HIE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, KKBv 4, 1010. THE CITIZEN rOBLIBIIKD KVKBY WEDNESDAY AND FHIDAT HY TUB C1T1ZKN POnLlBIIINO COMTANY. Entered as second-class mutter, at the post olllce. lloncsdnlc. l'a. 8UBSCUIPTION ?l-50 K. II. HAIIDKNUKIMIH. - - I'KKSMKNT W. W. WOOD. - - .MANAOHK ANOSKO'Y dimxtorb: C. II. DORM.tN(IKK. M. II. At.LK. nKNBY WILSON. H. II. llARDKUBKROIt. W. W. WOOD. Fill DAY, FUH. I, 1010. If a man starts to pay his debts, H puts a row of men a half mllo long in motion, each one starting to nay his. It may bo that you are tho man in tho row that has stopped tho motion. If you owe any one, pay him. Life is too short to give up all to business and nothing to plonsuro and rest. Too many people defraud their stomach, bead and heart, until they have made a competency. When they expect to enjoy tho pleasures of life tboy are generally too old, or their greed for money has dried up all tho well springs of their being and they are Incapable of enjoyment. Devote your busi ness hours to business and your leisure hours to innocent pleasure and wholesome amusement and the cultivation of such things as will wake Ufa pleasant. A friend asks us to multiply 55 by ?5. Wo do so and announco the result as ?25. Now multiply 500 ents, give the answer in cents, pure and simple, not as fractional parts of a dollar. We do and are sur prised to see tho figures climb up to 250,000 cents, which is ?2,500. As ?5 and GOO cents are equivalent the result is puzzling. It cannot be urged that decimal marks should bo used. A cent, as such, is as dis tinct a unit as a dollnr, and as the result Is to be announced in cents tho decimal cannot be pleaded in extenuation of tho rathqr surprising result, nut there is clearly some thing wrong. Can any reader ex plain it? Our article on "Taxation," in our last issue, was misunderstood by many. It was not intended as a re flection upon tho officials who by law are compelled to fix a tax rate largo enough to pay any indebted ness Incurred, but was aimed at township and borough officials who by a reckless or thoughtless per formance of their duties, pile up an unjust indebtedness which can only bo paid by increasing the tax rate. The only obligations incur red by the County Commissioners are those which actual necessity de mands, and they have been econo mically met. But there 'are a num ber of township and borough offi cials who have an elastic idea as to what Is right and they stretch that idea to its utmost limit when the ounty has to pay the bill. Kindness is a sale rule for gen tle manners. Kindness, combined with thouglitfulness. He who is kind and thoughtful Is never very rude. Children should bo taught to re spect other children's feelings at school. Here wo havo sometimes a Uno display of selfishness. They should bo taught to respect their teacher. If he Is so ill-behaved that you think they can not, just stop them from school. No parent should speak of a teachers faults In tho presence of a pupil, if they expect to ontinuo their child in school. Ke inember no ono is perfect save the Great Teacher of teachers, Jcjsus Christ. It Is not merely tho lifting of tho hat, tho graceful bow, or the soft-toned "thank you" that is true polltenowi. Wo can do nil that and yet totally disregard tho sen sitiveness of other people. The man who can seo no good In is fellow-man ought to fall off tho arth and go to his place. Thero Is no guess about whero ho ought to bo and whero ho will go when ho leaves hero. Tho milk of human kindness has soured in him, his bet ter nature has become perverted, hia eyes Inverted and his whole moral being turned away. Ho has lost confidence In men, has no real respect for women, looks on God as a tyrant, and death as an escape from thralldom. Ho Is too coward ly to destroy himself, too abject to bo honorable, top small Intellectu ally to bother about tho weightier matters of llfo, too contemptlblo to bo noticed and too apt to livo out all his days. Such men may bo classed tho "gad flies of llfo, cal culated to annoy their bettors fo ment strife, run discord, and bring misery on mankind. IIAllIUHllUIta LETTKlt. January 29, 1910. Tho trial of architect Joseph M. Huston camo to a suddon termina tion, aCtor it had occupied tho at tention of tho public for a couplo of days. Ono of tho Jurymen had scar let fever in his family and though tho placo wns quarantined, ho camo and went as ho pleased, much to tho disgust of his fellows, and of tho court as well, for Judgo Kunkol has some Interesting boys in his family. As tho Jurymnn's child was passing through tho "peeling stago" and tho fathor felt unablo to do effective Jury duty on account of tho patient at home, together with tho possible danger of contagion, all hnnds agreed that tho wise thing to do wns to let tho case go over. So a Juror was drawn and the ense continued to March 31. If tho trial of Mr. Hus ton follows tho devious ways of tho other trials, it will bo several years before a conclusion is reached. Ho was defended by Oeo. S. Grnhnm and , A. L. S. Shields, two prominent inw- yers of Philadelphia, with Chas, H. Uergner nnd Lyman D. Gilbert, both of Harrisburg. Tho case promised to be interesting and lengthy, with tho defence taking every possible advantage and working hard to ! win. I Somo Idea of tho wealth of tho people of the great state of I'ennsyl- : - I.. 1 1 r . . 1. rtp I villllil in kiuuiicu UUiU IMU iujiui L ui tho Commissioner of Banking for the ! year 1909. The resources of tho various financial institutions under State supervision and control, for the first time In the history of the State, pass tho billion dollnr mark, showing a gain of over $G3,C33,000 over the corresponding period for 190S. These figures, immense as they are. do not Include the resources of the National Banks, which amount to many millions more, reaching an aggregate beyond tho reach of the ordinary mind to comprehend. For the month about ending, tho State Treasurer's report will prob ably show the balance in the gener al fund considerably below four mil lion dollars, the collections for Jan uary reaching about ono million dol lars, while tho expenses were much larger. Collections are over one mil lion less than for the corresponding period last year. But this balance In the general fund represents a real balance on hand, and enough beside in the sinking fund to more than pay the debt. These evidences of prosperity, thrift, competent management and good business judgment, found in the abundant wealth of tho people and tho freedom from debt on tho part of tho state, form a constant and effective argument against the wild statements put out by those de tractors of our state and its leading citizens. There are certain news papers that cannot find anything good to say about tho grand old Keystone state, but take great de light in calling attention to alleged evils and abuses, existing largely in imagination, and endeavoring to hold up to ridicule a Commonwealth whose people are proud to claim Pennsylvania as their homo. For tunately there are few who believe these wild assertions tending to be little a sovereign state. From present appearances, tho dissensions in the Cabinet and in Congress are likely to causo trouble for the Republican party this fall, unless the President can heal the breach. To loso tho next Congress would embarrass both tho party and tho President, but the Middle West and the West are up in arms and threaten trouble. What has popu larly come to be known as "Cnnnon ism" will probably be made an is sue in many Congressional districts unless tho Speaker should announco that ho will not be a candidate to succeed himself. Perhaps If Uncle .loo were let alone, he would get out of tho light, but ho is something of a lighter, and may not caro to retire undor fire. W. E. Perham spent several days hero this week in attendance at the meetings of tho State Agricultural Association. Tho sessions wore well attondedsind Interesting. N. E. HAUSE. COULD NOT SEE THE FUTURE. It is hard for us of tho present day to realize that thero ever was a time when tho size and importance of tho United States was bo littlo un derstood that grants of land were given to Individuals deeding "all tho land from Virginia west" and "nil tho lands wost of tho Mississippi river" between cortnln northern and southern boundaries, for small sums of money or in recognition of some sorvlco to tho existing government. And still later, not moro than a century ngo, two of tho most produc tive sections of our great country wore thought to bo entirely worth less. In referring to tho Oregon country north of tho Columbia rlvor Daniel Wobstor wrote: "I bollevo Oregon to bo a poor country, no way Important to England and of littlo uso to tho United States." On tho same subject Senator Duf fy said on tho floor of tho senate that ho would not givo a "pinch of snuff for tho whole country" as an agricultural proposition, and with mock gravity concluded his arraign ment with "I thank God for having placed tho Rocky mountains thero. At that time that mountain range was deemed lmpassablo. At tho conclusion of tho Mexican war when Now Mexico and Califor nia, which tract includes what la now Arizona, were ceded to tho United States as part of tho In demnity, Daniel Webster referred to thorn us " a barren waste a des ert of plain and mountain; a re gion of savages and wild beasts; deserts of shifting sands and whirl winds of dust, of cactus and pralrlo dogs. "I havo novor heard of anything and I cannot concolvo anything moro ridiculous In Itself, moro ab surd and mora affrontlvo to all so ber judgment than tho cry that wo aro getting Indemnity by tho ac quisition fit Now Moxlco and Cali fornia. I hold that they aro not worth a dollar." And all this pessimism was ex pressed by the big men of tho nn tlon but a few years ago. What would thoso men think of these stntes now? NEW ZEAIAXD'S WHITE ISLAND. Always Enveloped In Cloudi of Stcnni It Strange Lakes. White Island, New Zealand, de rives Its name from the clouds of white steam in which it appears to bo continually enveloped. Its area Is only COO acres, and Its height about SS0 feet above the sea level. In form and color It Is like a ro posing camel, while Its Interior with Its gray, weather beaten, almost per pendicular clitTs, recalls tho Collso um at Home. Overhanging t'.io southern landing place stands a col umn of rock closely resembling a scntluol, which hns been dedicated to tho memory of Capt. Cook. Tho water of the island is of a palo green huo, and anything dipped Into it becomes of a red brick color. The fumes of sulphur are always plainly perceptible. On a fine moonlight night a won dorful sight Is afforded to any ono who will sit In an open boat in ono of the lakes of the island. Cover ing an area of fifty acres is an ri monso caldron hissing and snorting and sonds forth volumes of polsonons stoam, while all chances of egrosa appear to be denied by the steep silent and gloomy cliffs. Japan's Purpose to ISise. The Important inquiry with re gard to Japan in a large way Is it not? as to the direction in which the nation Is now moving. And in answer to this inquiry I am ablo to givo a most unequivocal and quite satisfactory answer. Never boforo In the history of the country, and at tho present time in the history of no other country, do we find tho samo Intelligent, deliberate and widely prevalent purpose to do away with the nation's reproach and to rlsc In tbu scale of national business moral ity. In saying this I speak what I know to be true. Charles Vernon. .Montenegro's Ne.r Capital. Montenegro is building a new cap ital at Antivarl, the port of Its pres ent capital. The works, which are in the hands of Italian contractors, we-ro Inaugurated this month by tho ruling prince, who insisted in his speech on the close tics of Interest binding Montenegro to Italy on tbo ono hand and to Russia on tlia other, while ho left Austria out In tho cold. It is supposed that tho new town is to be tho terminal of Russia's Bal kan lino, and the speech Is regarded as having considerable diplomatic Importance for that reason. Nuts for Squirrel". The New York Park Department asked that visitors feed to the squir rels only hard-shelled nuts as tho eating of soft-shellort ones permits tho teeth of the pets to grow long nnd turn under, so that they aro unablo thereafter to crack the hard nuts they bury In the ground for the winter's store. These hard nuts consequently, rot and the squirrels die of starvation. Here Is an excel lent object lesson for the human race In the care of teeth. Peanuts In India. Tho cultivation of American pea nuts which was introduced into tho Kolhcpur State somo years ago by ono of the American medical mis sionaries, has becomo so popular that thoy now have becomo almost tho chief crop. Unfortunately tho people persist in eating them raw, as they formerly ate tho little country nuts and as the American nuts are much richer acute digestive troubles and llvor Inflammation are the fre quent result. Unnecessarily Alarmed. In consequence of a Lahore (In dia) literary society announcing a lecture. "Man, the Index of Cr.-a-tlou." the city authorities sent 2fi armed constables down to the lec ture hall, which only held 50 p o Die. DEAFNESS CANNOT RE CURED by local applications, as thoy can not reach tho diseased portion of tho ear. Thero Is only ono way to euro deafness, nnd that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is caus ed by an lnllnmed condition of tho mucous lining of tho Eustachian Tube. When this tubo 1b Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It is en tirely closed, Deafness is tho result, and unless tho Inflammation enn bo taken out and this tubo restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nino cases out of ton aro caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will givo Ono Hundred Dol lars for any caso of Deafness (caus ed by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. Bond for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7Gc. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stlpation. HIS MOTHER. Captain Jack Crawford, tho poot- scout, pays tho following eloquent tribute to his mother: " I had a Christian mother, my earliest recol lection of whom was kneollng at my side praying God to savo a wayward father nnd husband. That mother taught me to speak tho truth when n child, nnd I havo tried to follow her early teachings In that respect. it would require a much larger book than this to tell tho story of my life nnd the sufferings of one of God's good nnglcs my mother. To her I owe everything truth, honor, bo brlety, nnd my very life. Her spirit Bccms to linger near mo always; she has been my guardian angel. In tho camp, the cabin, tho field nnd hospi tal, on tho lonoly trail hundreds of miles from civilization, in tho pine clad hills nnd lonely canyons, I havo hoard In the moaning night winds, and in tho murmuring streamlets. The voice of my angel mother whis pering Boft nnd low. "And these sacred thoughts havo made mo forget at times that there was danger in my pathway. Nor will I over forget The day that wo parted, mother and I, Never on earth to meet again; She to a happier homo on high, I a poor wanderer on tho plain. "That day was perhaps the great est epoch in my llfo. Kneeling by her bedside, with one hand clasped in mine, tho other resting on my head, she whispered: "My boy, you know your mother loves you. Will you give me a promise that I may take It up to heaven? Yes, yes, mother, I will promise you anything. "Johnny, my son, I am dying," said she; promise mo that you will never drink intoxicants, and then it will not be so hard to leave this world." Dear reader need 1 tell you that I promised 'yes'; and whenever I am asked to drink, that scene comes up before me and I am safe." CENSUS ENUMERATORS NOT ALL I'AID SAME. Tho varying wage scales in differ ent parts of the country and tho dif ferences in tho nature and extent of the local difficulties confronting tho enumerators in tho large geographi cal divisions of the United States havo influenced nnd guided United States Census Director Durand in the adoption of a compensation, within the limits prescribed by the United States Census law enacted by Con gress. The different classes of rates will be so applied that in general the average enumerator will earn sub stantially the same actual amount In one district as in another, even though the population may be much sparser in ono than in tho other, with other conditions also different. Regard is paid to tho fact that pre vailing wages and salaries aro high er In some parts of the country than in others, but, aside from this the Director's aim is to adjust the rates so as to mako tho earnings of enu merators substantially uniform. Where the per capita rates would not give sufficient pay, the per diem rates aro prescribed. The rates in general will be so adjusted as to give a slightly higher average amount to the enumerators than they received in 1910. Per diem rates of pay will be paid to the census enumerators in the sparsely settled rural districts of Ar izona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. The rate will range from ?5 to ?G per day for the enumeration of tho rural areas outside of cities and towns. Six dollars is the highest rate authorized by law. IIURRARD ON LAWYERS. Elbert Hubbard the other day il luminated tho editorial page of tho New York American by saying that "6,000 lawyers livo in New Y'ork city mostly rogues." "I will simply say one-half of all attorneys aro rogues. "All lawyers admit it; nnd I givo no offense to any ono by making tho statement, as every lawyer who reads thlB will Instantly placo himself, in imagination, on tho sldo of tho vlr- 'tuotiB nnd run over in his mind tho lawyers ho knows aro Biiro enough rascals. "Tho glib idea of every lawyer In bohalf of his kind is, 'If you had se cured tho ndvlco of a good lawyer ho would ,havo kept you out ot tho difficulty.' "Every mnn should havo a certain knowledge of law, that lie might con duct his affairs so as to keep away from lawyers, nnd to this ond I would hnvo the principles of law taught in all high schools and col leges. "Lawyers multiplied out of all keeping with population that thoy havo become ravenous, aud no man coming within their reach Is safe. "No gigantic theft over occurred, such as stealing a railroad or a town site, or a monopolizing franchise but that lawyers had both hands In tho rnke-off up to their elbows. "A lawyer sells his services to who ever will buy; and Daniel Webster onco said that if an attorney lacked faith In tho righteousness of a causo a retainer would always animate his zeal. And tho extent ot his zeal Is usually regulated by tho slzo of tho chock. Mr. Hubbard says a great deal In his column articlo, not at nil logical, but thero Is so much of tho sour In it, that one is led to bollove on tho losing sldo of a law caso, which has loft a bitter tasto in his mouth, Closing out salo ot Mado-UD Win ter Goods at Menner & Co. during January to clean up before Inventory ing. 2eol4 HKPOItT OK TDK CONDITION HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT IIONKSDALK. WAYNI5 COUNTY. PA. At the closo of business, Jan. 31, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans nd Discounts $ Zt2J0W kj Ovcrdralts.sccurcdniul unsecured 3 00 U. S. lloiids to secure circulation. Sfl.OOO DO Premiums on U. H. Homls 2M) oo Honils. Mxnirltlcs.ctc. . 1,771,6.0 1M Htwklnc-house, furniture nnd fix tures 10,000 00 Due from National Hanks (not Reserve Aeenlsj , 3.GW8D Due from State mid Private Hanks nnd Hankers. Trust Companies, nnd Ravines Hanks VI0 M Due from ajiprovtd reserve nirents 131 120 02 ('hecks and other cash Items ... 4.341 m Notes of other National Hanks.. 075 00 l' ractlonal paper currency, hick- els mid cents 335 (id Lawful -Money Ilesorve In Hank. viz! Stierle fctt.l)75 110 Ural tender notes ti,7j 00- W.K11 to Kcncmptloti lunu Willi u. f. Treasurer. (5 tier cent, of circu lation) 2.760 00 Duo from U. S. Trcueuror Too (X) Total Jl.yJl.0lfi tM MAMMTIKS. Capital Stock paid In J Surplus fuiiil , Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National Hank notcsoutstandlus State Hank notes outstanding Due to other National Hanks Individual deposits subject to cheek $ Demand cert I Denies ot deposit. . . Certified cheeks ('ashler's checks outstanding . Bonds borrowed Notes and bills redlscounted.... Hills pityuhle. inclmlln; certifi cates of deposit for money bor rowed Liabilities other than those above stated ico.ono oo l.w.ao oo 70.0:17 Hi 5.',soa c two 00 'M 07 .w.mt 23 .7ni (( 3S 00 VA 17 Nuns Nous Nons None Total $i.g:n.9ist State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I, II. 7.. Uusstx, President of the abovo named Haul:, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to the best of :uy knowledge and belief. II. Z. Kusrem.. President, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day ot Kct. 1U10. XV. II. STONi:. N. P. Correct attest : Ahurew Thompson. ) 11. T. Mennkii, Directors. Louis J. DOHFLINUKR. ) Wwi ARE YOU, GOOD WOMAN, AT YOUR BEST ? Many beautiful women find themselves losing good looks and health slowly fad ing from a cause unknown to them. Sho has no appetite, and the food she does eat seems to do her no good. Why ? If you should ask her what the trouble is, she would say, "I am just tired out." But the real cause is constipation and its result ing condition bad blood. Just think what habitual neglect of the bowels means sickness instead of good health; ner vousness instead of vigor; cheerfulness replaced by depression, happiness by misery. A week's use of Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Tills will work wonders. They will regulate the functions of the liver and the bowels, immediately unload the conges tion, cure the constipation and cleanse the blood of impurities. These little pills will soon make you fuel and look at your best. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them ' on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITH'S . TOft . Vluf PINEAPPLE n'iK?iMS 1 1 11a la Bsiiott 1 f BUTTERNUTS DaeaM of te2 h. PIUS CO Pllli In r,l Vial gSc-All Dealers. SMITH'S BUCHU L1THIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys Bladder Dlitairs, Ilhtonwtlsm, the on. twit reraedr RelUblr, endoriM by leading phjildim; ate, effertual. Retutts tailing. On ttis market It years. Have cured thousand!, loo ptllc In original glass package, to cents. Trial hoies,W pills, 5 cents. All druggists seU and recommend. Dr.C. K. IIKADY. Dentist, flonesdale. Pa. Office Hours-H 111. to Si), m Any evenmc by appointment. Citizens phoue.33 Itcslilence. Ho. MKY HKNVwY Z. RUSSELL, l'RESIDKST. ANDKUW THOMPSON VICE rRESIDEAT. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK. This Bank was Organized In December, IS3G, nnd Nationalized In Oeccmber, IUG4. Since its organization It has paid in Dividends to its Stock holders, $1,905,800.00 The Comptroller f the Currency has placed It on the HONOR ROLL, from thefuctthut Its Surplus Pund more than equals Its capital stock. What Class 9 are YOU in The world has always been divided into two classes thoeo who hare saved, thone who have spent tho thrifty and the extravagant. It is the saver who have built the houses, tho mills, the bridges, the railroads, the shii.s and all the other great workB which etand for man's advancement and happiness. The spenders are slaves to the, savers. It is the law of nature. We want you to bp a saver to open nn account in our Savings Department and be independent. One Dollar will Start an Account. This Bank will be pleased to receive all or a portion of YOUR banking business. Children and Infant's coats to closo out at less than cost. Monnor & Co. Ladles' long winter coats at Tory. low prices at Monnor & Co.'a store. CLERK'S NOTICE IN HANKMJITCY In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvan ia, hdwln D. Prentice. Wayne County. I'a.. q bankrupt under tho Act of Congress of July 1. itMJ. havjnir applied for a full dls charcefrnm all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice Is hereby given to all known creditors ami other persons In Interest, to appear before the said Court at Srrnutnn. In said District on the 15th day of KKHKUAKY, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, to show cause. If any they have, why the prnyer of tho said petitioner should not be granted, KDWARD R. V. 8EARI.E. 7tf Clerk. Remnant Sale INVENTORY JUST FINISHED ! We have placed all REMNANTS on our counters at ex tremely low prices. Don't fail to come and get some of the bargains. Tailored Suits and Coats It's never too late to buy a Tailor Made Suit or Coat, at half its original value. Gents' FURNISHINGS One slozen 90c Muslin Night 69C 39c Shirts nt Twenty dOz;n 50c Percale Shirts, all sl7.es, at KATZ BROS. KDWIN F.TOHKKY CAMIIER. ALHEHTC, LINDSAY Af bISTA.NTCABIlltl!