THE OITlfKIf, Fill DAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1010. 1 CENT A WORD COLUMN WANTED -Foundry Stock Clerk; steady work and good wages to right party. Apply to National Elevator i. .Machine Co., Honesdnlo, Pa. 12t2 H'U CAN SAVK YOU big money It you wish a Plro and Burglar Proof Safe. Write or call and be astonish ed nt the saving. WYMAN W. KIM BLE. lrao2 ATTENTION! The Klmblo plan 'ing mill Is always ready 'to plane inntcli and rip lumber oi any Kinu. Also estimate on cabinet work. WY MAN W. KIMBLE. lmo2 FOR SALE A heating stove, In good condition, suitablo for ofIlce or house. Inquire of Mrs. H. Wilson, 307 Fifteenth street. SOtf. LOCAL MENTION. . Remember to vote ne.t Tuesday, llu- tnth int. t your township or llOI'Ollgll I'llH'tJOll. Ttio Honesdnlo Milling Com pany hist a valuable horse this week. Theodore Hoosevelt will he back from his big hunt on the 15th of June General Fred Grant Is to bo made an old veteran of the Civil war bv an act of law. Wo have several bags of seed sent us by Congressman Pratt for distribution; call or send for some. The Hev. Edward D. .lohnson of West Piltston will preach nt Grace Episcopal church on Friday, Feb. 11. at 7 30 p. m. Prof Oday made the announce ment on Tuesday morning that Miss Grace Hanlan had been chosen vale dictorian and Claronce Bodlc salu ditorian of the Class of 1910. The following young men en joyed a slelghride to Wayinart on Tuesday evening where they at tended a Pre-Lenten dance: Edmund K'nncrty. John Disch. Henry Quin au. Walter O'Connell and Wm. Itterdon The following unclaimed let ters remain at the Honesdnlo post ollioe Airs. Anna Coates, Mr. .lohn Gi'le.i. Mr. Harry Jenkins, Mrs. Mad den. Mr Frank Williams, Mr. Wal ter Williamson, Mr. Ford Dodge, Absalom W. Dieter, Clarence Tuthill, Mrs .1 P. Wilcox. First Baptist church: Morning worship at 10:30. The pastor will Dread) the first of three sermons on rcwvale. subject "Their Origin and Spirit " Evening service at 7:30, subject of sermon, "Essential Vis ions" Sunday school at 11:45. Young People's meeting' at G:30, subject. "Bible Texts That Help Me." Leader, Miss Leila Ridd. In addition to regular Sunday services at Grade Episcopal" church during the next six weeks there will be services on Wednesday and Fri day evenings, 7:30 p. m., Thursdays at 4 13 p. m. and a service especially for children to which, however, all are invited, Tuesday afternoons at 4 15 Out-of-town clergymen will preach each Friday and Wednesday. All are Invited. Mrs. Henry R. Shirley very pleasantly entertained a number of her lady friends on Tuesday after noon at her pleasant home on North Haw street. The afternoon was spent in playing Five Hundred, the prizes being won by Mrs. I,. J. Dor flinger and the Misses Florence 5 Wood and Dora "Conger. After dainty refreshments were served, all departed to their respective homes, declaring Mrs. Shirley a delightful entertainer A rare social treat is in store for the patrons of the Lyric Theatre, as manager Dlttrich has been fortun ate In securing the presentation of The Soul Kiss," at this place. Date announced is Monday, Feb. 28th. Favorable criticisms have already reached this place, which proclaims it to be a musical play that gener ously provides an abundance of real music, real pictures, wholesome, de cent, genuine fun and a coterie of feminine beauty. Our next township election will be held in the fall of 1911, conse quently those who aro elected this year in any township, to servo one jcar will servo until December of i On a period of nine months longer than the time elected for. One of the ballots reads "Mark 2 for 3 years, and one for 2 years." The two year man will serve three months lera than two years, or else twenty one months longer than he is elect ed for making tho term of the two and three-year men end at tho same time On Wednesday evening the Pres byterian church held their annual congregational meeting. E. C. Mum ford was called on to preside and W. II Lee acted as secretary. Tho Treasurer's report was read, show ing amount of monies received and disbursed, also a statement that tho church society was practically out of debt Miss Charlotte Lane, who has chargo of tho envelope system of collections, made her annual report which was vory encouraging. An election of threo trustees was held to fill tho vacancies caused by tho death of (Jeorgo S. Purdy and tho ex piration of torm of service of W. H. Stono and A. T. Searle. Tho election resulted In tho election of A. T. Searle, Wm. H. Stone, and John E. Hlchmond to servo for threo years, Charles T. Bentley was elected Treasurer, William J. Ward, and W. J. Yerkes were elected an auditing corninltteo, nfter which the meeting adjourned, Peary Is now n Bear Admir al and will be retired with full pay, Mrs. E. C. Mills of Brookllnc, Mass., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. B .Holmes, of Upper Main street. Frank Stclnman nnd M. J. Kelly hnvo just become the owners of hnndsomo nutos, and a number of others of our citizens nre negotiating for cars. At tho meeting of the stock holders of tho Fnllsdale Creamery Co., the following were elected o fil ters for the following year: Presi dent, G. Schmlth; vice president, S. D. Noble; treasurer, C. W. Lovelass; secretary, Geo. Knorr; mnnnger, A. Slsson. Cnrbondnlo increased her pop nation 100 this week. The D. & 11. Co. changed its policy of having all the train crews rendezvoused at Wilkes-llarre. Twenty crews will now have Carbondnlo as their head quarters. There are now nt rest In beauti ful Glen Dybcrry the remains of 1014 persons, In which are Included the remains of sixty-nine soldiers of the war of 1S12, tho Mexican and civil wars. Tho first interment in the cemetery was November 21, 1S59. Mrs. J. B. Evans, of Cnrbondalo. who took n distinguished part in the Installation exercises of Captain Ham Post, and the Ladies' Circle of the G. A. B., last Friday evening, during her stay here was entertained by Chief Burgess and Mrs. John Kuh hach. The ladies of tho Presbyterian church will open their bazaar in tho reading room of the Chapel on Sat urday, Feb. 10th, afternoon and evening. Those who have not brought their articles will please bring them to tho Chapel Thursday afternoon, Feb. 17th. Members of trade unions and nil worklngmen and the public gen erally, particularly non-church goers, aro invited to attend Grace Episcopal church Sunday, Feb. 13, 7:30 p. m., when an address given by the pastor in Grace church Sunday morning, Jan. 23d, and again before the Arch deaconry of Scranton, in St. Luke's church, Scranton, Jan. 25th, on "The Church's Broader Vision," will be repeated. The following transfers of real estate have been recorded at the Re corder's office: Margaret W. and Por ter E. Swingle of South Canaan, to Edith Dershlmer, of the same place, land in South Canaan; consideration 5000; John Randall and wife of Buckingham, to Florence M. Kra lund, of New York, land in Man chester; consideration, private; exe cutors of Wm. C. Conkllng of Haw ley, to Christina Brelthaupt. of the same pla.:e, plot In Walnut Grove cemetery; consideration ?30; Alyn Rockwell and wife of Canaan to O. Wells of W'aymart, land in Canaan; consideration private; Wm. H. Run- yon and wife of Scranton, to Chns. W. Rose of Havviey, land in Havviey; consideration, $850; Carrie M. Purdy of Sunbury to Clias. C. Dempsey and wife of Chicago, land In Paupack; consideration $1350; Wm. J. Davis and wife of Wllkes-Barre, to Chas. C. Dempsey and wife of Chicago, land In Paupack; consideration $100; C. C. Dempsey and wife of Chicago, to Chas. Frlsbie of Paupack. timber In Paupack; consideration 750. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Jessie White is spending a few days with Scranton friends. A. G. Rowland, of Rowlands, was a business caller In town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson left town Thursday for a few days. Mr. William Jones, of Carhondale, 1 was a business caller in town ou Thursday. John Welsh of Scranton, was a business culler In Honesdnle on Wed nesday. Miss Elizabeth Schuerholz Is mak ing a short visit with friends in Car hondale. Mrs. W. M. Fowler and Mrs. T. B. Clark are spending a fow days In Scranton. Miss Mercedes McDerniott wns tho guest of Havviey relatives several days this week. Robert Craig has returned to his Scranton homo after spending a few days In this city. Miss Agatha Rlolly Is spending a fow days with her sister, Mrs. P. A. Carroll, of Carhondale. John Colwoll and wife, of Scran ton, recently spoilt n fow days with Honesdalo friends. William G. Foster, of douldsboro, mado Tho Citizen olllco a pleasant call yesterday afternoon. Austin Lynch, of Brooks & Co., Bankers, Scranton, was a business culler In Honesdalo on Wednesday. Emerson Markham Cook nrrlved at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank E. Cook of Boston, Mass., on Fob. C, 1010. Miss Alice Klmblo has returned to hor homo In Carhondale after spend ing a fow days with Miss Laura Van Horn of East Extension street. Mr. Edvyln W. Osborne, of Scran ton, General Agent for tho FIdollty Mutual Life Insurance Co., was reg istered at Hotel Allon Thursday. Mrs. Mary Simpson, who has been spending several days at tho homo of Mrs. James L. Lindsay, returned to her homo at Kecne on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Hawken, of North Main street, leave tho last of this week for an extended visit with their daughter, MrsC Thomas C. Key, of Wllkos-Barro. Mrs. Chas. E. Mills, of Court street, gave a card party to about forty of her lady friends on Thursday after noon. A very plcnsnnt time was en-Joyed. OBITUARY. ' C L A R K E On Tuesday, the I 8th Inst., at Buffalo, while attending j a meeting of tho vestry of Gracoj Eplscopnl church, of that city, An-j drew M. Clnrke, n former resident of ! Honesdnle, was stricken with npo- 1 plexy. Mr. Clark removed from Honesdnlo to Now York Clty.f After live years' residence there he reniov- ed to Newark, New .lnrsey, and serv ed Bevcrnl years as clerk In tho Now Jersey Senate, and vvhllo In Troiiton ho founded the Sunday Advertiser. He then removed to Buffalo, where ho ' held a city clerkship, llo was a veteran of the Civil war, having en listed in Co. G. 77th Regiment, Vol. on October 11, 1801, wns mustered out of service April 1 1, 1802. Many 1 of our older residents will remember his fnther William Clarke, who kept a shoe making shop in tho old slab castle. OLESEI'SKI VERSUS TAYLOR. Josephine Olcszefski's suit against William F. Taylor, formerly of Prompton, for alleged breach of promise, took up all of Wednesday before n board of arbitrators. Tho arbitrators were Thomas J. Fln nerty. John Erk and Buel Dodge. Tho case was tried In the grand Jury room'. Tho plaintiff was represent ed by District Attorney M. E. Simons and Peter lloff, while Frank P. Kim ble and R. M. Stocker had the inter ests of tho defendant in charge. Tho plaintiff is nineteen years of ago, while the defendant is seventy-four, and at the present time is totally blind. The plaintiff claims that the defendant promised to marry her. Both plaintiff and defendant testtlled very emphatically to stories that were directly opposite. The defend ant claimed that she was a servant in his family and treated as a ser vant, while the plaintiff swore that Taylor repeatedly promised to marry her. Almost the entire population of Prompton were present as wit nesses. Tho great bulk of the evi dence went to prove that the plain tiff had the reputation of lacking ver.Kuty and truth ln-hor statements. The damages were placed at $10,000. Tho arbitrators brought in a decis ion in favor of the defendant. BUTTERED SIDE UP. Ono of the stories which Levi Hutchlns, the old time clockmakor of Concord, N. H., delighted to tell related to the youth of Dnniel Web ster. "One day," said the old man, " while 1 was taking breakfast at tho tavern kept by Daniel's father, Daniel and his brother Ezekiel, who were littlo boys with dirty faces and snnrly hair, camo to tho table and asked me for bread, and butter. I complied with their request, little thinking that they would becomo very distinguished men. Daniel dropped Jiis piece of bread ou the sandy floor, and the buttered side, of course, was down. He looked at It a moment, then picked it up and showed It to me, saying: " 'What a pity! Please give mo a piece of bread buttered on both sides; then if I let it fall one of the buttered sides will be up.' " AN INSURGENT FOR CONGRESS. Secretary Hayward of the National Committee Is Against Cannon. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 10. - William Hayward, secretary of the Republican national committee and chairman of the Nebraska committee, announces his candidacy for congress on an In surgent platform from the First Ne braska district, now represented by John A. Mngulre, u Democrat. Mr. Hayward says he will oppose the re-election of Speaker (Million and will favor amendment of the house rules "to the end that the power to legislate may lie taken from the few and restored to the many." Ho says that If the tariff bill does not prove a complete redemption of the party pledge it must be amended: He stands on the national platform save that ho will oppose ship subsidy, lie will be opposed In the primary by former Congressman Pollard. POPE NAMES NEW BISHOPS. Auxiliaries For St. Paul and Mobile and Bishop of Louisville. Rome, Feb. 10. The following ap pointments are announced by the pope: Rov. John Lnvvlor to bo auxiliary bishop of St. Paul. Rev. John Shaw of Mobile, Ala., to bo coadjutor bishop of Sun Antonio, Tex. Mgr. Dlonyslus O'Donoghue to be bishop of Louisville, Ky. An Example. "Some abjectlves," said tho teach er "are made from nouns, such ns dan gerous, meaning full of hazard. Can any boy give me another examplo?" "Yes, sir," replied the fat boy at tho end of the form, "pious, full of pie." Got Away In a Hurry. "My wlfo didn't believe I was holp lng decorato for the celebration, and Bho mot me at the door last night with frost in both eyes." "Did you run?" "Run! I aviated!" The Philosopher of Folly, "Our family Is getting up In the world," says the Philosopher of Folly. "Wo used to have a hired girl, but now we hare a maid." HOWELIy-KKITII STOCK CO. Realizing tho demand for particu larly good attractions during tho re-j tnnlnlng winter months, when sleigh-' lng, skutlng nnd dancing are some of tho opposition fcsu..vies, Manager Dlttrich of tho Lyric theatro has se cured for his friends' and patrons' approval that over popular Howell Kolth Stock Company, which up to the present time have done a record breaking business this season. The company will ho nt tho Lyric nil next week. This popular company broke nil records at Gloversvillo, N. Y., and Rutlnnd, Vt., nnd will vvlth 'jjtit a doubt repeat the same perform ance here. N. Alvarez, whom all remember ns tho original stage director of tho Fiske players, lias most carefully cast the productions and his many friends can rest assured of seeing the best dramas ever presented In this section. Miss Ethel Desmond, everybody's favorite in this section. Is well sup ported by such artists as Nelly Lyon Italy. Ralph Merchant. William J. Dyer, the little comedian, whose weight Is 205 pounds, and whoso every blink of an eyelash means a laugh. Edwin Hubbard, Frank Priostland. William Hall, Ruth Mars ton, and Mildred Bell. These artists everyone of them, nre all well known to you. During the intermission of scenes, six largo vaudeville specialties will ' he Introduced for your approval, i There acts alone aro well worth the price of admission. Monday evening "A Soldier's Vow" I will bo presented. The play is one of the most Interesting military dramas over witnessed In this place. There is not a dull moment from start to finish, and those who witness tho performance aro assured of far more than their money's worth. Price of admission 10, 20. 30. and 50 cents. Following will bo the different piays during tho week: Monday evening "A Soldier's Vow." Tuesday evening "A Mountain Idyl." Wednesday Matinee "Slaves of the Orient." Wednesday evening "A Jealous Wife." Thursday evening "Tho Day of Judgment." Friday evening "Forget Me Not." Saturday matinee "Saved From the Sea." Saturday evening "The Girl from Montana." WIRELESS BRINGS All) TO SIXK IX STEAMER. Savannah, Ga., Feb. C. Once more the wireless telegraph has done won ders in bringing swift aid to a sink ing vessel and in saving many lives. Tho steamship Kentucky, owned by ed to tdiem by Birdsall Bros, the lot the Eastern Steamship company and I of land on which this building stands, bound from New York for Seattle, is I also the use of a strip of land 15 feet at the bottom of tho Atlantic ocean wide along the south side of the off the coast of South Carolina, aud building to be used as roadway only, her captain and crow of forty-six The lease is to run for a period of riien are on hoard the Mallory liner ninety-nine years, provided the build Alamo making for Key West. I lngs on the premises are used for a Bulfetlng seas opened the seams of I ,lro company. If a change is made, the Kentucky after tho vessel had ! l"e Birdsall Bros. Co. will have the fought through a gale off Cape Hat- 1 "rst privilege of buying the build teras. The rescue of tho crew was ! ln6s erected on the land at a fair effected just before the steamer went down. Rising water had drowned out her dynamo, and the wireless that had been sending out an insist ent call for aid for hours was stilled, but not until Captain Moore aud his crew knew that a battleship, a cruis er and a liner wero rushing toward him. The transfer of the -crew of the Kentucky to the decks of the Alamo was attended with danger, but no one was injured, and no life was lost. On tho decks of the Alamo, Captain Moore turned to WIroIess Operator W. G. McGInnls and congratulated him. Before the Alamo reached the Kentucky the wireless appeal for aid had been received at tho Norfolk navy yard, and the battle Louisiana and tho cruiser Birmingham wore sent to tho sinking vessel. The reve nue cutters Yatnacrnw and Seminole also joined In the race to rescue. A Dark Outlook. Heggs, Okla.. ix uld to be 'ho place where a miiiisier, mariyinn n negro couple, asked the vvomr.n: Ho you take tills man for better jor or worse?" She Interrupted by expk n lng: "No. Judge. 1 wants hint just as he Is. If he gits any better he'll die nnd If he gits any worse I 11 kill htm myself." DEAFNESS CAXXOT BE CURED by local applications, as thoy can not reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caus ed by an Inllamcd condition of the mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or lin porfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness Is tho result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nlno cases out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caus ed by catarrh) that cannot ho cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolodo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7Gc, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. CARBONDALE CONTESTANTS IN THE RECENT LITERARY CONTEST Owing to our not receiving these plates we were unnblo to print them In our last Ibsuc. Tho Carbondnlo representatives performed their part admirably, and while the Judges awarded the honors to tho other , schools there wore tunny of the nu- RAYMOND BELLAMY. Declamationist MARGARET MIRRIX, Essayist. SEELY VILLI) I'll! 10 COMPANY. The Seolyville Fire Company hav ing purchased the building formerly owned by tho Honesdalo Glove and Mitten Company, have now had leas- valuation. If the parties fail to agree upon the valuation, the fire com pany will have the right to remove the buildlugs within six months. The lire compauy must pay $20 a year for the privileges afforded. The fire men agree to build a sewer passing under the Iron Hume through an opening left for that purpose at a point about 110 east of tho bulk head and to lead direct to tho bottom of the river. Work to be -completed within six months. The lease pro vides further that the lire company shall not sell or allow any Intoxicat ing liquors to lie sold or drunk or bought on said premises. The fire company will also have to pay all taxes on property. .JUST TRY A-PENXYVA-WORD AD. IX THE CliT.EX. Dollars As n mutter of nuslness we earnest ly solicit the accounts of Individuals or Firms, cither for Savings or Checking Accounts. A FRIEND OF THE Farmer, Mechanic, Merchant, Manufacturer, Laborer and Professional man a :: Money loaned to parties having reliable backing. a Safe deposit boxes for rent in our lire proof vault. When in Honesdalo do not fail to givu us n call at tho corner of Tenth nnd Main street. $ Farmers & MeGhanics Bank $ 1 dlcnco who did not agree with the decision and believed that Carbon- dnlc won at least ono honor. Those who exp.ersed this opinion did not know nr.y of the contestants and coneecjiu itly were not biased by any home or town sentiment. MARIE SEAMAN. Rci uat.i.nist DOCTORS MAKE INJURED MAN BRAND NEW FACE. St. Louis, Mo.. Feb. 4. When Thomas Herbert leaves the city hos pital he will have a brand new face Half a dozen physicians and sur geons are now making it for him and they promise such an Improvement over the face that nature gave him tli a t even his best girl will not know him. He fell off the wagon he was driv ing Wednesday and a wheel passed over his face. The hospital physi cians found thirty-three fraiturosin the bones in ills face. In tixing him up it wns necessary to remodel his face entirely along new linos. They are now wiring the bones so they will knit, and readjusting the llesh so as to give the face symmetry and character. A BIG (JRAPEXUT. One of the largest grapefruits ever exhibited in Scranton was grown in the grove of Dr. G. E. Hill, a Scran tonlan, at Indianola Island, Florida Tills was the only island in the St John's river not touched by the cold wave that swept through the south last winter. Tho fruit is two feet around and 1s eight inches through from the base to tho stem. It weighs fight pounds nnd six ounces. The grape fruit was on exhibition In front or Dr. Hill's parlors, 340 Lackawanna avenue, Scranton, for a few days Cents.