T11K CITIZEN, WKDNKSDAV, VKl. 10, 1010. ! CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMNS f Till-: MOST ItHLtAM.K MKDIUM FOlt t SPREADING INFORMATION Jf "I-IX'J"'I'-'-I-"I-"-III-'''I-"-II"I-'"I- I - STERLING. On the morning of the "th, the thermometer registered 1 1 degrees below zero, nnd no one can com plain that wo are not having good winter weather. That is as cold as II has been here this winter. On tho 5th Thomas Neville went to the State Hospital In Scranton nnd after a pretty thorough examina tion they said he had enncer of the .stomach, and that an operation nt this late hour would do no good; consequently he cnnie homo and we are very sorry to say thnt the pros pect Is not bright for a speedy re covery. His son. James, of Niagara, Is now with him. Walter Musgrove hns sold a piece of land below his pond, on tho brook, to Krank Fethermnn, nnd he intends next summer to run a sep nrntor so folks in this section will not be obliged to go so far to dis pose of i heir milk. Tho Ladles' Aid met at tho church Inst VA odncsdny and improved the time by quilting. f On the nth a Tenchers' local In stitute was helil at the High school building and in the evening Prof. Cbambr-rs of Scranton, entertained n fine audience in the church. As MIhs Dowllng was elected reporter we will simply say that there was a good af tendance and everything passed off very pleasantly. Supt. Koehler was not in attendance as expected and reported in tho Citi zen, although he promised to be there Krnest Williams, of Salem, Is now boarding nt It. II. Simons' and going to school. The High school Is progressing line and. in fact, we hear no com plaint from any quarter something quite unusual. The Odd Fellows had an oyster supper at the hall Friday night and although quite stormy and disagree able, over titty were out. S. N. Cross has just received 1000 sap buckets, and of lnte sugar mak ing is quite an importnnt industry in this section. ('. B. Webster is still in Florida, and has been a guest of our former townsman, James A. Uortree, at Or lando. Interest nt next Tuesday's elec tion centers in assessor, supervisor and school director. INDIAN ORCHARD. The greatest event of tho season was the entertaining of Pomona Grnnge by the members of Indian Orchard Grnnge. No. 1020, at their hall on Thusday last. At 9:30 o'clock a. m. the visiting members began to arrive and by 2 o'clock p. ra. over two hundred had assembled; among them were fruit growers, dairy men, poultry men, gardeners, and those of many other occupa tions. Ono of the fruit growers ex hibited a fine specimen of npple that had been raised In the west; he also exhibited some very Inferior apples that had been packed and shipped that had been obtained from n mar ket Hro. Gilpin said that he could show them apples better than tho best that were exhibited if they would fall at his house. They were grown on trees that he hnd grnftcd along old stone rows. He would suggest that farmers graft the trees that come up along stone walls, in past ures, and In forests. One of the poultry men told us how to make hens lny by feeding them hay. Much was said about the silo and ensilage. The diameter of tho average silo should be about 12 feet, tho depth 25 to 30 feet? Tho greater the depth of the Bllngo the better it will be preserved. When lining silo, salt the silage near the edge to prevent from freezing. .Many interesting, enter taining nnd valuable things wero said on gardening. You should know what tho soil will grow best, then plant of tho same, tho vege tables that you need most. Many other subjects pertaining to the grange nnd grnnger wore ably dis cussed by Bros. Bullock, Cody, Kline, Gray, Taylor, Kinsman. Stevens, Saunders, Williams, Knorr, linker, Noble. Schaeffer and others. Philip Iteining. Jr.. of Cherry Ridge, spent Friday last at the homo of his uncle. Ira K. Bishop. Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, of Haw ley, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Hall. Mr Gilpin, of Sterling, is visiting Ills sister, Mrs. W. H. Dunn, of Beach Lake. Mr Miller, who makes his homo with his daughter, Mrs. Swnrtz, and who has been visiting unothor daugh ter, Sirs. Ostrnndor, of Atco, has re turned to his homo. O. W. Treverton was n business caller at Swamp Brook recently. Mr. and Mrs. Itay Bayly aro enter taining n young son. It arrived on Fridny evening last. Frank Wlllmarth of Beach Lake, Is on tho sick list. His physician, Dr. Gavltto, thinks that ho will soon recover. Mrs. Roy Klllam and Son, Paul, are visiting relatives at Hawloy. Nettle Ham, of Honesdalo, was a visitor at the Red Rock Farm on Sunday. Mrs. John Ham, who has been visiting her children at this place, will return to her home in Scranton this weok. 'h i 2I - - 2 - - X''I"" - I"'I I-!--!-!! -2----J--J J-I .Miss Mnbcl Gray wns a visitor nt tho home of Mrs. recent O. W. Treverton at Vino Hill. Elizabeth Switzer 1b living with I Dr. nnd Mrs. Oavlttc of White Mills. WHITES VALLEY of Pleasant Mount, nre visiting Mrs., Umerson-Mlllor. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson HutchtiiB, of Cnrbondalo, visited tho past week at William (Hover's. 1 Tim vfiniicr liennln who were enter-! . ... talncd Friday evening by Mr. nnd Mrs. E. M. Horton of Prompton, did not return until Saturdny at 10 n. m. on nccount of tho storm. Mrs. Maud FItzo Uonham and daughter, Esther, of Cnrbondnlo, aro guests at Wm. Fltze's. Mrs. H. L. Fisher spent Sunday nt Cherry Hill. HAMLINTON. Cheer up! Spring is almost here; nt least we try to think so. There la nothing like being an optimist any way, for you know "The Inner side of every cloud Is bright and shining; I therefore turn my clouds about. And always wear them inside out To show the lining." Hut enough of poetry; let ub now turn our attention to our neighbors' affairs. Miss Flosslo Edwards, of Scranton, made her parents a brief visit the firrt of Inst week. Dwight Chapman, Jr., expects soon to go to Honesdalo where he lias so cured a position with Birdsall Bros. C. L. Simons was in Scranton on Friday. John Osborne is quite ill at the present writing. Mrs. MInnIo Brooks and daughter, Alice, went to Scranton on Saturday. Mrs. Brooks expects to remain for a fortnight. Mrs. F. A. Abbey visited at Clark Abbey's on the East Side on Friday last. Two sleighloads from this place enjoyed n trip to the Flats on Thurs day night where they were enter tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sleg. Augusta Knoll of Panther, is visit ing friends in town. Henry Fitchener wns very serious ly injured on Saturday, while work ing in tho woods for Orville i Bur- rough s. His skull was crushed in near one temple, rendering him un conscious. It is not known definitely how he received the injury, as he was working alone, but It is thought that the horse must have kicked him. It is not expected that he can recover. Solon Peet of New Hochelle, N. Y., left on Thursday for that place after spending a few days at his home here. Mrs. Frank Engle Is on the sick list. WAYMART. A slelghrldo party, consisting of fifty-five, spent a' very pleasant even ing at William A. Carepnter's one night last week. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Lang's homo was brightened by a ten pound boy last week; also Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weed's home by a daughter. Mrs. Dunn, of Waymart, is ill at this writing under the care of Dr. Corson. Spring time is drnwlng near; Way mart is looking for many changes. Jnmes McCorraick wns a culler In town last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Dervy Bryant, of Car bondale, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. H. Schenck. Mr. Tom Gallagher has recovered from his illness and spent ono day last week at Waymart. Many of the school girls wero de tained in getting to school on ac count of bad roads nnd tho drifts. The snow is dolnying the D. & H. somewhat: Sunday thev were tliren hours and a half lnte leaving Wny-mnrt. STEENE. Albert Odoll has purchased the blacksmith shop and tools of Thomas Mooro of Prompton, and is ready to accommodate all comers from shoe ing a horso to building a wagon. Sir. Odoll's son, Ernest, who hns served his tinio with blacksmith Doylo nt Waymart. will havo charge of tho horso shooing while IiIb fathor, who is n flrst-claBs wagon-maker, will net as spnko shnvor. Lumberman Hollenback has pur chased tho old Bnrtley homestead nt Prompton and will turn tho same Into a lumberman's camp during tho Bummer mouths. Amos Smith has purchased a handsomo, swell-bodied cutter. It Is getting to bo a common talk In this section that tho rural mall delivery will bo a thing of tho past in the near future as mall grows stale, especially during tho winter months when you don't recolvo it but once or twice a week. Levi Richardson Is seriously ill, threatening an attack of pneumonia. William Pentlcost is improving from a severe attack of tho grippe. Warren Hucklnnd Is much Im proved from his recont Illness. Any one wishing to hear the past hlBtory of Kccne, Stceno, or I'romp-1 )ng used for rnllroad sills, nnd sov ton will do well to consult Mr. John ' err.1 railway companies, notnbly the Smith who has resided nt Kceno for, Norfolk nnd Western, nnd Chesa tho last century. I penko and Ohio, are planting thous- Ervln llodlo hnB rented his fnth- ands of Catalpa trees so as to bo or's farm nt l'rompton and will take r.ccure In regnrd to a futura tlmliur possession at once. j supply, In view of the rapid dlmlnu- Ilenry Wick, nn old resident of . tlon of the forests nlong their rc Prompton, Is tnlklng of seeking his rpcctlvu lines. fortune in tho west. Thomas Mooro hns given up tho blacksmith business and will turn his attention to the excelsior busi ness. John Qulnlnml spent Inst week with friends nt Cnrbondalo. One of our old bachelors hnd tho courage to face the snow banks last Sunday with his turnout. We think he must mean business. That's right, Tommle, some one must break j t it l.l 1 ... 1. 1. 1 air. ouubiuhu, iuiui- ui hub Plnce, has n novel way of mnklng hens lny. Mr. Hucklnnd has been nwny from homo nenrly nil winter hut was called home n short time ngo on account of sickness. The first complaint from tho women after re turning home wns for keeping so ninny chickens nnd not getting nny eggs. Mr. Hucklnnd said nothing, but wont to feeding tho chickens, nnd now they are packing tho eggs by the barrel. He says that he never knew t slippery elm to fall. I GALILEE. ; Miss Mnry Fromer, of Damascus, is visiting Laura Pollock. Hev. and Mrs. Jos. Coleman do-; llghtfully entertained the Ladles' I Aid and their husbands at a dinner recently. j Miss Elma Itutledge Is very sick' with pneumonia. i t Thos. Gregg Is visiting friends and , relatives in Blnghamton. i The W. C. T U. will hold their' Frances Wlilnrd Memorial meeting at tho home of Mrs. A. J. Abrahnm on Friday evening, Feb. 18th. A short entertainment will be given and nil are cordially invited to attend. On Monday evening, Feb. 20th, a contest will be held in the church. Mrs. Irving Rutledge, who has been very 111, is improving. t:u:::::::u::::::::::u:::::::un::::t:t::n: GRANGE. INFECTED TREES SENT OUT BY NURSERIES. A bundle of apple trees was re ceived at the Division of Zoology of the Pennsylvania Department of Ag riculture, Harrisburg, from Alle gheny county. The trees were part of a lot of 400 shipped last fall from a New York nursery. Prof. H, A. Surfaco, State Zoologist, exnniined the trees, and then reported upon them as followed: "We have received the four app)e trees which you sent to us, and find that they are infested with the Wool ly Aphis. You will see these pests as little white stains, looking like flour or a touch of whitewash, in tiie in jured places of the knot holes on the bark and also on the roots. If tho nursery from which you obtained the trees had fumigated them prop erly .according to the requirement of this State, before shipping them into this Commonwealth from New York, these pests would not be alive upon these trees at the present time. I would earnestly recommend that In getting trees from outside of Penn sylvania you Insist that they bear a tag showing that they have been fumigated, In accordance with our State law. If the growers decline to fumigate them, they are shipped in to this State Illcgnlly and you should not accept them. "Since you have received the trees and found them Infested with living Woolly Aphis, as these show, it is necessary to prepare to destroy this pest at once, because it keeps the wounded places sore nnd makes great knots on the trunk, branches, and roots of the trees. The Woolly Aphis can be killed by spraying with nny contnet insecticide thnt is ef ficient for scnle Insects. Among these nre to be recommended, of course, the lime-sulphur wash, kero sene emulsion nnd strong sonn solu tions. It cnn be killed by dipping n j pnint brush Into any of theso solu tions nnd painting tho mntorinl on the infested spots. Ono of the best remedies, however, is to make up a pnint with rnw linseed oil and pure i white load and such coloring as you wish to add, and with a paint brush., I put n generous touch of pnint on each Infested spot. This will not only kill the Woolly Aphlds, but also cover that particular placo of abode, so that It will not becomo Infested soon again. "Where the pcBts nre on tho roots , you should discover this before , planting, if possible, nnd kill them J by dipping tho roots Into vory strong tobacco decoction. Where tho trees I nre planted tho roots should bo cx-j amined for Woolly Aphlds, where theso pestB aro to bo seen on the trunks or branches. Do this by re- moving tho soil over the roots nnd , watch all knots or Injured places for . tho presence of pests. If they aro round, eitner souk mom witn very strong tobacco decoction, or cover them with finely ground or powdered tobacco, and replace the earth to its normal condition. Do not use to bacco stems for this, as thoy aro too coarse to kill tho insects. The tobacco Is a valuable fertilizer and will repay tho work." CATALPA TRICKS AND KCALK. A tree of rapid growth, and ono of real valuo, la the Catalpa spec iosa. In tho south Its wood Is bo- An enterprising I'cnnsylvanlnn, who proposes to plnnt a considerable number of Cntulpa trees in the spring on a tract of land In York county, wrote to Professor H. A. Surface, State Zoologist. Hnrrls burg, for Information as to whether such trees nre subject to infestntion by the Snn Jose scale and other in sect pests. "Cnn the scale exist on them," he Inquired, "nnd. If so, arc they liable to do so?" Tho answer of Professor Surfnce was as follows: Replying to your letter making inquiry concerning the infestation k CCpti0ns argued of Catalpa Speciosa by San Jose j Unon petition of C. P. Searle. H. scale, I can say that it is my opinion ; s Hand wns appointed trustee of that this pest docs not serlottBly at-: Avery s j,nml( , ,ace of ,IoraC(, tack this Bpecles of tree. I havo c Hilndf deceased, not had opportunity to make per-! , tho tn!Utor of -Ins x,crjermott sonal observation, but 1 know that ' vfl Ernogt Mier et. n)., mollon for our ordlnnry Catalpa trees aro not rule to sllow caU80 why 1Ion of Jll(, njured by it, and I am satisfied that ; ment shouU1 not be refuse(1; Rratlt. It will not kill or Injure tho species j C(j of which you make Inquiry." Wnl H nrunlg a,)()lnt,,(1 g,mrd. j lan of Mildred D. Hrunig, minor rnb;ui'ii's RcijiiIriMiu-nt. ! child of Wm, H. and Eva Brunlg. A thorough knowledge of th In the divorce proceeding of Geor "gqography" of London la required gin M. .Manning, llbellant, vs. Hiram of cabmen. Among 735 applicants T. Manning, respondent, C. A. Gar for license In 1004 there were only ' ratt appointed master. 350 who passed the examination, and of these more wore dropped because they did not know how to drive. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature if A FLOOD ! Don't be disappointed it the rush comes. Prepare now for houFe cleaning. I have fine samples of wall paper and would be pleased to show them to you i( you will call at my place ; or if you send a postal card I will call at your house at any time with a full line of samples. I am also ready to do your work wall paper hanging, painting and decorating. J. ED. COOK, I23t SprlngSt. HONESDALE, PA. NEW SPRING SILK s EASTER DRESSE Are already here in splendid variety In all the accepted fabrics including Foulards, Rough Shantungs, Imperial Messalinc, Peking, and Kek ko Silks. Select Your Dress NOW So you can give yourself plenty time to make or have it made up lust as you want it. Worsted Dress Goods. We have the finest assort ment of Colored and Black Dress Goods ever shown In town. NEW SPRING SUITS Come and look them over and you will notice our Suits are all lined with Beldlng Satin and well tailored. Get In line for Easter and select your suit early. KATZ BROS. COURT NOTKH. Argument court was held this week with .tudgo A. T. Searle on the bench. The following matters were dis posed of on Monday morning: Applications of Charles P. Searle and Chester A. Gnrratt for admission to tho Wnync County Unr filed. Mnt ter referred to tho County Hoard of Examiners nnd upon presentation of certificates from the State Hoard of Law Examiners certifying admission to tho Supreme Court, the applicants wcr.o duly admitted to practice in the Wayne county courts. In matter of SUns Lord vs. Lenn ! Lord, certiorari to Justice of the j Pence, exceptions to record argued. , In case of Commonwealth vs. Fred ! Young, surety of the peace, motion made to quash the transcript ! for the renson that It does not com I ply with the Act of March IN, 1900, rolntlvn tn Kiirntv nf tip.iri ntn Mr. Upon petition Walter Swingle wns appointed constable of Lake town iihip. in place of F. Glossenger, re signed. Loyal L. Hurd was granted per mission to return home from tho Dnnvllie Insnne Asylum for a visit of 90 days. In the divorce proceeding of Jos. H. Yarns, llbellant, vs. Sadie H. Yarns, respondent, W. II. Lee ap pointed master. Sale of real estate of Fanny E. , Hawkey estate ordered, upon petition j of C. R. Callaway, administrator of said state. j Dr. F. W. Powell appointed trustee in the estate of William Doughty, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Horace C. Hand. A citation wns awnrded upon Jacob Wilcox, executor of estate of O R. I Wilcox, requiring him to file an ad i (iitional account for the remainder A BANK WITH A SURPLUS EARNED IN FOUR YEARS Are You Onq of the 3,553: Depositors Doing business at the HONOSDALE DIME BANK? If not, the opportunity awaits you to open an ac count now. Start the idle money you have at your home to earn ing interest. If you have a small bank, bring or send it to us at once. Put your idle money at work. If you wish to make a loan on your farm or house or to borrow some money call at the Dime Bank. Business and Savings Accounts Solicited. Wayne County money for Wayne Countcans. FEBRUARY CLOSING OUT SALE -OF- WINTER GOODS -AT- ENNER T0 CLEAN Ladies' Jacket Suits. Misses' and Jurior Tailor Suits. Winter Coats and Cloaks. Evening Capes and Cloaks. TJp-to-Date and. Nobby Fur in Muffs, Collars and Scarfs. Real G-oods. We have an odd lot of Made-up Waists in Silk and Wash G-oods that we will sell out at very low prices. MENNER & CO. mnwmmmimttttnmmmrotmm tnntv of tho personal property of said O. II. Wilcox estnto. NICKNAMES OF OUR STATES ' AND TOWNS. Yankee- humor and lilgh-flow oratory are responsible for tho most of tho nicknames by which the States and many of tho cities in tht United States have come to b known. Ab these nicknames ar frequently encountered by readers, it may bo just ns well to recognize the fact that a knowledge of them is moro or less of a necessity For this reason the accompanying list is given. The names given the States are Virginia, the Old Dominion Massachusetts, the Bay State Maine, the Border State Rhode Islnnd, Little Rhody Now York, the Empire State New Hnmpshlre, the Granit State. Vermont, the Green Mountala State. Connecticut, the Land of Steady Habits. Pennsylvania, the Keystone State North Carolina, the Old North j Stute. i Ohio, the Buckeye State. 1 South Carolina, the I'almott I State. I Michigan, the Wolverine State. ' Kentucky, the Corn-cracker. I Delaware, tho Blue Hen's Chickeu. Indiana, the Booster State. Illinois, the Sucker State. Iown, the Hawk-Eye State. ! Wisconsin, the Badger State. Florida, the Peninsular Stnte Texns, the Lono Stnr State. Tho names given the cities are Philadelphia, the Quaker City Boston, the modern Athens; th Hub. New York, Gotham. Baltimore, the Monumental City Cincinnati, the Queen City. New Orleans, the Crescent City. Washington, the City of Magni ficent Distances. Chicago, the Garden City Detroit, the City of the Straits Cleveland, the Forest City. Pittsburg, the Smoky City. New Haven, the City of Elms .Indianapolis, the Railroad City. St. Louis, the Monud City Keokuk, the Gnte City Louisville, tho Fall City Nashville, the City of Rocks. Hannibal, the Bluff City CROWING RECORD $37,500 & CO. KKVSTONE STOKES. UP STOCK: ttronwtmttwttmttu