fllK CITIZEN. WKDNKSDAY, KKH. 10, 1010. THE CITIZEN PUBLISHED KVKRY WKDNESI1AY AND FRIDAY IIT THIS CITIZKB rUm.lBIIINO COMPANY. Watered as scoond-clnss mntto.r. at the post" nlllce. ltonesdalc. I'a. SUDSCIUPTION 11.50 U. n. UAUDKNltKKOH. - PKKSIDKNT W. W. WOOD. - - MANAQKU AND SKO'Y directors: o. h. dorpunorr. m. ii. ai.i.es. IIKNRY WILSON. It. II. HAnOKNDKnail. W. W. WOOD. WICDNKSDAY, KK15. HI, 1 1110. Money does' not mako the man hut thiiiRS nro apt to be more com fortable when the man makes money. A town never loses anything by extending a royal welcome to every deserving stranger who appears In Its midst. Hospitality Is a priceless eem, but It costs very little. Why is the cost of living higher? This problem Is under discussion all over the country. One phase of the situation hns not been touched upon to any great extent, and that Is, the fact that wo arc undergoing a1 transi tion in tho labor world, which is changing values at least 25 per cent., caused by changing from n 10-hour to an 8-hour dny. A girl graduate thus described the manner In which a goat butted a boy out of the yard: He burled the pre vious end of his anatomy against the boy's afterwards with an earnestness and velocity which, backed by the ponderosity of the goat's avoirdupois, Imported a momentum that was not relaxed until he had landed on terra arma beyond the pale of the goat's jurisdiction. Turkey is to run a narrow gauge railroad to the scene of Adam's al leged agricultural experiments, in tho Hairlah district, 250 kilometers north of Bagdad, an oasis, situated in the center of a vast, desolate plain, traveled by four arms of the Eu phrates. The railroad is for tho purpose of carrying out great irriga tion works. Sir William Wlllock's has lixed upon the spot as the origi nal Garden of Eden. Young man, you had bettor go to school while you now have an oppor tunity, and thus secure an education that will enable you to command more than common wages when you grow up to manhood. It Is the fel lows who play "hookey" in .their boyhood who will growl the most about hard times and work for a dol lar a day. Go to school and go there to learn and not for the purpose of acting cute in order to attract the attention of the "big girls." in a recent issue we printed the following recipe: "Limhurger cheese laid away in cupboards and refriger ators will drive ants away." And now one of our sensitive subscribers writes us as follows: "Wo read your receipe for driving away ants and wo coincide with you, for Limburgor will not only drive away ants but it will drive a hog out of a tan-yard; it will drive a spike In a brick; It will drive a tramp away from a meal of victuals; It will drive a mule tnrough a barbed wire fence; it will drive a herd of cattle over a precipice; It will drive a negro away from a hlcken roost, or a man to Insanity who stays five minutes within ten feet of Its unsavory presence." Evi dently this man has not cultivated a taste for this kind of cheese, and Is prejudiced against It because It does ot appeal to one of his flvo physical senses. Try tho other four boforo you form an opinion so drastic. AIIItAlIAM LINCOLN'S FAITH. I have never united myself to nny ohurch, because I have found dtf flculty in giving my assent, without mental reservation, to tho long com plicated statements of Christian doctrine which characterize their Articles of Belief and Confessions of Faith, Whenever any church will Inscribe over Its altar, as Its solo qualification for membership, tho Savior's condensed statement of tho ubstanco of both law and gospel, "Thou shalt lovo tho Lord thy God with nil thy heart, and with all thy aoul, and with all thy mind, and thy melghbor as thyself," that church will I Join with all my heart and nil ly soul. COHPOHATIONS VKHY SLOW IN FILING HBTUKNS UNDKIl THE LAW. Under tho Act of Congress ap proved by tho President August 5, 1909, all incorporated companies are required to Mo a return beforo Itarch 1st next. Collector G. T. Davis, whoso District comprises twon ty counties in tho northeastern part of Pennsylvania, reports that many companies have na yet failed to fllo tho returns required by law. Barely two weeks remain In which to Mo' theso returns, and penalties will bo Imposed In nil cases where tho return Is not received on time. So particu lar la tho Treasury Department In this respect that Collector Davis has been notified that any return receiv ed by him on March 1st, having been mailed the day previous", must have the cnvelopo showing tho post mark at the ofllco whero tho samo was mnllcd attached to tho return In or der that tho company may avoid hav ing penalties assessed. No excuse whatever will bo accepted for failure to file the return on time, as all com- panics on record nave nnu uianns ; mid a copy of the Act mailed to them, and If they refuso or neglect to file the return, they will probably find their concerns In serious diffi culty. Companies alleging Ignorance of the law, or that no blanks were received will be treated as delinquent j corporations, and polinltlCS will in ! all such cases be assessed and collect-' ed. The olllcers or all incorporated ' concerns must Inform themselves as , to tho law and comply with It. WASHINGTON LKTTKU. Tho greatest anxiety prevails among thinking men In tho admin istration, including the leaders of Congress, regarding the forthcom ing decision of tho Supremo Court nf thn ITnltofl Rtntna In the p.iki nf the American Tobacco Compnny. If tho decision of tho lower court is sustained it will mean tho appoint ment of a receiver for the tobacco trust. The directors of that great corporation will be discharged from further responsibility and a receiver will assume charge of Its affairs, not for the purpose of administer ing them in the interest of stock holders, but for the purpose of wind ing up the affairs of the company of disposing of its assests, presumably to the highest bidder and of casting adrift on tho financial sea tho in-1 tegral parts of that groat aggrega-, Hon of conrerns. This will Inevita-f bly result In fearful loss to those who own the securities of the or ganization. Moreover, tho anima tion by the court of the last resort of the principle involved will leave the administration no alternative but immediately to institute suits against practically every concern which has been constructed on sim ilar lines. One does not need to be a pessimist to see a condition bordering on industrial chaos as a result of the disintegration of the chief corporations of the country. But if they are found to exist in violation of the law they must come down and it is President Taft's be - lief, that it is far better to seo somo chaotic conditions for a short time than to allow the Illegal corpora tions to obtain a grasp upon the country which might never be shak en off. COLES' STOICMS AND SIGNS. "Storms and Signs" (U. C. Coles, editor, Elmlra, X. Y.) for February, forecasts big storms, floods, Ico gor ges and blizzards, unfavorable health conditions, and planets In position to encourage evil doings. "February, 1910, finds our noble earth-ship (lowing her way majestically to the eastward through the House of Death in sign Leo, the king of tho "low ebb" vital forces, throwing sun into Aquarius, evening twilight Into Pis ces, and morning into Caprlcornus, Uranus and Neptune hold their posi tions, with only slight changes dur ing the whole year, but not so with the other planets. Mercury and Venus outrun tho earth, while the i other planets are longer In making I their trip. Mercury makes a com- pleto revolution In eighty-eight days; Venus In two hundred and twenty five days; Mars in six hundred and seventy-eight days, and Jupiter is in each sign on an average one year and I Saturn on an average of two and j one-half years. Mercury having be-j come a morning star in company ' with Jupiter will quicken up the I thoughts of men upon the financial problems now agitating the minds of the people, especially Jupiter char acters. Mars will cause stubbornness and a little selfishness on the parts of many. All the forces are on tho verge of a Vernal Impulse and tho planets are in a position to encour age ovil thoughts and evil doings. There will be twelve "low ebb" days, viz: 4th, 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 22d, 23d, and 24th. EIGHT KILLED IN WRECK. Two Fait Trains Corns Together on Georgia Railroad. Macon. Ga.. Feb. lO.-EIght ncrsous ! were killed and moro than twenty I were seriously hurt in a collision he-1 tween passenger trains on the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad, eight een miles south of here. Tho wreck was caused by the crew if one train disregarding orders and running by Brnino, a small station. The trains met at full speed. Both locomotives and the baggago and ex press cars were torn to pieces, and tho passenger coaches were piled In a heap. Capital Increased to $24,000,000. Albany, N. Y' Feb. 15. Tho Inter national Agricultural corporation of New York has certified to tho secre tary of statu that it has increased its capital 'stock from $15,000,000 to $24, 000,000. Bill to Increase Mercha't Marine. Washington, Feb. 15. A bill intro duced In tho senate by Senator Smoot of Utah proposes to add to the Ameri can merchant marine steamships of foreign build to the extent of 1,000, 000 tons displacement. LATIN AMKIUOA JUDflKI) UY 1T8 niHiiops. If there Is any moral need for maintaining Christian missions In tho Chinese Empire, says Mr. Hobert E. Spccr, "there is ten times more need In South Amorica." This leader of the Students' Voluntcor Movement has Just returned from a visit to tho southern hemisphere and his ac count of tho moral state of Latin Amorica shows that Its condition Is deplored by tho lenders of the Catho lic church from the Pope downwnrd. There Is in the facts themselves ur Bent demand for missionary endeavor frotn boti, branches of the Christian church. Mr. Speer reports that n l'asslonist father told "him that he thought Protestants ought to qomo and work side by side with the Ro man Catholics, as In this country. The South American people, It Is sat Q not object to the Monroe tlnr-trlne. lint thev tin nhlnrf in tho negative attitude of tho United States keeping the help of tho European nations out, but giving little con- 1 structlvo help herself." Concerning tho present condition of things, Mr. Speer quotes from a ' letter of tho Popo to tho clergy of I Chile. The passage runs thus: "In every diocese, ecclesiastics ' break all bounds and deliver them sleeves up to manifold sensuality, but no vnlrn Is 11 ft ml In lmnnrlniiKl V Klim mon the pastors to their duty, it lis sad to rellect that prelates, priests, and other clergy arc never to be found doing service among the poor, never in tho hospital, never in tho dwellings of the aflllcted or the dis tress, or engaged In works of bene flcence; that they are always absent whero human misery is, unless paid as chaplains or a foe is given. You, as clergy, are always to be found in the house of the rich, where gluttony is to be engaged in and whero good wines are to be .obtained." Almost in the same vein are the words of the Bishop of Carcas, taken from a pastoral letter The scandals in the parish or town take on unmeasured propor tion. The enemies of the church triumph because of the shameful evils of tho parochial priests, and good souls retire to groan in secret. It is revealed In the deserted churches. We should know that the ono cause of this humiliating delay Is none else than the hidden corrup tion of the heart and life of the priests." Mr. Speer, whose words form part of an address before tho convention of the Student Volunteers, reports that In Valparaiso he was told that 'only one-half of the priests in Chilo were men who were leading clean moral lives." Upon asking a priest in Colombia, he was told that "out of tho eighteen priests who were his own intimate friends, there was only one who was leading a clean moral I life." He gives somo figures that ip- dlcate the general moral condition of the Latin-American peoplo: "Latin America, especially South America, is a country of appalling illiteracy. The average illiteracy In the American nation, including tho children under ten years of age not in school, is 1C per cent.; the Repub lic of Brazil, is 85 per cent.; Argen tine Republic. 60 per cent.; Chile, 00 per cent.; Bolivia, 80 per cent. All of South America together has just about the population of Japan. In all South America there are 43,000 school-teachers and 2,000,000 pupils: while in Japan there aro 133,000 school-teachers and 6,000,000 pupils in the schools. Comparing Japan with South America, there are three times as many teachers and three times as many pupils In tho schools of Japan as In the schools of South Amorica. If our educational insti tutions are justified, as they are, in Japan, they aro threefold more justl- led, on the faco of tho facts, in bouth America "According to the last Government census, 18 per cent, of the population ' Brazil Is Illegitimate, 27.5 per cent, of the population of Uruguay, 50 per cent, of the population of Ecuador, and 58.5 per cent, of the population of Venezuela. Only G per cent, of British blood and only 7 per cent, of French blood nro thus tainted, but between 25 per cent, and 50 per cent, of tho blood of South America. I asked ray friends down in Buenos Aires what their experi ence was as to the morality of stu dent life in South Amorica. They said they could count on tho fingers of ono hand all the students whom they know who were leading unsulli ed moral lives. I made tho same in quiry about n college In China, and found that tho estimate was 50 per ct'nt- IlvlnS unsullied lives." T,1 Catholic forces in Latin America aro reported as " fearfully inadequate. Tnero nro uut 200 priests to the 6,000,000 peoplo of the great Republic of Argentine Mr. Speer continues: "Passing along more thnn 600 miles of tho Magdalena Rlvor. we found only four llttlo Catholic churches. Tho priests of Buenos Aires had actually nsked to bo allow ed to lny aside their clerical garb, because they wero so despised they ..i.i .. . , . i. .. ........ i tuutu 1IUL KUL IIUUI U1U JJUUJMU. J frlond of inino in clerical garb, a Protestant, was hiBsed at by tho school children who took him for a priest. A comic paper In Peru has for Its title, when n pun is mado of it, 'Thick-headed Priests,' and it Is taken up with tales of tho personal immoralities and scandals of tho life of tho clergy in Peru. As to church attendance, thero is not a man in tho United States or Canada where there aro not twico as many peoplo at church every Sunday as you will find in South America. I myself visited eighty Catholic churches In different parts ot South America. In not ono was thero a picture or a symbol of tho resurrection or tho ascension. I in every case unnsi was euncr ucau , unon the cross or ghastly dead in tho I crave. Whom Is tho llvlnir Christ. ono cries out again and again, and I no voice may give him reply." INTKHKSTINO CHUHCH 8TATIS- TICS. Last week's Issuq of the Christian Advacato contains somo Interesting I o.,..i.ina ,,,.i i. ..,.,.,.,,.. ;;,.:::,i.:rAV. of the leading Christian dcnomlmv Hons In this country. The compila tion was made by Itev. Dr. Carroll and Is regarded as nearly correct as It Is possible to mako It. Dr. Car roll shows that tho number of con gregations In tho United States was greater by 4,726 at tho end of 1909 than at Its beginning and that there were 4.02G more ministers anu 791, 000 more communicants. Tho aggre gate value of church property of all kinds at the close of the year was ?1,257, 575,807. The Incrcaso In tho value of Ho man Catholic property was $174, 515,441 or more than 147 per cent. Tho increase In tho valuo of Metho dist church property (tho largest shown by nny Protestant body) was en-7 oia c , T rm.n 1 1 n -i 1. 1 1 .... still hold first place aa to numbers, with 12,372,009 communicant J Next coma tho Methodist with 0,477.- 224 and after them tho Baptists with 5,510,590. Other religious bodies I rJ.ii ... i.. .i.i- follow, In this order: Lutherans 2, - 173.047, .Presbyterians 1,848.046. Episcopalians 921.713, Hoformed 442,509, Latter-Day Saints 400,650. United Brcthern 304,056. Jews 43. - 000. Dunkards 122,847, Friends (Quakers) 119,001, and Adventists ,(j (jqj ' The number of religious bodies- large and small-ln the United States vi, 1 oi n ht i a a number of small bodies appear 'for the first time in Dr. Carroll's tables; among them are the Jehovah Luth eran Synod, tho Reformed Methodist . Union Episcopal church, three ; churches of the Living God, uine Faith Associations, etc. Several lit tle communistic bodies and a Meth-1 odist body describing itself :is Evan gelist Missionary disappear from the Carroll tables. All thi3 goes to prove that this is a pretty good old world, after all. Tho common notion that there are twico as many women as men in the churches is an error, it appears. For the Roman Catholics the percen tages are women 50.7 and men 49 3 For the Protestant bodies they are women 61 (approximately) and men 39. Of tho Colored Primitive Bap tist 64.3 aro women, of the Protest ant Episcopalians 64.5, of tho Unt versalist 6i.6, of the Seven-Day Ad ventlsts 65.2, of tho Congregatlonal ists 65.9, and of the Christian Scien tists 72.4. A TRIP ON THE ERIE BV THEA TRICAL COMPANY. The manager of a theatrical com pany, who routed his stars! over the Erlo at a time when other lines were deporting late trains by reason of snow and cold weather, has written the following letter in appreciation of the service: "I feel eager to say a few words of praise in relation to the railroad movement and journey of my thea trical company on Sunday from Cin cinnati to Now York. One of the most delightful parts In connection with the journey was tho agreeable surprise on the part of most of tho members of tho company of tho ar rival of tho train at Jersey City on time. When tho notice of departure was placed on the call that the movement to New York would be ! made via the Erie Railroad, a dark cloud seemed to lower on tho little stage world of the unpleasant an ticipation of a long and tedious Jour-' ney and hours lato on arrival at des- 1 tluation. All this has been disillus- I ionized and It is safo to say that all who wero at first disinclined to trav el by tho Erie railroad are now the Erie's most loyal supporters. 1 "I would like to add a word of praise for everyono connected with the Erie Railroad for their exceed ing kindness and courtesy in their endeavors to make the Journey pleasant and comfortable conduc tors, porters and dining car employ ees were moro than eager to antici pate tho wish of everyono in tho party. "I shall always look back to this railroad Journey with tho most de lightful remembrances, and wish to renew my thanks to all." Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call today was ZSb per cent; time money and mercantile paper un changed In rated. Closing quotations of stocks on the New York exclmnce Feb. 14 were: Amal. Copper... "6H Noif. & West... 101 Tt Atchison 115V4 Northwestern ..15S II. & 0 I'enn. It. R 132i Ilrooklyn It. T . T3H Iteadlns lCI'i Ches. & Ohio.... SIU Rock Island 47ft C. .C..C.& St.U. 77 fit. Paid 145 D. &U 17IVt Southern Pao...l2i?i Krle :s?i Southern Ily.... 2S?i Oen. Klectr!c...,16l4 South. Ity. pf... 64 III. Central 141 Suear 12; Int.-Met S0H Texas Pacific... Louis & Nash... H3V4 Union Pacific.., 184H Manhattan 137 U. S. Steel 80 Missouri Iac... 70 U. S. Steel pf. . .110V4 N. Y. Central... 119 West. Union 7a Market Reports. BUTTER Firm on top grades; receipts, 6,523 packages; creamery, specials, ZSKc; extras, 27Hc; thirds to firsts, 24a27c.; state dairy, common to finest, 23a27c; process, firsts to.Bpeclals, 25a26c.; west ern, factory, seconds to firsts, 22a23Hc; Imitation creamery, 24a25Hc CHEKSK Firm; receipts. 611 boxes: state, full cream, fall make, specials, 1TV4 1 alSc; fancy, 17Uc; good to prime, lCVia lGUc; current make, best, UVialCc; com- 1 mon to fair, 13aUc; skims, 1H lbs. fall make, specials, 14c; good to prime, 13H& 14c; current make, best, llaKc; fair to good, SalOc.; common, 4a7c; full skims, Sa4c EGGS Steady; receipts, 11,743 cases; stato, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white, 2Sa37c; gathered, white, 2S&3So, hennery, brown and mixed, fancy. 2S29o.; gathered, brown, fair to prime, 37aSe.; western, firsts, 2CUc; seconds, JBHMa; refrigerator, firsts, 22a3o.; seconds, HK I COMMON QUIN1NK AS A I'HUKHCT ANICSTHKTIO. Kansas City, Feb. 11. Out of the 'over-Infected Jungles of tho back woods of Arkansas has come a medi cal discovery that may revolutionize surgical practice. An nnaesthetlc which the faculty of the University of Knnsns Medical colleges t.eclaros Is superior to any other in mpdlcal ..... , Ju'ln "T, 1 knowledge; one which throws stov- nine Into the class of short-lived sen sations, and which they Insist will cllmlnato cocaine from usu as a local anaesthetic, Is the gift to the world of Dr. Henry Thlbault. of Scott. I Ark. This now unncsthot'c is quinine common quinine which lias been i used for years as an Internal medi cine, but was novor known until re- cently as a pain killer. The most startling claims are , made for the now agent. The effect of uh.lne when injected locally lasts : for days, po that if toiiblls &, re ! moved, o- bones arc cut from the I nose, there la no after pain for many days. C'oiaine loses its power short ly after tho operation. Quinine Is I absolutely safe, as quarts of It may i ho used without poisonous offeit. , , " ' 1 ' ?n" d.0P' ,?V ? . . , th, I,1"'0, ! J' " 8 ' )tT0M revuntf 1 rn rhaf" fl" opera- tlo"f' c,0lB1InB lo th s ; The absolute vindication ot these i ! , ' ""8Jiais HT'f U' 1 V .i ' ,T . . ' ssor ' y"Sp' the Unlyersl y of ' ans le,f1' Co,'egef' I1,1 I j j?!"' 'r01 ' , ?, ,(! tne C ollege i ! n,lsI'unHnr1y') ' ntl U,V 1 Kur llrow- ster, special investigator. I j , Tfhe avAt , I,ubfn''. bv thef ! ,ctorB J1 frf',,ltS , S'X """.V ' ! of experiments in the college hospital and hoapltnl at II:llstei'- Kan A CHEAT ORATOR . Wheie the "He'lei" Wn Moie Im pressive '1'iiau the WoiiN. The ! r,ic 1 '''at a fin How of ora tory r ke to mo ,m0 ,.(-i was ainuMr My tx nullified .nr nif,ht A SCENE IN "Till THIRD DEC. UK Wllim WEDNESDAY MGII ON SU E MOM' HKMiY . It I' MS KM.. I' 11 E-I HI.. M ANIHtKW THOMPSON vct i-uiM-..vr. H9NES0ALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Oiganlzcri In December, 14 3C, iind Nationalized in December, ItiO-l. Since its organization It has paid in Dividends toitsiitock holder?, $I?905, OOO.OO The Comptroller of the Currency hns placed It on the IIUNOH ROLL, from the fact thut Its Surplus fund more then equals Its capital stock. hat o-lass are YOU In The world has always been divided into two classec those who have saved, Uiomi who have spent the thrifty and the extravagant. It is the eavr: who have built tho houses, tho mills, the bridges, the railroads, the shn.s and all the other Kreat works which stand for man a advancement and happiness. The spenders are slaves to the savers. It is the law of nature. We want you to be a saver to open an account in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business. at a meeting In West Philadelphia' sffys a Philadelphia papor. A noted speaker was appealing to a gathering, to give funds toward tho work of cleaning tho slums, making life heal thy and happy for the poor and oth er Utopian schcmei) of men and women whof) hearts throb with lon:.l:'- to help their kind. For half an hour he drew pictures of the conditions; ttun with expres sivo gestures and his voice throbbing with ufrthuslasm ho poured out a flow of rhetoric. "O ir duty, our flag, our country," dotted tlu speech with Italits Tho atdlence shouted and cheered, and tho womon wept, while n storm of applause swept the room when the speech was ovor. "That's going some, eh?" said one man to another in the cloakroom later. "l ine sentiments, real feeling grent, great!" "I'm so doaf," spoke up another, with disappoliittnont In his voice "that I couldn't hear. What did he say?" "Say say!" tttatumerod the nth crs, looking Into each other's fat es. "Why he -he or hanged If I know!" And to this day they don't know. It was only the "holler"" that got them, not the words. This Is, however, what makes the orator. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. Notice Is hereby given that an ap plication will he made to the Presi dent Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, on the 10th day of March, 1910. at 10 o'clock, under the provisions of the Corpora tion Act of 1874, and Its supple ments, for a charter for an intended corporation to be called The White .Mills Woodmen Association, the character and object of which are for lodge purposes and for social en joyment, and for these purposes to have, pof'-oss and enjoy ail tho rights, benefits and tvil es con ferred by the salu Act and ihe sup plements thereto. C. A. GARRATT. Solicitor K." tt'Ku II VPPEARS AT THH T. I E IH YH 'I'lIK 211. SEATS U I I'C. l-.HWJN T TOHlih'Y CA-illlH! Al RKItT I', l.l.M'SAV ASSISTANT! t IIIL1I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers