The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 11, 1910, Image 2

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Governor Port of New Jar
sey Answers Hughes.
In Special Message to Legislature
He Asserts That New York
Executive's Objections
Have No Force.
Trenton. X. J.. Feb. 8. Ciovernor
Fort lnis sent a special message to the
legislature urging tlip niloptton In tills
Htate of the proposed sixteenth amend
mcnt to the United States constitution
permitting congress to levy an Income
tax. The governor In his 'message de
scribes an income tax as the most
just and ciiultahle form of tax that
can he K'vled. lie says:
"An Income tax Is n tax which Is
sure to vouch all classes of property,
real and personal. The United States
vhould possess the unquestioned pow
er to ta incomes. It may not be nec-
ussary to use the power, but If emer
gency should arise which requires It
the right to tax should exist."
The governor says he fails to see
any ground for the criticism that un
der the amendment proposed the In
come upon state or municipal securi
ties migbi be taxed. As to the claim
that the federal government might In
jure the states by taxing stnte bonds,
the governor says that the remedy ties
tn the hands of the people In the selec
tion of congressmen and that the pa
triotisni of the people is a sulileient
guarantee against tho election of any
congress that would levy taxes with
a view of destroying the power or in
tegrity of the states.
On these points the message says:
As to the claim that the feileral kov
ernment might Injure the states as such
by taxing state bonds under nn Income
tax, there are two satisfactory answers-
First. ConKress Is representative of thi
states and elected by the citizens, and
the remedy is in the hands of the peopl"
of the states.
Second. No congress could be elected
that would lay any tax with the view of
destroying the power or integrity of the
I am not inclined to accept tne stale-
mem wiai me supreme guuri ui me l.iiii-
i nt,,.-, miirht ennstmo the words -from 1
whatever source derived" as found in the 1
ponding amendment as justifying the tax-
mg or the securities or any otner taxing
This latte
part of Governor Fort's
message is regarded as n direct an-1
swer to the arguments against the pro
posed Income tnx amendment contain
ed tn the message sent to the New
York legislature by Governor Charles
E. Hughes on Jan. 5.
Old Storage Meat Delivered There In
Roosevelt's Time.
Washington, Feb. 8. Unwholesome
beef, ready to fall to pieces, was served
at tho White House when President
Roosevelt lived there, nccoidlng to
testimony given by Food Inspector
Dodge of Health Olllcer Woodward'n
staff before the Moore special commit
tee which Is trying to find out why
food costs so much In Washington.
Dodge said that when Mr. Roose
velt was president the steward at the
White House used to buy n quarter of !
beef and hang It up. Then every )
morning ue woum go nrounu ami snci.
his linger in here nnd there to see if
u wns Kciimg nice iinu ripe, u wm
not used. Inspector Dodge said, until
it was nearly ready to fall to pieces.
BANKER STOLE $424,442.
Treasurer Hall Had Been Robbing
Savings Institution Twenty Years.
Boston, Fell, 8. Hank Commissioner
Chapiu announced that the examiners
who have been going over the books of
the Southbrldge Savings bank, which
was closed 011 Jan. 21 by the supreme
court, have reported to him that the
shortage In the accounts of Treasurer
John A. Hull, now In jail awaiting
trial. Is $121,442, or 14 per cent of the
There Is duo to the depositors $3,.
020,400, nnd the total usseU are ?2,rj90,.
The commissioners say that Hall had
been robbing tho institution for twen
ty years, having begun his thefts al
most as soon as he took his place as
iii iii 1
TKTJST TZttD ?G1,000.
Paper Board Combine Pleads Guilty to I
Restraint of
New York. Fell. N. Twenty-seven of
the thirty-nine corporations composing
the paper hoard trust pleaded guilty
to being nu Illegal combination In re
straint of trade and were lined by
Judge Hough In the criminal branch
of the United States court iflMKMt
apiece, or 5.14,000. The pica was made
through the association's attorney.
.Tames M. Heck, former attorney gen
eral. The court's decision practically dis
solves the trust, which was Indicted
os a combination In restraint of Inter
state trade and foreign commerce. The
Indictment named forty corporate de
fendants and the same number of In
dividual defendants, ollleers of the
various companies.
Assistant District Attorney Wise had
collected evidence to show that when
the combination, was formed the cost
of paper board was 521 n ton nnd that
by 1007 it had been boosted to $:!!).
Even during the hard times It was
kept nt $30 by judicious shutting down
of factories. Since the Indictment
against the association last December
it has fallen to its normal price. Hut
during the four years mentioned, as
the indictment stated, an annual tax
of $r,000,000 had been levied on the
people of the country.
The twelve other corporations In the
combination are to plead later. Tho
combination controls the paper busi
ness from Maine to Virginia nnd Ohio
Body of Victim Found by Police in
New York Apartment House.
Xew York, Feb. 8. Policemen tore
up a fow boards in tho front room of
tho janitor's home tn a fashionable
apartment house in West Ninety-
fourth street, scraped away a foot of
loosely packed earth below- a broken
cement lloorlng beneath the boards
nnd uncovered In a narrow trench the
body of n woman.
The body wns that of Johanna
Johnuscn, the wife of August .lohan
sen, former janitor of the building.
The body was half clad, the garments
hanging loosely, as If torn to make
easy a hasty burial.
Strangulation had caused death.
There were two holes in the left teni
pie. which might have been made by
bullets or by the point of nn Icepick.
A few days ago tills woman held in
her hands a thick roll of yellow bills
and told her friends that she had just
had a windfall of $2,500. She and her
husband were going to buy land and
build a house at Freeport, X. Y.. she
said. No trace was found of the bills
in the deserted apartment, nnd her
husband is being sought by the police.
Former Heavyweight Champion Pu
gilist Takes a Bride.
IJoston, Feb. 8. John L. Sullivan
the former heavyweight champion pu
gilist of the world, wns married here
to Miss Katherine Ilartnett of Sharon
who is about Sullivan's age and owns
considerable real estate.
The couple have long been friends,
in fact, they were childhood sweet
hearts. The ceremony was performed
by n justice of the peace nt the house
of Miss Mary Ilartnett, a sister of the
bride, in Itoxbury.
Archbishop O'Conncll refused to
grant a dispensation because Sullivan
divorced Ids first wife, who now- re
sides in Rhode Island, and a Justice of
tlie peace 1)ali lo UL. cnned In.
. - .. . , . . . 0 .
After the marriage Mr. nnd Mrs. Sul
llvan boarded the steamship Ivcrnla,
which sailed for England today.
A f. ...,. .. Knm one nsltlMl
I John L. if the rumor wns true that h
was going to bo married. He an
sweml. ..Mnrried? Who? Me? Not
on your life. Once Is enough for me.'
When Congressman De Armond's Sue
cessor Appears to Take Oath.
Washington, Feb. 8. The Democrats
gave a rousing reception to C. C. Dick
Inson of the Sixth Missouri district
when lie appeared to bo sworn In as a
member of the house. Mr. Dickinson
was escorted to the speaker's rostrum
by Minority Leader Clark, nlso of Mis
souri. The new member came to Washing
ton with the prestige of a plurality of
3,800, which Is largely In excess of nny
plurality polled in recent years by his
predecessor, tho late Representative De
Armond, who was burned to dentil in
November last.
Mr. Dickinson was wildly cheered
by the Democrats as he wended his
j ...nv to .,. har of til0 um,so to lake
I tuo oathi nn(1 nfter le ,,,, )1U!,mled ns
a member another cheer was given
President Taft Signs Proclamation
Granting Minimum Rates.
Washington, Feb. 8.-Pres!dent Taft
has Bigued the proclamation granting
minimum rates of tho American tariff
law to German import nfter March
, 31 next, when the maximum and mini
mum features of the tnrlff act become
The proclamation does not Include
the German colonies because of the
fact that the tariff board has not com
pleted Its Investigation into the trade
relations between tho German colonies
and tho mother country. It Is expected,
however, that this Investigation will
bo completed before March 31.
Weather Probabilities.
Unsettled; light to moderate south
nd southwest winds,
A Great Man, as Seen by Those About
Lincoln at the beginning of his
Presidential term Is described as
weighing a hundred and eighty
pounds, with fow, If any, gray h .ira,
deep rings under his hollow cyt, h
earqworn, sallow, deeply-lined t.ue;
thicK and hanging tower Hp, ears
almost stood at right nnglca to rus
head, and foot slightly pigcon-tood.
l.i disposition he was to good-
natured he could scarcely over say
No;" alternately exceedingly cheer
ful nnd very melancholy, and much
given to long reveries and distracted
The first Impression he made upon
tho people of Washington was that he
was "at once miserable and kind."
They were partially distrustful, yet
had confidence in him, for, never hav
ing held an executive or ministerial
odice, they felt the magnitude of the
task before him was almost beyond
Simplicity clung to htm all his life,
so that his leaving his home, Spring
field, on February 11, 1861. for Wash
ington, was qulto characteristic. lie
Born February 12, 1809.
Died April 15, 1865,
made all his friends and neighbors an
affectionate farewell, and requested
his law partner not to change the
sign "Lincoln & Herndon" while he
was unavoidably absent In Washing
ton. The "Rail Splitter" and "Honest
Abe Lincoln," two campaign names,
still clung to htm, nnd as the years
rolled on in the White House the peo
ple felt he was "Honest Abe" still.
His unfortunate appearance almost
universally made a bad first impres
sion, but which his plain and kindly
manners soon dispelled. It Is said of
him that there was never a President
who, while the head of the nation.
yet remained so near the people. He
seemed always to be in constant and
active contact with the public opinion
of the country. At the head of the af
fairs of our nation at one of its most
trying periods, he felt the pain of
every wound on the battlefield and the
sorrow of every woman or child who
lost husband or father.
Washington was revered with awe,
Jackson was acclaimed with unweary
ing enthusiasm as a conquering hero,
but Abraham Lincoln was loved with a
genuine sentimental attachment.
Shakespeare, the Bible, sentimental
ballads and American humorists were
his favorite reading. He was noticea
bly unmindful of pomp or ceremony.
It was hts common hnbit to write ines
iges of moment to generals and sec-"-nrles
on cards and slips of paper.
rice, in one of the numerous
le'rns he used to relate, he told of
'Rr-Klng through a great assemblage of
cople, one of whom said: "He Is a
"ommon-looking fellow." "Friends," re
plied Lincoln, even In his drenm;
"the Lord prefers common-looking
people, that Is why He made so many
of them."
New Lincoln Monument
Springfield, III.
This 1b a duplication of the old
monument, excopt for an added height
of fifteen feet on tho shnft. One hun
dred thousand dollars lire been ap
propriated by tho State of Illinois to
provldo for tho remains of the mar
tyred President a safe and permanent
resting place.
Lincoln's Leadership a Standard.
Our needs, our conditions, are differ
ent, but the principles of Justlco and
of human liberty are tho same, now
and forever. In the recurring nnd
necessary readjustment of laws and
methods In the related realms of In
dustry, of economics, and of govern
ment, let us demand tho respect for
rights, the acknowledgment of mutual
duties, the striving for Justice, tho un
derstanding of humanity and the love
of fellow-men which make Lincoln's
leadership, like the leadership of
gjtaturday Qight
Rutland, Vt
"M O.flQfO'O'Q'j'Pjpj'Oj;
International Bible Lesson for Feb. 13,
10. (Matt. 6:19-34).
Homer, In his classic poem the
Odyssey, nnrratcs tho wnndcrlngs of
Ulysses In his return from Troy to his
own kingdom Ithaca. One of tho dan
gers which the great warrior encount
ered was the peril of sailing his ves
sel between Scylla and CharybuiS.
Scllla was a snaky female monster
who dwelt in a cavo high up on n cliff.
from whence she was accustomed to
thrust forth her long necks, for the
had six heads, and tn each of her
mouths to seize one of the crew of
every passing vessel. On the other
side of this narrow strait waB another
monster, Charybdls, who wns In real
ity a whirlpool, which three times a
dny drew the water Into a frightful
chasm, from which not even Nep unp
himself could protect and rescue any
ill-fated ship. So there was a fright
ful peril on'either side of the mrrov
passage to guard agninst. And the
poet says, that while Ulysses and hi
men were keeping strict watch 'or
the whirlpool they forgot the sir.
headed monster Scylla, and were 0:1 y aware of the danger 011 tl at
side, when six of the sailors v. ere
snatched out of the boat nnd home
away shrieking to her den. Thus we
get the proverbial expression. "He
runs on Scylla, wishing to an,.d
Money and Trust.
In the teachings of Christ, in the
Sermon on the Mount, we meet with
a statement concerning the finances
of the kingdom, that this old story
seems vividly to Illustrate. The sub
Jects of the kingdom of heaven are
nevertheless in this world, and they
cannot do without the things of this
world, money, property, possessions,
houses, lands, real estate, wages or
Income, whatever form their acquisi
tions may take. They hare to eat and
drink and wear clothing, and pay
house rent and taxes and support
those dependent upon them. They
cannot cut themselves loose from the
use of money, from its possession and
its employment.
On the other hand real piety nnd
trust in a Heavenly Father's care
cannot possibly have anything in com
mon with feverish anxiety, worry, per
plexity, nervous prostration over tho
bread question, or a wild and selfish
scrichle nfter the Almighty Dollar,
The path between these two extremes
you observe, is straight and danger
ous. It is like the voyage of Ulysses,
On one side the whirlpool; on the
other side the rock. The yawning jaws
of Scylla are on this side, the engulf
ing waves of Charybdls are on that
side. In trying to escape this peril,
we must keep a sharp look out for
On the one side must be shunned
the Scylla of greed; on the other side
the Charybdls of care. The one Is
the real danger of seeking too much,
the other the supposed danger of hav
ing too little of the good thing of
life. And this is not as some suppose
one caution for the rich and another
for the poor. For the rich may be
eaten up with care and anxiety nnd
worry In his desire to keep what he
has and to get a little more; and the
poor may have his heart as anxiously
nnd sinfully set upon the Increase ot
hts dimes as Uie other man upon his
millions. It is not n question of classes
but of qualities of soul.
Commercialism Condemned.
The warning on one side Is against
making money our treasure. The
literal translation is, "Treasure not
for yourselves treasures upon the
earth." It Is not n prohibition of
wealth but n prohibition of 'wealth as
a treasure. And this for the reason
that such treasures will perish; they
will darken the spiritual vision and
they will destroy the heart; to set the
heart upon the world means to give up
the kingdom, for no man can serve
two masters. It Is truo of many a
man that riches possess the man,
rather than man the riches. He is the
bond slave of hts pockctbook.
Anxiety Reproved.
That Is one side of it. The other
side is, a wnrning against anxiety
The words "Take no thought," in that
day meant to everybody, "He not over
anxious." In other words, Do not
fill your life with worry, do not be n
slave to anxious care. Look at the
birds, and the (lowers In their free
dom from covetousness, and discon
tent. We cannot escape from trou
ble, but wo can avoid crossing the
bridgo until we come to It. A vast
amount of trouble In this world Is only
Imaginary, wo suffer because we per
sist In bearing not only tho troubles
we have now, but those we hnd yos-
terday and those we are going to
have to-morrow. Sufficient into-tho
day la the evil thereof. Don't trouble
trouble till trouble troubles you.
It Is well to remember that the
eje that watchos the sparrow will not
overlook us. In sailing along over
this sea ot life keep one eye out for
Scylla and tho other for Charybdls.
Christ does not forbid foresight end
provision for tho future; for tho birds'
neither sow nor reap nor gathor Into
barns, yet they do build their nests,
gather their food, and make their an-
nunl migration to warmer climes as
though everything depended upon
their vigilance and activity. They
work but do not worry. Thoy are
beautiful examples of perfect trust.
They seek their food as If they eipoot
ed to find It; car-froe and happy.
8lxty-slx Nails, Also Wire and Pins
Woven Into It.
"In tho Argentlno Republic," snys
a writer In the Strand, "where the
summers are long and hot, It Is custo
mary to leave the windows open both
day and night during tho hottest part
of tho year.
"A bird, taking advnntogo of this.
proceeded to build a nest In my room,
fixing It firmly to ono of the Vcno'lan
blinds over the window. The e?gs
were hntched nnd the young birds
On taking down the empty nn 1
found It to be practically armorcWl.
the outer part being composed ahon
entirely of old rusty nails woven '-a
among tho hay. On counting the nls
I found that no fewer than sixty--!x
had been used, beside some wire -an
pins taken from my dressing " .
The bird was about the slzs of a rooln
and very tame."
Johnny's Warning.
A little boy who nlways guessc' -
everything was asked by his te- cr
how many gods there were. Fit e
guessed two, then three, where1 on
the teacher punished him and nt
him home. On his wny home he ot
another boy and asked him wher 'ie
was going. "To Sunday school," id
the other. "Tou'd better not go there.
She'll ask you how many gods there
are." "Well, I know how many gids
there are. There Is one," said mini
bor two. "Yes, you go there with
your little one god. I 'lowed there
were three and she nearly knocked
Designer and Man-
ufacturer of 1
1036 MAIN ST.
For New Late Novelties
SPENCER, The Jeirelei
"Guaranteed articles only sold."
D. & M. CO. TlilE TABLE
10 Oil
10 00
4 30
6 05
... Albany ....
1C oo
10 00
2 15
12 30
8 30
2 13!
... Philadelphia.
1 20
a oti
7 2!)
8 15
4 40
6 30
1 20
2 Oh
7 10 ....Wllkes-liarre.
7 65 Scninton.. . .
A.M. Lv
S 411
S 50
!l 03
II 15
U l'J
0 3
0 42
II 48
(i 20
2 05
2 15
2 111
2 T,
2 43
2 4!l
2 52
H 45!
Carbondale ....
..Lincoln Avenue..
. .. Ijikc Lodorc ...
... . Wayniart
Ilonusdale ...
8 65
5 54
li II
8 5S"
(i 62
li 68
a 18
(i 1
II 24
(i a
7 01
a 2ii
9 :d
!l 51
7 07
7 13
a 67!
2 57
n :
6 si
U 4:1
10 IX)
7 Hi
2 .VI
3 03
3 07
3 10
S 15
5 is
1U Ol
7 20
a 4.i
10 oH
7 21
a 4;
li 41
10 11
10 15
7 31
0 53
A.M. Ar
The Era of New Mixed Paints !
Tina nnnn.4 witn a delucG of now mixed rmints. A con
dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind
of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED
PAINTS. Their compounds, being now and heavily advertised
may find a sale with the unwary.
Theroaro reasons for tho pro
l6t Cmo one can mix a better mixed pamt.
2d Tho naintcrs declare that it works easily and has won
derful covering qualities.
3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agreo to repaint, at his
own expense, every surface painted with Chilton Paint that
proves defective
4th Thoso who havo used it ar pwfoctly satisfied with it,
and recommend its use to others.
or TI1K
Wayne Co. Formers' Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Net nmount Insurance In forre Deo.
. ' I"1 ; -, ......... ...1 3.N5I.0U0 00
Anion nt of premium notes In force
Ucc.31.lUM 1M.1GJ
Cash In hank Jan. 1, 1H03...W.IKI 1U
Jtccd on assessments on
premium notes OiM 7
ilecd on applications 470 07
Ilorrowcd money 2.458 33
Interest from Savlnes IHnk luu 71 - 10.913 It
Paid for the followlnc losses :
Clark DtiMond, house and contents
nil men s 450 ot
Arthur Akers, house chum; by lire u u
J. W. Wliltmorchouscdnu.' by Hire 6 00
Mrs. K, Tyler, house, clothlnc dnur a 00
Hurl Rockwell. household furniture
and wcurlntr apparel litni;itrt(I . o
Christian ychrudcr.houscand con
tents hurticd tu 04
Mrs. Alice liuntia, bouse and sum
mer kitchen burned TOO 09
A. II. Uown.liotiscdnnittccd by lire 4 tit
Mrs. L. It. Price J M
K. I.. Hartford, basement barn
burned 340 00
Then. A. Ilrooks, house dird by lire 10 U0
Chris. Kptiley. Jr.. " six)
Martin l.ilholt 20 00
II. S. Whltniore. barn in
W. It. .Mclntyre. house and con
tents burned 400 W
J. T. O'Neill, barn damaged by tire 7 'iX
Clins. and hllle Davis, house and
contents burned goo OS
AlvIeT. Ilronsou. house and con
tents burned U00 00
II. K. Ilalloii, barn dined, llshttilni; 10 U)
J. J. Thoinn". barn mid contents
burnt. IlKhtnluc 400 0
11. A. Walker, house domed by lire 1 0
Allen Trcslar. hum, outlmlhilnt'.i
and contents burned MO 09
James K. .McDonald, bouseand con
tents burned 700 00
Augustus Limner, barn, shed and
contents burned M0 CO
Charles M.and Ursula Clatison barn
and outhouses burned TOO CO
Paul I'rebor. house burned... . 300 00
Milo J. Marks, household goods
etc.. burned 30 60
Telephone 19 35
.Stationery SM
Kent 7 00
Postage 1M til
Printing 41 M
Calendars 60 00
Incidentals 3 (a
Salaries and commissions 1.S14 on
ilorrowcd money and interest 'J,5U0 1)0
Itefund 4 6t
Cash in treasurer's hands.. S.4I4 ti
1G.SI8 14
Cash in treasury I 5.414 W
Cash In hands of agents.. 17 00
Assessments in course col 174 82
Safe 100 00
Premium notes in force.. 151. 1U3 to-J IK) .900 et
Assets In excess ot liabilities. . .
,i 153.(i0 30
11. C.JACKSON. President.
Perry A. Clark. Secretary. Ett
You will make money
by having me.
Bethany, Pa.
JAMES NEVILLE late ot Sterling. Pa.
All persons indebted to said estate are noti
fied to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned : and those having claims agninst
the said estate are notllled to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
Sterling, Jan. 10. 1910. Administrator.
Buss for Every Train and
Town Calls.
Horses always for sale
Boarding and Accomodations
for Farmers
Prompt and polite attention
at all times.
10 50!
8 V,
7311 732
2 00
12 40'
10 50
8 45
3 53
7 31
7 32
A .M
10 20
a 37
4 05
3 15
7 15
li 20
2 25 P M.
1 351 10 05
1 35
5 40
, 12 17;
I 12 U7i
8 ?J
8 17
8 13
7 64
7 47
7 41
7 sa
7 32
7 30
7 2ti
7 22
7 T5
7 15
7 54
1 25
5 30,
7 60
7 25
7 la
1 21
5 24
1 12 03
1 03
12 611
5 OH.
. It 44
11 37
11 31
5 01
12 51
5 .v;
12 4!l
12 43
12 40
12 3H
4 54
I 11 211
11 23
11 20
11 Hi
11 12
7 12
7 l
7 05
4 45
4 41
4 37
4 34
4 30
7 0
li 5C
12 2!l
12 25
U oa!
0 85
II 05
.M. P.M. P.M.
A M. P M.
- eminenco of CHILTON PAINTS