THE WHATHKIt On Friday, cloudy and decidedly colder weather will prevail, and on Saturday fear weather. F K" H K K K tO JO K" g jp jO f K K" K Scmi-Wcckly Founded 1908 H l J Weekly Founded. 1844 J k Wayne County Organ J of the REPUBLICAN PARTY H n C O w J i v t J tft kH , tH fcS J( lot 67th YEAR. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1910. ion i NO. 14 NAMED BYCONGER FflWIInONSOCIftLllj Senator Says Assemblymen Shared Bribes. GOV. HUGHES TAKES A HAND. Appoints Special Commission to In vestigate Frauds In Purchase of Adirondack Forest Lands by New York State. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 17. Continuing Ills testimony before tlie somite here In connection with iiis charges of brib ery against Senator Jothtim I'. Allds, Senator Beuu Conger testilleil to the uame of n second assemblyman to whom one of the :hree boodle envel opes distributed by Hiram O. Moe was Blven. It was that of the late Jean I. Burnett, who entered the assembly from Ontario county in 18!)! and serv ed successively until he died during the session In February, HHJ7. Mr. Burnett had become one of the most influential members of the house presided over by the late Speaker S. Fred Nixon and was chairman of the nssembly cities committee when lie died. At the time of the bribery Mr. Burnett was chairman of the assembly general lnws committee. In discussing the history of the bridge legislation of 1001 Senator Con ger brought hi the names of former Assemblyman Louis Bedell of Orange county, who was a member of the as sembly committee on rules at that Umc, and the names of several mem bers of the Internal affairs committee, but there was no suggestion of the use of money by Seuator Conger in this connection. Governor Ifughes added to the inter est in the Allds trial by appointing two special commissioners to investi gate frauds in the purchase of Adiron dack forest lands by the state. For u number of years Senator Allds was employed by the state land purchas ing board examining Miles to this land. This Investigation-was. decided upon at a conference .between Speaker' lumen W. Wadsworth of the nssembly and Governor Hughes nnd was Urged by Speaker Wadsworth. To odd .to this situation Timothy I,. "Woodruff, chairman of the Republican utate committee, put in an appearance in Albany for the first time since he succeeded In accomplishing the elec tion of Senator Allds as majority lead er when the legislature convened ou Jan. 5, Mr. Woodruff wants every body Investigated. He gave out the following interview: "There is no difference of opinion among Republicans regarding the present investigation or any other that may be properly proposed and insti tuted. 1 voice the sentiment of the Republican organization of the state when I say that I nm unqualifiedly lu favor of the most searching and ex haustive Investigation of any charge of corruption emanating from u re sponsible source made against uny member of the legislature or public officer and the severest punishment which can be meted out to fit the un pardonable crime of official dishonesty. "As far us the governor's Investiga tion of the affairs nnd operations of the hind purchasing board, of which 1 was chairman for six years when it was railed the forest preserve board. 1 nm delighted In view of recent Insin uations that the Investigation has been ordered." Lewis K. Carr, counsel for Senator Allds, put Senator Conger through u Hharp cross examination ns to the ac tion of the assembly internal affairs committee on the Malby-Stevens bill aimed at the bridge interests. He brought out that the bills were nmend--d so uh to provide that they should not apply to the construction of bridges costing less than $10,000. The hill originally provided that where a bridge was to cost more than $2,000 the question should be voted upon by the taxpayers. Then the assembly In ternal affairs committee amended the bill by providing thnt tho people should vote on all bridge expenditures of over 500. It was here that the bridge Interests made their Influence felt und changed the limitation to $10,000, thus rendering the bill use less. Mr. Ciirr had asked Senator Con ger who suggested the $10,000 amend ment, asking the witness If he could remember. "It was the late Assemblyman Jean Burnett, then a member of the Inter nal affairs committee. He was one of the men who got the cnveloiws thnt Moe gave out. He came to me lu the nssembly lobby and agreed to extend the amount from $,000 to $10,000." "Were you approached by any one else on the suhjeet of ameudlng these bills'" "Yes; by Asseniblyuiau Iuls Be dell. He made suggestions on the name line as those made by Burnett to amend the bridge bills so us to make them satisfactory to the bridge Inter- Former New York Republican ) i Chairman Named In Allds Inquiry. Colonel George W. Dunn, who was chairman of the Republican state com mittee In 1002 nnd who, according to charges made by Senator Conger, re ceived a fat contribution for his par ty from the bridge companies, is very indignant at being brought Into the case. He snld: "As chairman of the committee I received thousands of contributions, nnd I could not say if the bridge com panies added to our campaign funds, nor could I deny It." Colonel Dunn added that he had ninmiMi n vacation trio to Texas and that he was now tempted to give it up, 'as his enemies might say lie was running away. "I'd rather stay here and fuce the music if there's any to face." he declared. When he heard of the testimony of Senator Conger In regard to him ex Assemblyman Louis Bedell of Goshen said: "Senator Conger lied. I know noth ing of the transaction. Except that I have taken the trouble to refresh my memory 1 did not even know what tho bill in question was, und the only connection I had with it was to vote for It, "I am going to Albany to confront Senator Conger. I shall also seek an opportunity to testify. "My opinion is that the legislature should drop all other business nnd go to the bottom of this whole thing, let the Inquiry hurt whom it may." HUNT FOR THAWED BACTERIA Jtrtey Cold Storage Probe Reaches In New Direction. Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 17. Dr. George E. McLaughlin, a bacteriolo gist, was n witness before the Hudson county (N. J.) grand Jury here as an expert for the state at theeontlnua tion of Prosecutor Pierre G. Garven'H cold storage investigation. He gave testimony ns to thp results of analyses of cold storage products tending to show that bacteria Injurious to health develop after foodstuffs are subjected to a freshening up process before they are placed on the market. Prosecutor Garven announced that Assistant Prosecutor of the Pleas George T. Vlckers nnd Dr. McLaugh lin will go to Washington to confer with Dr. Wiley us to the results of Dr. McLaughlin's investigations. The prosecutor says that If It can be dem onstrated thnt microbes found In cold storage foodstuffs nro detrimental to public health then the state can step lu and take notion to put a stop to the storing of meat, fish, eggs and other things for long periods of time. Other witnesses who were called be fore tho grand Jury were Richard Dunn nnd J. M. Kline, managers of Armour & Co.'s plants; E. IL Com ber, manager for Swift & Co. In Day onne; Thomas Nolan, an Independent dealer; John M. Cosgrove, manager for the Merchants' Refrigerating com pany, and Fred Kratz, a member of the New York nnd Nev Jersey Live Stock exchange. INSIGNIA FOR MR. TAFT. He Will Be Received In Military Order of Foreign Wars on March 15. New York, Feb. 17. Tho New York commanuery or me .unitary uruer or Foreign Wars of the United States will hold a reception here lu honor of President Tnft on March 15, when the Insignia of the order will bo present ed to the president nt the receptiou. The order is made up of veterans and descendants of veterans of one or more of the five foreign wars lu which the United States has cuguged. The order has 2,000 members, and on Its rolls nre the names of Presidents Hur-1 rlson, Cleveland nnd Roosevelt No Russo-American Chamber. St. Petersburg, Feb. 17. The proj ret for the establishment of a Russo American chamber of commerce here bus been abandoned owing to lack of American support. Catholics Declare It a Men ace to Civilization. ARCHBISHOP FARLEY LEADS. Washington University Professor Says Socialism Walks Hand In Hand With Atheism nnd Arrays Capital and labor. New York, Feb. 17. "Socialism Is a menace to our civilization. Philo sophical evils arise from Its propagan da. It crops up under various guises. It walks arm In arm down along one block with atheism and bobs up witli some new ncqualntaance around the corner. It must lie suppressed." With this attack on socialism by tho Rev. Dr. William J. Kerby, professor of sociology at the Catholic Univer sity of America in Washington, the Catholic church made plain Its atti tude toward socialistic doctrines nnd nt the Cathedral college hold the first of a series of ten lectures under the nuspices of the Institute of Scientific Study. Archbishop Farley presided, and all the dignitaries of the Catholic church In this city attended. There was much disorder among the audience, and socialists who sat elbow to elbow with the members of the church gave vent to their antagonistic feelings at the least provocation. Archbishop Fnriey In Introducing Professor Kerby said: "1 think I am responsible for any trouble that will arise during these lectures. "The church never has neglected nny moral, social, religious or econoni Ic condition. She is found in every contest between the worklngmen and tho wealthy men. She takes her stand not on one hand or the other, but by the laws of equity. "Capital and lntor have taken in unsympathetic' stand, like two armies In battle array, because the laws of God hnve been forgotten. Individual- Ism has taken the place of "what should have been a charitable social Ism." Dr. Kerby then began ills lecture. "Socialism means destruction of wealth, and It must lie exterminated," he said. "Socialism Is a very great menace to our civilization. It is a menace because Its representatives believo strongly In everything they say. They point out the glaring faults of others, nnd there Is danger in misunderstand ing It. "If It remained In Itself all the time it would be ensy to deal with, but It goes under various guises. It walks arm In nnn along one block with athe ism and bobs up around the corner with some new acquaintance. "Socialism lias pitched Its camps on the mount that has risen between enp Ital and labor. It accuses capital of Industrial usurpation nnd asserting the power of life nnd death over the millions who own no capital and have to work. "It nlso accuses capital of political, ecclesiastical and academic usurpa tion, of evading moral nud civic re sponsibilities." MUSICIANS KILL EACH OTHER. One, Fatally Wounded, Shoots Assail ant Dead at Theater Door. Indianapolis, Ind Feb. 17. Louis Ostendorff, leader of the orchestra nt the Empire theater, nnd Adolph Cas sau, second violinist in the same or chestra, nre both dead as u result of an encounter nt the door of the thenter while n performance was In progress. Cassau, It appears had been dis charged by Ostendorff and lay lu wait for him. As the bandmaster was about to enter the theater Cassau fired three times, every bullet taking effect. Ostendorff grabbed Cassaus arm, wrenched the pistol from his hand nnd while holding him with . dying grip fired two shots Into Cas snu's head. Botli bullets entered Ma brain, nnd he sank to the ground t corpse. Ostendorff died a few minutes later. Both men were well known In the city nnd state In musical circles, and up to the dismissal of Cassau he and Ostendorff wero warm friends. LADY LAURIER FINED f 40. Canadian" Premier's Wife Has to Pay For Her Chauffeur's Speeding. Ottawa, Feb. 17. Eveu the wife of Canada's premier cannot speed an au tomobile In Ottawa. Magistrate Q'Kcefo fined I.ady Laurler $20 and $20 costs for exceeding the limit of ten miles an hour allowed by law. Her chauffeur was driving, but the Hue Is Imposed on the owner of the machine CHAMBERLAIN SWORN IN. Veteran British Statesman Too Weak to Walk or Sign His Name. London. Feb. 17. The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, who started the tariff reform campaign years ago nnd who 1ms represented Birmingham for thirty-four years, was among those sworn in ns members of the new house of commons. The former colonial secretary, who is now in his seventy-fourth year and who lias been an Invalid for several years, entered the house on the arm of his son Austen, who assisted him to n seat. Another member of-, the house helped Austen in taking him to .his chair. He repeated with evident difficulty the oath from a card which the clerk held. Austen Chamberlain, who Is himself :i prominent Unionist, then signed the hook in behalf of his father, who was only able to make a cross opposite his name. The scene was pathetic. SEYLER BROTHERS CAUGHT. Arrested In Virginia In Connection With Death of Girl at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, N. J., Feb. 17.-WI1-linm nnd Arvis Seylcr, the young men for whom the police have been search ing in connection with the death of Jano Adams, the eighteen-year-old girl whose body was found in the break ers off Yentnor on Feb. 13, have been captured in Petersburg, Vu. The arrest wns made by Detectives Miller and Malseed of this city, who were sent to Petersburg three days ngo by Chief of Detectives Whalen. The Seylers used to live at Peters burg, and it was believed that they would try to get back there. The de tectives reached the Virginia city be fore the young married man and his brother, who seem to huve made the Journey by beating their way on freight trnins. The police charge William Seyler with the murder and accuse his broth er Arvis of being an nccessory after the fact. On the night of the murder the Sey ier brothers, in company with tho Adams, sisters, visited one of the big Iron piers. The younger girl, with Arvis Seyler, returned to her home, but Jane Adams, the elder sister, did not reach her homo. The following morning Mrs. Adams, mother of the missing girl, had n warrant sworu out against William Seyler charging him with abduction, but before it could be served lie and his brother disap peared. On Sunday morning following the night of the girl's disappearance her body was washed up on the beach nbout two miles below the pier. There was a big wound on her fore head Inflicted by a blunt Instrument. Her clothing was torn ns If from a struggle with her assailant. B0NI SUES EX-WIFE. Castellane Demands $12,000 ArrearaJfSf Pension From Princess de Sagan. Paris, Feb. 17. Count Boul de Cas tellane, former husband of Princess Anna Gould de Sagan, has brought suit against the princess to recover ar rears of the pension which lu 1808 she agreed to pay him. Notwithstanding her divorce from Count llonl, the princess continued to pay this money until December, 1007. The amount of deferred payments Is $12,000. Judgment will be reudored ou Feb. 24. SIXTEEN IN A BOAT MISSING. Danish Steamer Sinks Off Norwegian Coast-Thirteen Men Saved. Chrlstiania, Feb. 17. Tho Danish steamship Cambodia, of 2,100 tons, has sunk off Ilesnues. Thirteen of her crew were saved. A boat containing sixteen men Is miss ing. iiiponnin nnm m i iuii. i in i ii v vi nra ( miJJUUULU J I Liill S SENATC ! Millionaire Woman Gives Gospel Tea at Her Home. FOREIGN GIRLS AS HER PUPILS Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Turkish and Mexican Young Women Hear Bible Readings and Talks on Christianity. New York. Feb. 17. Miss Helen Miller Gould, daughter of the late Jny Gould, who has a yearly Income of $7-10,000, Is holding a series of gospel tea parties In her Fifth avenue honio that are being attended by young wo men of almost every nation of the earth, who are students lu colleges nnd schools In and nbout New York. At the latest of the functions young women clothed In the picturesque garb of China, Japan, India, Mexico, Turkey, Norway and other nfttlons mingled with well known society lead ers of the city, who had been Invited to meet them at tea. Miss Gould Is displaying a personal Interest In the welfare of scores of the young women from distant nations who are dwelling here temporarily. Some of her guests were daughters of East Indian philosophers nnd men of native renown, while others were the daughters of poor families. Many of ' the young women are earning their own way through the highest Ameri can colleges and universities open to women. Three Chinese girls were the special guests of Miss Gould. They were Miss Slen Tsung Lok of the Rnndolph-Ma-son college, Lynchburg, Va.;' Miss Mary Sla of Folts institute, Herkimer, N. Y and Miss Fnung Y. Tnso of the Teachers' college, this city. Three other Chinese girls nttended the recep tion held by Miss Gould. One of the most Interesting of the guests wns Miss Matilda Burns, a i Moravian Indian from "Central Amer-, lea. She told of the many strange cus- j toms of her people, and she was a spe- j cial favorite. ' Miss Gould became interested in the) foreign students through her work hi i the Young AVomcn's Chrlstinn associa tion. She is chairman of the subcom- mlttec of oriental students of the for eign department of the organization. Iu this capacity she has knovyledgc of the hundreds of girls of the orient who nre enrolled In the American schools. One of Miss Gould's objects hi bringing the girls together was to in culcate the doctrines of Christianity. The tea given by Miss Gould was pre ceded by readings from the Bible and talks on Christianity by Miss Palmer of the Bible Teachers' Training school. Miss Gould also made a short talk to her foreign guests. She said: "There are two sides to American life. It Is possible to live In this coun try and hear little or nothing of Chris tianity, but we want you to come In contact with the best that Christian America nffords." As some of the young women from across the seas entertained a notion that Christianity was only ndopted by the illiterate, Miss Gould said she had asked a number of cultured, religious ly Inclined women of New York to meet them. She said that she wanted to prove to her foreign guests thnt Chrlstlnnlty Is practiced by people of social distinction. Besides entertaining the girls nt her home Miss Gould took them for an automobile tour of the city and visited mission schools thnt her guests de sired to see. MISS ELKINS SHOOTS SELF. Niece of West Virginia Senator Tries to Commit Suicide. Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 17. Miss Agues Elklns, n niece of Senator El kins of West Virginia, who recently entered on u Btngo career in New York with indifferent success, shot herself In au attempt to commit suicide In a hotel here. She is said to have been despondent. Her condition Is danger ous. The bullet entered her breast Just under the heart and wait through her body, burying Itself lu the wall. Before shooting herself she mado up a number of bundles, one of which she nddrcssed to Senntor Elklns. NEARLY FROZEN IN LAUNCH. Atlantic City Castaways Picked Up at Sea by Steamer. Kingston, Jamaica, Feb. 17. Ed ward Andrews and Fred Drlscott of Atlantic City, who wero brought In here by the fruit steamer Annota,! wero picked up by her twelvo miles I off Absccou light In their gasoline j launch, In which they were blown out to sea from Atlantic City. I Tho men were without food and! were almost frozen. They will return' on the Aunetn. ILLMAN ILL. South Carolina Statesman Has an Attack of Heart Weakness. Washington, Feb. 17. Senator Ben jamin R. Tillman of South Carolina, became suddenly ill just as he wm entering the senate wing of the capt tol. He appeared to be affected wltk dizziness and would have fallen but for timely assistance rendered by twe senate employees who linppcued to be near. The senator was taken to his com mlttee room, where ho was attended by a physician, who diagnosed his case ns heart weakness due to hardening of the arteries. Mr. Tillman was remov ed to his apartments. His caBe Is pre uounced beriuus. MESSENGER BOY'S RISE. Belvidere Brooks Made General Man ager of Western Union. New York. Feb. 17. Belvldcie Brooks, who was superintendent of the eastern division of the Western Union Telegraph company; has becsr" appointed general manager of the company. Heretofore the president has leen general manager too. Since the advent of the American Telephone nnd Telegraph Interests there nan been a belief iu the directorate that the combined offices were too muck for one man. Robert C. dowry retain the presidency, and the general uaa agership going to Mr. Brooks. Mr. Brooks is now fifty years old. He was born on a Texas farm an entered the service of the Western Union In 1871, when he was eleven years old, as a messenger boy. SABERS USED IN GERMAN RIOT Police and Troops Disperse Socialise. Mobs Volleys of Stones. Berlin, Feb. 17. Itenewed rioting due to resentment because of the re pression of Socialist demonstrations against the Prussian government' franchise bill occurred nt Neumunster, near Kiel, and at Cassel. The trouble at the former place be gan by Socialists abusing and stor ing a policeman. The police charged with swords, causing the mid) to scat ter. One man had an arm lopped off by a sword as he was about to throw a stone. Paris Suburbs Again Flooded. Paris, Feb. 17. Iu consequence of a further rise of the Seine and Mann the streets In the Pussy quarter are again flooded. The water has also in vaded the suburbs of St. Maur, Ya renne. Nogent, Bry nnd Chnmplg... EXCHANGE EXPELS HASKINS. Agent of Hocking Pool Declared In eligible For Reinstatement. New York, Feb. 17. The Stock Ex change authorities completed their In vestigation Into the affairs of Ijithrop, Ilasklns & Co., one of the three firm that were suspeuded upon their In solvency us n result of the collapse of the pool lu Hocking Coal and Iron. The governing committee determin ed that the failure of Lathrop, Ilas klns & Co., of which linn Henry 8. Ilasklns, a member of the exchange, was n member, was caused by reck less and unbusinesslike denting ana declared Henry S. Uasklus was ex pelled and Ineligible for reinstatement. Henry S, Hasklns was president of the Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron company nud agent of the pool. The action of the governors Is final. , An appeal for a rehearing has never becu granted In the past In similar cases, and tho petition of a member so ousted fur rendrolsslon cannot be considered. Mr. Hask'JLs' scat will be sold for the benefit of creditors of the firm. New Bishop of Hartford. Rome, Feb. 17. The pope has ap proved tho appolutment of the Rer. Jonn J, Nllan or Amesbury Mass., am bishop of Hartford, Conn, m c