nm crriEEN, Wednesday, fkb. 10, 1010. WITH FIVE S I lUIG N " - I KILLS FIVE Spokane Hunter Tells of Hit Biggest Bag of Grizzlies Taken in Five Minutes AFTER MANY DAYS OF WATCHING First One Big Fellow Drops, Then An other, and Then a Mother Bear and Two Cubs Star Feat of Idaho Woods. Spokane, Wash. William H. Wright, naturalist and grizzly bear hunter of Spokane, who has spent a quarter oontury lu Western forests studying what ho calls "the noblest wild animal of North America," utter. ly unscts a lot of preconceived notions as to tho sort of a "critter" the grlz jsly is In his natlvo wild. Ho also puts j down tho legend that the grizzly could not he killed with a single shot, at tributing this to the lack of power in Uin guns and ammunition employed in tho oarly days. Hero Is tho story, in his own words, of ono of tho greatest feats lu the Idaho woods: "Tho trail In tho canyon was a hun dred feet wide and had been worn by an old and large animal. For two years I continued at Intervals to see tho big tracks, but not once did 1 see the bear. Finally I made up my mind I would at least set eyes on him, and I got a man to go with me to look after the enmp and horses so I would have nothing to do but hunt. We made camp about two miles from the can yon, and my flrst excursion showed mo that my old friend with the big feet was still in evidence. "Day after day passed and brought no bear, and at last the camptender, while he did not say right out that he thought I was 'locoed' intimated it broadly. Yet examination showed fresh bear tracks on the old trail al most every morning. At last thero came a rain. It began in the night and kept up until about one o'clock tn tho afternoon of the following day. "Thinking thnt this might be Just the time the old bear would select to go berrying, I decided to risk it. And, as luck would havo it. when 1 reached the hillside thero sat an old grizzly about one hundred yards above the brink of the canyon and three hun dred yards from me pulling down branches and eating berries. , "I crawled behind a bunch of bushes and, without getting up, looked tho ground over to see what tho chances were of the bear's getting back into the canyon in case I failed to drop him. Down there, in the canyon I had watched so long and so vainly, stood the largest bear it had ever been my fortune to set eyes upon. "I worked down the hill toward the big fellow, and as 1 got a better view of him I knew what had made those tracks. I had thought nothing about the size of the first bear. Now that I had set my eyes on this big one I thought him entitled to precedence. "Yet I wanted both, and I thought I saw my way of getting them. The first bear seemed to have struck a bonanza berry iratch and was moving slowly The big follow, on the other hand, was down where the bushes were pretty well stripped and seemed to bo working uphill fairly fast. "I therefore dropped out of sight, wormed my way down" hill a bit fur ther, waited till the two bears were about ono hundred yards apart, and then crept to the top of a slight ridge and found myself forty yards from the big one and sixty from the other. I figured on killing the large bear at Hie first shot and then turning on tho other before he had time to tako in tho situation, and I relied on tho sec ond boar standing up to take a look before making for the canyon and Ujereby giving me tho few seconds that I would need. "I took a sitting position that af forded me a right hand quartering shot at tho big fellow and a left hand quartering shot at the other, and that would enable me to act very quickly afte tho first shot. "When all things were arrange 1 to my liking I waited for a side shot at the large bear. I did not have long to 'alt. and 1 r lookod through sih n .,, han when I was nf!v'ir be-id.' Thero wore only t i.( ')i hes of bear visible when I , id ttie triggor, but that was the srr I wanted, and once the shot was del" cred I wasted no time In ascer taining the result, but at once turnou to tho other bear. Ho stood exactly us I expoctod. He turned side on to mo to seo what bedlam "had broken loose. I caught him squarely in the shoulder and he wilted in his tracks as the other had done. "While examining my prizes I heard a clawing and the rolling of cravol In the next ravine. To my in tense surprise I faced a mother bear and two half grown cubs. I dropped Vtick to my sitting position, with my elbows on my knees, and took lly'ns ubot at tho old bear. My bullet ''anht her with a quartering rake forward and rollod her back Into the gull, and m this, of course, Btopped the cubs VUor foil to the next two shots." His Prospects. "I fear I am not wonhy of you." "Nerer mind about that," responded too young lady -with the squaro Jaw "Betwoen mother and mysolf I Imag ine wo can effect the necessary Jin provomoaU." LouUrillo CouM.jf urnal. BEARS i i otes sumdl Commeot Of Interest to Women Readers FOR WEAR AT HOUSEWORK. , Practical Design for Apron at Once j ! Protective and Useful Two i Large Pockets. Our sketch shows a Yery practical j design for a useful work-apron to bo i made In strong llnon or holland, with n full-hcmstltched frill atong tho .v- j or edge. Two very largo pockots .,re provided In tho lower part of Uio ' nnron to hold nlocM of work or I socks, perhaps, that require mending, while tho pockets In the upper purt can hold scissors and thimble, t.ire wools, or embroidery silks, as '' o case may be. When not actually bp lug worn, an apron of this kind can l folded up, Just as it is, with the wor' and materials in the various pockc'-. and put away in a drawer until the time comes for It to be used agai'i and. in that case, the pockets may easily be made to button, so that nothing will fall out. How College Girls Earn Money. Varied arc the ways in which girls who are working their way through college earn money in vacation time, t'ndergraduate life is not a continuous round of bonbons, flowers and mati nees to many students in the big col legos, but they win their way through bv sheer determination. The sumn.er affords tho greatest opportunity, as the three months of work usually are sufficient to pay for tho nine months' srhoollng. Wellesley has an unusual porcentage of students paying their own way through college, and Informa tion gathered about the employments gives an idea of the adaptability of the collegians. Last summer six girls taught in vacation schools in various cities; seven others in busi ness schools; five sold books; four served as hotel waiters; six were "councilors" in girls' camps; sevcn did library work; seven others en gaged in fresh air work; two worked for anti-tuberculosis crusaders; ono on a flouting hospital, and ono on a farm in charge of children. Friend of the Children. Mrs. Frederic Schoff, who was ono o.' the principal speakers at the sym pre iura on child welfare, held by tho bi:erd of managers to the national Mrs. Frederic Schoff. :ongress of mothers, Atlantic City. N. J., has been national president of tho congress sinco 1902. Sho has led many philanthropic movements relating to the welfare of children, was first proaldont of tho Pennsylvania congross of mothors in 189!) and orgnnlzod the movoment that resulted lu the establishment of a Ju venile court and probation system In Pennsylvania. Mrj. Schoff was born at Upper Darby, Pa., and is a mem ber of tho Socioty of Mayflower De scendants and the D. A. It. Don'tB for Kalamazoo Co-cds. Flirtation, even of tho mildest. Is frowned on by tho faculty of the Mich igan State Normal College In Kalama zoo. Following several conferences of tho faculty a sot of rules gori-rnfns the conduct of the young women stu dents In nnd out of school have been promulgated. A few which the girls are expected to observe are; "Don't let a young man klsa you or pl.co hla arm about your waist until you aro formally engaged. Don't have any thing to do with a wild young rnnn: leave his reform to older persons. Don't lot u young man loungo when he calls on you; niako him t d straight. Don't go to a hotel or t u'e with a young man for supper after the theatro; If he Insists on buylrg re freshmonts go to a conjertlrne-y storo and havo light lunch. If ho Is still hungry ho can buyfei-caeal -"(tor bo leaves you at ywtr home," T y LIVE STOCK HOW TO TAKE HORSE3 PULSE. Place is at Underside of Jaw, Rolling Fingers Around Till Artery Is Found. The pulse Is due to an nutomatlc ex pansion and relaxation in tho wall of an elastic tube the artery caused by tho Jets of blood pumped Into tho3o vcrsela by means of a forco pump tho heart. Each stroke of the heart Is equal to one pulsation viz., a rising and falling of the arterial wall. In health tho averago number of pulso boats por minute Is about 36 to 40. Tho larger the horse the alowor or fowor tho number of beats per mlnuto. A very good place to tnko tho pulso Is at tho underside of tho jaw. Dy rolling the tips of tin fingers about a Ilttlo tho enn he brought on to tho blood vessel. Don't press too firmly, nor yet too lightly. The animal must be kopt still and quiet- In point of importance tho "character" of the pulse must be tho best guide. That Is to say, tho blood vessel may impress us as feeling hard, soft, full, quick, small, wiry, regular or Irregular. Thoso are niceties which requiro practice before they enn be fully ap preciated. In disease, pleurisy tho pulso will bo found beating about SO times per minute (depending upon tho stage of the disease) hard, wiry and irregular. In pulmonary apoplexy it may bo beating 120 times per minute. When properly taken it forms a vil uable means of assistance in ascer taining the nature and progress of dis ease. Tying Cows for Dehorning. A very satisfactory way to fasten the cow while her horns are being re moved is Illustrated in the accompany ing drawing. Tie a stout rope about her neck, run it between her horn and around the timber to which she is tied. Removes Danger in Dehorning, then back under her neck and up be tween her horns on the other side, then over the timber again and take a hitch around her nose. With an as sistant to hold the end of tho rope one can saw off the horns without In Jury of the cow hauglng herself to tho beam. If she falls to the ground the assistant can loosen the rope and there will be no danger of choking. Notes for Sheep Raisers. Shearing machines beat hand shear ing evory time. They are not expen sive and they cause fewer wounds and do tho work more evenly than the averago farmer can do with the old fashioned shears. Watch the old ewes and when their tooth become badly worn fatten them as quickly as possible and send them to tho block. Grado the flock Just as carefully as you grado the dairy herd. Weed out tho poor animals and keop only the beat. A half-dozen poor sheep in a flock of 20 will put down tho profit tremen dously. A poor sheep will eat as much or more thnn a good ono and whatever it eats is an actual loss. Cattle Are Scarce. Thoro is a great shortage of cattlo in tho United States. Tho breaking up of tho great western ranges has been a contributing cause. Largo herds havo been cashed In during tho past fow years. This meant tho mar keting of all tho females and imma ture stuff and while a share of theso found thoir way back to tho feeders tho larger proportion mot Immediate slaughter. Under such conditions tho future supply was necessarily shorten ed. This, In connection with the fact that tho country's beef supply has not for many years kept paco with the In crossed consumptive demand makes tho shortage more keenly felt. Dollar Producing Hog. Wo can safoly say that the majority of pork producers be'ieve moro In typo than tn color or breed, says a writer In an Exchange. They aro more Interested in tho dollar-produc-tng capacity of a hog than In his an cestry or good looks. After ' vlowlng tho whole situation, I have decided that the hog men of our country havo reached a common ground, whore thay can In unity de fine an Ideal typo of a rapid-maturing, most profitable pork hog. Prevention of Grubs. For prevention of grubs lu tho backs of cattlo many practical stock men apply rupollers during fly time to puts whera the stock is attached and In the fail strong salt wash Is ap plied to the bak pf the cattlo. ICach grub that matured should bo uqueozod out and dsttroysd. WHY HE WAS BASHFUL. Asked Questions About Tepeka Thai Were Net Tactful. A Hutchinson Ctrl declares this story to be true. She wm visiting at a small Kansas town recently, and while there her hostess cave a party in her honor, and Invited the pick of the whole countryside. Among the guests was a boy who had been to To pekn, so she had heard. She had some acquaintance in To peka and tried 'to draw him out, 'In quiring: "How did you Ilka Topoka?" The young fellow blushod and looked down before he murmured: "Oh, pretty well." "Do you know many people thero?" she continued, trying to get htm In terested, and attributing his rctlconco to bnshfulness. "Why, not many," he said, tugging at his collar, ns If it were strangling him. "I suppose you went to the park while you were thore?" she asked. "No," he replied. "I did not attond any of the affairs at the park. She talked about other things, and later, when an opportunity came, nfl'ed the hostess why that boy had been so reticent about talking of To peka. The hostess threw tip her hands. "Wo simply had to Invito him," she replied. "He belongs to a good fam ily. As a matter of fact, ho has Just returned from Topeka. where ho ha3 been In the reform school!" SHE WONDERED. Gerald Once I was strongly tempt ed to blow out my brains. Ueraldino Did you do it? He Finally Won Out. "Nettie." cried the enamored young man, "I love you, and would go to 'the v.oild's end for you." "Oh, no, you wouldn't, James," re torted the sweet girl graduate. "The world, or the earth, as it is called, is round like a ball; therefore it has no end." "Xes, I know," continued the e. y. m "but what I meant was that I'd do anything to please you. Ah, dear est, if you know the aching void" "Now I am surprised, James," In terrupted the s. g. g. "Nature abhors a vacuum, and there is no such thing as a void; but admitting that there could bo such a thing, how could tho void you speak of be void If there was an ache in it?" "Oh, well," rejoined the young man, "at least I've got cash and property amounting to nearjy $100,000, and I want you to be my wife. So, there!" "James," rejoined the fair one with out a moment's hesitation, "since you put it in that light, I haven't tho heart to refuse you. Let the wedding bells ring without unnecessary delay." Chicago News. An Old Fable. "Metaphysics," said Bishop Castlo, of Oregon, at a dinner in Philomath, "Is a subject thnt always makes ono think of the cat and the owl. "A cat, you know, once set forth In quest of happiness. Sho wandored up, she wandered down; she questioned this animal and she questioned that. Finally, wrnpped in meditation In a tree, sho perceived an owl. "'Owl!' said the cat, 'tell me, most wise bird, where happiness Is to bo found! '"In meditation," the owl, ropllcd. 'Meditation alone is tho true secret of happiness.' " 'But,' said tho cat, 'on what sub ject am I to meditate?' " 'On tho subject,' tho owl answered, which has occupied tho race of owls since the beginning of timo namely: Which came tlrst, the owl or tho egg; for, while tho owl comes from the egg, so also does the egg come from the owl!' "Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Negro Lingo. Senator Taylor, of Tennessee, tells of an old negro whose worthless son was married secretly. The old man beard of It and asked the boy It he was married. "I ain't sayln' I ain't," the boy replied. "Now. you RastUB," stormed the old man, "I ain't nskin' you is you ain't; I Is askln' you ain't you Is." Golf Defined. "How do them summer boArdora of your'n keep busy?" "They play coif." "Whafu Sam Hill's that?' " S noar's I kin Ek'ger, It's solitarlo Bliy." Net His Fault. Th Poat "PoU are born, aot toad." Tha Qlrt "I knew, I "wium't blam Ins X? Bostoa Trwrarjpt. WW lief TOH SIMPLE LIFE IN FINLAND. la Uio Summer All Classes Spend Most of the Tlin Out of Doors. In Finland ererybodyy Uvea tho simple life tn summer. They camp eat on islands, tn tht forests, and always somewhere near the water, for everybody swims and bathes. Almost all classes sleep and eat al fresco at this time of year nnd tho town councils of the towns in this progrosslve and altogether delight ful little country provide public fireplaces and public bathing sheds In all places where the working classos go In search of fresh air. But the simple life Is by no means dull with the frisky Finns. They combine It with a surprising amount of gayety. They eat, drink and aro very merry In their pictursque Ilttlo log cabins outside the cities. When thy are tlrd of bathing and splashing, they dance, they sing, they watch fireworks and practlco gymnastlcR; they all become Ilka children and are the very happiest, me-rient, most good naturcd, most easily pleased and most healthy holiday makers in the world. Not Bo lnuocrnt. The Old Lady (as a group of small boys danh past her) Ah, running rnces? Uen reading about Ihosa Olympic pbrcss, no coubt. A Voice Games bs Mowed' Ws'vs put a bad penny tn a hli.nl man's tin, an' he's after us. Tonnngr of World Fleet. Th tonnage of th world's mer chant shipping fleet, according to the latest return, is 37,554,017 tons. Of this toUi no less than 31. 744.904 tons repsents steam uln. plrz 'and 17. 611. 't96 tpns of rt-nu t under the British t!an V " ' fe -e-riber. If a r courtevy others. ue treated with , ! ow courtes; tc ALCOHOL 3 PElt CENT AVegelablePreparaitonlarAs. sirailaliiigtiicFoodaixIReijula: ting the Stomachs andBowelscf Promotes DfeestionJZke rfuV' ncss and Rest.Cont.ilns neiter Opiuni.Morphine norfliucraL NOT NARCOTIC. aift tfoUDcSSMLHrnaiEX. Inpla Sad' JhdtBtSilts jtmttai nmnpmt- WuaStti lafuprm tiara'. Aperfiect Remedy forConsE)B-; lion , aour aiuiudtii.uiau'j- Worras,Convulsions.rewns ncss andLoSSOF bHEP- Facsimile Signature cf NEW YORK SOS? tn mil r jTTff n lull 1117 jlS ri Exact Copy of Wrapper. tbi iht cohmnt, i o cm. Telephone Announcement This company is preparing to do extensive construction work in tho Honesdale Exchange District which will greatly improro tho serrico and enlarge the system Patronize the yepeRfcnt Telephone Company which reduced telephone rates, anddo not contract for any other service without conferring with our Centract Department Tel. No. 300. CONSUME! TELEPHONE CO. of PENNSYLVANIA. Foator Bulldlar. Roll of HONOR Attention is cal il to the STRENGTH of the Wayne County The FINANCIER of New York City has published a KOLL Ob HONOR of the 11,470 State Hanks and -Trust Companies of United States. In this lift the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS RANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands IO1I1 ,11 Pennsylvania. Stands' FIRST in Wayne County. Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 ! Honesdale, Pa.. May 29 1908 For Infante and Children. The Kind You Have Alwavs Bough! A Bears the Signature of Thirty Years KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. n pa Represent Reliable f :r' "PnmnaniPc fltJIY 1 i J9 D WUMIMUIIIUU faX Use J For Over
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers