THH OITIZHN, KM DAY, JANUAKY !, 1010. UN LAY FIGURE TO EXHIBIT WEALTH University Professor Says Wives Arc Used to Hang Out Signs of Prosperity A FEMININE COMPETITIVE GAME Natural Desire to Excel Causes a Great Deal of the Present Alarm Ing Extravagance Dressing not for Husbands but for Other Women. Chicago, III. Views expressed be foro two hundred women In a lecturo on "Women's Dress," by Professor Wflllam I. Thomas, of the University of Chicago, have created general In terest here. "Do you think It a ust accusation to say that women dress only to please men?" was a query Professor Thomas was asked. "No," was the reply, "I regard it as a sort of feminine competitive gamo. It is the natural desire to excel In a thing in which they are vastly Inter ested, which causes a groat deal of the extravagance." "Don't you think that women spend a great deal more on clothes than they would otherwise do merely to please their husbands?" asked another. "I think very little dressing Is done for the sake of husbands; it Is chiefly for other women," was the reply. "Why is It that while women's dress has certainly grown no less at tractive within the last two centuries, the dress of men has become more nnd more ugly?" "It Is simply that In a Hfo where activity counts the most, utility In dress and little else Is taken into con sideration. One advantage which men's clothes have over that of wom en is that they last longer and do not cost as much." Among other statements made by Professor Thomas was the following: "As wealth became a more and more potent factor In social life, man began to use his wife as a lay figure upon which he could hang signs of his prosperity. Women of the upper classes were not expected to do any sort of work, and the route was a com fortable one to travel. That state of affairs is now becoming untrue. Wom en are awakening and taking part In the social activities." PAINLESS ANIMAL TRAINING. Paris Zoological Psychologists Start a New Circus Seminary. Paris. Paris will soon own a wild animal training Institute which will lend additional significance to the showman's claim that it is "all done by kindness." It Is the outcome of a project formed by the Society for Zoo logical Psychology, a body which re ceives a subsidy from the State. Psychical persuasion, as it is called, without corporal punishment is the sole method that will be followed. Ex actly how It is to be applied Is as yet the secret of the trainers. The staff will Include learned zoologists as well as a selected number of animal tamers who have had practical experience In circuses and menageries. Those who aspire to a professional career In this direction may receive their tuition here. The first lot of an imals to undergo the treatment com prises Hons, tigers, leopards, hyenas and bears. These will be transported from the Zoological Gardens to the new Institute, which Is located In nn adjoining building. CurlouBity is keen as regards re sults and cartoonists are sharpening their pencils in anticipation. URGES SHORT SKIRTS. Anti-Tuberculosis League for School room Reform. Pittsburg. In an effort to stamp out tuberculosis In the public schools the Anti-Tuberculosis League decided here to request the Superintendent of Schools of all large cities to issue an order that teachers shall not wear skirts coming below their shoe tops. It Is urged that If necessary ordi nances bo passed making the long aklrt unlawful. Miss Charlotte Miller, of tho league, explained that the long skirts of teach ers now cause the dust in the class room to rlBo, later settling in the pupils' lungs and sowing the first seeds of consumption. Most teachers object to heavily oiled floors, she said, because they ruin skirts. Tho only other remedy, she assorted, was to shorten the skirts, ANOTHER WOMAN VICTORY. Husband Must Account to Wife for His Time, Judge Decides. Pittsburg. Judge Joslah Cohon In the divorce court here practically de cided fhat a wife Is entitled to know just where a husband spends his time when he is away from home for forty eight hours, If he refuses to give a legitimate excuse for his absence. Mrs. Itoslnl Pasettl had testified that her husband had remained from home two nlghta. She said he refused to tell her where he had been. Voice Comes Back When at 'Phone. Marietta, Pa. Forgetting for an in stant that a severe attack of whoop ing cough seven years ago had left ber voiceless. Miss Emma Yetter, daughter of Farmer Yetter of Bach tnanvllle, answering a telephone call, found she could talk again. Canacana in : :its Country. In the United States, according to tfce ten&U3. are Slf).2G4 Canadians 10 J years of ago and over. Forty per cent of tlicao aro ongaged In manufacturing, 30 per cent In personal servlco, botween li and 18 per cent In trade and trans portation, about tho same percentage In agriculture, and somewhat over 4 per cent In professions. Tho percent age In tho professions Is approxi mately the same as that of the native born white population In tho United StatP3. The largo numbers, as com pared with the i. umber left behind following tho samo occupations throw lifiht on conditions in Canada for ex ample, the number of expatiated Cana dian teachers and college professors, lawyers and clergymen. Disinfecting Churches. The Alcadc of Madrid, who, at least in sanitary matters, is decidedly pro gressive, has Issued nn oruer for the disinfection of churches, This order, which Is based on a report from tho director of the municipal laboratory, prescribes that all tho churchea of the Spanish capital nre to bo swept out dally with sawdust moistened with n solution of copper sulphate. All tho fittings and furniture of the churches, chalrn, boiiuhcs, coni'cilonrtl; holy water fonts, etc., are to be disinfected every day. For Surveying Great Dcptns. A new instrument for surveying deep-bore holes contains a compass, plummet, small cameras and electric light, the whole connected with a small adjustable clock, so that the light may be turned on for a given period after the apparatus has been lowered into the hole. It has been used in surveying a number of holes In South Africa and has proved satis factory. Both dip and deviation are recorded by means of photographs of the positions of both a plumb-bob and a magnetic needle of any desired pllnt in the bore hole. The photographs are taken by means of two small electric lamps lighted by a timo contact. Iron Works In Sweden. Extensive projects for the establish ment of iron works on the west coast j of Sweden are now under consldcra- j tion. but it is alleged that such works. in oruer to uo successful, must be In a position to manufacture cheaply and compete with other produce in tho market of the world. This, It Is ad mitted, is of more importance to the now industry than either an export duty on Iron or heavy customs. dutic3 on foreign produce introduced Into Sweden. The Russian Uniform. Tho Russian military authorities are considering the adoption of tho khaki uniforms, the czar having been espe cially Interested In one recently worn by an American army representative at St. Petersburg. The military au thorities are also considering Ameri can accoutrements. Including web car tridge belts and cavalry saduies, with a view to their adoption. Tax on French Imports. The Board of United States General Appraisers has decided that goods Im ported from France in order to have tho benefit of the reduction In duties provided for in the reciprocity treaty with that country must be shipped di rect from a French port to the United States. If shipped from a port In Eng land or in any other country they cannot have the benefit of tho re duced duty. Money Spent In New York. There is more money per capita Bpent In New York City every year for amusements than In any other place In the world. The people spent 12 per cent more than those in tho metrop olis of any other State or country, IS per cent more than those in the next largest cities, 3C per cent more than tlioso in smaller towns and 57 per cent more than those In the rural dis tricts. Habits of Animals. There are some animals which rarely drink; for instance, tho Hamas of Patagonia and certain gazelles of the Far East. A number of snakes, lizards and other reptiles live in places devoid of water. A bat of Western America inhabits waterless plains. In parte of Lozero, France, there are herds of cows and goats which hardly ever drink and yet produce tho milk for Roquefort cheese. Strength of Grindstones. The strength of grindstones appears from recent tests to vary widely with tho degree of Its wetness or dryness, stones that are dry showing tensile strengths of from 140 to 18C pounds a square Inch, but after soaking over night breaking under stress of SO to 116 pounds a square Inch, Governor of the Transvaal. The newly appointed government to bacco expert for tho Transvaal, in South Africa, has Informed the Trans vaal Agricultural Union that tho col ony can produce as good clgaret, cigar and pipe tobacco as America and Cuba, lie regards the industrial prospects m very bright. , To Stamp Out Trachoma, The authorities of several states of Brazil are reported by the consul gen eral of Rio de Janlero as making de termined efforts to stamp out tra choma, the eye disease that has been rapidly spreading In that country. POULTRY-PICKING FRAME. Holds Fowl Tightly and Feathers Are Plucked with Ease. Gamo dealers will find part of their work, at least, greatly facilitated by tho invention of a Massachusetts man. This Invention is n poultry-picking frame nnd any poulterer will at onco appreciate Us advantages. It consUts in tho first place of two arms extending from tho wall, where thoy are screwed. From tho upper arm hangs a cross-piece, depending from a spring, while the lower arm has a member, adjustable to different lengths, adapted to hold the head of the fowl. The legs of the bird are held in the upper bracket nnd Its head In the lower one. It Is then In a posi tion where Its feathers may be pluck ed rapidly and easily, the spring In the upper bracket permitting the nec essary elasticity. Only a poulterer who has picked thousands of chickens and other fowl under the disadvan tages of tho old method, where he either had to hold the bird with one hand or tie it up and have It flop around under his touch, can apreclate tho full merits of this frame. Work in the Poultry Yard. Wet feed in wooden troughs nearly always produces bowel trouble. If the young chicks show signs of gapes, change them to other grounds at once. Milk should always be fed in metal pans that can bo washed and scalded afterward. Better go without a garden than without chickens if you have no other range for thorn. More young chickens die from over crowding In brooders and coops at night than from any other cause. A very little artificial heat in the brooder Is sufficient, and this should not be turned on except in cold, damp weather. It costs no moro to raise thorough bred chicks than scrubs, and the aris tocrats will bring four or five times as much money. Do not forget that the natural food of chickens Is grain and meat. They will get their meat In bugs and worms If they have the opportunity. The lazy, good-natured hen does not make as good a mother as a cranky fighter, provided the latter Is not so nervous as to keep running about nil the time. Whenever you see young chicks crowd around their keeper without fear, feeding from his hand and climb ing upon his person, be sure they are well managed. Left without proper shelter, we have seen as many as 100 young chicks piled on top of one another In a fence corner at night, with from & to 15 dead ones In tho morning. Doubtless your experience last spring has convinced you that tho brooder beats tho hen every time, both In the saving of temper and the production of chicks. A Lean-to Poultry House. The . above represents a very con venient and comfortable poultry house built against a stable or other outbuilding. Tho portion adjoining the other wall Is eight feet high, and the lowest part of roof Is six feet, Tho roosts and dropping boards are set parallel with tho yards, and a parti tion separates the two houses, so that thoy may each have a, yard, as shown In Illustration. Tho nest boxes aro placed under the dropping boards and the straw and litter are kept on the floors of the bouses. Of course we prefer the separate scratching shed, but when something cheap, designed for utility, Is wanted then the above is most admirably suited. It may be built any size de sired, and the mast will be much less than that of a separato house and yards. It takes 31 days to hatch goose eggs, ten days longer than with those of tho hen. Against Dally Naps. Prolonged "forty winks" during tho day are severely condemned by many doctors on tho ground that they affect one's regular sleep. Scientists havo found that In tho ordlnnry courso in the human being thero Is tho greatest vitality botween 10 a. m. and 2 p. m and tho least between 2 o'clock and 0 o'clock In the ovenlng. Ixmg sleeps during tho day Interfere with this order of nature and sometimes nffeot various organs, causing headache. Tho nap of forty winks, but only forty, proves refreshing to many because It Is too short to havo any Injurious consequences. Wireless Telegraphy In France. Sportsmen in Franco are becoming advocates of wireless telegraphy. mer carefully watching for three years a kilometer's length of telegraph wire In a district not overpopulatcd with birds an obsorver has proved that one and a half head of gamo, such as partridges, pheasants, quail and so on, arc Impaled yearly on evory wire of this length In France, which mem3 a total all over tho country of 40.000 annually. Many of the victims, espe cially of tho migratory kind, loso their lives through nocturnal flights. Brains of Great Men. Brains of great men vary very much. It Is found that men of en cyclopedic mind have large and heavy brains Gladstone had to wear a very big hat with an enormous boJ of gray matter and numerous convolu tions, on the other hand, men who:e genius la concentrated upon one lino of thought are of small brain and, consequently, have small heads. New ton, Byron and Cromwell wore iu this class. Silk Production In Switzerland. Few people probably suspect the ex tent to which Switzerland figures among the silk-producing countries of tho world, which, so far as Europe is concerned, have always been supposed to be France and Italy. But Switzer land exports annually silk to tho value of about $20,000,000, nearly all going to European countries. Cable Service to Iceland. Cable dispatches may now be sent to Iceland, the cost being la cents a word from England. Icelandic linos, which will connect Seydisfjord, the cable point on the east coast, with all the prlclpal towns, including the capi tal. Reykjavik, will soon bo com pleted. Paying for a Scholarship. For the last three years about 100,000 worklngmeu. members of the Amalga mated Society of Engineers, have mpdo three levies of one penny each to help on the work of Ruskin College at Oxford. This levy produces over 300 a year, and by means of It six engineers are maintained for a year's course of study at the college. Courtly Etiquette in Slam. By a remarkable law of royal eti quette, which has existed for a num ber of years at the Court of Slam, no person Is permitted to sleep In an apartment situated above that occu pied by the king. A deliberate breach of this rule has on more than one occasion been punished by death. American Capital. The capital Invested In American manufacturing establishments in W04 amounted to $12,C8G,2G5,G73, according to recent figures of the Census Bureau. This shows an increase In five years' of 41 per cent Tho gain In the pro ducts of manufacture was 30 per cent, the 1904 aggregate being $14,802, 147,057. .. Boring Tunnels Up-To-Date. Pneumatic foundations and tunnels can be carried out to a depth of 210 feet below the water surface, accora In to Messrs. Leonard Hill and M. Greenwood. They experimented on the effect of air pressure up to U2 pounds by means of a large cylinder, In which they stayed under different pressures for various times. Municipal Bakeries In Italy, The failure of tho municipal bak eries at Catania, Italy, la reported by Mr, Churchill, tho British consul at Palermo. Thero was a $30,000 deficit In the balance sheet, and the request governing a loan of $SO,000 was re fused by a royal commission; in con sequent the institution was closed. Tax on Chinese. The $500 Canadian head tax on Chi nese Immigrants is causing a scarcity of unskilled labor nt Victoria. The British Columbia salmou winners aro petitioning for a reduced head tax, In order to permit Chinese to enter the" province. Defining the Russian. . The Marquis de Custlne once do fined the Ruslan government as "an absolute monarchy tempted by assas sination." The present situation Is described by Constantln Wallszewskl as "an anarchy tempered by a state of siege." Eleanor Duse's Refusal. Eleanor Duse, tho famous Italian actress, has positively vetied a plan to celebrate her jubilee as was done in England and France for Ellen Terry and Bernhardt. When tho subject was broached to tho slgnora, she thanked her friends, but declined the honor. TO FLY ACROSS THE OCEAN. Big Airship Being Built For Voyage From Berlin to Vancouver. Berlin, Jan. It has been arrang ed Hint the dirigible balloon trip ncross tho Atlantic projected by Joseph Brucke will start from here for Tcno- rlfe on Mny 1C. The enterprise wilt be tindcrtnken by S. L. Schwartz, n New York promoter, and the Gnnz company of Mannheim. Tho bnlloon, which will hnvo Van couver, U. C, as Its objective point, Is being constructed nt Hamburg. It will bo semlclrcnlnr, will be of 15,000 cubic feet dimension nnd will have fifty horsepower motors. It will enrry six persons, nil of them engineers. Tho first stnge of the voyngo Is ex pected to take four flays. The balloon will havo tho benefit of the trnde wind most of the way. Two steamers will accompany the bnlloon, but they will snll two dnys nil end of the nlr shlp. Hundred Killed In Religious Riots. St. Petersburg, Jnn. 2.". Heilglouf riots have broken out In the town ol Bokhnrn, In Turkestan, between tbf Shlnhs nnd Sumnls. It Is reported thnl n hundred nre dend. Russian troops have been sent to Bokhara. Vardaman Again Fails of Election. Jackson, Miss., Jnn. 25. The twenty fourth nnd twenty-fifth ballots for United Stntes senator brought no re sult. Governor Vnrdnman polled 74 on tho first ballot nnd CD on the Inst. tt:ttn:tutt::tttMtntn::::a:u:tu:tw: 8 S I MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS 1 jj Office and Works 1 1036 MAIN ST. I it I HONESDALE, PA, f ii 1 :- 44 444 For .New Late Novelties -IN- JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES SPENCER, The Jeweler "Guaranteed articles only sold." D. & M. CO. TIHE TABLE A.M.I A.M.. A.M. A.M. i P.M. SUN SUN 8 30 1C 00 10 00 10 00 iTso 4 30 6 05 ... Albany .... lllnghnmton A.M 10 00 2 15 8 30 ... Philadelphia. 1 20 2 Oh 7 25 4 40 5 30 1 20 2 08 7 10 7 55 ...Wilkcs-Rarre. Scrantim.... 8 15 I'.M, A.M I'.M, P.M. A.M. I.v 6 40 0 SO 5 51 U 05 y is 9 19 fi 20 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 2 40 8 45 8 55 Carbondale .... ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Karvlew...... Canaan .... Lake Idore ... .. . Waymart Keene Steeno Prpnipton Kortenla Seelyvllle .... Honesdale ... 6 .30 (i 34 0 52 8 5!) (j 11 u a: 9 4'i !) 18 li 17 li 58 9 24 ti 9 48 7 04 7 07 a 2si a 32 U 2t II 51 2 62 2 57 U 32 9 571 7 13 7 10 a 3 ( 35 li ;ei 10 00 2 59 3 03 u 311 a 43 47 a so a 55 10 Ol 7 20 7 241 7 27! ii 43 10 08 07 K 4 10 II 3 10 3 15 (iM) 10 15 7 31 I'.M, .V.M. P.M. P.M. A .M. Ar The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year oporu with a dougo of now mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a salo with the unwary. THE ONLY PLACE IN HONESDALE AUTHOltlZED TO HANDLE Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There aro reasons for tho pre-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS 1st No one can mix a bettor mixed paint. 2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agreo to ropaint,at his own expenso.overy surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. 4th Those who havo used it are perfectly satisfied with it, and recommend its use to others. REVISION AND APPEALS. Notice is hereby Riven, pursuant to tho provisions of tho Act of' Assom bly, entitled "An Act td provldo for tho ordinary expenses of tho govern ment, pnymont of tho Interest of tho state debt, receiving proposals for the salo of public works and for other purposes," approved the 27th day of July, 1842, that the assessors of tho sovernl townships ana boro ughs of Wayno county have mado their returns of their assessments for tho year 1910, and that the fol lowing is a statement of tho aggre gate values nnd assessments made by said assessors of tho several sub jects of taxation enumerated in tho 11th section of said Act of July 27, 1842, nnd In tho several Acts sup plementary thereto, and of tho whole amount of county taxes as assessed in said townships and boroughs. MONET CO TAX. AT INT niSTIUCT Horlln lletliany Buckingham Cniiaim Chprrv lMitivn tl.477.fi8 t lWKt 0.1.7) 33,373 8,'SM 1UW 31,28.1 4S.0H7 432 I.M.Wi 1,TM.70 HUM1 3.421.0!) 3WI.7Z, 793.30, 1.137.77 3t2.G75 153.UG7 2! 1.7k Clinton 835.27:) BIB.UW 198.323 Dutiiascui Drclior Drhcrry Hawlcy Honesdale Lake U'banon Lehleli Manchester Mt. I'lcasanl Orrcon Palmyra Paupack l'reston J'rornpton Salem Scott South Canaan Starrucca Sterllne Terns Wnymnrt 284.118 2.408.32 8.802.20 2.079.30 N),795 200,000 61.212 SI, "OH 4.710 10,73:1 70,300 15.831 2.172 im 4.001 .10.411 21,05 4,000 23.U00 31.137 13.521 151,582 17,783 2,200.800 619.823 217.93 s.1.82, 32U.1U) hi 1.130 21SJS20 LTOLtil 873.23 52IJH 774.78! 1. !J0.90 ;wi.l2; 1,511.12 713.52 l.HJld vm.ui; 490.2251 1V.UM 377,ti 178,381 281, "HI 107ii7 1,015.52 Ml .17 1811.183) l,lli,l!il 183,2001 711.73 732.80 Notice is also given pursuant to Act of Assembly aforesaid, that the following days and dates appointed for the appeals from the assessments for the several boroughs and town ships, have also been appointed by the Commissioners of said county for finally determining whether any of the valuations of tho assessors have been made below a Just rate according-to the meaning and intention of said act. The Commissioners of Wayno county, sitting as a Board of Revis ion, have appointed the following days and dates respectively for hear ing final appeals from the tri-ennial assessment of 1910 nt the Commis sioners' office, Honesdale, Pa., be ginning at 8 a. m., Monday, January 31st and closing at 2:30 p. m., Sat urday, Feb. 0th: Monday, Jan. 31. Honesdale, Oregon, Lebanon. Tuesday, Feb. 1. Berlin. Damas cus, Manchester, Buckingham. Scott. Starrucca. Wednesday, Feb. 2. Preston. Mt Pleasant, Clinton,, Paupack. South Canaan. Thursday, Feb. 3. Lehigh, Dre hor. Sterling, Salem, Lake, Cherry nidge. Friday, Feb. 4. Hawley, Palmyra, Prompton, Canaan, Waymart. Saturday, Feb. 5. Texas, Dyber ry, Bethany. Persons having a grievance should try to adjust It with tho assessor be fore the appeals; if this cannot be done, and it is not convenient to at tend the appeal, write tho grievance and mall it to the Commissioners' office nnd it will receive attention. County levy for 1910 Is 4 mills and one-half mill for support of non resident paupers. J. E. MANDEVILLE. J. K. HORNBBCK, T. C. MADDEN, County Commissioners. Attest: Georgo P. Ross, Clerk. Honesdale, Pa. ADDS IN THE CITIZEN ALWAYS BRING RESULTS Legal blanks ot Tho Citizen office. HONESDALE BRANCH P.M. I A.M, 1- SUN A.M. SUN 2 00 12 40 10 50 8 45 10 50 8 451 3 53 7 31 7-32 7 31 7 32 A. M P.M 10 20 4 05 3 15 7 15 6 20 2 25 1 35 P.M. 10 05 9 37 Ar A.M P.M. P.M. P M. P M. 8 05 I X5 1 25 6 40 5 30 12 1 8 29 8 17 8 13 7 54 7 47 7 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 2ti 7 22 7 19 7 15 7 fM 12 07 12 03 11 44 11 37 7 60 7 33 7 25 7 111 7 17 1 21 5 24 1 0.1 12 5t; 0 08 5 01 5 5li 4 51 12 51 11 3 12 49 11 29 7 1 12 43 4 4 4 45 , 23 i 11 20 7 Oil 7 05 12 40 12 :), 12 32 12 29 12 25 4 41 11 16 7 01 4 37 11 12 I 11 09 li 58 U 55 4 31 4 30! . 11 05 A.M, P.M. P.M. A M. P.M CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS
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