The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 11, 1910, Image 7

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    THIS CITIZEN, Fill HAY, ncmtUAiiY 11, 1010,
1 Tobias Jarvey's !
I Day of Rest I
un mi .mi mi mi -it J.
The Count Tobla Francois Xavlcr
do la Jarvts sat pondering In Ills
ncnntlly furnished room on the top
floor of an old brick gabled building
In the heart of what was once Green
wich village. Prom his chair ut th
dusty window giving on Coinmetcs
street he had noted the honio-coiiiii.g
of more thon one wage-earner, laden
with bundles and fairly beaming with
the spirit of the season.
In the dooryard of the house just
below ho had seen a young woman
and her two children fairly maul an
elderly couple grandparents, of
course pulling them up the steps de
spite their complacent protestations.
And he knew that the peculiar flat
bundle which grandma carried so gin
gerly contained one or more pumpkin
Dies, and that the stout genial grand-
slre'a pockets were Uden with ail I
sorts of home-made goodies. ,
The count sighed. He walked lo a I
bureau and took from the upper draw
er a fragrant old brlerwood and n
pouch of tobacco f.iled and lighted tne
pipe and returned to the window,
where ho stood looking down the side
walk, puffing thoughtfully. There was
food for thought, for below him he
could see the rhomboidal form of Sirs.
Amaryllis James, industriously plying
her broom to the lower tep. Mis.
James was a good soul; the count had
gained that knowledge from many a
sidewalk conversation. And then, too,
when he had mending to do, which
variably detected before the fact nun
the quick eye of Mr.i James had In
occurred to him, she was ever ready
with her needle, which. hided, to the
count's deep annoyance, wu beiom
ing more and more iudispc.isab e to
his sartorial welfare.
Twice In the months he lud k; own j
jurs. james nan tie purmittel liimsti;
tne luxury of a visit in her comfo ta
ble apartments on the lirst ' oor. and
each time upon making his rtopartiir
the impression was stronp that he
had achieved a strategic retreat.
There were clear suspicions us to the
nature that he had made his escape,
and Indeed, upon reclpt of his trouserr,
the last time Mrs. James had patched
them, she had indited a note so strong
in veiled suggestion that the count
was moved to reply in a manner which
he trusted would achieve the result
of protecting him from such episto
lary attentions or intentions in the
future, while at the same time re
taining the services of her needle.
"Remember the aloofness of rank,"
he wrote. "Consider that the lilies of
France are at heights remote. Look
ahead, not upward, and behold, it is
the arrow that pierces the bleeding
heart, not a needle."
All of which we dare say may have
been read by Mrs. James, according
as she felt. De that as It may. the
Count Tobis de la Jarvls, which the
siren of the lower floor had construed
into Tobias Jarvey, was Btrongly mov
ed by the holiday spirit, and when he
weighed Mrs. James's Invitation to
"break bread" with her the following
day, against the prospect of dining
alone, and sparing perforce, at a
Bleecker street table d'hote, the bal
ance Inclined strongly In favor of the
hospital board of Amaryllis James,
casting dice witn fate though it might
As he stod immersed in thought
there came a ray of assurance.
"After all," he murmured, "one has
but to be a man, to arm himself with
man's strength. It is but to know
when to retreat that is the secret of
all great soldiers' successes. Tiens!
There was. she said, to be turkey,
and of the sauce cranberry and
and that the madame is talented as a
cook there is little to doubt. Mais
non ! Am I a fly to enter a web? Kb,
blen, if a lly am I it Is of strengthy
wings. So I go Non; not
o" your life upon, as the paying is. I
dine at M. Gatin's.
Gatin's Bleecker street table d'hote
at one o'clock the next afternoon was
blue with tobacco smoke, and a 'cello
and violin struggled bravely with a
chanson de vin. There was laughter,
and the poppinn of corks, and bursts
of son. But the count's fa
vorite scat was vacant.
He was not there, in short, and in
seeking him it Is pleasant to turn
from this scene of Gallic revelry to
the simpler, quieter precincts where
love, perchance, sits dreaming over
a needle, where the silence is un
broken Bave by the soporliic wheeze
of the tea-kettle or the purring of a
cat and the steady monotony of a
rocking-chair's creak. The cat. in
deed, purred in comfort and content
ment. Amaryllis James purred In com
fort and contentment. She was sew
ing with placid mien. She was piec
ing In the frayed eudi of "Tobias Jar
vey's" coatBleeves - she murmured
the name repeatedly to herself- -piecing
in the end of tbe sleeve with
pieces of sllesla.
Nearby In an rmchalr sat the count
himself, smoking and gazing vacantly
into the stove. He was comfortable,
too and contented. Hl3 pipe was
drawing well, and the savory odor
of turkey and cranberries and pota
toes and turnips and pumpkin pies
blended in one great, grand, sweet
suggestion of gastronomic felicities to
come, doubly Impressive, inasmuch as
the count had not dined over well for
several days.
To replace the ooat In process of
construction, Mr. James had loaned
him a garment from tbe wardrobe of
the late Iamnte4 John James, who
haJ marrlsd hr Juit in time to b
itow upon hoc ts iMitti f a pen
sion which a grateful government '.mt!
awarded In recognition 01 rheumatism
Incurred many yenra nfler the Inter
fcclno unpleasantness had ceni.ed
Then, too, ns the Kood womni enjoyed
as n scamstrcFs not n I; 'le vogue
among those of the neighborhood who
went in for such luxuries as diers
makers, she considered herself otnl
nlntly eligible for the hand of the
most exalted noble In France. She
had rend of such thing'. Romance,
whicli is to sny novels of tender Im
port, wns a weakness and she wrote
poetry. It may be gathered thnt her
warrlcr husband, honest, plodding
John James, hnd quite failed of Ail
ing a generous emotional voll.
The olfactory hints of the dinner
Ml prepared and ready for serving
tempted the count's quivering nos
trils until nothing hut his Innntc gal
lantry prevented him from suggesting
that the hour fo dinner was wnning.
lie became restive. Nevertheless it
would all come In good time, and he
had planned his eampaign : he would
eat, and then under plea of the five
o'clock engagement, he would make
his adieus. Hut the hostess still sat
placid, sewing.
Finally the count shifted hla feet.
"It will be time for the serving of
dinner before the serving of the
viands has bee ruined by delays,
which I mean to nay ahem is that
my appreciation of your cuisine en
gages but impatiently in the combat,
my dear madame. with the patience
of your hospitality."
Mrs. James thrust her needle in
the emery bag, and gazed at him. a
blush mantling her expanbive chcckB
from out of which, as though seeking
escape, rose the snub end of a thort
"How well, how very well that coat
or poor John's Ms you. To Mr. To
bias." "Jarvls Jarvls. my dear madame,"
corrected the old gentleman. You for
get I fear that it is not Tobias, but
Jarvls, M. Jarvls."
"M. Jarvey," said Mrs. James. "Dear
me! I was UinKing that that coat
fitted you as well as it fitted poor
John. U were as the mantel of KMJah
had descended upon your shoulders.
Do you know. Mr. Jarvey, I think it
fits you even better than It did John.
Poor John, he looked so distinguished
In it! And you! Tob "
The count moved uneasily. The
deft grace with which she had evaded
consideration of the tardy dinner, and
skipped to more personal matters,
frightened him. He half rose in his
"Is it that the garment overcomes
you with afflicted emotions? I am
most sorry. I shall take, it oft, maybe,"
he said moving as though to carry out
his suggestion.
"No, no. Set down; remain seated,
Count Toby Tobias, I mean. I have
felt so happy to see you setting there
just like John. You would seem to
fill his place so admirably." Mrs.
James had ceased plying her needle
and was looking at the count over her
When a fish is jerked out of the
water in a net and landed on the
ground It flounders about wildly and
blindly In an Instinctive search for
it3 natural element. The count's
plight may be likened to the pisca
torial dilemma above described. He
was versed in the subtler ways of life.
He could turn the edge of an innuen
do with graceful nonchalance and he
could launch one with equal Insouci
ance. The batting of an eye the shrug
of a shoulder sometimes meant whole
sentences, whole stories. Dut the
blunt, direct ways of the American
diplomacy as exemplified by Mi's.
James left the count no tactical loop
hole. Then, too, he had ever before
him the blendea aroma of that wait
ing feast.
He exclaimec at length, "I fill M.
Ja I seem to fill M. James's place.
It is quite impossible, madame. Much
as I love "
"Ah, Tobias,' interrupted Mrs.
James with rising inflection, "you
was sayln' "
"What, indeed," replied Jarvls, "oth
er than that I love to feel, madame,
that I suggest to yo'u reverede mem
ories make them real non; that is
as one might say unreal, and and "
"Have you ever felt that you have
wasted thj best years of your life
without the companionship of some
true and loving helpmeet? You should
have made some woman happy long
ago Tob Mr, Jarvey I mean."
"I had a friend who was married,"
Bald tbe count gravely, as though the
fact were of moment sufficiently un
usual to warrant puckering up the
lips and raising of the eyebrows.
"Married!" exclaimed Mrs. James,
excited and pleased, and eager to us
cist tbe count in whut seined to bu
a somewhat diffident lead to a vital
"Yes," continued Jarvls, "he had a
Ife. She wua the Duchess de la
Polns-Martel, a very nice woman. Dut
she had the one fault - she talked too
"Yes, certainly, she talked too
much," said Sire, .lumen breathlessly.
"Weil, well, then what happened?"
"Nothing. Oh .nothing it all, 1 am
Silence. The "tuthsome" odors
were growing an palpable us the wait
ing dinner Itself. They asailed Jarvls
a a with bludgeons.
"International marluges are so ro
mantic," observed Mrs. James con
templatively. "And so profitable sometimes," re
joined Jarvls, with u sigh.
"Now, Tobias Jurvey, such thoughts
are unworthy of you," and Mm. Jainee
confessed to tear. "I hopo that
you wasn't tliinkln' of any llttlo money
that I - "
The count Interrupted her with a
tremendous uneezt. It waj a sneeze
of. desperation. At Try turn tbe
eeaveraatles iod to bt getting
away from him, and he thought of r
treat. Retreat? Hut no, that was Im
possible; for his stomach now fe't as
empty as a gourd. He Bat t ere
blinking, wordless,, helpless.
Mrs. James smiled, and diew fro-ii
her recticule n roll of paper tied v..tli
pink ribbon, Hashing upon the .i.i
a coy glance.
"If I thought yoi could appvecate
this pome, Mr. Jnrvoy?"
The count, feeling that the coup
d'etat wns nt hand and yet grasping
at straws, hastened to reassure her.
"Well," she sold, with much unction,
"of course you know prlntcinp3 is
French for Springtime." Whereupon
the count having nodded agreement
within her Interpretation she began:
My benrt 'tis light with oy bcdlght,
At Printcmps In Parec.
"Ah, Springtime In Paris," observed
the count "Hut you were never
"No, this Is a pome of fancy. A
poetess does not need to be in a place
to write about it"
"Most certainly not," agreed Jarvls.
"I should sny not nt all. Ah, Spring
time in the Uoiu. It Is beaucous! Is
thnt all?"
"Ah, no, there are more. I read."
And she read while the count twisted
his legs lr the rungs of his chair.
Love chnngeth not, but stnys in ono
At prlntempts In Pa rets.
The count groaned inwardly, but
raised his eyebrows as though in ar
tistic appreciation.
But, ah, my dove, declare your love
At printemps in Paree.
Mrs. James glanced at Jarvls, and
then clanced at the roll and pursed
her lips. Warmer verses were com
ing. Yes, but not If the count could
help It He arose hastily. Retreat
was the all-absorbing consideration.
The dinner and its odors had become
merely us prison bars when compared
to the thoughts of liberty. Liberty,
the free air of the sidewalk. Hid
mind worked under high pressure.
"Tush," he exclaimed .peering Into
his pipe bowl. "My tobacco has van
ished into smoke. I must go to my
room for more. If you'll be so good
as to excuse me "
"Set right still, Mr. Jarvey. Don't
stir. I shall get you some of John's
tobacco. I've saved it for many yers.
Set right still," and the good woDian
bustled in her rupboard, returning
with a great buckskin pouch, which
she handed to him lingcrlngly.
The count at loss for further ex
pedient arose with a faint bow, ac
cepted the proffered tobacco, and after
filling his pipe, struck n match. It
did not draw, and the glimmering of
a new hope smote the Frenchman's
dulled .senses. Mr3. James, however,
anticipated him.
"Oh, of course, you poor man, the
pipe does not work. John's pipe "
and once more she turned to the cup
board. "John always" But Jarvls
never heard the last sentence. The
instant her back was turned he threw
his hunger and his gallantry to the
winds, and stood not upon the order
of his going. Like a frightened crane
he flapped to the door, and In a sec
ond was out in the hall. Then out to
the sidewalk he Hew like one pos
sessed, and never stopped until he
gained the corner.
Need it be said that the count's
frlghtenec glance behind was entire
ly unnecessary? If so, justice has not
been done Amaryllis James. The
thought of pursuit never occurred to
her. With a grunt of rage and com
pressed Hps she sat down and penned
the following note, pinned it to the
coat, and then marched upstairs and
flung the garment against the count's
"The Inst straw has been broken.
Out of my Bight forever."
The Storm Cured Her.
For twenty-two years a woman of
Utica, N. Y., had been paralyzed, un
able to leave her room. One night,
when she happened to be alone In
the nouse, a fierce storm broke. The
poor woman was terrified by tho thun
der and the blinding glare of the
lightning. With an effort of which no
one had believed her capable she
struggled from her bed arid to thu
house of n neighbor. Barely hud she
reached safety when the place she
had Just left was struck by lightning.
The room In which she had lived eo
long was rent n two nnd everything
in It was burned or smashed. Power
of locomotion had been restored to tho
cripple just in time to save her life.
Isle of Man Oath.
The judicial oath lu the Isle of Man
is so quaint as to deserve printing. It
runs thus: "By this book and the
holy contents thereof, nnd by tho won
derful works that God hath miracu
lously wrought in heaven abovo nnd
in thu earth .beneath In six days and
seven nights, I do swear thnt I will,
without respect of favor or friendship,
love or guln, consanguinity or affinity,
envy or mnllco, execute the laws of
this isle justly between our sovereign
lord thu King and his subjects with
in this isle, betwixt party nnd party,
as Indifferently ns the herring's back
bone doth lie In the midst of the fish."
An old woman, on being examined
before a magistrate ns to hor place
of legal settlement, wns asked what
reason she had for supposing her hus
band hnd a legal settlement in that
Tho old lady said:
"Ho was born nnd married there
snd they burled him there, and If that
Isn't settling thoro, what IsT"
Surgeon Testifies In Own
Behalf at Court Martial.
Young Officer Declares He Acted as
Girl's Champion In the Part He
Took Against Dr. Cowles
at Naval Dance.
Boston, Feb. 8. Surgeon Ansly n.
Robnctt on trial before n court mar
tini here on the charge of having abet
ted Paymaster Atild In the attack upon
Dr. Kdwnrd S. Cowles nt a navy yard
ball, took the stmul In his own defense.
He cnusetl surprise by declaring that
he had been engaged since Inst Novem
ber to marry Miss Dorothy Hesler, the
taking of whose photograph by Dr.
Cowles was the cause of the fracas.
Dr. Robnett admitted that he used in
sulting epithets to Dr. Cowles over
the phono in regard to the hitter's re
tention of tho photograph, but snld he
felt Justified In doing so ns the accept
ed suitor for Miss Hester's hand In
"When did you call Dr. Cowles on
the telephone?" he was asked.
"Dec. 12. When I cnlled somebody
asked. 'Who is it?" 1 asked to tnlk to
Dr. Cowles. lie answered, and 1 said
to him, 'Have you received a letter
from Miss Hesler asking you to return
her photograph?'
"'I have,' he said. 'Have you receiv
ed telephone message to do so?" I
continued. He replied: 'I do not con-
sidcr It any of your business. It Is
something between Miss Hesler nnd
myself.' I said Miss Hesler wants that
picture returned, and it will be better
for you to return it by the next mall,
nnd I have no doubt it will save you
"Dr. Cowles replied: 'I will not dis
cuss that question with you over the
telephone. You can come to my house.
You know where it is.' I answered:
'I know the number ns given lu the
telephone books, but not where you
live. I will meet you anywhere you
say.' Cowles then said to me, 'You
are a d coward.' My reply to this
was, 'You are a .' "
Major Leonard then asked:
"Dr. Robnctt, what Is your relation
to Miss Hesler?"
"I am her tinnee."
"Did you consider it your duty to
protect her?"
"1 did then, nnd 1 do now."
Miss Dorothy Hesler next took the
stand. Smartly gowned In a new
frock, she wns entirely self possessed
and answered thu questions put to her
with composure.
"Did you ever talk with Dr. Robnett
about Dr. Edward S. Cowles' atten
tions to yourself?" she was asked.
"I have," she replied.
"What is your relation to Dr. Rob
nett?" "Dr. Robnett Is my fiance," said
Miss Hesler.
"Is there any mule member of your
fumlly to whom you cnu appeal lu
case of necessity?"
"There Is none."
"Is Dr. Robnett the only man to
whom you could appeal In 11 ease like
"He is,"
"Did you inform the .servants nt your
house to always say when Dr. Cowles
culled you up that you were out?"
"Miss Hesler, can you tell the court
about the proposed meeting In Sulli
van square between Dr. CowleH and
yourself? What inducements did bu
offer you to meet him?"
"He offered enndy und riowers."
"Did you give your consent to Dr.
Cowles when he took your photo
graph V" .
"1 did not."
A Coomerang.
At a small country boardlng-houso
sort "down In olo Virglnlc," this past
summer, the girls decided to give a
dance In tho town hall on thu mutual
benefit plan, so to sponk. Half of the
expenses of the hall, music and re
freshments. It was planned,' should be
borne by them nnd the other half by
the men. Tbe fair chalrmun of tho
refreshment committee, In exhorting
the prospective dancers to make uo
mistake in the details agreed upca,
"The girls will furnish the BUar
and the men will bring the lemons."
Abraham Lincoln I
Dy William II. Tafl jj
(Quoted from Cosmopolitan Mngnzlne)
It Bcoina to me, ns 1 study the II. e
of Lincoln, thnt In his development
nnd tho position to which ho attalmd
there In more inspiration for he. 0.4.11
nnd usefulness to the country thsn
in the life of nny other one mnn In
history. He had his weaknesses, like
others. His education was faulty. But
by a certain sort of Intellectual
pllno, by self-education, he clarified
his methods of thou,.it and cxpics
slon so that he wns able to meet every
problem presented by n solution as
simple as it wns effective. The re
sponsibility which ho had to assume
when he came to tho Presidency was
awful to contemplate, and the prover
bial sadness of his features it is oasy
to understand. The criticism and
abuse to which he was subjected in
the crises of the Civil War one Is
ashamed to review as a matter of his
tory. And yet it is of the utmost
value in the encouragement of others
that they may not be borne down by
the weight of hostile and persistent
Mr. Lincoln's biographer and part
ner, Judge Herndon, raises a question
as to whether love made up a part of
Lincoln's nature. He suggests that
his consideration and-charity resulted
rather from his sense of justice. 1
don't know that such a discussion Is
profitable. Certain it is that we have
never had In public life n man whose
sense of duty was stronger, whose
bearing toward those with whom he
came in contact whether his friends
or political opponents, was character
ized by a greater tense of fairness.
And we have never had In public life
a man who took upon himself uncom
plainingly the woes of the nation and
suffered in his soul from the weight
of them as he did, nor in all our his
tory a man who had such a mixture
of far-sightedness, of understanding
of the people, of common sense, of
high sense of duty, of power, of Inex
orable logic, and of confidence In the
goodness of God in working out a
righteous result &s had this great pro
duct of the soil of our country.
One cannot read of Abraham Lin
coln without loving him. One cannot
think of his struggles, of his life and
its tragic end, without weeping. One
cannot study his efforts, his consci
ence, his heroism, his patriotism, and
the burdens of bitter attack and
calumny under which he suffered, and
think of the place he now occupies in
the history of this country, without a
moral inspiration of the most stirring
and intense character.
Mary Todd 6et Her Cap for Lincoln.
Mr. Lincoln used to take great do
light in telling how bo gained a wife
by his ugly look:. Here Is another
story telling how he gained his wife.
Mrs. Lincoln was a beautiful wom
an, attractive, sharp, witty and relish
ed a joke even at her own expense.
She was staying with her sister, Mrs.
Edwards. She had not been there
long before everybody knew Miss
Mary Todd. She often said: "When
a girl I thought I would not marry
until I could got ono of tho handsom
est men In the country, but since I
became a woman I learned I can't got
such a man, which has caused mo 10
change my mind. I have concluded
now to marry the ugliest-looking man
I can find."
Later on, Lincoln came to town. Sho
had nover seon him before sho met
him on the street She was told who
ho was, and wont homo and told hor
sister sho had seen her man, "iho
ugliest man I ever saw Abraham
Lincoln and I am going to sot my
cap for him." Thnt bocamo a com
mon saying in street gossip.
When thoy wore marriod, instead
of taking a bridal trip, they wont to
tho Globo Hotel. Thoy took board ut
$4 n week. When ho got nblo ho
bought n lot for $200, and built a four
room house costing less than $1,000.
When lie rccelvod $ 5,000 from his
groat railroad case he spent $1,500 of
it lu putting a second story on h!a
houso, and thero he lived until he
weut to Washington.
Loq Cabin In Which Llnooln was Born
Borne ptoplc will do almost any
thing to sav trouble, while others aro
equally anxlotai to rl rid of it
Gardening by Lantern Llnht.
"I have seen people use every mo
ment of time to good ndvantago nnd
those who could run a hobby to death,
but I never saw n garden bolng plant
ed by lantern light before," said tha
girl who lives In the suburbs. "Wo
were on our way to choir practice Frl
day evening about 8.30 when we saw
a man who wo thought nt flrs.t won
coking buried treasures, so steal'h
ily did ho move about with lantern
hanging close to the ground. As wo
ipproached, however, wo discovered
thnt he was very busy putting In sec
for the summer vegetables, and whoa
we returned, a couplo of hours later,
he was just finishing up for the night."
Tlf Rati Fellows.
As bad ns fhP man who parts with
you with a "S'lnng." twice as bad a
the geek who (Minke your hand ana
says, "Hye-byo o d man. don t take
any wooden runty " Is the Hroni da
who greets ycu w!th a hand I k a
nam. nnd g eef tlly conciliates 'How
dy do; looks I the g-od old sum
mer time, huh''" Buffalo News
Bad Habits Won't Do
To cure a torpid and Inactive liver, more
is required than the mere correction of bad
habits. You change your diet, reform jour
manners of living, but unless you assist
Nature your efforts won't be a success.
When tho liver and bowels arc acting
improperly, something must be done to put
them in condition again. There is lack of
tone in the liver auion as well as in the
bowels. You feel depressed and unfitted
for work, endurance and responsibility.
Smith's Pineapple and Uutternut Pills im
part tone to a tired liver, give the push-from-behind
strength to torpid muscles
They stimulate the circulation, and make
the liver active and the bowels regular. We
have thousands of letters telling of the
wonderful results of using these pills. Here
are a few words from one of our corre
spondents :
Mrs. St. F. Arnold, of Samtoca Spring,,
N Y., writes "Your pills aro tlio Lest on
earth. Suvoralof my (rlciiiIsnroULingtliem."
Physicians use and recommend. They
form no habit. You should always keep
t'lem on hand. These little Vegetable
Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
1 SMITH'S r (OR Auf,
II ill km 1 htg vj 1 1 iuu jw:ia. .
CO TUN In Class Vlnl 2.1c All Denier.
WSITH'S For Sick Kidneys
Illadler Dtswueg, Itheamattim,
the one twst remMj. Krliahl,
etvtorM by leading ptiyiiclmi,
nafe, HTectual. Kesntts lutlnj.
On the market is year. Have
cut1 thousand!. 100 pilti ta
orietnal rUsi package, to cents.
Trial boxes, &0 pills, 25 rents. All
druggists setl and recommend.
The Delaware &. Hudson Co. is
now collating Information for tho
1910 edition of "A Summer Para
dise," the D. & H. summer-hotel and
boarding-house directory that ha
done so much to advertise and de
velop the resorts in this section. It
offers opportunity for every summer
hotel or boarding house proprietor
to advertise his place by representa
tion in this book. The information
desired is, as follows: Name of houso;
P. O. Address; Name of Manager;
Altitude; Nearest D. & H. R. R. sta
tion; Distance from station; bow
reached from station; Capacity of
house; Terms per week and per day;
Date of opening and closing house;
what modern improvements; Sports
and other entertainments. This In
formation should be sent at once t
Sir. A. A. Heard, General Passenger
Agent, Albany, N. Y. Blanks may
be obtained from the nearest ticket
agent, if desired. No chargo is mada
for a card notice; a pictorial adver
tisement will cost $15.00 for a full
page or $7.50 a half-page. Our ho
tel people should get busy at one
and take ndvantago of this. Dont
make tho mistake of thinking that
your house will be represented be
cause It was In last year, but mak
sure that you receive the benefit ot
this ofTer by forwarding the needed
Information without delay. Owners
of cottages to rent are also given the
same rates for pictorial ndvertlso
ments, but, for a card notice, a mini
mum charge of $3.00 will be made,
Trains leave at 8:25 a. ra. and
2:48 p. m.
Sundays at 2: it p. m.
Trains arrive at 1:40 nnd t.OS
p. mi.
Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 nnd
leaves at 7:10.
Sundays at 7:(2 p. m.
Railway Hail Clerks Wanted.
Hie Government Pays Itnlhvuy Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other
( employe? up to 92,500 annually.
Unclo Sam will hold spring exami
nations throughout the country for
Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House
Clorks, Stenographers, Dookkeepera,
Departmental Clerks and other Gov
ernment Positions. Thousands of
appointments will be made. Any man
or woman over 18, In City or Coun
try can get Instruction and free in
formation by writing at onco to tho
Bureau of Instruction, C65 Hamlin
Dulldlug, Rochester, N. Y. 103eolly