The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 23, 1910, Image 1

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    T1IK WKAT1IKH Wednesday part) cloudy and colder weather will pruvnll, with fresh northwesterly to MortheaMerly winds, and on Thursday clondr weather.
jc ' T JC :C JC ,- jc 0 j,' jc C r? J'
J Scml-Weekly Founded
v. x
A Wayne County Organ
of the 1
j j jt j j jt jji ji.'j..jt
J Weekly bounded. 1844 J
vt jt j o ji h ,5t
07th YEAR.
NO. 15
Dynamite Used by Strikers
in Philadelphia.
Mayor Reyburn Orders All Saloons
Closed In Consequence of the
Spread of Rioting Strike
Leader Arrested.
Philadelphia, Fell. 22. Muting and
nets of violence ut many points mark
the trolley strike here, and in spite of
the fact that more than :t,000 special
policemen have been sworn in the
force is unable to restore order.
Brigadier General Wendell P. Bow
man has directed his officers to mobi
lize the national guard regiments of
the First brigade, and the arrival of
three regiments is hourly expected.
The city oliicials consider the condi
tion to be the most critical of its kind
that has occurred in any city since tlia
reign of terror at the Pullman works,
Chicago, seventeen years ago.
From many points today reports
came In of cars wrecked, stoned and
shot at, but the worst of the a'cts of
violence was the blowing up of two
cars on Lehigh avenue with dynamite.
A mob of strikers and their sympa
thizers ordered the motormen, conduct
ors and passengers off the cars, put
sticks of dynamite under the trucks
and fired the explosive. The cars were
completely destroyed.
In the riots one tnotormnu suffered
a fractured skull, and it Is hollered
that he will die.
Inadequate police protection forced
the Itnpid Transit company to cut the
number of running cars from 1,200 to
'200, and ns the day adronced scores of
these were taken Into the burns.
Tonight, it is feared, the greatest
riots of the strike will occur. To fore
stall as much trouble as possible May
or Heyjiurn. ordered that njl saloons be
In all sections of the city there was
rioting. Mobs threw stones nt cars
and In masses rushed the crews, defy
ing police, daring them to shoot and
overturning the enrs.
A mob of 3,000, In which there were
at least 200 women, shrieking like bar
pies, pulled a nonunion xnotomiau
from the platform of a Frankford car.
Lieutenant Sykcs galloped up with a
squad of mounted police and charged
the crowd. The police had their re
volvers out. Three of the mob had
thrown a rope around tho motormnn's
neck, had noosed It and were prepar
ing to swing him up to n lamppost.
The pistols scared them off, and the
policemen rescued tho shaking inotor
iii.'in. The mob resorted to eurlous devices
to stop the progress of the cars. A
crowd laid an American flag over the
rails of the Kensington avenue tracks.
When the motorman of a car ran
straight over the Aug they yanked him
off and heat 1ilin badly. At another
point they rolled, with much exertion,
a pair of enormous beer casks, obtain
ed at a brewery, and set them on the
I racks. When the llrst car came along
the motorman and conductor took one
look and climbed off.
Frequently squads of strikers or
their sympathizers planted themselves
between the rails and dared the mo
tormen to run over them, it was
about the most effective barricade they
found. Tho carmen didn't dare. It
would have meant their death In nil
Ashes, cartloads of dirt, the contents
of all the garbage cans thnt could be
"oted for blocks around, piles of
iron and heaps of wood were piled on
the trucks, tnctics that Interfered ma
terially with the attempt of the transit
company to keep certain lines lu serv
ice Clarence O. Pratt, tho cuptaln gen
eral of the nrmy of men who are strik
ing ngalnst tho Philadelphia Itapid
Transit company, has been nrrested
charged with conspiracy and Inciting
riot. Tho director of public safety,
Henry Clny, who bosses under Mayor
Jleyburn a force of policemen that tins
proved wholly ineffective, called four
plain clothes men Into his oillce and
told them to get the strike leader
wherever ho could bo found. They
found Pratt In a restaurant and took
him to a cell at ptylce headquarters.
Now that Pratt bus been put behind
the burs, the command of the strikers
devolves upon John J. Murphy, whose
Importance lies In the fact that he hits
power to call out from 75,000 to 100,
000 labor union men and paralyze ev
ery Important industry lu the city of
Philadelphia. Murphy says he Is go
lug to Issue tho call. Ho says that
his hand has been forced by the no
tion of the police heads In arresting
l'ratt and tint there seems to be noth
ing else left.
Director Clay's totallv uuexuected
action him rendered the whole situa
tion more acutcoven thnn It was be
fore. People nro afraid that It will
have the effect of unifying disgruntl
ed elements among the strikers and
that It may lend to further disorders. .
1 tlooks as If the tramp of Pcnn-1
sylvanln's nntlonal guard will he'
,,i;ti i in niu ouwi. n Hum .-n iiuuisi
The hnppoulngs of the past twelve
hours, which Included the dynamit
ing of street cars, scores of en
counters between the police and the
gangs of strikers and strike sympa
thizers the Invasion of the downtown
district by the disorderly element and
Crowd Watching Cars From
Which Passengers Were Driven.
the apparent helplessness of the police
to stamp out the rlotlug, led to a con
ference between Mayor Keyburn, Brig
adier General Wendell P. Bowman,
commander of the First brigade; Dis
trict Attorney Itotan and Director of
Public Safety Clay.
General Bowman was asked how
soon he could assemble his soldiers in
their armories and mobilize them for
service. Under the act of 1830 the
mayor bus the power to call on the
militia to put down riots. The mayor
and General Bowman admitted the
seriousness of the situation and sajd
that arrangements were beiug made
now tu assemble the guardsmen.
"General Bowman." said the mayor,
"was called Into conference relative to
the mobilization of the militia and to
arrange all preliminaries. We must prepared for anything that may
arise. Tho preservation of the public
Interests Is !eyoud the rights of any
body of men. The motormen and con
ductors hare the right to strike, but
when they break the peace we have a
right to interfere. Officers have been
maimed and Innocent citizens Injured
In the most cownrdly manner by those
calling themselves men. We think we
shall be able to meet anything that
may come up, but wo are not golug to
be caught unprepared. We want the
public to know that Its right to ride
safely Is going to be protected."
General Bowman called his staff to
gether and outlined a possible course
of action. He sent Instructions to the
officers of the regiments to hold them
selves In reudluess for iustaut service.
COULD SAVE $300,000,000.
Says Senator Aldrich, if as a Business
Man Hs Should Run Government.
Washington, Feb. 22. "If ns a busi
ness man I should undertake to run
this government I am satisfied that I
could effect n saving of $300,000,000."
Such was a declaration by Senator
Aldrich of Ithode Island in the sen
ate while speaking in behalf of the
bill creating a government business
methods commission to consist of nine
members. Senator Aldrich said that
(lie president Is cordially nnd heartily
In favor of tho measure, which would
lu his opinion save as much us 10 per
cent of tho expenditures of the gov
ernment. The creation of tho commission was
opposed in n vigorous speech by Senu-
j tor Dolllver of Iowa, and his attack
I provoked tho reply of Senator Aldrich,
In which he made the statement that
he could run the government ut $300,
000,000 leBS than It now costs.
Senator Dolllver snld he did not be
lieve In so many Investigations and
cited the fact that there are nearly a
score of committees nnd commissions
at the present time deullng with gov
ernment problems.
He Goes to Attend Banquet of Society j
of the Cincinnati.
New York, Feb. 22.-Ptesldent Tuft
arrived hero today nnd will bo the
guest of tho New Jersey brunch of tho
Society of Cincinnati nt the banquet nt
tho Plaza hotel tonight.
Tho president put up at tho Plaza
hotel Instead of at his brother's home.
If possible he will drop In at tho po
lice banquet tonight. Tomorrow the
president will go to Newurk, where
he hi to make un address before the
chamber of commerce of that city.
Ho Is scheduled to reach Washington
TlmrMrinv niornlmr.
New York Governor at Penn
sylvania University.
He Says the Problem Is to Secure
the Honest and Faithful Per
formance of Public
Philadelphia. Feb. 22. Governor
Charles 15. Hughes of New York was
enthusiastically welcomed by n great
assemblage nt the University of Penn-1
sylvaula today, where he made the
lending address nt the Washington
birthday celebration. He said:
"The problem of America today Is
to secure honest and faithful per
formance of public obligation. The
demands of administration grow, but
human capacities and frailties remain
unchanged. In our villages, cities and
states and in the nation the burdens;
of governmental duties increase and j
the opportunities for the neglect nnd
betraynl of the Interests of tho people
"We have been sickened with the I
corruption that rots public enterprise j
nnd with the spectacle of legislative I
halls und administrative offices turned !
into market places, where the exer-'
else of governmental powers Is made ,
the subject of barter and sale. !
"We have representative govern-;
meiit. But how shall we Improve the j
quality of representation? The value t
of criticism Is not to be Ignored. But "
can we trust the critics with the of-'
flees? How shall we be sure not only j
of the arraignment of evil, but of the 1
substitution of good? How may we I
not merely condemn, but also im-1
prove? i
"How. indeed, save by infusing the
young, men of the country with the
spirit of Washington and thus assur
ing constant nnd cordial response to
the hiipeVatlycs uf honor? How, save
by developing that sense of obligation
and that Invincible loyalty to trust
which made Washington not simply a
military hero and n popular nnd trust- 1
ed leader In u crltlcnl period of his-
tory, but beyond that the incarnation !
of public virtue and the type forever 1
in this nation and nil others of the 1
true public servant the Ideal repre-1
sentntlvo of the people? ;
"Despite the extent of political cor- ,
ruptlon, at uo time have the American
people been more insistent upon po
litical purity. We should judge the
standards of the people not by those
who disgrace our politics, but by the j
Insistent nnd growlug demand that
lollt!cnI uctlou shall be free from self
ish control nnd that there shall be
faithful representation In every de
partment of government.
"It Is not the hour of triumph of the i
powers of darkness, but of tho regen
erative influences of light. Education
Is winning its victories for the com-1
mon good, and each year the armies j
of truth. Justice and fidelity are re
enforced by vigorous young manhood
well disposed to follow the counsels of j
self restraint and to earn the substan
tial rewards of earnest and sober liv
ing. The most significant feature of our
present life Is not the widespread ex
istence of evil, but tho organized ef
forts to check It; not tho regrettable i
display of avarice, but the determlna- (
turn to protect the public interest
against overreaching cupidity; not the
waste of lives lu luxurious Idleness,
but the magnitude of fruitful en
deavor; not the prevalence of vlco and
misery, but the extension of reforma
tory agencies and tho organization of
philanthropy; not civic ludltTercnce,
however lamentable mny bo its scope,
but the widening demands of public
spirit and the more emphatic assertion
of community rights; not political
manipulation, but tho Indignation of
the people at Its nbuscs; not faithless
legislators and administrative olllcluls,
but the resentment which they nrouse
and the narrowing range of their Il
licit activities.
"Malign power. Intrenched In well
fortified citadels, mny hero nnd there
successfully resist attack, but grad
ually Its strongholds will bo reduced.
Tho people are naturally restlvo under
known nbuscs nnd may be impatient
in demnudliig u remedy, albeit divid
ed as to the nature of tho remedy
which will prove effective.
"But tho expression of a Btrong pub
lic sentiment vlth respect to disclosed
wrong Is not to be confused with hys
terica excitement, nor should demand
simply for needed correctives be
thought an evldenco of revolutionary
tendency. The people, of this free
land ure competent to govern them
selves by reason of their essential con
pcrvutlBin and because their sober
Judgment lu critical emergencies may
be trubted, They know that pro
perlty depends upon stnGlllty, nnd they
arc unwilling to follow the prophets
of disorder, But this docs not Imply I
a willingness to surrender public I
rights or to acquiesce lu their non-1
"llesolutely determined to end tho
evils which may nflllct us In nation or
In state and to secure tho supremacy
of publlr right nnd thus buttress tho
just freedom of Individual opportunity,
we shall advance with the sure step
of intelligence and conscience nlong
the path of progress so clearly defined
by the wisdom and patriotism of
Edward Refuses to Indorse Attack on '
Veto of Lords.
London. Feb. 22.- For the first tlmr
In the modern political history of
Great Britain the sovereign has re-!
fused to identify himself with the pol
icy of his ministers. This is the strlk-
lng feature of the king's speech deliv
ered by the king in person at the
opening of parliament. The nttltude
of the sovereign lu refusing to Indorse
the nttack against the veto power of
the bourse of lords umazed his hearers
In both houses and astonished the
whole country.
In announcing the program of the
government lu dealing with tho dead
lock between the lords and the com
mons King Edward Insisted upon In
serting the words "in the opinion of
my advisers." This act of Inde
IK'iidence on the part of the monarch
means much ami will have a farreach
lng effect on the general political sit
uation. Kdward VII. lias told the cabinet and
the country that If the ministers pro
pose to make a fundamental change
in the constitution itself be will not
commit the crown to such alteration
on the dictation of one branch of the
It seems a natural inference that re
form in the bouse of lords cannot be
carried into effect except by a non
partisan compromise measure.
In the house of commons Mr. As
qnlth. speaking for the government,
said that a resolution dealing with the
question of the veto power of tho
hime of lords would bo. Introduced
'and would be' carried through before,
the Easter holidays. Later these reso
lutions would le embodied in a bill.
To expedite legislation the govern
ment proposed that the house should
adjourn nt Kaster from Thursday only
to the following Tuesday. Business
would then go on till the budget nnd
the resolutions nffectlugthe lords were
disposed of.
Mr. Asquith declared that It was not
the Intention of the government to let
the budget pass from the control of
the commons until a division had been
taken ns to the house of lords.
Continuing, Mr. Asquith said: "Apart
from mntters of finance, the only ques
tion on which the government has nn
nouueed any legislative proposals is
that concerning the relations of the
two houses of parliament. It Is the
Intention to Introduce nothing further
till these contentions have been set at
rest forever."
Senator Must Tell How the $4,000 In
Envelope Was Distributed.
Albany, N. Y., Feb. 22. Senator
Bonn Conger ugula took the stand to
day before the full senate assembled
In committee of the whole to try the
charges of bribery made ugalnst Sen
ator Jot tin m P. Allds, the Republican
majority leader.
Senntor George A. Davis ns chair
man of the commltteo of tho whole of
the senate Instructed Seuutor Conger
to tell how the $4,000 In the envelope
handed to Assemblyman Burnett was '
Senator Davis' ruling was thnt Con
ger must answer, the decision being
ba&ed on the theory that ho answered
without objection questions put by
Lawyer Carr, counsel for Allds, along
the same line and therefore wns pre
cluded from relief from the Wain
wright cross examination.
Senator Conger said that Frank Con
ger founded tho family fortune by his
great activity In the bridge business.
He said:
"When J. P. Morgan & Co. financed
the American Bridge company my
brother, because of his lmportnnco In
the business, wns on a committee with
Gifford Lndd, Charles K. Jarvls, Mr.
McDonald of tho Union Bridge com
pany nnd Mr. Kennedy of Pittsburg.
They combined thirty-four companies.
Tho story that Frank got $100,000
nplcco for ten companies Is not true."
He ndmltted thnt Frank Conger got
a largo sum for his work.
Kaiser Receives Fafrbanks.
Berlin, Fob, 22. Former Vlco Presi
dent Fairbanks was received by tho
kaiser today. In tbo evening ho will
nttend tho celebration here of Wash
ington's birthday and at midnight vrlll
nrt for Purls.
Suspect Denies That He
Killed Girl In Gold Blood.
Police Say Man Last Seen With j
Jane Adams Has Confessed All
He Knows of Atlantic
City Tragedy.
Atlnntlc City, N. J., Feb. 22.-Chief
of Police Woodruff announces that
William Seyler, accused of tho mur-1
dor of Jnne Adams on the night of
Feb. 4, has broken down and told all
he knows of the tragedy.
According to Chief Woodruff, Seyler I
still denies thnt he killed the girl lu '
cold blood, but has given his captors 1
foundation for a new charge of man
slaughter instead of murder to be
made against him.
The police believe that Seyler has
told the truth about his knowledge of
the girl's death, and he has consented
to appear us a witness at the Inquest
tomorrow night, which Chief Wood
ruff declares will clear up the mys
tery of the tragedy.
"Seyler has practically confessed to
ill he knows of the tragedy," said
Chief Woodruff. "The man decided to
make a statement ufter we had given
up the attempt to force a confession
from him and declares that his story
of the girl's death Is true In every
"I must refuse at tills time to give
any particulars of the man's state
ment, but I will say that his story Is
sufficient to assure us that we are
Justified, lu making the charge of man
slaughter. The new charge does not
bar us from changing the warrant
back again to clear murder, but we
are now satisfied that Seyler Is will-!
Ing to admit his connection with the
girl's death truthfully rather than
stand trial for deliberate murder." -1
' 'Che entire story of the tragedy that
resulted In the death of Jnne Adams
will come out nt the Inquest tomor-'
row night, nccordlng to Chief Wood
ruff. Questioned as to whether Seyler
had admitted killing the girl. Chief,
AVoodrnff said:
"There Is no proof that William Sey
ler killed Jane Artnms outright. He
has made statements thnt warrant us !
In blaming him to some extent with '
causing the girl's denth.
"Seyler has ndmltted that he was
with June Adams on the end of the
pier on the night when the girl waa '
last seen. His story corroborates
those told by Orvis Seyler and Alice j
Adams, but further than this we nro
not prepared to mnke nny statement" J
"Did Jane Adams die in defense of)
her honor?" the chief wns asked. ,
"That Is another question which I
must refuse to answer nt this time,"
he returned. "I will say, however, j
that this theory as to the motive of !
the killing of the girl has not yet been
given up by the police."
Seyler broke down nnd made his
statement nfter the police had given
up attempts to force a confession from
him. The man called for Chief Wood-1
run, Detective Cuptnin Whalen anil j
Detectives Miller and Mulseed, who !
were with him when he Informed them '
that he wns ready to tell his story, j
it is reported that Seyler's story was 1
to the effect that he had a quarrel I
with June Adams on the pier, which I
resulted either In tho girl's throwing I
herself In the ocean or falling over- j
board accidentally. Immediately fol
lowing Seyler's confession his wlfo j
was called and allowed to visit him i
In the Jail. The two were together
over an hour, and Seyler told her tho I
same story us thnt which he gave the
police. !
Orvis Seyler, brother of the nccused
man, who turned state's evidence,
wept when he was refused permission
to leave the city prison. He will be
held ns a witness until required to ap
pear ngulnst his brother In court.
Heile de Sagan's Father Dies and
Leaves Him a Batch of Titles.
Paris, Feb. 22. By tho death here
of the Duke de Talleyrand-Perlgord
do Sagan, father-in-law of Anna
Gould, formerly tho Countess do Cns
tellane, Trlnco Helle de Sagan, hus
band of Anna Gould, becomes head of
the great house of Tnlleyraud-Perl-gord.
Ho will be known henceforth as
Mnrlo Pierre Camlllo Louis Helle de
Talleyrand-Perlgord, fifth Due do Tnl
loyrand, fourth Herzog zu Sagan and
serene highness.
The son of Prince Hello and Anna
Gould will succeed to the titles of his
father. Ho Is Charles Maurice Pierre
Jason Howard, Prince of Sagnn, born
July 10 last.
Girl Sla Atlantic City Was
Last So "iith William Seyler,
The Battler Is Favorite In Big Fight
Today Near San Francisco.
San Francisco, Feb. 22. Battling
Nelson and Ad Wolgast are all ready
to fight for the lightweight champion
ship today at Hlchmond, on the enst
ern shore of San Francisco bay. The
contest Is scheduled for forty-five
Each tighter expresses himself as
certain of victory, and the consensus
of opinion of light followers presages
a brilliant contest. The feeling be
tween the rival pugilists is extremely
bitter, nnd there Is no question that
tho battle will carry with it more than
the purse and title.
Nelson und Wolgast are well under
the required 133 pounds ringside
weight, the champion being the heav
ier by, o'few ounces. "Wolgast snfd';
"I desire to win this champl6nshlp
In a clean, sportsmanlike manner
that Is, I don't want to win it on a
foul nnd unless 1 am rendered help
less by such taetlci I shall overlook
Betting on the result is heavy, the
(Kids favoring Nelson at10 to 7, but
plenty of short end money Is In evi
dence. Considerable wagering on tbo
length of the contest Is registered,
even money being offered that Wol
gast will stay twenty-five rounds.
State Chemist Finds Enough Strych
nine In Body to Cause Death.
Paris. Mo.. Feb. 22. -State Chemist
Schweitzer's report on his analysis of
the viscera from the exhumed body
of John T. Vaughn, State Normal
school instructor, who died suddenly
nt his home in Kirksville, Mo., last
October, shows that enough strychnluo
was found In Vaughn's stomach nnd
liver alone to have caused death quickly-
A dispatch from Kirksville intlmatcs
that an arrest Is Imminent.
Urgent Appeal Made by Nationalists
Who Expect New Election Soon.
Dublin. Feb. 22. The Freeman's.
Journol prints a manifesto of tho
United Irish parliamentary and Na
tionalist fund committee appealing for
money to replete the empty war chest.
The trustees of the fund sny the ap
peal is vitally urgent owing to the
probability of the Immediate dissolu
tion of parliament.
The President Will Soon Send His
Nomination to the Senate,
Washington, Feb. 22. The nomina
tion of Frederick II. Bugher, deputy
commissioner of iolico of Now York,
as surveyor of the port of New York
to succeed Genera! James S. Clarkso
will soon be, sent to the senate by
President Tuft.
Mr, Tuft has decided to appoint Mr.
Bugher In splto of the fact that Rep
resentative Bennett and other mem
bers of tho Now York congressional
delegation have opposed the nomina
tion chiefly on the ground that
Bugher Is a Democrat.
Daughter of U. S. Minister Carter to
Wed Son of an Earl.
Loudon, Feb. 22. Tbo engagement Is
announced of Miss Mildred Carter,
daughter of John Hldgeley Carter,
United Rtutes minister to tho Balkan
states, aud Viscount Acheson, son and
heir of the Enrl of Gosford.
Tho marrtugo will take place In Lon
don early lu the summer.