The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 09, 1910, Image 7

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    THH CITIZKrf, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 0, 1010.
Nearly All Are "Human Culls," De
dares Mrs. H. L. R. Baker Qual
ity, not Quantity, the Need.
Spokane-, Wash. 'There are M
ready too mnny children In the world.
Whnt wo want now 1 quality and not
quantity. PorenU ihould be ta;:gl.t
the responsibility of bringing enliven
Into the world, and then when they
have been taught that nlnc-tenthi of
the babies born every year arc nothing
more or less than human culls. 1 lie
llevo tha birth rate will decrease and
wo shall hav a better and stronger
This from Mrs. Helen La Relne
Baker, wealthiest woman In Spokane,
also suffragist, reformer, philanthrop
ist, humanitarian and apostle of broth
erly lore, known throuchout the
Northwest as "the Little Mother of
Unfortunate Children."
Mrs. Baker li anything but conven
tlonal. She Is young and attractive, la
hlfhly educated and wldoly travc'.fd
and has plenty of money to gratify
every whim. Sho looks upon Thomn3
Paine as her patron faint and belleve3
Bernard Shaw, Elbert Hubbard, Mo.ies
Marmon and Luther Burbank the four
greatest men In the world.
"Eugenics Is the technical term for
the work I am encaged In," she said.
"It relates to the propagation of nan
kind, and I mean to devote nil time
to teaching children the rlcht way
of living. You cannot mould character
after tho children are twenty years
"My 6tudies of children all over the
world havo convinced me that not
more than ten per cent, of them arc
children of love. The other ninety
per cent, are not wanted, and this
leads me to believe that ten years
hence to bo the father of a family of
ten or twelve children will be as much
of a disgrace as being a confirmed
drunkard is at the present tlr e.
"Within the next decade we shall
be able to teach these thing-! to chil
dren and the result will be a rew race
of men and women."
Prelate Blames Ameri
can Houcewlve.'.
(From a Statement by
bishop Ireland.)
St. Paul, Uinn. American
women do not know how to
save In cooking or how to pre
pare things In a manner pala
table and health-givlnr-
Certain housewives whose
deposits in the savings banks
are of the lightest kind if in
deed they have any deposits at
all are ashamed when market
ing to call for any meat that
does not havo a high price.
O We tat too much meat.
P The salvation of America, so
p cial, moral, political and econc
O mic, Is the farm. The efforts
O of philanthropists and well
O wishers of their fellowmen
p should all tend toward encour
R aging agriculture.
Man Worth fOOO.COO Had Primitive
Idea of Lavatlon.
Elizabeth City, N. C Louis Hinton.
one of the richest men of the State,
and said to own real estate la every
State in the Union, died recently In
his primitive old farmhouse, four
miles from this city, and his family
Is unable to make any calculation of
his wealth within, though documents
are at hand to show that it was over
$2,000,000. It included stock and
bonds in nearly every large corpora
tion In the conntry.
Hinton was a remarkable and primi
tive character. His bouse contained
barely enough furniture for actual
needs, no carpets and no curta'ns.
Most of the window panes were brok
en out years ago and never replaced.
Every morning before breakfast he
washed his face in the horse trough,
and whenever he drove to town in his
rickety buggy he carried his dinner
along in a tin prill.
Announces Offer After Putting
Money for One.
Washington. Carrlo Nation, the
saloon smasher, came to Washington
n few weeks ago and wrecked the
Vmon Station bar and was fined n
ponce court.
Sho paid her attorney. Matthew E.
O'Brien, by check. Mr. O'Brien cash
ed tho check with a friend. Another
friend accommodated the first friend,
and Seventh street saloon keeper
obliged the second friend.
Now tho saloon keeper has an ad
vertising card out with a photographic
reproduction of the check, with the
caption "We cash Carrie Nation's
Mouco In Horse's Head.
Winsted, Conn. For three dnjs at
least a llvo mouse made Its homo in n
live horse's head, according to Mr. A.
M. Ilaydenbow, a milk dealer, whose
dairy Is off the Colebrook road.
Sunday ha noticed the nervous ac
tions of Bessie, a horfe used on his
mills cart. Yesterday the honso
sneezod every few minutes, and, think
ing Bessio was either throwing off n
cold or catching more, he procured
cough medicine for her.
Now Bessie Is all right. On the
way to Winsted and after de&cendiug
a sharp pitch in tho road Bessie stop
tied and sneezed out a live mouse,
which Mr. Raydenbow thinks must
have crawled Into tho horse's manger
and then up IU no.
An Unanswerable Arfjument In Favor
of Short Sermons.
The Yale tradition spoken of brlow
must be of nineteenth century or'gtn.
for the Connecticut illvlnrK of the
days when Yale was founded would
hardly hnve got to their "stroudly"
In the time allowed.
President HadKv, u writer In the
Bohemian says, Is ns witty us he Is
learned. The Sunday Fervlres nt Yale
are conducted by prominent clergy
men of mnny denominations and from
many cities. When these visiting
preachers occasionally ask President
Hndley how long they shall speak be
invariably replies:
"There Is no limit, sir, upon the
time you may preach; but there is .
Ynle tradition that the most souls arc
saved during the first twenty minutes."
New Use for a Band.
To the leader of n hand In Omaha,
Jocularly spoken of In that locnllty as
"the worst In seven different Stntes,"
there once cniue n man with n re
quest that the bund play at a cousin's
"Is It n military funeral?" asked the
"Not nt all," was the reply, "My
cousin was no military man In fact,
he wns never even Interested In mat
ters military. Nevertheless, it was
his express wish that your band
should play at his funeral."
The leader was surprised and flat
tered. "Is that to?" he asked.
"Yes," responded the other. "Ho
said he wanted everybody in Omaha
to he sorry that he died."
Zones and Renders.
While inspecting examination pa
ero recently, a teacher found various
humorous answers to questions. A
class of boys, averaging about twelve
years of age, had been examined In
geography, the previous day having
been devoted to grammar. Among
the geographical questions was tho
following: "Name the zones." One
promising youth of eleven years, nho
hnd mixed the two subjects, wrote:
"There are two zones, masculine and
feminine. The masculine lr, either
temperate or Intemperate; tho femi
nine Is either torrid or frigid!'"
"I'm afraid yonr wife Is very bad
still. James?"
"Ah, yes, Utss. But I do all I can.
I reed her the burial service twice a
day to get her used to it!" Pick-Me-Up.
Two Sides to Everything
A little boy was given too much un
derdone pie for bis supper and was
soon roaring lustily.
His mother's vie! tor was visibly dis
turbed. "If he was my child." she said, "he'd
get a good sound spanking.'"
"He deserves it," the mother ad
mitted, "but I don't believe ! spunk
ing him on a full stomach."
"Neither do I," said the visitor,
"but I'd turn him over."
Half Portions.
"Trust your dog ti'l the end. a wom
antill the llrst opportunity," pays
an old proverb. And trust a man till
be Ir elected to office.
The reason editors insist upon Imp
py endings In fiction Is because there
are so few of them In real life.
New thought is a body of no-matter
eutlrely surrounded by what's-tue-ucc.
In Trouble.
"What's the matter?'"
"Just quarreled with my wife."
"What about?"
"She said that a woman whom wo
met was beautiful, and I agreed."
In Acllllm
. ,,, .,w .......
Keener The man wont crazy fear
ing he'd forgot tho combination.
Visitor A bank-clork, 1 Bupposu?
Keeper No. sir; an export cocktail
His Way.
Gladys Bcautlglrl He kissed me at
the door, but promised not to tell.
Dolly Swift And. of course?
Gladys Beautlglrl- Oh. ho repeated
It before be loft!
Hearing the Trump.
Agnes I don't like to play bridge
with Mrs. Blank. She's so deaf that
she never hears the declaration.
Gladys Of course she doesn't. Sho
will never even hear Gabriel's trump.
Scale of Values,
"'He forgets that he owes me his
"That's nothing; be even forgets
that he owes me ?&!"
Definition Up to Date.
Pat An' phwat tho dlvll Is a chafln"
Mike Whlstl Ufa a fryln' pan
that's &ot Into society."
Vendors Find the American Nute Ars
Those Thnt Sell.
"Tho popularity of Italian chetr ' i
Is dying, out hero, thr'r mt5 hav.rg
fallen off considerably In the Ir.- '
years. The time when rMv.c i" i
(undo them their spociV'y pec .r. - y
has passed," said one of the iaiseU
"Street venders who rold them ex
clusively a few years ago won't han
dle them. Americans find tho Rinall
nut sweeter.
"Italian chestnuts rookod properly
should tickle any one's palato. In Italy
chestnut are food for the peasants,
not n delicacy. One way tho peasants
prepare thorn for a moal Is to line tho
bottom of n pot with n thick layer of
nuts nnd then to pour boiling water
over them. Several largo potatoes aro
generally added. When tho potatoes
arc cooked, by rhaklng tho pot well
the nuts will come to tho top. After
being grilled for a fow minutes they
are ready to be served.
Study Mysteries of the Air.
Man has been born of woman for
centuries upon centuries, yet ho Is
R6 little wise to tho control of weath
er conditions as he Is to tho truth of
what comes after doath. Must It be
ever so? Is prophecy, even ns It may
some time be perfected, to remain the
Ineffective substitute for tho power to
The air throbs with wonders. It af
fords the medium of -lrcless teleg
raphy, perhaps of telepathy. Tho
mystery of how It absorbs and restrains
or let loose tho elements that trnke
for storm or sunshlno Is Infinitely ot
ter worth attention than aro the s'- -rt-comings
of a forecaster. Let r-o-no
earnest seeker find a key to the 'd
dle and see how the farmers and . t II
ors r.nd baseball players and Ear ser
belles and ail the sons and daughters
of time sit up and take notice.
Cause for Relief.
An Alabama man tells of an unique
funeral oration delivered In a town
of that st&t not long ago by a darky
Now, It seems that tho habits of
th' deceased brother had not been ir
rei ronchable, to the great scandal of
the worthy pastor of the flock. So in
summing up the case at tho funeral,
the preacher delivered himself of tho
"My brethren and sisters, we are
he- to pay our last sad respects to
out departed brother. Some says he
w a good man, and tons tays he
wa a bad man. Where he hae gone
to ve cant tell, but in our grief we
ha'-is on consolation, and that Is
he's dead."
Who Gold Them?
Tho golden text was "Suffer tho
little children to come nnto me," and
it vid beea recited to tbo class by a
elu mo on tho front bench. Later in
the afternoov tbo teacher, in tho
c roc of the lossonc. had occasion to
refer to tho Uxt.
"Now, children," she said, "who
said those words?" and she repeated
them. A hand went up from one of
the larger boys on tho back bench,
aad receiving permission to answer,
he said, pointing to the cherub : "That
little feller down there." '
Dom th World Think?
Van is evidently made for thought;
this is his whole dignity and his whole
merit; Ms whole duty Is to think aa
he ought Now th order of thought
Is to begin with self, and with its au
thor and its end. Now of what thinks
the world? Never of these things,
bat of dancing, playing tho luto, sing
ing, making verses, tilting at tho ring,
fete, of fightiag, making ourselves
kings, without thinking what it Is to
b a king or what to b a man. Pas
cal. Substitute for Leather.
Sewecd, dust, goats' hair and Irish
mom, compounded by a secret chemi
cal process, is claimed to be, by its In
ventor, John Campbell, n perfect sub
stitute) for leather, vulvanlte, wood
and marble. As leather It makes serv
iceable soles for shoes.
Modern Proverb.
Ho that knoweth overmuch con
cerning the business of the Other Fel
low full, oft knoweth far too little con
cerning his own affairs, and thus fall
eth into grievous woes. Jeremiah of
Does Well with Frog Farm.
A frog farm Is tho new and Inter
esting occupation which a Califn-nia
Woman has found to bo very proittn
ble from a financial point of view, re
alizing a substantial sum every year.
Never Believe Him.
When a man tells a young widow
I hat she Is the only woman he over
oved she Is sure he Is eligible for
bcmborshlp In an unautas club.
Grades of Meerschaum.
To tho casual observer all meer
schaum looks alike, but there aro 13
recognized grades of this material.
At Last.
As soon as a man really feels that
he can at last put aside his business
carc3 he lies down and dies.
Love Letters.
Women generally write love letters
merely for the purpo3o of getting a
chanco to keep the answers.
Lest One Should Fall.
It is well to moor your bark with
two anchors. Publlus Syrus.
Personal Friendship.
The wealth of life lies In personal
On th Sunday School Lesson by
Rev. Dr. Llnscott For the In
ternational Newspaper Blbl
Study Club.
February 13, 1910.
(Copyrlcht, lgio, bf KtT. T. S. Llntcott. t) I).)
Worldllnewi and Trust. Matt, vl:
Golden Text Seek ye first t'lo king
dom of God, and his righteousness and
all those things shall be added unto
you. Matt. -1:33.
Verso 1!) What would Jesus havo
every man to consider ns his chief
"trcasuro?" (See MatL vl:33.)
What Is the lest as to what a man's
"trcasuro" Is, or that which ho values
most highly?
If Jesus here docs not forbid a man
to provide In tho present, for the fu
ture temporal needs of himself and
family, what Is It ho does forbid?
Verse 20 What is Implied In laying
up treasure In heaven, and how is It
Verse 21 How would you demon
strate that "where your treasure is.
there will ynnr heart bn also?"
Verses 22-23 Tho "eye" is what tho
body sees with and distinguishes ono
thing from another, what 13 the facul
ty of tho soul which answers to tha
eye of the body?
if the judgment Is biased and the
conscience perverted, how would IJiat
affect the views which a man may
have of moral and spiritual questions?
Verso 24 Whnt does tho word
"mammon" stand for hpro?
Why Is It impossible for a man to
"serve" both God and "mammon?"
When a man's chief dependence Is
upon money, what God does he wor
ship? Verses 25-27 Why is our temporal
welfare assured If we depend wholly
upon God?
What aro the natural effects of anx
ious care upon a man's ability to make
proper provisions for the future, and
upon bis present peace of mind?
What is tho only effectual cure for
the common malady of anxious caro?
What are the chief evils of anxiety?
Why is dependence upon God im
possible, while we are filled with
anxious care about our temporal
Verses 2S-31 In considering the lil
ies, their freedom from toll, their
growth and their beauty, what les
sons may we learn of personal and
perfect truit in God for our raiment?
What is the tendency of perfect
trust in God, upon our habits of self
help and general industry?
If a person trusts wholly In God, as
Jesus commanded and practised, why
is he ns sure to be as pprfect In his
sphere as a Illy in its sphere?
Seeing that God Is to all of us what
the most loving father Is to his chil
dren, what effect should that fact, hav
upon our peace of mind concerning
future temporal needs?
What Is the root of all anxious care?
Verse 32 What Is the fundamental
difference between a saint and a sin
ner? Verses 33-34 What reason can you
give, for the accuracy of the statement
of Jesus, that If we make the king
dom of God and Its righteousness our
first care, that all our temporal wants
will thereby be provided for? (This
question may have to be answered In
writing by members of the club.)
Lesson for Sunday, Feb. 30th, 1010.
The Golden Rule Temperance Les
son. Matt. vll:l-ll.
Ever Increasing Beggars of Bombay.
The nuisance caused by beggars in
Bo lbny has assumed unbearable pro
poi -ions. The Orientals practice
charity as n religious obligation nnd
relieve poverty where they find it
Recitals from Keblt and Mnrshul nev
er fall to touch the innermost chords
of the natives with their innate rev
erence for spiritualism, and the fakir
becks up his appeal for alms with pro
fuse quotations from the poetB. Then
tle-o are lay beggars nnd religious
bopsars, tho ash besmeared ascetics
wi 1 practice mendicancy as a heredi
tary profession. Last and not least
arc unfortunate sufTerers whom the
lo.-s of limbs or eyes or como fell dis
aee disables for work and drives them
to beggary as the last resource. These
latter have a genuine claim ou our
charity, but as there are so few nsy
lur. s in India for tho halt, the maim
ami the blind the streets nnd byways
of towns are flooded with beggars, piti
ful types of suffering humanity.
From tiio Bash Grafter.
His Simple Statement.
Fanny Koinble, the famous actress,
was a warm supporter of "Womon's
rights," and ono ovontng at dinner
sho was seated next "Poodlo Byng," a
well-known man about town. Tho
conversation turned on "women's
rlfchts," and Fanny Kemblo expressed
her vIowb with so much vehomenco
that Mr. Byng took rofuge In pollto
silence. Aftor finishing a brilliant
tirade, she turned to hor neighbor nnd
asked his opinion. "Poodlo Byng"
looked nt her with a half amllo, and
answered her In five words: "I don't
agree with you!"
Cheering Him Up.
Bonham "I'm broke again." Mrs.
Benhara "Well, wo must save tho
Uncle Ezra Says:
"You will alius notice thet tho man
who never shuts the door Is the one
who comes to see you the most."
When tho future of the race Is rash
ly questioned, Instead of an answer a
bandage Is found over tha eyea.
xivd r.-
- 1 1
Ko Set Rule Can Be Given n to th
Proper Time for Th'.r, Work.
Knowing by experience that been
will enter upper stories without nny
he'titnncy If placed on top of the hive
or on top of nny story Hint may he
already on tho hlvo, and as our ex
tracting Is not done until after the
white-honey season Is over, we have
no llft'ng of full stories except nt ex-trnctlng-tlme.
We put on tho third
story when the second one Is about
two-thirds full, or at least before a'l
the empty comb-room Is used. How
evor, no set rule can be given as to
tho proper time for putting on extra
supers, as there Is a difference In the
colonies In this respect. Some bees
will work In a few rombs and begia
to cap those started first, wh'le those
combs at the outside of the super
will not be usen at all. In such a
caeo It would be folly to put on an
other super as long us this condlt on
continues. Other colonics will (Ill
every available cell with honey be
fore commencing to draw out the
combs or to cap the cells. Such a
colony will need more extra comb
room than the first one mentioned,
for In the first case the hoes seem to
be more adapted to working wax
nnd drawing out corrbs. It Is well
to humor these dispositions, and not
compel the bees mentioned In the last
case to .draw out the combs to tn
full capacity of the space allowed.
They rhould, Instead, be given ad
ditional comb-room as thay are able
tc use it, and they will store much
more honey than if compelled
against their will to draw out eel's
to the full depth at once. E. D.
Townscnd. Romus, Mich.
New Spring on Old Smoker-valve.
Get a piece of old watch spring,
about three Inches long, which caa
obtained from almost any jeweler.
Lay this spring flat on the outsid
of the bellowc-hoard. with the bend
a; 1 and 2 are staples; S Is a stapl
or small bent wire nail driven only
part way down. Properly put on it
will bring the valve up with a snnp.
If the opjning in the board wer
covered with a piece of wire clotk
well tackod on it would keep littl
lit gers from spoiling the valve In
the first place. S. S. Lawing, Ozark.
A T;n Saver.
To open and close gates that stock
may be kept within jounds the year
round is one thing that uses up a
groat .eal of time, and make no re
turn Every ate should be so made
that it will fall lntc place of Its own
weight and stay closed and open
without hitch or bother. The cut 11
tUfctrates a convenient thing that
should bo In arger use on farms. It
is always open and always closed
against stock. Put up and well
painted says Farm and Home. It will
last for many rears.
Clipping Quccu Without Handling.
I clip thu wings of a queen with
small riooked scissors while she is
running up tho comb. Several times
I havo fouud her In the act of look
ing Into a coll, and oft would come
hor wings, and aho would look Into
the next one without knowing any
thing had happonod to her. I havo
practiced thin plan evor since I start
ed to clip wings of queens.
Tho plan I use to atop robbing Is
to etiangu thu places of the robbed
and the robbing colonies. It works
so well that I have never tried to Im
prove on It. The uproar Is twice as
had after the change no before; but
the robbing Is stopped at once. It
Is amusing to gee those robbers como
rushing out w'th those loads of
honey, to find out tbey hnd to take
it back where they got It and turn
round and dofond the hive they had
been robbing only a moment before.
I havo followed this plan evor since
with good succos. Isaac Balinsr,
Burlington. Ont.
The most dreaded disease of civilization
Is tho condition known as appendicitis.
Once fully established, nothing will remedy
but tho cold knife. The theoty that this
inflammation was caused by seeds or for
eign bodies entering the appendix Is long
exploded. TI10 true cause of appendicitis
Is sluggishness of the liowels, constipation;
and tho gases which aro formed in conse
quence produce germs known to the scien
tific physician as tho Bacilli Colli Com
mensls. Now to avoid this formation of
gas germs, constipation and the resulting
inflammation, take Smith's Pineapple and
Butternut Pills, which have been tested la
all the various diseases of the stomach,
bowels and liver, and found to be the
greatest and best preventative remedy
known. These wonderful little vegetable
pills cleanse the blood, and make it rick
and red. They stimulate the liver to
healthy action and inxigorate the whole
system. You may be very sick at night ;
Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills make
you well in the morning. Physicians useand
recommend, They form no habit. You
should always keep th mon hand. Thes
little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
CO ri!I,. In duns Vint ?-,. -All IVnlcrm
Por Sick Kidneys
tin nt 't rraiMy. ltellablf, 1 ly-ailntrr1ijAMftns;
MfC . tre t"l. l'rinlts Imtlnif.
0:i 1. s i irW w yinra. litre
1 1 ! '.. id plUi in
or'.-lm! plm rTVnirr, CO rents.
Ti ili pills, ISoPtiU. Alt
iltarglKtj f U and Mcommwid.
The Delaware & Hudson Co. la
now collating Information for tho
1J10 edition of "A Summer Para
dise," the D. & 11. summer-hotel anA
boarding-house directory that haa
done so much to advertise and de
velop the resorts in this section. It
offers opportunity for every summer
hotel or boarding house proprietor
to advertise his placo by representa
tion in this book. The information
desired is. as follows: Name of house;
P. O. Address; Name of Manager;
Altitude; Nearest D. . H. It. R. sta
tion; Distance from station; how
reached from station; Capacity of
house; Terms per week and per day;
Date of opening and closing house;
what modern improvements; Sports
and other entertainments. This In
formation should be sent at onco to
Mr. A. A. Heard, General Passenger
Agent, Albany, N. Y. Blanks may
be obtained from the nearest ticket
agent, If desired. No charge is made
for a card notice; a pictorial adver
tisement will cost J 15.00 for a full
pnge or $7.00 a half-page. Our ho
tel people should get busy at onco
and take advantage of this. Don't
make the mistake of thinking that
your house will be represented bo
cause It was in last year, but mak
sure that you receive the benefit of
this offer by forwarding the needetf
information without delay. Owner
of cottages to rent are also given tho
same rates for pictorial advertise
ments, but, for a card notice, a mini
mum charge of $3.00 will be made.
Trains leave at S:25 a. m. and
2:48 p. m.
Sundays at 2 MS p. n.
Trains arrive at 1:40 nnd S:0C
p. m.
Saturdays, arrives at 3:45 anfl
leaves at 7:19.
Sundays at 7:02 p. rn.
Railway Hail Clerks Wanted.
The Government Pays IUilivny Mail
ClcrkB SSOO to 91,200, iunl other
employees up to S2.50O annually.
Uncle Sam will hold spring exami
nations throughout the country for
Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House
Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeepers.
Departmental Clerks and other Gov
ernment Positions. Thousands ot
appointments will bo mado. Any man
or woman over IS, in City or Coun
try can get Instruction nnd free in
formation by writing at otico to tbo
Bureau of Instruction, 5C5 Hamlin
Building, Rochester, N. Y. 103eolly
ml Eves
1127X Main Street.