The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 16, 1910, Image 3

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Conspicuous among the Interesting
exhibits at tho Electrical Show to bo
held In tho First Regiment Armory,
Hrond and Callowhlll streets, Phila
delphia, from February 14th to 2fith,
will bo tho dictograph, an Invention
that has been adopted by tho United
States Secret Service and by largo
banks and other Institutions, where
esplonngo upon visitors is regarded
as of ndvnntngu to those in chnrgo.
Tho Instrument was shown to King
Kdwnrd Inst year and Its varied uses
demonstrated for him and Queen
Alexandria in Rucklngham Palace.
K. M, Turner, tho inventor, recently
went abroad for tho purpose of giv
ing King Victor Emanuel n similar
demonstrations at the Qulrlnal, at
the lutter's special Invitation.
The Instrument magnifies sound
and enables tho fnintest whisper in a
room to bo heard with distinctness in
the remote part of any building with
which it is equipped. In this connec
tion it la now used by one of the best
known financiers of tho world In his
oillce In Wall street. Now York. Tho
diaphragm of tho Instrument in his
ofTico is concealed In nn Ink well
which Is secretly connected with a
wire that carries the conversation
between the financier and his callers
to a distant room whore a stenogra
pher at a receiving station trans
cribes It in her note book, unknown
to tho visitor. Thus tho" financier
has a faithful record of everything
said by himself and ills caller, re
specting the great financial deals that
daily ougago his attention. In a
similar way the invention is being
employed by Chief YvMlkic, of the
Secret Service and by the presidents
of many of the largest banks and
trust companies in the companies and
Another unique feature of tho in
strument Is tho opportunity it offers
a business man using it to dispense
with the personal attendance oi a
stenographer in his office. Sitting at
his desk or walking leisurely about
his office, he can dictate his corres
pondence to his stenographer in an
other part of tho building. This can
bo accomplished without talking di
rectly into the machine or coming
In contact with it in any way, the
speaker often being 20 or 30 feet dis
tant from the Instrument.
The inventor has arranged to in
stnl it In several of tho large hotels
of New York and other cities for the
purpose of paging guests In various
parts of the building. He is also
planning to introduce It generally
into tho rooms of several hotels in the
Theatre district of New York, so as
to enable the guests to be entertain
ed by music from adjacent play
houses, in which comic operas are be
ing produced.
Another Important application of
tho wonderful invention to which it
will bo adapted in the spring, for
which arrangements aro now under
way, will be as an adjunct o Alio U.
S. Signal Corps In important military
manoeuvres. A dictograph secreted
in a bush or tree alonslde of the road
will enable the army using it to de
termine the approximate size of a
marching force by fixing tho time It
takes to pass a given point. When
placed at the fork of a road it will
also help in determining the direc
ion of the enemy'3 movement.
In this connection it will prove in
valuable, military experts believe, in
time of war. Inventor Turner snys
that if Napoleon could have had the
invention as an auxiliary of his army
the disaster at Waterloo would have
boen averted and Blueher's delay In
joining him discounted in advance.
As soon as ho returns from Ills
visit to King Victor Emanuel, Mr.
Turner intends to take up the ques
tion of installing tho instrument In
tho Executive offices at Washington,
so that President Taft, seated at his
desk, may hear the debates in the
Senate and House of Representatives
and thus keep In touch with every de
velopment of the legislation In which
he is Interested.
Ho has In mind also a similar in
stallation In several of the state capl
tolB for tho use of the Executive who
desires to have up to the minute In
formation concerning the activities
of tho State Legislatures.
Demonstrators will be on hand
during the exhibition and will show
tho manifold commercial and other
use: to which the Invention lends
A ten-thousand dollar bill was lost
ta t Saturday in tho Wnll Street dis
trict nigger sums have been lost In
the rame neighborhood without
creating half the disturbance. For a
few minutes after tho loss had been
flashed on the tlckor, tho Pollco De
partment, tho Plnkertons, nnd a doz
en amateur sleuths, to say nothing of
all tho banks In tho city, tho New
York Clearing House, and tho Sub
Treasury were trying to recover It.
Tho bill was lost by a messenger
boy In tho employ of the Now York
and Boston Stock Exchange houso of
Hornblower & Weeks, at 42 Rroad
wny About 11 o'clock Saturdny
morning a client of tho firm bought
a quantity of stock. It was a cash
transaction and ho offered in pay
ment a ton-thousand-dollar bill, Tho
cashier decided to deposit tho money
at onco in tho National City Hank, at
f5 Wall street. Calling a messenger
boy who has been employed by tho
firm for six months and whoso name
Is withheld for tho present, tho cash
ier sent him with a regular deposit
book In which the bill was folded,
to tho bank. That was at 11:30
o'clock In tho morning. Twenty min
utes later tbo boy ran into tho brok
erage office out of broatb and bis
face a stcklsh white.
Tvo lost it," ho gasped.
"Lost what?" asked the startled
"Tho 10,000," replied tho boy.
Then ho fainted.
Thero was an lmmedlato consulta
tion among tho heads of tho firm.
Manager John W. Prentice tried
a sort of third degree Inquisi
tion on the frightened messenger
boy. At first tho boy said ho had
gone straight to tho bnnk without
opening tho deposit book and, upon
reaching thero, had found the mon
ey gone. Pressed by Mr. Prentice,
he finally admitted that ho had
stopped In the street to show the bill
of largo denomination to a friend,
a messenger for nnother firm. Soon
a couple of other boya came along
and all wanted to see the bill. Ono
suggested thnt It bo passed around
so they could say they hnd handled
a ten-thousand-dollar bill. Finally
tho boy got the money back Into tho
book, he said, and started for tho
Ho handed the book to the cnshler,
ho said, but was Informed that It
didn't contain nny thing. He was
sure none of the other boys had ab
stracted It, and ho couldn't explain
how ho had lost it.
Manager Prentice then called In
the Plnkertons ami tho police. The
messenger boy was taken to Police
Headquarters and questioned by In
spector McCnfferty. He told the In
spector the names of tfio boys who
had stopped him and the circum
stances of his journey to the bank.
Detectives were sent out to find tho
boys whilo others from both Head
quarters and the Plnkerton agency
searched along the route tho messen
ger boy had passed. All the banks
in tho city, the New Y'ork Clearing
House, nnd the Sub-Treasury wero
Informed of the loss of the bill "and
told to be on the lookout for any
one trying to pass it.
"I am sure wo will get the bill
back," said Manager Prentice. "If
it was lost In the street some one Is
sure to find It sooner or later, and if
it was stolen no one can pass It or
get it chnnged without the fact be
coming known. The numbers of all
ten-thousand-dollar bills aro kept at
tho Sub-Treasury in New Y'ork as
well as at Washington and if any ono
presents this particular one It Is suro
to be discovered. Fortunately wo
kept tho number of the bill.
No trace of the bill has yet been
Tho new Bucknell University
cataloguo now In press shows an at
tendance of over 700 students, of
whom 527 are in the College. There
are over fifty Instructors in the
various departments. The chief
event of the year was the opening of
East College, devoted chiefly to En
gineering, erected at a cost of ?Gf,-
Among the patrons of tho Univer
sity who havo contributed ten thous
and dollars or more are Samuel A.
Crozer, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew
Carnegie, Gen. Charles Miller, Col.
John J. Carter, Henry Klrke Porter,
David Porter Leas, in nddltion to the
Bucknell family.
Tho trustees have decided that the
next financial movement to be under
taken by them will be an increase of
the active capital.
A tract of over 3.000 acres in the
Pocono region of Pike and Monroe
counties has been suggested to the
War Department as an available site
for the Joint maneuvers of tho Reg
ulars and State Militia this year, and
from Information gained here, ofll
cers will shortly bo detailed to in
spect it, says a dispatcfi from Har
risburg. Tho property lies in tho vicinity
of Tobyhanna, and is said to be ad
mirably adapted for instruction of
soldiers in the rough nnd ready
work of mimic warfare. A consid
erable portion of it is cleared, but
there is a large acreage of brush
and woods. Tho water is said to bo
excellent and the general country
such as troops would encounter In
actual service Tho property was
looked over last year by guard offi
cers, who aro said to havo declared
It well suited and a short time ago
tho attention of the Regular Army
officials was directed to It. As soon
as the weather breaks It will bo
looked over. One of tho big ad
vantages Is said to bo Its proximity
to rnilroads and natural features,
the combination being almost ideal.
Tho instruction camp this year
will be for tho guards of Pennsyl
vania, Maryland and Virginia, act
ing with regulars, and tho camp will
be located In ono of the three states,
Last year the State was represent
ed at Pino Plains, N. Y.. which will
bo used by .New Y'ork and New Eng
land soldiers and rogulars this yenr,
the three states having their own
camp of 1910.
Roth Maryland and Virginia havo
been active in endenvoring to securo
the camp and a number of sites havo
beon suggested by their officials, but
none are said to bo as well adapted
as tho Pocono tract.
Tho designation of what troops
wjll take part of tho manoeuvers
would be entirely In the hands of
bovernor Stuart.
DREN. Ono child 1b selected as postman.
This player is blindfolded, and the
others sit around the room in a
circle. Tho hostess, or some other
grown person, acts as postmistress,
and gives to each child tho name
of a city or town. Tho blind post
man is led to tho mlddlo of the
circle, and tbo postmistress takes
a position where buo can Bee most
of tho players. She then calls: "I
havo sent a vnlentlno from Boston
to Denver," for cxnmplo, nnd the
children representing theso cities
change plnccs as quickly nnd qulot
ly ns possible. Tho postman tries to
catch ono of them ns they run, nnd
If ho succeeds in doing this, or In
Bitting In ono of the empty chairs,
tho child who Is caught or whoso
chair he has taken becomes post
man. Tho retiring postman Is re
warded by a hcart-shnpod valentine
slipped Into a little heart-shaped en
velope and addressed "to my vnlen
tlno." If a child romalns seated
when his nnme is called, ho must
take tho postman's place.
Snvanniili, (la., Cripple, Has An Of
fer of $;00,000 for tin; Secret.
Washington, Feb. 12. Confiden
tially nssertlng that after fifteen
years experimenting he has discov
ered a process whereby black roses
may be grown, Dennis Tapple, a
hopeless cripple from Savannah,
Ga., is in Washington to obtnln, if
possible, a patent upon his discov
ery. Ho was preceded by a letter writ
ten by Colonel A. R. Lawton, vice
president of the Central Rnllroad of
Georgia, who has interested himself
in Tapple's claims, nnd who lias ask
ed Representative Edwards of Geor
gia, to take charge of the matter be
fore tho Patent office. This Mr.
Edwards will do, assuring the crip
ple, who has made key rings all his
life for a living, that his Invention
will receive the same zealous guard
ianship as though he wero Thomas
A. Edison himself.
The black rose is something for
which the world has been waiting
for a long time. The discoverer
says that within the past month he
has been offered $500,000 for his
secret the day It is protected by pat
ent, but ho Is going slow In accept
ing any offers.
(Published at the request of U. S.
Secretary of State.)
The Department of State, at
Washington, has received a report
from the American Consul-General at
Barcelona, Spain, in regard to the
band of swindlers operating in vari
ous towns and cities in Spain, who
make a practice of writing to per
sons in the United States respecting
the imprisonment of a relative arid
the guardianship of a child.
The Consul-General states that the
alleged prisoner generally describes
himself as a political prisoner from
Cuba; he is at tho point of death and
has but one friend the prison priest
through whose gopd offices he is
enabled to smuggle an occasional
letter out of tho prison fort.
The prisoner is rich, Ho has a
fortune In cash on deposit In the
United States, but the certificate of
deposit is concealed in a secret re
ceptacle of his valise; tho valise it
self has been taken possession of by
the court at Carthagena, which tried
and condemned him, and will be held
until tho prisoner or his represen
tative has satisfied the costs of the
trial. Tho prisoner has an only
daughter; dying In his prison, his
sole thought is of his beloved off
spring. He has no friend or relative
in Spain to whose care he can com
mit her. In this emergency his
thoughts turn to the distant rela
tive in tho United States whom he
hns never seen and of whom he
knows only through hearsay or the
family tree. Will the distant rela
tive assume tho guardianship of the
darling daughter, and the darling
daughter's fortune of about ?30,000?
If the distant re.lntlvo accepts the
trust one-fourth of the prisoner's en
tiro fortune will be the materia, re
ward. Tlio good priest will go at
onco to tho United States and take
tho darling daughter with him. There
Is but one condition: tho ready
money which tho prisoner brought
with him to Spain has been exhaust
ed; tho distant relative Is therefore
requested to send enough to liberate
tho vnliso containing the secret re
ceptacle and the certificate of do-
poslt. This money is to bo sont to
tho good priest at an address indi
cated, and, having received it, the
good priest will nt onco secure tho
vnliso and start for Amorica, the
" land or tho free and tho homo of
tho brave," with tho darling daugh
ter. The above Is generally the first
letter of the scries. It is quickly
followed by another in which tho
prisoner pathetically states that his
strength Is rapidly falling nnd tho
end is near. Ho beseeches IiIb detr
distant relative to assumo tho trust
and bo a loving father to tho darling
daughter. Tho third letter Is from
tho good priest himself, who In brief,
touching terms, and hopelessly bad
English, nnnounces tho death of the
unhappy prisoner; tho good priest
adds that tho darling daughter is
under his care. Ho is ready to put
his promlso into execution and Btart
for the United States as soon as ho
shall havo received tho nocessnry
funds from tho dlBtant relative Tho
good priest frequently incloses with
his letter a bogus newspaper clipping
announcing tho death in prison nt
Barcelona of tho famous Cuban pa
triot (sometimes called Augustln
Laflento); tho newspaper notice also
speaks cunningly of tho confiscated
vnliso and tho darling daughter.
If Is a simple scheme, but present
ed in such a plausible way that air
most any unsuspecting "distant rel
ative" of European extraction would
bo more or less deceived by tho glad
prospect of falling heir to the agree
able custody of a darling daughter
with a big fortune, and a one-fourth
Interest therein ns an additional re
compense. Naturally tho first lmpulso of the
distant relatlvo is to ask a lawyer
or n Judgo, or some authority what
course ho ought to pursue In tho
premises, but as ho thinks of doing
this his attention Is taken by tho
warning In the prisoner's letter bo
seechlng him not to mention tho mnt
tor to nny living soul lest tho secret
of tho vallso and tho hidden rcccp
taclo bo Indlscreotly betrayed.
Tho valise, after all, with Its con
cealed cortlflcato of deposit, Is the
key to tho situation and possession
must bo taken of It before anything
can bo done or snld. This (so cun
ningly set forth by the prisoner) In
very evident to the distant relative,
and so ho qulto frequently preserves
tho secret Intnct, and instead of con
sulting a lawyer or writing to tho
Amorlcnn Consul-General at Bar
celona ho quietly uend3 a draft for
tho sum demanded to the good priest
anil awaits results. Of courso he
waits In vain, and tho poor, dead
prisoner nnd tho good priest and tho
darling daughter In tho courso of
time pass out of his life forever, leav
ing him only an uncomfortable mem
ory of tho money ho so cheerfully
contributed to the confidence gnme.
For nearly twenty years these
same knaves have been practicing
their swindle, and it is needless to
suggest that they aro very carefully
organized; they havo confederates
not only In the United States but In
most other countries. Tho confed
erates In question select a man nnd
find out all they can about htm; they
get hold of family names, family
origin, and family characteristics.
This information is transmitted to
the rascals in Spain, and letters are
at once written to the prospective
victim. The scheme Is presented
and developed In a very plausible
way and many of our' fellow-countrymen
have "bitten" promptly and
Under the Spanish laws a felony
must be consummated before the
police may act, and a mere attempt
to obtain money by false pretenses
does not appear to warrant arrest.
Tho money must be actually paid
over and the prosecuting witness
must be present in propria persona
to testify; otherwise prosecution
would be useless.
Recently the letters written to the
distant relative have varied some
what from the original; tho political
prisoner having become a noted Rus
sian banker who absconded, leaving
a deficit of some millions of roubles,
killed in a quarrel in England an
othor Russian, and finally took ref
uge in Spain, where he was appre
hended and charged with man
slaughter. This change of character, however.
Is Immaterial, and in the future more
new characters will probably be In
troduced by the gang. The scheme
Verbatim Copy of n Letter Written
by One or the "Hreml Line."
The following letter from a
typical member of the "Down
and Out" Club at the Bowery
Mlssiou, recently visited by
President Tnft, throws a flood
of light on the hard experi
ences of the homeless In the
great metropolis. The letter
was addressed to the Financial
Secretary of the Mission.
New Y'ork, Dec. 20, 1909.
Dear Sir: Tho writer of those lines,
a German oillce clerk, Is without em
ployment since about August 1, 1909.
Last Saturday night another poor
man, who slept beside mo In the
park, said that Mr. John C. Earl, of
tho Bowery Mission, would help me,
if I told him my wife was sending
mo money from Germany to come
back home. I had eaten nothing
that day, and tho police put mo off
tho seat, so I lost the other man nnd
walked about all night by myself. I
could get nothing on Sunday to eat,
and if you had not given mo that
food on Monday I think I would
hae died.
From about August 10th I havo
beon walking from olflco to office,
from factory to factory, without re
sult. My monoy, saved during the
time I had beon working, Is now al
ready about ten days gone, and only
with tho greatest economy I could
keep It so long. Since I am "down
nnd out," I only was eating "freo
lunch." At noon time I would ven
ture Into a crowded saloon, whero
tho lunchmnn was too busy to see if
you had a glass of beer or not, nnd I
would take a plate of soup and some
bread, nnd In tho ovonlug 1 eat cold
"freo lunch."
Tho hardest thing for a poor man
without a homo is how nnd whore to
spend tho night. After nbout 5:30
p. in., when the offices were closed,
I went to tho rending room In Coop
er Union and stood there, usually till
10 o'clock. When thero was any ser
vico in a German Protestant church,
I went to church; Hometimes I hnvo
also been In a Gospel meeting of the
Wesley Rescuo Mission or tho Bow
ery Mission. When It wns too cold
to walk the streets, or mining, I
would spend 5 cents for beor, If I had
It, In a saloon on tho Bowery, where
you can havo freo lunch and sit the
whole night for that C cents. In
those saloons you can see nil classes
and characters of people poor men
of all ages, sitting sleeping on a
chair, or laying on a newspaper on
tho floor, who I do know would pro
for a bed to a drink, and who were
nnxlous to obtain work of any kind.
I have been In tho Bowory Mission
Bread Line several times. Wo would
stand about ono hour or moro out
side, till tho doors oponod, and me
and the other poor men wero all so
glad when it was one o'clock; hun-
gry nnd freezing mon, all waiting for
n cup of hot coffee and rolls. You
enn believe me that it Is not so ngrco
ablo to stand ono hour or longer out
sldo on tho street In this winter time,
without anything In the stomach,
freezing nnd slinking on tho whole
body. Some in this Bread line aro
well educated, and hnve seen better
times, like me. Most of tho men
praised the Bread Line, and a few
woro making fun of It. 1 can
say, for my part, that no poor mnn
cnu be thankful enough for this In
stitution; nnd how different you feel
after having hnd a hot cup of coffee,
that makes you feel better and warm
er! Out of the conversation of somo
men 1 heard that, after having had
their cup of coffee and rolls, they
would try to get back on tho end of
the lino to securo nnothor portion.
I cannot say if they have been lucky
In their trial; 1 never was. I went,
after having had my portion, down
town to got me the first morn
ing paper and look for a position,
the same as the other men did.
I repeat once more that I praise
the Lord for the night that I heard
J of you. In my country, Germany,
I thero are not so many poor men as
mere are acre in mis city, jvory poor
man lias a home or a bed; also there
Is more work. I have been employ
ed in the greatest cities of Germany
in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne,
Bremen, etc. but have never seen so
mnny men without work as in Now
York; also, 1 Imagine thnt it Is eas
ier to securo a position in tho old
country, therefore I wrote home to
my wife for a ticket to go back to
Germany. Thanking you for kind
ness done to me, and begging your
pardon for disturbing you so long, I
remain. Very respectfully yours,
When work opens up on the
farms, we will ship thousands of
these men to where their labor is in
demand: but, in the meantime, any
I assistance you can render In helping
us to tide them over the remainder
of the winter will bo gratefully re
ceived by John C. Earl, Financial
Secretary of the Bowery Mission, 02
Bible House. New York City.
by local applications, as they can
not reach the diseased portion of the
ear. There is only one way to cure
deafness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caus
ed by nn inflnmed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian
Tube. When this tube is Inflnmed
you have a rumbling sound or im
perfect hearing, and when it is en
tirely closed, Deafness Is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to
Its normal condition, hearing will
bo destroyed forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by Catarrh, which
is nothing but an inflamed condition
of tho mucous surfaces.
Vte will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of Deafness (caus
ed by catarrh) that cannot bo cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure.. Send for
circulars, free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
or the
At the dose of business, Jnn. III. 11)10.
Loans ami Discounts $ ffl2,9S5 S5
Overdralts.secured nnd unsecured -i 00
IJ. S. Itonds to secure circulation. 55.000 00
Premiums on V. S. r.onils 2.NX) 00
Honda, securities, etc 1,371,531 Si
Hanklns-liousc, furniture and fix
tures 10.000 00
Due from National Hunks (not
lteserve Agents) .. . J.fWI S3
Due from b'tuteuml Private Hanks
ami Hankers. Trust Companies,
anil Savings Hanks '.'to 5S
Due from approved reserve
agents iai 10 fti
Checks ami other casli Items 1.311 U)
Notes ot other National Hanks.. 075 00
Fractional paper currency, nick
els anil cents SO Co
lawful Money Reserve in Hank,
viz : Hecle itSlMli 00
I. ei-al tender notes U.75U 00- SS.SSI M
Iicdcmptlou fund with U. S.
Treasurer, (5 per rent, of circu
lation) Z.7W 00
Due Iiom U. H. Treasurer 7WJ 00
Total $;S
U aiiii.JTIKs.
Capital Stock paid in 150.000 00
Surplus fund 150,000 00
Undivided prollts, less expenses
and taxes puld 70,0:17 Hi
National Hank notes outstanding sa.:!U no
State llatik notes outstanillnL' ... KK) 00
Due to other National Hanks iiiJO 57
Individual deposits subject to
cheek $l.Kl.UkI iSS
Demand certlllcatesot
deposit L1i.7rJl on
Certified checks 55 00
Cashier's checks out
standing Mil 17-I1.511.U2 15
llonds borrowed None
Notes and bills redlseounted None
Hills payable, tiicludliu; certltl
cates of deposit for money bor
rowed None
I.lahlllt lesot her than those above
stated None
Total 1.1UI.9ICKS
Btnte of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss.
I, II. Z, ItlssKLi,, President of the above
named Hank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the best ot my
knowledge and belief.
II. Z. Russell. President.
Subscribed and sworn to before mu this
2nd day of Fob. 1U10,
W. R. STONE. N. V.
Correct-attest :
II. T. Mbnnkk. J-Dlrcctors.
Louis J, DOIirLINQEUj xuwt
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District of Pennsylvan
ia. Ldwln I). Prentice. Wayne County, l'a.,
a bankrupt under tho Act of Concress of
July 1. 1SW, bavin? applied for u lull dis
charge from all debts provable aL'alnst his
estate under said Act. notice Is hereby t'lven
to all known creditors and other persons in
nterest. to upiar before the said Court at
ff.I".1!'"'1" said District on the 15th day of
FKMlUAHY.atlQ o'clock in the forenoon,
to show cause. If any they have, why the
prayer of the said petitioner should not be
7t3 Clerk.
Ofllce, Masonic building, second floor
Honesdale. l'a.
omceovcr post otllce. All local business
promptly lit tc uded to. Honesdale l'a.
Oillce Liberty Hall bulldlm;, opposite the
Post Oillce. Ilonerdalc. l'a. ,
OIHec over Kelt's Btorc. Iloncsdale Pa.
Oillce ver Post Oillce. Honesdale. l'a
Special and prompt uttentioti clvrn to the
collection of claims. Oillce over Itclf'
store. Honesdale. l'a.
Oillce over the nost oillce Honesdale. l'a.
Ollice in the Court House, Honesdale
Patents and pension" sctured. "Ulco in the
Schucrhulz bulldlm: Honesdale. Pa.
F:ter h. iloff,;
Oillce Second floor old Savings link
bulldlm:- Honesdale. l'a.
Ofllce Next dcor to j i tt 1 il-te. former!
occupied bv W H. Diiuu.ii V. lltnesdale. l'a
Oniee First floor, old Savlnss Hank build
in;:. Honesdale. l'a.
Dr. C; it. HKADY. Dentist. Honesdale. Pa.
Office IIouns-8 m. to v. in
Any eveninc by appointment.
Citizens' phone. 33 Residence. No. HI-X
Oilli e and residence 1011) Court street
telephones'. OllJce Hours ftCO to l:M) and
li to to H:oo. v. in.
T 1 VERY. b red. U. Rickard has re
1J moved hia livery establishment from
corner Cluucli street to Whitney's Stone
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Oillce: Second iloor Masonic Build
int?, over C. C. Jadwin's drug store.
IF you don't insure ivtih
us, we both lose.
White Mills Pa.
At Home. Don't Send
It Away tc the Mail
Order Man.
We have the tort of tooth brushes that are
made to thoroughly cleanse and save the
TIipj urn the kind that clean trrth Iwlthont
eaviug Tour mouth full ot bristles.
V recommend those costln? 23 cents or
more, as we can ruarantee them and will re
nluce, tree, any thai than Uetectsiof manu
facture, within three months.
tur within t.
( PI
Opp.D. A 11. StatUa HONESDALE, PA