rim CITIJIISN, FKIDAV, FEB. 18, 1010. THE CITIZEN PUBLISHED KTKRY WRDNE8DAY AMD fltlDAT II T Tim cmzKft ruBUsumacoMrANT. Entered as second-class mnttrr, lit the post ollico. iloiicEdnle. l'a. SUBSCRIPTION J 1.60 R. B. IIAKDKNI1K1U1H, l'KKSIDKNT VT. W. WOOD. - MANAQHIt AND SKG'Y DinKcTonB: 0. H. DOHn.tSOKB. M,n. AU.K5. BCHRT WILSOH. K. B. IIAKDRKBHBCIII. W. W. WOOD. FRIDAY, KH1J. 18, 1010. As tho recent flood In Paris Is but a repetition of others which hnvo periodically Inundnted tho French capital during its thousand years or ioro of existence, one would think that Inventive genius of the Gauls would have devised some preventive Measures long before this. Bcforo listening to the complaint f your children about tho general iendlshness of tho teachers, and setting all worked up nnd excited vcr It it Is better to reflect a little. Remember your one or n half dozen hcrubs drive you crazy about half tho time, and bear with the teacher who Is making for you Intelligent men and women out of an unpromis ing raw material as you were twen ty or thirty years ago. Remember that besides your boy, who, of course, everybody knows Is an an gel, she has to contend with that awful boy of your neighbor's and you know full well what a terror he i. ELECTION ECHOES. Georgo W. Penwarden received 328 votes for Town Councilman of this borough. This was the highest umber of votes received by any candidate for that office, one quarter f the men who voted for him, voted for him alone. John Stegner, a can didate for tho same ofllce received just fifty-six votes. Had these lone TOters exercised their privilege to vote for two candidates, they could kave elected either Charles McCarty r John K. Seltz, for the same mutual understanding, which they mo doubt had In voting for Penwar den, could have been stretched" so as to cover any of the other candi dates. J. T. Boyd, who was elected Judge of Election, received the highest number of votes of any can didate who had an opposing candi date, his total vote being 302. W, H. Stone had' tho lowest number of votes, he receiving one vote for Jus tlce of tho Peace. Mr. Stone was apt a candidate, and Is under the impression that Squire Robt. A. Smith who was a candidate, and whose extreme modesty would not permit aim to vote for himself, voted for W. H. Stone. Mr. Smith received 334 votes, and consequently can now lalm that he received a majority of 333, which is probably the largest majority ever received by any can didate In the history of Honesdale, Squire Smith is only 86 years old, but he has an experience In political economy and vote manipulation that omes only with old age. Messrs. Stone and Smith are both members f the Domino Association, and for years have been opponents for the ebamplonship, and it is surprising that this rivalry should extend Into the political arena. Plucked by Machluery. Chickens are now plucked In a wholesale manner by the use of pneumatic machinery. There Is a re eoptacle In which the fowl is placed after being; killed, and Into this are turned several cross currents of air from electrical fans revolving at the rate of 6,000 turns per minute. In the twinkling of an eye the bird Is stripped of Its feathers, even to the tiniest particles of down, and the machine Is ready for another. Ex change. Living the Simple Life. In Kabakon, a small Island In the Bismarck archipelago in the South eeas, may be seen two German pro fessors, eating only cocoanuts, and lad only In loin cloths. The founder of this simple life colony is Profes sor Engleheart of Munich and Erlan con universities. A chronic Invalid from bis childhood, he determined to try the fruit cure. After various ex periments he decided that European fruits were not the best and went to Ceylon and finally to Kabakon. He vas joined fifteen months ago by his companion, Dr. A. Bethmann. When Eggs are I'oInoiious. All substances, even eggs, are poisonous when they are injected 'In certain quantities into the circula tory system of an animal. A French Investigator has taken the powdered yolk of a duck's egg, treated It with a 20 por cent, solution of suit und In jected it Into the veins of an animal until It died. In order to kill a rab bit 65 grains of the substance were required for each pound of the rab bit's weight. Tho yolk of a hen's egg te less poisonous than that of a duck, but that of a turtle Is mora so. The albumen of eggs is also poisonous. WAYNE COUNTY ELECTION RESULTS THE BTAK () INDICATES THOHK WHO ARE KliKCTKl). BERLIN No. 1. Judgo of Election Frank Wnrfleld, It., 6G. Bcnj. Frey. D., 18. Inspector of Election W. J. Robblns, R., 42. Amnsa Koycs, D., 41. Registration Assessor William lvea, R., 43. Georgo Wogst, D., 35. BERLIN No. 2. Judge of Election W. Williams. It., 38. Victor Smith. D., 54. Inspector of Election Charles Spry, Jr., It., SB Wm. Garrett, D., 58. Registration Assessor Fred Marshall, R., 35. Fred Marshall, D., 38. Treasurer II. H. Van Gorder, R.. 32. H. H. Van Gorder, D., 36. School Directors C. A. Hicks, It., 88. G. C. Olver, It., 63. M. J. Connor, D., 87. Ellery Crosby, D., 83. Overseers of Poor C. II. Gevert. It. & D. Auditor II. F. Budd, It.. 86. .1. W. Hlller, D., 86. Assessor Earl Ham, R.. 91. Samuel Saunders, D., 96. Supervisor S. F. Wells, R., 119. H. D. Wood, D., 62. BETHANY. Judge of Election J. E. Henderson, R.. 17. Herman Harmcs, D., 11. Inspector of Election Russell Starnes, It., 16. E. T. Hacker, D., 11. Auditor A. O. Blake, It.. 18. Charles Faatz, D., 10. Assessor W. O. Avery, R., 20. W. O. Avery. D.. 7. Overseer of Poor M. E. Lavo, R 18. M. E. Lavo, D., 7. School Directors B. F. Blake, R., 15. D. E. Manning, R., 16. E. T. Hacker, D., 12. Charles Wood, D., 12. Town Councllmen I. .1. Many, R., 19. S. Amos Ward, R., 14. S. Amos Ward, D., 6. D. W. Manning, Jr., D 16. Justice of the" Peace Charles Avery, R., 15. Charles Avery, D., 6. BUCKINGHAM. Auditor E. E. Billings. R. & Pro E. A. Hinckley, D 84. 67. v. School Directors E. W. Chapman, R D., & P., 83 William Flynn, R.. 67. John A. Carey, D. & Pro., 52. Assessor James Hoag, R., D., & Pro., 76. Overseer of Poor George Holbert, R., D., P., 87. Supervisors Abner Tyner, Pro., 76. Charles Crumley, D., 36. Treasurer J. W. Farley, It., D., Pro. Justice of Peace William Johnson, D., R., Pro. BUCKINGHAM No. 1. Judge of Election Ward Belknapp, Pro., 16. George Hunt.,1. ;Irispector of Election Edward Mayo, D 8. J. E. Holbert, Pro., 15. 'Registration Assessor James Hoag, "Pro.,' 17, BUCKINGHAM No', 2. Judge of Election Mat. Leonard, R l.t James. Spratt, D 29. Inspector of Election George Carey, R 23. Martin Roark, D.. 17. Registration Assessor W. M. Johnson, It., 19, BUCKINGHAM No. 3. Judgo of Election Joseph Layton, R., 36. Inspector of Election Ralph Dillon, R 22. Philip Flnnegan, D., 24. Registration Assessor John Barrett, R 39. CHERRY RIDGE. Judge of Election John M. Rlckard, D., 60. John Male, Jr., R., 49. Inspector of Election W. E. Bonear, It., 39. John Murray, D., 63. Auditor D. C. Elliott, It., 55. John Price, D., 58. Treasurer A. M. Sandercock, R 35. Richard Hlgglns, D., 76. Supervisor Fred Ranchmlcr, 43. John J. Brown, D., 64. School Directors Philip Reining, Sr., R., 50. G. H. Sandercock, R 38. John Spinner, D 65. Fred Crockenberg, D., 61. Overseers of Poor Miles Kimble, It., 41. John II. Ricjiard, D 76. James "W. Nolan, D., 65, Assessors I. F. Taylor, R., 25. Jamea F. McDonnell, D CANAAN. Judge of Election C. E. Moylan, R 17. C. E. Keen, D 32. O. G. Adgate, R., 24. Inspector ot Election. Orville Munson, R., 28. ' 'James Moylan, D., 35. Nat Ryan, It. 86. Auditor C. E. Keen, R., 42. John Edwards, D 28. Supervisor ?. . Wilbur Cromwell.' R.t 20. M. A, TuthllW D., 43. School Directors i John S. Lcary, R., 19. Charles Miller, It., 20. Charles Mannlch, D., 28. James Keen, Ind. R., 13. John Ryan, Ind. R.t 37. James Ryan, D., 19. Assessor James Burnett, It., 59. Justice of Peace E. E. Weed, It., D., Ind. R., Treasurer John Currcn, It., 36. M. A. Perkins, D., 38. Overseer of Poor E. E. Weed, It. & D., 34. Justice Carey, R., 35. CLINTON No. 1. Judge of Election G. G. Gaylord, It., 120. Frank Mulraney, D., 40. Inspector of Election M. E. Wilcox, R., 84. F. C. Grlswold, D 75. Auditor J. E. Schollg, R 145. Joseph Burns, Ind., I. Treasurer W. J. Varcoe, It., 123. John Flanigan, D., 40. Registration Assessor C. J. Stiles, Ind., 86. School Directors F. W. Bunting, R 84. M. E. Pethick, It., 77. Albert Fitze. D., 28. !F. N. Rude, D., 91. Orson Lillle, Ind., 48. Overseers of Poor W. L. Hopkins. R 116. James Stranahan, It., 94. Thomas Cawley, D., 47. Samuel Counterman, D., 43. Supervisors J. B. Varcoe, R., 111. Edward Cogglns, D., 59. Assessor C. J. Stiles. It.. 14 9. Justice of Peace S. J. Stanton, R., 171. CLINTON No. 2. Judge of Election Edward Martin, R., 17. George Geuther, D., 12. Inspector of Election Milton Lillle, Sr., R., 21. Charles Fives, D., 11. Registration Assessor Gasper Ravnlker, R., 19. Gasper Ravnlker, D., 9. DAMASCUS. Auditor L. J. Hocker, R., 199. Geo. Heller, D.. 171. Assessor W. J. Rose, It., 151. S. N. Gregg, D.. 249. School Directors S. D. Noble, R., 174. Chas. Yatho, R.. 248. W, H. Crocker. D., 210 Overseers of Poor George Tyler, R., 154. N. P. Dennis, D., 197. Supervisors John C. Cole, R., 139; Chas. Rutledge, D.. 235. Justice of Peace Laurence Senft. R., 122. Augustus Kessler, D., '251. Treasurer C. M. Pethick, 262. DAMASCUS No. 1. Judge of Election Thomas Griffith, 54. Otto Rutledge, 56. Inspector of Election Frank Swendsen, 47. Isaac Canfield, 62. 1 Registration Assessor Harper Valentine, 55. .Marvin Blackwell, 48. DAMASCUS No. 2. M. L. Skinner, R., 39. Inspector of Election F. D. Calkins, R.. 31. Marlon Brown, D 16. Registration Assessor M. R. Skinner. R.. 38. John Shear, 1. DAMASCUS No. 3. Judge of Election W. J. Loy, R.. 72. George Keesler, D., 50. Inspector of Election Chas. Reynard, It., 43. A. D. Rutledge. D., 73. Registration Assessor Frank Walker, R., 24. J. W. Whitmore. D., 95. DAMASCUS No. 4. Judgo of Election T. L. Burcher, R., 52. Inspector of Election Claud Martin, R., 49. Geo. Snavely, D., 14. Registration Assessor Will CalklnB, R., 53. DAMASCUS No. 5. Judgo of Election C. D .Dygert, R., 18. A. Brannlng, D., 20. Inspector of Election N. R. Hankins, R.. 18. E. A. Davis, D., 18. Registration Assessor Russell Dexter, R., 13. Andrew Metzermachor, D., DYBERRY. Judgo of Election Otto Douglass, R., 70. J. A. Lippert. D 76. Inspector of Election Frank Smith, R 76. L. W. Bodle. D 66. Assessor Leslie Van Deusen, R., 53. J. It. Lippert, D., 94. Treasurer E. II. Alberty, R., 103. E. H. Alberty. D., 33. School Directors James Hensbaw, R., 96. Cornelius Egan, R., 63. I. E. Bryant, D., 66. Francis Beero, D., 54. Supervisor A. K. Kimble, R., 62. A, K. .Kimble, D.; U. James Burke, 'Ind., 57. Auditor ' '. E. W. Itoss, n.,..i?. Ja. Burke, D 27. 53 n ! ; I .!. m Overseers of Poor Wallace Hacker, It., 99. W. J. Hacker, D., 36. DREHER. Judgo of Election Emll Hugurln, R 90. F. C. Sommer, 'D.l 68.: Inspector of Election W. H. Robacker, R., 102. Homer Carlton, D., 46. Supervisor Geo. L. Waltz, R 56. Maurice Hang, D., 102. Assessor Chris. WaltJIn, It., 88. W. H. Osborne, D., 72. ' Auditor J. It. Smith, It.. 71. J. It. Smith, D., 39. School Director A. J. Simons, It., 87. Chas. Edwards, It., 62. Chas. Edwards, D., 15. Robert Wlilttaker, D., 95. Overseer of Poor Geo. Beohen, It., 69. A. N. Wnltcrs. 7. HONESDALE. Judge of Election John T. Boyd. It., 302. Thco. Hobort, D., 101. Inspector of Election William H. Bader, R.. 27j. Thomas Gallagher, D., 127. Assessor F. J. Varcoe, 11., 273. F. J. Varcoe, D., 99. School Directors Joshua A. Brown, R., 255. Thomas B. Clark. R., 232, Wm. T. Moore, D., 121. R. M. Stocker, D., 206. Auditor Frank Truscott, It., 226. John A. Kimble, D., 94. Town Councllmen Samuel T. Ham, R., 215. John K. Seltz, H., 161. Chas. A. McCarty, D., 177. John H. Stegner, D., 56. Geo. W. Penwarden, Ind., 228. Justice of the Peace Robert A. Smith, R., 265. Robert A. Smith, D., 69. W. H. Stone, 1. HAWLEY. Judge of Election Wm. H. Roach, R., 71. ' Wm. H. Roach, D., 76. Inspector of Election John Chapman, R., 73. Wm. Reafler. D., 91. School Director W. H. Guinn. R.. 74. W. H. Guinn, D., 67. Arno C. Voigt. R., 65. Arno C. Voigt, D., 73. Assessor T. .1. Oldfleld, R., 84. T. J. Oldfleld, D., 71. Town Councllmen J. H. Ames. R., SO. George Beyer, R., 68. ' E. J. Richardson, D., 83. Anton J. Kerber, D., 87. High Constable Joseph Bea, R., 62. Joseph Bea, D., 76. " ' Auditor ' ' R. F. Warg. R., '58.' '' 1 R. F. Warg, D., 66-. F. W. Sands; R.. 90.- 1 Justice of the Peace' A. H. Catterall, R.,'73. ' C. H. Catterall, D., 71. Overseers of Poor John Thlelke, R 79. Patrick J. Hughes, D., 88. LAKE. Judge of Election Earl Rockwell, R., 145. Harry Chapman, D., 97. Inspector of Election . Homer Sandercock, R., 134. Myron Frisble, D.. 88. , Supervisor James Black, R., 95. E. R. Bartlow. D., 158. Treasurer E. W. Simons. R.. 136. E. P. Jones, D.. 105. Assessor Q. M. Curtis, R.. 82. Homer Jones, D., 170. Auditor W. H. Swingle, R 85. Geary Bell, D., 147. School Directors Henry Shaffer, R., 107. II. R. Samson, R., 120. Eugene Qulntln, D., 118. Edward Ammermnn, D., 78. Overseer of Poor P. T. Howe, It. LEBANON. Judgo of Election Wm. Yale, R., 39. Spencer M. Pulls. D., 33. Inspector of Election ' Chas. Keller, R., 36. Anthony Burke. D... 25. Assessor Edward Henderson, R., 13, Clarence I. Hopkins, D., 49. School Directors Frank Avery, R 25. S. S. Robinson, It., 30. Thomas Rldd, D., 33. Richard Arthur, D., 27. Supervisor John Douglass, It., 28. Michael Lestrange, D., 32. Treasurer Edward Henderson, R 17. J. Wesley Rice, D.. 43. Auditor Fred Gager, R 33. Robert Kennedy, D., 28. Overseors of Poor Charles Bolcom, R., 36. Georgo Knorr, D., 25. LEHIGH. Judgo of Election James Crooks, It., 60. Byron Phillips, D 40. Inspector of. Election Clarenco Surplus, R 74. Gerald Foley, D., 23. Assessor S. W. Ellonberger. R., 59. Georgo Newell, D 41. Auditor S. II. Rhodes, It., 66. 8. II. Rhodes, D 20. School Directors i , C. E. Ellonberger, R 69. W. N. La.tb.nm, It., 63. William ..Latham, D.l 20. Q. A. Kerllng, D 4.0. Overseers of Poor Frank Bonder, It., 68. Frank Bonder, D 21. Supervisor W. E. Flower, R 71. W. E. Flower. D., 20. ...... Treasurer C E. Ellenberger, It., 57. M. E. Smith, D., 43. MANCHESTER No. 1. Judgo of Election James Barrlnger, R., 21. Lafo Denlo, D., 56. Inspector of Election Dcpew Tceple, R., 47. John Qulnn, D., 32. Registration Assessor John Spratt, R., 60. Supervisor Frank Cole, It., 92. Ellis Bush, D., 53. Treasurer Hanford Knapp, R. Henry Stelnbecker, D., S2. Assessor Peter H. Cole, R. & D., 97. Auditor Henry Tceple, It., 82. Arthur Parsons, D., 64. MANCHESTER No. 2. Judge of Election Peter H. Cole, R., 37. Joseph Gregg, D., 27. Inspector of Election A. F. Lawson, R 46. William Mackln, D., 20. Registration Assessor Peter H. Cole, R., 42. Frank Murray, D., 23. School Directors 'Lester Teeple, R., 98. Fred Warfleld, R., 76. Chas. Cargen, D., 44. Hains Hill, D., 50. Overseer of Poor A. D. Shenk, R., 71. Henry Bruning, R., 89. Nathan Thorp, D., 42. Wm. Perry, D 65. MT. PLEASANT. Judge of Election W. S. BIgclow. R.. 14 8. J. T. Connor, 100. Inspector of Election J. C. Glanvllle, R., 14 4. E. T. Tiffany, D., 102. School Directors J. J. Perham, R.. 144. F. C. Giles. R., 123. J. D. Brennard, 96. O. C. Miller. 119. Assessor Fred Brooking, 174. Thomas It. McDermott, 85. Treauurcr M. L. O'Hara, 216. Overseer of Poor W. S. Martin, R., 164. George E. Moase, D., 86. Supervisor SItnon Pomery, R., 150. James Connor, D., 104. Justice of Peace E. A. Wright. R., 165. OREGON. Judge of Election ' Frank Spry, R 24. Henry Knorr, D., 41. Inspector of Election Arthur Oliver, R., 32. W. S. Miller, D.. 32 Supervisor ' Henry Tamblyn, R 45. William Hlghhouse, D., 21. Treasurer Henry Rlefler, R 45. George McCannon, D., 21. Assessor Fred Brunig, 38. Charles Davey, 29. Overseers of Poor J. C. Brill. 1 yr., R., 39. J. M. Knorr, 2 yrs. D., 39. School Directors Henry Munger, R., "39. J. H. Brill, R., 36. W. P. Weeks. D 29. C. L,. Hlghhouse, D., 19. Auditor W. K. Spry, 3 yrs.. R.; 22. E. D. Penwarden, 2 yrs., R., 33. J. W. Rldd. 3 yrs., D., 33. A. H. Apple, 2 yrs., D 23. Justice of tho Peace BIsmark Irwin, D., 31. PALMYRA." Judge of Election M. J. McDonald,- R.. 65. M. J. McDonald, D., 46. Inspector of Election Seth Brink. It., 72. F. H. McDonald. D., 4 7. Auditor Richard Koltz, R., 67. P. J. Hnggerty, D 53. Supervisor Frank J. Hornlack, R., 97. L. P. Richardson, D., 31. Treasurer Harry Kays, R 66. M. J. Leonard, D., 58. Assessors Peter F. Schmlth. R 84. John P. Flynn. D., 44. Overseers of Poor Thomas Broderlck, Sr., It., 68. Thomas McCarty, D., 58. School Directors E. A, Marshall. R 94. Seth Brink, It.. 79. John McCloskey, -D., 50. S. P. Richardson, D 24. PAUPACK. Judgo of Election Georgo A. Goblo, R., 30. Michael Heidelback, D., 47. Inspector of Election W. D. Sheoly, It., 39. John Drake, D., 24. Assessor Charles A. Locklln. R 41. L. M. Blttner, D., 38. School Directors C. A. Cramer. R., 29. Peter Daniels, R 40. Frank Olmstead. D., 33. Thomas Lennon, D 31. Treasurer S. R. Crame, It., 36. Georgo Heidelback, D., 38. Supervisor Aaron Goblo, R 26. Gottlelb Epplo, D., 50. Auditor Alfred Locklln, R 23. James McDlne, D 55. OverseerB of Poor John Schlenpener, R,, 35. Justice of Peace C. W. Ponncll, R 35. C. W. Pcnnell, D., 27. PRESTON. Justice ot Peace M. It. Davis. 120. F. A. Tiffany, 74. . R, N-i Lee, 124, Sschool Directors Joseph Fltzslmons, 12l Warner Decker, 140. W. G. Mosher, 106. Lewis Kepplcr, 62. E. F. McLean, 115. Overseers of Poor Michael Monaghon, 186. Assessor J. T. Brooking, 214. Supervisors M. F. Williams, 105. Philip Williams, 12. F. D. Benedict. 133. Auditor J. L. Sherwood, Jr., 176. Treasurer S. H. Hlne, 118. L. J. Monaghan, 129. PRESTON No. 1. Judge of Election B. B, Barrows, 85. Joseph Riley, 4K Inspector of Election Fred Cole, 4 6. Geo. Haynes, 81. Registration Assessor. S. H. Lee, 24. John Tully. 79. Geo. Dodge, 8. PRESTON No. 2. Judge of Election Clinton Hlne, 51. Tnomas iinirc, CU. Inspector of Election Irvln Leo, 57. E. S. Whipple. 52. Frank Washburn, 1 . Registration Assessor S. II. Lee, 100. E. L. Vincent, 2. Jos. Sanford, 1 George Dodge, 1. PROMPTON. Inspector of Election Henry Wick, R.. 26. Erwln Bodle, D., 19. Judge of Election Charles Denney, R., 41. School Directors Stephen Kegler, R., 26. Georgo Bates, R 35. Richard Duffy, D., 20. Overseers of Poor Erwln Bodle, R., 30. Henry Hogencamp, D., 8. Auditor Emmett Swingle, R., II. John Horst. D 27. Assessor John Haley, It., 11. E. Jt. Bodle. D., 35. Town Councllmen Thomas Moore. R.. 23. Henry Hogencamp, R., 20. Samuel Found, R.. 28. Emmett Swingle, It., 26. Patrick Minor, D., 34. John. Short, D., 22. 40. SALEM. Judge of Election F. F. Chapman, R.. 95. Walter- Simons, D.; 58 Inspector of Election Florence Chapman, R., Homer Pelton, D., 38. Assessor Clarence Stevens, R., 10. HO- Nis Rear, D., 38. School Directors Jos. Neville. R.. 77. Jos, Hemmler, R., 68. Luclne Brink, D., 115. Asa F. Jones, D., 91. John F. Reer. Ind.. 34. Treasurer R. F. Spangenberg. R., 128. Auditor Max Simons, R., 116. Overseers of Poor P. Osborne. It.. 93, Sam. Kimble, D.. 56. Supervisors D. W. BIdwell, R., 106. Michael Garrlty, 48. SCOTT. Auditor Geo. Arneke, R., 73. O. P. Howell, D., 47. Treasurer John Smith, R 53. B. W. Raymond, D., 62. School Director Wm. Eberllno, R. & D. Frank Karche, R. & D. Assessor J. H. Cole, R., 45. Wm. Rockwell, D., 78. Supervisors C. D. Sands. R. & D., Overseer of Poor John Smith, R. & D. SCOTT No. 1. Judge of Election J. B. Smith. R.. 38. G. W. Ramey, D.. 22. Inspector of Election Wm. Schmltz, It., 28. Wm. Myrlck. D.. 27. Registration Assessor F. F. Conrad. R.r 34. Otis Raymond, D., 28. SCOTT No. 2. Judgo of Election H. S. Goodnough, R., 27. C. D. Knrchor, D., 33. Inspector of Election L. E. Ecker. R.. 24. T. A. Curtis, D., 35. Registration Assessor H. S. Goodnough, R.. 31. C. D. Tarbox, D 28. SOUTH CANAAN. Judge of Election John Hobbs, R., 117. John Burrs, D., 73. Inspector of Election Jay Reed. R. & P.. 95. Nicholas Kell, D., 86. School Directors Philip Frisble. R. & P.. 76. Eugene Lang, R. & P., 53. Earnest Spangenburg, D., 90. Lauren Fielding, D.. 83. Lyman Kennedy, Ind., 58. Overseers of Poor George Blake, D., 136. Supervisors Frank Theobald, R. & P.. 151. (Continued on Page 5.)
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