the number of boats in half the time. Philadelphia Record. First Honeymoon In Air. Even the honeymoon in the air is not a new idea. M. Flammarlon, tho distinguished French astronomer and aeronaut, took his bride for a honey moon trip In a balloon on August 28, 1874. Mme. Flainmarion relates that though she had never been In a bal loon before, she felt no trepidation when she took her seat in tho car along with her husband and his sci entific instruments, at the gas works of Ln Vlllette. They were accom panied by M. Flaramarion's brother and the aeronaut, M. Jules Godard. "Hlcksltes" vs. "Friends." Hlcksltes are a numerous body of rationalistic Quakers in America, founded by Ellas Hicks (1748-1830), who ln 1827 seceded from the Society of Friends and created a schism ln that body by his promulgation of Uni tarian doctrines. About one-half of the "Friends" in America adopted his views. Tho Hlcksltes deny the mirac ulous conception, the divinity and the atonement of Christ, as well as tho Inspiration and authenticity of tha ScriptureB. Watch for the Blind. A Svvisn watchmaker of Neuchatel, who recently Invented a watch for the blind, has been flooded with orders. Tho watch has no glass, and Its faco Is of enamel. The hnnds are Invisible nnd are placed Inside the case. The figures work automatically, nppearing a little above the enamel face as the hands pass underneath. A blind per son can with a touch of his fingers tell the time in nn instant. The watch costs from $4 upward. Serving His Sentence. "I ain't seen do boss man fer de longest. Whar you reckon he gone tor?" "I thought you knowed whar he gone. Ho went roun' de country talkln' ever' day an' Sunday, an' do fust thing he knowed dey give him fifty dnya In do leglslatur' an' he won't be bnck 'twel he sarves his time ouL" Atlanta Constitution. Theft of Cottages. A curious Btory comes from Pot teries of the thoft of n whole block of small cottages which had became va cant. Tho process one by one, and tho floors and other woodwork followed. Finally tho walls were razed, and nothing now remains but tho founda tions. Home Chat. Expert Opinion. An English paper propounds the query, "Should a man marry his land lady?" The nnswer to thU would seem to depend on the number of weeks the man is In arreas. Death and matrimony cancel these little obligations. Chicago Tribune. Deluded. Many men suffer from the delusion that they are tho masters In their own households. Charleston News and Courier. Trustless, "Folks dat trusts ln lore at fust sight," said Uncle Eben, "is torrlble apt to finish by not beln' able to see each other wlf a spy glass. Are You Bilious? Biliousness means that your liver Is sick . and out of ordet. You are cross or cranky, can't cat, have a bad, nasty tasting mouth, and are sick all over. To neglect bilious ness will result in congestion, loss of appetite, torpidity and had feelings, Kc storo the liver to health by using Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills, which euro biliousness in one night, give your liver healthy action, assist digestion, clean up jour furred and coaled tongue, and give , new life and energy to tired nerves. Mrs. James Lumicnnrof Old Mystic, Conn., writes 1 " I'lcasa tend inn a vial ot timlth'a 1'lncApiilo ami lluttcrmit Mils, Those 1 linvo hint nre all right, and I llko them very mncli for biliousness and dyspepsia, which I liato been troublod with." These little vegetable pills will accom plish mora in-a few days toward making you feel better than a bushel of nerve pills, rhey cleanse and Invlgorato the blood and make it rich and red. They restore the liver and stomach to normal activity. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use OO rills In Olnm Vial BSC All Dealers. SMITH'S BUCHU LITHIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys a Ilt&dder Diseases, Ithenmatlam, the one best remedy. Reliable, endorsed bjr leading physicians; B&fe,erTectnAt. Itesalts lasting. On the market 18 years. Hare cured thousands. 100 pills In original glass package, Co cents. Trial boxes, CO pills, S3 cents. All druggists teU and recommend. VTOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR 1 CHARTER. Notice Is hereby given that an ap plication will ho made to tho Presi dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, on the 10th day of March, 1910, at 10 o'clock, under tho provisions of the Corpora tion Act of 1874, and Its supple ments, for a charter for an intended corporation to he called The White Millp Woodmen Association,, the character and object of which are for lodge purposes and for social en joyment, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges con ferred by the said Act and the sup plements thereto. C. A. GARRATT, Solicitor. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE FOR YEAR 1010: The followirg named perrons rave tiled their petitions for a liquor license, and the s:mie will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions on Monday, March 14. uno: HOTELS. Canaan Paul Vaverchauk, James Glldea. Cllntoii-H.T. O'Neill. Dreher-H. 11. binitli, II, E. Robackcr. Charles !'. Wert. Dyberry Asa K. Kimble, Mntthcw F. Clemo. Hawley Christian Lehman, Martin Heat ler, August 11. Frank, (ieorce Kohlman, F.J, Hiiches, Palmer A Peters, Fred Kunifert. Honesilale Frank N. Lord, Jr..T. F. Flynn, John II. Weaver, Charles McArdle, Charles J. Weaver. Like Flora M. Schadt. Lehlgli-C. W. (laraean. .Manchester Wm. F. Q. Kmerlck. William A. Hleck, Frank and Martin Dellrcun. Mt. Pleasant I. W. Bunnell, Wm.T. Davis. Preston Michael Leltlnses, P. F. Madlcan, S. C. Sllsbeo. W. J. llcaley. Salem H. F, Nicholson. Ralph Footr. South Canaan John iientham. Starrucca John Woodman-see. Texas Thomas U'll, Frederick Kraiiz, James Munday, Mary Meyer. Charles II. Murphy .Ueorce Meyer, John C. Smith. David A. Potter, J. Monroe Austin. Wayniart Ferdinand J. Crockenberir. RESTAURANTS. Canaan .Tames J. Hurnctt, Trustee. Clinton John Opeka. llawley Mary Deltzer, Jacob Adams, Louis Celsler. Honesdale Christopher Lowe, Henry iiiiiinviiuuiiii . , iicuiiuiiiiii r itu w. uuui i, A. F. Volet, lli'iil.J.oris. Jr., Albert It. Taeuh- ner, Lawrence u. wenifer, r. i. t) i onnell, Herman Meyer. W. II. UoadkulL'ht, Emmet Hurley, John Theobald. Texas Chris. J. Hook. Jacob Heck, Wm Weber. SW1IOLESALK LIQUOR. Hnwley Patrick Kearney. Honesdalc Michael Oalvln, Paul McOran actiiiu, Leopold Fuerth. Texas l'eim'a Central Urcwlne Co. HOTTLEltS. Honesdale John Roegerand Jas. Ashley. Palmvra Luke 1. ltlchardson. Texas F. W. Michelsand F. A. Reltiiaucr. wimani reimcyer. M. J.HANLAN. Clerk. Honesdale, Pa.. Feb. 14. 1D10 14 nOUHT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, J the Judge of the several Courts of the County ot Wayne has Issued his precept (or holdliiL' a Court of Ouarter Sessions. Over and Terminer, and (ieneral Jail Delivery la anu ror sam county, at me court House. t uettin on MONDAY MARCH 14.1910. and ts continue one week: And dlreetlii" Hint a (Irand Jurv (or the Courts ot Ouarter Sessions ami Over and Terminer he summoned to meet on Monday, .March 7, ifiu. at z p. in. Notice Is ttiere(nri) lierebv elven to the Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con stables o( thu County o( Wayne, that they he men anu mere in meir proper persons, at said Court House, at '-' ox-lock In thu utter- noon of said 7th of March lyiO. with their records, iiKiulsltlons.examliiations imdotiier remembrances, to do those thlnss which to their otllces nrmertnln to he done, and those wlioaru bound by recognizance or otherwise io iirosecuie me prisoners wno are or snail lie in the Jail (if Wnvno Count v. tie then nnd there to prosecuto against them as shall be JUM. liiven miner inv nnnu. ai iionesunie. mis 17th day of Feb.. 1WI. and in the laid year ot the Independence ot the United States M LEE I1RAMAN. Sheriff Sheriff's Olllee I Honesdale. Feb. 17.1910. I lw T.EGISTER'8 NOTICE. Notice is XL hereby given that tho accountants nerein nameu nave seiiieu meir resiwuve accounts In the olllee of the Resistor ot Wills of Wayne County, Pa., and that the same will Im itrpKPiilpd nt flip Ornhniis1 Court of said county for continuation, at theCo'trt House In Honesdale. on the second .V.unday of Mure n next viz: First and nartlal account of T. L. Medium! and Lizzie M. lletz. executors of the estate of Thomas Medlanu, llonescisie. Flmt ii nil Recount of Francis J O'ltellly.exocutor of the estate of Margaret u-iteuiy, cnerry Jiiute. First und llnal account of Mary K. Was- man, executrix ot (lie estate oi jacou was man, Texas. Klmt nmt fltml nrrount of II. J. Miller, ex ecutor of the estate of Jacob Miller, Hones (lnlp. Flrst and partial account of Oeorpo W, J'rey, adminutrutor ot me estate ot Mar . n v. . . 1.' .. V. w. v 'T".i tr n m First and final account of H. J. Ifanlan administrator et the estate ot Thomas F, nun, Texas. I First nnd final account .of K. A. l'cnnlinnn, rdmliilstrutnr nt tliu estate ot Francis U, rcnnlman. Honesdale. hirst nnd (1 tin I account of Charles It. Smith. adrnlnt' tnitorof Lafayette smith, Way mart. L- t' ft......... 1f..ll. V..W. lUUMlll. Ui.pUlpr. licet. Olllee. i Honesdale '7 1910, 1414 ' LUABLK nrocess (jHEHIIT'S O HHALKSTA Issued put of the iinon Picas of Wayno count,, ...nrStnto of Pennsylvania, nnd to rao directed an,j delivered, I hnve levied on ano will expose to public sale, nt the Court House In Honesdalc, on Kit! DAY, MCI I. 11, HMO, U V. M. All of defendant's right, title and interest in the following described property, ylz: Tho First Deginnlng at the north-east' corner of lands which Wnlter Ilrny sold to William Slno inon; thence by said Slnomon south twelvo and one-half degrees cast sixty-six nnd one-half rods to a stones corner; thence north seventy seven and one-half degrees east forty-four and four-tenths rods to a stones corner; thence north twelve and one-hnlf degrees west twon-Doventy-one nnd otic-half degrees west forty-two rods to tho place of beginning, containing twenty-three ncres and eighty perches, bo the same more or less. The Fourth Beginning nt a beech tree marked for a common corner of lots numbered 13, 1C, 17 nnd 20, In the allotment of the late Robert Shields lands; thence by No. 13 north seventy-seven and bne half degrees east one hundred and , forty rods to a stones corner; ineiicu uy l,oi ino. zi, souin twelve and one-half degrees east one hun dred and thirty rods to a stones corner; thence by Lot No. 19, south seventy-seven and one-half degrees west one hundred and forty rods to stones corner; thence by Lot No. 17 north twelve and one-half degrees west one hundred and thirty rods to tho place of beginning, contain ing one hundred and thirteen acres and twelvo perches, be the same more or less. Excepting flfty-slx acres and one hundred and forty perches heretofore conveyed. See Deed Book No. 18 at page 35, etc. Tho Fifth Beginning -at stake and stones, the south-east corner, late of John Durlam; thence by lands of William Penwarden, north twelve and one-half degrees west thirty-four rods to a stake on the ty-two rods to a rock corner; thence north 77 degrees east thirty-eight rods to a public road; thence, along said road, seven and one-half degrees west eighty-nine and seven-tenths rods to the place of beginning: containing thirty acres and one hundred and twelve perches, be the same more or less. The Second Beginning at the north-west corner of the land above described; thence by the same north seventy-seven and one-half degrees east sixty-six and one-hnlf rods to a corner; thence north thirteen degs. west forty-seven and one-half rods to stones corner; seventy-seven de grees west seventy-one rods to stones corner; thence south eighteen and one-half degrees east forty-seven and three-fourths rods to the place of beginning, contain ing twenty acres and sixty-five per ches, be' the same more or less. Tho -Third Beginning at stones corner on top of high ledge; thence by lands late of Walter Bray south eight and one-fourths degrees west seventy-three and one-half rods te stones on rock on the top of a ledge; thence north seventy-sevei and one-half degrees east slxty-seT-en rods to a stake and stones corner; thence north twelve and one-half degrees west sixty-nine rods to a stake and stones corner; thence by land first above described south east side of the Day pond; thence across the said pond, south thirty eight degrees west fifty-three and two-tenths rods to a rock; thence along the division line betweem lands now or late of John Durham and Henry Riefler, north seventy- seven and one-half degrees east for ty-one rods to the place of beginning; containing four acres and flfty-sevem perches, be the same more or less. The above five pieces constitute what is known as tho Henry Riefler farm of upwards of one hundred and thirty-five acres, upon which is a dwelling house, barn, apple or chard and nearly all Improved land. The Sixth Beginning nt a hea of stones, the south-west corner of land in the warrantee name of Johm Woods; thence north seventy-sevem degrees east two hundred elghtee and one-hnlf rods to a stones corner; thence by Lot No. 14 ln the Wilcox lands south thirteen degrees east flfty-flve and one-half rods to stone corner; thence soutn soventy-sevem degrees west two hundred elghteca and one-half rods to stones corner; thpnee north thirteen degrees west flfty-flve and one-hnlf rods to the place of beginning, containing sev- enty-flvo acres and one hundred and soventeen perches, be the same more or less. The Seventh Beginning nt the south-enst corner of above described lot; thence nortli soventy-soven nnd one-half degrees east flfty-slx nnd one-half rods to a corner; thence north twelve and one-half degrees cast flfty-slx and three-fourths rods to the south-east corner of Daniel Bryant's land; thence south soventy-soven and one-half degrees west flfty-slx and one-hnlf rods to a corner ln a stone wall; thence south twelvo and one-half degrees east flfty-slx and three-fourths rods to the place of beginning, containing twenty acres, be the same more or less. The last two pieces comprUo the Goodnough farm, upon which la a lnrgo frame dwelling house. Large barn with underground stable. Ice house, and other out buildings. Apple orchard and other fruit trees. and some fifteen hundred dollars worth of standing timber and acid wood. Seized and taken in execution m tho property of Chester J. Good nough and Frank D. Goodnough at the suit of Wm. II. Leo, assignee No. 207, March Term, 1908. Judg ment, 300, Attorney, Lee. Takb Notick. All bids and costs must be paid on day of sal or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LBB BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Pa., Feb. 16, 1910. TRIAL LIST. Wayne Common PIcae March Term 1010, vcck iiegmnmir .Maren 11, llnmhlr vs. Pennsylvania V ut t mirany. Toledo Computlnc Scales t'o. vs. Iloli erf. Mlttnn vs. Htmkele. Htnoker vs. Ultimo. Hnejrvo ei vs. iirutrhe. Ha ker v. I'onttetihemier. Illclihoii-e vs. Davey. liuerket vs. McOrannuhan. Second Week Kutrltititucr March tl. CortrlKht A Son vs. Erie Railroad. Trucsdale, Administrator, vs. Arnold. Whitney vs. Lake Isidore Improvement C liuerket vs. l'ennsylvniilu Urewlmr Co. Richer A Soils vs. Wayne Slorate Wator Power Company. M. J.HANLAN, Clerk. Honesdale. Feb. 21. lltlu. liwl APPRAISEMENTS. Notice Is gtv on that appraisement of $30 to the widows of tho following nam ed decedents have been filed In the Orphans' Court of Wayno county, and will be prcsentod for approval on Monday, March 14, 1910, viz: Geo. E. Volgt, Honesdale. C. II, Woodward, Hawley. 4 Nicholas Smith, Clinton. M. J. HANLAN. Clerk. Honesdale, Feb. 23, 1910. .IUHOHS FOR .MARCH COURT. The following Grand JurorB will serve for week commencing March 7. Berlin S. N. Dills. Buckingham J. A. Carey. Cherry Ridge Robert Bonear. Clinton Fred J. Cook. Damascus E. B. Sheard. Dreher D. L. Frey. Dyberry -Wesley Bodto. . Hawley Louis Gelslcr. Honesdale Walter Fowler, Alton Vanllorn. Lake Samuel Black. Lehigh M. E. Smith. Lebanon Frnnk Avery. Manchester Richard Nichols. Mt. Pleasant J. D. Brennen. Preston .lames Hoag. Frank Mc Kee. Salem Frank Westlake. Seelyvllle George Moules. Scott L. E. Ecker. South Canaan John Buckley, Del bcrt McKlnney. Texas John Myers, Thos. R. Vnr coe. TRAVERSE .IURORS. Week Commencing Mch. 14. Bethany H. A. Bennett. Berlin R. L. Woodley. Buckingham Ralph Dillon. Canaan Wm. II. Reilly. Clinton Thomas Bates. Cherry Ridge Thos. Rutledge. Damascus Junius Young, Clifford Blair, P. J. Keesler. Dreher Christian Lang, A. C. An gel. Dyberry Spencer E. Bates, Fred Stephens, James Hensey. Hawley Wm. C. Ames, John J. Sheridan. Honesdale Frank Wasman, Chris tian Hartung, Henry Theobald. Lake George Swingle. William Brooks. Lehigh .lames Surplus. Lebanon Thos. RIdd. Manchester Alfred Oden, John W. Keyes. Mt. Pleasant Clark Spencer. Frank Hauensteln, Thos. Meagher. Oregon Wm. Colwell, Arnold Slu man. Palmyra Augusta Laabs. Paupack Charles Utt. Preston Richard Sherman. Prompton E. R. Bodle. Salem Thos. Gerrlty, Samuel Kimble. Scott Wm. Rockwell. C. D. Tar box. South Canaan A. J. Piatt, Har vey Daniels. Sterling I. M. Klpp. Starrucca F. A. Stoddard. Texas Julius Keltz, Fred Clark, Clifford Gray, Bert Bassett, A. W. Eno. Waymart B. S. Hull. Second Week, Commencing Mch. 21. Berlin Fred Frey. Buckingham Bernard McGarry. Canaan Geo. Munson. Cherry Ridge Peter Sweltzer. Clinton John Schermer. Damascus A. M. Rutledge, F. W. Tegeler, Walter Brannlng. Dreher Merrlett Smith. Dyberry A. K. Kimble. Luclan Mumford. Hawley James Flynn, M. J. Bo- hnn. Honesdale L. S. Partridge, J. A. Brown, Leopold Fuerth, R. P. Sch midt, Walter B. Kimble. Lake Geo. E. Miller. Lehigh John Roth. Manchester John Ewnln, John P. Flynn. Mt. Pleasant Simon Pomroy, J. F. Connor. Oregon J. M. Knorr. Warren Mlller. Palmyra John Kellerman. Preston T. C. Caffery. Prompton Stephen Kegler. Paupack John Drake. Salem Henry Stormor. Scott Wm. Evans. South Cniiaan John Bronson. Sterling Samuel Fltz. Starrucca Georgo F. Brooker. Texas Perry Tallman, Johu Dor tllnger, Geo. J. Borgman, Chester Smith. Wayniart F. S. Hinds. Railway Hall Clerks Wanted. The Government Pays Railway Mall Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other ' employee! up to $2,500 annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring exami nations throughout the country for Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Departmental Clerks and other Gov ernment Positions. Thousands of appointments will be made. Any man or woman over 18, In City or Coun try can get Instruction and freo In formation by writing at onco to th Bureau of Instruction, 66S Hamlin Building. Rochester, N. Y. lOSeollx