TliK CITIZEN, l'KIDAVf I'KIl. 4, 1010. t ?; CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMNS THE MOST RELIAIU.E MEDIUM FOR 0! iiLHunu INDIAN ORCHARD. Mra. Isabella Ham, of Scrnnton. Is vlsttinn hor boh Ear, and daugh ter, Mrs, Hay Bayly, of this place. Saturday's snow storm wna a se vere one, roads and lanes wore drifted from fence to fence with snow, but on Sunday Messrs. Spry and Bayly met Borden's team with a sang of men and broke the road from tho GonunRtown road to the Honcsdnle and Texas Almshouse This storm was foretold by W. R Wood of Beach Lake. Ho said on Wednesday last that tho week would end with a severe storm. His pre dictions thus far this winter have been more accurate than that of weather prophet Hicks. Joseph Swnrtz, son Henry, and Jesse Ham have entered tho employ of Dorflinger & Son of White Mills. Mike Tenbus of Berlin Valley, was assisting Earl Ham during the early part of last week. The ladies of this place met with Mrs. Tuthlll at the M. E. pnrsonage at Beach Lake on Wednesday last. It was one of the most enjoyable meetings held during tho winter. John Spry took a Jolly load of young people to White Mills on Tifes day night last where they attended the show. The writer spent n pleasant even ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Utegg near White Mills, where they are pleasantly domiciled on their recently purchased proper ty knowu as the Rlehm estate. Mr. and Mrs. Utegg are highly esteemed young people and their many friends wish them success. On Monday evening of last week several from here went to Beach Lake where they spent tlib evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Calkin. The evening was spent as gatherings of that kind usually are, playing games, telling the latest stories, cracking Jokes, etc. At a late hour tho guests were treated to .1 nicely prepared lunch by the young ladies. During the past two weeks the farmers in this vicinity have been busily engaged at hauling saw dust, some of which is used for packing ice and some for bedding the cows and horses. Mr. .Murray, of Honesdale. was a business caller in this vicinity on .Monday. We had a line visit with Mrs. Gar rett of Beach Lake, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett built the lirst boarding house that was built at Beach Lake and have carried on a successful business ever since, during the summer at entertaining city boarders. Since the building of this house about sixteen years ago, property at this village has Increased 1 greatly in value. John Buckingham and wife of Atco. spent Wednesday last at the home of his brother William at the Chestnut Grove farm. Cora Weeks visited Mrs. Roy Kll lam at the Hed Rock Farm at Vine Hill on Thursday last. Two loads of Beach Lake ladles spent Friday last with Mrs. Albert Burger of Honesdale. Mr. Burk, of Damacus was at this place recently buying real estate. Mr. Wagner has purchased a pair of fine colts of Mr. Utegg of Swamp Brook. Thomas Barnes and family of Beach Lake have sold their house hold goods and will start for Cali fornia to-morrow. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are highly esteemed by a host of friends here who are sorry to have them go away. Wo hope that they will meet with success In their now undertaking. Some of the farmers here purchas ed their bran and mldlings of N. Lang for $1.35 per cwt. LAKEVILLE. Mrs. John Bishop arrived at homo on Tuesday after spending a tlmo with her daughters, Mrs. A. Degroat, at Honesdale, and Mrs. D. Hess, at Scranton. She was accompanied home by her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. Horr.og, of Schenec tady, N. Y., who will spend a time hero with relatives. Miss Katherlne Daniels, of Stroudsburg, Pa., was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daniels, from Tuesday until Friday. Mrs. Louis Cohen recently passed a week with her children and rela tives at Now York City. A serious accident occurred while driving on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller, in a narrow part of the road, passed a team driving on the bank which was bo steep the sleigh overturned, hurling its occupants from their position. Mrs. Miller re ceived a dislocated shoulder. Dr. Arno C. Volgt, of Hawloy, being summoned, attended It. No further damago was done as we know of. Nows was recently received by Mrs. G. Lafayette James, of the death of her brother, George, who was killed by being squeezed by cars in California on Xmas day. Ho Is survived by four sisters and one brother. Tho comet was visible in these parts on Jan. 23rd, 24th, and 25th, Lucy Sheeloy was ill last week. Dr. A. C, Volgt was called on Tues day. She Is considerably bettor at this writing. A nujnber of people from this mrumwHiiuu :: place attended nn oyster supper nt tho house of Mr. and Mrs. Glllet nt Ledgedale on Wcdnesdny, Jan. 20. All reported n splendid time. A very largo crowd was present. Minnie Miller, of Hnwlcy, Is home caring for her mother. Maude E. Locklln loft on Thurs day to visit her brother and family at I'eckvllle. Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Pcnncll, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jordan, of Uswlck, and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Seegnr, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Blttner, Miss Agnes Bca hen, of Lakevllle gave Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Everly a surprise on Wednes day evening last. The evening wns spent in social chat nnd some fine phonograph selections were render ed. All dispersed about 1 1 o'clock wishing Mr. and Mrs. Everly many more merry visits together. Mrs. M. Mosher wns recently called to Hoadleys to attend sickness In tho Woodward family. Mrs. Christina Glossengor Is so ns to be about tho house after a long siege of sickness. Mrs. M. Welsh was confined to her, bed last week with throat trouble. On account of bad weather, Iter. H. T. Perklss has postponed revival meetings for another time. L. Cohen nnd sons, Reuben nnd Morris, spent Sunday and Monday with friends at Hawley. A. Goble, of this place, purchased the entire stock of store goods, con taining groceries, dry goods, etc., of the late C. H. Woodward, of Hawley. On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. George Hazelton, of Arlington, en tertained the following: Mr. and Mrs. John Bishop, Miles and Nor man Bishop, of this place, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Herzog of Schenec tady, N. Y. On account of the weather the dance to bo held at Lakevllle on the 29th, was postponed. MAPLEWOOD. The men have finished harvesting ice at Maplewood and the company expect to pay their men soon. Philander Black and his usual gang of men are still busy finishing the Ice gathering at Poyntelle. Frederick S. Keene is still away from home. The Ariel school visited the Mapie wood school during their sleighing party Friday afternoon. The blizzard of Saturday has again blockaded our roads, and still we have prospects of snow. Samuel Colwcll's family are af flicted by tho dreaded disease, whooping cough. Mrs. William Sharp Is very poorly at present. Dr. Jolly, of Orangevllle, was tho guest of his sister, Mrs. W. W. Kel lam, last week; R. W. Kellam also visited Mrs. Kellam last Sunday. Garret Black seems to be improved at the present writing. Jasper Black was (juite seriously injured by a log rolling on his leg, last week. Tliore were no bones broken however. The friends of Morgan Abby, of Binghamton. formerly of this lo cality, aro in deep sympathy for him and his family, in r,egard to his seri ous accident, arid earnestly hope for his recovery. Mrs. B. E. Noble of Pittston, was the gucBt of Mrs. F. S. Keene last Tuesday and Wcdnesdny. SHERMAN. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Raymond are visiting relatives at Oquaga Lake. Snow fell to the depth of about 18 inches last Saturday. The evangelistic meetings will close soon. Considerable Interest hns been manifested among the young people. The scarlet fever patients aro all getting along nicely. No more new cases. Mrs. John Lynch is visiting at Or son. Mrs. J. R. Wolke. who has been visiting hor mother, Mrs. Flng, has returned to her home in Bingham ton. John Leonard has had another stroke of paralysis but is some bet tor at this writing. Austin Early received word that bis mother had died at Ruthford, N. J., but tho word came too late for him to attend tho funeral. SOUTH CANAAN. The funeral of Mrs. Amos Reed was held In tho Free Methodist church last Tuesday at 11 a. in. Services wero conducted by tho Rev. M. B, Myer, pastor of tho above named church. Mrs. Reed had been in falling health for nearly a yoar and for the last few months prior to hor dcmlso requiring tho constant care of a nurse; but notwithstanding all that medical aid and willing hands could do, sho closed her eyes in that long, last sleep that knows no awakening. She was C9 years of ago and Is survived by the following children, two sons and three daugh ters, namoly: Charles and Jennie Benjamin, by her first marriage, and Jessie, Hattle and Lena by her sec ond. The four last named reside In Philadelphia and son Charles in Carbondale. Interment was made in tho Kizer cemetery beside her first husband, who was accidentally shot a number of years ago. Charles Robinson hnd one of his horses badly Injured in tho lumber woods Inst week. It required sever al stitches to close the wound. At this writing wo nro Informed tho hnrso Is doing nicely. James Mandovlllo Is still confined to his bed with but llttlo hopo of his recovery. His children hava all been cnlled to his bedside, which Is his only consolntion. Wo nro glnd to report George Mcrlthcw gaining his former henlth rapidly. He will go with his fath er and mother to Kansas City in tho near future. Wo nro sorry to see tho family leave as they aro kind nnd good neighbors. Wo wish them success In their new field of labor. But few people have been able to cross the Alps to Cnrbondnlo for the past few days owing to our recent storms and blizzards. Tho Ladles' Aid of the M. P. church will meet nt Mrs. George Fleldlngs on Wednesday, Feb. 16th. A general attendance Is expected as there Is business of importance to transact. We hopo to see every member present, nt least so far as It Is possible. Mrs. G. A. Spangenberg spent last week with her nephew, Floyd Ace, of Carbondale, as his wife was on the sick list. Tho Rev. Thomas Hooper nnd fam ily were very nicely entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Downing laBt Friday. It goes with out saying that Mrs. Downing thor oughly understands tho art of wait ing on people in the true English style. STERLING. We arc havlug lots of snow and disagreeable weather but the sleigh ing Is good and the most of our sick have recovered. Mrs. T. E. Stevens Is not well and one son is threatened with pneu monia. Our recent freshet badly washed out the road at tho forks of the Paupack and It is estimated that it will cost about 200 to repair it. A number of men and teams have been working there for several days. Rev. M. D. Fuller, District Presi dent, held quarterly meeting here Saturday and preached Sunday morn ing, but on account of the bad going, did not leave the parsonage until Monday morning. Mrs. A. J. Cross is still with her parents in New Jersey. Miss Grace Gillner came up from the S. N. S. at Bloomshurg Saturday and returned Monday morning. Report says the school teachers are to hold a district institute here next Saturday and In the evening Prof. Chambers from Scranton will entertain the audience. No admis sion fee will he charged but their exercises aro always entertaining and instructive. BETHANY. Rev. J. B. Cody was in Orson on Wednesday evening and returned home Thursday In time for his do nation. There was a large attend ance at the donation, Haines, Tan ner's Falls, Dyberry, Honesdale and Seelyville were represented. The. amount raised was seventy-two dol lars. Blanche Starnes Is visiting in Scranton. The Glee Club met with Miss Alta Many this week on Tuesday. Carrie Cody of Cold Springs, spent Sunday at her home here, returned Monday morning, taking her little brother, Millard, back with her. Mrs. M. Slayton Is having a siege of the grippe. Another blizzard struck this vil lage Saturday, and the churches were closed on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Smith is ill and is un der the doctor's care. We will look forward to six weeks of cold weather as the ground how certainly saw his shawow Wed Wednesday. GOULDSBORO. Charles English, of Moscow, spent Sunday as the guest of his brother's family, Mr. and Mrs. Asa W. English. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Episcopal church met Wednesday, February 2, at the home of Mrs. E. N. Adams to quilt. Lawrence, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Geary, Is ill at the homo of his parents. John Eschenbach Is convalescing rapidly from tho effects of his Injur ed shoulder. ! Miss Ella Simons rendered a beautiful solo, entitled "Sunlight on tho Hill," In a very capable manner at tho Sunday ovenlng servlco of tho Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. Max Eggorsdorfer, who recently romovod with their family to Munich, Germany, writes that they are getting along very woll, and they are all enjoying ex cellent health. Tho Epworth League social will be held on Friday ovenlng, Feb. 4. at tho home of Mrs. Sallle LcClalre. Tho religious meetings of the league will bo hold in the future every Sunday ovenlng at CMC p. m. Mrs. Alexander Gruhly and daughter. Pauline, have arrived safely at their old home In Math eos, Umgarten. Tho Methodist -Episcopal prayer meeting will bo held at tho home of Mrs. William Surplus Wednesday evonlng at 8 o'olock. Tho Sunday school board teachers and class offi cers met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Matthews on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Tho monthly meeting of the La dles' Union was held Tuesday even ing at tho homo of Mm. W. E. Flower. Miss Mary Clockler Is confined to tho house suffering from a severo cold. Mrs. W. I. Flower nnd daughter Glndys spent tho .week-end nnd Sun day with Scranton friends. LAKE COMO. The Ladies' Aid will meet nt Mrs. Wright Spencer's for dinner Thurs day, Feb. 10th. Professor Van Horn spent Satur day In Hancock. Flossie Nlles Is visiting friends In Scranton. Mrs. James Lakin and daughter of Hnncock, Is visiting nt Mrs. John Rnndnll's. Wright Spencer has purchased an automobile. LOOKOUT. Wm. Lane, of Honesdale, who spent Inst week with his aunt, Mrs. Joel G. Hill, returned homo nn Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glllow visited Albert Glllow of Equlnunk, nnd at J. R. Mnudsley's on Saturday. Helen Rutledge, who Is attending school nt Damascus, spent Saturday and Sunday nt her homo here. Palmer Kellam visited his sister, Mrs. Georgo Blum, at Union on Mon day. A. Daney is sick with the grip. James Osborne and family spent one day last week with friends at Rlleyvillo. Mrs. A. Daney Is In Dr. Reed Burn's hospital, Scranton, Pa., where Bhe Is receiving treatment for her eyes. Louie Podcnberg Is very sick at this writing. WHITES VALLEY. Mrs. G. N. Bonham, who has spent several weeks In Carbondale, has re turned home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hutchins are visitors at Wm. Glover's. Mr. Hutchins will return to Carbondale and Mrs. Hutchins will visit friends here. Miss Susie Odell is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Miller. Mr. G. N. Bonham, who has been very ill Is slowly recovering. Mr. Henry Bartholomew called on friends Monday. PREDICTS ANOTHER PANIC. Professor Fisher of Yale Sees Danger In the Increase of Gold. New Haven, Coun., Feb. 3. Accord ing to u prophecy made by Irving Fisher, professor of political economy at Yale, to his .students, the present rise in prices in this country Is n fore runner of a disastrous panic. He said: "We nro headed toward a financial nnd Industrial panic. Prices are ris ing with amazing rapidity, and the chief cause is the increase in gold. Within the past few years the discov ery of gold lu Africa, Alaska. Aus tralia nnd parts of the United Stntes has fairly glutted the market. "We had a small panic In 1SH)7, nnd there was u quick recovery because of a timely Influx of still more gold. Present conditions are a predication that another Is due In a few years. One cannot tell just when It will come. A swift rise In prices Is nn almost cer tain forerunner of n serious break." KE0GH IS POOL CHAMPION. He Wins the Title From Hueston by Fifty-four Points. New York. Fob. 3. Jerome It. Keogh of Rochester Is the new pool champion. He won the title from Thomas A. Hueston in a match hero by n score of COO to C10. winning by 04 points. Keogh outpl'ved Hueston nt every stage of the game. He took the lead by forty-one points in the opening Kame, increascu it by one point in the necond nud added twelve more points In the third. He nlnved stoailllv nnii consistently and did not lose his nerve TLZT FISHERMEN LOST. Terrific Gale la Sweeping the North west Coast of Norway. Christlania, Feb. 3. A terrific gale Is prevailing on the northwest coast of Norway. The fishing fleet has suffered se verely. More than fifty lives have !o lost. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call today was 3 per cent; time money and mercantile paper un changed In rates. Closing prices of stocks were: Amal. Copper 70 Norf. & West... 0C Atchison I15',i Northwestern ..15C li.&O Ul Penn. II. II 133M, Brooklyn It. T. . 71 Heading 15KH Ches. &Ohio.... S2 Hock Island 41H C. .C..C.& St.L. Sffii 8t. Paul US D. &.U 1733i Southern Pac.-lKTi Erie... IS Southern Hy,... 2Si Oen. KIectrlc....l51W South. Hy. pf... 60 III. Central 1WH Sugar 1304 Int. -Met 20 Texas Pacific... 30, Louiu. A Naah . MVi Union I'acltlc. . .lSli Manhattan 13C?i U. 8. Steel 80 Missouri Pac .S3 U. S. Steel pf,..122 N. T. Central . 117H West. Union 71 Market Reports. DUTTKK Steady on top grades; re ceipts, 4,734 packages; creamery, specials, 89c.; extras, V9H,c; thirds to firsts. 27a Sc.; state dairy, common to finest, 24a He.; process, firsts to specials, 2ta-Sc; western, factory, seconds to firsts, 23a iihic: Imitation creamery, Sa26c KGGS-Eaay; receipts, M,fc2 cases; state Pennsylvania au4 nearby, hennery, white. I2a37e.; ttatherttd, white, 32a3Sc.; hennery, brown and mixed, fancy, 32a34c; gath ered, brown, fair to prime, 31a33c; west ern, firsts, 31c; seoonds, 30a31e.; refrig erator, special marks, fancy, TlaZV&c; firsts. 2CaXV4c: seconds. 24a25c DRESSED rOULTHY-Turkeys, select ed. dry picked, per pound, 2a2Sc; roasting chickens, nearby, fancy, 21a2tic; western, milk fed, fancy, !a23c; corn fed, fancy, I9al9y&c.: mixed weight chickens, nearby, fancy. lKa23c. HAY AND BTOAW-Steadyj timothy. Il.(al.20; shipping, Jl; clover, mixed, 85c IU0; clover, 00c.ajl.c6; long rye starw, I5a90c.; oat and wheat, Kc; half bales, IVic less. Modern Cnnvrnlrrcr. A pious man, entering business, was careful to Bay. "Romorabnr. now, I cannot toll a lie!" To which the general counsel of tho concern, rubbing his hands unct-. uously made answer: "Oh, cer tainly not! Really, It Isn't In the least necessary In modern business. We form a subsidiary corporation to attend to nil that sort of thing." Untidy I'mnlne Tool. A reader tay slip lm made a handy pruning tool by at taching a chisel to the em, of a lent; pole. Sot tho tool against the Umh and hit tho end of the pole w'th a hammer. If the tool Is kept shrrji It will rcmovo the limb close to tit branch and leavo no ragged rdrjc No need climbing the trees with till Instrument CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OK .TAMKS NEVILLE latent Stcrllne. Pa. All persons Indebted to said estate are noti fied to make Immediate tinvment to the un dersigned ;und those bavins claims aealnst the said estate are untitled to present them duly attested, for settlement. .1. r.. 1'iiusa, Sterllnir. .Inn. 10. 1910. Administrator. M. LEE BRAMAN EVERYTHING IN LIVERY Buss for Every Train and Town Calls. Horses always for sale Boarding and Accomodations for Farmers Prompt and polite attention at all times. AliliEN HOUSE BARN A. O. BLAKE, AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALEF You will make money by having me. II5ELL PHONE 9-U Bethany, Pa. W. B. HOLMES, PUESfDEKT. A. T. SEARLE, Vice Pres. We want you to understand the reasous for the ABSOLUTE SECURITY of this Bank. -THJE- WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OP - - - 6100,000.00 AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - 394,000.00 MAKING ALTOGETHER - - 494.000.00 EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for oyer lio years, serving an increasing number of customers with fideelitv and satisfaction. Ite cash funds are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS. All of these things, coupled with conservative management. Insured hy tho CAREFUL PERSONAL ATTENTION constantly given the Hank's affairs by a notahly able Hoard of Directors assures the patrons of that SUPREME SAFETY which is the jrlme essential of a good Hank. Total Assets, 5ST DEPOSITS MAY -DIRECTORS CHAS. J. SMITH, H.J. CONGER, W K. SUYDAM. iV. H. HOLMES A. T. SEARI.K T. U. CLARK JANUARY CLOSING OUT SALE NTER - ENNER & CO. T0 CLEAN Ladies' Jacket Suits. Misses' and Junior Tailor Suits. Winter Coats and Cloaks. Evening Capes and Cloaks. TJp-to-Date tnd. Nobby Fur in Muffs, Collars and Scarfs. Real Goods. "We have an odd lot of Made-up Waists in Silk and Wash G-oods that we will sell out at very low prices. MENNER & CO. tBmrotmmmmtttt: TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT or tub Wayne Co. Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company or WAYNE COUNTY. 1'A. Net nmotint Insurance In force Dec. 3I.1MW... t3l,090 0 Amount ot premium notes In force I)ec.3f.iyw . 15I.1C3 M ItKCKIPTS Cash In hank Jan. I, 1!W)...$I,(X5 IB Heed 011 assessments on premium notes Ilccd on applications 470 OT llorrowed money 2.4.W ai Interest from Havings Hank 100 71 - 1G.913 It EXPENDITURES. Paid for tho following losses : Clark D11 Mond, house and contents burned ;o 09 Arthur Akt-rs, house dame hy lire 6 00 .1. W. Whltmorchousedmcby (lire 5 0 Mrs. E. Tyler, house, clothing dine .1 o Earl Hockwcll.houschoUl furniture and wearing apparel damaged. 23 ot Christian Hchrader, house and con tents burned 613 M Mrs. Alice llaiiiKi, hmisc and sum mer kitchen burned (XX) 0 A. II. Down, house damaged by fire 4 Ot Mrs. I,. It. l'rlce" " " " 2M F. I,. Hartford, basement barn burned 310 00 Theo. A. llrooks, house dgd hy tire 10 Ot Chris. Eptilcy, Jr., " 8 w Murtln l.llholt 20 Ot II. S. Whltmoru. bnrn sot W. If. Mclntyre. house and con tents hurtled 400 00 J. T. O'Neill, ham damaged by fire 7 22 Clias. and Ellle Davis, house and contents burned W0 Ot AlvlcT. lironson. house and con tents burned GOO Ot II. K. Billion, harndmgd. lightning 10 Ot J. .1. Thomn. hum and contents burnt, lightning 100 Ot H. A. alkcr, house damgd hy lire, 1 Ot Allen Treslar, ham, outhuiUlltigs and contents burned 500 Ot James E. McDonald, house and con tents burned 700 00 Augustus I.lntncr, barn, shed and rontents hurned M0 CO Charles M.andUrsulaClauson barn and outhouses burned 700 Ot Paul Prebor, house burned 300 Ot Mllo J. Marks, household goods etc., burned . 36 5t Telephone 19 35 .Stationery 5 6 Kent 78 Ot Postage 128 !tl Printing 41 5 Calendars SO Ot Incidentals 3 tH Salaries ond commissions 1.514 03 llorrowed money and Interest. . . 2,500 Ot Refund 4 CC Cash In treasurer's hands 5,411 bt 16,913 14 ASSETS. Cash in treasury $ 5.411 NJ Cash In hands of agents.. 17 60 Assessments In course col 174 82 Safe 100 1)0 Premium notes, in force.. 151.163 t0-$ 159500 LIABILITIES Liabilities 1.220 Assets In excess of liabilities $ 158.6S) 3t H.C.JACKSON. President. Perry A. Clark. Secretary. Xt3 II. S. SALMON, Cashier W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier $2,886,000.00 BE MADE BY MAIL. Si I' P. KIMRLfC II. S. SALMON OF- GOODS AT - KEYSTONE STOKES. UP STOCK: mrtmrnmmrom